@Cleveland Cavaliers

GRADING THE CLEVELAND BROWNS OFFSEASON MOVES: Does Andrew Berry get an “A” for his work so far?

GRADING THE CLEVELAND BROWNS OFFSEASON MOVES: Does Andrew Berry get an “A” for his work so far?

Jay Crawford Adam the bull Garrett Bush tyus Powell Jason Lloyd plus da da da you’re loving him Mikey McNuggets and so many big names it would take me hours to say all of their names the ultimate Cleveland sports show starts now booah and welcome everybody to the ultimate Cleveland sports show here on

WKYC channel 3 thank you for joining us I am Adam the bull and we got a bunch of great topics to get to today including the Cleveland Guardians the season right around the corner Guardians first regular season game is in 13 days but we’re going to talk about their future

Who is their best hitting Prospect right now we’ll talk about it coming up in a little bit Jason I’m Jason Lloyd the NBA starting to officiate games a little bit differently it seems we’re going to talk about it with the Cavs and whether or not it’s a benefit or a hurt to them

This is gbsh operators operation stockpile is in full effect I’ll tell you whether or not do the pieces and weapons match and does deshan Watson have enough of them plus Andrew Berry’s made quite a few moves this off season so far and guess what we’re going to

Grade them all for you which ones past the test which ones do we still have some questions about let’s get started ball all right Mikey McNuggets so Deshawn Watson guys has been so much talk about him deservedly so Deshawn’s been here for two years so far his Browns career has been a massive

Disappointment but it appears that the Browns have put more Talent around him now by adding Jerry Judy uh and others than they’ve ever had but is it enough you’ve talked about start with eug because you you’re Mr operation stockpile have the Browns put enough Talent around Deshawn Watson that there

Are no excuses you know I I can get greedy about it I can get reallyy about a bull I could say listen I I want one more um I’m always willing to take another running back I’m always looking to take another receiver I think as constituted this is enough weapons

Because I believe that they’ll go out and get the best available receiver in the first round as well they’ll go get excuse me at pick number 54 in the second round um the reason I think they’re going to get a receiver is because you got Amari Cooper who is

Coming up on another contract and his contract is is very substantial Jerry Judy’s in his last year of his deal uh Elijah Moore is also in the last year of his deal as well SRE Tillman is a young guy I think they go out and pick number 54 get another receiver and then

I think now you start to look at these pieces and parts and you say okay I got a Nick chub coming back I got uh I got receivers I got Amari Cooper and Jerry Judy is a guy uh top 15 pick in the draft I think that uh he has 1100 1,200

Yard potential it’s about getting it to to the receivers and Playmakers out there but I think the Watson uh after the draft will have enough Playmakers to go through the season to be a contender Jason they’ve added nahe Hines also running back and in theory hopefully

Nick chub healthy for a whole year is good enough they had enough weapons last year of course it’s good enough this man threw for 4,800 yards with Brandon Cooks and will Fuller as his top receivers a couple years ago let’s not forget Browns receiving core is already better than

Anything he had in that 2020 season when he led the league in passing this is about Deshawn this is about nobody else but Deshawn there’s no excuses because this is year three of the deal and they already had a a successful offense that they’ve tearing down to the

Studs and redoing because something to better fit him they it’s all about Deshawn at this point the entire organization really revolves around number four so it’s it’s up to him he he had enough Talent with Amari Cooper and David njoku and even Elijah Moore was enough to have success last year Joe

Flacko proved that that there was enough on this offense so yes there’s enough this all comes down to Deshawn and how well he plays all right you guys are 100% right this is it sea had two years he hasn’t done anything but it’s not over his contract is not a two-year

Contract it’s a 5-year contract he can turn everything around this season and he’s got more than enough weapons to do it yeah we all want to get greedy you you’d always take more if you could get him but they have a top 15 wide receiver they have two top 30 wide receivers if

Nick chub is right he’s a top five running back David njoku at worst is a top 10 tight end Jerome Ford’s a fine number two running back nahem Hines is a good third down back I mean what else do you need Elijah Moore I don’t love him

But he’s your third wide receiver and there’s potential at the other spots they still have the draft pick to potentially get better their offensive line if healthy should be one of the best in the league it’s a tough Division and a tough schedule but DeShaun Watson has more than enough Talent he’s been

Two years already it’s now time for him to put up or shut up he’s got to get it done this year yeah you know what we we failed to talk about David and joku David and joku you know under with Joe flacko looked like one a top three tight

End at that time so yeah definitely enough weapons all right we move on from the weapons he has to the all the players that they’ve Acquired and including some resigning Mike we’re going to give a grade to all you got nine guys you pick nine guys correct the

Brown going about three grades the Browns have added a little more than that if including the resigns but we’re leaving some of the Fringe guys but the top nine guys the Browns have added either resigning through free agency or through trade and we’re all going to

Give three grades talk about it a little bit Mike Start us off so first up is Jason how about the Jordan Hicks signing two years 8 million for the linebacker Jason what grade are you giving and Barry for the Jordan hick signing B+ I like that he’s an upgrade I really liked

Uh son takitaki I thought he would be back I didn’t think Anthony Walker would be back just too many injuries I like Taki talki in the middle though but Jordan Hicks is better he’s a better football player he’s a veteran good run stopper kind of a thumper in the middle

And for that reason you know if he’s healthy and on the field which he has been throughout his career it’s an upgrade so how can you how can you downgrade it it’s a it’s a B+ love it upgrade uh I think him and J will will

Play nicely in the middle I think he he’s a little bit of a better athlete than Taki Taki um I really like the move really like it I do too the only reason I wouldn’t even give I I think your grade is right on I might even go higher

If he just because he’s older I probably think B+ is fair go ahead Mike next this next one was a trade not a signing but a trade it happened last Saturday the first Splash move of really the entire NFL free agency period off season uh period Jerry Judy B what grade do you

Give the Browns for the Jerry Judy trade I gave him an A minus I mean they gave up essentially nothing uh I didn’t I I I and then I was worried I went too high and then I I was kind of going back and

Forth between an a an A minus and a B+ because Jerry Judy’s been underwhelming you know you you trade for a guy like this with ability part of you wants to just get excited and think about the upside but then I said to myself well worst case scenario he’s what he’s been

The last four years which is still better than what they had in a lot Mo they gave up what I think is essentially nothing in a fifth and sixth round pick that they didn’t really need and might have been guys who couldn’t make the team anyway so I’ll go with an A minus

There for for me I I was thinking about whether this is too high or too low I give him an a because just look like you said fifth and sixth round pick they got already got a fifth and sixth round pick still left available soag go they wanted

To get last year a couple years ago the asking price was a one or a two or something outrageous you get a guy who’s under the age of 25 he’s also on a contract year if he doesn’t do anything you can move on from him but you get the

Talent you get the guy that you know with a 15 top 15 Talent so U I got to give it a day I don’t love the player he’s underperformed in four years but for what they G gave up which was nothing you can’t I I’d probably give it

Like a BB Plus but we’re all pretty much the same he’s like like G said he’s in a contract year he’s going to be motivated to have a big year maybe they can squeeze something good out of him go ahead Mike next all right G the brownside your cousin Devin Bush you

Loved it in the YouTube show what grade do you give the Browns one-year deal I’m going give I’ll give this you know there people may think it’s kind of high I give it a B minus like look it’s a one year once again it’s a one-year contract

I think what they’re doing this guy’s a former first round pick out of uh out of Michigan the guy uh had an injury first year uh playing for the Pittsburgh Steelers over 100 tackles had the torn ACL um when you look at it uh he never really quite recovered there in in um

With with Pittsburgh went Seattle played in limited roles but I think they’re they’re they’re taking a flyer on somebody with first round talent that has a skill set love a skill set they’re they’re building guys in that linebacker room that could really run and really

Move he’s not going to be a starter he’s a rotational guy for what they gave up one him I’ll take it Jason I had him as a c but I love that hair so I’ll upgrade it to a C+ he’s a backup I lit I swear

To I was just going to say the exact same thing the exact same thing C to a c plus crazy go ahead Mike nem Hines is up next Jason what grade do you give the Browns for signing hin their new kick returner presumably to a oneyear $3.2 million

Deal be minus like it’s you know I I would have liked to see more out of Pier strong I think this might mean the end of Pier strong in Cleveland uh he’ll he’ll compete Hines will compete with Jerome Ford he’s a decent pass catcher out of the back field he could get some

Run on returns kick returns punt returns that’s really been a a glar need that might be where he can contribute the most particularly if he can turn into a decent punt returner that’s a place where they’ve really struggled over the last few years they tried jaem Grant he

Couldn’t even make it to the season healthy so now they’ll try with Hines it’s it it is what it is it’s a it’s a second third uh on the depth chart of a running back and a return specialist I you know I I’ll upgrade him a little bit um you

Know I I I told you about Devin Bush coming back from surgery we’ll see how he comes back as a running back um it’s an upgrade I want what to see plus but I’ll give it I’ll upgrade it to a B minus I think they’ve needed a kick

Returner for a long time we we can’t we had Donovan people’s Jones the uh alltime fair catch leader in Browns history back there a couple years ago um maybe we can get something out of I give it a b b excuse me B minus by the way should we bring Donovan peoples Jones

Back he is a free agent no no uh I actually like him more than you guys I give that move a B+ I I I have a big night I always liked him as a third down back and he returns kicks and punts so he has three different ways he could

Help the team he’s their best pass catcher right now as a running back and a good return guy he fills a number of holes and you’re paying him nothing so I like it as a B+ all right both same with you is z Darius Smith what grade do you

Give that deal two years 23 mil i g i this was a tricky one for me I think I gave him what’ I give him I don’t put it up there I I can’t remember B minus there you go B minus I this was and and

It tells you how I think of what the Browns have done because this is my lowest grade really I I like this move less than any of the moves the Browns have made because I I just think zarius is e you know old school stats he wasn’t

Very good new school stats he was he’s a good you know PFF he was top 20 but he’s only gotten about seven sacks in his last 20s something games I don’t like that but G Bush got me feeling better about it because he made a good point

That that zarius kind of helped push miles Garrett last year and so that’s why I went with the B minus instead of going even lower so there you go now you know I give it a b um I I think he had underwhelming stats a little bit five

And a half sacks but I will say this um you fill that hole with a veteran you know what your zeras is going to give you you don’t have to count on a rookie or somebody else from an organization I give it a b c I agree with you it’s my

Least favorite of all the signings uh I get just javian Clowny Vibes of he’s okay for one year but don’t push it for with two we’ll see I hope I’m wrong I I think there are better options out there in free agency next Quinton Jefferson G you weren’t here yesterday when we spoke

About him what do you like about the signing of Quinton Jefferson and I really like this I get it’s a I get it’s a B+ like limited snaps but gives you some pass rush ability um I I think you know he was underused with the with the

Jets I like I really like this move um especially when when it comes to adding some specific debt I think I like this he’s much better than Jordan Elliott and Jordan Elliott was the odd man out of the D tackle room I I like that Jason

I’ll give it a B I really like that they can get an interior pass rush something that they haven’t had before the only concern with me is he’s playing against one of the best defensive tackles in the league next to him with the Jets and quinin Williams he’s not going to have

That here dvin thomlinson is fine there’s nothing wrong with him but he’s not Elite and and we’ll see how he adjust off that give up a little bit in the run but you have other guys who can stop the run getting some interior pass pushes is a nice bonus that they haven’t

Had before I think it’s like an A minus Sheldon Richardson was the last decent pass rusher they had defensive tackle and he never had I don’t even think he had five sacks I think he had four and four both years so he’s a guy who could

Get get the Browns five six sacks that’s something they really haven’t had in in the interior Mikey we got three left we’re going to fly through these each person just give you a grade then we’ll move on Jason last one for you jamus Winston see he’s kind of a knucklehead

As far as I’m concerned but I didn’t think they could bring Joe flacko back I would have preferred jacobe brassette I think the Browns would have preferred brassette but brassette preferred New England so they did the next best thing they went with Winston uh obviously for former number one overall pick he’s had

Some problems with interceptions in the past uh and we’ll see hopefully he’s not needed hopefully deshun stays healthy and plays well be minus for me um B minus for me byy boy you have a combo here the resigning of mooh Hurst and Shelby Harris to boost the defensive t i

I gave that an A minus you did I like both guys I think they’re both they’re both back at a cheap dollar they both contributed uh the only reason I don’t give a a full a is because one guy they’re both old and and Hurst is injury-prone but they did everything we

Could have asked of them last year at a high level and they did it you know so they’re good signings at a cheap price a minus McDonald’s value meal fills you up at a cheap price I like it last one Mikey last one G Bush how about Cory

Borquez coming back the punt God a a a minus I I love the Special Teams love him in the kicker um special teams they did awesome job last year and by the way he showed that he could angle the ball and get it inside the 20 a few times

Yeah I I like the move I’m glad he’s back he had a problem it seemed early on with spinning it and killing it inside the 20 but to G’s point that seemed to improve as the year went on eight plus for me the guy was one of the better

Punters in the league and they needed a punter and the whole special teams three guys are all back Mikey we got all these ultimate shows right do we want to promote that we do yeah real quick Tuesdays ultimate Cav show Monday Friday ultimate brown show ultimate Guardian

Show also coming on Monday ultimate 216 show with Earl on Thursday so well make sure you check them out ultimate Browns today 5:00 p.m. there you go always watch the ultimate Cleveland sports show on YouTube We’re on every weekday from 11:00 a.m. to 10000 p.m. plus overtime if you’re a

Member if you’ve only watched us on Channel 3 make sure you check us out when we come back free throws changing in the NBA what is going on we’ll get into it next right here the ultimate Cleveland sports show on WKYC welcome back to the ultimate Cleveland sports show here I almost forgot the name of the show I’m not going to lie I almost forgot the name of the show there for a second here on WKYC channel 3 thank you all for joining us guys free throw shooting is down not the

Percentage but the amount of free free throws being taken the refs are holding their whistles this is a new trend do we like it do we not like it and is it good or bad for the Cavs Jason I don’t think it’s good for them because they’re not a

Physical team they’re not a team built on physicality so so it’s not like they can start playing Bully ball and get away with it it it you know you do have guards who like to drive and Donovan and darus guards who can get inside and if

You’re not going to get fouled in there you know I don’t know that that’s really much of a benefit to this team so it’s going to rely more on and and they have they’ve signed some good Shooters obviously in the off season they are a

Team now that can make threes at a at a high level and if you’re not going to get calls inside then it reverts more to outside shooting geez just saw the graphic against New Orleans a game the Caps dominated they only took three free throws and I believe they were all in

The fourth quarter correct man yeah listen uh the league ain’t going to give you both like they they already giving you the three-point shot the three-point shot is revolutionize everything everybody wants to spread it out and get Shooters but we can’t give you the three-point shot and call and blow

Whistle every time you go down the lane like what do you want 190 points scored I think this does hurt the Cavs I HT I think it hurts them in a major way um when you look at our guards they’re smallish uh compared to you know bigger

Longer players and when you look at it I mean those guys uh going to the rack and trying to finish they have a harder time finishing in the rack especially Darius Garland I think this hurts the Cavs a lot plus generally speaking in the playoff time they give the whistles to

The superstars and the the guys that are proven the Cavs are not proven and I don’t think they’re going to get more whistles in the playoffs when that happens either they let teams play more physically in the playoffs usually in general so it’s just starting a little

Bit early this time right yeah and we saw that against the Knicks in the playoff last year the Knicks were a much more physical team than the Cavs and it hurt the Cavs obviously this is bad for the Cavs if if referees are holding their whistle more often because they’re

Not a team they don’t Jared Allen’s not in the middle beating guys up you know so no this is bad now I I got to say as you know if you like basketball it’s more fun to watch basketball with less fouls called it is when you played in

The schoolyard back in the day it was always no blood no foul right I think they should have that rule in the NIT more back to a ’90s style of physicality where you can get away with a little bit more you think it’s gone it’s not going

That far no but I’m just saying trending a little bit that a step in that direction they would have to take about a thousand steps to get all the way there that’ll never happen no I wish it would but uh yeah no I think overall obviously this is not great for the

Cavaliers but it might also be some sort of EB and flow thing but as Jason points out anyway and you’re right in the playoffs they’re less likely to call that Ticky Tac foul they let guys play more in the playoffs than they do in the regular season and by the way they’re

Starting to call those flops that are are uh that are flagrants I I saw that a couple times where guys is flopping they and and they’ve been overturning a lot of calls too with the so I’ll be excited to see how that plays out in the playoffs um because they are calling

Flops and stuff like that I hate when players flop I think they should kick guys out of the game for flopping I would do it that would end it that would it’d be over if you got kicked out of the game for flopping coaches would lose their minds because it’s so subjective

Sometimes sometimes it’s true there are times a lot of times on a replay you could tell a guy flopped yeah but you know and these guys like they barely get touched and like maybe you you would suspend them for one game the following game after the league reviews I mean

It’s you know you I’m glad that they’re calling more fouls on it because it’s completely ridiculous all right when we come back here on WKYC channel 3 on the ultimate Cleveland sports show the Guardians 13 days away from their opening day games their two best hitting prospects to trying to make this team

Even if they don’t on opening day day they might be there at some point this season but who will be the best hitter ultimately of the two we’ll get into that next on the ultimate Cleveland sport show on WKYC welcome back it’s the ultimate Cleveland sports show here at WKYC

Channel 3 and guys 13 days to the Cleveland Guardians play their first game of the year it’ll be in Oakland late at night unfortunately but uh we’re we’re we’re hoping that maybe the offense will be better uh the offense has been lacking the last few years the Guardians two top hitting prospects

According to chase the Lauder and Kyle manzardo manzardo was acquired from the Rays last season in a trade for Aaron savali Del Lauder was drafted in the first round a few years back by the Guardians both are on the verge of getting to the big leagues manzardo

Probably a little closer but the laud had a great camp and he h some Mammoth home runs Jason of the two who do you think will be the better hitter in the big leagues well it depends on your definition of hitter but to me it’s putting the bat on the ball

And in that instance it’s kle manzardo Chase de Lauder might eventually develop more power uh he already has more power but manzardo just has a natural hitting ability Chris Vala the Guardians hitting coach early in spring training this year compared him to Wade bogs and bogs is

One of the best hitters ever in terms of just being able to Barrel up baseballs and and know the strike zone and have a feel for the zone and and I’ll take Vala at his word and take manzardo he I don’t think he’s going to uh break camp with

The team I think he’s probably going to start the year in Triple A for a variety of reasons Mo mostly because of contract manipulation but I think he will be up sooner than later uh by but in May certainly and he’ll be that first base DH with Naylor and hopefully it clicks

Right away for him because guys who just that natural ability to put the bat on the ball tend to have success right away man you know what it is man I I you listen I like manzardo 389 right now like you know way balls is cool but give

Me that home run ball give me Chase deluder listen this dude I think he got five home runs already 6’4 230 this dude is huge bro like he’s he he is the prototypical power hitter and for a guy who loves power and for the team that needs power Chase Del Lauder he’s a

First round draft pick the dude has been knocking the cover off the ball as you can see and for me if you going to have these guys down there and you going to draft him first overall and you he’s showing you what he can do with

Power-wise I want to see him up here quicker than later I would like to see man’s arter quicker than later because I I think these two guys are the best best prospects they got and on top of it they’re the best hope for them putting

Runs on the board but get me the laud you know I’m nervous about both of them because the reality is that the that the Guardians have not done a very good job of developing their young hitters I mean correct most of their young hitters that were high prospects have not panned out

In recent years so I’m nervous about both the one thing I’ll say about manzardo which is why I’m leaning towards manzardo is as Jason says he’s better at putting the bat on on the ball de lauder’s got big power but he hasn’t hit a ton of home runs in the miners

Like it’s there he’s a big guy but he hasn’t put it all together and I know he’s hit some exciting home runs in spring training but I don’t care what guys do in Spring training right you ask any ball player like spring training doesn’t prove anything people get EXC I

I I saw somebody tyus sent me a text or a group a text about mil Straw’s batting average in spring training I don’t care what mil straws batting average is because I know he can’t hit and he could have he could hit a thousand in 408 bats

In spring training and that would not change my mind on the season he’s going to have offensively Kyle manzardo was developed by the Rays yep who have done a better job than the Guardians of developing hitters he was ready to go in the big leagues last year but he got

Hurt uh doesn’t have huge GE power but I like the bat to ball skills better I love that sweet left-handed swing uh I I think they both have a chance to be really good players in the big leagues and hopefully they both pan out and you’ve solved some power because Manz

Zardo’s power will come I think he’ll eventually be a 20 home run guy at least uh and deluder has bigger power than that potentially uh and they could be two big bats you know in five years they could be the two best hitters on this

Team but if I had to pick I’d go with manzardo I think the Lauder is much more raw than manzardo the timing was perfect for that trade Tampa would not make that trade today Aaron svali for Kyle manzardo they would made it in spring training last year they caught it at

Just the right time svali was pitching really well there wasn’t a lot of pitching available in the market and the Guardians hit it big I think on that trade that’s a trade the rate the Rays don’t miss very often on trades yeah but internally I think that’s one that they

Feel like this one’s going to hurt us but they did what they had to do to win in the moment and they traded Nate low to the Rangers theyve the Rays have traded guys before that have gone on to have successful careers with other teams so it wouldn’t be that outlandish for it

To happen again and G’s right we got to get these guys in the majors if Kyle manzardo is ready to go this this games that they play and the Guardians not the only team to do it but let’s have him in the big leagues although I assume he

Won’t uh be in the big leagues when the season starts all right thanks to everybody for joining us today please if you haven’t done so already make sure you hit the Subscribe button on YouTube for the ultimate Cleveland sports show if you don’t know how to look for us on

YouTube YouTube ask a friend we’re on every weekday 11:00 a.m. to 1: p.m. we’ll see you next week on the ultimate Cleveland sports show peace

The Cleveland Browns have been busy this offseason, bringing in talent on both sides of the ball.

Going back to the first move Andrew Berry made – the trade for Jerry Jeudy – how would you grade his offseason thus far?

Which moves get an “A” and which moves failed the test?

Has Andrew Berry gotten Deshaun Watson enough weapons to unlock his full potential in 2024, or does he still need to add more this offseason?

NBA officials are calling fewer and fewer fouls since the All-Star break. Does this increased level of physicality help or hurt the Cleveland Cavaliers as the team gears up for a playoff run?

The Cleveland Guardians have a few promising young bats in the farm system, but none have looked better in spring training than Chase Delauter and Kyle Manzardo. Between those two — who will be the better professional hitter when they get a chance to show off in the pros?

Cleveland sports fans are the best. It’s undisputed. You can support Cleveland, support the Ultimate Cleveland Sports Show and get great perks by becoming a member here:


  1. I give him a C so far. No known commodities just players getting a second chance or those that haven’t reached their potential

  2. I give him a C. im hopefully juedy can be a solid number two wr, i like the hicks signing. Hate the qb2 signing. we had a great qb2 last year that led us to the playoffs. i thought it was a no brainer to re-sign a man that did that. and i dont like that they didnt bring taki taki back either.

  3. He deserves an A but Cleveland “fans” will give him an F because there is no pleasing those fans 💯👀🐸☕️

  4. 6:44 You have to wonder whether it was Jeudy who was underwhelming or Denver's pass game. In two of the three seasons he played a full season for the Broncos he led the team in receiving despite catching passes from the likes of Teddy Bridgewater, Drew Lock, Brett Rypien, Jeff Driskel, Russell Wilson and Jarrett Stidham. The Broncos' pass game ranked 26th, 19th, 19th, and 24th in total yards from 2020 to 2023.

  5. adam if you don't like clemson 4 …just say so! his browns career has "NOT" been a disappointment….adding the word "massive" to it is extremely unnecessary….deshaun is a gamer he will be fine!

  6. can we talk about not getting d reader….run game & D as a whole need to address those "massive disappointment adam bull" big plays

  7. The play of the Browns last season was heavily assisted by referees and. Teams losing on purpose like Chicago and Arizona and the great play of Joe Flaco where he is gone now

  8. It was funny watching the defense of the Browns, the best at home and last on the road , the only good question is why? And the answer is high school defense schemes from coach Schwartz who since his failure as a head coach, no coordinator job , because any good NFL level offense will score 35-40 points every game on it where all the receivers are wide open every snap

  9. Did you sang the Browns will have new offense with a different quarterback who was bad last two seasons who doesn’t like hi head coach, because he is white not black with deminshed skills coming back from serious injury

  10. F+ …. Pissburb got Justin Fields and we got goofy ass crab legs Winston and massager Watson smh fields is way better than both and it Trump every other move the browns did and will make.


  12. C – some good potential players pick ups mostly – but a real downgrade in QB's probably the worst in the AFC North. Neither are cold weather QBs or very good the last few years & DTR is too petite just a bobblehead out there

  13. An A? Seriously? The team has spent a ton, supposedly has "the roster", and yet has ONE playoff game victory since his arrival! ONE!!! And that ONE win, was his first year with a team he inherited from John Dorsey. He's only even made the playoffs one other time, and lost in the first round to a rookie QB. For as many first round picks as they've had, and equally as many as they squandered on a stupid trade, and for as much money as they've thrown around….to call him a winner in any capacity…is laughable at best! He's not a genius…so just stop with that talk. Bottom line, he's a loser until he isn't…and he hasn't won a damn thing. Anyone that thinks he's great, show me his trophy case. It's the NFL…it's a win/lose league. It's embarrassing how much they spend to have a stacked roster only to squeak into the playoffs just to lose…but, hey…hype! Typical

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