@Atlanta Hawks

Rooting for the Kings to miss the playoffs and draft pick carries over to next year where it is top-12 protected.

This will give the Hawks the chance of getting a pick in a better draft class where they currently don’t have a draft pick.

by WeaknessOld1265


  1. BetterNamesTaken

    Starting to understand the workings of protected/unprotected draft picks.

    Their 2024 pick they traded us is protected, so if they are in the lotto they keep it and we instead get it in 2025. If that happens we get that pick no matter where that pick is?

  2. I have a theory that this draft class isn’t actually bad, just underdeveloped because they lost no less than 4 months of structured training/competitive play when they were 14/15 years old when covid hit in 2020. I [posted about it]( in r/nbadraft. I was probably going to make a more in depth post about it and about how Landry can find a diamond or two in the rough in this sub in the off season.

    Most big time prospects really start to show advanced skills and differentiate themselves to scouts at 16 & 17 years old. If their preparation was significantly disrupted in the year leading up to that time it is only natural that those skills would be delayed.

    As things stand now this draft is projected to be one of the worst of all time. In an age when basketball is more nuanced than ever, kids are training at a younger age, and the athletes are stronger/faster than ever it just doesn’t make much sense to me.

    With all that being said it still might not be worse in the long run to have a pick next year but I think there is a lot of opportunity in the mid 1st round this year for elite talent evaluators and organizations with a focus on long term development.

  3. PeasePorridge9dOld

    Don’t really think we can expect to get a significantly better prospect gambling on where we end up in ’25 than 20 next year. The reason this year’s class isn’t considered good has more to do with the top of the draft where Sarr / Risacher would be more Top 5 than Top 2 in most drafts. There is some depth issues, but if there is one area where I don’t mind having an extra pick in this class, it’d be in the 15-20 area.

    The one big reason for looking to push the pick would be the roster crunch we’re looking at next year. We have 10 guaranteed contracts and another 2 (Garrison and Bruno) with options we’re likely to pick up. 1st rounders come with guaranteed contracts and we have ours too. As things stand now, we could have only 1 open roster spot for Bey or Forrest. And this is before the decisions on trades (would think we’d be taking on bodies in a DJ or Trae deal), FA signing, and maybe even a reward for a 2 way like Vit or Lundy.

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