@New York Knicks

Jalen Brunson DOMINANT, Knicks beat Kings, how dangerous is healthy New York? | Hoops Tonight

Jalen Brunson DOMINANT, Knicks beat Kings, how dangerous is healthy New York? | Hoops Tonight

What’s up everybody thanks as always for supporting the show it would mean a lot to me if you would take a second to scroll down and hit that subscribe button to the Hoops Tonight YouTube channel and then follow me on social media on Tik Tok Instagram and Twitter

So you guys don’t miss any of our content over the course of this season all right let’s talk some basketball moving on to Nick Kings super fun physical game a lot of guys had nightmare shooting nights and this is super typical this is something I talk about a lot on the show Rock

Fight basketball games like a lot of times like that can cause teams to fall apart in their skill areas of their game and mainly the the idea behind that is is like you become accustomed in your shooting workouts and everything to to a certain muscle memory that that you go

To when you’re going into your skill skill shots and skill footwork and dribble combinations and all that kind of stuff right so um what happens is is like in a really physical game there’s a level of fatigue and like a kind of like a pain like a like you kind of get beat

Up a little bit like everything hurts from like you bumping shoulders and knees and hips and everything like that and all of a sudden you’ve got like 16 bruises and bumps and stuff from the from the game but all of that takes place and then all of a sudden you find

Yourself in a catch and shoot situation or a pull-up jump shot situation and it just doesn’t feel the same physically because you’re exhausted because you’re fatigued because you’re uh beat up right and so Josh Hart goes two for seven in this game oan adobi goes one for eight

Dante d chenzo goes one for 16 dearen fox goes five for 19 Keegan Murray goes 3 for 12 Harrison Barnes goes 5 for 13 the Knicks shot 43% from the field and one the Kings shot just 35% from the field now first of all before we go any

Further I love this new brand of officiating we’re seeing from the NBA for three primary reasons one it gives it gives the defenses a Fighting Chance NBA offenses had literally become too hard to guard without allowing some sort of physicality when you give them the amount of skill and and athleticism that

NBA teams have and give them so much freedom of movement it’s it’s a lost cause and and no one’s going to be able to get stopped so first of all it just gives the defense a Fighting Chance second of all it will really help us with evaluating playoff teams because

This looks more like playoff basketball and so it’ll just it’ll just help us to sort through the nonsense again I love playoff officiating we all do that’s what we want it to be like why are we ever allowing a regular season to just be different basketball that should

Just never be the case and every single year it was freedom of movement and tons of scoring and free throw and then we get to the postseason and the game fundamentally changes and I that doesn’t make any sense it makes more sense for it to be the same throughout so I to me

It it’ll help us evaluate but in general it’s just better for the league to have a consistency of play style and then three deep down this is what the players want it’s funny I’ve been in uh in like probably a few dozen different like men’s league things that I’ve played in

In my life since I got done uh playing in college and no matter where I have been whether I was in Charlotte whether I was in Phoenix whether I was in Tucson I remember several times where like multiple players have gone up to the officials at certain points in the game

Or before the game and been like hey like we’d prefer it if you guys don’t call that much and just let us play like that’s what players want basketball players want freed like freedom to play without the whistle that’s what they want if they had to choose if they if

Players had to choose between everything’s a foul by the book or like disc ression and if it’s blatant call it but like keep the flow of the game every single basketball player will choose the ladder that’s what they want it’s it’s it’s a better television product it’s more fun there’s going to

Be some complaining like you I’ve seen a lot of guys in the last couple weeks like driving and missing layups and complaining that that that’s a natural part of it and from as a competitor you want points so like I I get it for your team because that’s your job right but

Like deep down this is what the players want it’ll help us evaluate the teams better and it’s just a gives the defenses a Fighting Chance brings more balance to the equation that’s said the Knicks are just better at Rock fight basketball than Sacramento is even without Julius Randall and Mitchell

Robinson their guards are stocky and physical whereas the the king’s guards are more speed oriented right and there was not much available at The Rim in this game because both teams were aggressively helping and digging down and and just packing the paint there were 171 field goal attempts in this

Game only 33 of them were in the restrict red area and only 19 of those 33 went in we had 14 misses in the restricted area in this game it became about jump shooting but specifically jump shooting while being tired and beat up which again is a fundamentally

Different type of of jump shooting type of game and the Knicks are just better built for that sort of thing the Knicks took 55 jump shots and got 0.86 points per shot the Kings took 50 and they got 0.76 points per shot that really was the

Difference of the game you saw that in the pull-up shooting too like the two main creators right Jaylen Brunson eight for 15 on pull-up jump shots four for seven on pull-up threes dearen Fox two for2 on pull-up jump shots one for six on pull-up threes huge difference in

This game by the way that’s a season long Trend Jaylen brunson’s a better pull-up shooter than Daren fox has been forever and Daren fox has taken a leap this year best pull-up shooting a season of his career not as good as Jaylen Brunson right like that’s what you kind

Of expect in that situation OG and anobi brings a certain physicality Isaiah hartenstein is a big guy that I wanted to to spend some time on today only had seven points in this game um but he had four blocks in a steel 14 rebounds including four offensive rebounds and I

Thought he was a substantially better defensive player in this game than sabonis it’s one of those weird games where like if you look at the box score sabonis is gets this 20o double double and obviously like it looks like sabonis was the better player I thought Isaiah hartstein like flat out outplayed

Sabonis in this game first of all held sabonis to just one for five from the field with four turnovers in the second half uh had some huge offensive plays at the end of the game that curl to uh um that curl to Jaylen Brunson where he got

The and one I put that clip on Twitter and then he just there’s big play late where Kings got it to four and and and hartenstein just drove right through sabonis his chest and got all the way to the rim and made an and one layup to put

The Knicks back up seven like I thought I thought he was awesome in this particular game help up much better defensively in pick and roll too and that’s the key because the Knicks on the other end were really torching sabonis they got 1.3 points per pick and roll

For the entire game including passes that’s like off the charts good that’s a 130 offensive rating in ball screens they were torching sabonis hitting pull-ups against him in drop coverage obviously Brunson who we’ve talked a lot about but even Alex B Alec Burks got him twice in the fourth quarter uh once with

A floater and once with a pull-up jumper where sabonis was just hanging too far back and not doing enough to bother the ball handler on the end hartenstein was just better had some huge defensive plays down the stretch held uh the the Knicks in as a team held Sacramento to

0.96 points per ball screen uh and 0.4 points per handoff which is obviously a huge part of the king’s offense so like they just did a much better job guarding screening actions than the Knicks did and I I want to before we put all of it on sabonis and hartenstein it was more

Diligent work from the guards too like this was a good defensive performance from both teams to be clear all you have to do is look at the box score but the Knicks did make fewer mistakes there were some big late game mistakes from the Kings guards defensively there’s a

Big one late where the kings were up by four in the fourth quarter and boy and bonovich came off of like a pin down and knocked down a three and it was just bad defense from Daren Fox Daren Fox was guarding miles McBride and Malik monk was guarding um buen bonovich and

Literally McBride just goes and sets a a a a basic little pin screen for bogdanovich bogdanovich comes off to the top of the key Darren Fox is literally just standing just standing like right around the foul line not even in a defensive stance and so when McBride’s

In trail position and kind of gets hit on the screen a little bit the uh um uh excuse me when Malik Monk Is in trail position and kind of gets hit on the screen a little bit buen bonovich just breaks wide open and knocks down the

Shot and it’s like that’s a key mistake in the game like that the like like like cuz again in that group with that bench group especially when it’s got Alec burkson and boen bonovich and two to Alec Burks and Bo bonovich is credit they made some plays in that fourth

Quarter stretch they each had a little scoring burst that they went on that helped kind of keep things afloat but like they a lot of it was Defensive breakdowns sabonis and drop like sitting too far low on that guard guard screening action by Daren Fox then the

Late game possession so there was a sequence late where the Kings played really good defense on a series of scoring uh so this was after the Knicks went up seven they got a bunch of stops in a row against Jaylen Brunson they were running guard guard screen to try

To get Keon Ellis switched off of Jaylen Brunson to try to get Malik Monk and then occasionally they’d bring hardenstein in to try to get him to go at sabonis where they’d run more of a drop but basically Brunson was operating at the top of the key and they were

Running these screening actions they defended all of them really well except for one the one where Keon Ellis was going like this looking around and Jaylen Brunson just waited for him to turn his head and then he went off the dribble and like I get it like Keon

Ellis they had been screening him from both sides and so he’s really just trying to get ahead of whatever that action is coming from but like the ball is the number one priority in that situation so it’s like you do a really good job most of the game but just some

Critical mistakes defensively and and like that that by the way is kind of a theme for the Kings this year they’re a team that as I’ve talked about all season they’re a a team that is capable of being very good defensively but it’s not their habit it’s not their identity

And so too often they slip back into their worst Tendencies biggest sequence of the game was actually before this play it was 8482 and nicks got the ball and Jaylen Brunson curls off of an Isaiah hartenstein dribble handoff and fakes the hand off and then on the back cut

There’s a tiny tiny window and hartenstein throws this beautiful bounce pass that hits Brunson in stride he gets an and one they go down to the other end there’s a ball screen action for Harrison Barnes and hartenstein blocks him at The Rim so two massive plays from

Hartenstein they go down to the other end the Kings play good defense switch a guard guard screen they get a great contest on a Brunson pullup three and he misses it but right after that deas sabonis gets the rebound and throws the ball way too far up the floor to Keon

Ellis and turns it over Nicks bring the ball in bounds and this is the really weird play most of the second half on Brunson ball screens they had been blitzing with sabonis and it was working sabonis was applying good ball pressure with his hands Brunson wasn’t able to

Get the ball to the pocket so he was having to throw swing passes I was actually talking about this earlier like when you apply really good pressure and blitzes the pocket pass isn’t open because they just can’t get the pass through and so they were forcing Brunson

To make swing passes and they were rotating out of it pretty well the blitz was working and then randomly on this play sabonis just sits way back in a drop coverage and Brunson just walks right into a pull up three and knocks it down huge sequence in the game it’s a

Two-point game hardenstein makes a couple of big plays on both ends of the floor sabonis makes a couple of critical mistakes and suddenly it’s a seven-point game also another example of how I thought hartenstein outplay bonus despite the box score numbers like just when it came to the big moments of the

Game the big swing possessions it was hartenstein making plays and sabonis making mistakes that’s why I was calling that specifically out anyway they that run put the Knicks up seven and then they were able to withstand a handful of additional shots like Malik monk had a big three in the

Corner that kind of got it close uh biggest takeaways from the game though shot making in these kinds of games is just different and Darren fox has become a good shot maker but his Advantage is speed and I thought he got a little bit carried away with trying to match Jaylen

Brunson with pull-up shooting when brunson’s just better than him at that and so that takes me to my second biggest takeaway which was Fox’s shot selection like he took some really tough pull-up twos early in the clock when he clearly didn’t have that shot working for him in this particular game like

Again he was two for 12 on pull-up Jumpers in this game so like early clock pullup twos that are heavily contested they just don’t make sense unless you already are in Rhythm which he was not at this point so the two in particular that I wanted to to highlight there was

A spinning jumper on Alec Burks he had cleared side ISO on the right side of the floor but tons of time and he just goes into this wild spinning jump shot that Alec Burks defends perfectly and I’m looking down and there’s 14 seconds on the shot clock and it’s like why are

You taking such a difficult low value pull-up to when you haven’t been making it tonight with 14 on the shot clock like work for something easier first and then take that if it gets into a late clock situation later on in the game he takes a step back 20ft jump shot

Against jayen Brunson with 18 seconds on the shot clock once again not in Rhythm haven’t made any attempt to try to find something easier already a really tough shot off of a dribble combination and some tough footwork brunson’s right there wasn’t even great separation and literally you just you just took the

Ball 6 seconds earlier and so some of that is like it’s it’s hard to win games when your best player is getting so soundly out executed by his counterpart in Jaylen Brunson and that was something that really stood up stood out off the screen yesterday there was a play Early

In the fourth quarter too where uh the Kings had no numbers in transition it was a three on five break and dearen fox drove right into buan McDon noich at the rim and just threw up a left-handed layup that literally missed by several feet it wasn’t even close and it’s like

It’s there was it was just a tough decision-making game from dearn Fox and honestly like when I look at Daren Fox this season there’s so much good in terms of his Improvement as a jump shooter and his confidence in his jump shot but that next step for him is like

Really identifying what the loow hanging fruit is for him and capitalizing on that stuff to increase his efficiency and treating more of this tough shot making thing as a counter rescue possessions when I’m in Rhythm kind of thing rather than just like a regular part of his shot diet if that makes

Sense and then uh two last two final takeaways Isaiah hardenstein is just a really good basketball player and like obviously you want Mitchell Robinson back but even if they just get Julius Randall back and Mitchell Robinson’s not able to come back like that is still a deeply talented and deeply physically

Imposing front line and and I’m really excited to see what the Knicks can do in a postseason series and then lastly like I mentioned earlier the Kings being capable of Defending but it not being their habit one of the reasons why I harp on habits is like when games get

Close late and when the hits the fan like when things start to not go right for you you tend to fall back on your habits your habits are what carry you in those situations right it’s kind of like if you’re if you run into a stretch in your personal life where like

You just have a ton of stuff going on like busy calendar with work busy social calendar maybe one or two outside circumstances that have thrown a wrench into everything if you are in your daily habits a very efficient time manager you will get through it because you just

Have these habits where it’s like okay the shit’s hitting the fan all around me but I’m just going to put my head down and I’m going to work and I’m going to come out on the other side of this right but if all that happens and you have bad time management and efficiency

Habits that could be what breaks you in a lot of ways right and like that’s kind of the way I feel about basketball too like when you are a the kind of person where it is your Habit to do these little things well then in a big

Possession late or in a situation where a couple things have gone wrong your habit will be to continue to do those things and it will help you regain control of the situation it is not a habit for Deen Fox to be an all defensive minded player it is something

He can do if I trimmed a dozen Clips I could I could show you a highlight film that shows that dearn fox is an all defense caliber Defender but in a critical fourth quarter possession he can fall asleep and like that that to me is is

Not just a fox problem it’s a down the roster problem for the Kings they are capable of it but it is not in their identity it is not a habit for them and so they have a tendency to SL flip back into some of their worst Tendencies when

The hits the fan and and I thought uh that game against the Knicks was a big example of That

Jason Timpf reacts to Jalen Brunson’s dominant 42-point performance in the New York Knicks’ 98-91 win over De’Aaron Fox and the Sacramento Kings. Jason breaks down the biggest highlights from the game and discusses how dangerous the Knicks can be with a red-hot Jalen Brunson and a healthier roster.

Watch the full episode here:

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  1. Dude can you go back to live uploads. U talking about this bullshit and kyrie just hit a game-winner.

  2. As a kings fan, I agree that this was one of fox's worst decision-making games of the season. He was playing too pissed off after that tech and it distracted him from playing a smart basketball game

  3. Jalen Brunson is currently averaging more points and has a higher field goal percentage than every last one of these players———> Stephen Curry, Damian Lillard, Jayson Tatum, Trae Young, Ant Edwards, Donovan Mitchell, De’Aaron Fox, Jaylen Brown, Tyrese Maxey.

  4. Jason, not sure you know me but we talk on twitter a bit, I been asking you to cover the Knicks for a long time and all I can say is THANK YOU huge fan, all the way from London

  5. I remember when ppl were saying they overpaid for brunson now its definitely one of the best contracts in the League and i expected him to be worth it.

  6. Kings lost, BUT WOW!! Can we at least appreciate their defense lately? That team is changing, Mike Brown is changing that team. I think they have a bright future.

    But about the physicality, Huerter has to go, he shot like garbage out the jump. He's the CLEAR liability on this team.

    I would be insanely shocked if Huerter is still on the Kings next season.

  7. The league stopped allowing teams to play real defense so the European and Russian players could excel.

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