@Boston Celtics

Jayson Tatum, Sam Hauser score 30 each in easy Boston Celtics win in Washington

Jayson Tatum, Sam Hauser score 30 each in easy Boston Celtics win in Washington

One of the Boston Celtics worst habits is just gone now and Sam Hower shows us how unguardable the Celtics can be it’s right now on the lock on Celtics podcast think the Blockbuster holiday seon drop Drew in the mix and three from KP no we not on the KN flushing

Competition like all on Yannis juic and Big D still be Town’s finest bner 18 going up in the Raptors watching SE gameing locked on master car on the breakdown clutch like a TI from D white on the breakdown John on the mic document and domination M back B all SE

Nation r j how starter raising bsiness how we finish locked on seltic pod home of the Winners hey there welcome back to the lockdown Celtics podcast right here in the lockdown podcast Network where it is your team every day and I got you every single day Monday through Friday plus bonus podcast when they play on the weekends I’m going to be on a 13 podcast

And 14 game 14 night stretch here so make sure you’re subscribed wherever you get your podcast watch the show on YouTube hop into the comment section let me know what you think if you’re new to the show I’m John corales used to play a long time ago now I’m covering the

Celtics for Boston Sports journal and today I am covering a 130 104 complete utter domination of the Washington Wizards Today’s show is brought to you by LinkedIn LinkedIn jobs helps you find the qualified candidates you want to talk to faster post your job for free at lockon NBA that’s lockon NBA to post your job for free terms and conditions apply later on we’ll get into some of the stuff with the injuries uh we’ll get into the defense which no one’s really talking about after this game but the defense was really good Sam Hower obviously the big

Story I’ll get to him in a little bit but I want to start with this Focus this Celtics team that came into uh this season everybody was worried about playing down to opponents and frankly what have we seen it maybe three times uh you had the Lakers game you had a

Game in Memphis you had a game in Charlotte and that’s maybe maybe one or two more maybe maybe the Celtics as much as we still worry about them playing down to opponents and you know it’s it’s not unreasonable to say hey I’m worried about a good team playing

Down at the competition the Clippers just lost to the Atlanta Hawks who were missing like half their team and they played down to an opponent and it got burned every good team has an opportunity to uh get burned by a bad team every once in a while but the

Celtics came out with that Focus no sign at all that they were playing down to the Wizards no sign at all that they didn’t take this game seriously Al Horford after the game made it a point to say like this is this was one that last year we probably would have come

Out and play you know you you see all of the guys that were hurt for them you know that it’s not just that they played the Wizards who are bad they are they play the Wizards who were short-handed and missing half their team and the Celtics could have come out

Frankly they could have come out and played down to the competition probably still won by 15 or 20 uh never mind having the game up past 30 for as long as they did what was their biggest lead 36 the Wizards never LED in this game uh

Tied a few times but that’s about it so the the the focus the just businesslike nature to come out 45 points in the first quarter and to take the initial kind of shot from Jordan P who was good Jordan P who was hitting shots Jordan P

That guy can keep a team in it for a while he’s not gonna give you much defensively but he he dropped 31 points he shot 12 of 19 he had it going early and the Celtics were right there the game was tied at 17 and then the Celtics

Kind of broke it open from there after it was tied for 17 they they closed the quarter on a 28-10 run Jason Tatum was incredible and my favorite play of the game was Boston’s first offensive possession because it was Jason Tatum getting the ball taking it into the post

Playing through the defender going up drawing the foul it wasn’t like uh Tatum said hey yeah we’re gonna just let me see if I can get hot from three first and if I’m hot from three great I’m just gonna bomb away and then if I’m not well maybe we can figure something

Else out later he came out from the jump and said you know what no I’m taking this right at you I’m taking this right down your throat you have no Rim protection you got nobody on this team that can check me at all so guess what I’m doing I’m playing some bully ball

And I’m going to go right through you that is the type of Jason Tatum and you heard scal talking about it on the broadcast and he’s like I could watch this Jason Tatum play all the time this this Jason Tatum with that mentality uh basically saying hey you good good luck

You come try to stop me he dropped 18 points in the first quarter and the aggressiveness that he showed was just just I think a tone Setter and if you wanted any example of where the Celtics were going to be in this game how they were

Me mentally in this game that was it right there first possession like I said Al Horford after the game said you know we respected our opponent which is it’s a weird thing to to say but when you’re a good team and you’re playing a bad team to me the the

Number one sign of respect you can show a bad team as a good team is beating the tar out of them like Absolut it’s the most disrespectful thing on a basketball court is toying around with an opponent I never I never ever wanted the feeling

Of someone taking it easy on me even if I was ever outmatched even if I was ever Ju Just if the other team was that much better than us I didn’t want them to screw around and like ah oh look at this we’re just having fun hahaa we’re

Goofing around that to me was always disrespectful I think that’s a g like a basketball wide thing it’s respectful to come out there and play your absolute best and if you’re 20 points better that night then so be it if you’re 50 points better that night then so be it because

On the other side of that I want to test myself I want to see where am I against the best and if the Wizards are any kind of basketball team that’s what you want to see give us your best and let’s see where we are against you now the Wizards

Are a long way away they are completely starting over it’s a complete rebuild and who knows what they’re going to be in two years they’ve got a big road ahead of them but the Celtics came out and showed the respect that is necessary in basketball by attacking and playing hard and saying

This is this is what you got coming right you want to play the best this is what we got for you that to me is respectful and hey that’s if it’s respectful to to outscore team 4527 hey so be it Tatum set the tone and then Sam Hower

Got hot so what does Sam Hower getting hot show and what does that show for the Celtics being completely unguardable there are layers to that performance Beyond just Hower being unconscious from three I’ll talk about that just a second Today’s Show is brought to you by LinkedIn jobs when you’re hiring for a

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Performance because first of all I hope he’s okay uh there didn’t seem to be a ton of concern after the game he sprained his ankle uh which sucks because he was 10 of 13 from three this was the third quarter and he was on his way way he was

Absolutely going to break the Celtics record there’s no way he wasn’t going to make two more three-pointers the way he was shooting but he got to 10 of 13 the record is 11 for the Celtics Marcus Smart has that I’m not worried by the way I’m not

Worried they hower hower is gonna break that record someday this is probably one of a dozen 10 three-point uh performances he’s going to have for the Celtics he he’s he’s going to have these performances throughout his career so 10 three-pointers for Sam Hower is it’s

Probably not going to be like a big deal uh especially in today’s NBA especially playing for Joe moula uh and he’s so capable of getting hot that th this will not be the last time he does this or threatens to break the record or actually probably breaks the record at some

Point he and and the the running kind of theme throughout all of the postgame media availability was how Sam took all of these shots completely in Rhythm completely within the flow of the offense didn’t force anything in fact the only one shot that he probably you

Can say Well he kind of forced that one was the last one that he took the one he sprained his ankle on which was on on the sideline it wasn’t like part of the play he was just kind of backing away on the sidelines and just bad luck stupid

Luck but all of the shots that he took were completely in rhythm in fact he did hit another three-pointer it got wiped out by the Al Horford uh illegal screen but he had opportunities to take more shots he just didn’t take all of them there was a stretch in the second

Quarter super impressive and this goes to show you what Sam Hower is about he had just hit his sixth three-pointer Washington calls timeout next Celtics possession he gets the ball on the left side and he could have just taken a probably contested shot but it would have been probably a

Clean look for him I I feel like it would have been a clean look for him the type of heat check type of shot that a guy who had just made his sixth three-pointer would have been like hey let’s let’s just test the limits of this

But didn’t do it he after the timeout he comes out he finds Al Horford middle of the lane jump hook assist next trip down very next trip down gets the ball on the right side has the defender right up on top of him he if you’re looking for your shot

Simple one hard dribble step back did Tatum does this a million times one hard dribble step back create your space take your shot no one would have blamed Hower for doing that but what does he do no I’m going to drive all the way Baseline as Drew holiday is cutting the opposite

Way Baseline the best three uh Corner three-point shooter in the in the game so Howser’s like yeah I’m gonna draw these Defenders and I’m gonna kick it over to holiday holiday happened to miss the shot but it was the right play so on top of setting or almost setting a

Record what he did set a record most uh fewest minutes in Celtics history to get to 10 three-pointers which it’s kind of like a you know we’re we’re stretching what a record is but regardless it’s still impressive that he hit 10 three-pointers in 20 what’ he play

20 uh not even 23 minutes geez man that’s incredible uh but that assist that potential assist he could have easily taken those threes and no one would have blamed them they were up by 30 at that point and it wouldn’t have mattered he people everybody on the team

Was looking to get him those touches they Horford said it Tatum said it they wanted to get him a record and but he was just making the right place and this this is what makes the Celtics so unguardable and what what could make them incredibly unguardable

In the playoffs or in the future beyond that because now I mean everybody knows you can’t leave Sam Hower because he’s he’s going to kill you he’s he’s never in his entire life shot lower than 40% for a season anywhere at any point in his life he’s never shot less than

40% so he’s he’s a dangerous three-point shooter but you have a game like this and everybody’s like wow wow if you let him get going he’s capable of this he’s capable of 10 okay you saw the Wizards at the end really start to sell out because they

Were like you’re not getting the record against us and I if I’m pissed about anything when it comes to that injury I’m not pissed that okay sprain danles happen I hope he’s okay uh I don’t know if he’s gonna play uh against the Pistons but hopefully he’ll be back

Soon but I’m more pissed that we missed this opportunity to see a team more focused on stopping Sam Hower when Jason Tatum is on the floor I wanted to see how Sam Hower kind of shook the defense and continued to make these right plays by uh passing out

Of these double teams I wanted to see how he handled that stuff because if they start throwing double teams and blitzes at him and he gets off the ball and all of a sudden Tatum and holiday and and Horford and those guys are scoring then you’re like

Well what do we do now what do we do now as the Wizards what happens now what how do how do we help and scal said on the broadcast once a team starts to sell out on on Hower then first of all they’re screwed but second of all it allows Hower to

Become a passer and it forces you to look at these um stretches where Howser’s the hot hand and say how do we deal with this without leaving these other guys because if Howser’s gonna get off the ball and it’s just going to become a four on three and that one of the four

On three is Jason Tatum and the other one is holiday and you’re not even talking about Jaylen and porzingis and Derek white who didn’t play I if if you’re selling out to stop Hower and those other guys are on the floor well you’re gonna get crushed you

Got no who do you leave what are your choices oh well we’re just going to single cover Sam Hower no problem the Celtics will set three different picks and somebody’s going to screw up a a switch or something uh or or it’ll just be the multiple picks just free them up

And all he needs is a little bit of daylight and he’s gon to kill you like if that’s how it’s going to be that’s how it’s going to be or or you’re just going to double him and you’re like we can’t we just can’t have Hower fueling a

152 run on his own you got to stop him okay no problem you want to send two to him well congratulations you’ve now you’ve now given up a uh an advantage to the Boston Celtics with their four best players in that advantage and their their fifth option is the one you’re

Most concerned about the Celtics are completely and utterly uable if Sam Hower is hitting shots and if this he’s not going to shoot 10 of 13 every game but if he gets hot he is capable of hitting six seven eight three-pointers in killing you and you’re

Just not going to live with that so this was an amazing shooting performance it’s just absolutely amazing shooting performance from Hower but beyond that it’s like if you’re another team and you see Hower and you see him hit a couple of shots and and you know that he has this

10 of 13 type of performance in him what does that do to your defense what does that make you feel what kind of pressure does it put on another defense to say we can’t let this guy get hot this to me goes beyond this Wizards game it goes into the playoffs and if

Hower can be this shooter in the playoffs then they’re toast you’re you’re toast you got nothing so more than just the hot hand which Hower absolutely was and when he gets going like this it’s impossible to stop the Celtics it’s it kind of puts the league

I want to say on notice I’m not sure that’s exactly the right terminology but it’s the one we always use it it it makes I think it it really if you’re a coach if you’re an opposing coach and you’re game planning for the Celtics and you see Hower hit a couple I

Think a performance like this in the back of your mind you’re just like oh crap and that that’s that’s a lot of pressure for another team to face uh we haven’t talked about the defense yet which I thought was really good we’ll talk about that and these injuries

And how I think this is playing out uh we’ll talk about that next Today’s Show is brought to you by Stitch fix you know that instant confidence boost you get from an outfit that makes you look really good I mean come on we’ve all worn a fit we walk

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Lockon thanks for making lockdown Celtics your first listen every day go check out lockdown NBA I will be back oh I’m so happy to be back on lockdown NBA this month was my first time this month after the Celtics play on all these Tuesdays finally I get to get back with

My guide Jake Madison but it’s rotating host all week long so make sure you’re checking out lockdown NBA wherever you get your podcast a fun way to cover the whole league the defense in this game was I thought was really good the Celtics their goal is 25 Point quarters uh

Washington had 27 26 25 and 26 so the Celtics were just right there right there uh the Celtics forced 16 turnovers and they scored 22 points off of those turnovers um as as compared to Boston’s 15 turnovers only gave up 11 points So Not only was some of that the Celtics

Getting back and stopping um stopping the transition the the Wizards only had eight uh fast break points they were four of eight on The Fast Break the Celtics had 18 so outscored them 18 to8 on The Fast Break by forcing 16 turn turnovers nine of them were steals so

You got live ball turnovers that’s the key it doesn’t matter you can sit there and force 20 plus turnovers but if they’re not live ball it it’s you’re still gaining possessions and preventing them from scoring but at the same time the live ball turnovers are so much more

Damaging so 16 turnovers but 22 points off those turnovers is uh really uh it’s it’s a great number the Celtics with their nine steals Tatum had three I thought Tatum going back to my first comment Tatum was locked in from the beginning he was locked in on both ends

I thought him setting the tone like I said with the aggressiveness but also on defense he was there he was in passing Lanes he did a great job uh on both ends of the floor uh he had six rebounds six assists on top of all of that stuff but

The three steals just two turnovers and a block shot that’s he he really was uh great on that end uh the Celtics got uh great defense uh Xavier Tillman I got a shout out Xavier Tillman for you know he played not even 15 minutes but there were stretches in there where he was

Really really good defensively he’s an underrated Defender Al Horford great defensively holiday obviously great defensively uh he had a couple of block shots Luke cornette blocked a couple of shots uh the defense is not going to get a lot of shine I waited till the third segment to

Talk about it but the Celtics defense in this one was was really good and I think that was it’s going to get way overshadowed by the three-point shooting but that that defense is what helped fuel that big first half run so shout out to the Celtics for that the the

Defensive effort which is something that kind of can go away in a game like this like winning one3 you know by scoring 130 you’re going to win a lot of those games but it’s very easily could have been a 130 122 fi uh finals so uh the Celtics

Keeping it to 104 and and a lot of that’s garbage time you know they gave up the 26 in the fourth quarter uh this this was a 30 plus point game the whole way uh after basically starting in the middle of the second quarter and on it

Was a 30-point game the whole way uh again this so the Celtics no Jaylen Brown no porzingis no Derek white uh I think this is part of a resting strategy which is uh smart uh the Celtics have five games this week so backto back day off a game day off

Backto back so they they should be resting guys and I would hope Tatum takes one of these days off I know that he wants to play he’s said it again after this game I want to play um uh if I’m it’s just and and it look I am happy

That he wants to play that he wants to be out there this is exactly what you want from a star you don’t want guys to be like oh yeah cool I’m sitting awesome I’ll sit as often as you want you don’t want that attitude but at the same

Time you’re gearing up for the playoffs now so hopefully Tatum can sit one of these games kind of just take a break not let’s not push it let’s I think I think having a couple of guys out and starting like they started O’Shea brassette and they started Sam Hower I

Think having those guys start is a nice kind of energy boost right away like these guys who don’t normally play getting in there in the starting lineup that’s going to pick up the energy a little bit so I I I like I like that strategy I expect Jaylen to play against Detroit

Uh I expect Derk white to play against Detroit porzingis I don’t I saw him in practice I saw my with my own eyes not no wrap on his leg no nothing he’s out there shooting he looks fine but they’re being they’re being cautious they’re being really really cautious with him as they

Should I think that they took advantage of this back toback to say hey let’s let’s give it one more game Al Horford’s not going to play against Detroit so maybe porzingis does you know play porzingis play him on a little bit of a minutes restriction you have Luke cornette who’s been

Playing amazing basketball like really good basketball remember when everybody was talking about oh how do you how do you not play Luke how can you just get rid of Luke cornette he’s playing the best basketball of his life right now he had another 14 points uh six rebounds uh

Five of n shooting catching more lobs catching you know putbacks cornett’s playing great so Go With It Go with cornette go with Tillman Tillman’s playing really well he’s he’s playing a really nice role like I I think he’s I know he just got here but I think he’s

Already kind of underrated he’s he’s playing really really well um so yeah I would say bring porzingis back give him like a minute’s restriction 20 25 whatever it is and then play him in full against the Milwaukee Bucks on Wednesday uh that that’s a big game because that

Game basically if Boston beats Milwaukee on Wednesday uh that for all intents and purposes clinches it won’t officially clinch the East but it’d be basically impossible especially for the Milwaukee Bucks the way they’re playing uh although they did win they did beat Phoenix on Sunday but uh

It’s it’s it’s a it’s a a game where the Celtics can put put the the East basically away like it’s not already basically put away uh so I’m not really worried about the injuries I’m definitely not worried about porzingis uh I think this is all part of a strategic thing so take the

Opportunity there’s there’s plenty of basketball to be played take the opportunity Jason Tatum sit down against Detroit um I I really do appreciate the mindset but take a seat uh let Jaylen Brown cook let Jaylen go out there and D have his his night to to lead the offense and play the whole

First quarter and all of that stuff you know and and take it easy so injuries not really not really worried about them and I I love the opportunity for the Celtics to use these injuries and rest days to try these different lineups this is a really important stretch and getting

Tman all of these reps getting maky look in there uh look sh came in hit three of six from three that’s important he’s a guy that can come in and you know like okay he he has barely played but he can come in and get hot so he’s capable you

Have these opportunities to get These Guys these minutes heading into the playoffs get them a little confidence get them a little bit like engaged not that they’re not engaged but just make sure that they stay engaged do all of that and and don’t push your guys too far

Don’t uh you know I don’t know guess don’t temp fate this is like I said five games this week no need for everybody to play so I’m sorry to those of you who are going to the game I know you you want to see everybody I’m sorry but this is the

Bigger picture is is the important thing you would rather see a championship and we all want to see a championship so this is I think the best course of action I’ll be back again tomorrow after the game a little bit of a later podcast because the games are that that game’s a

7:30 start and hopefully I’ll have an opportunity to podcast from the arena that’s always better than coming home but if I can do it there I will so uh make sure you’re subscribed wherever you get your podcast watch the show on YouTube hop into the comment section

Section let me know what you think about what I’ve said do you agree with my takes do you not agree with my takes do you want to add something uh of your own whatever hop in the comments section let me know or just say hi feed the

Algorithm and I would love it if you shared the podcast spread the word tell everybody they should be listening to and watching the lockdown Celtics podcast here on the lockdown podcast Network your team every day

The Celtics came out focused against a bad Wizards team, powered by an aggressive Jayson Tatum who dropped 18 in the first quarter and 30 overall. But it was Sam Hauser’s shooting in the second and third quarters that really busted the game open . John Karalis of Boston Sports Journal discusses Boston’s bad habit of playing down to teams just disappearing, how Hauser’s hot shooting should make other teams very nervous, and the very good defensive effort that might go unnoticed on a big offensive night. Also, what we should make of Boston’s injury situation.

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Locked On Celtics is a daily Boston Celtics podcast by Boston Sports Journal beat writer John Karalis. It’s an inside look at the C’s from a former professional basketball player who is at practices & games.

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  1. lol like John said we’ve become incredibly boring to watch which is a good thing. It shows consistency especially beating these tanking/terrible teams. I turned the game off in the 3rd and actually felt good a team wouldn’t come back from 30. Let’s keep it going C4L☘️

  2. Hope his ankle is ok and man what a performance. I’m kind of concerned about KP too but I’d honestly prefer this hamstring issue happens now rather than come playoff time. I’m not surprised at all by tonight’s outcome & I doubt too many people are. This team is a juggernaut when it wants to be. They are now tied for the league lead in rebounds per game at 46, first in 3pt shots made at 1107(!) and are tied with OKC for 3pt pct. at 39%. What a season this has been & hopefully the best is yet to come.🙏🏻🏆Thanks John ☘️🔒

  3. Anyone saying we have a weak bench hasn't been watching this year. Guys like Sam, Al and Payton can start easily. Even Luke has done well when he starts.

  4. Hauser’s game reminds me a lot of Chandler Parsons, idk if it’s a good comp but they both can light it up 😮‍💨 hope for a speedy recovery ❤️‍🩹

  5. I think after the Denver loss the Celtics have stepped up a notch. in defense and offense they look focused. Also luke kornet looks like a complete different player he's definitely put on some muscles u can see it.

  6. The wizards were shook every time Hauser went through a screen I've been saying for a while Hauser should start over holiday he would have so many open looks with white,PZ,JT,JB

  7. What a bummer for Sam getting hurt when he had a chance to make history. 10 3s in 22 minutes is insane. Hopefully he heals quick and gets another crack at that record. IN HAUSER WE TRUST ☘️🖖🏿

  8. This is how you show respect in sports: give your all given the circumstances. These are professional players that can still beat you if they smell blood. Credit to Joe for instilling this mentality of always staying competitive.

  9. Health. It's the most important thing for teams, especially this one. If they can stay healthy, there are zero excuses for not winning it all this year.

  10. What a shooting performance. Yes you’re right first play was great to see from Tatum. I imagine he will look like that more often next year and the year after even more as he bulks up more

  11. They weren't joking when they said next man up. The howitzer dropping 10 (technically 11) from outside

  12. And also after seeing a decent amount of oshae now. I really don’t get why we kept him and got rid of lamar who I’ve been watching. Lamar is just as good a rebounder, hits 3s more comfortably, and is a better scorer in general. His defense is also better

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