@San Antonio Spurs

Players San Antonio Spurs fans should watch during March Madness

Players San Antonio Spurs fans should watch during March Madness

Let’s look back at last night’s Spurs win over the Nets and who are going to be watching for during March Madness you are locked on Spurs your daily San Antonio Spurs podcast part of the locked on podcast Network your team every day hey this is hob rod and I’m RC from

The cybertronics you’re listening to lockon Spurs with Jeff Garcia welcome back to lockon Spurs right here in the lock NBA network I’m your host Jeff Garcia Spurs riter for Ken 5 San Antonio glad to have you all back happy Monday everybody and yes you can tell we’re

Here at the Moody Center and I’m joined by my good friend hro L desmo contributor for B Sports and as well as clutch points we’re going to talk about the Spurs win actually won Hector it’s huge they won won and they won in the way that they’ve struggled losing so

Often in that down the stretch they actually executed right we we’ve seen them we’ve seen a share of blowouts especially early on in the season yeah we’ve seen them in a lot of games get close fight that hasn’t been the issue it’s the execution down the stretch absolutely in in Austin last night

Against the Nets they executed down the stretch absolutely beating the Brooklyn Nets 122 115 in overtime so we’re going to give you our three quick takeaways from the game and then coming up next we’re going to have Jack Thompson we’re going to be discussing March Madness players that you should be looking out

For during the tournament before we do that yeah again good overtime win showed Poise down the stretch You Are The Guest you go first what’s the one big takeaway so far for what is your thoughts from the game in terms of you want me to start with your first takeaway in terms

Of the way you know getting it in overtime remember this they were able to pull out in overtime even though they had the ball last in regulation and weren’t able to convert right they had that weird possession where I think it was Trey gave it to Devin and then they

Tried to get it to wimy the pass knocked away and wi’s got to shoot a desperation shot like near half court because time’s running out despite that and despite the Nets scoring the first couple of buckets in overtime the Spurs were able to bounce back so in terms of the takeaway

Of being able to execute down the stretch and getting the big win anyway to me that stood out cuz there were several moments where you thought here it goes again yeah exactly and they didn’t allow that to happen yeah my takeaway is Poise a lot of poise down

The stretch it was nip and Tuck K hit the three gets a crowd electric everybody’s going strong Brooklyn comes back they get a little tussled towards the end you know everything’s getting a little feisty they hung tough to at least Force overtime pull out the win uh

I know it’s late in the season but hey better late than never at least they showing some sort of poise growth on the court as far something nonstatistical you know just that maturity if you will cuz pop has use the word immature a couple times this season right there’s

No doubt that that’s it’s What’s led yeah to the majority of the of the of the problems basically their two big issues overall this year has been Youth and lack of talent relative to other NBA teams especially in the west right right the problem is that you know Devin uh Jeremy Kellin they’re

They’re you know we when we talked a little about how Kellin already is what he is but so maybe more and and kelt and uh Devin and Jeremy’s place they’re not as good as they’re going to be quite yet so other teams are catching the Spurs in

That predicament right now and on the Spurs end those are two of their four best players so when two of your four best players are still learning and making tons of mistakes related to the still learning because you’re so young you’re going to have the kind of season

That we’re having and so that’s been the case more often the not for them is the turn and the turnovers are a direct correlation of that youth and that just not you know not protecting the ball whether it’s a lack of focus or or just you know getting a little too antsy and

Want to do a little bit too much you’re still not comfortable in your own skin yet in the NBA you’re getting there but you’re still not quite there you’re the guest you get the final takeaway what is your final takeaway wimy seriously 33 monster 33 16 seven

Blocks seven assists during the game I I caught Hector he sat next to me in press row just gasping not not in a bad way in a good way he was like God my you are you seeing this Jeff that’s all he kept on telling me during the game I still I

Still can’t help myself we’ve been covering the guy for closely nightly daily uh for what is it since October or early November like five months four months whatever it’s been and he still he still does things that that take your breath away and then make you go or they

Make you go even even more subtle Jeff he’s normalizing what’s not normal like he’s he’s going between his legs kind of doing a little bit of a rocker step and then coming back and then going up for a shot and you forget in that moment that

He 74 doing that like that’s not normal but because we’ve seen him do it for couple months now he’s normalized it for us and then in addition to that there’s all the WoW moments the Block in the game you know that essentially uh turned that game for him when it was overturned

The the dunks and and the big buckets on the stretch don’t forget he he had a couple of big uh threes absolutely uh in late in the game as well in getting them to the overtime or getting them to where they within Striking Distance so just another again here here we go again

Right another fantastic in a line of fantastic performances and for a 20-year-old that’s in his rookie year care I’m wrong I think he was a near quad dub again yeah seven block seven he’s three blocks and three assists away from a quadruple double with with 33 points and 16 rebounds he’s

Going to join David Robinson Alvin Roberts it’s only a matter time the dream he’s going to hit the quad it’s to the point and again he’s normalized that as silly as it is to say no doubt in my mind he’s going to get a quadruple d double think about that no doubt like

Does anybody have any doubt he’s going to go to surprised it hasn’t happened yet that he’s normalized it yeah like that’s not normal that we that we know he’s going to do it at some point absolutely where there you have it Spurs get the win in Austin split the Austin

Games 1-1 at least he left on a win at least there’s that there great and and by the way Austin paid him back the fans in here were awesome yeah yeah Austin K Johnson told me that the Austin crowd really powered this uh the team towards

The well this stretch run to get the pop even tipped his cap to uh the Austin fans and Austin did a good job but now the Spurs go back home they play Dallas Tuesday night at the frost again he is Hector lezma make sure to follow him on

X at Hector lezma TV what’s what you got going over there at clutch and B as contributor all that good stuff yeah a couple more broadcasts on B before the season ends I guess we about about a month ago right a little less than a month ago and then clutch points

Articles on on this game this next game and and then you know Big Stretch run right they they got Dallas on Tuesday short turnaround another game on Friday mempis coming San ant so busy season continues we’ll get you covered right here on lockon Spurs and Hector will do

It on his end again X Hector lezma TV coming up next Jack Thompson formerly with San Antonio sports star we’re going to be discussing March Madness which players do you need to be having under that microscope like who the Spurs could draft he’s going to tell you which teams

Which players to look out for that’s coming up next right here on lockdown Spurs this is Emily swallow and you are listening to lock on Spurs with Jeff Garcia hey I want to talk about LinkedIn Talent Solutions when you’re hiring for a small business you want to find quality

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Jackor Thompson 33 Jack welcome back to lockdown Spurs what is up Jeff how you doing hey I know I know by the way I know I know it’s your time of the year Man March man oh yeah here oh yeah yeah absolutely my time of the year man I watched every game

Yesterday is the tournament coming to San Antonio this year or is it next year I think it’s next year we get some Elite eight games fun time do you go to those games in San Antonio do you get tickets oh yeah last time they were here when we

Had the sweet 16 I went all right awesome awesome last that is why we have Jack on today why because of March and Madness and the Spurs having likely going to have a top 10 pick uh Jack as of this recording I think the worst the Spurs can do right now is

Number seven so they’re they’re going to fall into the top 10 you know you know so it’s gonna happen so that begs a question with March Madden is starting there’s going to be several top players that could be playing in the tournament give me two to three players that will

Be playing and those players that the Spurs fans need to watch for and whose stock could rise or fall well I guess we can start with the two Kentucky guards Rob Dillingham Reed Shepard uh those two Frenchman guards especially Reed Shepard took college basketball by storm this year they’ve

Both showed that they definitely have an NBA game I’m a little bit nervous to see how they translate to the NBA because it’s such a bigger stronger faster League and those are they’re both you know kind of smaller guards but they have an extreme shooting prowess very

Good off the dribble you great guards so they they’ll have a lot to prove um I think after them you know a lot of the players that the SPs are being tied to are either you know European or from G League ignite so I would say players that I

Would like to see the Spurs get that will be in it uh we got jacobe Walter gar from Baylor a shooting guard got you know great size great scoring ability I think with Baylor he’ll have a lot to prove and that’s three freshman that we’ve talked about right now right

Someone that is not a freshman that maybe the Spurs could lean to grab that is a positional value that we’ll need is a Dalton connect he’s a big 67 68 forward shooting guard been killing it at Tennessee multiple 40-point games this year really really good shooter off the bounce and off the

Catch I think he would definitely of all the prospects he might have the most seamless at least all the college prospects right he might have the most seamless transition into the NBA because he is an older player they think this is his senior year so he spent a lot of

Time in college you know perfecting his game already and he’s got a you know a grown man’s body yeah so I think he will be the one that translates the easiest NBA who do you think has the most to lose in this March Madness Run is it

Pretty much all of them because of the weak draft stock I mean do can you foresee some of these guys stock just taking a big leap depending on their play or a big step back um I I think the it’s going to be really telling how the

Kentucky guards play I think that will either blow their stock up and they’ll be both you know in that top seven or if one of them or both of them struggle they could definitely fall back into the late Lottery uh I think Stephen Castle another player that’s on the Spurs watch

The guard from Yukon I think he can really you know blow up his stock or kind of uh weaken it like the Kentucky guards he’s project to the head of them both in a lot of mock drafts right now so I think if he really has a great tournament he can

Really blow up and maybe solidify herself as a top five pick Yeah you mentioned the g-league ignite uh you know who are a couple names that are on the ignite team right now the Spurs could grab and I mean outside of Dominic Barlo there really has been that much

Success uh well I’m sorry was um scoot Henderson right he was a g leag g leag ignite so really it’s just been kind of Barlo and Henderson but even Henderson struggled this year yeah Henderson has struggled quite a bit I think from G League KN this year the players that

Will be drafted the highest will be Matas buellis we saw him in the All-Star game he was he looked really good hit that gamewinner definitely u a player I would like the Spurs to chase I think he would fit in very well he reminds me a lot of fron

Vagner I think he’s got a very multifaceted game and then after him is their forward Ron Holland he’s you know takex his boy out of Dallas went to Duncanville uh he had an fantastic year foreg night he led them in scoring he’s just hurt at the moment so he did not

Get to see him in the allstar game and uh the with him he’s a super explosive and athletic player can get to the room with ease can dunk on anybody what he struggles with is his shooting ability but he has definitely improved that quite a bit over his time with Ignite so

Those guys are both looking at Matas is probably locked into a top seven pick I would imagine and Ron Holland will probably fall towards the late Lottery yeah is is the jury still out on the g-league ignite players because you know how scoot Henderson struggled and just

You know really hasn’t been proven to be a big you know players coming out of it having really blown up the league I mean I thought Henderson was gonna be the first but he’s kind of been eh um I think the JY might still be out the only difference is I mean you’re

Getting you know kids that should be for using in college that you know are have dedic fully dedicated their lives to basketball but at that age there’s really only so much you can grow as a player so I think the benefit of college and maybe one or two years in college is

Probably better than just one year in G League ignite yeah but I mean these guys are destined to go pro anyways so I think it is what it is at this point yeah cly back to March Madness um obviously I’m going to assume there’s going to be a lot of Scouts probably at

These games you know watching taking notes and whatnot um for San Antonio though considering who’s in the field right now uh for March Madness you know if who do you think might have the long shot which player could have that you know what watch out for this kid because he could definitely

Be a Spurs type player and his stock could be you know I say on the bubble but you know being watched at you know he be looked at the highest you know who do you think that could be who we probably get the most eyes during this

Tournament well um for players that may be on the Spurs radar I would say it probably Falls to those Kentucky guards for me that might have the most to to gain or to lose as far as stock um if we aren’t looking guard as the Spurs even though we all

Assume we probably are I would say uh the player with most to lose or gain might be Kyle filipowski the big from duke big 611 seven-footer can really do a lot with his game I I think he’s a very intriguing Prospect for the NBA because he’s got a very good jump shot

He can handle the ball really well at seven feet um he’s got great touch around the rim he does need to work a little bit on his physicality that he he will have to match with these NBA bigs but I think if he really blows up and

Leads Duke uh deep into the tournament he could solidify himself back into that top 10 or maybe even you know top seven yeah what’s up with the Spurs in Kentucky man Kellin Johnson you know they they you know they definitely love those guys coming out of it but look you

Know regardless of where the Spurs fall you know whether it’s the number one pick or number seven you mentioned it a little while ago you know International the International Players could be Heavy Hitters of this draft with uh was that SAR French French guy and everything you

Know I know it’s not on the agenda right now but there is another tournament that’s going to be happening this summer it’s called the Olympics uh yeah you got SAR playing I think Rish is gonna play with Team France I think I don’t know for certain nice yeah and then of course

Wendy and the whole crew there but you with SAR and Rish those guys are are kind of the name in the top 10 and everything um do you expect them probably to get more looks versus the college players this year just the International Players whether even be topic or whoever else that may

Be um I definitely think those games you know hold a lot more weight than the March Madness games do like while March Madness is fantastic it’s great basketball I think when you’re playing in the Olympics or FBA or anything of that sort you’re playing against guys

Who are you know everyday Pros those are guys that make their living off the game of basketball and if you can go out there and show up and show out against those caliber of players I think that definitely holds more stock than playing in a game where you know like 90% of the

Guys on the roster aren’t gonna play in the NBA yeah yeah looks like it’s gonna be a fun summer of basketball you know obviously the the Olympic tournament is going on Team USA team France wimy good and even right now you have March Madness going on right now uh you know

Side question here is is this year’s NBA Combine perhaps one of the most most important recent years because of the weak draft that many project that these players uh will just be coming out of a weak draft you know how important do you think that this year’s NBA Combine will

Be I think it could be very important because no one’s position is really solidified I think if you go into the Bine you have great you know showing in the measurements and the agility the the strength tests all of that you could really bolster your stock and then when

It comes down to the five on five I think if you you’re killing people out there I think it it definitely can bolster your stock or solidify where you’re at or on the flip side if you go out and you don’t have a good showing and the measurements or the 515 you

Could definitely drastically fall because people do like at this draft as kind of a weaker draft on the top end no real you know all potential you know Superstar Talent who’s to say but that’s just what everyone thinks right now so I think it the the dra the combine is is

Definitely gonna play a big role to see how this all shakes out come drift time well there you have a quick March Madness update who to watch for whose stock could rise or fall you got to be watching the T I know a lot of sports fans be watching the tournament they got

To be you know consider has to be yeah are gonna be having a top 10 pick can can you I me me has you fun question you’re GM for the Spurs on draft night who would you take at number one right now I would take uh Rish Shay okay

Interesting yeah interesting I thought for sure G yeah he’s a guard right no he’s like a 68 69 for scoring forward okay yeah he I mean win-win right there sure go with a guard is how’s topic holding right now is he stilling in that top 10

Yeah he’s still holding in the top 10 I think since he has been hurt people you know not have forgotten about him but there you know there’s the recency biased so if they’re not seeing him play he kind of falls to the back of your mind so I think that has what been

What’s led to this meteoric rise of the Kentucky guards jumping all the way you know into the top five or even at one as I’ve seen so I think that that’s really been the biggest thing is that him not playing has allowed for other guards to

Rise in the the draft rankings but I still think he’s the best all right well there you have it again make sure to follow Jack on X at jackor Thompson 33 ask him anything you want regarding March Madness Spurs Draft players that could be on their radar so much more hey

We get back talk about you locked on Spurs fan what are youall talking about at the YouTube page we’re going to give a couple to Jack and we’re going to react to that that’s next right here on lockdown Spurs hey I want to talk to you about Stitch fix you know that instant

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With San Antonio sportstar follow him on X jackor Thompson 33 and as I’m I’m talking about you guys the lock on Spurs fans what have y’all been talking about at those I’m seriously comments are flying in almost every single hour now I mean it’s getting so much that I wish I

Could have read them all Jack and I stay here for hours and get them all but we just can’t so we’re going to pick two of them and we’re going to start off from uh well a comment from um okay it’s a long name here Jack so know these

Handles can be so this is from Peter Allen Amal mag 5725 just say Peter okay I’m gonna say Peter for short thank you Peter for the comment all right uh Jack here’s what he is saying he is torn between wanting the Spurs to be some what bad for the 2025

Lottery and slowly build around the draft or go for Trey young because all because that is an all-nba type of talent that is willing to be a second option to play with Wendy that kind of an All-Star is what the Spurs need so he’s he’s torn right now do do they tank for

2025 or go get Trey young now where do you f where do you fall on that oh it’s without a doubt you gotta go to get Trey young now okay it’s we cannot go through another losing season with wimy it’s even more so than us like I I think it’s

Way more important with these kind of tied together but it’s more important at this point to keep wimy happy then you know maybe build and take the maybe the right step the safest step for building for the future which might be you know tanking for another another

Pick but we cannot go through another losing season with wimy it’s it’s time to start getting good I think Trey young is the perfect guard for to build around him with so I’m a th% in on going to get Trey young in this off season it we

Cannot wait any longer if if for some reason the Spurs swinging Miss on Trey young can’t get a deal done or what have he stays in ATL extension whatever they just can’t get them do you then lean towards tanking for 202 we know there’s

A guy by the name of flag that could be number one number one no I think it’s it’s still yeah you got to bolster the roster and be better it’s Flag while he you know he’s probably gonna be pretty good he’s gonna be you know an NBA you

Know probably be an All-Star all that he’s not wimy and whatever wimy needs you go to you got to do that for him you got to make him happy you got to make him want to stay in San Antonio his full career and to begin the easiest way to

Do that is bolster the roster and start winning games because in a couple years he will be the best player in the NBA and you want him on your roster when that is happening absolutely all right thank you Peter Allen for that comment good one we’re going to keep on track

Here with the whole theme of draft and first second rounders all the good stuff next one is from Mark Larson 960 he says they need another veteran big bought in off season so where you come in Jack unless they get Ed in the second round they really need to get two first

Rounders in 2024 to get one point guard and a wing if they get Trey young without giving back without giving back 2025 Atlanta first round pick it would be worthwhile might get lucky in the second round um yeah so another draf is question or state or comment here uh

First of all you think we address the Trey young thing you know with the veteran being brought in you say it was Trey young but who is this Edy kid that he’s talking about in the second round because before the we hit the break you’re saying like Jeff you don’t know

Who Ed is my God this is pretty crazy that you don’t he won national player of the year last year and he’s most likely gonna win it again this year he is the NCA version of ya Ming he’s a 7 foot6 yeah absolutely dominant mountain of a

Man in the paint nobody in college basketball can even come close to guarding him if this was 10 15 years ago this guy would be a consensus number one with every team lining up at the door to draft him the only problem is his type of game has been phased out of the

League he’s not a shooter by any stretch he’s doesn’t handle the Ball but what he does do is he can protect the rim because he’s he’ll be he’ll come into the NBA and he’ll be the only player in the league that is as big as Wendy wimy

And the only difference is he’s probably got 200 pounds on wimy he is not only tall he is a massive human being so he could come in and continue to be quite the dominant force in the NBA it’s going to be in very intriguing to watch I’m

Excited to see where he lands and I would not be opposed to it being on the Spurs it would be crazy to run the two biggest guys in the league on the same team yeah they can play different styles you know the gun free flow with wimy or

If they got to slow it down you know and block in the middle then you got Ed yep and you can play them together because whimy loves to play on the perimeter it would be insane he said this kid could go second round is that what he’s

Projecting to be a second round pick yeah he is kind of looking to late first second round just because he’s such a one faceted player all he’s got is back to the basket post moves he really doesn’t even have a mid-range shooting game oh wow maybe he does and we just

Haven’t seen it because he doesn’t have to use it he’s an easy you know he could walk out and go 20 and 20 in every game in college without really even trying because he’s just so much bigger than everyone yeah so he might not have had

To use that part part of his game at all so maybe he does have a little jumper and we just haven’t seen it yet but if he doesn’t he’s definitely a single faceted player and that’s why his stock is where it’s at yeah you you got to

Figure he is going to get drafted whether that’s first or second gonna happen no no two-time player of the year yeah is gonna go undrafted you think he might go to the G League though because of his game being so onedimensional if he goes to the G League he’s gonna

Absolutely kill everybody yeah there’s no no bigs in the G League that can match that he’s that he that kind of player that is too good for the G league but you know questionable for the NBA he’s like just not enough skill for the NBA yeah yeah you for whatever team he

Lands they’re gonna try to develop him as quickly as possible you know but you’re right I mean technically Jack it is kind of a Renaissance of the big man in the NBA if you really think about it it’s wimy it’s Joker it’s goar I mean who am I missing here Anthony Davis

Seems to have a is having a good season this year yeah but you think all the big uh bigs in the NBA what’s one thing besides go bear that they have in common is they can all shoot the ball you got to be able to shoot the ball you got to

Be able to stretch the floor and we haven’t seen any of that from Ed it’s the biggest question mark about his game so if he can prove to that maybe in the combine maybe in the combine like we were talking about that he can indeed shoot then his stock will definitely

Rise all right well guess what I’m going to do right now everybody I’m going to go look at YouTube video clips with this kid Ed right now to see what the hype is all about yeah I missed the memo apparently about this kid but hey we thank you Mark Larson for that comment

Hey we’re done talking we want to hear from you what do you think about March Madness which players are you be looking at for the Spurs out come draft night we know they’re going to get a top 10 that’s for sure it’s just but who they’re going to pick and then what do

You have to say about Trey young second round pick Edy you can let Jack know on X at jackor Thompson 33 let me know at Jeff G Spurs Zone salute Akira Toriyama y salute yeah thank you for the Memories uh oh by the way in the last episode we

Had with James Pledger we gave our top three best DBZ moments at Akira or just DB Saga I should say that Akira gave the world so I’ll let I’ll let you think about that for two seconds here so my top three and one of them was controversial James had an issue with it

So in no particular order it’s um oh was it that was oh the the Majin Vegeta versus Goku battle I thought that was just insane second was seeing the team up of Goku and Frieza versus jiren I thought I’d never in my life see that happen

That was incredible and then this is the controversial one was Goku Going ss3 for the first time that’s definitely one of mine I was obsessed with Super Saiyan 3 and disgusted in how they just did away with it they did away with it yeah so what what would be your top

Three moments that so I definitely have the Super Saiyan 3 I had a sick action figure as a little kid of Goku is Super Saiyan 3 that I still remember um SE another one that uh Kid Gohan just absolutely scaring the you know what out of cell

Yeah will always hold weight for me that was just amazing he made cell look like a punk and then I’ve got to say um oh it’s tough after that it’s tough after that tough I would say the first time that um Goku and Vegeta went Gogeta

Oh I really I really liked that they finally got the the fusion ha dance down and they finally got it to work I definitely will always remember that yeah my honorable mention was uh Vegeta well Majin Vegeta sacrificing himself versus Vu um finally you know realizing

Is bigger than his pride and all that stuff so that was a that was a good moment uh there’s so many man yeah there’s so many awesome but all right there you have it I had to get J Jack to mention his because he is a big anime

Nerd just like oh yeah Jack thank you again for making time to stop on right here on lockdown Spurs and we appreciate you all we’ll be back to tomorrow talking all things silver and black and don’t forget to subscribe to lock on Spurs on the Ken 5 plus app iTunes

Spotify the list goes on and on lock on sports today 247 streaming Channel only on YouTube all the shows are there every team represented on the whole network is there from MLB NBA NFL yeah 247 streaming locked on Sports podcast show so for Jack Thompson I am Jeff Garcia

We’re going to put a lock on this episode of lock on Spurs Oh A

On this episode of Locked On Spurs, host Jeff Garcia is joined by Bally’s Sports contributor Hector Ledesma to recap the San Antonio Spurs’ win over the Nets from Austin, Texas.

Also, former San Antonio Sports Star’s contributor Jack Thompson joins to discuss which players Spurs fans should watch during the upcoming NCAA “March Madness” tournament and more.

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