@Orlando Magic

EP. 401 – Flip The Switch – Orlando Magic Podcast

EP. 401 – Flip The Switch – Orlando Magic Podcast

This is the sixthman show an Orlando Magic podcast with your hosts Luke Sylvia and Jonathan Osborne covering all things Magic Basketball by fans for fans go Magic what’s going on Orlando Magic fans you guys are back with the six-man show today is March 18th 2024 Jonathan Osborne here as always joined by my co-host Luke Sylvia Luke the magic are back at it again winners of three in a row how are we

Feeling feel good I feel good you you had you know you stumbled a little bit there you got back on the horse and we’re back we’re back riding we’re back beating those teams that are not playoff teams three in a row you got Charlotte and then you got a big one a

Big just gauge barometer for how your team is you know are they really back to doing things of that a winning team does in terms of you know you’ve seen them kind of fall and and get scraped up against the Knicks obviously and then right after that against the Pacers but

When it comes to the Pelicans on Thursday night you got a lot to prove in that game can you hang with them the Pelicans are kind of that that game in general is is going to be interesting because there’s a lot of parallels in terms of the media a lot of people

Saying like the Pelicans aren’t getting the coverage that they deserve calling them kind of the mirror images as far as that goes just kind of teams that should be The Darlings of the conference at this point doing really well not getting the coverage so that’ll be fun that’s on

National TV NBA TV on Thursday so not really we don’t count those yeah but it it’ll be there and I’m excited to see how this team does it if they can take care Charlotte on Tuesday which they should Thursday make it extended to five you guys know what that means if you’re

Super in tune with our show then yes you would know exactly what that means however Luke we’re not going to record uh between that Fifth and and sixth game so the magic really have to knock off the Pelicans and the Kings for us to get to a shirtless Sunday recording episode

It is going to be a tall task that’s for sure yeah so we might get five wins but you may all you know not get to see you know the parts of Luke that that you want to see right speaking of of parts of of people’s bodies I think we should

Uh really just talk about what happened after tonight’s game against the the Raptors in which Anthony black and Grady dick uh decided to remove their jerseys after the game you know just showing their their last names from left to right it was Anthony black number zero

And then and then and then Grady dick was was standing next to him and the magic you know they they took a photo of this and they they posted it the social media and like one could assume and and put two and two together it it is just

Taken over NBA Twitter tonight everybody is talking about it uh a few minutes after they posted the photo they removed the photo for whatever reason we we don’t have that that information but um my take on this is that it is not Anthony black and Grady Dick’s fault

That their names are what they are that they’re last names are what they are and they were standing in alphabetical order you know in terms of last names next to each other and wanted to have a photo to commemorate their rookie season together and one of the greatest photos of all

Time once the photo is like plenty of other people have made this point once the photo is posted and it’s gone viral just leave it at least your account is going to get the attention whether that be positive or or or or negative but what a photo I agree you keep it

Up you and I disagree however you keep it up that’s crazy that’s crazy you and I both agree oh my the photo just say that remain on the social channels that should happen you keep them up however I’m not buying and your your BS about they can’t help their last names

They’re just doing it to commemorate the class now they they knew exactly what they were doing and they even rearranged themselves for optimal photo opportunities so yes the magic should indeed I I give it to you one more time pause the magic should have kept it up and um that that is what

It is you made the decision and no better how much regret it or people on the team regret it you Stephen A Smith had already quote tweeted it the biggest personality in sports media had already addressed this reacted to it it’s just PR at that point and that

Is really any any PR is good PR at that point you have every it’s already there forever as well like you can’t act like it didn’t happen now you kind of just look ridiculous that you took it down because it’s like we know you did it

Everyone Under the Sun has put it out there pardon my take from barol has put it out there and you know that barstol fans are going to take it and run it to the ends of the Earth so you know leave it up next time there will there will never be there

Will never ever be a next time magic social team is going to have a rule in place specifically and they’re going to call it the Anthony black Grady dick rule and it’s never every intern that comes through the magic every admin that comes through the magic will hear it on

Orientation day this is what you don’t do you don’t talk about shelvin Mack dropping dimes I was you don’t post that I’m so happy that you brought up shelvin Mack because there are posts that are going to live in infamy in or in Orlando Magic social media history shelvin Mack

Is one of them and this one is like oh nothing is ever going to Top This no no no that was not no that what you said was way worse than that yeah okay man wow yeah thank you for that Anthony black and grd Dick moving on here all right folks uh

Our group night is coming up in a couple of weeks here on March the 30th when the magic take on the Memphis Grizzlies if you were one of the you know quick lucky enough folks uh to have one of the first 60 tickets which we’ve already

Sold out of that includes like our you know pregame Hoops experience where um we haven’t got the exact time yet I know it’s going to be like you know between 1 and 3 o’clock somewhere around there that we’re going to be able to play on the Magic’s floor basically what we’re

Going to do is we’re going to see how many folks show up how many people want to play basketball divide those up into five man teams and then see how many you know games we can uh get everybody to play over the course of the couple hours there some teams may have some

Substitutions depending on what happens but want to have everybody you know get at least uh you know 20 minutes of of floor time uh maybe not all in one chunk maybe it’s like two separate 10-minute games want to give everybody the opportunity to get up and down on the

Floor for it to be an enjoyable experience like 30 people shooting on one hoop is not fun for anybody so we’re going to try to get a little bit creative with with the format of how we’re going to get everyone on the floor and then roughly between like 4:30 and

Six o’clock we’re gonna say everybody head over to to jam hot myself you know Luke we’re we’re gonna you know go and and shower up not together hopefully I don’t need toh specify that for anybody but yeah with the way the episode started you know maybe maybe we need to

Put that out there but uh you know we’ll go get freshened up separately and then uh head over to jam hot chicken and hang out you know from 4:30 to 6:00 uh and then we’ll all head over to the game and sit in section 118 together now outside of the pregame Hoops

Experience we do have additional tickets that are going to go up for sale uh as you’re listening to this so this is not part of the pregame Hoops experience but if you want to sit in that section with us and you want discounted tickets to

That game you can head to fivo Fe V fivo event sixthman and then the number six so fivo event siiixth h m an and then the number six to get your tickets um I don’t know exactly how many tickets they have uh you know in inventory there

But we told them hey if we have the opportunity to to give magic fans discounted rates to a game and come and hang out with us you’re more than welcome to to join us at JM hot chicken before the game obviously and then you know at about 6 o’clock we’ll all start

To head over uh to to the Kia Center and sit in section 118 for that game really really looking forward to that our next episode of the six fan show is going to be filmed this Thursday when the magic take on the Pelicans at home so if you’d

Like to join that Mark that on your calendar even if you’re not at the game if you’re watching the game at a bar downtown and after the game you want to walk over to Kia and be part of the six fan show we definitely uh encourage you

All to do that and I just wanted to talk about the watch party that we had uh this past Friday over at the Twisted handle which is a 1632 North Mills Avenue over there in Orlando awesome venue the food was fantastic the staff was awesome uh they said it was one of

The busiest nights they’ve ever had like it might have like broken records had a really good crowd just so many people out there like seeing like Orlando come together and to know that we’ve had like a small hand in that is is really just

So much fun you know they had me uh you know Play the song You Know over the the intercom you know after the the game uh everybody in the the restaurant obviously is dancing and and singing along to the to the song and uh yeah it

Was a great win big thanks to everybody that came out we always get questions on Hey when’s the next watch party when are you guys going to do another watch party we’re heading to the playoffs folks like that is becoming more and more a reality

Each and every day uh so the next watch parties are most likely going to come uh during the playoffs and and we’re going to be doing things you know pretty big you know from what we’ve heard so far so really looking forward to that and now

Let’s get into the state of the magic talk some Orlando Magic basketball here Luke this week the magic went 3 and 0 with wins over Brooklyn and then two wins over Toronto they currently sit fifth in the Eastern Conference with a record of 40 and 28 13 and a half games

Back of Boston four games back of Milwaukee two and a half games back of Cleveland a half game back of New York two games up on Indiana two and a half games up on Miami and Philadelphia seven games up on Chicago 10 games up on Atlanta and on the on the season magic

Are 23rd in the NBA and offensive rating with a rating of 112.8 fourth in the NBA and defensive rating with a defensive rating of 11.1 and 13th in net rating with a net rating of 1.8 since the allar break more importantly Luke the magic were 10 and three 16th in offensive

Rating second in defensive rating and fifth in net rating you know the last you know month or so since the allstar break magic are playing fantastic basketball Luke they are they are and there’s one thing that I wanted to bring up here Jonathan just because it’s a fun tidbit that I

You know and and prepping for the show and just looking at in general did you know that the Magic’s offensive rating right now of 13.3 this was coming into tonight’s game against Toronto is second best in franchise history there’s a lot of context there but it is the number one was a 94

95 magic team that lost in the finals 11 15.1 was their offensive rating at that time the difference here between the the best offensive rating and the second best in franchise history is that that was good for third in the NBA in 94 95 in the magic at this point like you said

It’s like 20 somethings so a big difference there speaks to the maybe uh increased Talent lack of Defense whatever your perspective is on offensive rating and the reason for the influx obviously high volume of Threes more points yada yada um but yeah thought that I just thought that was

Interesting but yes the magic have been hot since the allstar break and something that we uh we hope that we’re approaching our second five-game win streak since then as well hope so hope and hope we can make it six so you can you know do what you do during during

Win streaks give the people they want generational shirtless lad is what they call me actually so tarps off yeah tarps that’s one my favorite I think I want to say that I know that’s an Australian thing I’ve heard plenty of Australian you know people say that that might also

Be like a European thing but that’s one of my favorite phrases like tarp off I just I just love the thought of of calling your shirt a tarp and just yeah yeah so tarps off looking at the injury report mostly clean now Jonathan Isaac was out Sunday versus Toronto with left knee injury

Management now it wasn’t a backto back it was not a you know third game in you know four nights type of thing um it’s just yeah they’re continuing to to manage his minutes going back I we we’ll talk about this game in detail but going back to Friday night Jonathan Isaac

Played 20 minutes in that game so it feels like we’re getting him you know in a playoff form obviously Jamal Mosley’s been experimenting with playing Jonathan Isaac at the five uh but you know for whatever reason maybe this was like one of those predetermined nights where like

Hey you’re just going to rest you know that night now this was a a game where if you were going to rest ji this was probably a good night to do it you know had reasonable expectations to win the game versus Toronto which you did with or without Jonathan Isaac but we’re

Hoping that we start to see you know less and less of that over the course of the next three and a half weeks last 14 games of the season because you want him to be in a rhythm right you if he is going to be playing at the five you want

Him to get those reps want him to be in a rhythm and if you’re going to continue to increase those minutes you want to give enough time to be able to do that ideally when it comes to the playoffs Jonathan Isaac would be playing you know

25 27 minutes per game so although he was out tonight you expect he’s going to be a full go Tuesday against Charlotte okay let’s go back to Friday night talk about this first game against Toronto the magic get off to a really good start uh a 103 lead they run out to

In the the first couple couple of minutes forces the Raptors to call a timeout and for the most you know part of that first quarter magic had a you know 5 to s-point lead Toronto starts to chip away at that a little bit they take

The lead actually 27 to 24 to end the first quarter magic were able to have a a bounce back second quarter and they had into the half 50- 48 and now there were a couple of factors in that first half for the magic one of them in my

Opinion was just the am out that they put the Raptors at the line 11 to 14 from Toronto in that first half the magic just really weren’t doing a good job of of Defending without fouling and they also committed eight turnovers in that first half those two you know items

Alone yeah the magic shot 45% from the floor 35% from behind the ark you know both of those are are pretty close to their average uh but you were just giving Toronto you know way too many free points and way too many free possessions with the way that you were

Defending and the way that you were fouling now luckily they were able to clean that up when we talk about the second half so you held Toronto to six free throw attempts in the second half and you only commit six turnovers in that second half poo banero was a big

You Catalyst for the Magic in that third quarter helping them win that third quarter 34 to 25 taking a nice lead into the the fourth quarter and now we all know at this point I think the magic are 33 and one I think it is Luke on the

Season when they have the lead going into the fourth quarter which is just really impressive because not all of those are seven eight nine 10-point leads some of those have been two and three-point leads but when you give the magic lead heading into the fourth quarter all season long they have found

A way to win that game Pao had 11 in that third quarter he was three of five from the floor one of one from behind the arc and four of four at the fre thr line added four rebounds four assists for some guys that’s a great night for

Pao he played the entire third quarter that’s just a really good third quarter for poo banero and talking about the third quarter Luke I want to take a moment uh to go to our segment uh presented by our friends over at Jam Hot Chicken this is the jam hot chicken Jam

Of the week’s folk folks it came Friday night against Toronto going back to the 856 Mark uh I think it was jonte Porter for the Raptors tries to throw the lob to O abaji he misses it Wendell Carter comes up with the rebound passes it to Jaylen Suggs Jaylen recognizes that they

Have the two-on-one he pass passes the ball to France France lobs the ball up in the air jayen Suggs catches the ball with both hands switches over just to adjust the right slams it home to give the magic a 10-point lead with 848 to go in the third quarter Luke that is this

Week’s Jam Hot Chicken Jam of the week and if you guys haven’t heard of jam hot chicken Jam Hot Chicken is a Nashville and La inspired Hot Chicken Shack locally owned and operated in Winter Park specifically 400 West New England Avenue sweet 13 in Hannibal Square um

Really cool outside seating you can go on their website jamhot access their menu to order uh to and then online ordering to order ahead music playlist all things Jam HOT go follow them on social media at Jam Hot Chicken and when you go to visit them

Make sure to tell them that you heard about uh heard about them from the six-man show helps us lets them know that our partnership is going well and man we have just gotten nothing but encourage things about Jam Hot Chicken from everybody that’s tried it so go try

It let them know we sent you go check them out now back to this game Luke going to the fourth quarter magic we’re up 11 heading into the fourth outscored Toronto 20 well they were outscored I should say 29 to 30 so just by one and

It’s enough to hold on to that 10-point lead in the magic end up winning this one 113 to 103 again Pao banero almost messed around and had a triple double 17 points nine rebounds eight assists fron vogner played a sub 500 team we know that he you plays well in those games 19

Points seven rebounds four assists two steel six and nine from the floor I I I want to stop saying that right but like he also has to prove that he’s able to perform against the better teams in the league I hate that like since we’ve talked about that it’s come up on the

Last couple of podcasts but it’s just like we know that you can do this like we know that you can do this you’ve you’ve proven it time and time again that you know some of the you know not Elite teams in the league you’ve had big

Games of and now we’re talking this week we’ve got the Pelicans we’ve got the Kings we’re getting ready to play The Warriors as well I want some big fronze games in those games so that we can sort of put this narrative to rest Wendell was really good in this one 15.6 to 10

From the floor eight rebounds three assists jayen Suggs was awesome 16 points six of nine from of the floor three of six from behind the arc Cole Anthony ji both good in this game 12 points for Cole 10 points for Ji two blocks um including a a sick block

On I think it was Grady dick if I’m not mistaken uh that they they called uh go tending and went back and and ji you know got to that just before uh that uh that went off the glass um at least that’s my recollection there was a lot

Going on in that watch party I know that was challenged I can’t remember if that was overturned but in my eyes that was that was a a clean block and and now I’m I’m actually uh forgetting the outcome of that but it was was a sick block

Nonetheless you could see ji sort of timing it up the entire way but Luke another uh example here of like win the games that you should win you can only play who’s in front of you you can only play the teams that are on your schedule

Magic have played a lot of bad teams as of late but is that their fault no they’re winning games they they are a good team they’re beating bad teams um but good teams beat bad teams and that’s what’s been happening lately and Jonathan Isaac continues to just be an anomal

In general like we know defensively he has been an anomaly right like we don’t know how he is so good defensively uses his length so well and is able to even when he gambles he’s able to um get back to the play and make a block from behind

Whatever it might be and they they did reverse that claw just went back confirmed yeah they did and and even on that on that side defensively we know what Jonathan Isaac is offensively we’ve talked about it recently but it’s like I just keep waiting for the other shoe to

Drop offensively for him when it mainly when it comes to his three-point shot which in the last 10 games he’s he’s hitting 63% of his threes and like of course it’s low volume but it is still way better than and way more than I thought that he would ever get to shooting again

So and I think it’s like just under two attempts a game but he’s shooting at a high amount in this Toronto game specifically making his presence felt with those with the couple blocks that he did have six rebounds two for four from three 10 points in 20

Minutes we’ve said it time and time again but just to reiterate if Jonathan Isaac can play in the playoffs where there are no backto backs and you can have him available at all times playing 20 plus minutes a game it really could shift the series and you just think about how effective

That he is I mean we’ve we’ve looked at his onoff numbers we looked at his two-man lineups like he is the greatest impact right now for this team because of what he brings to the table and if he can just continue to ratch it up offensively he will be pivotal come

Playoff time as we all know the one thing in this game that’s outrageous to me is that Toronto had 37 fast break point points to the Magic’s 13 you did a b better job on Sunday night in the rematch much better job when it comes to Fast Break

Points limitate Li you know limiting their their pace and and the ability to get on the break but ridiculous to me 37 fast break points for the magic I think that could be an underlooked reason for the reason that this game was even a 10-point game outrageous number you get out

Rebound Ed by one they get nine offensive rebounds to your six and points in the paint I think I think especially with the roster they’ve got right now you should be scoring 60 plus in the paint against this Raptor team weren’t able to get it done on you

Know on Friday in the paint thankfully you got away with the win in general Wendell Carter Jr was awesome in this one showing some improving signs and really encouraging here as of late despite Palo B Caro going five of 15 from the from the field but shout out to

Palo six six attempts from the line hits all six this game is confusing it’s hard to gauge when you’re playing a team like Toronto that is just I mean they’re playing 10day guy 10day contract guys they’re playing you know rookies heavy minutes it’s hard to gauge but at the

End of the day a win is a win just continue to find soon and and get out of there with a win and that’s that’s what they did yeah I think it was uh Gary Trent Jr I believe that after the game on Friday he was talking about you know if like

Jonathan Isaac is is hitting contested threes like that’s something you’re going to just sort of live with and you know he going back to you know the last 30 plus games like he’s shooting really really high clip from behind the arc all be low volume and I just want to point

Out that for some reason Gary Trent Jr was dressed like Macho Man Randy Savage after the game like wearing like the big sunglasses and a bandan like just looked like Macho Man Randy Savage after the game so like weird Flex from him to take

A shot at ji but uh but yeah I it was frustrating the way that they started the game and then sort of let Toronto come back in the entire game it felt like the magic just knew that hey we can really decide this game whenever we want

And in the third quarter they decided to do that and um it was really the same uh Sunday night as well which we’ll talk about and I talked about this on the the postgame Live tonight I did uh after Sunday night’s game and like the 2012 Miami Heat I remember watching that team

During their 27 game win streak and they just had a switch that they could turn on like in the middle of third quarter and beat anybody it didn’t matter what the team was who was in front of them they could just decide we’re going to

Beat you now and then the game would be over the magic can’t do that against everybody yet but the magic can do that against Bad teams and they know they can do that we’ve seen that against Detroit recently we’ve seen it against Washington against Charlotte the last couple games against Toronto the magic

Know that if they play these bad teams evenly when that third quarter rolls around they can turn it on basically conserve their energy for most of the game turn it on in the third quarter go on a little bit of a run keep the other

Team at arms length for the most of the fourth quarter play well for a few minutes you know like under the five six minute Mark in the fourth quarter and basically like just remove all hope that you’re going to come back in that game against the magic and that’s sort of how

They’re treating treating bad teams I don’t love that philosophy but right now it’s working and they’re winning games now will that come back to bite them it absolutely did against New York and against Indiana good teams which I’m of the mindset that hey like we need to

Figure out what is going on and while we’re having really good starts and then either the bench unit isn’t playing that well or we’re letting these teams sort of come back into it because if you don’t have the the energy and the intensity for 48 minutes against teams

This time of year you have blowouts like you did against the Knicks and you did the Pacers and also in this one I do want to shout out our guy fison a mer who tweeted out a really good analysis of kind of the way that Jamal Mosley made

An adjustment in the second half that became pivotal and what I’m alluding to is the fact that in the first half of this game Pao struggled incredibly uh first half of this game he goes two of eight from the field shooting 25% has six points but in the second half the

Key adjustment that was made by Jamal Mosley was utilizing him as a screener in the pick and rolls with les to relieve pressure essentially to where he didn’t have all the attention being the ball the primary ball handler he was able to play off ball whether it was

Slip to the basket pop out for a three whatever it had to be dral just noticed that he was struggling in that first half wanted to try a little different look maybe throw Toronto off defensively in that case and paa was able to account for 10 points as the screener in the

Second half also shoots in the second half 42 43% from the field uh you know which is way better at that point than than 25% and he scores 11 in that second half so shout out to Jamal Mosley huge adjustment and then just Big Ups to fisan May for kind of going back

Breaking down the film if you guys do not follow fison on Twitter we say it all the time but you do need to go throw him a follow he is fison a and that’s am R for his last name and underscore on Twitter go follow him show him some love

He deserves it this dude like he’s not a magic fan he’s not a magic fan and he text me I don’t remember if it was later that night or the next day and asked you know basically just said like yeah just finish watching the the game like

Rewatching the game and so this is a dude that is just like grinding watching film doing his thing pointing out and just like bringing great analysis everybody had great things to say about that tweet because it’s something that not everybody is watching oh how are the magic utilizing

Poo as a screener in the first half versus the second half of things that that fison is able to pick up and has an eye for dude has a gift so shout out to him for that um that and it was a huge adjustment again shout out to to Jamal

Mosley for making that adjustment showing continued growth Mosley talks a lot about growth for the players but Mosley himself has had a lot of growth and the adjustments that he makes and um that was just one of them that I wanted to highlight because it it is so impressive absolutely but we own

Faison’s Bulls so he can take that after all the nice things that you just said about him okay we’re going to take a quick moment here to shout out our wonderful patrons the folks that help support the show help us do everything that we do anytime we have a brand new

Patron we give them a very special shout out and we shout out out our Hall of Fame and Elite tier patrons on every single episode so if you would like a special shout out you can either join the patreon if you want a shout out every episode you can join at our Elite

Or Hall of Fame tear and we will start by shouting out the court cousins Drew goodan Armen Carson tulo Ellis Jonathan borgas normal magic player history Gabe gains wiffle Michel Michael Martin Jamal Miller Michael salop Donkey Punch Dave Palin France War Pierre a Dylan Holden Mr Mikey Eduardo Sanchez Dan Milt doto

15 Bobby Skinner goie 993 Ed Teddy Sylvia Eric Lopez fuchsia Bill Folton Emon lone josea squeen Caleb Pete cannibalism Tai Mr TV ESPN really sucks gear 95 shred Junior Bruce halfrey Kahan 177 Bobby the dawn himo Ben hro rmpr 221 Ray Pastrana Magic Kid 714 mysterious Mosley Victor cologne Irish Magic Mike

Austin lampy random hustle only fron Maria Keith wall Fritz curreny Kev r s Cas green Santi Leon Kane Eckler the distract Amad timsa chant Tom Gadson dead air Richard Tuttle Jeremiah Cano magic wire Debo 1980 magic uh ma magic mat Michael Thompson Mama Richard next

Snappa J.R Pon a big thank you to all of our patrons again you can find us at theix man show Luke what happened Sunday night so Sunday night we we we took a trip back home we are now in this is game one of the eight game

Ridiculous homand that the magic have the ability to take full advantage of and they did it they started off on the right foot here in Kia and Orlando win this one ultimately 11196 but the first quarter I had a little bit of deja vu at the beginning

Magic get out to a hot start forces Toronto head coach Darko to call a timeout I believe they they start the game out like 11 to4 or something like that maybe that’s when it gets triggered that time out but ultimately the magic go up 18 to8 and then you get some more

Flashbacks where it’s in Toronto on Friday you mentioned that big lead built at the beginning sizable lead 10 plus points Toronto comes back with an answer and closes the Gap and kind of keeps it close the rest of the first half much of the same in this game much of the same

You’re up by five at the end of that first half and then the third quarter it becomes a little bit of the jayen sug show in that third quarter Jaylen Suggs is really the the spark plug for this team in general as we know but he goes ahead and and he scores eight

Points in that third poo banero scores 14 five of six Pao plays the entire third Jaylen plays 11 minutes we’ll call it in that third quarter two for two from three two for two from the free throw line two four from the field so those two guys really

Shouldered the load for the magic there in that third quarter and they outscore the the Raptors 35 to 26 in that quarter going into that fourth ultimately you’re just keeping them at arms length keeping that that that lead sizable but really what I I want to get to is that third quarter as

Far as just what it maybe we finally have had a switch flip a little bit obviously factors in the fact that we have been playing some non-playoff teams here in the last few games but after the game France vogner essentially said that the magic had a talk after the Pacers game where

You come out flat in that second half and his quote was we got to make sure we come out out of the half with the right mindset attitude and right aggression as well I think the last couple games we’ve been doing that in quote so that’s good

To hear Jonathan that that they are at least addressing and making an effort because it throughout we’ve gone through just like patches throughout the season where it looks like this team doesn’t know what to do they come out in the third quarter and it doesn’t seem like there’s a whole lot of

Direction and now in the last few games the magic the Nets the Raptors twice the magic have outscored their opponent pretty heavily in that third quarter and as we understand with that record of the magic being what 33 and one going into the fourth quarter now when you have the

Lead just how important that third quarter is it shows that if you’re able to take care of business the first three quarters this team is going to put you away in the fourth which is very impressive for a team as young as the magicar to be able

To have that record going into the fourth when you’re up I don’t think that that’s maybe talked enough I know that we’ve heard the stat throughout the year of like we’ve tracked it where what the what the Magic’s record is going into that fourth quarter Jonathan but if you really think about

How incredible that is for a team this young to do that hang on the lead knowing going into that fourth okay my team can can basically put you know their foot on their neck and and take care of business no matter who it is I mean that’s that’s essentially 33 of your 40

Wins you’ve been up going into the fourth so uh that that was the most impressive thing for me accountability in the postgame press conference from fron being transparent about conversations that happened and like I said the magic ultimately win this one 111 to 96 and and take care of Toronto apart from the

Uh post game you know photo op that we’ve already discussed the thing that I’m going to remember the most from this game I want to take you back to the to the third quarter uh jonte parter coughs up the ball jayen Suggs ends up with it

Is running the other way it is a four-on-one fast break yeah and Jaylen sug stops and pulls up from 28 feet and wets a three yeah like the just the confidence that he is shooting with and you and I have talked about this every time he pulls up from three I feel like

It’s going in like the audacity to pull up on the break in transition when you’re outnumbered four to one and to pull up the three and to sink it there were a couple of teammates talking to Jane like after the next play I don’t know what exactly it was about I I hope

It was not about this three-point uh attempt I don’t think it was but in the moment I’m like let this young man cook like if if he is feeling it um I’m fine with Jaylen Sugg’s you know heat checks uh was just awesome but no these were

Like sort of you know copycat like mirror games Friday and Sunday and Paulo banero again you talked about 14 points in the third quarter you have the league going into the fourth and you just sort of put your your foot on on their necks and and win this game pretty comfortably

And you sweep the season series against the Raptors which uh again even today or yesterday we’re still getting comments on that 2021 draft reaction video of us being excited about get getting Jaylen sugs and fron Vagner and I would still take jayen sugs and fron Vagner over

Scotty Barnes at this point so uh yeah awesome to to sweep the Raptors get another much needed win you’re 40 and 28 I think you’re two or three wins away from clinching the postseason like the magic could win their next two games I believe and then lose games for the rest

Of the year they would still end up in at least the playin right now they’re not going to only win two more games the rest of the way here but it just shows you like the growth that this team has made I want to add something about

Jaylen sugs because it is something that I’ve noted and Quin accidentally fison mentions it to me the other day as well and I was like okay I’m not crazy I haven’t done the the digging on it but this game is kind of proof maybe or helps what what I’m talking about which

Is Jaylen Suggs tends to have like these quarter takeovers and then you don’t really hear from him offensively in other quarters and it’s it’s bizarre and I get it because you’ve got Pao and you’ve got got fronds you’ve got other you know High usage options but when this kid gets going

Like there’s there’s not besides like Pao there’s not another guy I Me Maybe Cole but like Jaylen Suggs this year when he gets hot it’s a ton of fun and when he stops on a dime and takes that in transition three I didn’t really bat an eye that’s Jaylen tucks which is

Hilarious because that’s not like I we didn’t know this jayen sucks till this year like the the one that we trust to do stuff like that ill advised if it goes if it doesn’t fall it’s a bad shot but it went in and I’ve got nothing

Bad to say about it because it’s Jaylen Suggs and he’s the heartbeat of this team he everything flows through him in a lot of ways and I just wish that that he was maybe made a little bit more of a focal point he’s more than a 12o per game

Scorer obviously we know what he brings defensively but even offensively he’s more than that the the the points per game total doesn’t tell the story you need obviously need to look at his efficiencies and the jumps and all that there’s a ton to his story but I just think you’ve got to get

Him involved a little bit more not like he’s severely efficient it is solely lack of maybe game plan and schematics as to why he doesn’t see more when it comes to the offensive workload it’s great you can throw it to him for a quarter and say Jaylen this is this is essentially your

Quarter but I think he needs more than nine and a half field goal attempts a game too you just have I think it’s coming I just I think it’s next year you know give him another offseason to not only address the shooting but just you know tighten up

The handle a little bit more we we’ve talked about this he can get to his spots any time that he wants but the next step is going to be like getting to the rim and finishing at a high clip which you know he he struggled with that

Time so uh I I think that’s coming next year I also think that there there’s only so much he can give you offensively before he has to sacrifice at least something on the defensive end because he’s going a million miles an hour for you know all you know 27 minutes a game

That he’s playing right now and if he’s going to give you more offensively I think he’s just going to have to drop off a little bit defensively I just don’t see him being able to score 17 points a game and play with the defensive intensity that he plays every

Possession with but even if he’s 95 or 90% of the defender that he is now he’s still one of the best perimeter Defenders the entire league and I I do think we are going to to see another offensive jump from jayen Suggs this has been going around social media the last

Couple of days from stat Muse uh Paulo retweeted it obviously but we have to talk about this if Paulo’s numbers hold up which I want to I want to pull up Paulo’s exact numbers on the year uh before while you’re doing that can I just talk real quick one one last

Thing about sugs please do I’ve got it but yeah go I’ll make it I’ll make it quick here so like you’re talking about obviously like if he if he can even give you 90% of what he’s giving you defensively he’s still one of the best perimeter defenders in the

League JJ reck said it and I haven’t been able to shake it and you know the quote but he yeah says like for more offense you’re going to sacrifice defensively whether that’s by way of bringing in a shooter who’s not as gifted defensively or maybe it comes to a point where

Jaylen Suggs has more games where he is offensively oriented and he’s not I don’t know that it’s in his DNA but I still think offensively he can like he can be a bigger focal point and sacrifice some of what he’s given you defensively and still be very

Effective and as a Team Defender off ball on ball however you want him but I do think he he can be an X Factor offensively and I would love to see it even if I’m only getting getting 80% of jayen sugs as a Defender the spark that he brings defensively is great

Obviously and what was it he picked up uh was it Emanuel quickly picked him up 94 feet tonight almost caused the uh the 8C violation as well quickly barely gets rid of it I think but just hounding him he is great on that end obviously but yeah I’m I’m

Hopeful that he can just become more involved offensively and just less in a little bit of what he gives you defensively you can afford it and this is an offensive League yes defense is going to help come playoff time but but I just I I crave what Jaylen Suggs gives

This team offensively in those moments like the third quarter tonight but anyway that was my last time yeah I I I guess I have something to add to that then like if if Jaylen can pick it up offensively a bit like the comparisons for Jaylen have always been like Marcus

Smart Drew holiday like Drew holiday obviously had some great seasons in in New Orleans where he scoring you know like 19 or 20 points a game or whatever I don’t know that Jaylen can get quite to that level but I think he can be better than Marcus Smart like is he

Gonna be quite as good defensively like Will he win a defensive player of the year I don’t know but I think he can be almost just as good as Marcus Smart defensively and I think he could be much better offensively than Marcus Smart just like more Dynamic uh I think he

Could be a better shooter than Marcus Smart like I think jayen Suk ceiling is somewhere between Marcus Smart and Drew holiday and that’s a insane place to be if he can continue to grow offensively we know he’s going to get it done defensively but um yeah jaylen’s just

Going to be really really freaking good yeah so um in reference to what I was talking about a moment ago with pal vanera right now he’s averaging 22.7 points per game 6.8 rebounds 5.3 assists and Stat Muse tweeted out a couple couple of days ago 21 year olds to

Average 225 and5 in a season Michael Jordan LeBron James Luca donic and now pal banero that is the list yeah to be in any kind of list in your 21y old season with Michael Jordan LeBron James and Luca donic this is what we talk about when people talk about Pao banero

Like that clown on the ringer that said oh some years you get the number one overall pick in it’s wemi and some years you get the number one overall pick and it’s Palo banero and then try to walk that back and seem like oh I wasn’t saying that disrespect

Go back and listen to that condescending idiot’s voice was absolutely saying it as a slight to Palo Bano um but yeah sometimes you get the no one overall pick and it’s Pala ban Caro who is in lists with Michael Jordan LeBron James and Luka donic if you’re listening to

Anybody talk about Palo banero first thing you need to ask him okay hey are you watching the games oh I’ve seen him a couple of times stop them right there you don’t need to continue the conversation unless you’re watching the games and you were seeing what Palo

Banero was doing and bringing on a nightly basis you don’t need to entertain these conversations when people try to compare Palo banero to other players or they try to speak to his ceiling or lack of a ceiling the ceiling is the roof folks to quote the great Michael Jordan the

Ceiling or or or to quote Mean Girls the ceiling does not exist the limit does not exist for palab banero palaban Caro can be one of the best players in the NBA Bar None like Palo ban Caro has everything that it takes to be one of

The very best players in our league and is on the trajectory to get there now and like just when we see stuff like this it’s like wow that’s a crazy list but it doesn’t surprise me at all he’s an All-Star ladies and gentlemen and he’s 21 and he’s in the second

Season and and has no spacing you correct has no spacing and voted by and thought of by his peers by coaches media that he was worthy of an All-Star vote we saw in voting returns from fans we saw it on the reserves voting solid on player voting all of

That Pao Ben Caro is an All-Star he’s in conversations with players that are all Hall of Famers or future Hall of Famers two of which being in the running for the greatest of all time and the other one to be quite honest with you could be in that conversation if you win some

Championships seems pretty good I don’t know so that seems good what do we know yeah we don’t know a lot but what I do know that palmano is special and if anybody tries to slide him they they just don’t watch basketball and I think I’m GNA have to implement a rule for

Myself soon that I just don’t engage with like Palo banko slander because it’s just kind of like I’ll bless your heart it’s like you you have no idea you you just don’t know you don’t watch games and whatever right and and it’s different if it’s like oh you’re an OKC

Fan and you want to say chat over pal like whatever you’re bias we’re all biased in the end but pal Beno statistically is special so yeah that’s that’s really the the end of of my my thought of of what you had there not to mention like he isn’t they’re they’re

Not going to be able to just double team Palo banero forever like when when France’s game like fully matures when Paulo’s game fully matures jayen Suggs you add a few other offensive pieces to this team and and you really build around Pao there’s going to come a time where it’s like

Look like what what the the magic did to LeBron James in the 2009 Easter Conference Finals let him score 40 points a game because if not he’s going to kick it out and they’re really going to kill us there’s going to come a time where teams are just like Hey we’re

We’re not going to be able to double team Palo banero and as his game continues to develop and mature like that’s when it’s over like the efficiency stuff does not bother me whatsoever there’s plenty of you evidence out there I think Josh Cohen of Orlando I think he wrote a

Piece a few weeks ago like going into like this is why pao’s like onoff numbers you know he went into like how how much teams are playing their starters while Pao was on the floor and how much they’re playing their bench unit while he’s off the floor and so on

And so forth like went through all the matchup data all that kind of stuff like it’s just silly all magic fans save yourself a lot of headache and and and stress and and just like loss of brain cells if people are not watching the magic at at least once a week I would

Say just don’t engage it’s not worth it they don’t know what they’re talking about and you’re not going to get anywhere so you’re just wasting your time spoiler alert uh only the NBA seos are watching the magic once a week if they’re not a fan so correct and that’s

A small percentage of people that are NBA seos so um yeah you’re not going to be finding yourself engaging too with a lot of people if you do take that rule and this is preaching to ourselves as well we get we fall into the bait all

The time when it comes to stuff like this because that’s our guy um the only time I feel the need to do it is when it’s just so unbelievably egregious and ridiculous and most of the time I just quote tweeted I don’t I don’t do the back and forth I

Just say hey this guy’s dumb and then I move on well it’s the people with the platform the people that have have made themselves put themselves on the platform been put there and are well aware that all of my opinions can get aired out and they’re recorded and they

Exist forever those are the people that deserve it because those are the ones that are supposed to be the NBA sickos and Big W is not an NBA sicko I don’t care what anybody says he’s a sicko but he’s not an NBA sicko he’s not watching

The magic once a week I can guarantee you that he’s I I don’t even know if he’s watching the NBA once a week I I’m I would be really really surprised and like I’m I don’t want to go into it but like when when you when you’re talking

About a player and and you like stoop to making like personal remarks about players that have nothing to do with what they do on the floor or any of the other pertinent information to the conversation that you’re having I I I just don’t have any respect for you so

You’re gross that’s what I’ll say it’s okay Luke let’s go ahead and take a look at the week ahead so coming up on Tuesday the magic have the Charlotte Hornets at home I believe that is our last matchup against the Hornets on the season and we have the opportunity no we

Have one more matchup on Friday April 5th so we have the opportunity to go up 3 and 0 on the Charlotte Hornets and win the season series Tuesday night 7:00 at home and then Thursday night we’ll be at home again we’re in the middle of this eight game

Homeand you have the Hornets Thursday night that game is going to be on NBA TV and then Saturday you take on the Sacramento Kings again at home at 7 o’clock what do you think happens yeah so like you said Hornets Tuesday pel’s Thursday King Saturday um that’s tough it’s a tough week

But what I know is that the Orlando Magic are awesome at home and if I’m just looking it like I’m G to say I’m going to say two in one yeah you got to beat the Hornets and then I just want you to split yeah one of those games Pal’s Kings you’re

Great at home like I said at this point you’re you’re 23 and N so protect the kingdom win all three please prove me wrong but I’m going to say two and one because those are tough teams and if I’m being honest I’m a little scarred from the Knicks and

Pacers game still the last time you played some good teams I’m hopeful that they proved me wrong go three and 0 but I’m going to say two yeah I’m going to say two- one you beat Charlotte on Tuesday I don’t know how it shakes out but you split those games with uh New

Orleans and Sacramento and just I what I want to see is is prove once again that you can be competitive with good teams because we’ve been playing a lot of bad teams the last month and a half and the last time we played two good teams we

Got the crap kicked out of us so yes you came out and said tonight oh we had a talk after the Pacers game we want to have a better response in these second Hales that’s really easy to say two games against the Raptors let’s see you

Do it against New Orleans who is the fifth seed in the Eastern Conference and let’s see you do it against the Sacramento Kings who are the six yeah the Western Conference and then the Kings Who are the six seed in the Western Conference so we play the five

And six seed in the Western Conference this week so come out and and and beat both of those teams and show was like Hey like we can we can hang with anybody and we’re ready to hang with anybody and like prove to me that you’re you know

You’re ready for April because if you come out and you have two bad performances against New Orleans and Sacramento then like as a prisoner of the moment which I will be and and maybe like overly you know reactionary to a couple of those games if you get your

Butts kicked in both of those games I’m going to be like man it it might not matter who we play in the playoffs we we just may not play that well um so yeah I would love it for these guys to come out and just sort of like remind us like yo

Like we we we’re ready for for April yeah I I’m very interested I’m jealous of those of you that will be in Kia for either of those games or both of those games against the pels and the Kings because I think those will be really really fun atmospheres they’re going to be playoff

Atmospheres these are like you said the five and6 seeds in the west and the Kings kind of being The Darlings or coming off being The Darlings of the West should be a really fun game to get up for and hopefully our guys get up for those games as well we’ve also been

Burnt by big games this year eat games that Nicks game we’ve been burnt and I’m hoping that these guys come out and prove us wrong and show us why they are the fifth seed in the East well the Knicks game like for the you know the first quarter at least that

Felt like a playoff environment the Pacers game felt like a playoff environment for like the first couple of minutes of that game before it you know started to to to sort of get out of hand and then yeah like New Orleans and Sacramento should be playoff environments but the magic have to play

Like a playoff team for it to stay playoff environment so that’s what we’re going to be looking for this week uh Luke I don’t really have anything else um before we go ahead and wrap this one up what about you no nothing nothing on my end Let’s uh let’s sweep the week

Let’s go magic all right folks just want to remind you again of our group night coming up on March 30th uh even if you weren’t part of the first like 60 tickets and if you’re not included in like the pregame Hoops experience we’re still putting up additional seats that

Are going to be discounted so if you want to come to that game let me go ahead and play pull up that URL again uh tickets are on sale now at f- sxth hm and then the number six so if you want discounted rates and you want to

Come and sit with us and hang out and cheer at that game and maybe enjoy a little jam hot chicken before the game we’ll all be over there hanging out as well uh so go ahead and head uh head to that URL and then Thursday uh the next

Episode of the six fan show is going to be recorded outside of Kia after the magic take on the Pelicans that is going to do it for this one the Luke syvia this has been Jonathan Osborne you all have been listening to the six-man show

And we will catch you guys next time see you thanks for listening to the Sixth Man Show be sure to subscribe on iTunes and Spotify to get new episodes downloaded directly to your phone if you enjoyed the show please take a minute to give us a five-star rating and a review

It helps out the show a lot follow us on Twitter Instagram and Facebook @ 6man show we’ll catch you guys next time go magic goic go goic

Three wins in a row for the Magic and they’ve proven they can flip the switch and take care of bad teams in the second half of games. The “easy” stretch in the schedule is coming to an end and the Magic will need to prove again that they can hang with playoff teams.

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Hosts: @j_osborne21 & @lukesylvia96

Producer: @kevin_tucker_

Music: Prod. by Tantu Beats

0:00 – Intro
10:57 – State of the Magic
15:17 – Magic at Raptors
17:29 – JAM of the Week/JAM Hot Chicken
19:05 – Magic at Raptors
30:17 – Patron Shoutout
31:43 – Magic vs Raptors
45:11 – Paolo Banchero disrespect
52:05 – The Week Ahead
56:39 – Outro

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  1. Magic social media is so clueless. You two have done more to create a true passionate fan base in the past few years than the Magic organization has been able to do in 35

  2. I enjoy the content, BUT, I am very happy that armchair GMs (us fans) do not run the organization. I have heard more bad takes than ever in a tremendously successful season.

  3. Franz has to prove he can play good against good teams. Huh ????

    Against Denver early in the season??? The in season tournaments games against Boston and Chicago? The game against Denver where he went like 10 for 10 in the 4th quarter. The Chicago game on feb 10 where he hit two clutch step back 3’s and scored 36 points??

    What are yall smoking lol

  4. Big Was is short for big Waste of time
    Commenting on JI being a Bible basher and Paolo not being great. Religious vilification and being completely incompetent and your job.
    Well done The Ringer for propping up stupid bigots

  5. AB looked like a kid who knew he was going to get in trouble with his parents. Grady being a bad influence, it was his idea lol. Funny but…what do you think that talk to AB was like? lol

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