@Los Angeles Lakers

Game Thread: Atlanta Hawks (30-37) at Los Angeles Lakers (36-32) Mar 18 2024 7:30 PM

#Atlanta Hawks at Los Angeles Lakers Arena- Los Angeles, CA




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  1. nba_gdt_bot


    |Home|TV|Spectrum SportsNet|
    |Away|TV|Bally Sports SE-ATL|
    |Home|Radio|ESPN LA 710/1330 KWKW|

  2. paradauxs

    need to get back on track. at this point, just get healthy, secure a playin spot and let it unfold.

  3. myelrecsy

    The pro trade Dlo and pro trade Reaves will be in full force for this game. Expect them to be vocal whenever Murray scores.

  4. Consistent_Owl4593

    Not only does Doris never say anything positive about the Lakers but now she’s questioning how good Chick-fil-A is 😒 her over Mark Jackson man wow ESPN

  5. All I want is for the Lakers to make the playoffs and the Celtics to not a win a championship is that too much to ask?

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