@Miami Heat

Will the Miami Heat Ever Beat a Good Team Again? | Heat vs 76ers Recap | Miami Heat Podcast

Will the Miami Heat Ever Beat a Good Team Again? | Heat vs 76ers Recap | Miami Heat Podcast

The heat were in Philadelphia had a game with huge implications for the Eastern Conference standings and it was an ugly physical game neither team reaching 100 points and the Sixers took control in a terrible third quarter that is all too familiar for Heat fans but while Miami

Mounted a fewers comeback in the fourth it had momentum going their way they unfortunately couldn’t close a deal and lose a tough one to the Sixers what went wrong and can Miami still Salvage the last 14 games of the regular season we’ll break it all down in today’s

Episode of Locked on heat you are locked on heat you’re daily Miami Heat podcast part of the locked on podcast Network your team every day all right welcome to Lock on De your daily podcast on I’m and joining me as always David ra however you’re tuning in

On YouTube Odyssey are your favorite podcast app thanks so much for making lockdown heat your first listen every day today’s episode is brought to you by LinkedIn jobs LinkedIn jobs helps you find the qualified candidates that you want to talk to faster post your job for free at lockon NBA that’s lockon NBA to post your job for free terms and conditions apply recording this on Monday night after the Heats lost to the 76ers they lose this one 98 to 91 in a game that could end up costing them when it comes to the standings and perhaps a spot in the play

In tournament but before we get to all of that and some of our listener questions let’s let’s talk about this game the heat came back from 17 down to tie it in the fourth quarter but they couldn’t get it done in the end but our old friend Kyle Larry had a big fourth

Quarter the heat couldn’t make the most of their chances to steal one in Philly on the second night of a back-to-back without Jimmy Butler no Tyler hero no Kevin Love they also lost Duncan Robinson after three quarters other than all that stuff David what went wrong they were kind of flirting with

The disaster in the first half too like despite Miami holding on to a slim leader at least within you know Striking Distance of the Sixers Tyrese Maxi was torching them and he was really being able to get what they want Duncan Robinson wasn’t playing particularly well to begin with they didn’t really

Have much going in terms of flow or consistency in offense it was really just baming a bio and aside from that they weren’t getting much production from anybody else and then in the third quarter when things kind of blew up in their face they get into a 17-point

Deficit at that point in time you’re work is cut out for you right in all the wrong ways and Miami had to F try to find a way to claw their way back and try to generate some scoring in a night when it was so difficult again 91 total

Points that’s not a great look for this team but they did it you know so if there’s a positive to this team to this game it’s the fact that Miami did show some tenacity without Jimmy Butler without Tyler herro with a number of players out due to injury so maybe

That’s a positive but it just doesn’t feel that way because of the overall impact of the standings and everything else like that uh as far as what went wrong allowing yourself to get beat by 17 points by a Sixers Team without Tobias Harris without Joel embiid missing a couple other players like that

Was never it should never have happened at that point in time you should never have to come back you know I know everybody’s kind of Basking the glory of Bam’s game winning three just a day earlier but as I said in that recap it should never have gotten to that point

Against the wolf of wizards I know a lot of the justification is well Beggars can’t be choosers we said as much in the podcast as well but you know this was this kind of shows the team trying trying to do too much and not accomplishing anything because they

Shouldn’t have gotten to this point in the first place if they had just H hung on a little bit more closely in the third quarter as things were getting away from them perhaps they could have completed the comeback and pulled away a victory you’re talking I’m thinking like

When was the last time this Heat team beat a good team they haven’t All Season well I mean even just no just a good team I’m not even talking about like an elite team just like a good one you know not Detroit you know not Utah uh Miami’s

Last three wins have come against the Pistons yes that’s crazy man like take those three wins out of it take the three games against the second worst team in the league out of it and you’ve lost to the worst team in the league and the Wizards during that stretch and and

Some good teams and then Philadelphia tonight Who’s without jolen beid and you know whatever but like the last real good like team at the Heat beat was Sacramento in Sacramento on February 26 that’s last month man like it’s it’s too long ago and there was a nice stretch

Where you beat the Kings and you beat the Pelicans coming out of the All-Star break and then before you beat Philly and Philly you beat Milwaukee and Milwaukee like that was a nice little stretch there but that stretch feels like now an eternity to go because this

The heat are not beating good teams and like I said there was a lot going against Miami tonight right they were without their SEC their best player and Jimmy Butler for the second straight night they were on the second night of a back toback on on the road like it’s a

Tough circumstance regardless but to your point too I I don’t know it was so tough that you had to go down by as many as 17 points but they did climb back into this game it was um it was a two-point game at the beginning of the

Third quarter and this is where like to me the turning point was so they scored just two points in the first five minutes of the third quarter the score went from them being down 53 to 51 to being down 68 to 51 by the Mido Mark of that third quarter and during that

Stretch bam had two really bad pass turnovers uh where just like late like it was like a quarterback who read the play late and the the safety was just sitting in the middle of the Zone waiting for him to throw the the slot pattern out and and just was laying

There ready for the pick he he threw two of those ter roir missed three shots uh Haywood heith got called for a go tend and missed a corner three-pointer um there was just a bunch of bad plays during that stretch and when when the heat like they can’t afford those five

Minute stretches of essentially going scoreless even against an okay team like the 76ers because like once like once the heat are in Rhythm it feels like the offense can get into a Groove but when the brakes stall out and or like when their engine stalls out it just takes

Them forever to get it going again and by the time they did get it going again it was too late because they end up losing the game yeah and look and they had their unities too I I a lot of people will point to dead legs at the end of the

Fourth quarter you know they had a number of shots that might have fallen but didn’t you know hakz Caleb Martin Patty Mills Etc it seemed like everybody had an opportunity Terry Rosier who had been responsible for much of what happened during that comeback effort in in the fourth quarter and they all had

Shot opportunities to either put Miami to either tie them or put them up ahead at one point maybe even closed that Gap a little bit after the Sixers had pulled away due to Lowry’s heroics which you referenced earlier and they just couldn’t they couldn’t seem to get it

Done like it was it was very weird there was a lot of momentum shifts it was a lot of just kind of flat moments from this Heat team I think they were expecting some officiating to kind of bail them out at times I know that’s something we’ll talk about a little bit

Later in the show as well they weren’t getting the calls that they might have expected or might normally get and so I think they kind of just they were relying on those to bail them out in some cases like there were opportunities there where they were getting to the rim

And then just missing what could have been a wide open shots like he did it a couple times Caleb did it a couple times and and while there was contact or not like your your first priori is to hit the shot if you get the n one as a

Result that’s fine but I I mean I look to the Sixers defense like hman in particular struggle tonight I mean he was he was eaten alive by Kelly UB Jr like UB is a there’s a reason why Miami wanted to add him to this roster had they been able to acquire Dame Lillard

As a a complimentary role player I don’t know where his minutes would have been there but it didn’t really matter guess if you had traded Caleb in the acquisition of lowry I’m of Lillard I guess there would have been an opportunity for UB the point being he

Was really good tonight and he had four blocks on the night they had 12 total blocks as a team that’s ridiculous that’s that’s you getting to the rim not having a clear understanding of what you’re doing when you get there TI legs to your point earlier I mean that’s

Maybe maybe part of it maybe but there were some shots I mean that were imminently makeable or or that we’ve seen them make before like you know Rosier had some crazy shots bam had a crazy shot was like extremely high off the glass so it they were getting some

Good looks at The Rim but at the same time I think there were a lot of efforts there numerous possessions where they were getting to the rim kind of putting a halfast shot up somewhere in the vicinity of the rim then just watching watching as it got squatted away from

Them to ignite a fast break opportunity for the Sixers and to which Miami’s defense had no response yeah look I thought Philly’s defense was was pretty good in this one they were able to make the most out of the mo Boma minutes like those have been negatives for Philly since and has been

Out they the Paul Reed minutes have been positive for them but in this game like the Paul Reed minutes were positive for him I mean they were net neutral which was a positive when you’re winning the game and well I guess the Obama minutes were a minus one but they felt more

Positive than that uh maybe that’s some garbage Time stuff I’m not sure but um look I I don’t think anybody played all that well for the Heat and then for Philly you got a great game from Tyrese Maxi big minutes from Kyle Lowry uh you mentioned the Kelly UB stuff like they

Had guys who played well and the heat didn’t and it kind of feels like almost a miracle that they only lost this game by seven points and that they actually were in Striking Distance late in this one in the first place um we mentioned t r roir and Kyle

Larry we got our first glimpse of them going head to-head we revisit the Kyle Larry ter your trade after this here un locked on heat today’s episode of lock on heat is brought to you by Stitch fix you know that instant confidence boost you get from an outfit that makes you look

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TV channels app so we saw T Rosier and Kyle Lowry go head tohe head for the first time since the heat traded Lowry for Rosier Larry of course got bought out then by the Hornets after the deal he signed with his hometown 76ers uh ter Rosier overall a pretty good night 20

Points on eight for 21 shooting so not the most efficient night but it just felt like really big buckets especially in the second half big part of that run third quarter fourth quarter that got the heat back into this game um and then on for for Kyle Lowry he had 16 points

Which one was the last time we saw Kyle lry score more than 10 points he took 12 shots which one was the last time we saw Kyle lry take more than 10 shots uh a very good game for Kyle Larry some big plays from Larry in that fourth quarter

To exact some revenge on the team that traded him what did you make of the Rosier versus Larry battle I think overall Rosier quote unquote won that battle but you know Larry won the game I think that matters right like whereas cares about is is how many times have we

Heard that yeah but I think it kind of showed tonight maybe it’s just spitefulness too I you know I’ve referenced this I don’t know how many times over the course of our podcasting career players at this level especially in late March when they’re going through the doldrums of the NBA season they’re

Always looking for something to inspire them they always look for slights perceived or real to fuel them and if you think that Lowry wasn’t circling this game knowing he was going to be facing his former team you’re completely misguided on what drives an NBA player they’re all spiteful in their own ways

They might say otherwise they might play the humility card with media and with fans and everything else because that’s what earns them the endorsement bucks Hello Steph Curry but at the same time they’re all killers they’re all aggressive you don’t get to be one of 450 players the best 450 players on the

Planet without being that kind of a person and so we knew going into this that Lowry was gonna have a a a solid game this was better than expected too I’ll be honest with you I did not think he was going to be this aggressive at

Looking for a shot and you know this is the version of lowry that Miami probably would have gotten as they’re going through these games now as as they would have gotten into the playoffs this is a guy who’s been there before and he’s not scared of these opportunities I don’t

Know how productive he would have been I don’t know how consistent he would have been which is part of the problem you’re getting more overall consistency from Terry Rosier but that doesn’t deny the fact that Lowry is capable of having these solid good games that help their

Team win and in this case unfortunately it was the Sixers who came away Victorious whereas it used to be Miami that could count on Lowry having big moments and those were there like we can all kind of collectively forget those moments because we hate his contract and

We hate his personality and he’s bloated and fat and all these other things that Heat fans have used at nauseum over the last two and a half seasons of Lowry stin in Miami but the reality was that he he did come up big in those moments

And he had several games like that that helped Miami win games over the course of that two and a half year so unfortunately now he’s doing it for Philadelphia overall I think Terry was aggressive what we come to get used to him being a guy who takes a lot of shots

Uh some of those shots late in the fourth quarter when they were looking to either tie or pull ahead or maybe even get close to to Philadelphia just weren’t falling for him and maybe that was a result of fatigue and everything else like that but he was also a good

Rebounder active rebound not much of a playmaker which is a concerning thing for Terry Rosier because if if you know we talked about this in context of Bam’s a game winner uh on Sunday is that Rosier had the ball on his hands and he passed it up when he saw bab trailing

Behind him Terry wasn’t looking to pass to anybody today he had one assist of the night and basically was like all right we’re not going to get much offense I’m going to take over the game and never want to be in a position where Terry Rosier has to be the guy to save

You or pull you out of the doldrums and he helped but he got a little too confident and a little too aggressive there were opportunities there in the fourth quarter where he probably could have looked to make a play for somebody else rather than taking a

Shot all right so you just said a lot of things that I kind of want to carve into here um I’ll start I’ll start with the Ros I I do want to ask you whether or not you thought if you think now that the lavry Rosier trade was a mistake

Don’t answer it don’t answer it that’s what that’s but based on what you said I might we’ll talk about it um T rosier’s playmaking I thought it was interesting that he had one assist I actually disagree with you I thought that he was actually really involved and active as trying to get

Other guys involved it’s just the other guys weren’t making their shots and that’s why he only had the one assist the entire offense in the fourth quarter felt like just Terry Rosier bam maabo or Terry Rosier and Thomas Bryant depending on who was in the game just pick and

Roll like the entire offense like the heat are not a high pick and roll team like the Atlanta Hawks are for instance right right they looked like the Atlanta Hawks in the fourth quarter For Better or For Worse uh they looked like the Atlanta Hawks in the fourth quarter

Because it was their only offense especially with Duncan out so you didn’t have that off ball movement and the triggers that he gets with the split screens and all that kind of stuff so they basically just devolved into Tay Rosier Thomas Bryant Tay Rosier bam matab bio High screen and roll Caleb Hae

Delon or whoever Patty Mills or whoever was in the game with them spreading the floor at least trying to and that was the whole offense so I thought Rosier did as good as he could trying to get guys involved did he miss some passes to Bryant did he miss some passes to bam

Yeah he did um but I I I wasn’t I didn’t have a problem with his playmaking the 20 points on 21 shots you’d like him to be more efficient especially the ones at The Rim I don’t know how many times we got to talk about this but the shots at

The Rim where it’s two or three a game it feels like that should go in that don’t go in and it just feels like he would be much more of an efficient player if he just fixed that thing so that’s my T Rosier point the Kyle Larry

Point I don’t I don’t doubt I don’t think any reason able person doubts that Kyle Lowry is capable of having a game like this sometimes Kyle Lowry’s problem is that he wasn’t doing it enough right I mean you even go in in going into this game for Philly here’s what he has done

Over the last handful of games Five Points in the game before this for the Sixers 12 points two points eight points six points 14 points eight points 15 points three points three points I mean that’s kind of the same Kyle Lowry that the heat were dealing with it’s like we

Don’t know what it’s going to be is it going to be the Dozen points and like four to five assist assist or is it going to be just a three-point on three shot dud for Kyle Larry and so fortunately for the Sixers they still have Tyrese Maxi and Kelly UB and these

Other guys that could bail out their offense I think and we’ll get to now the the sort of relitigate of the trade I think that the trade was a home run for Miami I think Terry Rosier has been an awesome fit with the heat and I think

He’s still trying to find his footing but I like what I’ve seen I like the fact that he’s a threat to score and I think without him tonight this is a 20-point blowout instead of a seven-point loss and I I think they won the trade and I think if it only cost

You Lowry’s expiring contract and a first- round pick then it’s a slam dunk where are you on it now I am right there with you I I still think Terry is the right player just because you need more like we’ve seen bam struggle to be aggressive with a shot we’ve seen Jimmy

Struggle to get be aggressive with the shot we have haven’t seen Tyler in action for so long that the designated bucket getter hasn’t been out there to get Buckets and so you need somebody who can be that threat who will attack the paint who will attack the rim for better

For worse to your point who might have that shot falling uh I think he did mostly today uh at the same time I I think the playmaking has been better I would say even the defense has been better you know maybe he just he’s not g

To get that kind of that take charge possession the way that Lowry did like even tonight he had a call go against him that might have gone his way you know in a heat uniform like we’ve seen him do that a number of times where he’s taken a charge tonight it was against

Caleb Martin Nick nurse the Sixers head coach challenged the call and it was deemed unsuccessful it was in fact a blocking call uh but at the same time I I think you Lowry had a great defensive possession against Tai hakz in the fourth quarter where hakz I mean he read

It because he was basically roommates with hakz on the road essentially but uh he haakas tried to get the post position and then Larry fronted him and pushed him out Away From the Block you know so now he’s like two three feet further out than he wanted to be and then contested

The shot it was an awesome awesome play by Lowry and then he scored on the other end and that was one of those swing plays in the fourth quarter that could have been like a one possession game for Miami or I think haime was shooting for

The lead and then ended up turning into a two possession uh deficit for the heat so it was like those little swing plays um but I’m with you we agree on the Rosier thing um not GNA go so far as to say I’m happy for Kyle lry but um oh

Yeah that’s a tough one to say we never say that on a locked on heat podcast but uh no I mean like my my opinion of low is probably more positive than 95% of Heat fans maybe even higher than that but you’re very player friendly and I

Don’t even mean that in like a like you are you’re you’re you tend to empathize with the players more than fans I think or or or the front office or anything you usually take the players side on things that’s fair that’s fair um and and I thought you know again the idea of

Him rising up in these moments it was fun over the last two years I expected that to be the case this year had they not pulled off the trade for Rosier so I would have been just as optimistic about Low’s opportunities in the playoffs had he remained in Miami but you know now

He’s in Philadelphia well I don’t know I I it’s a little it’s much more difficult because those they’re annoying right I mean you saw him diving over the scores table at one point and and Eric reting Duncan Robinson into that foul Co with with with his ass like just like the way

He did all the time with Miami it’s funny when it starts going up when it goes against you like oh my God no wonder every fan base hated this guy he’s really annoying to play against I remember in 204 I’m sorry sorry to cut you off I

Remember in 2014 seeing the first game the exhibition game between Miami and the Cleveland Cavaliers and and Brazil and Rio de janeo you remember that exhibition game the first matchup of LeBron back in Cleveland and and seeing him just throw his head back after every

Drive to the room and I’m like oh God I don’t have to I don’t have to root for those calls are you the first person to compare LeBron to Kyle lry or Kyle lry to LeBron I mean no I’m just saying like a player goes away from the team that

You cover and it’s like you all of a sudden those things that you saw all the time and you kind of just feel like yeah of course it’s perfectly normal like if Kevin Love wasn’t with Miami and every time he took a charge against Jimmy Butler or something like that you’d be

Like oh screw Kevin Love baned The Charge just like 95% of of NBA media you know but everybody wanted to charge band over the last two years other than Heat fans because it was their only form of Rim protection was just throwing their body into the middle of play a complete

Non-basketball play but hey heat culture baby nastiest grittiest knee pads Etc uh should we be concerned about the heat tock fine and free throw shooting that’s next today’s episode of lockdown he is brought to you by LinkedIn when you’re hiring for your small business you want you want to find quality professionals

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Apply thanks for making locked on heat your first listen every day make sure you’re subscribed on YouTube and on your favorite podcast app thanks to everybody who sent in questions for the postgame show on Twitter using that hash askl heat you can send questions in and reach

Us via email lockon Heat at locked on heat on Instagram as well this question comes from coach right in where the heck was bam in the second half bam at a bio zero points in the fourth quarter David the heat are trailing 88 to 85 cutting into that

17-point deficit with 539 left in the fourth quarter is when bam checks in bam does not take a shot nor does he score a point for the rest of the game he did half 20 points on8 for 10 shooting most of that coming in the first half I

Thought it was an awesome first half for him but what happened to him in the second half I think it’s a fair question I think they denied him the ball really well like I I think they they anticipated the passes going to Bam and they they their defense tweaked to such

A degree where they were denying the ball making it more difficult for him to get those kind of looks we should point out I mean again loss and everything else like that two of two from three-point range for bam B tonight so we we posited in our earlier podcast

This morning or Monday morning regarding whether or not the three-point shot was here to stay certainly looks to be the case case right that was impressive one from the corner one from the top of the break there like he was that looks good that’s a legitimate weapon to add to

Your arsal let’s let’s just talk about the three-point shooting because I I think you nailed it I think the answer is simple I don’t know sometimes there’s not that much more analysis other than the heat didn’t have a whole lot of threats on the floor bam was a threat

Philadelphia doubled him early in the game and then well when he would get the ball and then in the second half they started denying him post entry they started denying him all those things and when he did touch the ball they pushed him out they they made him catch far

Away from the basket um and then they also doubled him if he did manage to catch it uh far away from the basket so that was that was the game plan great job by Nick nurse who we all know is a good coach um so in terms of the

Three-point shooting he makes two three-pointers in the flow of the offense for the first time in his I mean two three-pointers period for the first time in his career in a game and then both of them coming into the flow of the offense probably should have been three

Of them at least three three of the attempts cuz he got the one later in the game too and you could tell he’s still not quite comfortable with it because he ends up passing out of it and then throws it to Caleb Martin to his left

And then Caleb Martin has to take a contested three-pointer I was like I was like go shoot it man let that one fly uh later in the game but look he took two of them so I don’t mean to be spoiled uh he did get one from the corner congrats

To bamat bio for your first Corner three-pointer and then he got one from his patented spot now above the Break um it’s here man four straight games with the three-pointer I love that he’s doing it I love that he took two of them he’s going to watch the film and he’s like I

Should have taken three of them so that’s where we are with B um this is a really interesting question this one comes from big baby who writes in with the heat struggling so bad against good teams do you think that they can win a first round matchup

Against anybody I’m starting to lose a little faith this season starting to I mean this is a team that is what three and 18 against teams with a top 10 point differential and that does not include tonight’s game against Philadelphia who are 11th in point differential so almost

There but I don’t know what that looks like if you extend it to 11 games look this Philadelphia game second night of a back toback no Jimmy no Tyler no Kevin Love Duncan Robinson lost Midway through this so I don’t know that this loss necessarily stands out to me as some

Sort of like B signal of Badness for the heat but the overall trend of hey this team just doesn’t beat good teams like we talked about in the first segment is troubling are does that make you lose faith in what this team could do and and because like news flash the good teams

Are in the playoffs yeah I I uh is this a legitimate question or did you just make this one up on the spot because I we were just having I swear I swear I am not big baby I I would I would have thought you would

Have come up with a different you know a different name been old Celtic yeah yeah because we are we are we just had this conversation too and I you know it it’s very difficult to separate this Heat team from what they’ve accomplished not just last year but over the the past

Four seasons of Jimmy Butler’s career and in Miami and so my expectation is can if the question is can they beat anybody absolutely and I I don’t know what that looks like I still think this team is very difficult to put an accurate gauge on yes they haven’t been

Able to beat good teams like you pointed out the record and I think that’s an accurate reflection of what this team is capable of or what this team is what they’re capable of is something greater than that because you know when you have all these players healthy and when they

Turn it on in certain moments they look like the best team in the NBA they look better than the Nuggets you know they they there are moments when everybody is clicking and everything looks great and this team is so Dynamic and everything’s flowing but we just see those so

Irregularly and with injuries constantly taking somebody out of the rotation it’s I think anyway really difficult to get a good gauge for what this team is but my belief and that doesn’t mean anything because whatever statistics that you want to use or analytics or you know

Whatever term you want to use this just win losses this is justn Los exactly yeah numbers yeah the numbers don’t show but my belief is that this team can flip a switch and has shown that capacity and therefore I think they can beat anybody in the Eastern Conference aspite how

Good Boston looks despite how good Milwaukee looks on occasion and Etc I I think I think this team is capable of a deeper playoff run it might not happen you mentioned the hard to gauge and I think that’s such a great point it’s this team has had 32 different starting

Lineups this year I think it’s more I think it’s up to 34 isn’t it I thought that’s what they mentioned the broadcast but maybe I’m wrong I just looked at the basketball reference tracker they have at 32 either way it’s between 32 and 34 both of those numbers are very high too

High they just cracked for the first time a week ago a 100 minutes for one lineup and just for reference like the Denver Nuggets starting five has logged 900 minutes together there are lineups across the NBA that have locked that have played together for 100 minutes since the allstar break right let alone

The entire season and they Heat have one of them and by the way that lineup is a minus net rating so it’s not even their like good it’s not even their best lineup it’s just the lineup that happened to be the healthiest for the longest amount of time I don’t even know

What the preferred starting lineup is for this team do you I don’t think anybody does it’s been a question we’ve had all year which is insane to think about for a playoff team oh we don’t even know what their starting five is let alone their closing Five

And so I I don’t really know what to make of this team and so last year they make that run from the eighth seed to the finals because they catch lightning in a bottle with three-point shooting right they were one of the bottom five teams in three-point shooting in the

Regular season and then everybody just caught fire in the playoffs and then boom they streak into the NBA finals and that’s what happened that’s not going to happen this year because the heat are a good three-point shooting team by percentage this year so there’s not going to be some sort of crazy reversion

To the mean in the postseason but maybe there’s lightning in a bottle in terms of health where all of a sudden sudden we have not seen this team healthy for a prolonged stretch all season and then all of a sudden maybe this team just sort of coalesces into something

Resembling healthy in the playoffs and they’re like oh this is the Heat team that we literally have not seen right for the past 82 games right and so that might be the only reason why all of a sudden this team gets healthy and they look like a team that should be

Defending the Eastern Conference title where they just haven’t looked like that all year this is a team with a bad point differential that does not beat good teams but um and I know Eric spoler and all these guys don’t want to make excuses but I’ll make your excuses I’ll

Make them the next man up thing is cute but it doesn’t help like you don’t replace Stars you don’t replace Jimmy Butler who’s not ineligible for who’s now ineligible for postseason Awards now or Tyler hero who’s played less than 40 games all season like I don’t care how

Many Haywood High Smiths you got on the roster they’re not replacing those guys so it’s that’s where I’m at on this I still have no idea what to make of this team um but if if if the health issues keep persisting then put a nail in team

Like it’s over like I’m it just is you know the the rest of the East is too good I’m not going to disrespect the good teams and saying yeah like a bunch of Caleb Martins running around can beat the Boston Celtics because it’s not going to happen you need your best

Players on the floor fresh and healthy which is why the Heat have been so uh conservative with bringing these let me ask this question really quickly fully healthy Heat team versus the Celtics in the opening round who do you got I have no I have no idea because I don’t know

What the fully healthy Heat team looks like I don’t know how they play I don’t even know what they’re like go-to offensive set is is it Jimmy Butler bam out of Bio side pick and roll is it is it dhos with bam at the top is Tyler hero starting or is Duncan Robinson

Starting who’s the starting power forward in that group I don’t know I have no idea how to answer that question that’s heat and six baby that’s that’s it that’s how the answer that’s the answer regardless yeah whoever it is you can put SPO at to four who cares

It’s heat and six based on how angry he’s been lately he’ll throw some fouls he’ll give him of six hard fouls for SPO on Kristof okay okay better question Joe Missoula versus Eric spoler who you got oh no oh come on I mean that’s the only reason like the only reason you anybody

Gives a heat a chance is because no no no no I mean like like a battle between not a coach that’s that’s no basketball game or a fight either one both well I take Missoula in a basketball game he yeah way fresher okay I guess he’s

Younger you see him try to blocked Deon Booker the other he like got up there yeah yeah he’s not too far removed from his playing career he’s younger but what does he do like some I don’t know some training some Mi martial arts training or something like that I don’t know just

Yeah play play the play the town somewhere off into the corner he’ll get distracted spoke can get his easy buckets if you give SPO a clipboard I’ll take him over anybody as a give him a clipboard weap of choice wrestling style give Joe Missoula like a folding chair

And give Eric spoler a clipboard I’ll take SPO you see how SP with a the clipboard oh smashes it over billa’s head he’s got the clipboard he’s got the clipboard tags in G his Haslam and it’s over yes I know I have to see maybe if

Maybe if the playoffs were done in a in a in a ring somewhere that heat would have a chance this season um thanks for making lock on heat your first listen every day hit that subscribe button on YouTube and follow us on your podcast app

The Miami Heat lost to the Philadelphia 76ers and now haven’t beaten a good team in nearly a month. Do we still think the Heat can make a playoff run?

Wes Goldberg and David Ramil break down the game, Terry Rozier vs Kyle Lowry, the decline in free-throw shooting and more.

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  1. It’s OVER for Miami, I’ve been saying this non-stop and people just refuse to accept objective reality 🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️

    Claiming miami having ANY SHOT on contending for a championship is the prime definition of delusional🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️

  2. I know Embiid is hurt. But no Jimmy, Herro, or Kevin Love tonight. The Heat won't win the championship this season, but if they can ever get fully healthy, they'll be tough out as usual in playoffs

    If the Heat control their draft pick this year, then even if they mss the playoffs, that wouldn't be the worst thing in the world .Can rest up, hopefully get healthy, and make one last run with Jimmy next year.

  3. We'll be fine. We had no Jimmy, no herro, no jrich no jovic no Kevin love. And only half of duncan. Give me a break. Now will we win over the West? I don't think so.

  4. At this point, “culture” was strictly a marketing gimmick. This team isn’t good enough and doesn’t care enough

    I hate seeing Jimmy in all these commercials as he sleeps through the regular season

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