@Boston Celtics

Jaylen Brown, Derrick White, Kristaps Porzingis power Boston Celtics win over Pistons

Jaylen Brown, Derrick White, Kristaps Porzingis power Boston Celtics win over Pistons

Chris stops porzingis didn’t look like he skipped a beat Derek white might be the most wholesome star in the NBA and the Celtics are capitalizing on a very rare luxury it’s all right now on the lock on Celtics podcast thanks for Blockbuster Brad it’s holiday season drop Drew in the mix and

Three from KP no we not on the Knicks flushing competition like h on Yannis juice and big de still be Town’s finest Ben team going up in the Raptors watching SE game and locked on after car on the breakdown clut like a tip from D white on the breakdown John on the mic

Documenting domination m p back B all SE Nation ring J how we start a raising B how we finish lock on Celtics home of the winners hey there welcome back to the lockdown Celtics podcast right here in the lockdown podcast nwk words to your team every day and I got you covered

Every single day Monday through Friday plus bonus podcast when they plan the weekends so subscribe wherever get your podcasts watch the show on YouTube get into that comment section let me know what you think about the show about the Celtics about whatever just go ahead and

Leave a comment if you’re new to the show I’m John caralis used to play a long time ago now I’m covering the Celtics for Boston Sports Journal so make sure you’re checking me out there as well today’s show is brought to you by LinkedIn jobs LinkedIn jobs helps you

Find the qualified candidates you want to talk to faster post your job for free at lockon NBA that’s lockon NBA to post your job for free terms and conditions apply today I’m talking about the Boston Celtics beating the Detroit Pistons by 25 11994 I’ll get into this rare luxury

That the Celtics have that they took advantage of and I’ll be talking about a little bit throughout the course of the uh podcast here which I’m doing from inside the TD Garden in one of these little nice little side rooms one of these little performer rooms probably some very famous people

Who have sat in here and getting ready to do concerts and whatnot but now I’m using it as my podcast backdrop so if you’re watching the show on YouTube that’s what this little room is here at the TD Garden uh talk about Jaylen Brown’s big night we’ll talk about Derek

White’s triple double and the absolute most wholesome uh comments that a player could make about chasing a triple double uh we’ll get to all of that stuff let’s get into Kristof porzingis returning he came back it was a weird kind of distribution of minutes but he ended up

Playing 21 and a half he was on a minutes restriction and so the Celtics kind of used it a little creatively the numbers were great 20 points seven of 14 shooting five of nine from three eight rebounds an assist a steal a block really nice block shot so porzingis no

Rusts no nothing he said after the game to us that he if this was a playoff situation he probably would have played through the entire uh thing he probably would have played through the the hamstring whatever it was he said uh after the Denver game he felt it but he

Felt like just felt like General soreness and then the next day after that he’s like oh it’s a little tight and they did some Imaging and they found something in there so they were super super cautious so all of the questions that I got in the mailbag and on Twitter

And in comment section should we be worried about porzingis and I kept saying no that that was confirmed here that he would have played if this was the playoffs but because the Celtics are in this situation because they are who they are they are capable of holding

Porzingis out for five games just saying Hey look we’re going to be as cautious as possible so you can be 100% there will be a time for you to play through little you know soreness and all of that stuff there will be a time for that in the playoffs but that’s different

That’s minimized travel right you spend with when there’s a series you have two games in Boston and then two games in another city and then two games back in Boston or that or or you go one11 after that so the travel is minimized you don’t have to worry about getting up and

Down in a plane which is a pressurized cabin which can help uh I’m sorry which can uh exacerbate swelling right you pressurize something the swelling can increase it doesn’t do anything it doesn’t do any favors for the uh injury so there will be a time and a place for

Porzingis to work through injuries this was just complete uh caution at an extreme level for sure but caution nonetheless and he said that so he played six minutes and then all of a sudden he sat down for the rest of the first half and people were

Like should we be worried about this and uh no they he was just riding a bike and and he said that he and Joe talked in the second quarter he said you know what we I’m just gonna sit you the rest of the half we’re gonna play you the rest

Of your minutes in the second half just in case the game is close we want you out there so that was the Strategic thing behind that if they only going to have 20 or so minutes of porzingis they decided that hey we’re going to go with

14 minutes in the second half and let you be the the matchup problem that you are and you seem to have things going pretty well so let’s just kind of roll with that and and if we need you to to beat this team then then we have you so

Uh it didn’t come down to that although porzingis did have a big third quarter the flow of the game and really honestly the game itself was kind of like kind of ho hum right I I I really I don’t take anything away from this game as far as okay yeah you beat a

A Pistons team that you didn’t even have Kade Cunningham they were playing some guys probably two three different times I was like wait who who’s that who who just scored that basket okay I mean that’s that’s the Pistons right now they they’re just they’re going through it and there are

Some interesting uh players on that team okay so whatever you beat the Pistons you beat them by 25 well that was interesting uh if you’re listening on the audio feed you just heard alarms and silence and now here I am if you’re watching on YouTube you see me in a completely different venue back at my home office my home studio because the alarms went off at the TD

Garden and the whole thing was you know it there’s an emergency please evacuate and all of that stuff uh kind of weird no one knew what was going on uh so I just packed up and left without knowing how long that was going to take as I

Walked out Boston fire was there uh didn’t seem like anything was going on but that’s what that just was that you just heard so I’m just gonna pick up where I left off because I actually think it’s kind of fun to let you guys in on the kind of weirdness of sometimes

What what happens when you’re podcasting so the alarms went off at the Garden I think everything is fine there but I’m gonna continue talking about Chris thops porzingis and on YouTube I had to change because I had a blue sweater on and that messes with the green screen that I use

So I had to put my old high school Shea Raiders basketball um hoodie on to continue this so weird night weird night for me but not a weird night for Chris THS bingus and not a weird night for the Celtics uh like I said as I was saying uh not

Really concerned that they beat the Pistons at this point it’s just you know the Celtics do have the easiest or one of the easiest remaining strength of schedules and this is what you’re supposed to do as the Celtics it was pretty nice game no no Tatum no Horford

No Hower uh no holiday uh didn’t really matter much the Celtics were able to take care of business big run in the third quarter uh to to break open a what was an 11-point game but the Celtics never felt like they were in any danger so the actual game itself not really as

Much a concern uh to me as Chris thops presing this coming back and looking good so hopefully there’s no minutes restriction uh or it it increases but he said he felt good he said he he would have played if it was the playoffs so that’s great um good to see so and I

I’ll get through some of these other performances like Dereck white and Jaylen Brown in fact why don’t I take a second here I’ll come back we’ll talk about Dereck White and the most wholesome I mean honestly he might be the most wholesome guy in the league we’ll talk about that in just a

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Podcast Network March 20th 7 pm on the lockdown sports today 247 streaming Channel on YouTube or the free Amazon Fire TV channels app Derek White had a triple double it didn’t come easy well 99% of it came easy the last assist was a little bit of an issue I’m laughing because Derek

White is not a stat Chaser he is not a stat patter but he went he went for it he went for that final assist it took three minutes of trying the rest of the game came so easy to him but it took three minutes of trying for him to

Finally get that uh that final assist now he was great in this game he was six of 12 from three he hit a bunch of three-pointers ear earlier in the game he his assists came later uh plus two steals plus a block uh the three turnovers all came when he started stat

Stat chasing he he was at at that point at 22 points 10 rebounds and nine assists he had zero turnovers so really when it mattered he he basically played perfectly and then he looks up and it’s 1210 and n and Payton Pritchard said you know we saw it you can see on the

Scoreboard it says 1210 and N so we decided we’re going to start going for it so it’s kind of funny because this is what happens when you stop playing the right way I’m not saying this in any sort of criticism for Dereck white absolutely at that point the game is

Decided it’s 20 plus point game you’re Derek white everyone knows that you’re not a stat Chaser but hey you’re an assist away let’s see if you can’t get one of these buckets you know get somebody going to the rim and he tried and when you get away from doing the stuff that you’re

Normally doing that’s when things start to go bad and he had three turnovers but after the game he was asked Point Blank you you you’re not a stat Chaser what was it like for three minutes of of chasing chasing the stats stat padding he said it was weird I didn’t like it I

Didn’t play I didn’t play too good doing it so I got to never do that again uh which is the way he said it his whole demeanor everything was just so wholesome and was freaking adorable for God’s sakes I mean I’m a grown man saying that about another grown man but

It really was it really was just like oh man you’re just such a wholesome young man like I don’t have a daughter but I I I would say marry my daughter you’re so like it’s just such a fun moment like God this guy is what more do you want

From this guy you can see why Chris th porzingis after the game he’s asked about Dereck white and every time he’s asked about Derek white he glows he’s like yeah man how can you not love this guy you know it’s he’s said I think it’s

Hard not to love him this guy just on and off the court is a unique human and unique player I can go on and on and give compliments to D white uh honestly about who he is everybody loves him here and it’s good to see people uh like this

Getting recognition uh you can’t say a bad thing about Derek white this is just uh I’m babbling at at this point about Derek white but honestly he is a good dude he is a great player he’s a star player he’s not a superstar player he’s not Jason Tatum or

Jaylen brown but he’s a star player he he is absolutely a star player and it’d be interesting to see how uh the contract talks go but there G there would be plenty of teams in the league that would love to have Derek white because he’s he is always trying to make

The right play he is always trying to what what’s right is it passing then great uh I am extraordinarily impressed by Derek White’s just willingness to shoot when the when when that’s the right play when he first got here there was like a reticence to him there was like a

I’m not no I don’t think I should shoot like you’re trying to fit in maybe overpass a little bit people are like no be aggressive take your shot go ahead uh he definitely wasn’t that willing a shooter when he was in San Antonio but here he is just any opening you give him

You go under on a screen that shot is going up and yeah he’s had some bad shooting nights yeah every every shooter goes through ups and downs but he is very willing to shoot and he keeps that confidence and it’s it’s impressive that might be one of the most

Impressive things and you know that is Player Development and think that Player Development with the Celtics we think about Player Development like Sam Hower who is you know undrafted and here he comes he’s and he is an absolute Player Development success story for the Celtics he went from being targeted all

Over the place on defense to now he’s a good Defender like or a solid Defender he went from just catch and shoot to now he’s he’s shooting on the Move he’s worked on a lot uh I think his release is a little bit quicker he’s getting he’s getting the ball off his

Fingertips a little bit quicker that’s Player Development As We Know It uh but this is also Player Development Derek white is Player Development this is what uh you work on in and it might be a little more subtle with Derek white but it’s there and and that’s that’s part of it so Derek

White’s uh triple double and like yeah okay all that stuff that I was just having fun with with is true but it’s also part of why I don’t have a problem with him chasing that last assist is not only he never does that so uh in this

Situation his team saying you know what you deserve a triple double let’s get it for you I have no issue with that and and it is because he deserves it I I believe that Derek white you know what he deserved the triple double in this he deserves the recognition and it’s kind

Of funny like i’ I’ve gotten on Russell Westbrook that whole triple double that year he averaged a triple double in one MVP um I was like well he’s just going for the triple double he he he he was stat padding it’s hard to stat pad e it’s hard to get triple doubles even

When you’re stat padding uh so it goes to show how good you have to be to stat pad even stat pad your way to a triple dou but D deserves it he deserves that recognition like porzingis said and you know he was consistently good throughout this game he’s been consistently good

Throughout this season he’s just a a really damn good basketball player you know who else is a damn good basketball player Jaylen Brown I’ll talk about Jaylen I’ll talk about some of the other guys that that were contributing and there are some guys that maybe we didn’t expect to contribute but the Celtics

Have a rare luxury they’re taking advantage of I’ll talk about all of that in just a second Today’s show today’s show is brought to you by LinkedIn jobs you’ve got a small business you need to hire you need LinkedIn jobs because they will help you find quality professionals just

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Post your job for free at lockon NBA that’s lockon NBA to post your job for free terms and conditions apply thanks for making lockdown Celtics your first listen every day go check out uh lock on NBA did I say locked on Celtics locked

On NBA whatever uh this is the lock on Celtics podcast I do lock on NBA on Wednesdays with Jake Madison go check that out wherever you get your podcasts uh rotating host all week long it’s a fun show go check it out uh Jaylen Brown was awesome third quarter he uh was

Responsible for 19 of 28 Celtics points he scored 14 of them he assisted on five more uh and the best part about jaylen’s thirdd quarter no three-pointers so uh that’s as much as I am a believer in the three-point math Jaylen for Jaylen to be able to attack and not settle for threes

Uh especially against that Detroit defense there’s one time he there was a pick and roll he turned the corner was coming basically towards us like in section 19 you’re in the corner by the tunnel the player tunnel by the Celtics bench I just saw him turn the corner and

Everybody just kind of got out of his way and when you’ve got a defense that bad in front of you attack it and see what you get and he just kept getting to the rim so Jaylen Brown uh obviously uh I know it’s very late for me to be

Talking about the guy who dropped 31 and led the Celtics with 31 points seven rebounds three assists shot 55% 50% from three six of eight from the line uh I’m not being disrespectful to Jaylen uh it’s just that porzingis returning was great and Derek white getting the triple

Double was you know want to give Derek white some of his flowers there but JB was was you know playing really really well with no Tatum he anchored that offense and and did a great job and in the fourth quarter I mean third quarter when the Celtics were kind of playing

Around not playing around but you know the Pistons played hard it was about an 11-point game I never thought the Celtics were in any sort of danger but when the opportunity came and and the Celtics uh broke this open it was Jaylen Brown who was at the center of

That but the Celtics uh are taking advantage of the luxury of being up 10 games there there’s 18 uh no uh 14 games to play and the Celtics are up 10 yeah 14 games to play so uh the magic number here is five for the Celtics in

The East with 14 games to play plenty of time the Celtics just need to go five and nine the rest of the way and they clinch the number one seed in the East uh they need to go nine and five the rest of the way to clinch the overall

Top seed so it’s decided it’s basically decided the Celtics are winning at uh a very high rate uh High 70% range they’re continuing to win at that rate actually are they up to 80% now um they’re they’re winning at at such a high rate that it’s impossible to catch

Them 79 and a half percent if so five and nine nine and five that should be no problem the Celtics at this point might not lose 20 games this year which is incredible so they have this luxury playing different lineups and we saw that in this game they started Luke

Cornette and Chris hops porzingis very smart to do that why there’s no matchup uh specific thing you say oh we’re gonna start double big against the Pistons just to see uh you know because we think um that’s the best way to stop Detroit no that’s not why you you start big you

Start double big because you never know when you’re going to need krists porzingis and Luke cornette to play together so let’s get them on the floor together you’ve got uh Jaylen Brown there who can handle a lot of the offense that’s the beauty of the Celtics with Tatum and brown they finally get

Tatum to sit a game and you got Jaylen Brown there like hey JB we’re gonna try a few different things if you know it it hits the fan you just do your thing you take over you handle it and you know help us help us out here which is great

Jay J jaylen’s probably like yeah sure no problem you need me to score a bunch of points I got you no problem against this business teams yeah sure so you start cornette with porzingis because maybe you need to go double big and and who against whoever maybe you need to

Figure fure out these two so you can put uh another team away maybe you maybe they’re getting your a playoff opponent is getting to the rim too easily and you’re like all right let’s let’s try this double big lineup maybe Al Horford goes down with a sprained

Ankle and you need to play cornette with porzingis a little bit uh whatever the circumstances are you never know when you’re going to need it so as christops porzingis said after the game you know the first the the beginning of the game we were running to the same

Placees me and Luke it was it wasn’t it wasn’t fluid we were going to the same places we’re trying to do the same things and we’re kind of getting in each other’s way but we figured it out that’s exactly why you do this you now have 11

Minutes of them on the floor together when they had been averaging four minutes per game and all of the other times they shared the floor together it was always very brief but now you’ve got a little a little bit more time 11 minutes not a big deal right but you’ve

Got extended stretches of five and six minutes of you two together on the floor where you can now look at it on film and say okay you have this Dynamic let’s you you got to make sure that when this happens Luke you’re going here Chris thops you’re going here uh it’s an

Opportunity to figure out these lineups and and maybe you don’t use it at all against Milwaukee but you bust it out again against Detroit Chicago on the road in the backto back maybe you know you’ve seen some of it with Al Horford and Luke cornette now you see it with

Luke and christops and and it’s just different groups especially the bigs because that that’s GNA be really important it’s not so much about like Jaden Springer who got minutes and was maybe channeling a little too much Aaron neith he made some nice plays uh but he was he was playing at

Like he was he was listening to the podcast on 1.5 speed you know what I’m saying he was moving a little too fast out there but it’s not about Springer or Walsh um OA brette maybe shre makyo could you know can he’s kind of plug and

Play so not even worried about him it’s more these bigs and the combination of which bigs with your normal wings uh because that’s going to be your biggest question mark Al Cris stops injury possibilities that you have to be able to go somewhere else that’s why Tillman

Is getting a lot of run this is why this Luke cornette thing happened this is why these weird lineups are happening Now’s the Time to throw them out there and you can do it under the guise of well we you know the Celtics just needed to throw

Some guys out there and and not are are are opposing teams going to be going deep into Celtics Pistons without Tatum and without uh holiday and without Horford and and that might be a game where the other team kind of throws it away and says that that’s that’s not

Going to give us the information that we need but the Celtics are getting information that they need out of this and now between this game and you know 14 games left it once the Celtics clinch then it’s it’s all experimental experimentation time uh mixed in with ramping guys up for certain minutes the

End of the season is going to be a weird kind of mess of one game and it doesn’t even matter the opponent like whoever they play doesn’t matter um but it’s more about the playoff uh implications it’s more about preparing for that that run so two games in Atlanta Atlanta struggling they’re you

Know unless they play the Clippers but you can see two completely different lineups two completely different approaches against the same team uh at home uh they’ve got a stretch there OKC Sacramento Portland milwa at Milwaukee New York Charlotte Washington to they could play everybody 40 minutes against Charlotte

At home and then that that last game against Washington could be nobody or they could sit everybody against New York and Charlotte and say hey we’re going to be off for a week so this Sunday April 4th that one o’clock game against Washington could be 40 minutes

Of Jason Tatum and just going all out because they’re gonna have a week to prepare and you want to get one more big minute game in for these guys before they rest for the week who knows what the the the the minutes distribution is going to be moving forward so

Whole point of that is there are going to be plenty of opportunities for for them to experiment so I’m glad that they’re doing that this is like you’ve invited the Pistons to come in and say hey we’re gonna practice against you live and we’re gonna get these refs and

We’re gonna keep score and we’re gonna fill the arena it’s G to look just like an NBA game but it’s really a practice like that’s essentially what this was uh so you’ll see it again at Detroit you’ll see it again maybe uh at Chicago or one

Of the at Atlanta and you’ll see the Celtics play full Squad against Milwaukee you’ll probably see them play full Squad against New Orleans against OKC and in one of these other games they they have to get full Squad minutes in there but they also have to work in

Their rest and work in this other uh you know experimentation or different lineups or whatever Joe moula wants to call it so it’s a rare opportunity teams don’t normally get this this chance but the Celtics are going to have the East and the NBA top overall

Seed kind of wrapped up in short order so you can use these the remaining games as essentially live practices against NBA competition that is invaluable this is going to give them a bunch of great film it’s going to give them a bunch of great information it’s going to give

Them things that they can lean on options that they didn’t know that they had or options that they think that they had but really get eliminated over this time just as important just as important for them to figure out what they can’t do things that they thought they could

Do and like oh wait no that doesn’t work together at all and if you figure that stuff out before the the playoffs start then you’re not figuring things out in real time when somebody goes down you go oh crap we never got a chance to play Luke and porzingis together for extended

Minutes let’s hope for the best and what you saw at the beginning of the game where they they look like you know high schoolers awkward dancing uh their first slow dance uh you would have seen that in the playoff game rather than this meaningless March game against the

Pistons so super important even when it’s not uh uh I guess meaningful to the regular season and and also last point about it is it helps keeps the guys engaged helps keep them together helps keep them you know focused on something and not bored so this is all very important important

Stuff as the Celtics kind of run down these last 14 games uh about a month a little less than a month ago in the regular season so all right thanks for listening everybody again sorry for the the the alarms in the first segment and the weirdness there but uh like I said I

Left it in because I think it’s a kind of funny thing to leave in so uh hope you enjoy the podcast alarms aside hope you enjoyed the postgame uh show here on YouTube and uh subscribe you know get that uh I’ll do a mailbag here I think

Tomorrow to uh get some of the questions answered for you I’ve got a lot of questions coming in to John mailbag so I’ll get that mailbag in and so submit your questions that’ll be tomorrow’s podcast so subscribe wherever you get your podcast and then share the

Show let everybody know that they should be listening to and watching the lockdown Celtics podcast right here in the lockdown podcast Network it’s your team every day

Kristaps Porzingis returned, played 21 minutes (oddly distributed), and looked like he didn’t miss a beat. Derrick White had a triple-double which required a little stat-padding but he was so wholesome about it that we will look the other way on it and embrace it. John Karalis of Boston Sports Journal has that, Jaylen Brown’s big 31 point game, and how the Celtics are taking advantage of a rare luxury to make their team even more dangerous.

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Locked On Celtics is a daily Boston Celtics podcast by Boston Sports Journal beat writer John Karalis. It’s an inside look at the C’s from a former professional basketball player who is at practices & games.

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  1. Porzingis looked just fine and it’s becoming clear they’re not going to “waste” him during the regular season-especially when they’re this far ahead for home court. Seeing DWhite get a trip-dub and just how excited his teammates were for him was a joy. These guys have that family vibe that only comes around once in a blue moon. I hope they keep building off of it. Excited to play a fully healthy Milwaukee team next. Will be a good test. Thanks John☘️🔒

  2. Can we note the Celtics are the nicest bunch of guys in the NBA in addition to being elite? They were passing to Sam so he could break the 3s record the other night. Then tonight they helped Derrick get his triple-double. They seem to genuinely like each other, always praising their teammates in interviews. There's no drama like some other teams experience.

  3. I've been a Celtic fan since 1976, and this year's team is probably my favorite of all of them – mainly because they're just such a super nice bunch of players. I mean, how could anyone not like these guys? ☘️

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