@Houston Rockets

Jalen Green Changing The Narrative

Jalen Green Changing The Narrative

by akinfinity713


  1. I’m gonna need to see it to start next year before Im a buyer. We’ve seen this show before

  2. Once upon a time, Jalen changed the narrative at the end of his rookie year. But then changed it back the beginning of year 2. However, he changed it again at end of year 2. Then changed it back at beginning of year 3. Now he’s changing yet again folks!!

    We had the Devin Booker comparison all last season. That haven’t come to fruition. But I’m sure there’s someone else who broke out after 3 years people can compare Jalen to this summer.

  3. Bewaretheicespiders

    We always knew he has the potential. But the price we paid this year -Jalen being benched in the 4th was the norm- for his recent stretch of playing like a starter, and two other small stretches, was too high.

    We’ll see what the FO does this summer, but if he wants to convince people he has turned the page, he need to start next season with a bang.

  4. chode0311

    When a post praising one of our players for playing well gets more comments than up votes you know it has become hater central.

    This is a Rockets subreddit right?

  5. user_name199

    Lmaooo look at these comments man, Jalen one of the few players that can do well and his team fans still hate him. He deserves better man.

  6. Dorks in here had to hijack the comments. Not even surprised atp.

  7. Kaaalesaaalad

    Rockets fans are the worst lmao. You praise someone here and you’re immediately labeled a stan. It’s the fucking worst.

  8. PapaNutMT

    “Rockets Propaganda” is a dope ass channel name

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