@Boston Celtics

[Dalzell] LeBron James said the Celtics lost to the Warriors in the Finals in 2022 because of IQ, but JJ Redick explains how he’s seen growth from Jayson Tatum in that regard: “It feels like with him, the reads are quicker. Making the right play is just quicker.”

(via @mindthegamepod)

by horseshoeoverlook


  1. Think_fast_no_faster

    I don’t think it’s selling anyone in green short to say that when going up against one of the all time great basketball dynasties, that late in their run, that there was a difference in basketball IQ

    It’s not like we aren’t a smart team, but shit, anyone would look dumb against the Dubs. LeBron should know that, he’s one half of one of the greatest Dumb Moments in NBA Finals history

  2. AldiQuarter

    looking back, it’s hard to believe we had a 2-1 lead in that series and were in control of the game to go up 3-1 before Steph took the series over. it’s a testament to how powerful a momentum shift in a playoff series can be. in hindsight it felt like we never even had a chance

  3. SouthernUpstate

    Part of it is growth, part of it is that decision making is much easier with the current lineup. There are so many more options who tatum and brown can trust to pass to in difficult moments.

  4. OdinsGhost31

    Also not burning yourself out in 7 game series if possible, though the other teams have a say about that.

  5. No-Cardiologist6790

    Still think the Celtics were the better team that year.

  6. tatispotti

    Huge Celts fan here. I was at Game 6. We were SKEEERT. Just sayin’.

  7. Always with this half story childish crap when they talk about this. Tatum got hurt playing the heat, we went against an unfriendly whistle through Giannis ( who was just dropping elbows on guys), the Heat, then after tearing through the other major contenders, got to the finals for the Draymond press tour. The Warriors snuck through a soft west, and then STILL had Green talking players and going on air with, once I get my first tech, I’m untouchable because they don’t want to suspend me in the finals. Like straight WWE stuff while we were already banged up. Context matters but to knock them for this crap is just garbage. I hope the west is an absolute meat grinder this year in the playoffs so we can enjoy the other half of that experience but you know they will use that excuse now that it’s not Boston disadvantaged.

  8. Valuable-Baked

    Prolly bc our coach was too busy cheating on Nia Long

    Also, the celts also got ‘out-toughed’ that series like the bruins in the 2019 SCF. Plus random shit like Jordan Poole’s half court buzzer beater

  9. outdrawed

    Baffles me that they swept a KD/Kyrie team in R1, beat a Giannis led Bucks team that had won the title one year ago, then beat the #1 seed that everybody says “turns it on in the playoffs” and the narrative is that they just weren’t ready for the bright lights and Tatum and company are a bunch of chokers when the games actually matter and this is why we should be dogs against the Nuggets despite the fact our SRS is like 7 points higher right now.

    Like, fuck man. Sometimes really good teams lose to other really good teams. That is the beginning and end of the story. It’s really fucking simple.

  10. AbbreviationsMotor60

    They lost the series in game 4 when they had a 4th quarter lead and blew it because they started playing ISO hero ball. They always lose when they do this.

  11. Waesrdtfyg0987

    Some one finally told JT to stop the end of quarter pull up bullshit triples

  12. wopsicle_spic

    it makes sense, his prefrontal cortex wasn’t fully developed yet

  13. creedbratton603

    Healthy Robert Williams and this series is completely different. Every team deals with injuries obviously, but kinda burying the fact this Celtics team was ok it’s last leg in that playoff run

  14. Because of IQ? I disagree. Tatum just had a bad playoff series. If he plays up to his standard we win the finals.

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