@New York Knicks

Reaction to Knicks-Warriors, Anthony Edwards dunk, LeBron James new podcast | Draymond Green Show

Reaction to Knicks-Warriors, Anthony Edwards dunk, LeBron James new podcast | Draymond Green Show

What’s up everybody Welcome to the Draymond Green Show YouTube channel make sure you hit that subscribe button make sure you like the post that you love but you can get everything the Draymond Green show right on our YouTube channel so make sure you subscribe check that out thank you what’s up everybody

Welcome back to the Draymond Green show we are back after another dubs home loss um and being very specific about home because we some for some reason can’t get home games figured out uh but we’ll get into that uh we’ll talk about the last couple dubs game actually also

There’s a new podcast that’s popped up that we’re going to discuss a little bit uh but before that remember to subscribe to our YouTube channel this is not the volume YouTube channel although we want you to subscribe there as well but make sure you subscribe to our YouTube

Channel get everything from the Draymond Green show right there appreciate the support on but let’s get into it um this is after a game I am tired I am sore I’m ready to go to sleep but I got you before I do um the dubs beat the Lakers 128 to 121

Since we last talked uh and then we lost tonight to the Knicks 119 to 112 all right the NBA season is in full swing coming down the stretch then we move right into the playoffs in April May and June I can’t wait spice things up with Draft Kings sport sports book an

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Crown is yours it’s tough uh defending Jaylen Brunson if I’m honest I I I actually prefer to defend him more in ISO than a pick and roll he’s so crafty man you start adding adding a screener a pick and roll with Jaylen Brunson and he’s coming downhill and he’s got all

The pivots and Si steps and drawing files and he uses his body great he finishes well uh Jaylen Brunson is a three-level scorer he can finish at The Rim he can finish in the mid-range he got a floater he got a three he got a

Pull up like he score at all levels and so me personally I’d rather guard him oneon-one than guarding him in a pick and roll guarding him in a pick and roll is tough almost impossible and like you’re blitzing but the thing is with most guys when you Blitz them they get sped up

They get off the ball he he never gets sped up he plays at his own place so like even if you Blitz like he’s not really trying to go somewhere he’s just going to wait till the floor opens up and then he’s going to make his move and

Um interestingly enough uh you know it it works every night and he is playing at an all NBA level uh it’s good to see him getting his dude that he’s getting uh I think you know for I played Jaylen Brunson we did in the playoffs a couple

Years ago with Dallas that is a totally different player and by the way he was really good then so I’m not going to act like he was a bum then and just like who he is now he was really good then so much so that in that playoff series he

Was actually my matchup he was their starting guard but I matched up with him that playoff series because he he was that good so he’s been good not sure any of us thought he’d be this uh it’s been fun to watch uh JB is one of those guys

That you cheer for because he’s humble he’s second round pick uh as National player of the year I know what that feel like um but he’s humble uh it’s been beautiful you know watch his dad get a chance to coach him in the NBA challenging him in the NBA like I’ve

Seen a couple Clips where he start complaining that like shut up man go play like like man that’s so dope so happy for for Rick Brunson and Jaylen man what they doing over there with the Knicks and the Big Apple absolutely incredible to watch um and then his his

His one of his villain NOA buddies uh Josh Hart is playing out of his mind and I when I say out of his mind I don’t mean that in a disrespectful way I don’t mean that what that he’s not capable but like I think Josh Hart’s got like four

Triple doubles in the last two weeks two or three weeks or something like that he never had one before this season exactly you know so he’s playing incredible basketball um more you look at that trade last year they gave him away for for a pack of peanuts

And it’s been a great addition and you know Josh does all the little things he rebounds he passes he defend he pushes the tempo he he definitely offens I said rebound offensive Rebound in particular he’s crashing the glass every single time just the energy brings to the floor

He played 48 minutes tonight you couldn’t tell he played 48 minutes he never seemed to be tired one time um got to get give give them guys their credit and then the other villain NOA buddy um which is my guy dvo Dante d chenzo uh he’s playing well and I think

The beautiful thing about what Dante is doing they’re just letting Dante play like Dante you go play you figure it out he’s knocking shots down he’s hitting floaters he’s playmaking uh them boys look good got to got to take your hat off to him regardless of all the

Injuries that they’ve been dealing with they are playing at a very very high level and it starts with the head of the snake Jaylen Bronson um and then Josh Hart and Dante and Miles McBride got off tonight but those three guys in particular uh they’re doing it night in

And night out and it’s you know hate to be on the wrong end of it uh but like I said they Jaylen Brunson in particular extremely extremely tough guard he gave us hell tonight the Nicks loss is our third straight loss at home which again I don’t quite understand uh we

Seem to be playing a lot better and more connected on the road than we are at home and that’s a problem uh because we keep kind of having this week at home week on the road week at home week on the road and it’ll pretty much be like

That through the end of the year and we’re going on the road and covering ground and then just giving it all back uh at home which is frustrating because obviously we all I don’t need to continue to talk about the play in playoff race we all know what’s at stake

And what’s there and if you can go on the road and win these tough games then you should be able to come home and dominate your home court and yet we sit here at 17 and 18 at home this year um and it is honestly it’s unacceptable

If I had an answer for you uh what’s happening um I would would 1,000% not give you the answer but actually give the answer to my team and then tell you how we did it but we can’t seem to figure it out um and you know it’s like when you’re at home you

Like you should feed off the energy from the crowd you should you know everybody should play better when you’re at home and that’s just not happening for us uh so what are there 14 games left yeah about 14 game 13 or 14 games left got to figure it out at some point

Because these games are very critical to this race and you can’t keep taking one step forward two steps back and that’s what we keep doing so we got two more games on this current hom stand Wednesday versus the Grizzlies Friday versus the Pacers two very winnable games yet two

Young Scrappy teams uh pace in particular play fast as hell as we know uh the Grizzlies are playing with nothing to lose they got so many guys out those guys that are playing just going out there and playing basketball free uh no concerns and and you know

They took sack to overtime tonight so won’t be easy games uh but if we go play our Brandon basketball they’re actually very winnable games so got to win the games that you’re supposed to win tough loss tonight Knicks are playing well they’re good still a game that we should win especially at home

Um but you have to win the games you’re supposed to win and try to steal a couple that you probably not supposed to win so it’ll be very important for us to close out this homest stand uh make sure we go on this road on two uh well two

Game win streak and then going into Minnesota then Miami than Orlando like this road trip is going to be a tough road trip however I seem to worry less about the tough road trips because we seem to play well on the road uh but you

Can’t count on that you you you got to take care of the games that you’re supposed to take care of Minnesota’s played great all year I’m they’re tough at home they’re tough anywhere so got to take care of these last two put ourselves in the best position that we

Possibly can we know what’s at stake uh with the Laker game it was good to take a 2-1 series lead uh be that that could come down to a tie let’s hope not but it could and so it’s good to take a 2-1 lead we played them one more time

Hopefully we’ll be able to take that one as well um but and speaking of the Lakers um as I said we beat them 128 to 121 nights ago and before the game ruy hura said said uh I I’ll probably just butcher ru’s last name so I

Apologize uh but ruie said that this is pretty much like a playoff game and he was not lying uh they are in a position where every game is like a playoff game we’re in a position where every game is like a playoff game for us and you know

We were able to go take that game uh but that’s definitely the feeling you have right now you know being in the position that we’re in you don’t get the luxury of like resting and taking it easy and not worrying about a loss like everyone counts every single

One of them matter and so um yes we definitely felt the same way ruy felt uh and I think we approached that game with that type of intensity and we were able to take the game our ad left early in that game with a eye abrasion a corneal

Abrasion I heard it was um I was swoll and shut for the most of the game uh so he was not able to return which a liot helps uh anytime you don’t have Anthony Davis on the floor on the other side it helps and so um but nonetheless happy to

See ad back out there tonight the last two minutes of that game had to be the weirdest two minutes or minute and 50 or whatever you want Of All Times um it took 20 minutes to get through those last two minutes and honestly at the time obviously we were up 124 to

120 because BR hit a crazy three in the corner which after review they said he was out of bounds so it didn’t count which made the score 124 to 117 and they had the ball uh they’re coming down now minute and 50 seconds left you

Got the ball down seven you come down to hit a three and that’s a 124 12 game that is a totally different ball game like that’s a that you got a game like that’s a two possession ball game with essentially probably three possessions left um yeah give or take two to three

Possessions left two possession ball game and after the long delay it was just kind of like let’s like game over let’s get out of here you know after 20 minutes everybody stiff um you’re just over it because they can’t figure it out and it was crazy because I heard the

Roughs like right after as soon as it happened um the first time I heard maybe Mitchell say let’s just go to the stopwatch which they end up doing 20 minutes later but I was wondering like whose call is that because I heard the referee say let’s go to the stopwatch so

Is that like the scores table call of like no we got it it’s good now because there was also a a a possession earlier in that game maybe it was the third quarter could have been earlier in the fourth quarter but there was a possession in that game where we

Actually got 28 seconds on the shot clock because the shot clock had reset and I was standing the game and I watched it went in back to 24 and then it just start ticking and Ticking and and none of the referees noticed it and I thought that was an interesting proess

Uh possession because if the referees took where to go stop it right and then you go and you look at the stopwatch and the game and like to sync all these things up if you get to 24 seconds like can you really give us a shot clock violation because we’re looking at the

Shot clock right so like no I don’t have to go get get a shot up because there’s 21 seconds left on the shot clock and so I thought that was a very interesting thing but that was clearly the beginning of what we then learned of a clock malfunction uh because they just

Couldn’t get it figured out and honestly I think we were going to win the game no problem like I you know we should close that game out but you can never be so certain and I think that really screwed the Lakers like they they didn’t stand a chance after that like by

The time we start back playing you see their possession it was awful and Brian end up scoring but it was maybe after like 20 seconds and he just tried and tried and tried tried and tried and then he finally got you know layup to go in

And um but it was over like the the flow of the game was gone um like everything the Rhythm was off like I told everybody stiff like it was actually pretty crazy um I’ll take it like we got the win we closed the game out but I was also very shocked that

Like bri or dham didn’t go crazy OG dham I know that’s my OG from sag nasty um I was surprised that they didn’t go crazy because the referees just kept taking like they start the clock and the shot clock didn’t start and then they take two seconds off the shot clock but

They’re back there still and then they started and then they took before you knew it they have 14 seconds left on the shot clock the game clock at this point is 10 11 seconds less than what it was and now they’re they got to go get a possession I I

Would have been Furious I must say because like why are we losing time because they can’t get this this the clock right like so I would have argued for that clock to go back to 24 I would have argued for the game clock to go

Back like let us take it all the way back out back down there and let the clocks go back to where they should go that’s what my argument would have been so I was very shocked that like but that that everybody just kind of Let It Go

But as I said said you also kind of get to a point where you like yo just get us out of here like it’s been 20 minutes to finish these last two minutes down seven but again you hit a three fourpoint game and it’s totally different game so happy we got out there

With the win that was weird uh I mean figure something out like don’t I thought all the Arenas have like the little shot clocks that can go like down in the corner if something happen but like figure something else out it was very also very weird sitting there

Listening to a guy go 15 seconds left on the shot clock 10 seconds left on the shot clock 5 Seconds 5 4 3 that was also very weird uh and so after that between the weirdness of the clock and like the weirdness of listening to someone

Countown the shot clock it was over and we took out we took the dub I think we was going to win anyway as I said but you can never be so certain and I thought that was a tough break for the Lakers in other news there were a couple

Dunks in the land of the NBA tonight that Um arguably both dunks of the year uh Anthony Edwards number one uh completely completely baptized John Collins uh made him fall down to the ground made JC grab his eye uh like his eye was hurting which listen it could be because I saw ant grab his

Hand he has a head he has a head contusion officially official injury from that dunk listen even if you have a hair contusion from the dunk you can’t announce that you have a hair contusion like just kind of got a roll with it I pray that he didn’t leave the game did

He leave the game Jackson I think he I think he did leave actually he only played 20 minutes so he left the again you also can’t leave after that like I’m sorry I I may be concussed but I at least got to go run up and down this court five

More times like I mean for few five more minutes like you just can’t leave right after that because say this for instance like we live in a strange world right like weird world crazy world like what if you never go in the game again and your last seconds on the court

Was that like like think about it you again you just never know like we live in a crazy world and like basketball can be a crazy Sport and it demands so much of the body like you just never know and so like what if that was your last time

Like you going to be remembered like that like JC you can’t leave the game man come on JC you JC a high flyer JC didn’t had his fair share of putting guys in that Rim like we’ve seen him that man used to catch them lives in Atlanta and like don’t jump because you

In the rim Trey young will put it to where only he could get get it and he get it and then whoever’s underneath you dunked on so we’ve seen JC catch his fres aare bodies you can’t leave the game JC you just can’t man like it’s okay you know it didn’t go great

Like golly that dunk was Wild Man Anthony Edwards gets like he attempts like one of those maybe like every four or five games where he actually attempt those he had one he attempted a couple weeks ago on ad uh just missed it um he tried one like

That on me before and it didn’t work out thank go all praise be to God um but that dunk Godly and then Ant-Man comes out and say that’s the best dunk of my career like relax an like we get it like you you got the right I guess so do

What you do young fella man that dunk is crazy and then Jaylen Johnson pretty much jumped over Austin Reed’s um the poster if you go look at the NBA’s Instagram account the poster is crazy because like Austin Reed’s face is kind of in the man’s crotch area and that picture ain’t going nowhere

Like you it’s it’s there it’s stuck and um I’m not going to make fun view Austin because I’m still playing and I would hate for that to happen to me just like by the way JC I’m over here talking I ain’t making fun of you either cuz it

Happens to the best of us but JC you still can’t lead the game and and Austin um some guys you just don’t set up for a charge against uh you got to and you’ve been in the league long enough now and you got to know that there’s some guys

You better learn that rule to verticality because even if you jump at least your head isn’t stuck in the position on the poster where it’s at now you know like if you jump and go vertical and he still dunk on you like that like your head positioning is

Different and and it all looks different like yeah you got dunked on but like that’s a different thing will happen Austin so y’all better work on the rules of verticality with with Austin Reed so next time he see a guy like Jaylen Johnson coming down that paint he know exactly where to

Go that was tonight now let’s discuss Kyrie Irving yesterday Kyrie Irving decides that he’s going to take a running leftand hook over the outstretched arms of the MVP well he’ll probably be MVP this year but he’s definitely a two-time MVP Joker and like that’s the shot he went for like he didn’t try to like create a different like he actually comes off like

Boom boom going into the Lefty hook like what’s wrong with Kyrie Kyrie is crazy and ironically he had that shot yesterday I was having a conversation with a few friends the other day about how good Kyrie that night before actually about how good Kyrie Irving is and I actually said to a couple

Friends and like the world to take this and like run with it and try to make it something to of what is not when it’s actually a compliment because anyway I said kyri Irving is the scorer scorer that everyone the world thinks of Kevin Durant and what I meant by that was like

There are some things at times that you can do to Kevin to make it a little tougher on him why because he’s 7 feet and he handles the ball a lot and if you know there’s times where because he’s 7 feet if you time it right you can pressure up and

Like press up into Kevin and make things a little bit tougher you know he have to turn his back or something and get him out just get him out of rhythm a little bit but like he’s seven feet so most guys that can guard him out there when

He’s handling the ball is not going to be S feet because seven Footers don’t move move like Kevin Durant Kyrie Irving you can’t like do anything to make it hard on him like you can’t make the game tough for Kyrie like he’s one of the best three-point

Shooters he’s one of got one of the best mid-rangers arguably if not the best he has he’s arguably the best finisher in the NBA um he has floaters with either hand as you can see by that um he can finish with either hand at The Rim Kyrie can also switch and shoot a

Mid-range jump shot with his left hand like if you get him in a bad way in the air he can actually just shoot it with like there there’s actually nothing you can do um to stop Kyrie from scoring you you just try to do all you can to make

Him take a tough shot and then you got to live with the results but Kyrie Irving the way he scores the basketball the amount of things that he’s capable of doing unbelievable I saw I saw Damian uh Lillard tweet Dame doll tweet Kyrie Irving is the most skilled player in NBA

History and quite frankly I’m not sure who can argue against that like and even if you want an AR want to argue against it you got to argue your point like it’s not just like oh yeah that person like no you got to argue why that’s how skilled Kyrie Irving is like that

Dude he he he got the game of basketball figured out like when it comes to playing with the basketball he’s got that figured out all figured out I mean that shot yes to even attempt that shot like you just like that’s what he I I want y’all to understand he went for that

Shot like this is Kyrie Irving he can come off and [ __ ] B and like fade he went for that shot that to me is crazier than anything he went for the running hook with the left went for it that’s different man that’s different Kai I take my hat off to him that’s unbelievable

Unbelievable like the things that Kyrie is capable of is unreal there’s an argument now me personally I may argue Steph Curry uh the most skilled player we’ve ever seen most talented uh just some things that he could do but as I said before you have an argument it has to be argued

Because the skill level is unbelievable and before we get out of here LeBron James is starting a new podcast with JJ Reddit and the podcast is called mind the game mind the game uh the podcast is aimed at like dir basketball fans like like B like you love the ex’s and O’s of

Basketball and from what it looks like they’ll be just talking EX in those like pure basketball conversation I’m excited to check it out uh because I love a great basketball conversation and you don’t get to have those often with many people and you definitely don’t get to

Watch them often so I’m excited to check it out I must say I am a little um upset that LeBron James is like going on theast and he still haven’t been on the Draymond Green show uh but when it’s your own thing you kind of can’t say

Anything so I guess I’ll live with it for now pick the bone with him that I got to pick with him later uh nonetheless that is coming out tomorrow and I am excited to check it out I hope you all are excited to check it out as

Well JJ and Brion two of the best basketball Minds in the game today and when I say in the game I mean speaking the game playing and the game you name it uh two guys that we all really will enjoy watching break down the game of basketball so y’all also

Make sure y’all go check that out that’ll be fun to watch and like I said I’m looking forward to it to see two guys that know the game the way those two guys know it and then also aren’t afraid to hear themselves talk I love it looking forward to it

Till next time that’s a wrap make sure y’all remember to subscribe to our YouTube channel get your content right there look no further till next time that’s a wrap from the Draymond Green Show Peace

Draymond Green reacts to Steph Curry and the Golden State Warriors losing to Jalen Brunson, Josh Hart and the New York Knicks, the Dubs’ sub-.500 home record, and the team’s victory over the Los Angeles Lakers this past Saturday. Dray also shares his thoughts on Anthony Edwards’ poster dunk, Kyrie Irving’s incredible game-winner over Nikola Jokic, LeBron James and JJ Redick’s new podcast, and much more.

00:00 – Start
01:00 – Knicks loss
19:00 – Poster dunks
24:00 – Kyrie’s shot
29:00 – LeBron’s new pod

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  1. Draymond, I hope you see and receive this comment. I’m not on any other social media outlet, and I’m a subscriber of your YouTube channel.

    My daughter and I have purchased tickets to see the Warriors & Mavericks on 4/5. It would be GREAT if I could meet you and Steph. Pretty please with sugar and spice and EVERYTHING nice🙏🏽❤️

  2. Drayton you need to score more average 16points, 10+ rebs, 7 + assist and you would release pressure off the young guys… You can't be averaging single digit points and rebs… You got to turn up more you bring the energy bruh turn up, and turn up on wiggins he gots to average 25 he's more than capable 💯 TURN TF UP 💯

  3. Can we be real, it seems like our team knows this season is a bust. The lack of energy out there was crazy. Maybe we need to just start thinking about what we need to do before next season. Love you Dray! Great content!

  4. NBA players crying for fouls all game is not basketball. That’s why guys like, MJ, Kobe, Shaq, AI and Steph are the goats. They just play ball and are damn good at it. These so called best players in this new era are soft as hell and the refs don’t make it any better.

  5. Giving the knicks prop is good and all but this warriors team is a f ing disappointment draymond, there is no reason in hell why you should be getting out worked by a injured knicks team who 1 player who played the entire game it’s simply unacceptable considering the position this team is in now you sure don’t play like your playoff life is on the line it’s honestly a disappointment and Steph was right this disappointed of a team that has so much going for it will not even get out of the play in the way you’re playing right now

  6. 95-99 all you need to do is to make that layup and you blew it. You need to be better. All momentum got lost at that point. You sold it! Are you washed?! And make yourself a threat man. Your not looking to score and you are making dumb passes. They know what you want to do. Be better Dray!

  7. I can only speak for myself as a devoted Dubs fans. But this year has officially aged me by 5 years…. I will never lose faith in you guys 10 toes down! But Dray can yall realistically go on a run? Last night was hella ugly”

  8. Idk why ya just didn’t leave Josh hart open the entire game. No reason ya not doubling Brunson and boxing out for rebounds 🤦🏾‍♂️

  9. Much respect to you for giving JB his flowers. I’m a big fan of your style of play, since I’m a big fan of 90’s ball.

  10. I think it’s that Chase doesn’t have the same energy as Oracle… different vibe. Wish we stayed in Oakland. Jmo

  11. that Austin dunk would never happen to you because you ain't taking a charge in the paint 😂 strip, contest, foul or evacuate 💀

  12. Podzimski 25 minutes scoreless 0 points Wiggins 7 points green 2 points you have 3 starter players 9 points combined it's alarming sir draymond green, you need to take care the Winnable game

  13. Hey Draymond, Lifetime Knick fan (even when they sucked). I have a renewed respect for you after hearing this podcast. Being that the Dubs play the Knicks only twice a year, the only interviews I hear are the ones that are not flattering. You speak your mind and in my opinion that is commendable. EDIT: Kyrie AND your brother Steph got it figured out!

  14. As a dubs fan, I'm ashsamed by the lack of our presence in the comments. It's a knicks hornfest in here! That said I might as well join in and say they are definitely the team in the east that I'm rooting for. All their guys are down to earth humble dudes, Thibodeau is an old school coach, and they have a legit culture. One thing I love about the Heat and basically all Thibodeau teams is that they straight up don't complain about calls. They might give a quick reaction or outburst but then they're done and move on and don't get techs. The Warriors are a disgrace in this regard, including you Draymond lol.

  15. Y’all problem is you truly don’t believe anymore. Faith has been lost. Your body language says it the way you come out sleeping just waiting to go down 10 playing with zero intent. Fans can feel it and then y’all go to the podium and read off the same scripted chatter every time.

    Be all in or all out, this luke warm one foot in shit is disgusting.

  16. JB justs get all his points from free points then cries when he not getting calls for clearly tryna force contact , it’s such a bitch way to play the game honestly

  17. Appreciate you Dray. Honest and accountable. The traits of a man. I like the way you strip things back and break down the ways you lose. Thats how you actually get better.

  18. I'm grateful to live in 2024 because we have game brains like Draymond, PG13, JJ, and Bron now debunking games. What a blast man. Every time I see DG I click no matter what he talks about.

  19. Honestly i wonder is Steph thinking about getting into the podcast space. Draymond I think that you and steph should do a podcast that's just my opinion just because of how much you guys know each other you guys are teammates and have a brotherhood that goes beyond basketball. I would love to hear what steph has to say because I feel like no one gets steph enough credit for his IQ on the game of basketball and what he's thinking when he sees sort defenses. Draymond I have heard you say Stephen Curry is calling the plays out that u guys run. To me to this day my favorite episode is with you having Stephen Curry on the show with you before you guys have one at 2022 championship that's just my opinion a lot of the podcast Draymond keep doing what u doing bro

  20. Dray plays for Klutch, not Golden State. Working on the analytics but the number of times he personally stops runs with turnovers and/or missed layups is so far outside the standard deviation it might warrant an FBI investigation into point shaving.

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