@Los Angeles Clippers

“We Gonna Be Fine!” Ty Lue LA Clippers Practice Press Conference. HoopJab NBA

“We Gonna Be Fine!” Ty Lue LA Clippers Practice Press Conference. HoopJab NBA

Okay saw Norman out there looking pretty good is he expected to play um he’s expeced to travel we’re not quite sure um if he’s going to play or which game but he’s going to travel so we just kind of see how he feels once he gets on the

Trip are you sensing that at this stage of the Season that maybe you guys are on the skip part of the process they just want to get to the playoffs to share what they can do there well we can’t skip the process you know we all understand that and um just sticking to

The process understand we got to you know execute and do the right things on both sides of the basketball which I’ve been preaching you know so we understand we got to be back get back to being a defensive minded team um when we’re doing that we’re getting out in transition we’re running everyone’s

Touching it it’s fun to play that way but when you’re not getting the stops and you know you’re 27th in the league and defense the last 15 20 games um it’s hard to really you know be a good team you know when you’re not getting stops you’re not getting out in transition not

Callusing turnovers and so we got to be better in that regard you know I think it starts defensively being a lot better T you talked the other day just about the mental aspect of the game how do you what what do you do as a coach to you

Know get them through a mental block yeah just keeping still in confidence and what we can do you know they wouldn’t be here if they wasn’t great players and so just having a confidence to do what you do you know on a nightly basis and then do it hard you know and

So um I’m never going to take confidence away from any of our players we encourage our players to do what they do take open sh shots be aggressive and so we’re going to be fine you know just like I said the process of just doing stuff the right way as far as executing

Um and we’ll be good have teams just figured you out do you think um I think they figured out some things to try to slow us down offensively um they’ve done that and then offensively I think pushing the ball getting you know in transition attacking us early before we

Can get our defense set I think they figur that out you know so we got to be better with that but offensively just you know they they’ve done some things to try to take James out of you know being aggressive and making the plays and trying to wear him down and so we

Got to be better with that which we we can and we shown we can do it see we discussed about um Paul having the ball in the SS more doing a lot more in in ball screens as this time of the year what we didn’t discuss was how that

Might affect James at all uh how does increasing ball Paul’s uh ball own ball reps affect James in any way it doesn’t I mean because Paul’s usually hand on the ball when James Goes to the bench and we run more you know picking roles for for Paul once James Goes to

The bench and so it’s just you know taking away some Paul’s catching shoots and just more picking roles and so um they all have to be able to share the responsibility of making plays for their teammates and for each other um and so it’s just not going to be just James the

Whole time you know so kawhai can do it um you know PG can do it James can do it and so they have to make sure they’re just sharing the responsibility of doing that but that doesn’t take away from what James branks to his team and what

We need him to do in the pick and roll game said a few weeks ago uh teams were doubling Kawai and it was almost as if like they don’t think you guys can get out of it or figure it out do you still feel the same way no the last three

Games against Chicago against New Orleans they took the double team off when Kawai showed he can make you know make the right pass make the right play and we was able to score get some easy threes you know get some easy um close out some D drives from close outs and so

They took the double team off so it was good to see that you know in that area we finally starting to figure it out and understand you know what we need to be doing for our spacing against double teams when they uh double team kawhai so the last few games that’s been

Better hey go ah good I was say I know you had to ask or excuse me answer a lot of effort questions after the last game but Kawai and PG both have kind of mentioned it recently with the approach to the regular season being such a big emphasis

From you before the season do you see any slippage in that particular area with the way that guys are approaching these games later into the season you know I’m not a big excuse guy but I think they’re getting a little worn down you know I think but you got to mentally

Fight through it you know and it’s going to be tough challenges and we understand the travel we understand the back to backs and all but you know we just got to fight through it you know that’s not an excuse you know and you know I’ve

Been in a locker room so I’ve seen you know when you we play three games in a row you know my first year in the lockout year so you know we play back to back to back you know so it could be mental but we just can’t let that seep

In like even if we are Tire a little bit you still can do things the right way and so if you lose a game by doing things the right way you can always build and you always go back to your habits um when you need to so that’s the

Most important thing what was your initial reaction when you were handed this roster on October 31st and you knew that you going to have these four guys what was your initial reaction I felt great and I still feel great what you over intimidated overwhelmed I’m no I’m not intimidated

No no ma’am these last 15 game I’m sorry go goad go ahead to I me God man how many questions you want you got the video I’m saying cuz you got the video go ahead man what you got in speaking of last couple of days like it’s you’re not often critical but

It’s as critical as we’ve heard you in the last couple weeks I’m curious if that affects maybe not how you coach but how you approach the situation now is it different than how you would have approached um a loss in like January or something like that you have to kind of

It’s not about the losses y y’all chart losses wins and losses I CH how we’re playing and if we’re playing the right way so you can play and do everything the right way in lose and you can go home and you feel good about it but when

You lose and you don’t play the right way or we don’t do the things we’re supposed to do and we don’t execute then that’s hard to take home you know and so um those are the things we got to get you know get back to doing is having

Those habits on both sides of the basketball with our SPAC and defensively having a physicality hitting first when the shot goes up getting back in transition like those are the things that we can control and it’s not a hard thing to do so so when you maybe not the

Losses the effort the way you want to play do you approach maybe coach I keep say I don’t know if to say effort either I would say we’re just not doing the right things you know for 48 minutes how many guys are saying effort so I don’t

Care what they’re saying um they say a lot of things you they say a lot of things but no you can say what you want to say but I’m saying like doing things the right way I got just curiosity about Brandon cuz other guys have gotten opportunities

To play a little bit more seems like um I think BR only play 20 minutes in the game maybe twice the season and I wanted to be I want to know like what have you seen from him that we’re not seeing um both you know things that are

Encouraging and what more do you want to see from him if he does get another opportunity for extended run no he’s been good you know Brandon like I said you got to try to keep him off the floor you know as far as working out and all

The extra work he’s putting in and he’s done a good job and you know starting training camp you know when we first started training camp he had one of the better camps as far as um young guys and what he did and what he brought and then

Unfortunately he got hurt the first you know preseason game and kind of set him back but I thought he really understood his role ion thought he really understood how to play off kawhai PG and Russ because James wasn’t there yet just catching and shooting driving close outs

Not over dribbling and then you know when he got hurt we kind of took off and then you know just trying to find ways to get him on the floor but he’s he’s been great he hasn’t done anything wrong so not been use a away effort have 15

Games left yes doing this stretch do you want to see improved play in all 15 games is there 55 get stretch or is it game by let’s start with one let’s start with tomorrow let’s show Improvement tomorrow and then let’s show Improvement on Friday let’s but I mean we’ve done it

Like they they know the blueprint I mean we just went 26 and5 they understand like what it takes to do it and so we just got to do it every single night like we can’t get comfortable with the process we can’t think we’re better than

We are you know we can’t fall into the Trap of being tired like let’s just do what we need to do and would be okay don’t like eff anymore please don’t you team flip the switch whenever they want you believe or that yeah I’ve seen him before does this team have that

Capability I don’t know this my first time having this team but I’ve seen teams flip the switch before you know um a lot of times actually I’ve been a part of a lot of teams that can flip the switch and and be great when the postseason comes but you play with kby

And Shaq man stop it you said what you play with kby and Shaq man yeah so I saw it what you mean I saw Cleveland teams do it I saw LeBron James I saw it that’s what I’m saying I’m sure t and you playing with you my bad it’s whatever

Man y’all getting out of char y’all getting out of control man this media is just crazy for like coaches media writer y’all do everything huh come on man what you got for me I was going to ask you um you’ve been staggering kawhai and PG uh the last couple weeks you’ve gotten more

To like a playoff type staggering system with them uh what have you seen out of the Kawai bench units that have that you haven’t seen that cuz it seems like the kaai bench units haven’t been as prolific as you probably would have liked to end certain quarters so I’m

Kind of wondering like is there any thing that you want to see out of them with him as the main guy kind of booing bench lineups yeah I think um being better defensively um that’s one way you know to get out in transition to get easy baskets and then you know dead

Balls and you know free throw stuff like that you know we do a good job of featuring kawhai which Bones has done a good job you know with that and then nor be on the floor as well so we got to do it better job of ending quarters like

You said when James and PG come out that last four minutes you know we got to do a better job of just finishing those quarters and making sure we getting good shots making sure we taking care of the basketball thank you how you got

Los Angeles Clippers Head Coach Ty Lue speaks to the media at Clippers practice.


  1. gonna be fine?? and got spanked by the 10TH SEED HAWKS WITH NO TRAE YOUNG ???? We need Westbrook back ASAP

  2. The team has low-IQ players, Zu is not an impactful center, and Ty Lue is not a great coach. Whatever his playbook is or whatever he has the team working on does not translate to significant wins. If the Clippers don't make the finals, Ty should leave or be released, Zue, and PG need to be traded for better/smarter players.

  3. 5:44 that’s a big statement and I believe him because my team lost vs the mavs with kryie game winner nuggets had everything good running plays getting stops at the right time it’s just that kryie made his shots

  4. Hopefully that last circus w/ the hawks was a wakeup call. We gotta start doing something about the young guns running circles around the old heads.

  5. We need Russ!!! When is he coming back , by this point a one handed Russ would be better then then the shit we have on the floor right now

  6. The only guy that loooks tired is Kawahi, he’s missing wide-open threes and sure with a lot of his jumpers that he’s usually automatic PG is being PG plays great when it doesn’t mean anything when there’s any type of pressure on the line he folds and I take that back James Harden he looks a little bit tired out there as well

  7. As long as we get through March still in the 4th seed we basically have all home games besides one going into the playoffs and I think maybe one back to back in April so we should be get some rest if we fall into the tournament it’s game over

  8. I’d almost rather us be the succeed if OKC happens to be the one seed and they are great team, but our experience would take them to school on the playoffs

  9. We need to load manage till the playoffs, Let bench and 3rd stringers string together some wins while our starters get rest. Instead of making harden and kawhi play through injuries, that’s a dumb move.

  10. There's a really simple fix to all of this…just play with heart and effort… your talent will take you the rest of the way….but just play with heart and effort.

  11. That was hella funny when he went at the media….😂
    Dude was like "this ain't Shaq and Kobe, this ain't Bron" and Ty was like, "dude i've seen it"……😂
    He answered the question honestly with a yes and that wasn't good enough for the reporter….😂
    Then why did you ask the question?
    Does this reporter not understand that Kawhi Leonard is a different animal in the postseason?
    Was he there last postseason when Kawhi went bonkers in games one and two?
    Yes, unfortunately this is how some great players wind down the regular season.
    They are not that concerned about seeding.
    Yes they can turn it up a notch!
    We've all seen it!
    Please don't tell me Russ wasn't way better in the postseason than the regular season!
    He was playing like a mad man out there!
    These dudes are waiting for the postseason!

  12. No championship mentality pg Dan near in retirement mode to focused on dat dam podcast needa be talkin yo damn team my boi harden bein harden as usual

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