@Boston Celtics

LIVE: Celtics vs Pistons Postgame Show | Garden Report

LIVE: Celtics vs Pistons Postgame Show | Garden Report

Can you say hardheads folks hard hats lunch PES steel to a boots anything show of a championship this year is a failure look at this Boomer right here you’ve just got so much talent here somebody said we need to apologize for J can I call the John what are we apologizing

For what do we say what do we Do uhuh uhuh amt’s busy busy am’s doing a lot of things welcome to the a show back back yeah exciting show tonight not so much about the game there’s a lot of stuff going on a lot of stuff exting stuff excited about yeah we’re excited about uh we’re

Excited about just being excited the Jimmy John podcast we’re excited about that back two nights in a row we pulled one out last night John we pulled one out yeah people didn’t think we could do it well that was tough that was tough I had to fights yeah you you came out

Firing right off the top last game you you were out for karma uh the whole nine yards you were digging deep into your bag as they say yeah yeah there’s already some controversy here really what’s going on uh we we have launched our bracket Jimmy uh I’m well aware there’s a lot of

People right now in the chat seeing that blorp made the bracket and you know what they’re shouting are they butt hurt well what are they shouting I don’t know what are they shouting tell me chat what what’s everybody feeling right now that blur oh that’s jealous they’re saying that’s jealous they’re saying that’s

Jealous they’re saying that’s jealous yes he’s in he’s in the playing game in the Herman Gomez region uh in the Kevin jelly region we have playing right now uh between I just spit out my vodka and tilapia TV um which you know that’s a late entry that’s a plan match up that’s

Definitely a a play match up those are be a TV just what are they a 16 seed or an eight SE Cinderella they just came out of nowhere they just came out of nowhere Happ at TV is like the the thief that stole Heaven nickel nick jelo thought for the

Longest while that blorp was my burner I’m like no man I’m not that funny yeah well you would nominate your you would sneakily nominate yourself for the tournament though so no man blorp is killing it listen we’ve pinned it in the chat we’re going to vote the playin is

Tonight and tonight only and whatever comes through on the Twitter poll in the 24 hours that it is um active and then bang the the the brackets are locked in and we will begin voting uh in our uh one through eight matchups uh in both regions the Herman Gomez region and the

Kevin jelly region we will begin that on Wednesday for uh yeah yeah I like wait a second farts my dog got screwed farts my dog I thought was a one seed now I’m looking at it and it’s a two- seed yeah unbelievable you got tangu I got I got

Tangu by by the number one that’s okay nothing like a nice little two1 I think it’s going to be thanasis vers farts my do in the probably wait let’s look at it one more time in that in that field there yeah I mean let’s break it

Down I mean it’s a tough 27 though John you really put me up against it right off the top that’s jealous is a is a hot one right now they’re coming that’s a hot one they’re coming in the bracket hot that’s a hot one I actually I

Actually thought I had put it against Luke’s lemon squares but that’s tough you put three of my four all against each other Bart my dog sad girls I did invent blame pie um hey Luis made the Luis made the bracket too is about that yeah Luke’s

Lemon squares a two yeah it’s going to be a good one this is going to be a good one and let’s bring in Bobby Manning and see what he thinks about the bracket the Herman Gomez region right now thanasis Manning is a heavy favorite heavy he’s

Gonna take on either blorp or is that a tie in the one eight matchup you got tangu is going to take out either I just spit out my vodka or tilapia TV a late entry uh into that it’s farts yeah why is it farts not facts because facts is old farts is new

Farts took over yeah farts took over it has to has to do with that Region’s loaded chairart it is John stacked one side I didn’t mean to that’s not how I why I wanted to see I’m not blaming the producer I I had a couple of things in

Different regions it is what it is that’s what we got right now hey take it up with the committee and yes taking the old ones out made it hard to fill out but I feel like stuff that’s no longer part of our vernacular doesn’t um yeah fed about that

J stacked Herman Gomez is stacked right now yeah it is in the real one you got Tang Wade is gonna is Gonna Roll Roll to the championship and then we’ll see who he faces vote for me tilapia TV all right let’s talk some basketball guys because that’s what people are here for

Right after after all always always Bobby Manning Bobby Manning joining us early you know go you go you go Bobby you were there the chat usually waits for you to talk basketball even Bobby doesn’t want to talk basketball tonight this was somehow worse this is somehow worse than

Last night maybe I’m just more tired maybe I liked it much better than last night really I yeah no this fil was tough to follow you know it was fun watching Ivy do his thing I last night because it was over in 12 seconds the Celtics had enough

Like bench players on the floor where it was like possible no you’re right it would remain competitive yeah and you see porzingis out there he got a couple second half rotations which was good ended up stacking together excellent game for being off for five games there

So that’s a good look for him looks like he’s a little limited right now in terms of minutes how much of that is the game here and what they actually need and how much of his his health because he doesn’t look like he’s laboring out there doesn’t even look like he’s tired

Though he did Play Short stretches in each half and not come back in the later portions of those halfes so that was probably the best thing out of tonight seeing him with Luke I thought was surprising but a good look uh they came into this game plus 25 over 60 minutes

So it had worked in other spots this year it worked again tonight I thought I’m not sure if it’s a playoff lineup just because I don’t think you want to take porzingis out of the pick and roll he did hit his threes early and often tonight I think he started three or five

So he can space the four he can be playing the four in the wing picking and popping out of that spot and letting Luke play close to the basket so it’s an option if you really need it I think out of all the experimenting so far John

We’ve seen that be the best double big look in terms of using the bench but Luke and Tilman look good again tonight too and they came into this game at plus 25 just 20 minutes but we predicted that was going to be the look with Hower out

You saw a ton of it tonight no kada but Tillman I thought this was about as good as he’s looked uh so far defensively he made some incredible plays stayed with Ivy at one point there might have been Flynn on that play that I’m talking about I rotated backside and got a

Block I thought he looked as good as he has throughout his time with the Celtics here and they were able to win those minutes I believe and just another step every night with him it feels like every night he just looks a little bit better they’re plus 19 in this game with him

Out there just two points misses another three so still that question of where the offense is Gonna Come From when he’s out there but the defense is Stellar five positions clearly in a game like this you saw him out on guards rotations sharp I love it and that’s all I really

Cared about with this one brown was great but nothing it’s the same thing it’s like Tatum was great last night Brown was great tonight but again you know what you get though you get a little glimpse of and again Detroit is obviously a bottom feeding team and also

Is out you know some some they’re key pieces all of them some key players so I mean once again you’re facing this lineup like who you know so you know somebody scores and you’re like I didn’t know that person was alive um so you know you’re you’re constantly looking

Down at your program but it still is amazing like how many guys the Celtics can can be out and still dominate a team uh and that’s again what they did tonight is it’s still impressive in when they go on that third quarter run and I still love seeing guys like

Pritchard you know have nights like they had again tonight and I you know I I I had an earto ear grin during the uh the back the the behind the back uh you know pass to Tillman there uh that the that he had uh you know during that third

Quarter run where they kind of blew things open it was fun you know like there was some fun stuff to be had tonight they’re moving the ball around when they have these units JB goes into takeover mode uh and then you know getting white on the you know we got him

A triple double my my second highlight of the my two highlights of the night Pritchard behind the back to uh to Tilman and then Luke cornett’s reaction to the uh Derek white 10th assist as soon as it goes up yeah you know he’s a good reaction guy

I’ll give him that for all Bobby Luke is a good reaction guy I want to shout out caralis because he noticed it but they pick a section and the section that they have a player for every section who’s up for free Dunkin gift cards or something

And so that player has to get the first dunk in the game and that section wins the dunk and gift card so Luke’s section W he had the first dunk of the night and he knew where the section was and gave them like a fist pump after that is actually pretty good I

Love that stuff he’s incred and the confidence he’s playing I hate to go there because I know it drives you guys crazy but he’s playing so well okay and I was talking like you gotta you gotta have confidence in him right now going into the playoffs he’s just getting better with every month

He’s fitting into more lineups that could project to impact the playoffs I don’t I I I feel exactly the same I’ve always felt extremely tight bench extremely tight leash and he can get played off the floor he will so after all this double big experimenting John

They’re not going to play double big in the playoffs I think they will do it in spurts based on situations but I think it’s going to be used sparingly and I think they’re going to be very very careful on it and like I said I think

The it’s going to be an extremely quick hook I think if they see something that they like and it’s working great I don’t think Joe’s committing to you know the amount of minutes that Luke’s been getting even with a full lineup here um you know when they have their full

Lineup and nobody’s resting and you’re not holding back on anybody’s minutes I don’t see it so I I’m not against it I actually think there’s a role for Tillman I think there’s a role for Luke and I think these guys will get in but I

As I said is Luke’s the type of guy who can get played off the floor and he will certain times or they’ll just opt not to you know not to give him minutes against certain teams and in certain situations but I still think it’s something that you’re going to watch closely but look

Everybody watches all bench rotations in the playoffs closely that’s why you often see really only seven guys getting minutes with a couple of guys getting you know a few here or there that’s just kind of how it goes so yeah it’s G to a lot of his guaranteed minutes are going

To go way way way way way down in the playoffs I I I think it’s not g to be part of the regular plan I think he’ll get a little bit of run but I’m not sure how much he can come in give you a little bit of a give

You a little bit of a of an M lift you up maybe I mean again I said it I think last show you want to put him in there spell whoever he’s coming in whether it’s porzingis Horford any any of the bigger guys that are getting more

Minutes than him just don’t give up the lead just don’t just just be a plus out there that’s that’s really what he needs to focus on is that plus minus coming off the bench that’s all you need from Luke go in there do your job catch a

Couple alley oops make a couple of uh you know grab a couple boards if you can and you know then find the bench after I think I mean Bobby I I don’t know in the playoffs if you really can ask much more of that I think you’re G to get they

Play double big one rotation from them in the first half four or five minutes if it’s good you’ll see him in the second half and talked about if he’s not you won’t you’ll go back to the single big alignments but they are working hard whether it’s cornette whether it’s

Tillman and we’ll have that debate into the playoffs to have double big be part of their Dynamic and I have to imagine that’s going to continue into the playoffs and a lot of it’s gonna be matchup based obviously if it’s a perimeter team it looks like tilman’s

Goingon to be the way to go but you have questions about the offense there cornette the defensive limitations him getting put in actions as John talks about that’s your question with him going into the playoffs but I have a hard time imagining them going all small all

Playoffs and you again it depends on the team but they seem to love going double big and I actually thought it would be tman with porzingis to start this game but getting a look at that Luke porzingis combination was intriguing especially with how tall they both are

How long they both are took up a lot of space out there defensively and the Pistons had some trouble with it and cornet’s gotten so much better on the boards to be able to have a 10 rebound game out there alongside Christa so I liked what I saw from all those guys

Tillman was excellent tonight I I really love what he gave he’s really outstanding he moves extremely well um there and and he can stay with people he was bothering guys on the perimeter and getting getting his hand on the ball and and and disruptive it’s really it really

Is it’s a it’s I’ll put it this way you know we talked about having Specialists Off the Bench I think it is a legit weapon if you need it for certain matchups to be able to have somebody like that that you can bring in there and be disruptive on defense and again a

Team that’s this offensively talented as the Celtics are really that’s all you’re looking for at times so you know it I guess you know it probably is matchup dependent to see who they play but but the dude’s tough It’s a good addition it’s a good addition I’m not going to

Say it’s a good problem to have it’s not a problem you needed more options it’s nice to have that um right now heading into the playoffs say to know that that’s something that you can potentially utilize absolutely and he has the playoff experience too because we look at this bench Pritchard has minimal

Cornette has none Hower has none and Tilman has two playoff series under his belt and one really good one against the Grizzlies that where he went eight and eight so so that’s valuable as well Andy’s played against some of the best offensive players some of the best bigs

On offense in the league whether it’s Carl Anthony towns Anthony Davis so you know that he’s going to be able to play in the playoffs that’s not a question so that’s valuable and again the cost wasn’t too much I just hope by the time the playoffs come around which is coming

Up pretty quickly here he’s integrated in everything they’re doing and he has that trust which seems to be developing rapidly with Joe I know Joe talked a couple minutes ago or last practice about how he had to get everything down the terminology plays how they defend before

He was comfortable throwing him in there because remember John for so long I know he was hurt before the break but even after the break they wouldn’t play him at all and now you’re getting them out there almost every game it feels like especially with guys in and out of the

Lineup so I like it he’s trying to get that three down he only took he took the one today I think if they want him to simulate the Al Horford role sometimes when he’s out there that’s where he’s going to be so they want him to try to take that shot

It’s not a great shot for he’s better at it than brette that’s what you can say which again God Heavens you know opened up and brassette finally knocked down a three and you could see it on his face he was like you know God I got one but yeah

It’s been rough for him when he’s out there and what’s amazing is if he even was knocking it down I don’t know what his percentage is this year it’s like what 12 he’s 16 since the start of February it’s pretty bad it really is if he was knocking it

Down at 32% you’d be like fine fine wide wide wide wide open take it you know but like it’s just Dreadful it’s it’s I mean I don’t know what’s going on it’s Dreadful and he’s so mental right I mean not that he’s not that he’s a knockdown

You know career but he’s a career like 34% guy he should be there like below League average but not so far it’s like year one Derek white like there’s no explanation for why it’s he’s missing that badly or the percentage is that low he’s he’s not great but he’s you know

He’s a better shooter than that it would have been nice if you know he was a more reliable three and D guy because the energy is great and the offensive rebounding is off the charart right now rebounding is amazing you know he’s he’s really got an knack for it I think he’s

The best and honestly he could finish and he could play in transition cuz he’s a good good leaper I think he’s the best offensive rebounding forward I’ve ever seen them have and I don’t know who else is in that conversation but he goes out there for 15 minutes it’s two or three every

Time but he misses the putbacks early in this game off of those he gets fouled on some of them and then misses the free throws and then he’s missing the three so it’s tough and you know Joe really likes what he’s given them every time we talk double big in those alignments he

Includes him in there so he’s in that conversation right now at least in the regular season but man the shot making just not even close to the point where you’d even think you missed the 50 or so games of the Danny Fortson era um you know when you want to talk about

Offensive rebounding but yeah it’s uh what year we talking there you were lucky like 2000 like you were lucky to have missed that one for sure we’ll have to get that documentary yeah yeah yeah he was a beast beast those were the years that forged forged the Celtics fans of my era

Really exactly we are lean years the lean years yeah yeah we we weeded out all the weaklings whoever was it’s what the Patriots and the socks are doing now they’re trying to they’re trying to burn it you know Only the Strong Will Survive see who’s left Purge whoever lived

Through those years and just lived and died through those years deserves what they’re watching every night now no doubt about it appreciate you saying that yes I agree good job Jimmy you deserve it came in as a fan like in the late 90s like I couldn’t have came in at a worse

Time so looks like we’re going to hear from uh Pritchard and porzingis tonight as well as there at the podium yes a Pritchard Podium game no no white Podium Pritchard was lock room yeah okay we can live with that white Podium what white had a Podium performance tonight

This his first triple double I was looking for it it must be right they said on the broadcast that it is broadcast was all over it yeah I yeah that’s great I’ll tell you this if you my friends had uh played prize picks tonight and took more on I’m

Pretty sure every single um stat option for Derek white you would have probably hit it and that’s what you got to do here uh head over to prize picks the largest daily fantasy sports platform in North America easiest most exciting way to play DFS like you said it’s you

Against the numbers you pick more or less that’s it more or less on uh two to six player St stat projections and watch the winnings roll in uh perfect time to sign up right now the tournament is about to start you’re going to have Nonstop Action beginning on Thursday you

Got non-stop action starting now on the garden Report with the playin game as you see you can vote it’s pinned in the chat uh our playin uh tournament right now we’ll put up the braacket again as soon as we’re done telling you all about price picks and we do urge you to sign

Up if you want to get in on the daily fantasy action super easy to sign up really really yeah and go more more more more go less on NBA stuff because of the officiating go more on everything more it’s more fun to root for more download

The app use the code clns for a first deposit match up to 100 download that app today use the code clns for a first deposit match up to 100 do it now get in on the action what’s up Jimmy I’m told we’re going we’re going Less in like the

First half of NCAA games we’re going less because there’s just something something there there’s some kind of equation behind that I guess so I’m just going to listen to that that’s what I’ve been told but you never know you never know but again it’s not games it’s projections and it’s different players

And you never know exactly what’s going to go so um get involved here uh if would like once again we want to tell everyone here what’s going on at the Garden report uh in regards to our little tournament and am I going to put

It on here let’s put it on here oh wait I don’t want to remove it I want to play it um and how do I play it are you still here I can’t play it right now all I’m adding it to the stage there it is there we have

It March Madness Garden report bracket there is a playin right now that you can vote in you only have tonight during the game and uh the rest of the 24hour uh time that we have here on Twitter can’t add that one sorry oh come on that is not fair you should probably should

Have had that one though so you don’t know ball you don’t know ball blorp blorp and is that a tii um are in a playin in the Herman Gomez region and over in the Kevin jelly region I just spit out my vodka taking on to laia TV

Uh couple of new entries here so jump in and vote uh right away Jo versus third Center is tough where is he’s your third Center uh below Jose oh wow that is so stacked that’s a brutal first round match up that that’s a that’s a that’s a tough five seed he’s your

Third Center vers the nasis if that happens Bobby you should be worried polar oppos well this is my third Setter my over here the fart might be a sneaky Championship favor people are loving that it’s G it’s gonna earn it if it does it has to go through the The

Gauntlet I think to do it this I think it’s got a winnable I think it’s got a winnable first and second round there though so I I would Peg uh fart for the final four I would say and then yeah that re that you know you should thir Center is going to

Be interesting yeah the five I like it the five verse one is is going to be yeah Luke’s desserts are gonna be Luke’s lemon squares a dangerous one too there’s a lot of good candidates there I think this year compared to phenomenal I mean phenomenal was like Anthony Davis

Kentucky it just tore through everybody um this year is gonna be a lot more competitive it’s competitive and again we had to remove some some oldies but goodies simply because they’re not in circulation we don’t talk about Herman goz and Kevin anymore BR we got to bring

Him back if we’re going to if we’re going to bring him back on the we’ll have we we’ll do it like Survivor you know there’ll be like a you know a second you know season bracket where we bring on some of the greatest hits or you know we’ll do something you know

Maybe there’ll be a Legends tour bracket and an altimer but you I like that yeah yeah it’s got to be it’s got to be there speaking of Legends I’m seeing one just pop into our into our um queue John what who’s here one of our Legends

Living legend oh this guy yes this bunch here we are Tada assemble line is this the lineup that uh what’s his name lik looking down at Bobby yeah it is right Bobby and I in the back court looking at John looking what’s what’s up Bobby what’s going on

Man what’s up fell got Jo Jo s bring us something Enlighten us illuminate us Joe moula is so in love with this team I mean look he’s talking about the stuff that the other guys are bringing to the table and just this isn’t don’t call it experimenting because he doesn’t like

That word this is uh this is preparation for moments that could happen in the future and uh with the double bigs lineup and uh you know effort from from guys all the way through throughout all four quarters even though this game was done well before the fourth um he’s

Impressed with it and of course uh that’s what he was asked about in terms of like people going into the game making the most of their moments again this isn’t an experiment I think he’s going to turn to some of these guys throughout the postseason in different moments whether it’s someone like Luke

Cornette who put up another uh solid performance in this game even throughout the first half he just seemed like he was focused on both ends and then you got X who’s getting familiar with everything and and it’s just coming to him naturally according to Joe moula so

Yeah I mean that’s pretty much the the gist of what what happened out there and it turns Dereck white getting his triple double he said man that doesn’t even like that’s great because it shows the kind of player he is that he can do that

But it’s as he put it it doesn’t really show how good he’s been as a two-way player and of course what he Brans to the defense so I took that as look Derek go get your triple double this one’s on me he set up the play coming out of the

Timeout got the pass that he needed to get to get that 10th assist and then he pulled him out in the fourth man it just a great way to end the game d white d d white finally got that trip dub well well deserved guy if anybody deserves firstever triple du

Yeah biggest credit the biggest credit to would surprise me if he gets a few more before the season ends yeah the biggest credit to D White and the way he’s played is that it’s actually incredibly surprising to most people that this his first triple double because you’re like seems like he would

Do stuff like this all the time but I mean again that’s the level he’s playing at this year which is I think you know just the the highest level of his career and you could say that about a couple of Celtics right now and which is why they

Are uh where they are right now which is uh ridiculous 54 and4 holy jeez 40 games over 500 they are now officially with tonight’s win 10 games ahead of the Bucks 10 games ahead of the Bucks in the Eastern Conference heading into Wednesday night’s matchup what’s up Joe

Crazy no I’m just gonna say also and and let’s face it if der was that guy he can go out there and get that triple double how many times he flirted with it but he’s not a guy gonna be looking up at the box score being like oh man I gotta

Get three more rebounds or oh man I better make sure you know I get a couple more assists but in this type of game in this type of atmosphere when he was so close I I love that Joe moua sort of you know nudged them in that direction say

All right I could easily bench all the stars right now but go ahead and get your triple double man because this should be like your six this season he’s done this so many times this year well what else this shows what’s interesting we were talking about earlier and yes

Detroit is bad and Detroit was underman tonight Detroit is very bad you’re hardly facing you know an A-list team but every time you have one of these games where the Celtics sit three of their core six you get a glimpse of what it would be like if they were a 40 win

Team or without all of these players on their team and their entire team was comprised of Jaylen Brown Derek white and they were starting Luke cornette on a nightly basis and you know pton Pritchard and that’s just who they were and like what kind of stats these guys

Would have if they weren’t surrounded by Superstars all the time and Derek white as the number two scoring option on a team that was destined for a six seed in the playoffs which is what the Celtics might be if you removed half of their you know half of Their Stars would be

Averaging what 24 25 26 points per game six seven eight assists like that’s kind of what he would be regularly Jaylen Brown would be flirting with a 30 point you know per game average if he had to be the primary scorer all the time so you do get that little you know Tatum

Put up you know 30 and you know in his sleep last night uh in the same exact vein if it was just him that’s where he would be as well so it just shows you you know the type of numbers guys would have if they were running their

Own team and the type of and I hate saying the word sacrifice because it’s not really a sacrifice when you’re winning the whole point is to win but how the numbers are sacrificed based on the fact that they are playing on a team that has you know essentially five All-Star level players right

Now yeah I mean unbelievable yeah we take it for granted man or maybe we don’t maybe we’re starting to really establish the fact that this is a historic offense in NBA history I think we I thought about this by the way since the All-Star break I I

Feel like it’s like okay this is getting ridiculous and we we got to appreciate this Karma what do you mean Karma yeah it’s crazy that no it would have been Karma if they got hurt but um I mean again that was John’s fire take after last night’s show joose you missed it

But um no were chasing that record embarrassing the Wizards yeah oh you how down yeah oh I bumped into him in the hallway like literally bumped into him dude stay away yo he’s so mad at me it was the bad ankle no I’m just kidding no

I just saw him walking out was he walking like normal was he walking with the LI he looked great I’m like you good how’s the ankle he goes feeling much better man feeling much better so I take that for what it’s worth he was on his

Way out it was like right after the game ended he was obviously didn’t didn’t didn’t uh play tonight so Joe S reports no pain in the ankle everything’s good be who’ll be in the game Wednesday we found out tomorrow on Twitter or something he’s like joose pone stepped on my ankle last

Night’ be terrible um man the talent discrepancy is wild in this one I mean even with South expension some guys this Detroit team the Wizards team last night the NBA I don’t know what’s going on man but the Celtics now have a 10 game lead you said

John over the Bucks which is more than the difference between the one and the eight seed in the west the Celtics between one and two are further away than was it OKC is against wherever the eight seed is in the west right now that’s how that’s how far and Far and

Above better the celic have been than anybody in the East this year um and Wednesday is like the last sort of litmus test I think you can really have I mean they do pay OKC one more time but if you’re really talking about you know the playoffs coming up here you’re much

More likely to see the Bucks than you are the Thunder I mean there’s chance to thunder get all the way to the finals I mean that wouldn’t be that crazy yeah but have we ever seen the Celtics with this type of lead I mean maybe before my

Day maybe or so but we should ask John but for us no yeah I mean even I mean Max would be like oh we had a 13 game lead but I don’t take that for what it’s worth I’m sure he’s not that far off but you know he’s gonna he’s gonna

Add a couple games in there but they an 08 team or even the year after that even though it was it was it was kind of short lived after the kg went down but they never had that type of lead at top of the East that old 19 it’s not just a

Lead over the East it’s also the lead like in games the amount of 20po leads the amount of third like they the amount of 50 point wins like it it’s I mean again it’s that point differential thing they’re not just this far ahead in games they’re just this far ahead in every

Game basketball yeah yeah it’s really incredible uh right now how far how far ahead of most teams that they are and again we’re reaching that point in the season where you’re going to see a lot of this you’re going to see some teams shutting guys down or not taking risks

Or bumps and bruises so as bad as that as as bad as some of the teams are you’re gonna see them even worse uh what was the reason for Cunningham sitting tonight do they just kind of make something up Kade Cunningham uh just it’s just yeah they just they just sat

Him I think right was it hurt feelings after he blew it last night hurt feelings maybe no you know when he says the injury management one it’s like oh he’s just getting yeah exactly I mean they did the the Pistons did did freaking blow it pretty damn bad

Last night they had tie game with 10 second he was injury management heading into Sunday’s game so this was just a ah whatever sort of yeah back to backp they’re on a back to back and that was it you know so yeah even though it s

Looks Weare too but it’s all good what you guys make of uh Evan Evan fornier got Evan Forni appearance forgot he was forgot he existed trash but doesn’t that give you like a quick garbage didn’t it take you back to 2021 when you’re when when when we were arguing if the Celtics

Should bring him back and that whole like sign him to like a multi-year extension we need we we need we need Bobby back on the show for that take joose because I think he was banging the drum for resigning for that he was so worried that the cupboard would be left

Bare and I understand the rationale behind it because I think we we we all kind of we talked about it like’ be better off bear no it’s like you you made you see D white out there used your exception you used everything and you signed a guy who you weren’t going to

Bring back and it might have been poor use of it because now you were going to lose that money if you didn’t you know apply it to something else and then you got a fora exception off of that you know move there but like that was it

Like it was it was more of a should you just keep the ass said just to have it it was also fornier versus smartt I guess was the conversation we were having there if smart was going to get an extension if you’re gonna extend him

Right and it was who were you gonna pay and it was a question of between those two and it was maybe trade smart and pay forier you know so that was a legitimate discussion not just we were having or that Bobby there was plenty of people on

Both sides of that yeah and the timing of that is crazy because you look back to that season that offseason rather and that’s when the everything switched right that’s when eventually they eay uh front office brings up Brad Stevens Danny a walks away does Danny make the

Same moves I don’t think so I mean we always talk about the Horford trade and later down the road Derek white but I mean that decision though like if you were if the S were to bring him back it would have really made the other steps harder to to to and everything

Everything went backwards with him and again he had that first season New York the numbers were respectable um you know not great but just the wrong coach in the wrong situation for a guy who doesn’t play defense and tips shut him down you know like I don’t want to I

Don’t want this guy anymore and uh I guess Bobby wants to be on the show again what’s up Bobby tough timing for you Bobby tough timing the oh that’s I mean listen this is this isn’t a shot at Bobby I just I just it’s just it’s just one of those things where

I feel like it’s like a it’s like a quick wink from like the BS bable God being like y remember this dude and then like you see Derek white going off they like man if they brought that guy back like something doesn’t happen or at least two other things down the road doesn’t

Happen I’m gonna pull I’m gonna pull a John at that time you had no shooting whato however you had it wasn’t a bad take at the time Bobby I defended you you’re not pulling it John I thought it was a reasonable take at the time no no no

He’s saying he’s saying he’s about to pull John because before before the trade that year you had Romeo out there and Tristan and Ty and Romeo Brown and Brown and Tatum just had no spacing whatsoever you didn’t have a single shooter on that team R any of those guys

Exactly so you need I was begging them to make a move they made it wasn’t a good one and that’s probably one of the best decisions Brad’s made was not picking up that deal because remember how long he was in New York it’s like two three years before they finally

Moved on from that contract that they stopped playing him sto playing him in year two yeah he was not playing which he was on the bench for a whole year almost his is I wish I had an ACL at the end of the bench yeah yeah bad

Investment yeah and you saw the signs happen to what are we apologizing for Brad did Brad did yeah so you don’t apologize when something was right although that was wrong at the time so I will apologize cu that was probably my worst take in four years R which is saying a

Lot a lot I think I think you might have had worse tonight we could do a bracket of bobb’s bad takes we should do that actually no way I think on the whole they’ve been pretty good slaps it up there 10 minutes later I think on the whole it is amazing

H Howers how well the funny thing is not not only is hous are better fornier in terms of the obvious thing with just the shooting Forni fornier was a decent playmaker though but um the def defensively he’s he’s held up fine and the news on Sam Hower for those who

Didn’t know um from Adam himmelbach of the globe was uh Serious injury avoided um shouldn’t be too uh bad as for whether he plays Jo report yeah this before after Jo yeah exactly Jo Jo had the scoop oh no gave me the political answer he kept

Yeah he kep you saw Sam Sam walking without saw in tunnel Spirit yeah I like how’s the ankle he’s like feeling much better to you know today so I was like that’s good and I kind I kind of watched him walk off too yeah he looks pretty you watched

Him how was his gate yeah I think I used the same phrase how was his gate was he am it was fun you know iar did he use a railing oh if I were Nick I would tell you all to like the video right now but I don’t see him here

I don’t think gonna I don’t think I knew about that word before G Gordon Hayward we used to talk about that a lot with him I think yeah you can Gordon we should get Gordon Hayward on the show just to get his opinion on all the injuries yeah John you just

Highlighted it yes we can throw that one up there too Jimmy I want to keep Y what about what about when he said ice tea instead of Ice Cube that was a good one he said ice tea was going to the Basketball Hall of Fame and I he like

Kind of argued about it I go Nick there’s no way that’s right it was one of the funniest exchanges I’ve had on here with Nick yeah oh I missed that ice cube was being inducted he was like no man it’s IC tea and then later

On he revealed maybe why he got mixed up there because he was L Emperor Palpatine f it’s funny [ __ ] um so amit’s doing all the dirty work right now yeah we just talked to Chris stabs I snuck in for the end of it in the locker room there I

Didn’t hear the health part of his interview are not allowed in the room at the same time but he I will say he’s loving playing with Luke by the time I got in there that’s what he was talking about yeah uh here’s someone else talking about something Joe

Moula talking about the team trying to stay focused through this slog of uh schedule that they have to play up 10 games uh and having clinched this thing a zillion years ago andr will they have any trouble staying motivated late in the season late into the season should be an issue at this

Late in the season with not you but just the team and kind of it gets monotonous to blow teams out I mean are you having to push guys or is there anything different you do or or are the guys just so self motivated now no I mean they’re

Self motivated I think if you want to get to the level you want to get to uh you know there’s time for short-term motivation but the greatest strength of this team is the locker room and their character and the way that they play and we’ve had very few of those this year

And uh no I mean they I don’t have to do anything to motivate them they do it on their own so I count to really bad losses this year the Hornets won the Lakers won in ter terms of let Downs you know playing down the competition and they did that all of

Last year Pacers magic Thunder blah blah blah blah blah I asked Al about it yesterday and he you know he gave me a pretty canned answer but why do you guys think that is this year that I know they had the almost slip up against Detroit

The first time they played them but they blow them away tonight blow away the Wizards yesterday almost slipped up against the Wizards the first time but got right why do you think last year there were so many let down play down the competition losses and this year that’s been almost

None a couple of things Bobby I mean you can look at Tatum and Brown’s growth but you can also look at the new weapons that they have you know we’ve been talking about it all year long porzingis and Drew holiday but also just the maturation process I feel like you know

So so many times they they had those head scratching losses where they’re looking at they had to essentially look at themselves in the mirror and be like what do we need to do to avoid these and you can always talk about what happened in E Conference Finals as well I mean

That’s a great lesson in itself but I I think it really it doesn’t pinpoint losing against teams like you just said like when they play down their competition or when their stars are aren’t even in the mix and all of a sudden you know they’re letting these

Guys get out to these runs and and they they make these mental mistakes I think that’s really what they they’ve grown mentally as a team but specifically those those guys and the leaders you know with Tatum and brown leading the way but I also just think just they’re

Just a better team especially the starting five and I think having that experience helped them a ton coming into the season it it’s the player Joe was much more comfortable as a head coach too but yeah he was the new guys it’s it’s the new guys it’s addition by

Addition and addition by subtraction it it and I’m sorry I don’t mean to crap on the other guys I just I don’t think it was the right group and the right fit and we didn’t I didn’t think so for a while and Jimmy agreed um and we know

This like I just didn’t I I thought they needed a core shakeup the last couple of years um and the you know people just kept saying run it back run it back and I I think it was evident they there’s just more grown-ups in the room right now Derek white evolving into a

Leadership position being given more trust having the ball in his hands because Marcus Smart’s not here and he doesn’t have to defer nearly as much and it was okay here you go so again it’s not a knock on smart and the things that he did he but they’re better off in the

Situation that they’re in now you bring in Holiday who literally do anything asked of him at any given time with no regard for his personal for his stats or whatever he’s entering a contract year and his stats absolutely cratered and he’s not doesn’t care uh and it’s not

It’s not an issue for him and you have porzingis who’s happy to be here perfect in his role there’s just too many grown-ups before if you had a bad Tatum game or a bad Tatum and brown game these losses were possible you could have bad losses to any teams at any time because

You didn’t have anybody else who could carry you or pick up the slack way too many people here who prevent that from happening that’s I think that’s why they they haven’t had as many meltdowns as they’ve had is someone is going to step in and and and stop it from happening

Whereas before it was always up to it was it was always up to two guys and if they couldn’t do it nobody would yeah Freedom the guys they brought in have have just jelled perfectly whether it’s holiday who’s in my opinion made you know probably one of the biggest

Sacrifices on the team this year I would say the biggest coming to a team and really kind of taking a backseat roll doing all the dirty work I’m taking the defensive matches um you know and porzingis is just I think he’s just surpassed everybody’s expectations for

What he was um gonna be able to do on this team and John you mentioned smart and you know we’ve talked about Brogden you know obviously there was a disconnect there too I think you got to throw I think you got to throw Grant Williams in there too now it feels like

That might have been a little something more than maybe we ever thought and yeah maybe maybe Tatum has his back and that’s great they friends but let’s not forget Grant Williams found the bench for a long time last season and we were all kind of scratching our heads as to

Why but I think there’s there’s something about Grant you know whether it’s on the court or off the court that just rubs people the wrong way and that could have just been a it could have been just enough to not be again maybe the right message maybe the wrong

Messenger type situation with him and so moving guys around getting certain guys off the team for whatever the reason is and adding the right pieces back has all contributed to a team that is just clicking on all cylinders for the most part all season um and yes some of

That’s talent but I think a lot of that is just guys understanding their role accepting their role uh and not trying to do too much and you can say that from the top down it feels like no one’s trying to do too much on this team yeah

I I I 100 percent it’s it’s not and you know I think they got it early dog me no but I agree with everything you said I think they got it early right like I think early on they they looked around and they’re like oh this this is real I

Green dude I know you have been all all all what is going on this is like unbelievable bed green talk toit I’m gonna have to talk this they they I think they took it I think they realized really early in the year almost I think early in Camp they were just this is

This is the real deal like we’re this this is something you know and I think they all they all kind of bought into it as the season went on I thought Brown and Tatum bought into it even more um which is great I’m not saying they

Didn’t in the early going but you can kind of tell now it’s a very single-minded purpose right um and I think they get what’s going on here the championship are bust aspect of this season and I think they’re holding each other accountable and I think it’s EMB

Look I was just gonna go there yeah which where the embarrassment of the loss I think last year they had a sense that they were gonna automatically go back to the finals and it was just going to happen yeah and then they lost in the

East finals and it was like wh we did something wrong and they had the mirror yeah and I also think a lot last year again for whatever reason you can look around the room and maybe not fully blame yourself think like yeah you know Marcus Jack in his threes and blah blah

Blah this and that and gra you might find excuses elsewhere I don’t think you’re doing that this year I think you know you’re seeing the effort being put forth by everyone else around you if something goes off you might be like yeah maybe maybe I needed to do a little

Bit more here so I just think it’s it steps up everybody’s game when you have this many Professionals in the room who are all kind of doing things the way they’re supposed to and again the best thing about holiday and white is they just do I mean of course people make

Mistakes but it just feels like they’re just they do everything right they’re just so plugged in you know they and and and and porzingis has been doing the same it it’s really terrific another thing I think someone put in the chat I think is fair I year to Joe and also

Having capable assistant behind him I think it was a [ __ ] show last year I think Joe was not just in over his head I mean I think he was I don’t even think he could see the surface at times like he was just trying to you know just get

It done and he had nobody to help him he was just Flying Blind so it’s just all in all there’s just more professionals surrounding you know the two stars it’s a team built to winam you know what I mean how much does that help the start I mean what maybe

It’s a Chicken and the Egg thing whatever but like I also think it’s Tatum playing the the best defense we’ve seen in his entire career I just feel like it’s just more effort on that end you know last year and then Jaylen man his his uh his offense since the allstar B’s

Been through the roof but his consistency has been all year long and he’s accepted that challenge I mean I know we make jokes about him talking about all defense and all that and the campaigning and no one’s was even going to mention that until he did but he’s

Still putting up the effort I mean it’s like he put up that quote that’s going to follow him essentially throughout this regular season and he’s trying his best to live up to it and I think he’s done he’s done a heck of a job honestly the two of them between Tam and

Brown those guys needs to stem from those guys so they’ve set a tone I think they’ve been better about playing consistently and minimizing their bad play and who said less traffic traffic yeah I think that’s one year ago Jaylen said I given given credit to the originator yeah that’s pretty good

That was the low point last year but you know you know what else Bobby I think also um alone showing that you can like I think so I think we had it in our minds that like there was only one way to win or they might have been locked in

Whether it was double big or win with defense or this or that and now it’s like I think some of the sub like this is kind of what I always said at the beginning of the year I was like make make the other team have more problems

With you than you have with them like the Celtics are a problem everywhere they’re a problem to defend they’re a problem defensively yes they don’t have Rob Williams or that great interior presence I mean you have porzingis who obviously is you know 73 and he can do a

Lot of you know different things as well but it’s not Rob um but you didn’t need it you’re defending in a different way and you’ve got these incredible switchable lineups and big long people everywhere and the ability to take Tatum off the ball and have him as a free

Safety or do it with holiday all these different things they’ve they’ found another way to play a high level of Defense that’s different than the one that they were playing in that post emay year what’s up Bobby yeah I hate to interrupt but manthony Edward just threw down the best

Dunk maybe I’ve ever seen I thought watching right now we’re on a show be this better be like the greatest stunk one of the greatest stks I’ve ever seen cuz I there’s a shortage of ADHD meds around the country right now yeah and so that might explain that might

Explain I thought like the worst thing in the world happened based on his reaction I was like oh no did we just find out that like you know also by the way I just turned on Twitter I this is what I get Bobby you don’t you don’t

Have to stand you don’t have to stand so close to the camera do you oh so raed both are distracted pay attention we’re doing a show here it’s fine I just turn on Twitter to look for the Anthony Edwards dun I wait guys hold on I’m not interrupt

This is Bird that’s right outside my window yeah all right well now I’m going to Twitter you somebody else host the show I’m gonna go look for the dunk no see look what you guys do bye let’s talk Buck what do you expect on Wednesday Jimmy let’s talk bike watch Bobby what

Happened tonight with porzingis oh my God we had bike watch tonight no porzingis is in the past he’s fine I want to talk bucks you want to talk bucks what do you expect is this a real matchup or is Celtics just gonna blow them away is a real match

Up it’s gonna be it’s not gonna be a blowout I don’t think it’s gonna be blow I mean I think is filthy go look at it but hold on no no not till after the show guys come on I think I think he broke his

Hand I mean he killed John Collins no no no okay let me ask you a question if the hand doesn’t touch the rim is it a dunk that was a dunk if the hand doesn’t touch the rim is it a dunk John your thoughts like the D Howard thing the

Dunk exactly like that Jose yeah I don’t know Edward doesn’t actually touch the rim on this dunk so you’re going to take away from that D jimy I’m not taking it away I’m just asking the questions someone’s gonna ask the questions Bobby I’m just asking the could be no I’ll leave it up

For in this case he gets a p i mean he went like free throw Jaylen Brown just goes nah this is crazy he just posted on Twitter the same dunk I know you everyone was distracted by this dunk John’s been singing Edward’s Praises all year I hate to be

The one I’ve loved him forever I mean I think I think he’s such am Jaylen Brown quote tweeted this thing just now it’s hilarious all right now I got see that might be the best dunk I’ve ever seen no is it Vince Carter no it’s not Vince

Carter that’s the best oh that’s not Vince Carter from the from Team USA are you sure Jimmy that’s close did he jump over him Vince Carter dunked it oh I got see the replay um grabing his hand afterwards oh no no no he cleared the guy he didn’t

Clear the guy though he do look his hand did he hit a guy with it or something he didn’t hit the rim with it does look like his hands hurt he might oh when he oh when he landed when he landed I think not not on the actual guys let’s focus here Focus

Guys Focus okay got five minutes go we have to finish up here I’m oh you’re like you’re like buff John I am no this game is this game is huge I think this is going to be a legit game on Wednesday night I’m throwing this up one more time letting everybody know

What’s going on real quick before these match real quick I know real quick he’s holding his left hand he dunked it he dunked it I know I didn’t understand that because he because he used his left hand to like catapult himself up and I think in doing so he probably sprained a

Finger or something anyways um go on you ask me about the Bucks we’ll have to answer that later I’m telling you guys one more time and then we’ll talk we’ll talk about the Bucks and we’ll wrap it um the uh I can’t even okay it

Got blurry why did it get blurry I don’t know it’s blurry for me too yuck I could never see it I think I might need glasses when you put it up earlier I couldn’t see there we go it looks good now right I don’t see yeah it looks better

Now for sure looks better it wasn’t blurry anyway uh go vote in our uh uh playin game bracket once again uh it’s an eight seed matchup blorp versus is that a tie going against and then uh the winner plays uh thanasis Manning in round one and in the other playing game

You have I just spit out my vodka going up against tilapia TV uh and that winner goes up against you got Tang Wade in a one 18 matchup so uh vote uh it’s in both of our YouTube uh channels here but it’s also it’s also gonna be on it’s

Also on Twitter we will add it up uh as time goes on uh on Twitter so there is still a chance you know what we could do also what I’ve seen happen a lot on for these brackets John and and maybe um it will hurt me for this one but on our

Instagram page on stories you can do voting on like the story you can just go match up per matchup so there would be one there would be eight stories on our our Celtic CNS Instagram page and you can really easily vote on those that might be another way to do

It yeah just a little thought thanks Jimmy for making my life harder but no that’s cool that’s that’s all who do you got here joose for the bracket who you picking to win oh geez the first time I’m actually thinking about this um I don’t know but I feel like Jimmy’s

Far is gonna be one of those uh early exits like oh really you’re not picking it to win no know people you know when people are not quite sure so they just kind of go off of whatever when they when they fill out their brackets I feel like that’s

The one where a lot of people going to predict is number one to win it all but it’ll fall short in the final four or something who do you got John I don’t know I I think he’s I think he’s your third Center is going to make

A a Cinderella I haven’t seen I haven’t gone through I don’t know what the people are feeling these days I also think people have a recency bias so I think some of the some of this new hotness coming in here in those seven eight spots uh they they they they could

Threaten top seeds I I think people like upsets okay and so this isn’t like a game where like the nasus Manning actually has better better players like you know but it’s got It’s got to have it’s got to have fans it’s got to have I love thanasis Manning my God I think the

Fart’s gonna win make it to the final I think it’s gonna be thanasis versus the fart in the Herman Gomez is just a stacked region I mean I’m there’s like four winners out of that side you got Tang gonna cruise to the championship I think the final four I

Think the final four is gonna be luke squares um Boomer danasus and fart and I think fart’s gonna take it you know I think Luke squares loses to do you have children uh in round two me too really yes I do you have children is is pretty good children

GE yeah so that’s one three on that side and the other Tang if Gary finds out that that’s one of them no I’m just kidding sad girls has got a little bit of a cult following but I don’t know if it’s got enough steam as the three Manning is a

Load yeah cuz that has the J Bobby thing in it too that a lot of people want to see here but I think you can just Loop those together that’s funny do you have children’s gonna win that one for sure I think do have you have children’s coming

Out of the bottom part of that bracket to take on you got tangu yeah I think T might that’s my pick I’m going with that one t I honestly on Herman Gomez Herman Gomez could go like four different ways man they really good yeah it’s a loed

For You J I could see one versus four on the on the first half I can see one versus five sorry one versus five I mean the best first round matchups Joe sway versus third Center there’s no doubt that’s gonna be aough Center I think third Center could could really upset a

Couple here yeah they don’t let you have bees in here yeah I I I could I couldn’t decide whether to go with fax machine or bees for joose s i i initially had it as josee The Beekeeper and I switched it to Jose’s fax machine yeah I like the fax machine

One people are saying facts more yeah I like the is facts my dog but it’s like fax facts like facts my dog that would be another one that would be another one my favorite part about the night is the uh the mic switch that we had remember Bobby we switched mics and

Bobby’s like yo by the way that thing’s a little sometime you kind of have to oh all right and then right as it’s happening fact no yeah but after the fact I watch it back the clip and Bobby goes I don’t know what’s up with Joe sway today I’m like you know exactly

What’s going on you just makes a good idea that was a sound that that sound was possible for that thing makes a good point here we haven’t Tang weed enough people recently we need to get back we didn’t you know why because we had it gets old really fast

We need quick Tang we needed just like a quick version of it like a hey you know like just hey that’s a bad we gotta get we know we need we C couple tangway sound bites of him just being like horrible take yeah drops yeah the way he was starting the commercial

That’s why it was funny all right let’s get into this one time because we didn’t get Joe sway’s take there was a ground swell of support on the show last night for a little psychological warfare and have the Celtics put everybody as questionable on the injury report Hing into Wednesday

And then sit them all and have the Bucks coming in here super excited to show what they’ve got and the Celtics be like yeah we don’t care you guys don’t deserve our full effort um but Jimmy wants to send a message just that’s not happening anymore why you know gotta send a

Message this means more toe this means more to Milwaukee so you know I’m not saying Go full bench but if you want to r a couple guys maybe Tatum and brown I mean go go ahead let’s see what happen because I think the sou could still have

A shot to win at the end maybe they lose it maybe it’s a nailbiter but I think that that’s a better message to send to the miluk Bucks like man we’re just we’re focusing on ourselves we don’t need to we don’t need to measure ourselves to you guys this means way

More to the bucks so yeah I wouldn’t mind that honestly Jimmy it’s it’s it I didn’t even think about it until someone until someone mentioned it in the chat and I was like I like that that’s what I want to do I want to mess with them I want them

Games he will use that as you know blocker room F all that Hey listen we did it remember back in March this is how we did it like those late huge late uh regular season wins right when you’re trying to steer your team into the right momentum going into the playoffs which

They they’re kind of on right now I got a wave going at least and yeah Doc’s that coach man so he’s this this means a lot to him so that would that would crush him so yeah I’m with that they did do it last year at the Bucks and they

Almost won that game so it’s not unprecedented I do Wonder How likely it is just because they’ve rested guys so much the last couple games that it feels like that’s building toward actually playing the full Squad in this game so that’s what I predict but I wouldn’t be

Stunned yeah I would be there they sat Tatum tonight they’re not going to sit in Wednesday guys are getting ready to go again porzingis look looked sharp tonight they want to get guys going they want to see I you put your best up against your best

I’m not saying sellout and you know 40 minutes for everybody but you guys are you guys are you guys are frauds right now you guys are like pretend us yeah you’re you’re gonna anger the basketball Gods you’re gonna angery remember that that one’s the one they’re gonna bench they’ll bench them

For that one Jo I just think it’s Savage like you know I see both ways going out there thing to do going out there and beating the tar out of them would feel great and but go pretending you don’t care about them is I think just such a frakin Savage

Move to just do you do care about them but you do care yeah but you act like you don’t what are you trying to get a girl you trying to like pick up a chick or something like this is what they tell you like uh you don’t call you don’t

Call don’t show her don’t show her any don’t call her for four days yeah ass don’t call her back don’t text days text you first this is message no I was thinking of uh you guys watch Mad Men no never got into great scene in it where like the Don Draper got the

Younger ad guy who’s like kind of you know nipping on his he you know he heels and he’s the ideas guy now and he messes him up one time and the kid gets really upset and he’s like I feel bad for you you know Don you know Don and he goes

That’s funny I don’t think of you at all and he just walks out of the elevator and that’s kind of what I want do here you know we got another dun did you see another dunk another one [ __ ] guy man here we go dunk watch tell us you don’t want to talk to

Us without tell us you don’t want to talk to us no I’m just I’m just kidding I I I want to see the full squads in this game because that Milwaukee game we all do we all do we all do you want to see toe for toe I

Don’t think the Bucks are a no you don’t I’ve been there I think no I do but I support the other move because I think it’d be great but I want to see it because it’s boring to talk about anything else I’m just saying messing with the Bucks in that way I’m not

Against it but yes of course I want to see the game I just I agree I agree that the Bucks it’s you have nothing to gain and the Bucks have everything to gain right so you have nothing to gain exactly so let me ask all you guys this

Let’s say the Celtics go for it on Wednesday and the Bucks do too and the Bucks win what say you then Creeps in some doubt no doubt that’s exactly what doc want some doubt or no doubt that’s all Doc wants he’ll he’ll use that until the until the series happens in in the

Playoffs no doubt that there would be some doubt at that point but I don’t think look at how the Celtics look at how the Celtics have played in recent weeks competition aside they destroy bad matchups on the defensive end then the Bucks have so many you can

Go with lard you can go at you can go at Beasley to some degree I just don’t think they have enough Defenders there to stick with what the Celtics are doing offensively and listen I I’m interested to see how Giannis leads that group he’s having maybe the best season of his

Career statistically and Lillard and him are starting to find something here and the defense has crept up just a little bit but as I’ve talked about one thing I find interesting between these two teams here and how they match up Celtics have gone all out on offensive rebounding

This year it was a big part of tonight’s win too and the Bucks have effectively quit offensive rebounding under dock which has always kind of been his thing so the Celtics are going to win the boards automatically on top of the shooting Advantage they have on top of the depth

Advantage they have on top of the defense Advantage they have so where are the Bucks gonna find a little Advantage it’s not gonna be free throw shooting I think Middleton’s still banged up so that’s another knock on their depth I just I don’t see it with them this year

John it’s like the 2019 Celtics just to keep thinking they’re going to figure it out the talent’s there they had high expectations coming in they’re pretty good all year the record’s still good but they’re not at the level you thought they were gonna be and I think that’s

Where they head I don’t think the story is about whether the Celtics are equipped to beat the Bucks I think most people believe like I don’t think that’s what we’re debating like the Celtics are better than the Bucks you assume that they’re going to beat them but it’s

Really about whether or not you want to give Milwaukee that juice feeling that hey we can beat these guys what if the Celtics have that bad shooting night it just is what it is it’s one of those it’s one of those games or Giannis goes off and they don’t have anyone to

Stop him you don’t want to show him anything oh okay here’s what they did to us last time I don’t want to see that again this time and so we’re going to do something a little bit different that’s what we’re talking about it’s whether whether there’s any advantage to you psychologically tactically strategically

Whatever you want to do it to going out and winning and how you know how much is to be gained with how much is to be lost I get it I understand what you’re saying but I I know you get it but Bobby’s doing a scouting report on both

Teams and I was saying I don’t think that’s what we’re debating here like yes we think they we think the Celtics will win even if they lose it’s a seven game what we’re talking about okay yeah even if they lose at the seven game series when you get there I

Just don’t think the Bucks have enough to win four games over that series they’re so thin they’re so banged up at Key spots I don’t know maybe I’ll be proven wrong they’re playing better they have Firepower they arguably between Giannis and Dame have more offensive fir power

Than Brandon Tatum like you could have definitely argu those Duos in terms of who’s able to put out more from a scoring standpoint but there’s so many other different positions that the Bucks have to account for and that the Celtics can utilize it’s what we talked about

All show John the amount of new guys the weapons they have how they’re using them so this isn’t just going to be the Tatum and Brown Show versus the Giannis and uh lard show it’s gonna be porzingis and Drew and white as well as the

Benches here and I I just don’t I don’t believe in the bucks if they win this game John my antenna will go up start taking a deeper look at them see is something really happening here but I just don’t see it what about this though you give your

Best they give their best let’s say they beat you now you have some good footage onto what they might try to do in the playoffs in instead of just being surprised by a wrinkle or something that you weren’t prepared for because you haven’t had guys actually going up

Against them all year because you didn’t have anybody playing um or you didn’t have as many people playing last time I when you got blown out that was a scheduled loss you now you want to bench the team tomorrow or Wednesday and then you play him at

The end of the season where you probably will arrest some guys too so it’s like congratulations you have no idea how to play these guys it’s a good point Jimmy yeah thank you bu I’m trying to see with where that oh my god did you guys see that [Laughter]

Dunk I saw it a long time ago no they really was a dunk it was Jaylen it was Jaylen Johnson yeah I know better be good not nearly as good as Edwards did he touch Ram I think he did it’s a Throwdown if it’s not a dunk it’s a Throwdown when

You violent throw it downwards it’s a dunk oh V just really is that is that the definition sorry hold on there’s a new angle Jimmy I gotta go New Angle we need a we need a dunk Interruption we need a dunk report between every segment he almost cleared

Him Jimmy no it was it was it was it was that one was worth the interruption Johnson’s was let me ask you this is Anthony Edwards damn Collins took a h there number one pick overall in the NBA if you threw everybody into the draft tomorrow is Anthony Edwards number one

No wemy yeah is Anthony Edwards number two um or Luka are you taking Tatum or Edwards Sean draft I think Tatum right now is a more complete all-around player but um you know I don’t know I don’t know in two years coward that’s Edwards he would take Edwards

Yeah I I mean Edwards is Edwards at his age is better than tat I don’t know if he’s gonna have a better career um but for the entertainment Factor alone and the personality he’s such an easy guy to like and to follow and his game’s really Dynamic but I don’t know ultimately if

It’s you know what it’s going to be the finished product but it’s he’s electric he’s he’s he’s he’s insane yeah J is tatm is the win now he might have he might have more potential you know yeah yeah could be for sure yeah how likable

Is Anthony I don’t know him I don’t know oh my God he’s got a great personality yeah yeah huge Personality yeah that would be a great finals Minnesota Boston big personality guy are you more personality or looks me I like I like yeah you know I

Like uh I’m a legs guy yeah yeah you’re a dunks guy you’re a dunk guy too apparently I do yeah yeah it’s important that he has a sense of humor yeah yes that is important I’m being told to load manage on Wednesday so I can’t show

Up can’t show up really sorry guys yep take that take that back there you’ll be there all right you guys you’ll miss me you’ll miss me when I’m gone always does yep anyway guys thank you guys for uh hanging out with us in the chat once

Again vote in the tournament uh we have oh wait what do I have is tournament what’s that you want to hear Derek white talk about his triple double sure do let’s hear Derek white talk about his triple double right now here’s D not usually one that tries to like

Chase stats or whatnot wow but nice Bobby I was one away relaxing I was two away and um that’s probably why I had those three turnovers there at the end but um I mean you can only I’ve been close a lot of time so I I’m going try

To get it this time and I mean I just got to shout outs to my teammates for real there that’s tough I’m gonna have to bring that out soon but not too soon that’s a summer Boston oneck no we got our own we got a

Phenomenal one and you can buy it so 10 indeed hit the merch oh see you lost John folks he really loves the merch he just went off on that one I think John there’s a chance there’s a chance that JN lost power oh it’s like teeny swipe when I’m going through the

Chat knocks me right off the page and I and I’ve gone off right now just trying to get through the there a lot of yeah a lot of comments coming in appreciate you guys yeah uh we will say all Super Chat oh that’s the wrong one here um all where

Did I want to say it prize picks where’s the thing with the thing is our tournament presented by prize picks bracket no there was something else here I was trying to find uh here it is for the merch no oh blur whoa get that off of

Here that here it is merch is this it John there it is merchand guys go to shop CS that on Deck you have that ready that graphic oh he found it I had it ready but the bucket Hat’s not on here we got to get that on there that’s

Nick what if you use that Bobby that Bobby blame pot that was Jimmy that was me as a blur by the way look at all look at all the people up top look at the look at the important people that were included in the graphic Bard tangue Goodman Ryan maxah this is

Pathetic we need our own listen look at us down below get a shirt Bobby Jo John you’re on the fence but we need to get our own promo our own merch nobody on this nobody watching this show is gonna buy Goodman’s this is why Nick hates you

Yeah this is why for a lot of reasons but that’s why he hates you yeah well if you want to sell some bucket hats we got to get Bobby wearing a bucket hat I can only do it when it’s by the way recurring bid for John all show I

Appreciate you keeping it up all the way through I do appreciate that I saw him say that about me too and then I was shro and Jo plus Max was making fun of the bucket hat so now I’m gonna be nervous to wear it what does Max know

About he really was what was he saying oh he hates it he said never wear it he said Bob Don’t Damn yeah he made it a Gilligans Island reference that Bobby didn’t get yeah nothing can stop me in summer league from wearing it of the table didn’t got

It though nothing can stop you period Bobby you should just ended the sentence there yeah you went you just went full on Boomer anyway yeah we’re the Stay Ready crew of clns that’s who we are yeah seriously what the hell is this this is some BS yeah we’re the Stay

Ready can’t get I can’t get any we got our faces on the T-shirt everyone go buy the T-shirt appreciate that it’s fine anyway we are going to wrap it because we got a big one on Wednesday excited to see everybody here we expect full representation from the garden

Report and we do expect full representation from the soux I do think they’re GNA Play Everybody uh and this will be a fun game and one of the last cool uh games with something to talk about afterwards here Milwaukee Bucks coming to town Celtics 10 point 10 game

Lead in the standings as the Bucks come to town which is insane right now uh 10 game lead in the EAS conference Jimmy is’s going to say one more thing when I’m about to press the outro just where again can everybody vote for for the bracket when it go live it’s pinned in

Our chat and we will we will release the bracket uh on Wednesday night in full with the play End games uh resolved and the voting will begin on on Wednesday night’s game and we’ll carry over through the week as we Whittle the field down from 16 to 8 it will not be decided

On Wednesday okay right that’s take a few days it’s going to take a few days and a couple of games worth of voting and we will tally them all and we will tell you what happens in the meantime thank you guys for hanging out Jimmy Tuscano Joyce Jose

Way Pavone uh and Bobby Manning both reporting from the garden we expect sherro Blakeley is in for the next game the professor Blakeley teaches late on Monday nights could not make it happy birthday to Zoe and Rosie my twins turn happy birthday happy birthday zo Rosie

Zoe and Rosie would you have cake six today we we had some cake we we did we did a bunch of different things it it wasn’t a I I didn’t it wasn’t a like a big dessert situation we got simple stuff for them you know okay we did we

Took it easy the the good stuff’s wasted on six-year olds like I don’t let them eat the good chocolate too they get Hershey’s you know like they’re the why why give them like SM yeah you don’t want to stuff you know you don’t want to spoil

Them too young with the with the good stuff that’s for you yeah they they uh they uh about Easter you go you go heavy on the chocolate at Easter uh you know we got a couple of Easter so oh that’s true you do Greek yeah Greek greeker is five weeks away

Thank you guys for the happy birthday WID riches the that’s jealous Originators a sleeper seven seed they don’t know that they’re bracket Stars yeah yeah yeah so anyway uh thank you again for everybody and we will see everybody on Wednesday night good night all wait am’s got an outro for us I

Think no he doesn’t he said he was going to work on an outro he had a phenomenal game phenomenal game forfeits out I I think it’s an option that did not sound like a chair it was a freaking chair it does sound like a chair

The Garden Report goes live following the Celtics game vs the Pistons. Catch the Celtics Postgame Show featuring Bobby Manning, Jimmy Toscano, Josue Pavon and John Zannis as they offer insights and analysis from Boston’s game vs Detroit.

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  1. Luke was 6 inches taller then every player out there tonight besides KP. And he still has so many examples of looking 6 foot 5 at the most. He’s playing fine. You can just forget that he’s 7 foot sometimes lol

  2. 2nd game in a row against a team with nearly a reverse record from the Celtics. Anything short of sitting half the team each night would be criminal.

  3. I'm so impressed with Tillman's footworks on the defensive end, doesn't matter who he got switched on. His chunky body makes it looks like he can't move fast but he keeps up so well even with small shifty guards. He's so versatile defensively.

  4. Now John just think it’s cool to hate on Kornet everyday now. Haters act like he bring nothing to the game. 🤦‍♂️

  5. I actually don't mind a bit of love for Kornet, he's had a really good season for what was expected of him. He's still the worst reliable player on the team, and he's getting a ton of help from the rest of the team getting him all the space in the world for his sole offensive skill, dunking. His defense at the rim has been good to, obviously not in space, but he messes up players layups and dunks and some nights it works.

  6. When I see Fournier, I can't help but think of Ainge being cheap with first rounders and how Aaron Gordon could easily be a Celtic and they might have beaten the heat and warriors with him, and also Denver wouldn't be such a juggernaut. Was that worth some 27th pick that got traded for 2 second rounders or whatever?

    I also think similar things when I see Jrue Holiday and think that Smart plus like 3 picks might've been able to get him instead of him going to the Bucks and how that could be the difference between beating Miami and GSW vs the bucks winning a ring instead. Those guys just remind me that Ainge had his hits, KG, Ray, the Jays, and a couple others, but his inability to just make a fair trade for a guy to bolster his teams really hurt (also his love of undersized guys, injured and slipped in the draft guys, and guys who can't shoot, also trading Bane to get off Kanter's contract only to resign him a year later just stings).

    I just look forward to Fournier retiring so I never have to relive that short but terrible .500 era of Ainge's last few seasons of sitting on his hands and drafting very poorly with like 12 firsts in 5 years and never making a legit trade when his teams were clearly in need of solid role players around the Jays.

  7. Did anyone notice how cut up Pritchards arms were after that game? Even Kornet's arm looked like Jokić. Someone on Detroit needs to cut their damn nails!

  8. John doesn’t want to admit the possibility that Luke got a little better these past couple of seasons. Still sees him like he was 3 years ago.

  9. ‘Sad Girls’ was hilarious but hasn’t really been called-back on the show so I think it won’t get past the first round

  10. John is a certified Luke HATER. All that praise for 17 minutes of Tillman, not a positive word for Luke.

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