@Utah Jazz

Was This A Wasted Season For The Utah Jazz?

Was This A Wasted Season For The Utah Jazz?

The Boston Celtics are in Salt Lake City tonight uh to take on your Utah Jazz have the Jazz wasted this season because we saw a performance the other night out of keontay George that just makes you understand who he is and I I look at this Jazz team

And I just don’t understand the the direction of this club anymore and I want to I do but if if you’re telling me you’re building and you’re developing MH it just doesn’t feel like that’s what you doing you’re not investing in your own talent and there’s just these confusing

Messages now where you had you had the oin and you had like you had this veteran roster and I think John Collins has been a very good pickup for them John Collins has been a very good pickup but do you really feel like this team is

All in on the guys that they’ve drafted and the young guys that are on this roster it doesn’t feel like that to me it feels like they’re on autopilot honestly it feels like they’re just kind of playing games they’re just sort of hey like cool Keon is you know yeah

Showing us what he can do um but I don’t believe and I’ll be honest like just having watched a lot of their games the Keon George situation doesn’t feel like one where it’s like man they have really developed him it almost just kind of feels like it’s more of a hey he’s

Played some ball games now and the game is just kind of slowed down for him a little bit so he knows what to do before the ball gets to him versus like hey uh oh I got the ball what should I do you know what I mean like it’s just a young

Guy getting more equipped to play the game so I don’t know I I I I don’t know I agree they don’t have Direction now the direction is we’re going to play you know the sensas of the world and the Taylor Hendrick of the world more minutes and let’s just see what they

Have when when I’m more of a Believer and certainly I know Danny a is more of a Believer based on what he’s done in the past uh that hey we need to draft well we need to have a direction in terms of development because if you don’t have a direction in terms of

Development you’re not going to start going down the playoff path which inevitably leads you to contending for a champion sh and I like the Loft and basley Pickups I do I’m I’m a fan LOF can play a little bit Yeah I think basley can play a little bit the the

Biggest thing for me is how committed is Ryan Smith the owner of the Jazz to giving Danny R A the tools in the cash that he needs to build a contender because I think that’s the biggest question that I have because I feel like Walker K Custer’s kind of become an

Afterthought here now I feel like he is he is a guy that I think they’ve largely I don’t know stagnated his growth it doesn’t feel like they they did what they needed to do to make sure that he was something of a centerpiece for them and I think that’s

A mistake I think the guy is a really good rimrunner I understand you want your bigs to shoot and be versatile and he’s not that guy I think that could happen I think he’s got the skill set but it just feels like you got away from what the plan was

Yes you know like that’s what it feels like it at one point it was very much uh hey okay we’ve got a nice little veteran mix here of young guys and vets you know we brought in Lori in that deal and now we’re looking to develop keante and at

Some point Taylor Hendrick will get his chance you would think and it turns out the only way he was ever going to get his chance is if you made trades that chop down this team and so now we’re sitting here W watching a team that gets

Chopped down and talent wise and is just not competitive and and that’s what’s frustrating because I do agree Walker Kessler on let’s let’s say Walker Kessler played on a championship caliber team the Boston Celtics as an example because they’re here tonight imagine Walker Kessler on that team coming off

The bench behind porzingis and giving him 20 20 minutes a night let’s say as a bench player you really tell me he’s not going to have a double double in 20 minutes on that team so we’re not even able to see the top end of no a lot of these guys cuz

They’re they’re they’re playing with such poor Talent yeah I don’t know I don’t I don’t love it I we’ll see what they do tonight but I I just thought it was an interesting when we were sitting here talking NBA in the pre-show meeting I was like this just feels like a wasted

Season for the Jazz just burning games just sitting here burning games and and again again it’s not personal I’m I’m not trying to hate on Ryan or anyone else but but there’s no denying by anybody’s NBA logic that the organization’s lost direction that you’re you’re kind of

Just it’s almost as if you’ve hit pause and you’re just churning like like it’s like you know you’re you’re tied up to the dock in the the motors on but you’re not moving because you’re tied up at the dock like that’s what it feels like what

It feels like and and and and you can’t tell me that jazz fans those of you who are dedicated committed to this club fans you can’t tell me you’re not sitting here saying man like what are the Jazz doing right now what like what like where’s this team going because

Yeah it does kind of sound like Ryan might be distracted it does kind of sound like Danny might not have the control that he probably should have um because and I know this is crazy not the control the resources he doesn’t have the resources financially but if he had the control

This team would look very different in my opinion I don’t think this is what Danny H had in mind yeah hey that that could that could be you you you could be right but I I look at I just it’s frustrating to me to watch this team unnecessarily flounder and I think this

All started with the Clarkson situation even last year right like I remember talking about this on the show hey if you continue to keep Jordan this team’s going to turn left when it should keep going straight and here we are and so you know again just my opinion but I I

Believe so let’s assume the NHL comes to Salt Lake let’s assume that that whole situation winds up that new building you know Jazz let’s call it the coyotes and whatever else happens in that building that they build okay cool great what happens with the Jazz after that because

If you start spending money after that that tells me everything I need to know tells me everything I need to know and that’s what I think you can’t get away from as an owner when you’re like I look at the the Clippers like the Clippers and balore are like hey we wanted our

Own building we went and got Land We Built our own building and now it’s cool and we’re going to win a bunch ball games so what are they doing they’re they went and got Harden they’re doing a new building and everything’s great they did it the right way they won first they

Went and got talent they went and became relevant again they went and figured out how we going to win with kawhai and PG G Well turns out we need to add one more because these two guys are hurt a lot and now all of a sudden everything’s

Good and what are they third in the west I think it is right now you’re in a good place yeah I don’t know I think that this was a team that they should have made the playoffs this year should have made the playoffs this year and you can’t tell me that

You’re all in to win and I know again and and I I think the the watershed moment is the fraudulent interview that Ryan Smith did with Pat McAfee and the absolute fellatio that took place on that show at that moment and Ryan loves it and nobody questions him and hey

That’s all well and good but none of that was true and you guys all RI me when I said that and I’m saying it now this team he Ryan Smith’s a fraud Ryan Smith is out here trying to get taxpayer money to build a stadium for a hockey team he doesn’t have and

Maybe he gets it maybe he gets it absolutely maybe he gets it but don’t sit here and tell me that that that that you you did everything you could do the last two years to win for the Jazz the Jazz are hot we’re relevant everything’s awesome you’re not your uniforms suck

You’re not trying to win you’re GNA spin this is we’re trying to keep a protected draft pick when in fact you’re trying to keep money in your pocket to build a stadium because you’re gonna have to pay an NHL entry fee you’re gonna have to pay a relocation fee and you’re going to

Have to build a stadium and you’re going to use a lot of taxpayer money to do that and you’re going to use money that should have been spent winning NBA games to do that and then I still don’t believe that you’re going to go and win I

Don’t like oh my God he owns RSL he’s a minority owner at RSL that has not meant a thing what does it meant nothing what is he what is it that he’s doing that tells you Ryan Smith is willing to spend any amount of money it

Takes to win games and I think it’s an interesting question if you like even if you’re let’s say that you love Ryan Smith let’s say that you think he’s just done a perfect job what behaviors would suggest that he’s interested in winning a championship right now and I’m and I’m

Being serious I’m genuinely asking hey if you look at it objectively and say hey like what what is he doing right now that would even suggest that you’re trying to win because everyone always says oh you guys you know you hate on Ryan or you hate on the Jazz yeah okay

If that’s the case then my question is what do you see that tells you that this this dude’s trying to win a championship cuz that’s what were sold we being the collective media and let’s just call it Jazz Nation that’s what we were sold hey we’re trading Rudy and Don got to reset

The books got to reset the books got to get back in a good Financial place okay totally on board totally agree with that but then you decommitted from that plan when you kept Jordan Clarkson inexplicably you have continued to decommit from that plan by trading oai

Agbaji and Kelly oen who by the way are absolutely torching uh I don’t know if anyone’s seen what oi is doing lately for Toronto looks great so let me get this right you’re burning draft Capital you’re developing them you’re trading them you’re burning them and we’re just

Sitting here and that’s what I’m not going to let go not going to let you off the hook when you are doing nothing that suggests you want to win yeah what I’m saying it’s something that I I struggle with with Ryan Smith and I I don’t know that um yeah I don’t

Know I you you you unloaded all of your best talent now multiple years in a row and you’re not replacing it you’re not spending money on it and we can sit here and say oh well hey Monty they’re trying to tank for what but that’s not even the

Would you agree that that’s not the message that’s being put out that’s not even the path you’re on like I would be fine with that if you just saidy yeah like we won 35 games last year we way overachieved this year we’re going to

Take a step back because X Y and Z okay fine cool and I don’t even I I okay but that’s not what you’re why is if you’re tanking why is Jordan Clarkson still here why is Colin seon still here why is tht still here I understand Laur

Marinan totally get that why are the the other guys still here you’re not tanking you’re not tanking you’re you’re you’re you’re not playing you’re not playing Taylor’s not getting 40 minutes a night you’re you’re you’re playing your veterans Jordan Clarkson’s not playing 15 minutes a night you don’t tell me you’re tanking

Because you’re not you’re doing exactly what most owners do in sports you are winning just enough to make sure that you’ve got jersey sales and ticket sales but you’re not going to invest in the team to a point where you would then go to the playoffs and do all

This great stuff because that costs money yeah that’s what you’re doing who are you the Chicago Cubs oh wait they won a World Series and then they refuse to spend money big difference yeah that’s what I’m saying B it and again to wrap this conversation up I just go back

And everybody rips the Lakers or who whatever major Market team everybody rips the Knicks Knicks are spending money the Knicks are spending money on on Veterans uh the Lakers are spending money to add talent to their roster the Dallas Mavericks going to Kyrie I’m trying to think of like the the big

Market teams Houston spend money yeah I look at Houston tried to do the young guy route and now they’re adding free agents because they recognize you have to have a you have to have leadership on your roster who’s the leader of this jazzz team you don’t have one you don’t have a

Coach you you you don’t have a a an owner and you don’t have a player Like For Better or For Worse Dallas is Lucas team the Lakers are LeBron and Anthony Davis that’s who their team is totally right I I look you look at the the the

Best teams in this league you’ve got a very interesting dynamic in Denver that works oh look Miami I mean Miami’s had to Miami’s been it’s Jimmy Butler’s team and they’ve been adding pieces around him for several seasons to try to help him win a championship yeah I don’t know all I’m

Saying is I look at all this other stuff man the Jazz are not it the Jazz are not doing it so I’m just curious yeah where do you guys come down on um why what are we talking about stadiums for stepanic I hope the Lakers James has

Got to be mixed up in this somewhere I hope the Lakers win but I don’t think they will uh win anything they’re going to be in series I don’t think there’s any doubt about that uh yes here’s James hi this is James welcome back the Rose Bowl is not

Relevant until the bowl game is played when UCLA plays there they have a tarp off seats because students have a hard time getting there you UCLA needs a 50 60,000 stadium seat on campus okay buddy what what why are we talking about stadiums man no money money the uh tarp budget at

UCLA is taken a huge H and uh so now students are getting lost it’s really a crime Brandon Butler the Jazz are not running an offense that is Walker friendly I don’t disagree you got to find a way to to to get him back into your into heavy rotational minutes and I

Know and I complained he wasn’t starting he’s starting but yeah it’s fine yeah it’s fine I you know and donuts Gonzaga to the Mountain West would make a good basketball conference borderline great thoughts no I don’t think so Gaga is not going to the mountain wi Gaga why would

They leave the WCC they’re in a better basketball conference already Gonzaga in my opinion gonzago holding out to see if they will go to the big 12 which seems to be on again off again constantly yeah constantly on again off again Utah State fires her women’s basketball coach then rolls her out for

A press conference bad look she’s the one that disclosed it I mean yeah I would not have had her for a press conference I I would not have uh Mike Smith Dixie State uh has a PC for their fired coach this is bizarre you mean Utah State Utah

State that’s what I saying my Alvarez my recommendation for disne Disney is move there and get a resident pass it makes it so much more affordable you can’t move any hey M money M so to make it more affordable to go to Disneyland all you got to do is

Spend your entire life savings on a one-bedroom shoe box that cost five million dollars in La can you can afford to go to Disneyland you can uh Baston Mapes the lack of Direction uh the way they’ve handled trades I just don’t get it two years of trading players that help win

For other uh Team straps yes yes correct so again Boston to your point I don’t think we’re hating I think that that that nobody in that organization wants to admit that they’re just doing nothing they’re spinning they’re in cash saving mode they exactly they they you know you

Know they’re in EOS sport mode right now on Beamer right that’s right exactly right wasted I don’t know about that they were not going to win a playoff game so they’re going to to churn and burn players they’re just being realistic next season team is going to

Be way different so what makes you think that though that see this is what I’m curious about about jazz fans and and I’m not even disrespecting you bro I’m just really genuinely curious where do you get the idea that next year is gonna be different I’m trying to understand

That I don’t understand that theory I don’t think it’s gonna be different like what what what do you see or hear or notice or observe that would tell you next year is going to be different cuz I’m not confident will we have different names on the back of the you know the

The jerseys sure sure yeah I’m sure we will absolutely but I I just am not confident that it’s going to be different until this NHL situation gets handled one way or the other and the roster might be different it’s not going to be Championship caliber or heading in that direction I

Don’t believe that I I I don’t unless unless keante George continues to break out and somehow him and lri together and well but like see look at his next comment right below that but not better so different but not better so you are agreeing with us yeah big blue horses if

The Jazz finish in the bottom 10 they don’t uh keep that pick as protected um I don’t know the exact protections on it off the I want to double check before I say uh Utah Jazz draft picks okay plurality um let’s see I think if they finish where is

It top 10 protected if the Jaz Lane in the bottom 10 the pick gets push back to 2025 so we were correct same top 10 protection so I I it just doesn’t there’s no Rhyme or Reason to what the Jazz are doing that that’s what I’m saying I I I don’t

I don’t understand it if you’re tanking why are you tanking didn’t you do that already for the last two years thought so but right I I that’s why I mean at 28 wins you are you are on the cusp of bottom 10 you’re on the cusa bottom 10

You are because if you look at Brooklyn’s at 26 Jazz are at 28 right and you’re not going to the playoffs you’re six games out of a playoff spot with what 18 I think left to play um and you’ve got five in the East behind you

Um you’re on you’re on that line it’s going to be tough for you not to be bottom 10 I mean you’re almost locked into bottom 10 yeah so I I don’t know that’s just my opinion yeah I don’t want to linger on it I get

It I totally get a couple more uh James if Monty and Jake like NBA they should move to Texas we have the MAV Spurs and Rockets in a lot of feet and you have a governor in a wheelchair that hates human beings and you a lotas you do have a lot of cicas

It’s very true and hellacious storms uh I don’t like the culture around the team if if it feels like we’re cultivating a losing culture and I’m not a trust the process kind of fan well you don’t have a TR process to trust that’s the issue like what process are we even see like

It like I honestly if you said to a jazz fan dude what are the what are the Utah Jazz doing right now like how would you describe what they’re doing right now and I don’t think there’s any other way to describe it other than hey we’re just

Burning time here that’s it yeah uh San Antonio was such a great place when I was there in the 80s and is uh Ryan Smith a fraud or just incompetent he’s a fraud because he tells you he has built a Mystique around him that everything he touches turns to

Gold I see a lot of not gold yeah incompetent is not the word he’s very competent he could win right now if he wanted to and he simply is not going to spend the money because he’s trying to bring an NHL Franchise to Salt Lake City and

He’s trying to build a stadium to facilitate that and he is trying to get taxpayer money to do it because it’s Pro it’s well over it’s billions of dollars at this point to get it done between a building entry fees relocation all of that we’re talking

About a lot of money and I don’t think he is truly liquid he he is not a liquid billionaire in my opinion could be wrong but you don’t act the way he’s acting if you just have Balmer money if you have crony money I don’t think he’s on that

Level and I that’s why I think he’s a fraud if he was on that level what would look different in your opinion how would that you you would be spending money you would be making trades you would be adding to your payroll yeah you would be you would be aggressively pursuing a new

Stadium you would be AG because the jazz is Delta Center Antiquated somewhat it’s certainly feasible as an NA NFL Arena or a NBA arena yeah it is not a dual sport arena full time no you can have your one-off NHL game there it is not a dual Arena fulltime it is not

Uh they they would need a new facility and he is focused on getting an NHL team that’s what he wants so we’ll see

The Utah Jazz have the Boston Celtics at home tonight, with questions lingering about where the Utah Jazz are trying to go, has this season been a wasted one in a rebuilding period for the Utah Jazz?

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  1. Jazz would have been better off to keep two of their solid veterans like Olynyk and Fontechio, so the young guys could have learned something from them. I feel as though Smith is more concerned about an NHL team then the Jazz, his effort toward the Jazz has not been successful, yet he wants to add another professional franchise. If I were the NHL, I would not let him get near an expansion team, if he is going to put such unimpressive efforts into building a pro team like the Jazz. I see Ainge resigning before next year. Ainge will see that he does not have the tools from Smith to build a championship team. Smith is not old school like the Miller's and has no idea how to deal with the human side of his players, in my opinion.

  2. The pick in 2024 goes to OKC if it falls out of the top ten, so there IS insentive to lose this year. Its the pick that Dennis Lyndsey traded to OKC in a stupid salary dump

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