@Detroit Pistons

Time To say The Truth About The Detroit Pistons Future, Youngs Players, And Team Building

Time To say The Truth About The Detroit Pistons Future, Youngs Players, And Team Building

All right everybody on today’s podcast we’re just going to say the truth we are going to get the truth out there whether it hurts or not we’re going to lay the truth on the table and let it be today’s episode of the locked on Pistons podcast you are locked on Pistons your

Daily Detroit Pistons podcast part of the locked on podcast Network your team Everyday what’s the deal welcome back to another episode of the lock on Pistons podcast per usual I’m your host cucko I don’t know why I did that just I got to that point yet per usual I’m your host kahill you can find me over on Twitter at

Cahill I want to thank you guys for making locked on Pistons your first listen every single day we are free and available on podcast platforms if you haven’t already hit that subscribe button to the YouTube channel or leave us a festar review on whatever podcast platform you’re listening to this on

That’s another great way to support the podcast um and today’s episode is brought to you by LinkedIn jobs H you find qualified candidates you want to talk to faster and easier post your job for free at lockon MBA that’s lockon NBA to post your job for free terms and

Conditions apply so I let me just lay it out there for you guys this this this first segment May bleed into the second segment we may just scrap the second segment we may end up talking about the second segment in the in in this initial segment and we’re just what’s going to

Be going on in this podcast C we’re just going to be laying the truth out there the Pistons lost this game last night or I’m recording this on the 19th so last night against the Celtics K didn’t play fanto didn’t play Grimes didn’t like all these guys were out and the Pistons got

Destroyed okay and it was bad all around um don’t want to talk about that game I because there was nothing good that came out of that game and it just continued to I think I think that game at least from what I’ve seen in the Pistons Community has really pushed I think the

Fan base further to the truth and when I say the truth this is what I mean I think I’ve been trying to hint towards this I feel like for the better half of the season um but a lot of people just don’t want to hear this stuff and don’t

Really want this to be talked about because and I get it 100% I talked about this on the Pistons pulse podcast a lot of people don’t want this to be talked about because when you have this bad this season all you have left is Hope and if you take hope away then you

Have nothing and now everyone’s just mad to be mad you take that away it is what it is but as certain point you got to talk about the truth and the reason why we’re talking about this right now instead of the offseason which was my

Initial plan is because we are in a dead space right now until the Pistons next game they did have a really bad loss and I’m watching the Pistons Community kind of blow up talking about this very subject so this is where we’re going with this and again this may bleed into

The second segment may it may be a long long uh long episode the Pistons that’s off season need to seriously evaluate their core four guys and when I say seriously evaluate they need to seriously consider moving on for one or two of them that’s just where I

Believe I’m close to being at I’m starting to see other Pistons fans starting to see the fan base start to grow towards that and before everyone who is just you know in love with all the prospects let’s just calm down have an actual conversation and nonbiased looking at

This team the team is 12 and 56 it’s an awful season this is where the Pistons are going to be at this offseason they’re going to be signing Cade to an extension this offseason it will be happening Cade will be signing an extension this offseason he’s going to be entering year four

There is no more time to wait around and rebuild there is no more time to wait around and watch guys develop if there’s one good thing from this season is that Kate had a good season and most people see that he can be the guy or most

People believe that he’s taken a step that would make you believe he’s on the right trajectory like he’s the one bright spot from this season there is no more time to just wait for guys to develop you need to put a winning product on the floor in year five of

Your rebuild in year four of your franchise player it has to happen I guess I should say this too this is going to be a mixture this is a mixture of my opinion what I’ve heard what I’m hearing and what I get a sense from from the people I’ve talked with

From the people I’ve talked with all season in out of the organization around the organization all this this is just just my feel mixed all together it’s it what does Nick Wright call on it’s a rich tapestry of all that combined this is where I’m at had how I’ve arrived at this this

Conclusion with that knowing that to be the case you need it starts with your core four guys because if those core four guys all and the guys I’m talking about is Kosar ivy durren in the offseason if all of them took the step that Pistons fans thought they would have made they

Would not have had this bad of a season no matter the surrounding cast now the surrounding cast made it incredibly harder for them to do so yes and the surrounding cast did not help at all but these guys did not take steps forward that people wanted to see and that’s

Just the simple truth of the matter I know people don’t want to hear that I know it’s a tough conversation to have but it’s the simple truth of the matter let’s start with Jaylen durren Jaylen durren has taken has either not moved at all defensively or taking a step back

Defensively and at the center position that you need your defensive Center or your Center to be an anchor for you defensively he he has to be good defensively and he has not improved or even taken a step back he’s also we talked about in the last episode some

Bad habits that he’s really picking up on as the season has went on and remember at the beginning of this year when this losing streak first started I said on the podcast after listening to JJ R and Tim legler talk about what happens to the teams at this losing

Streak and are this bad that if you don’t do anything about this soon that you will players will develop bad habits and it’s going to be hard to break them and it’s gonna make guys are gonna get worse and they waited until the trade deadline to do anything they let it soak

For four months they let it disc continue for the longest time and now you see what you see so duren’s developing bad habits he’s not getting better defensively he’s no longer making the process reads he’s no longer making these passes out of the short role he’s no longer finding open teammates as as

He was he’s he has not taken the step that people or some improvements that people wanted to see yes he’s gotten better at driving to the basket and finishing around the rim I don’t think people really wanted to see that from him this year I like yes he improved in that and

That’s cool to see but is that impactful is that going to matter and I’ve said this numerous times in the podcast no it’s not going to be not with this team you’ve assembled not with what you need from that five him being able to occasionally tack a guy off the dribble

And finish around the basket is not going to be impactful enough to matter it’s not like that’s not what you needed from him to improve on that’s what durren with Ivy Jane Ivy was someone I thought was going to make this court work because I thought he could be a good shooter I

Thought he would be a better shooter this year this year he is in the 11th percentile in spot ups I don’t look listen I know Ivy has a strong fan base because he was he has ties to Detroit and he and the way he plays like it people like it it’s explosive it’s

Electric Tri like I get it okay but you H we have to be honest this is not hating this is not this is just simply be I’m not making these numbers up Jaye Ivy is in the 11th percentile on spot up threes in January he was shooting around

20% on open threes we’re now in March 19th and unguarded open threes he’s shooting 34% he’s in what is it he he’s in the the 23rd percentile and all catch and shoots he’s in the 28th percentile he’s taken a massive step backwards and his defense remains to be

Something he’s taking a step I improved somewhat defensively but he’s it’s still G to be something left to be desired and now Pistons fans believe there’s a lot of people who believe that Jaye IV has looked better with the ball in his hands so if he’s taken a massive

Step back shooting wise and now people believe he’s better with the ball in his hands how does he fit next to K Cunningham like this is just a simple truth this is a simple conversation that everyone needs to be having and conversations that the front office is having conversations that this team is

Having if if Ivy is not a great spot up shooter if he is not improving as a shooter and now you feel like he’s better with the ball in his hands rather than off H how is that someone who fits with your franchise player how how is

That the case let’s add into the fact that based off of what I understand and the feeling that I’ve gotten the S what I’ve sensed from the organization is that the two guys that the Pistons do not want to move off of and that are basically their highest priority guys

Are Kay Cunningham and assar Thompson the next thing you want to add into that is how good assar Thompson looked when he had or how just good the lineups looked when he had a stretch big next to him and there was a segment uh JJ R and LeBron James just had a podcast

Dropping I listened to it it was fantastic and there was about five minutes when they talked about I’m not going to go in depth but there there’s a segment of that podcast that if you listen to it you’ll know what I’m talking about there’s a little

Hint right there for you it’ll be a little Easter egg I won’t say what exactly it is but assar next to a big that can shoot with Cade like that it just makes more sense that that that seems to make some sense and it worked when they had muscal when

They had galinari those aren’t even great good players but they could space the floor at to five so this is this is not hating on these guys this is not I think they’re all good prospects still I still think Ivy is a good Prospect I still think durren is a good

Prospect but it’s this like what people don’t understand and what people are going to quickly understand if they don’t this off season is that the Pistons are in a position where they can no longer wait if this season if they played this and it’s just unfortunate it is it’s extremely unfortunate but people

Will learn this off season the Pistons are in a position where they can no longer wait for development Kate is going to sign an extension this off season you are going to be entering year five of your rebuild pressure is on this team whether it be from outside outside nor from the

Fan base whether it be from pressure from within whether it be from pressure from above they are under they are going to be under pressure to put a winning product on the floor with your franchise player entering into an extension uh extension offseason entering year

Five so the goal is no longer going to be to just develop guys it’s going to be you need to put a winning product on the floor you they need to have a winning product and that this is just some truth that people need to comprehend now does this

Mean that they 100% are going to be moving off from Ivy or during this offseason no that that’s not what I’m saying well I’m saying is is something that’s going to be cons consed and it should be considered because I don’t know how you want and look I don’t know

How many times I can say this I know people love these prospects everyone loves to overvalue their own players everyone gets attached to their own players I get it okay I get it but I don’t understand how you can remove your bias from it look at at 12 and 56 season

Look at the numbers I just laid out for you and just look at it basketball wise how you don’t have how you would not have these concerns and not think this is worthy of of discussion and I wanted to save this for the offseason but since we’re in this dead

Space we to that game Friday and based off what I’m seeing the P Community people blowing up like this is this is this is just the truth of the matter if Cade and assar are your top guys and then Kade is heading into extension off season and the guys around them have not

Made those steps forward that you wanted to see and now you’re questioning whether they actually actually fit next to said guys I think we gotta wrap up this first segment we we’ll keep talking about it moving forward but the last thing I’ll say before we move on I think I I

Tweeted this out today too the funniest part about this season is that if you if you just remove your bias from it you look at the 1256 record and if you just like break down the roster like top to bottom and you just continue to look deeper and deeper and deeper into the

Roster the more crazy it looks and the more insane like how bad the roster was and is and some of the pieces that were expected to fit together it truly it like it it does at this point it just gets funnier and funnier when you look at it we’ll we’ll

Continue to dive into this and talk about um this unfortunate truth that I think the the Pistons have now found themselves in because of this season and then also we’ll talk about this front office how they the next step of this truth being the front office the coaching staff the ownership the

Organization we’ll we’ll break it all down stay tuned for that um when we come back you know that instant confidence boost you get from an outfit that makes you look really good that’s what I get with Stitch fix easily upgrade your wardrobe this year with a professional

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Re on all podcast platforms if you haven’t already head to the YouTube channel at laon Pistons hit that subscribe button or leave us a five star review on whatever podcast platform you’re listening to the song that another great way to support the podcast um let’s let’s keep going with this so I

Think the next step of this the next step of this conversation is I guess entering such a like a pivotal off season with questions like the ones I just pointed out do you trust this front office to answer those questions which is and do you trust the front office to

Do what is needed to do to take that next step I think most people would say no so this is basically where where I think this is what I expect to happen basically and again this is a rich tapestry of of what I think my opinion mix with what I’ve what I’ve heard

Throughout the season my feeling my sense from being from people I’ve talked to like all that stuff combined into this Rich tapestry I feel like that if Troy Weaver and and Company remain it’s less likely you will see one or two of the core guys moved I

Think that’s less likely I think if Troy Weaver remains I believe what’s most likely to happen would be those guys return Ste returns Grimes returns fono returns sassa returns and then they make like maybe one or two additions with the pick they have and the veteran in the offseason that they

Acquire so if that’s the Road they go down this is and I this is probably a conversation we should have really save for the offseason but again like I said we’re in the dead space and a lot of people are talking about this if that’s the road they go down what I’m starting

To see that a lot of Pistons fans are picking up on which is something I brought up to James Edwards and said myself I think two weeks ago but I’m starting to see more and more Pistons fans bring up is that if that’s what happens

It how how much like how much better are they going to be next year you’re basically saying you’re bringing back eight guys from a 12 and 56 that’s right now we we’ll see where they’re at end up at the end of the year but if that’s the

Rout they go like you’re basically like I’m starting to see like more and more fans come to this conclusion like oh God like how much better like they’re not going to win much next year either which I think it’s a fair thing to assume I I think I look this this is a

Good way to go about this if you know anybody or you talk to anybody you follow anyone on Twitter or or you watch people on YouTube or or TI like anything any social media if you follow people from outside Detroit to cover another team or if you just are friends with

Somebody outside of Detroit watching another team fan of another team ask them what they would believe what they think about the Pistons bringing back eight people from a 12 and 56 roster talk to ask literally anybody I’m not I’ve talk you guys have seen me bring on

I think four people throughout the year so far we’re g we have a few more lined up stay tuned but at least four people from outside the Detroit to talk about this and bringing back like eight people from the rotation they all like everyone it looks at like do you want to lose

Again like do you not want to get better like what’s going on so if that’s the route they go down I completely understand why fans are questioning okay well how much better would the team even be if you do that I understand that and I also look at it as I think that’s

Something that is likely or at least very high on the chance of happening if Weaver does stay around which is why if you look the side of the the screen um if you’re watching this on YouTube you see will the front office make the move front office make

The moves needed I don’t believe so I think if Troy Weaver and this front office remain I don’t believe that they will move or make the trades necessary to put a winning product on the on the floor next year because I don’t think they’re going to want to move on from

Any other core four guys and the Pistons don’t got assets like that and they’re whole and remember earlier in the year when we said they put all their eggs into the basket and maybe it opens up maybe they get saved this offseason it could happen maybe they get flat out

Saved and where they’ve put all their eggs into the basket of we have all this cap space someone on a on a luxury tax team that’s entering the second apron someone’s gonna ask out or or someone on a bad contract that maybe is a really good player but has some questions ask

Out and we can just absorb their contract and and give back to sping to that team and they don’t have to worry about taking on they they can get rid of their cap space early and free up all that and start their rebuild early like that’s their whole like that’s where

They’ve put all their eggs into their basket it didn’t happen at the trade deadline and maybe it something happens like that at the offseason and it saves everything they get that player they keep the core four and all of a sudden everything lines up perfectly and and it

Works maybe they that happens and they get saved even then I still have some questions on the core force fit now together seriously um but maybe that that happens and it saves everything maybe I think that’s less likely to happen I don’t think it’s as I I don’t I don’t think it’s

It’s I I don’t think it’s as likely as as the front office seems to think it is I know it’s something they’ve talked about now for a year and a half it’s yet to happen I wonder why like so I just don’t know if it’s as likely as they

Think it is which is why I believe the Piston’s only chance at getting out of this is by bringing in a new front office that is allowed to come in and completely reshape this roster the Pistons have a boatload of cap space this off season a boatload of cap space this

Offseason I’m gonna get the exact number up for you guys I probably should have had this beforehand um real quickly not only do they have a bunch of cap space this offseason they also have cheap assets on the team right now cheap assets and a new GM coming in and taking over

Would be in the perfect position position it would be well capable if they wanted to to completely reshape the roster to put a winning product on the floor the following year to give you guys an idea of what the Pistons cap space is the only players that will be on the roster next

Year they are under salary Kade at 13 assar at eight Ivy let’s assume Ivy 7.9 Stu at 15 durren at 4.5 and and Marcus sass 2.7 that’s one two three four five six and none of those players making over $15 million including all the team option guys the Pistons have $82 million on

Next year you take off the four million from GRS even though they might pick up GR but you take off the four million from grinds you take off the four million from Troy Brown you take off the $19 million from uh Evan forier that’s like an additional what 19

Uh 23 27 around $28 million so they’re going to have a boatload of cap space they’re gonna have flexibility to do whatever they want to do so I think that’s the Piston’s best chance at turning this thing around is bringing in a front office bringing in a

New GM and new front office and let them decide now if they decide to keep the core four guys together whatever let them decide that but I believe they will have a better chance at flipping this roster and making a winning product than the current off his is and I I guess

Last thing I I want to mention is this I I don’t agree with some of the from what I’ve seen there’s some dialogue in the Pistons community that I don’t agree with I’m very strongly against I don’t really understand why people believe this but I I see a lot of

People seem to believe that if you get rid of the core four there’s no way to win if you TR if you don’t win with these core Four Guys the Pistons just won’t win and I don’t understand why that’s the there’s why why do the Pistons have to win with this core four

Guys why does winning have to happen with those four guys the Pistons have cap space they have flexibility they have young assets that could be moved if if if if if if this front office wanted to make a new roster or if a new a new GM came in and wanted to

Flip this roster around Cade or if this current front office let’s say they actually want to make some moves and based off what I the senses I get that Kade and Ivy are the two or not Kade and Ivy k and assar the two like you know

Not I want to say Untouchables but near it and you want to kind of like build around that wh H why do people believe it’s just oh well now screwed you can’t put a good team around those guys why why and I I see another another thing I

See is that people think that oh well if you just build around Cade right now he’s not good enough for that yet why does every player that they get have to be so much worse than Kade like if they get a player that first of all I think

Building around Kade and actually having a good roster around him that makes sense around not even just Kate if you would have had a roster that made sense around basically all the guys maybe it would have went better this year but definitely if you build it around

Whatever guys you want to pick if you just build a functional roster they’ll be at least decent I’m higher on Cade than all every a lot of people are so I feel even higher about building around Cade but the point nonetheless being even if you don’t want to go that

Route why why who’s no one’s saying that you have to go get a bunch of $5 million guys that are so much worse than Cade and just let Kade carry why why does that have to be the case go get someone that’s just as good as Cade

Right now like why why not go get some of that’s maybe just below Cade right now or is projected to be next year like what I don’t understand why is that the case that people believe I I don’t understand that so we kind of got we kind of got off

Toping and want to ran a little bit but um basically this is all I wanted to do is take like the first two SE really to to discuss this this truth of the matter of where the Pistons find themselves and why they’re at this position they’re in

This position because of how bad this season went if this season did not go this bad they wouldn’t find themselves in this position of having to question everything but you which is usually what happens when you have this historically bad of a season things get questions and

Things need to be changed up along with the fact that kad’s entering year four and is going to be signing that extension this off season with pressure from the fan base pressure from within pressure from the up top they’re they’re going to need to put a winning product

On the floor along with some regressions from some of the core guys questions about the fit now with some of the core guys all that mixed in together they are in a position this offseason now where they are going to need to put a winning product on the floor next year and if

They don’t things will blow before next year’s deadline I can promise you guys can book it right now if they don’t do that stuff and then they try to basically run it back with like maybe one or two additions in the offseason and things don’t go well next year everything’s getting blown up

Before the deadline next year I you guys again you guys can quote me book it write it I promise you everything will get blown up and then that I don’t think that’s something anyone wants they need to avoid that so uh there you go um let me know what you guys think about

Everything I said comment section down below or over on Twitter at cuko when we come back I just want to ask this simple question who has had a good season for the Detroit Pistons this year we’ll talk about that when we come back when you’re hiring for your small

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Star review on podcast platform you’re listening to this on that’s another great way to support the podcast um before we get into you know me asking Who had who actually had a good season this year for the Pistons um and all that I want to make sure I

Got everything out there I’m not forgetting any extra details from what I want to talk about when discussing this core in in in the Pistons future um I I I feel like we got everything out the way and I I I’ve provided all the contexts needed for that so um if I

Remember something we are going to stop the who had a good season and and completely go back to that because I think this is a this I mean I don’t think I know this is the most most popular conversation and the most needed conversation for the Pistons at this

Point it’s going to be heavy throughout the offseason it’s going to be non-stop throughout the off season because of how bad the season is and people want to know what’s next what’s the plan which I know I’ve had a love of you a lot of you

Guys ask me it’s coming you guys are asking me Co well what’s your plan you keep saying these things what’s your plan what would you do this off season and I have a plan I I have one like I have that episode ready is say do I I

Don’t really want to go full offseason content with a month left in the season because then I’m gonna run out of content so I’m trying to find the right way to post it but I it’s coming we’re gonna have that episode where I give what I would do this off season and how

I would go about it Etc so um anyways though um who’s had a good season for the Detroit Pistons this year well I think K Cunningham obviously has had a good season for the Pistons uh the Detroit Pistons have not had a good season they’ve lost but

Individually the players who has had a good season Cade has had a good season 22 seven and a half 4.3 on 45 35 86 splits we talked about his numbers since the game 12 of benching um going away from the non-s spacing lineups we’ve talked about how well he’s played over

The last uh two months we’ve talked about how well he’s played since All-Star break uh we talked about his efficiency getting better he went from a 49 true shooting percentage in those 12 games last year to 50% true shooting percentage his rookie year he’s now at 55 true shooting percentage he’s helping

Around 56 57 uh true shooting percentage since getting rid of that lineup at Game 12 so I believe that’s around um a 45 game sample now so K himself he’s had a good season another player I believe has had a good season Isaiah Stewart has had definitely a good season best year of

His career he’s averaging 10.9 points um five uh 6.6 rebounds 1.6 assist um the stat the counting stats aren’t really what I’m worried about he’s shooting 48% from the floor with uh over a third of his attempts almost half of his attempts coming from three he’s shooting 38.3%

From three on nearly four attempts a game um he’s also shooting 57% on all twos which is his higher percentage since his rookie season um he’s having a career-high year from the free throw line uh he’s been just as good defensively as he’s always been the Pistons are markably better according to

The onoff when he’s on the floor um I don’t know how you can’t say Isaiah Stewart he’s having his most efficient season of the of his career 60.02 shooting percentage I don’t know how you can’t say Isaiah Stewart didn’t have a good season this year and this is coming

From somebody who was not as high on Isaiah Stewart before the year and I’m coming out right now to say this I was wrong on Isaiah Stewart I still think that he is a backup four five but it can be a really impactful backup

45 I did not think he would be as good as he was this season he’s been better I didn’t think he’d improve this much he has he’s improved more than I thought I didn’t think that he’d be matching basically production wise his contract and being above it and he has he has

Either matched his contract value or even done better than his contract value I question giving him the contract before the year looks like it was a great deal a great decision because I think he’s played above it or at it all year so he’s had a good season I was

Wrong give credit for isaah Stewart I’m not afraid to admit that I was wrong on something I was off on isaah Stewart before the season so isaah Stewart another player that had a good season um maybe assur Thompson but he has flaws and he’s a rookie you expect rookies to

Have flaws so it’s hard to say like a rookie had a good or bad season when looking at the totality of things as a rookie yeah I think assar had a good season as as a rookie but totality of things I mean it’s hard to say like he’s

Actually been a good player this year um as a rookie though I’d say like he mostly has been a good rookie um outside that I’m not including guys they just traded for so like Tech obviously has been good but Tech is they just acquired him so I’m not counting him um outside

That I don’t think anyone else you could say has had a good season at least I actually know what I wouldn’t say has had a good season Jaye Ivy like we said he’s shooting 32% from Deep this year he’s been less efficient this year well actually maybe not less

Efficient but Le a worse shooter this year his improve his finishing around the rim has gotten better he’s still now very good Defender and the biggest the biggest parts of his game is of shooting and playing off of Cade it just hasn’t went extremely well this year Jaylen

Durren again hasn’t made that didn’t really improve defensively and there’s other things I’m concerned about like these guys have improved in in in certain parts of their games but when I say they had an overall good season I no I would not say that I like at least I

Wouldn’t I would I wouldn’t say that because if they if they both made the steps that people wanted them to make and they both had good Seasons like if you believe all core four guys had good Seasons then your core four basically stinks basically is what you need to

Believe because if your core four guys have a good Seasons across the board NBA wise standard NB like compared to the NBA players and you still win 12 games so like your core St your core sucks basically so like I would say they had a good season so I really the only

People I’d say is Kaden St really that that’s where I would stay at so let me know if you guys disagree comment section down below or over on Twitter at C I really want to hear from you guys about the first 20 minutes that we talked about just the truth of the

Situation how what they are going what the situation they found themselves in what it looks like they’re going to have to decide to do and what you would do now knowing that the situation they’re in it sounds like they’re going to be forced into this this offseason let me

Know in the comment section down below or over on Twitter at cuka Hill that’s all I’ve got for you guys today hit that subscribe button to the YouTube channel leave us a firear review whatever podcast plat be listening to this on until next time I’ll see you guys later

Stay safe out there and until next time peace out

The Detroit Pistons are in the middle of their worst season in franchise history and are about to enter what might be the most crucial offseason in over a decade. It’s time to be truthful about the Pistons’ situation, their players, and what’s on the board as ways to attack the offseason.

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  1. I'm curious.. just what move can they make that make us better exactly?
    Trade away the entire farm for Lavigne?
    Everyone keeps harping on the front office to make a move that guarantees that we're better…but who?

    This is what tanking for years looks like… especially when you're banking/hoping on teenagers.

  2. A winning product will be watching a different team next season. Our franchise won't take a step forward until Gores sell the team I believe. Chauncey should be our GM!!

  3. Cade stay hurt plus
    He slowed down the pace with his pick and roll and we have young legs to run teams out the gym
    And he also doesn’t lock up on D

  4. I agree with everything except that I don't think it's that easy to build around Cade cause he needs a lot of 3&D guys which's exactly what every team wants. Like, how much Fontecchio will cost? 20M? How many 20M role players can you have? I know contenders keep adding 3&D players for almost free, but when you are a small market at the bottom you gotta overpay them

    Also, the Cooper Flag sweepstakes makes me very nervous. Somehow they have a very good reason to stink again and that should not be allowed

  5. For me its all about whether guys really WANT to succeed or not. I thought Ivey had that alpha mentality of just dominating with his athleticism and heart but rn its showing that that's not enough. I love Ivey but if he's going to continue looking this sloppy, laps of defense, and continue to shoot poorly, he'll continue to be a "prospect" and not a clear star. I think the nail in the coffin for me was the fact that he plays better with the ball in his hands.

    I do think we don't see what a player truly is until year 3 (Jalen Suggs, Aperen Segun, Scottie Barnes, Anthony Edwards, and even Tyrese Haliburton). However, if you want max value for the trading them this offseason is the best move unfortunately.

  6. Consider trading Ivey, sell on the idea you got 1 year to see if they want to extend them. If you want to give him an explanation, the Monty thing was odd. Understandable to give Killian one last chance since he was going to be an FA but could have been handled better. Monty can be right about his defense but also culpable to defense improvements. I wish we didnt have to trade him but this is a hate the player hate the game or system, they are running out of time and his development cant wait/

    Duren hasn't been great but you got to give him some context, he was a back up and missed almost 1/4 of the season last year and this is his first full time as a starter and he did miss time. And I feel like you are not mentioning some of the offense/free throw and rebounding. His defense has to be better but will a better roster maybe hide some of this? Better wing defense maybe. I am a little more patient on Duren because it is tougher to make an impact as a big man at the start and not that it is easy but it is easier to replace Ivey than teach 6'10

    This front office has not been great but you got to give them some credit for digging out of the bottom from where they were after the Griffin era. If you think the Pistons are positioned to do something with this new CBA with cap space and cheap assets and maybe assets people want, that's this front office. They deserve blame for extending Bagley, the signings and lack therof of reclamation projects but you got to give them something for drafting, cap room and recognizing when things were not working. It's the bare minimum but it's something

    We also got to put some questions if not blame, on Troy's bosses and/or ownership. If you don't like how Troy has done this, well the same results have been here even before Troy and who is held accountable for that? Who has been here before Troy, who let this happen? Who hired Monty, it wasn't Troy. We don't talk about that as much as we should

  7. You bandwagon fans kill me. Go ahead and get off of a couple of these players and watch how quickly you all will be crying when those you cast aside become the players that you needed. There's no patient with this fanbase.

  8. I agree with the assessment Duren has at times fallen asleep on D and Ivey hasn't figured out how to be an off-ball threat yet. However my counter is since the all-star break (when the roster finally made some sense), the team overall has looked a lot more cohesive. I don't think you can rush this because bigs & guards do take a while to fully develop and yes there will be times where it looks horrible, but I attribute a lot of this to the front office that set these guys up to fail during the first 1/2 of the seaon. Even if you decide to trade Ivey/Duren – who will you get back that fits the mould? Only one I'd consider is Ivey for Devin Vassel & with Embiid & Giannis around, you'll need a big that can at least make it somewhat a challenge for them. This off-season, get a proper PF (Miles Bridges/Harris), add a back-up floor general PG (e.g bring back Monte/Tre Jones that type of point guard), and lots of floor-spacers. I bet the core 4 will look a lot better with an extra year of experience and not having the paint clogged up all the time.

  9. The front office didn't seem to be a problem after the first few games of the season, then when Monty began his blind faith in a certain starting lineup and allowed the free fall of the team, it became the front office fault. Man, please.

  10. I mean almost everyone but the “core@ has been traded this season. If Weaver can find Simone, he can flip Duren, Asuar or Ivey for a better fit.

  11. I do think Stew can fit as a bench piece because of his defense and shooting. After Cade I am highest on Asuar or the four at this point. But you can’t have two other non shooters with him

  12. Since you have short term memory, YouTube the Pistons draft picks over the last 15 years and see how much of that talent became good players. This is by far the best collection of young talent that we've had in some time. I challenge you to listen to the opposing teams play by play announcers. They seem to have a very different perspective on the team, one that centers around allowing them to grow and develop. But not the fanbase. 😢😂😅

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