@Phoenix Suns

Can The Phoenix Suns Turn It On In The Playoffs And Make A Run?

Can The Phoenix Suns Turn It On In The Playoffs And Make A Run?

Mcoy hi everybody Welcome in to the phnx Suns podcast I’m Lindsay it’s been a minute that’s Gerald it’s been a smaller minute that’s flex and that’s espo what’s going on guys Lindsay can I catch you up on what you missed please because I feel like I was dead for 3 weeks and I

Am so out of the loop so the the sun’s M Bridges and cam Johnson Kevin Durant he got hurt uh then he played in the playoffs the Nuggets beat him uh then they got Bradley Beal for Chris Paul and Landry shamut all shed a tear okay uh

For Landry uh and then it’s been uh what we call a a solar coaster ever since so and bull bow actually is surprisingly good so go that’s what you got for what are you saying honestly it feels like that oh and Gerald got married too while year

Were going yes I know I’m so bummed that I had to miss your wedding but congratulations the pictures were amazing I hear the food was bomb and I’m very upset that I missed it Deon says who’s the new chick I’m Chelsea Chelsea I’m new here what’s up congratulations though Gerald

Um if you guys missed it he posted a couple pictures on his Twitter account you should go check it out they’re really pretty pictures unbelievable unbelievable one of the best wedns I ever been to I had to say it love it had to say it Mama G Papa G I love y’all and

Grandma G oh I saw Grandma dancing so bummed I missed that she came out to Daddy Yankee which I was not I’m tell I was dancing with my man I had such a good G God bless you man the wedding was amazing and then for some reason the last three weeks have been

Pretty great too well that makes for one of us at least I prefer the view from that year that’s it you want to switch no actually no that’s my bad side I’d switch with Gerald that’s about it as far as I’m willing to go all right guys let’s dive

In and uh talk about some Suns basketball we had practice today Gerald you were out there first and foremost let’s talk about Isaiah Thomas uh it was reported that he’s going to sign a 10-day contract with the Phoenix Sun Frank Bogle did tell us that he will officially sign tomorrow I’m sure the

Reasoning behind that was just to maximize the amount of days that they have he was in the building but he did not practice because it’s not officially official yet um but he will be available for the 76ers game tomorrow and here’s what Frank Bogle had to say about picking up it on that

10day just uh you know get a chance to see where where he’s at uh you know with his his phase of his career he’s trying to still uh compete for an opportunity so you know we’ll be watching his uh you know he’d be able to play in some of the

Pickup games that we have our off day bumps uh and whatnot see how he fits around our our group uh as a personality he’s a guy that everybody loves you know what I mean like he’s he’s a very well-liked uh respected guy in this in this league in this uh NBA player of

Paternity um but we’re going to see where his game is at and um you know again I don’t know how much uh he’ll play for us uh he’s really here for for from a dep standpoint because sa he only has four games left okay first off are we buying he

Didn’t practice with the team today no I’m not I am not buying that one bit no for NBA rules and regulations we’ll agree he did not practice uh with the team today uh this is this is interesting to me we talked about it a little bit on Sunday but to anybody

Saying oh they’ve solved the true point guard issue they got the point guard they’ve been no it has never been a point guard nor will he ever be a true point guard he is a Score first guard so do not hold your breath on that that’s

That’s the thing I want to uh preach some caution on to anybody feeling that way yeah listen we talked about it the other day um I I I like the idea I do you’re right he’s never been a true point guard um when the news came out I

I took some some time to really dive deep into Isaiah Thomas today M and um he still shoots the hell out the basketball that’s for sure you know he takes he took a lot in the G League 14 oh yeah he he had uh 14 attempts per

Game made 6.3 of them yeah so I he shot as many as some Sons halfs right right so that’s that’s good though that’s a good thing he he can still shoot the ball uh he’s Shifty sneaky Shifty and he’s a vet that’s done that’s played a

Lot of basketball so how that fits into us we don’t know yet we have no idea he can absolutely not play at all but I I do see a window where it can come in and provide some stuff that this team is lacking particularly three-point shooting and the confidence to operate

In pick and roll when book and KD are out for in spurts um the confidence that he has as a scorer and he’s sneaky good in the pick and roll like he’s sneaky good in the pick and roll with bigs um he he can still get into the paint now

At NBA level we’ll have to see but what I saw on tape in the G League he can still find his way into the paint and he’s got a nice little mid-range jumper so there’s still things about it that in a perfect world you might catch

Lightning a bottle so it’s not a bad swing I think I mentioned this on Sunday but I talked to uh one of the people that coached him during his g-league stint and the thing that stood out to me as he said this is a guy that understands his place right now in the

Game at 35 uh it’s it’s not some delusions of grandeur that that he has coming in here so well that’s good news because it it is a flyer it’s a 10-day contract for a reason and yes there’s still the 15th roster spot available they could use another guard on the

Roster but like you said he’s not a traditional true point guard that everyone has been clamoring for All Season he’s a Score first guard he always has been um but he can help with the three-point shooting if he gets minutes like vogle said he said he said

Point Blank like I don’t know how much he’s gonna play because we signed him for depth because Sabin Lee on that two-way contract he only has four games of Eligibility left before they have to convert him so I I’m not gonna have very high expectations but it is a cool story for

Him to be back in the league even if it winds up only being 10 to 20 days right it is it’s neat and Bradley Beals shared a little bit of his perspective around that as well uh talking about uh it battling his way back and what he thinks

He can contribute to to the Suns speaks volumes man cuz I’m I’m a huge it fan from competing against him for so many years when he was in Boston and uh you know being his teammate in DC as well like i’ I’ve got a chance to see him

Every single day put the work in and and uh you know the challenges that he went through as a player U you know overcoming some injuries too but you know to be able to come back now like you said it’s very unheard of um but I commend them man I salute him he’s

Always been a worker uh he believes in the process he trusts his work and you know that’s just the evolution of today’s game and just evolution of who he is you know he’s he’s always going to be a Hooper you know there’s nothing that can stop him or set him back um

From accomplishing his goals and dreams and and he’s one that lives it out man so he’s a great prime example I feel like to kids into a lot of people you know of just going out and and just keep pushing you know no matter if people

Tell you no no matter if people shut you down uh he’s heard it all you know and to see him back is I love it and I’m excited for him with the experience you had with him as a teamate what can he provide to lock room for you guys right

Now uh one we all know he’s a good offensive player for sure but I think just his leadership his ability to be able to uh lead lead a lock room um encourage guys you know give his his his IQ of the game um which is which is

Super high I think he’ll definitely help me out a lot with running a point and just giving me some uh different viewpoints and ways that I could attack can attack that I may have not have seen before you know so uh and then just when

We plug him in like he’s he’s going to be dynamic for his he’s going to be a scorer he’s going to be able to help us so you know we need that that shooting his shooting ability uh cuz we need more threes more threes here we go give me

I’m I’m gonna I’m gonna give you a take real real talk it is gonna get an opportunity I I really do I I really believe he’s going to get an opportunity and I believe he’s gonna make I I think he has a good chance to make good on that opportunity because of the

Construction of this roster and what we need and what we’re looking for um I I think I think this guy’s going to actually play a l more than people think and I actually think he’ll be the 15 guy I think they they’ll keep him for the

Whole for the rest of the season and the playoff run um and I’m excited to see it because it’s you don’t need a lot guys you don’t need a lot if that guy can come in for six seven minutes and apply pressure and shoot the three ball make a

Couple shots it makes a world of difference for this basketball team so I’m intrigued man I really am I wasn’t as much this weekend but doing a deep dive and having some conversations watching the tape I’m intrigued I mean there’s a couple people in the chat who

Are all saying listen I’ll take it over Sabin Lee in those handful of minutes that are available for that last roster spot are you guys on the same boat or would you rather have Sav in no I or do you need to see what maybe it brings

Yeah I have no idea what to because the numbers he’s putting up in the g- league are insane but it’s the G but it’s the g- league for a reason and he’s a guy who has a lot of NBA experience so you plug a guy like that into the G League

Of course he’s going to know how to play well and one of the things he’s talked about in that environment was passing along knowledge and helping young guys out you’re battling young guys most and it’s totally different situation what he’s coming here into Phoenix to do versus his last couple stops with

Charlotte and Dallas those teams were not they didn’t have the expectations that this Sun’s team has so and and I don’t know if it was the same opportunity either because he has an opportunity to contribute on a team that wants to make a deep playoff run so I

Don’t I truthfully don’t know what to expect I think what you’re hoping for out of it is the shooting like we’ve mentioned because this team has to get up more threes and someone who can be a paint touch that is what Sabin Lee does he is not a good finisher around the rim

He’s made like two threes all season long so he definitely has his flaws but the one thing he does well that he brings to the table is he’s a pest defensively and he gets to the paint which the Suns don’t do enough I don’t know that Isaiah Thomas is a guy you

Have to hide on defense and if he’s not getting into the lane then he’s just another guy that’s getting up shots and taking them from away from the guys that probably should be getting them we got to admit though the stats and I think we

Have a Graphic for this in the G League were pretty nuts they were with the Utah team 32 and a half points a game 5.3 assists 3.3 rebounds 1.3 steals shot 44% from behind the arc like I I I get I get don’t you wouldn’t expect that but

What it does tell me is the hip problems all those things are probably yeah subsided where could he give you some surprising minutes yeah and we’re talking about the 15th roster spot in reality so whether it’s him whether it’s Sabin if you’re seeing them play major minutes something’s horribly gone wrong

Anyways yeah I just part of me likes the idea that we it is more of a known quantity Where you know he’s going to shoot you know he’s he’s likely gonna hit at a pretty decent clip Sabin you you don’t really know you haven’t I mean he’s never stepped Court foot on the

Court in a playoff game where we know it has that that would be the depending on how he looks that would be my deciding factor but what what caught my interest in what Bradley Beal said was he brings up a leadership with Isaiah Thomas which it’s weird to me to think that they’re

Still at that point where they’re like well we we’re bringing in a guy with with the leadership kind of thing and I don’t want to read too much into it but again you’re you’re 13 what you’re at the tail into the season I get what you’re saying but I also kind of think

That’s one of those cliches anytime a player is over the age of 27 now it’s like oh leadership qualities good locker room it’s just one of those cliches I really wouldn’t read too much into the leadership half our leadership qualities back today on the program wow

I will I will say this I will say this uh in the clip with Brad Bill he said something that caught my attention he said he can definitely help help me out behind me right insinuating that in minutes when Brad is off the court he can probably run the point for a couple

Minutes that’s number one number two e can you put them stats back up all right so that’s g-league stats understand the NBA is not the G league so that’s going to look inflated but here’s what I will say here’s what I will say the size of the court in the G

League is the same size the basketball is the same size and the three-point line is the same size this isn’t a knock on Sabin I’m not taking a shot at Sabin but if you took today Sabin Lee and put him in the G League he ain’t putting up

Those numbers in the G League I probably agree we don’t know because we don’t have do you get do you get my point G like real talk like so you have to sometimes you got to keep it simple like Sabin Lee if we’re if he was into the G

League for that amount of games I don’t know that he’s putting up those numbers and so you you can’t just ignore it you just can’t just drive over it and be like ah it’s just the G League because there’s guys in the NBA that can’t go to

The G league and do that yeah no for sure yeah my my thing is like at what point do we look at the scoring and be like okay we’ve got enough of that we need you need defense we need defense or we need Paint touches we need

Penetration we need drive and kick we need ball movement like we don’t have those things isaah Thomas can’t be choos no of course but like I just I don’t want to read too much into isaah Thomas even if he is still that level of scorer because like that was never their

Problem yeah their problem was like we need to move the ball we need to not get stagnant on offense and defensively we need to guard the damn three-point line play with emergency but I think Brad in the last thing he said brought it up

Which I really what it is is a guy not afraid to take more of those three-point attempts and and we’ve talked about it they lack in that like 30 ain’t going to get it done in most cases and I know people say well they still score at at a

High clip even without sure but if they’re gonna not guard the three-point line they’re gonna have to hit more to to be in these games so I think that’s probably the thinking because there wasn’t a defensive stopper out there available or a true point guard that

Would have made sense so I I think that that’s why we’re sitting with Isaiah Thomas I got a number for G sure you’re the analytics Guru you’re the guy with the numbers the number I’m looking at now and I don’t even know if there’s a number out there but I’mma tell you the

Number I’m looking at now is differential of attempts yeah for threes three-point differential attempt differential you can’t give up 50 and take 30 there’s a 20 shot differential there there is no way on God’s green earth you’re going to survive in the playoffs or even win a championship if

That differential is that damn wide got to find a way to shrink that so how do you shrink that you contest at the three-point line you stay at home you deny threes that’s number one you got to do a better job of that and you have to

Take more so yeah Isaiah helps you take more but how do we shorten the Gap in in in regards to how many they’re taken that’s the big thing that that is the big thing and that’s why when people are saying well if we don’t need more scoring why are we getting outscored cuz

You’re giving up 140 [ __ ] points a game you can’t do that 183 poters and a half ain’t good God Bless but listen listen we might get both okay it signing a 10day coach Bogle told us today the emphasis of practice was three-point defense quote by a mile there we go so

Here’s what he had to say about the sun’s three-point defense against Boston and Milwaukee yeah awareness a lot of overh helping a lot of short Closeouts um you know the spread five coverages uh you know gave us problems um we didn’t execute them well enough we have

Protections built in you know to keep our centers on the floor but uh we didn’t execute them very well um but but anything when you have a you know a three-point barrage like we saw in those two games they’re all shapes and sizes you know but uh the general urgency I

Thought we played uh really hard especially when we got down and you know battled to fight back in the game but you know the one area that we we didn’t play hard enough was urgency two to three-point line see so we’re going to get both tomorrow we’re gonna put up

More threes and we’re going to be better defensively I love how it’s like love we decided to start practicing that today I know that’s better late than never that’s better late than never I’m want just say it we’re still close to never that’s the thing is like

I was getting a bunch of comments about like why don’t the Suns focus on guarding the three-point line guys every defense tries to do that in the NBA but it’s really hard with the skill level to do that especially when their focus has been protecting the paint because they

Were getting torched early in the season with points in the paint I think they overcorrected and I think because they don’t have the Defenders to contain on the perimeter as soon as that first drive by happens you’re helping you’re rotating you’re in scramble mode and that always opens up the three-point

Line and so against teams like the Bucks and the Celtics that are top five in both three-point attempts and three-point percentage you’re going to get torched if you don’t play well and contain that initial drive and they didn’t in either game and they got absolutely wrecked for it I don’t think

It’s a focus Point like we haven’t been focused on guarding the three-point line now we’re going to start doing that like Jesus Christ what do we think that they’re doing in practice I mean that would be hilarious if that was the case though oh we’ve just only been guarding

Twoos what what is this can I can I throw some and and Lindsay you’re gonna like this one okay okay I’m I’m I’m being serious this is just me looking at tape and G I think you’ll appreciate it too not you no I’m messing around I’m messing around I’m messing around ask

Ask I’m joking back to New Jersey I’m joking I’m joking listen look at the games versus Boston two games versus Boston the differential from the three line was 120 to 60 points wise points wise right 43s to 20 and then against Milwaukee you saw what happened MH I

Telling y’all right now stop [ __ ] on Josh aogi yeah I’m I’m serious this is this is that line This is that line in the in the sand you want offense from aogi but sometimes you’re able to get things from aogi that go beyond the offensive level aogi helps with the pointed defense

Defense and and helps with that guy attacking the paint and having to have a guy rotate so if aogi misses five threes but he veng five threes I’m taking it and that’s that’s where we’re at with it and aogi didn’t play in any of those

Games and I’ll be the first one to tell you I can’t wait for Josh AK K to come back I take everything back I said about Josh bring his ass back because we need him on defense I just I want to see cleaner rotations because you go back and look

At in particular Milwaukee game but also those Celtics games they they go to help but it ALS also seems like two guys don’t exactly know where they’re supposed to be at any given time and it looks more like confusion and then it leads to either no contest or lazy contests in some cases

And and to me that feels like being more locked in on the defensive end right not that they’re not PL preparing defensively to guard the three not that they’re that they’re not practicing that or that their only focus is on is the pain it’s just it seems like it’s it’s

Sloppy it’s clunky and I get these guys are not the best defenders ever right and we can accept that but what I can’t accept is it should be easier to have cleaner rotations on defense to to have a little bit more effort at times and

That’s what I want to see out of this group than what we saw the the effort was concerning especially in the Milwaukee game and and Frank mentioned the short Closeouts which is basically code for we gave up on the play and didn’t get out to Shooters we didn’t

Have the sense of urgency to get out to Shooters and that’s just unacceptable at this point in the season like there needs to be that sense of urgency in all aspects not just the three-point defense um but the biggest thing for me is that like they are doing different coverages

Throughout the game it’s not one set coverage throughout a game it’s not drop coverage all game it’s not Zone all game we’ve seen them go to Zone like they are mixing different things in based on the Personnel they have and who they’re going against um but a lot of those

Rotations he Frank vogle mentioned in practice today like never stop rotating we cannot stop our rotations because if you are blown by or you close out on a shooter and D drive them off the three-point line guess what you got to get back into the play and recover to

Whatever guy is open out there because there’s going to be rotations there’s going to be help but they can’t overh help because that’s when they get burned on all these threes um so all around that sense of urgency was something that is standing out yeah and Bradley Bal

Spoke about these last two games and that sense of urgency today here’s what he had to say it’s definitely frustrating uh you know it’s over now we we move on to to the next game uh but for sure you know we we definitely can’t

Lay eggs like that you know we we got to come out with a lot of better focus and a lot more sense of urgency than what we’ve been having uh that’s been way way unacceptable and we all know that so you know we got to be better these last 14

Really lock in and it starts with uh with us three and our attention to detail and our focus and when we’re good and we’re focused and locked in the rest of the team been follow so the whole team needs to lock in a little bit more and Frank Bogle also echoed that same

Sentiment as well yeah we’re in the playoffs before the playoffs right uh all of us want to get into the top six uh we are confident that if we are in a playing game we will win uh but there’s too many variables you know with a one game situation like that you know

Somebody can get the flu somebody get a roll an ankle you know I mean there’s just uh you’ve seen it in in some of these these playing games where key guys are out and um you know we want to stay away from those uh those types of situations and um you know hopefully

Don’t want to run starting theor I mean listen guys you got 14 games left in the season it’s now or never let’s go right and Brad said it best like we can’t lay eggs and it starts with us three at the top and that’s one thing that stood out

From that Bucks game was I I hate I don’t want to use the term body language and play body language doctor but like how do you go into that game in Milwaukee with you know less than 20 games left in the season you’re currently in or near a playin spot and

You get shellacked for 82 first half points and 18 threes in a first half 18 threes in a game you’re going to struggle to win that game in a first half with Bobby poris dropping 25 on you with Giannis not playing that’s embarrassing like that can never happen

And that’s on all three that’s on everybody but especially the three at the top and they know that yeah Gerald I did go to the UFA and got my doctorate in body language I’ll put on the white lab coat and I’m just gonna tell you not

Great Bob it almost looked like it was flatlining at one point in that first half and that’s that’s the kind of things you can’t have happen effort energy hustle those are the things you can control on any given night you can’t always control whether you make or Miss

But you can control the effort and that’s what you have to see at 100% the next 14 games especially the next four if you don’t play play well and win at least three of the next four you might as well get ready for a plan yeah first

Of all I’m going say Lindsay Lindsay returned today and that’s a secret weapon no I’m Ser we’re winning the next four and we’re GNA and we’re going to correlate it to Lindsay don’t blame it on me if it doesn’t haveen don’t blame it don’t blame it on this is all on me

But I’m telling y’all Lindsay came back we winning the next four and so the but but I will say this and and most people that play basketball have experienced this you roll up to a gym on a Sunday you chilled on Saturday you know you’re better than the guys you’re playing and

Then you get in the gym and this is what you do instead of getting on that guy at the line or that guy taking a shot here’s what you do you let him take the first one and when he makes it you know what you say I let’s see if he can make

A second one and then he makes a second one and you’re like ah there’s no way you’re making three in a row and then he makes a third one and then and then and then you got the audacity to be like man there’s no [ __ ] way you’re hitting

For and then he h four and now you’re in trouble because now you can’t put that fire out I don’t care and that happens in gyms all over the world that happens at the YMCA on Sunday that’s what the sons did with Bobby poris they [ __ ] around andford and Al hoyord they they

Were both players they messed around and said I don’t believe you can do that and then they got them going and Bobby poris became Bobby Jordan and it was it was a rap so that’s the type of [ __ ] you can control you can control that from jump

Ball I’m not giving you that first one but once he got damn going man it’s like wow man that guy that guy look like Prime Michael Jordan out there in Milwaukee so yeah they play with their food they got smacked the hell up and now it’s go time it’s playoff time next

14 or all playoff game yeah and we need to see it now because we’ve heard like Brad and Frank they said all the right things in practice today but when someone tells you who they are many times throughout the season at some point you have to believe them we have

Seen that this team can be a title contending caliber team when everything is locked in when they are playing at their Peak but that Peak has not been sustained it hasn’t been consistent and too many times we’ve seen these inexplicable losses where they just look

Like we know we’re good we know we can come back and get back in a game because we’ve done it against the Kings we’ve done it against the Bulls and you can’t do that against teams like the Celtics or the Bucks you are gonna get swept against teams like that in the playoffs

So that’s what I’m looking for for these last 14 games is can you get back to that peak level and can you actually sustain it for more than a handful of games at a time because if not i’ I said this last week or the week before I

Don’t think this is the sun’s year they could still go on a deep playoff run but based on everything we’ve seen we don’t have a lot of Reason to Believe they’ll be able to reach that level and sustain it and so that’s what I’m looking for

For these last couple weeks can you get there and can you prove everyone wrong that like no the glimpses that we’ve shown that’s who we really can be we shall see but hey guys list listen there was one really positive thing that came out of practice today uh this one’s from Frank

Bogle congrats man thank you app way to go you got any advice for him advice uh do whatever tell fine happy wife happy life just in case y’all had a hard time hearing the advice was do what whatever she tells you to do happy wife happy life shine that bro congratulations Gerald Gerald

Just treated like work happy host happy life just do what she says okay there we go no that was that was really nice of him because that was at the very beginning he just congratulated me so he came out and he was like first things first hold on I have an announcement

Everybody yeah no that was congratulations to Gerald that’s awesome that was really sweet well deserved yeah I appreciate that he pays attention to all of you guys who are there day in and day out um so that was super nice to see and one more time congratulations Gerald

Okay that’s it I’m not saying it anymore okay but if you guys want to say it to Gerald in real life in person face to face you can do it this Saturday at our tea party it’s gon to be a blast it’s out at Dobson Ranch Golf Course um it’s

Going to be at 400m we’re going to watch the Suns take on the Spurs we’re going to play some golf we’re going to have some fun there’s going to be drinks uh merch contests and prizes going on out there and it’s presented by our friends over at for Peaks brewing as well you

Can get your tickets it’s you can do a forsome or you can do a solo ticket over at go just click the events Tab and all the information is there for you come hang out with us yes have I told you about my new favorite thing to do no

What is it well other than eating the food at Gerald’s wedding there is one other thing it’s prize picks oh okay it’s my favorite daily fantasy sports uh platform and it’s super easy to use right you pick more or less on six to two to six players you pick their stats

It’s super easy and I actually I have the app open right here and right now you can pick Caitlyn Clark to have more or less than 0.5 points in Saturday’s uh tournament matchup it’s a 98% off special and if you don’t take the more you’re an idiot all right because

Obviously five five she’s going to trying to give you money they giving you that and then uh you know there’s all sorts of stuff that you can do tonight for the NBA I’m going to be doing that after we get off the show because I have

Fallen in love with this with this app and the best part is is it’s literally so simple it really is it takes you like 30 seconds to fill it out and then you’re done like I love that it’s idiot proof and that’s why I love it so much

Uh you know and you can make your picks and submit them basically in less than 60 seconds which is just insane uh and you can now win up to a hundred times your money on prize pick with as little as four correct picks which I’ve done

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Cleaning in your pants I’m sorry Mr and Mrs girth once again oh my God yo can I can I can I real quick so rest in peace to the goat Dave King but I did a show with Dave King on uh bright side and he was doing this manscape thing and bro he

Asked me right right before he he said Flex I have a question for I said what’s up Dave he goes do you trim down there no and I’m like uh yeah bro he’s like well that leaves me right in the M man it was the funniest [ __ ] thing ever I

Was completely thrown off with Dave’s Mon and and then everybody kept tweeting me like yo that was the funniest thing ever yeah so thank you for not doing what the great Dave King did do don’t even ask me that hilarious my goodness all right we’ve gotten a lot of people

In the chat asking us about the title of this podcast which is are the Phoenix Suns strategically not living up to their potential on purpose espo you posed the question are the Suns playing pawsum what do you think I hope so because oh no I mean we haven’t see what

We want to see have we reached the level of like coping that we have oh we are down bad I miss so I’m not totally sure where we’re at Vibes wise but it doesn’t feel great you do you want to know how down bad we are do

You have that graphic Eric no I’m worried I mean if they’re playing posum we’ve gotten into the highly desperate range here okay because these are teams who won championships these are the only teams to have won championships with a with a worse or the same record as the

Phoenix Suns and this ain’t looking good because the last time somebody did it m there was no cable television yeah right 1977 78 the bullets were 36 and 32 they won the championship they finished the season 44 and 38 the 1976-77 Portland Trailblazers had the

Exact same record as the Suns 39 and 29 at this point they finished 49 and 33 and won the title and the 7475 Golden State Warriors were a game worse at 38 and3 and and uh W 48 and 34 they finished that season and won the title right

So right now through 68 games things ain’t looking good and I even went to the ABA titles just to go okay may maybe nope only two ABA teams won with worse same or Worse records at this point in the season so there’s not a lot of track

Records that that show you that a team that’s where they are can turn it on flip the switch and win the closest that we’ve seen in the modern era 1995 were you even born yet Gerald I was born okay Lindsay wasn’t all right we know that

Much but I mean think about that that’s AOL is the primary internet uh cell phones are just becoming popular and you know what all they could do make a phone call there was no even text around in 95 I thought it was the start beepers that

Was beepers I was Ro be was in ’95 you’re talking about the Houston Rockets Rockets who were and and and weren’t they down 3-1 to the Suns yes but they they had a better record than the Suns at this point by a game or two uh as

Well so they they even had a better record at this point it was close but that’s the closest we’ve come to so there’s not a lot of precedent that this team can magically turn the switch no but I like so says Jay’s thoughts in the chat so dot dot dot you’re saying it’s

About time for it to happen again go what you’re telling me is there’s a chance you’re telling me there’s a chance whole Dumb and Dumber line uh exactly yeah which one are we we’re we’re not [ __ ] playing posum guys this is this is I mean I know that you

Know this already this is this is cope this is what we do when a team that had expectations much higher than where they currently are is disappointing and I think again I’ve gone back to the injuries being the root of all of that but there it can be both things it can be

That this team has disappointed when they’ve had two of The Big Three out there or even when they’ve had one of the big three out there sometimes but we knew this was a topheavy team they still haven’t played 30 games together as a big three that was going to cost you I

Came into the season saying I need like 60 games of The Big Three 50 to 60 minimum to feel good about their chances of competing with teams like the Nuggets or the Clippers in the west they didn’t get there they they’re barely going to get halfway there and that’s just not

Enough time for the a group like this to come together and actually be a title Contender so I don’t think this is their year for that reason but are they like lying in wait pretend just kind of not showing people their true cards no they’re they are they are who they are I

Feel like they’re a team that is fully capable of kicking anyone’s ass on a given night because they have the talent that they have and they have good role players around them too but they’re also capable of the team that just comes out and know shows an entire half and then

Plays catchup because they know how good they are and I think that’s the bigger issue to me I think that they have so much talent and Firepower on their roster that they know that they can get back into any game at any point in time and so they don’t come out with the

Necessary urgency I think that’s the problem but what if they were just trying to make Milwaukee and Boston have a false sense of confidence so when they meet him in the finals they smack them in the mouth they got to get they got to get a playoff spot first problem out of

The West not just win a playoff series they got to get to the playoffs first right now that’s why we don’t let b ball play in the second half of games waiting that’s why that’s why KD is downshifted for a little while because he’s saving the energy I mean let’s do this yeah

Listen I I I wouldn’t I wouldn’t use the word plain posum uh but I I do think that there’s there’s some things that this team could potentially do later on in the playoffs that we may not have seen I’ve seen this president for that I I’ve seen teams do

That Nick Nur was good at doing that you know in Toronto throwing out some defenses that you never seen in a regular season I think that was the most interesting point you brought up to me in the office was Nick nurse coming out with a completely different defensive

Strategy in the playoffs that changed some of their fortune and and there’s there there’s teams that have done that there teams that have done that now I don’t I’m not going to sit here and tell you this is what suns are doing I’m saying that there are examples that we

Can go to where coaches have completely thrown things uh you know switched things up in the playoffs that threw a little bit of a curve ball Nick nurse particularly with the boxing one against Giannis and certain things that you just don’t see in the regular season so there

I I do believe that there may be something that Frank might have that he’s saying you know what this is something I can throw into the playoffs is that possible yes but are they losing games or playing posum or not I don’t I don’t believe in that but to your point

About the the four teams the stats the history using history what’s the word you uh using uh history as a barometer I don’t buy into that stuff I don’t buy into it because it’s been too many times where history has been on the sun side and it still doesn’t work out

And so if you’re going to believe one side you have to look at the other side when the suns were up 20 against the Bucks the the winning rate for teams up 20 in the finals is 90% so there’s 10% of the teams are able to

Come back from 20 down the finals guess what the Bucks did it to the Suns and so there’s been too much of that even the 64 and 18 team the differential between how they won and all that other stuff there was a whole bunch of historical numbers that said the Phoenix Suns are

Going to win a championship this year and it didn’t work out so I don’t I don’t buy into history as a barometer I think at the end of the day man the best team in basketball wins and the game series the best team wins and and if the

Suns are the best team they’ll find a way to get through a seven game series if they’re not then then they won’t that’s that I understand the perspective but I also I have to look at the history because that’s what tells us what has happened in this game and and what has

At least up to this point been realistically possible so th those stats lead you to believe that it’s not but I’m not likely that they win but to me I also am a superstitious guy a guy that believes in the basketball gods and I go to your point the Phoenix Suns have had

Those in their favor and choked it away so if they were ever going to win a title wouldn’t it happened in the in the weirdest way possible where it felt like it wasn’t it was not in the cards at all and then they did something that we’ve

Rarely or never seen in NBA history and then they went it we they’ll go well that’s never the way we expected that of course this is the way that this happened you would be so curious what the fan reaction would be to that because all season long The Vibes around

Here have been so overwhelmingly negative like how would people I would they just forget about the regular season be like we’re going to pretend like that part didn’t happen playoffs those were great that was a lot of fun do you not remember the bubble we forgot

About all the I mean granted we had a thre Monon pause before then it basically felt like a new season but we forgot about all that crap we’re like we’re going to win it all next year well even the 22 team because that was like

The most fun Sun Season or one of the most fun sun seasons ever and then it was the most traumatic we we don’t like remember you can say it was it was a franchise record 64 and 18 season they were racking off 20 game win streaks man like they were running through the

League and again look at the differential between the best record and the next best record it was like eight nine games okay that is a absolute a [ __ ] annihilation of the NBA for the regular season and what did it get you a 185 Point blowout in game seven to the

Maverick that’s what he got you and so I made that point the other day G I said this team reminds me a little bit of that Maverick team a team that if you take lightly and you mess around with your food will go in there and smack

Your ass in the playoffs and before you know what they’re in the western confence finals and then we’re all running around Phoenix with rally the valley shirts on forgetting all the [ __ ] we talked about in the regular season it happened with the Diamondbacks this year I wasn’t here but from afar I’m sure

People were destroying the Diamondbacks in the regular season this team don’t got a bullin they can’t close a game these guys are in clutch and then all of a sudden we running around with this a [ __ ] wagon shirt on we in the World Series hey don’t the Birch we no no I’m

Not doing that what I’m saying what I’m saying is this is why I’m a big believer and letting the whole thing play out before you come to a absolute stance like I am I’m gonna let it play out we were sold that this team should be a championship team right some people

Might want to go back to the pawn shop and return that they may say you know what I’m not buying this give me my money back or whatever I’m going to wait it out I am going to calmly wait it out and just see how this plays out there is

Such a thing as playoff book you know Katie is probably going to be better this year in the playoffs than he was last year simply because of the situation that was he was dealing with in that moment Bradley Beal probably gonna be amped AF to be in the playoffs

So yeah I’m not saying I believe I’m not a Believer necessarily but I’m not saying there’s not a possibility okay so let’s say they don’t hit the 50 win mark but they get the 48 right there’s been 19 team teams I’ll give you I’ll make you feel a little bit better for 19

Teams who have hit 49 or fewer uh wins that made the NBA Finals five in one titles so there’s a little history that gives you a little bit of Hope too so you know what let’s do the craziest thing that’s ever happened in Sun’s history and uh let’s do it you’ll flip

That switch right at the right time you know that first title for this franchise was never going to be easy you knew it would never be winning a title is never easy for this cursed franchise it was never going to be easy those first 55

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Don’t have to dive too much into this because we might want to revisit it maybe next week or a little bit closer to um real playoffs starting even though this is playoff playoffs whatever Frank go was saying at the top of the show but who are we thinking will be in the

Playoff rotation because because it’s likely I think based on um what we’ve seen in the past from Frank vogle we’re probably looking at nine guys maybe 10 um and we know the the first five book Beal Katie Grayson and nerk what about the other four I feel like EG and ryce

O’Neal are kind of a lock yes yeah but those other two both locks H I think there’s a chance EG loses minutes it’s a slim chance and it would be an insane situation but it’s minutes but rotation spot no I mean he’ll be in the rotation condensed

Amount sure but there’s no way he’s not a locked for that yeah he’ll be in the rotation because there’s too many times where Frank has kind of unprompted pointed to EG as like he can do this or early in the season we were talking about the leadership of the big three

And he just kind of randomly threw in Eric Gordon’s been a really good locker room leader for us too I just wanted to mention that and even to day when he was asked about Thaddius young and kind of not getting minutes there he was talking about how Thad is behind nerk and Drew

Eubanks he’s a kind of break glass in case of emergency and he mentioned when they go small with KD at the five they like to have Roy and EG out there and EG was just kind of a random name to throw in with that small ball lineups because

And I think it’s because he has the size and the strength to play up a position or defend up a position but Frank likes Eric or at least respects the hell out of him too much to bench him so I think he’s set there okay and I was being a little

Sarcastic with it I mean that would be that would be wild that would be insane but I mean another guy that I mean it still would be kind of crazy but could I think take some of those minutes if he came back and showed a propensity to to

Hit those threes is Damen Lee now I don’t I think we’re running out of runway for that to be realistic unless uh you know Frank vogle goes full monty in AB this [ __ ] but but you know Eric’s shown that propensity to go pretty cold uh and to

The detriment of of the team at times so he’ll be in it but I I don’t think it would necessarily be shock me if it’s a quick hook yeah this is intriguing because I I honestly I in most cases with 14 games left in the season you have a pretty

Good understanding of who you’re playoff rotation is right I honestly have to say that these next 14 games are going to dictate some stuff for instance you got the five Lindsay mentioned right you got book Bill KD nerk and Grayson those five are definitely playing EG and Royce are

Definitely playing you’re at seven so now you start to say do you play nine or 10 um remember this is this is also playoff basketball so your starters are going to play more minutes okay you’re going to have book KD and Bill potenti all three playing 40 minutes so your minute

Shrink if I had to take a g I’m going to I’m being honest based on what I’ve seen I think aogi is in that rotation I think when aogi comes back healthy for the simple fact of you’re going to need a point of attack or Defender and you’re

GNA need somebody to Mud things up defensively I would be safe with a kogi potentially being the eighth guy now you definitely need a backup center right who is he is he is it Eubanks is it boo are you depending on K can’t depend on

KD to play you know 48 minutes so I think that’s what we need to determine is it D young is is who who’s going to separate themselves and give Frank the young ain’t getting any opportunities so that’s out the door saying lsay oh my bad I’m saying in the last saving him

Too I’m saying in the last 14 games do you see a little bit of that do you do you see a little bit of that do you see enough of Eubanks and bold to comfortably say this is the guy right now it’s Eubanks didn’t sound like from

What uh vogle said at practice that we were going to see any th the way that it sounded to me when I listened to vogle say that I was like oh well then he’s just there as a break glass in case of emergency guy like we’re not seeing much

Of him at all right and I’ve been saying this for weeks like everything that Frank vogle has said about Thad does not sound like he was ever planned to be part of his rotation it has always been locker room leadership is where he’s first going to impact us and he’s a good

Third change of pitch Center like he’s not and then he outright said Drew EU Banks is ahead of him in the rotation why I do not know I don’t know don’t get mad at me but I don’t think Thaddius young is going to be part of the playoff

Rotation and that’s I think there’s going to be a game or two in the playoffs where the Eubanks minutes really cost them well and that’s the thing that’s what I’m saying G yeah that’s what I’m going at we already know what you Banks is I think Eubanks is

Going to cost us and I think that in the next 14 games whether it’s on the court or behind the scenes you you’re not being responsible if you’re not really looking at what that could potentially do and so it couldn’t maybe in you probably don’t see any of it on the

Court but in practice they got to be working out some type of looks they got to be looking at something and I will not be shocked if when can I say this on you know when when when things tighten up in the playoffs and when ass puckers is going for all right when

Things the pucker up I I wonder if there’s an opportunity where you say man I gotta go with somebody that has been has been here has done that and so I’m not done with that yet I’m not I don’t know if Frank is gonna care about what I’m saying but if

I were coaching the team dad will be getting looks in the last four team just in case I mean why wouldn’t you yeah that’s what I’m saying that that Eubanks Eubanks is hit and miss you have one game what was the game where that nerk F out right and he

Denver thank you yes Denver great game for for you Banks and then you have other games like what we saw in the past week and it’s just like I don’t know man I don’t know man it’s literally hot and cold and you never it’s a gamble basically that young as James Jones PTSD

From that finals run where all those bigs got hurt and there was there was no options I feel like that was the well I need to have this guy just in case kind of move you know yeah nothing more nothing less yeah I don’t know yeah um

So you think it’s it’s I mean the way that it feels from a Vogal perspective it feels like it’s Eubanks and then a Ki probably and maybe occasionally they’ll swap those guys out with a bull or a Naas or little if necessary I don’t think we’ll see Nas no I don’t think

We’ll see Nas I’d be surprised that would we haven’t seen much that’ be the ultimate we have foul trouble we need any Wing to go in there type thing like we’ve seen David Rody more recently than David Rody I haven’t seen much of Rody for that I think it’s

It’s Eubanks Gordon O’Neal buo and AI is what you’re GNA likely get in that rotation maybe a few other names pop up here and there but I don’t I I don’t think you’re gonna I don’t think there’s going to be any massive surprise no yes no yeah well he’s not playing posum with

The rotation either unfortunately unless you let Isaiah Thomas come out here in his seven and and then and and then we’ll be talking about a whole oh [ __ ] we found lightning in the bottom this guy can shoot the ball we got we got to get him

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Beers all right guys to round out Today’s Show see love taking shot let’s take a look at where the Suns currently sit in the west and then we’ll take a peek at some things to keep an eye out on for later not great Bob eighth place right now how y’all feeling about this

You you confident that we’ll be able where do you think I think they’re going to finish sixth I still believe that I think they got enough that they’ll accomplish especially if they take care of these next four games and I feel like the West is still going to be a gauntlet

Where a lot of these teams are going to beat them uh beat themselves up here I mean you look at it in reality too you’re half a game back a sixth you’re two and a half games back of five and you’re still only three and a half out

Of four like it it it’s insane that the positioning between four and 10 is is so little right yeah I mean listen I said this the other day I know everybody keeps pouncing on the Suns have the toughest strength for schedule go look at Sacramento they have a top 10

Strength for schedule go look at the Pelicans they have a top 10 strength of schedule go look at the Clippers they have a top 10 strength of schedule they all run into each other they all play each other um I still think the suns are

Going to end up six I I really do if I had to just run it out to you right now my prediction right now on the show with 14 games left left is a nuggets will be one OKC will be two Minnesota will be three the Clippers will be four the

Pelicans will hold on to five the Suns will get six I believe Dallas is going to be seven and believe it or not I do think the Lakers are going to come out of the playing and beat the Kings and beat the AFC that’s what I’m thinking I

Could be wrong but that’s that’s where I’m at with it I think these next four games if the Suns handle their business Lindsay Gerald ESO I can’t be more I can’t emphasize this enough if they handle these next four games they’ll be the six seed no

Problem they have any hiccup when I say handle all four I mean go [ __ ] four and0 not three and one not two four and0 uh Sixers without embiid Hawks without Trey young two back-to-back Spurs games that you owe them for coming to Phoenix and busting you up win those

Four and you’re in a good spot going into Denver on March 27th on a four game win streak and back to six I hope so because I swear to God if we lose to the Spurs I’m gonna lose my [ __ ] you would because you that’s been bothering you

All year it’s been bothering me all and now you have a Wy stopper and bu bu who’s playing stop it W’s been playing unbelievable recently too so that’s not uh not a guarantee by any means no I look I I think that they have a chance to get to six but realistically

I think it’s going to wind up I think they’re going to wind up being in the playin I do I I think Sacramento has a top 10 toughest schedule remaining but New Orleans they’re two games up even though they’re a top 10 tough schedule they’ve been playing really well

Recently and then you look at Dallas and as inconsistent as they’ve been they’ve got the second easiest schedule the rest of the way they’ve got two games against Sacramento those could be huge for those standings the flip-flopping there and the the Suns recently have not shown me

Very much against good teams like they just haven’t and they can turn that around they could easily prove me wrong but we are in the doubting Tom stage of the season with this team like we’re not going to believe it until you show it to

Us so I think there’s a very real chance that they’re in that seven or that eight spot I don’t think it’s impossible that they get to six by any means but six is probably that would be ideal you get to six you stay out of the playin and you

Hopefully get a Minnesota team that is either just welcoming Carl Anthony towns back or doesn’t have him back yet for the play playoffs that would be your ideal scenario but more than likely I think you might wind up in a playing situation and even if you get that seed

That seven or eight seed then guess what it’s the Nuggets or it’s the Oklahoma City Thunder on the road and those are both really tough ways to start the playoffs who do you got six who do you think is gonna be six I would probably say Dallas I think Sacramento has been a

Little more inconsistent they have a tougher schedule and Dallas that’s the other problem is the Suns have one remaining game against the Kings they are one- two against Sacramento so they’re losing that tiebreaker currently and they went one and two against Dallas so Dallas has that tiebreaker as well so

Like even if you wind up with the same record as these teams confence record the first tie breaker though I think it’s head-to-head no I think it’s Conference record I to me we we’ll check it I believe it’s Conference record because that’s why uh that’s why Sacramento jumped us the other day we

Had the tiebreaker they have a slightly better record we had the tie Breer against Sacramento we didn’t have the tiebreaker against Dallas when we were tied with Sacramento we were ahead were we yes yeah okay it’s it’s Dallas that we don’t have the tiebreaker so if we

End up tied with Sacramento I believe we have that tiebreaker okay to me though we beat them twice the 20 point comeback and a blow I’m sorry to me looking at this though if you take care of your own business you can close a a two game gap

With the Pelicans yeah you can shave two games off the clippers but you have to be this team that everybody supposedly thinks you know that they were or could have been at at one point if you don’t take care of your own business you’re you’re putting yourself behind the

Eightball anyways so like to me worry about your schedule let everybody else you know have whatever happens with them and if you wind up seventh so be it but you have an opportunity uh to close close the gap between you and the Pelicans and you and the Clippers just

By winning so I figured it out they because of the inseason tournament it’s two- two they played four times already so this last fifth game will decide that tiebreak yeah all right well a couple games to look at for tonight that have implications within all of this we’ve

Got the Mavs and the Spurs at 5:00 pm we’ve got the nuggets and the Timberwolves at 6:00 pm here’s going to be a simal cast one on each side of the TV I’m not worried about I’m watching go Spurs go nuggets why not well because you’re not going to catch Minnesota no

But down you want the Nuggets to win so that they’re the Timberwolves are in that three spot you go honestly I’m not playing who’s in the in the top three because at this point I could face any of them based on it so I’m just looking

At who do I need to lose to stay in that six seed so that’s that’s why I’m looking at that first game let’s go Spurs which I never thought would come out of my mouth ever go Spurs go nuggets for me tonight yeah um all right real

Quick my bad to the folks who sent us super chats because I’m going have to re-explain the joke especially for libertarian Sasquatch because I completely forgot about super chats uh I’m still not on my aame yet I’m new here sorry so libertarian Sasquatch they sent us a Super Chat saying I’m gonna

Lose 20 pounds tomorrow too this was in reference to us getting both better three-point defense and more three-point attempts so we talked about like almost an hour ago so sorry libertarian libertarian let me know how you do it because I’d like to do that as well

Samees but thank you for your Super Chat uh psycho blue sent us one as well they sent $10 and said basketball cthulu suspects with so many seating stakes in our final 10 games that’s when we’ll really start to see how serious we are legard denounced us as quote sinful if

Only he knew dot dot dot that game was embarrassing on Sunday it really was hell yeah it was um I would prefer not to wait for the final 10 can it just be tomorrow were we sinful because we got screwed by Bobby poris before we got a

Ring sent us one and they said you ladies and gents think Grayson is looking at this team as a lost cause and is ready to spread his wings no no no he wants to be here but he is looking at this situation and saying you guys need

Me I just had a career year with you uh yeah show me the money show me the money Grayson is going to be expensive in and of himself plus with all the amount of taxes that the sons are going to have to pay for that as well it’s gonna be a

Pricey signing to quote John malovich and rounders show that man his money yeah I don’t know I don’t want to get too far ahead of ourselves on that one while I do um want Grayson Allen to remain on this Suns team I don’t think I’m ready to start talking about

Anything off season yet because that like I that means it’s over yeah you know what I mean like I’m not entirely sure that I’m completely bought in on this team but I’m also not really ready to like admit defeat yet either you should get mentally prepared because

There’s a world where four weeks from now we’re doing trade machine Tuesdays I know but I don’t want to do trade machine Tuesdays yet so in four weeks we’ll visit that if we had to but until then and we only got like three guys we

Could move so it’s GNA be a log off remind me not to walk down the alley with you man [ __ ] man you got me stressing man I don’t get stressed much all right guys thank you all for joining us we appreciate you as always if you are here

On YouTube hit that thumbs up button on your way out it’s absolutely free and it helps us out a lot if you are listening wherever you get your podcast great review And subscribe don’t forget to follow the show my voice is going I got you want me

To handle uh you can follow lindsy Smith lindsy Smith a you can follow jro Bor jro Bor you can follow Flex at Flex from Jersey you can follow the show at phnx Suns and you can follow me at espo and remember I guess it might get better oh Hoy [Applause] Hoy like the man

The Phoenix Suns have some work to do ahead of the 2024 NBA Playoffs. Today’s practice focused on 3-point defense. Can the team lock in and clean things up before the playoffs? How or will signing Isaiah Thomas help them? On today’s PHNX Suns podcast we’ll discuss all of that and more! PLUS! Are the Suns playing possum or is what we’ve seen recently truly who they are? Don’t forget to follow the show on social @PHNX_Suns.

0:00 Intro
0:30 Lindsey is back & Gerald got married
2:40 Updates from Suns practice & Isaiah Thomas from Frank Vogel & Bradley Beal
4:30 Can Isaiah Thomas contribute to a championship run?
17:30 Suns need to fix their 3PT & urgency problem
35:00 Are the Suns playing possom?
50:00 Who is likely to be in the Suns playoff rotation
1:02:00 Looking at the West standings and games to watch tonight

An ALLCITY Network Production

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  1. Oh please. If you wanna say the suns aren’t living up to potential that’s fair. But intentionally not trying? Give me a break

  2. Can we admit that we failed in building the team the right way? We even signed Thad Young and paid him to sit on the bench and now we are trying with IT. We need a backup center and a starting PG after signing 15 players in a year

  3. What Suns fans don't understand is this is not Booker's team anymore. There is almost nobody left on this team that played with him. This is KD's team. Booker is an offensive NUKE. But he can also tank a team playing hero ball in the 4th quarter. Trying to shoot over double and triple teams. KD is EXHAUSTED! He's carried this team through Booker and Beal's injuries all season. He's 35 and playing virtually every game. But when KD is tired, the team looks tired or disinterested. KD is the one that gets everyone involved. He often defers the ball to Booker or Beal. He's also the defensive leader of the team. If he doesn't get rest the team will be out in the first round, if not the play-in.

  4. Suns playing possums, well they might be dead in the game before you know it. They have established themselves as a certified play-in team.

  5. Watching the Suns the last 3 or so games i can only conclude that 1- either the Suns are playing possum or 2- they are intentionally loafing and playing low energy because they want to change the coaching staff. I've seen that this squad can play outstanding defense but the last 2 games in particular strongly suggest a hidden narrative behind that scenes. Hate to bring up the past but it reminds me of Ayton's lack of effort – like watching KD under the basket have to try to defend Jokic by himsef while Ayton stands out of bounds just casually watching. Then Monty gets fired and Book tweets 36 unbothered or some such juvenile horsesh*t – pls stop being mental and live up to your legends and idols – MJ and Kobe.

  6. one more comment if you'll indulge me – the Suns seem bored with the regular season and can't wait to get to the playoffs. I think they believe they can beat anyone in 7 games in the playoffs. My gut feeling is that Vogel is secretly a mad genius and has let slip his agenda to the Big 3 and probably the rest of the team. I believe Flex is right that they're holding something back. I could very well be wrong on all of this and will readily eat crow if so.

  7. The reason the Jazz were knocked out of the playof was bacause of Rudy Gobert inability to guard at the perimeter. Gobert was the defensive player of the year and was torched in the playoff. Nurkic has an issue guarding any big man that can shot and has a fleet feet

  8. they are always playing 4 against 5 at the perimeter. Al Harford and BObbi are Nurkic man and he always in the paint instead of moving to the perimeter to guard his man

  9. If we don't make the playoffs or loose in the first round is it time to think about trading KD and Beal?? Feel out our roster the right way

  10. Isaiah Thomas might not be a true point guard but at least he can dribble the basketball without losing it or make a high school girl pass unlike all the other guys

  11. Go Suns!! All love for KD & the team. 🩵 I’m just a casual who enjoys watching the game and happened to be a KD supporter. This season, Suns all the way!! ✨ Don’t care what they need to figure out, just go and do it. If it doesn’t work, then it is what it is. Not all teams that try their best actually achieve their goals…but in the bigger picture, not everything done was in vain. Still worth the try. That’s the key word. Try. At least try. Go, Suns!

  12. I truly believe suns can and will turn it on come playoff time. How many times this year have the suns been down big giving off mavs game 7 vibes and locked tf in & came back to either win or lose by very little. When they actually want to lock in on defense they can.

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