@New York Knicks

Knicks Win the Battle Last Night but Did They Lose the War?

Knicks Win the Battle Last Night but Did They Lose the War?

Happy Spring baby evid and Tiki on this wonderful Tuesday Big Show planned for you today including evidence that the NFL network has ripped off our callers to the evident Tiki show undeniable proof toasted and posted the most popular controversial segment returns today at 3:30 more on the Yankees injuries and

More on the Mets nonp pursuit of JD Martinez but what one thing about me you may hate me you may like me I try to learn from my mistakes it’s very important in life Tiki to learn from your mistakes of course it is and I think as I’ve gotten older and wiser I

Have learned from my mistakes and one of the mistakes I made occurred on September 12th 20123 when I came on the radio after that jet Bills game and I was giddy and I was excited and I didn’t understand that the bigger picture was we lost Aaron roders so I want to take my

Wiseness that I learned from that and help my friends who are New York Nick fans last night and I sat there with you folks 9995 out of a timeout jaylen’s back in the game Josh Hart hits a big three Josh Hart makes a play you go back up by 10

It was a great win last night that’s a great win and this has been a wonderful West Coast trip and the Knicks have won four in a row and Jaylen brunson’s playing his ass off and Josh Hart had another triple double and Duce McBride was bowling but last night sucked for

The New York Nick because the reality is oobi’s hurt again and we don’t know when he’s coming back Julius Randall remains hurt and we don’t know when he’s coming back so yes it was a great win last night but overall yesterday was a bad day if you’re an Nick fan team I don’t

Think so so here’s why so Duce McBride paid 47 minutes 47 minutes scored 29 Points Josh Hart again the entire game he rolled with it by the way had a triple double right Josh Hart was as good as Josh Hart has been over the last month I think in his entire career and

It’s because of necessity and any team any Nicks iteration that has Jaylen Brunson has a chance and so the reason I look at this Nicks win and I’m excited about it if I’m a if I’m a Nicks fan is is not because of the you know the I

They they won on the road and they’re on this road trip and they’re winning in spite of it it’s because do it feels like as long as you have one of the best playing players in in the NBA right now that you have a chance to win any game

And I know that everybody’s hurt I know that you could you know use the OG news and the uh the jayen uh the Julius Randall non- news because they haven’t said anything in Forever you can use that as a as a downer but I think in spite of the injuries that are facing

This niick team they’re winning and you’re seeing I I don’t know you’re seeing a basketball team that’s committed to the principles that this coach has preached forever and it’s showing up offensively defensively you’re getting some t- to force efforts from guys is it sustainable over Long

Haul I don’t know but to me I look at it and I say a jayen Brunson Le Nicks team can beat almost any team and it it’s only going to get better as guys get healthier as they go down the stre why do we assume guys are going to get

Healthier because they got OG back and now he’s gone again dude Julius Randle I I will I will concede cuz I have no idea truly have I’m clueless about Julius Randall I kind of understand what the injury is but we haven’t had any updates any recently and he’s not you know

Scheduled to be re-evaluated anytime I have no idea you thought you thought it should be four days ago that he should at least be I don’t know flirting with coming back we haven’t heard anything so Julius Randall I get but one of the keys of this Knicks team is OG and anobi and

It’s mostly because of his defensive versa obviously he can score too but his defensive versatility he comes back he plays a game he now sits down and it’s indeterminant how long he’s going to be out but shouldn’t that be expected think about what happened here it should be

Expected hold on hold on OG had a a a bone spurs in a elel something he’s dealt with for many seasons apparently and he had surgery so when you have surgery they cut open your skin they go in they do a procedure they they close

It back up and they hope that it heals you you rest you do some slow motions to get the thing you know back uh into into normal functioning to to push the fluids out and eventually you feel good enough you come back and play but sometimes

When you get surgery like you cut flesh and you cut you know tendons and or not tendons but muscle and things of that nature you get swelling so this to me is almost predictable it would have been surprising if he had come back with zero complications from having a surgery

Wasn’t like he was just resting he had a surgery so I get why there’s some negativity about the injuries but in spite of all of that they’re winning on the road against good teams how can excited I take nothing away from beating Sacramento the other night that’s a

Great win I take nothing away from beating Golden State last night that’s a great win what I’m telling you the way I feel is that Oobi who comes back plays three games hasn’t missed the beat now he doesn’t play last night we had the Assumption last night of okay this isn’t

Maintenance day and the Knicks are being smart and then we’re told by Adrien Rose narowski now it’s a little bit more than maintenance he did have an MRI which showed you there was concern now the MRI is come back clean but he’s going to miss multiple games if the Knicks came

Out if Tom Fido came out and said look this is normal it’s swelling it’s a couple of days we got nothing to worry about that’d be different but instead we don’t know how much time he’s going to miss guy just missed two months and he came back I understand that but they

Don’t tell us anything anyway so then why should we be okay and confident that everything’s going to be all right why should we believe that o and obi’s walking through that door in a week when he just came back played three games and now he’s out again one because I think

OG’s a gamer and so if it comes to push comes to shove and you’re in the postseason now in a in a week and a half or two weeks whenever or you know 20 games you he’ll play I feel like he’s that kind of player it’s not like he’s

Going to risk doing further damage it’s not like the MRI came back oh there’s some troubles findings from the surgery that he did a couple of weeks ago and you know we should probably shut him down as long as until we hear that now that’s that’s a

Risk for for Julius Randall that’s not a risk for OG at least not in my mind I feel like this is normal consequence of having a surgery and then going to get back into normal basketball activities two weeks later or three weeks later that’s to me it feels it feels normal

For OG that this would happen but in spite of that that’s not even really my point my point is point is you don’t care because they’re winning exactly and my point is and they’re playing great against good teams on the road that’s F that is trem I am not taking away what

They did last night or the way they no here’s the lesson do you think they’re going anywhere unless they get healthy Nick fans ask yourself that question because you can do two things at once I learned that on the Tuesday after the Aaron roders game against the Buffalo

Bills you have every damn right to be happy if you stayed up until 1:00 a.m. last night watching the Knicks beat the Warriors I stayed up till 1:00 a.m. last night I was happy too you want to know why I bet the mix Nick’s money line I

Felt damn good okay you have every right to be excited about the way this team is playing you have every right to be excited about defensively how tough this team is you have every right to be excited by the fact that Tom Fido last night prior to the game made an

Adjustment he said to himself you know what I know what happened the last time we played the Golden State Warriors I know we got off to a bad start so you know what I’m going to do I’m going to make an adjustment in instead of starting precious aoua I’m going to

Start Duce McBride I’m going to put another shooter around Jaylen Brunson and guess what happened dudes played his ass off I give Tom fiido Oodles of credit I give the Knicks credit let’s not get this confused the Knicks deserve a ton of credit for the way they’ played

With these injuries but the reality is this and I may sound like a douche for saying it I’m being honest the reality is this if OG anobi is not healthy if Julius Randall is not healthy we are 31 days away from the NBA Playoffs a month away if they are not healthy they’re

Going nowhere and so they won last night but the news on anobi was not good and if you choose to ignore that fine I’m just going to tell you the reality you might be right but we’re not 30 days from now we are sustaining and sitting

At the four seed for win now above uh Oak Orlando right they’re sitting exactly where they need to be in order to drive themselves in the post season with confidence and you mentioned something that I think I I we’re not giving him enough credit Tom tho is

Putting new stripes on his skin right he’s learning new tricks he’s doing different things he’s playing different lineups uh a couple nights ago he goes small and he stays small and and it and it worked right he’s realizing starting Deuce last night was a brilliant move

IED so he’s doing things that he’s never done before and you know what the result is winning yes and so if he can become adjustable and like read it in real time right re like how can I how can I best position my team to win this specific

Game and put these guys in positions where they feel empowered and they have a plan that’s going to get them and drive them toward success and then they own it like they did last night that’s that’s a departure from the Tom thibo that we know and so I I I I think we’re

Discounting coaching with him I think we’re not giving him enough credit for coaching his way through this this this injury doldrum that they’re going through and yes you’re right if they get you know 30 days from now in the postseason and Randall’s still banged up and OG is unavailable and mitell

Robinson’s not even close to to playing and you got to you know you just grind yourself to a halt fine but that’s not what I’m talking about I’m talking about right now this Knicks team despite all of these injuries is sitting almost exactly where they were a month ago they

Deserve a ton of credit for the way they have survived this I’m saying is that you as a Nicks fan you have to be ecstatic for that well you have to be ecstatic you’re winning but not ecstatic that you got a setback on Oobi last night that’s my point that’s why last

Night overall was not a good day because what you did is you won the battle last night against the Warriors but you may lose the war you still have your principal you still have your general you still have Julian uh Jaylen Brunson you still you have your let’s be blunt

Can this team go on a run without I don’t know being Randall a playoff run yeah no can they can they sit for the next three weeks and climb and win and develop a confidence and learn different ways to win absolutely well I never said they couldn’t what I’m simply saying is

If they don’t get healthy and Nick fan see the thing is you know it deep down you know it you know the impact OG has made you know the kind of year Julius Randle is having you know deep down if this team isn’t healthy and right now I

Have no understanding of how you’d be confident that in 31 days they will be but if they’re not healthy they’re not going anywhere that’s my point and that’s why on a night like last night and trust me I can relate to this individual regular season games man I

Live for it I love that I want to see my team win I feel good when my team wins I feel good good that night the Jets beat the bills I feel good when I see my basketball team win which never happens I respect and understand how last night

Especially every time the Warriors made a run you punched them back in the face that was a badass win last night I’m not being sarcastic I give you all the credit for that last night Josh Hart played 48 minutes Duce McBride scored what was it 27 points 29 29 sorry 47

Minutes what were the tougher better team than a championship caliber team like or old Championship caliber team in Golden State that’s a great win that’s a battle the war is on an and Obi needs to be healthy and when Adrien wowski pops on TV after we signed off the air to say

Yeah it’s not really a maintenance day he’s going to miss multiple games I’ll admit I don’t know what that means that could mean two games if it’s only two games great have a party if he’s only going to miss a couple of games fan freaking tastic but do you know that

Does anybody know that does anybody have any idea what the hell is going on with Julius Randall so at the end of the day if this team is healthy yeah they got a shot but that’s not what we’re talking about we’re talking about a basketball team that can’t get healthy and in my

Opinion tell me if I’m wrong if you’re not healthy these are great wins and all you’re going nowhere yeah I think I think we’re saying two the same thing in just different ways right no we’re not I’m saying something and you’re disagreeing I’m not disagreeing because

Or you’re saying I don’t care about it cuz it’s a month from now maybe that’s where they’re yes basically okay what how can I worry about a month from now I’ll deal with a month from now a month from now because you got to get healthy of course you do but there’s nothing

That this current you know roster of players who are healthy that are playing through whatever injuries like iHeart and Etc whatever they’re whatever they’re going through you can’t they can’t help that Julius randle’s not available they can’t help that OG is not available but they can help what they

Show up and present every single night which are unbelievable efforts and then current situation on the road against good teams Sacramento and the Golden State Warriors and yeah Steph Curry does what Steph Curry does but nobody else on that team did Jack meaning the Warriors so that’s not that’s not oh we just

Outscored you that’s that’s that’s that’s the second that’s the B player playing with the same principles that the a player does that tells you something about this team that’s what I’m talking about that’s what I’m excited about it’s not like there’s this massive drop off when when your stars

Are out when OG is out when Julius Randall is out they’re still scoring because Julius uh Jaylen Brunson is amazing and he’s always has been and you hear who said this Draymond Green in the pick and roll you can’t even guard the dude I mean that’s that’s High Praise

Coming from one of the Bulldogs of the NBA like you got to take like this momentum and carry it and drive it even if it even if you’re lying to yourself that’s what teams have to do when they’re physically compromised players can lie to themselves I don’t think Nick

Vanan should lie to themselves are you worried Tiki are you worried no you’re not worried are you worried just a little B I’m never worried about anything just a tiny he’s not worried about anything are you worried for the radio audience what am I wearing right now he’s wearing a

Beautiful Nicks sweatshirt you’re damn right I am I’m not even the least bit worried about this team because it’s been next man up I’m not a doctor you’re not a doctor I am not going to allow anything to creep into the positivity that we have with this niick team

Because certainly we’ve lived through a lot of bad Nicks season and this is a great one and I’m not gonna allow a little seat of Doubt to put that in there because we don’t definitively know what’s going on with Julius or OG anobi so I am going to stay positive think

They’re coming back I expect them to come back and I expect the Knicks to go on a run and you know do a little damage as some would say around here Evan so what you’re trying to say is you’re not worried I am not worried at all in fact

I am so pumped up I ran to work today that’s how KY I am worried Tiki is not worried but Nick fans deep down ask yourself a question OG be had a setback no matter what they call it you got to be worried you know how easy it would be

For this team to just fold and we’d have an excuse for him seriously we well God they could they had so much potential and then the injuries just kind of got in the way how many times have we done that with our damn teams in this city I

Mean seriously every single team that’s the bar we’re using they haven’t fed qu I’m just yes yes not even I don’t think teams are quitting I just think they’re just not capable yeah right the the Jets weren’t capable when Aaron Rogers got hurt the Giants weren’t capable when

Everybody got hurt right the Yankees they weren’t capable when Aaron judge was unavailable and then Carlos Stanton was out and then comes back and he’s bad like they weren’t capable yeah but what what we should celebrate and be I don’t I don’t know enthusiastic and excited about is that the Knicks are capable

When their stars are hurt I mean that’s are they capable of going on a finals run it’s we’re not there are they but but answer that question are they capable of doing the damage lugie talks about and going on a run if they’re not healthy it’s a simple

Question I will not say no okay because I didn’t think that they were I thought they were going on this road trip and they were going to be I don’t know two and two is what I thought done better than that if they were one and three I

Would have been like okay I guess that’s all right so you think they can go on a run even if they’re not healthy they’re on the road and they’re going on a r this is not the playoffs Tiki I’m not saying it’s the playoffs great win again

Not minimizing that it is not the playoffs this is not a best of seven Series against the Philadelphia 76ers if Joel embiid walks through that door and they’ve got their own questions does this game matter for the Golden State Warriors yeah it did of course probably

More so than it did for the Knicks no win they still outplayed them no one’s denying that my point is this it’s a great win they have played excellent basketball OG anobi now having a setback is a bad thing because deep down you know even if you’re not going to admit

It they’re not going on a run unless they’re healthy and I’ll worry about that when we have to worry about that John is in Westberry good good afternoon John feels like morning good afternoon what’s up John DIY I don’t know how you do it it’s uh you know it’s a win that

Golden State needed the Knicks are on the road on a four game trip and they beat Golden State and Evan comes on and he says it is a bad day to be in because they lost you getting at no no John John John John John John because they lost

Oobi it’s a great win but if he’s not healthy you’re going nowhere and you know that right play the games though you play the games this is one of the best coaching jobs in the NBA the last 15 to 20 years okay we don’t we don’t disagree we don’t disagree about that

Evan I love you you take each game as it is it’s it’s the next man up you’ve got you’ve got players now that are playing 20 to 30 more minutes than they’re used to and tis is getting it out of them but John we don’t disagree about that I am

Giving the Knicks the flowers they deserve including Tom fiido when I saw the starting five last night and I saw oh wow Duce McBride starting not precious a chuo with OG out I wondered why and then I saw the results and I heard what coach tiido said after the

Game and I’m like that’s some damn good coaching that’s a damn good adjustment by Tom thibo I give him a ton of credit I give doce a ton of credit Jaylen a no one’s minimizing the win what I’m saying is it was a bad day when you’re sitting

There and you hear Adrien W narowski because God forbid the Knicks tell you anything that ogan and Obi is going to miss multiple days that’s not good like when the Jets beat the bills I was pumped up they won and then all of you guys had to remind me yeah you lost

Aaron Rogers you can’t win without Aaron Rogers okay but we didn’t well I don’t think you can win without o Obi and R that’s just me maybe I’m nuts but we didn’t lose Jaylen Brunson and we have Josh Hart playing at an all-time level I mean it’s just it’s you you can’t talk

About enough how how great these guys are and they’re lifting everybody around them that’s that’s meaningful that means something and so in the off chance that that OG is not available come to playoffs and that that Julius Randall is is not feeling right and his shoulders

All still jacked up hey are they going to be the favorite no but am I saying ah they’re getting destroyed they have no chance not a no no way am i counting them out despite not having their two best play or two of their best players available to them because everybody else

Is our caller just said they’re stepping to the to the occasion they’re rising to the occasion and it’s look is it dangerous of course it is should Duce mcbry be playing 47 minutes I mean what’s his max so far this year 30 something 33 34 like 47 minutes he sat

Down to I don’t know go to the bathroom and have a cup of coffee I mean had no no break and he and he thrived right I love that about this Knicks team it’s not like I’m I’m predicting that they’re winning the NBA Championship but there’s something about I don’t want to say

Destiny because it’s not that but they’re playing with a level of like confidence and a plum that’s just it’s amazing and it and I didn’t expect it I got to tell you I was pessimistic on this going into this road trip especially with the injuries not being

Clear or or spelled out for us but they just keep winning yeah they’re doing a great job they’re having a great West Coast trip the problem is they need to get healthy and if they’re not healthy they’re not going anywhere come at April you’re a Debbie Downer I’m not being I’m

Being realistic see I I hate playing the heel I don’t want to be a heel I’m just calling it like it is no you’re not and I blame you guys for this because you taught me the lesson after the Rogers injury you guys mocked me after the Jets

Beat the bills and I kept saying I want to enjoy the win I want to enjoy the win I want to enjoy the win and both of you Knuckleheads all of you said how can you enjoy it you lost Aaron Rogers now now obviously this isn’t the same because

There’s no closure on anobi being out for the season God forbid but an injury matters injuries matter if this team isn’t healthy they’re not winning I am not taking anything away from their road trip or how they won last night or anything in that regard or even the the

The kind of Soul of this team they have played tremendous it’s almost like you guys don’t want to hear the reality it’s like I’m going to ignore that injury part and keep going back to how much fight they’ve shown I’m not disagreeing with you about the way the Knicks have

Played I’m not disagreeing that it’s awesome they’re 41 and 27 and they’ve won four in a row and now they’re closer to the three SE than they are the playing that’s amazing bro I have to say it like a hundred times to give you insecure fans like a back massage yes

They’ve played great yes the coach has been awesome they need to be healthy and last night before the game I don’t know how you guys took it maybe it didn’t bother you I saw a bad injury report on Oobi that makes me nervous you’re calls

Next 877 337 6666 in about an hour it’s another edition of toasted and posted

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  1. Listening to a Nets Fan talk about the Knicks having a bad night is a joke.Meanwhile, the NETS ARE HAVING A BAD YEAR!😂

  2. Evan sounds bitter and cant wait for something to happen to knicks and sounds like he wait for them to lose to talk trash smh hes just jealous that the nets suck and he will be even more bitter when the knicks go after Bridges lol

  3. Evan what you saying makes no SENSE! You sound like a big time Knicks Hater! Think of it like this. Teams play a 7 game series but not all Teams are created Equal. So here is How I tested this 4 game road trip playing 3 Big Time West Coast Teams. I don't count the Trail Blazers. So imagine the Knicks go 3-0 Against the Kings, Warriors and Nuggets. Well it's similar to playing 3 games out of 7 without Key Players. So if they go 3-0 or even 2-1 Then that is a Barometer of how well they can do in making a run in the playoffs, you're focused on who is missing but not focused on how they are winning and who they are beating.

  4. Raptor fan here rooting for OG and the Knicks. Tiki’s right OG’s a gamer. Despite regular season injuries he played every available playoff game except 2019

  5. I'm a diehard Knicks fan and I have to agree with the Nets fan with 3 tone beard. We need OG who I actually feel is more important than Julius. OG transformed us defensively and his absence for any period at this point in the season will be devastating. If he misses 3-4 games Ok but he can't be out 3 weeks again because we're trying to catch the Cavs for the 3 seed and avoid the Celtics until the conference finals.

  6. Losing Rodgers 4 plays into the season isn’t even close to this Anunoby injury. The equivalent of the Rodgers injury for the Knicks would be if Brunson and Randle both tore their Achilles tendons in the first quarter of opening night and then gaslit the fans into thinking they had a chance to come back for the playoffs.

  7. If the NETS were 41-27 right now without "3" of their starters Evan would be on cloud 9 😂😂😂

  8. Knicks front office playing with all the media 😂. Randle, mitch and OG will be ready before playoffs

  9. Evan says Knicks fans can enjoy this win, then immediately goes on to explain why none of it matters whatsoever. Also, what’s the point of being a fan and only looking at the negatives? Evan is essentially saying that it’s over and there’s no reason to watch or care about the Knicks at all

  10. Evan is a half glass empty type of guy wanting Knick fans to think about how they might not go far in the playoffs due to injuries….typical Nets and Jets fan mentality

  11. The Under-men NY Knicks 🧡 must hold their playoffs position untill the beginning of April. Three key players will be back from injury by April. They will become "Unstoppable" 💪 in the NBA Playoffs.
    That's their only shot.

  12. The good cop / bad cop arguing going back and forth is tiresome. I'd rather hear podcasters who watch the games and talk about the nuance of the team's possibilities and potential rather than bickering over being too optimistic or fretting over that which has not yet happened. IMHO.

  13. Damn the sour grapes here are extra sour lol…regardless of who comes back or doesn’t come back for the playoffs. This Knicks team going down fighting.

  14. Remember when the UNINJURED Knicks completed January and Evan led with the Knicks can’t win because they don’t have a top r player. He’s a joke.

  15. "OG is HURT! .They can't win!" Relax. The playoffs start four weeks from now. That's a lot of time for OG to rest that elbow. We'll see him on opening night.

  16. Evan you ARE minimizing the win. You're focused on what might happen instead of what IS happening. You don't want to live in the present because your Nets are terrible in the present and have nothing to look forward to except more Simmons misery.
    You're asking us to be miserable today because of what might or might not happen tomorrow.
    You're a loser.

  17. Evan you can be right about them needing to be healthy and still a douche for the timing and it’s wack for the city tbh to hear this 4 hours a day

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