@Orlando Magic

Game #69 – The Sixth Man Show Postgame Live presented by Rock ‘Em – Magic vs. Hornets

Game #69 – The Sixth Man Show Postgame Live presented by Rock ‘Em – Magic vs. Hornets

E Go Go Go go back [Laughter] wow what’s going on L magic fans that was fun that was I think we needed that we needed that magic fans needed that the team needed that maybe the NBA might have needed that I don’t know welcome to the six man show postgame live presented by Rockham Magic win 112 to

92 in a game that really wasn’t that close magic led by as many as what like 41 or something crazy like that 41 yeah an absolute dominant performance absolutely dominant performance by the magic I mean it’s funny sometimes I sit here after a game that goes

Terribly and I’m at a loss for words like what can you say about a loss like this tonight there was so much that happened and so much that went right that I don’t even know where to start crazy night big win for the magic magic once again take care of business against

The teams you need to take care of so credit them was the second half perfect no who cares you win by 20 you’ll take it every time welcome to six man show postgame live presented by Rockham I’m producer Kevin glad you’re here if you’re new this is the six man show

We’re in Orlando Magic podcast we put out shows every Monday and Thursday and then also we have this live show here after each and every Orlando Magic game right here Live on YouTube so thanks for checking us out if you’re new hit that subscribe button and whether you’re new

Or you’ve been here since the beginning please hit that like button it always helps us out uh but this show is brought to you by Rockham Rockham is the world’s largest sock store and they’re located in Orlando their headquarter is literally right down the road from Kia

Center and they do everything there that means all their employees are Central Florida people whether they’re the marketing team the the CEO the people that manufacture the socks everything is done in Central Florida and so we’re so pumped to be partner with them all season long uh we love partnering with

Local companies like jamhot and and Rockham as well and so big shout out to them for sponsoring the six-man show postgame live all season long and it helps you out because you can get 20% off of their website use that code magic 20 it’ll get you 20% off uh you can get

Uh these uh Play the song socks which uh I think is a pretty good segue here by the way if you want these Play the song socks you can get them at and use that code magic 20 but I think I I haven’t looked at the chat yet I haven’t

Looked at the chat yet but I guarantee you there’s a play the song in there and so I think we just have to play the song tonight it’s worthy it’s a worthy night of it Orlando magic orando magic or Mag let’s go what a w what a W for the magic all right let’s take a look we got a super chat here from Tai Mr TV he said we could have played this on a halftime you know what’s funny I thought about starting the show a little early tonight

But I was like nah it’s all right the real magic Maniacs are still watching this game you’re right Ty that was crazy held them to 32 points in the half and they needed a a buzzer beating three to even get that crazy I know the Hornets are not good right even when they’re

Healthy and right now they’re not healthy so they’re really really not good but wow that was that was dominant okay uh let’s look at some of the chat here tonight we got a hundred of you in here tonight so thanks for checking us out obviously like I said

This is these are real magic Maniacs the the um the Casual magic Maniacs you know they they turned off their magic brain you know halftime or third quarter but you guys you guys stuck it out and here we are getting to celebrate this win together ROM says destroying the Hornets

And never looked back what a tough defense again crazy you hold them to 32 points and a half and again they needed a buzzer beating three to even hit that could have been under excuse me under 30 points that’s crazy yeah Tai says we can play the song early Nathan says best

Basketball I’ve seen them play at first half was something special and I’m sure the rest of chat a lot of other chats are going to say this but I just it’s it’s not a coincidence that the best half of basketball we’ve played all season long came when Cole Anthony was playing

Well we’ve said it many times on this show Jonathan and Luke have said it many times on the six-man show Cole Anthony is I think along with fron the X factors for this team right we know fron is cooking along with Paulo that’s a recipe for

Success but if Cole is cooking that’s a recipe for eliteness right coming off that mench so shout out to Cole obviously we’ll talk more about him later but wow he that was his best game since probably November I’m just again this is off the top of my head I don’t

Know for sure but it’s been a while so shout out to Cole Janine says what a dominant win for our fellas so nice to watch them out there having fun facts it was awesome um uh let’s see Jeremy says in the first half Jaylen and Cole combined for

31 Cole had 30 uh wait oh Charlotte had 32 gotcha and the magic bench out scored the Hornets 33 to Z that’s crazy wow wow um David S says I think 50 wins could legitimately happen also balet Sports absolutely sucks yeah who knows what’s going to happen to balet sports

Here in the coming year or two as they have filed for bankruptcy we’ll see uh as for the first part 50 wins could legitimately happen I believe I think we were at 11 and4 coming to this one I think we now have to go 10 and four is

That right I mean sorry nine let’s see we’re nine wins away away from 50 we have 13 games ring so 9 and four we were 10 and four coming tonight so you have to go 9 and four over your last 13 your remaining 13 it’s possible obviously schedule gets

Kind of tough here in a little bit next week you get golden state well coming up you get Sacramento Golden State and the Clippers that’s the other one I’m thinking of that’s a tough and obviously New Orleans coming up on Thursday not easy teams not like the Hornets tonight

But hey nine and four is totally possible this team is 11 wait am I getting my numbers right nine and no I was right N9 and four that was right this team is like um 8-2 in their last 10 and I think something it’s it’s very similar it’s it’s a little

Better than 9 and4 of the last 13 is what it is so it’s very possible very possible Jeremy says finally a winning season how about that 41 win I just I just looked up at the date and I I almost like I kind of lost my

Breath there 41 wins on March 19th for the Orlando Magic can you just like take a moment and just like breathe that in can the 120 of us right now that are here just take a moment and like inhale that 41 wins on March 19th for your Orlando

Magic that like that hit that just hit me that’s crazy that is so cool and I Jonathan was tweeting about this during the game like we cannot take these moments this season for granted cuz this is special and obviously most of us believe and hope

And pray that this is just the start of something really special right but this is sports crazy things happen you know who knows maybe it all falls apart I don’t know I just hope we can always look back on this season and moments like tonight and go yeah that was really

Fun that was really special wow 41 wins on March 19th let’s freaking go that’s amazing yeah Janine says nice to see Cole get things going again absolutely I’m Joy says too easy let’s go ROM says always love the magic from the Philippines let’s go thanks for tuning

In ROM all the way in the Philippines appreciate that I’m Joy says Incredible or defense incredible tonight but turnovers are high yeah that was a little much little much but I mean that’s that’s the magic way right now it’s crazy I’m Joy also says goat sucks man

Jaylen it’s no secret we’re big fans of jayen here out the show he he was awesome tonight D doal says let’s start the stream at halftime I thought about starting it early I really did I really did ever Marshall says we uh with 40 points in the second quarter which is

More than the Hornet scored in the entire first half that is lock down Championship defense isn’t that crazy Chris say one game until nipples play that song I Put A little nipple counter on the bottom here um so and I always think it’s kind of funny to talk about

The nipple counter and stuff if if someone is brand new to the show they’re like what are they talking about very long story short the six- main Show podcast that’s on Mondays and Thursdays is hosted by Luke Sylvia and Luke Sylvia has a thing where after five a five game

Win streak or longer he goes shirtless for the show and so that’s a four- game win streak that means we are one win away if the Magic win on Thursday against the New Orleans Pelicans um Luke will be shirtless although they play Saturday to so we have to actually wait

Six wins in a row for Luke to be shirtless on the next episode cuz they don’t come to Monday so anyway long story short that’s what’s going on uh doal says not often that a team coasts for an entire half and don’t really get punished for anyway 41st win

From our 69th game is nice getting some rest for our key players is also very nice I hope you’re I I appreciate if uh if you’re doing that on purpose if not that’s fantastic coincidence yes it was very nice 69th game for the magic tonight uh Chris also says Grant

Williams is a clown he poked Jaylen the bear sugs and he got the claws let’s go big time clown Grant Williams love that Ascension says this team is getting playoff ready now love to see it yes and no like obviously performance like tonight great you’ll take it Charlotte especially that version of

Charlotte couldn’t be further from playoff team right I’m just so the magic L to dud the last time they played two playoff teams New York in Indiana last weekend not this past weekend but the weekend before so I’m really curious coming up with New Orleans on Thursday that’s a

Playoff team that’s a team I believe still has a better record than you right let’s see they are oh both okay they have two fewer losses same amount of wins they both have 41 wins so and in the Western Conference so on paper you’d say New Orleans is better depending on who’s

Healthy that’s a game I’m I’m interested in you got Sacramento that’s the game I’m interested in Golden State and then the Clippers four four Western Conference playoff teams in the next week and a half those are the games that are going to show us how playoff ready we

Are and we’ll see if the magic can go two and two in those four games sign me up we’ll talk more about those games here coming up later okay um yo feed says magic Nation turn up magic nation is turning up 9:30 on Tuesday night after a blowout win and

There’s 125 of you magic Maniacs here let’s go thanks for being here um Nathan says the playoffs can’t come any sooner man I hope we make some kind of run I I’m right there with you man they can’t come any any sooner I’m just so fired up and honestly playoffs start real

Playoffs not the playin the real playoffs start one month from tomorrow April 20th like we are right there guys we are right around the corner it’s crazy to think about crazy um as for I hope you make some kind of run look I’m I’m of the thinking of the notion where

Magic make the playoffs whatever happens after that sign me up if the magic go out there and get a gentleman sweep they lose in five great playoff experience for a team that has almost zero like Gary Harris has extensive playoff experience Joe Eng Les has extensive playoff experience outside of

That Markel played a few games Jonathan Isaac played a few games that’s it right I mean basically there might be a couple other guys that have some time but if they can just get that atmosphere that experience playing really good teams five games whatever that’s fine anything past that oh oh my

Gosh push a team to six games push push a team to seven games win a series go on a run like you’re talking about that would knock my socks off that’d be insane it would be so fun Sati says love the cold post game great play

By the bench and ji looking good for the playoffs too ji is a is going to be a problem if he’s healthy knock on all the wood everywhere if he’s healthy he’s going to be a problem in the playoffs he doesn’t have to like be a scorer like

Obviously right now he’s shooting the ball really well and that’s that’s just icing on the cake but on the other end man he’s going to be a problem do you believe and says that song is so loud tonight going to bust our eardrums let’s go grit says easy work love that Brian

Says got to get these next four games no rest for the the wicked I don’t know there’s some tough games in these four there’s some tough ones but we’ll see ajori says we are rolling right now let’s go yes let’s go Ryan says good we blow the Hornets out tonight because the

Pelicans will be rough it’s a or tough it’s a tough game David says this Magic win helps this upper respiratory infection thank you boys oh David sorry man that is zero fun glad the magic could cheer you up tonight cuz that is awful hope you feel better Soul Train thanks for the Super

Chat he says we’re the only Contender that doesn’t have a guard that can get 40 yet I still feel optimistic that they’ll eventually get one go magic isn’t that crazy although Cole when he’s on a heater I mean feel like 40 is possible but you’re right by and large we don’t

Have a guard that consistently can get you 40 I still feel optimistic they’ll eventually get one I I think that’s fair I also missed a Super Chat earlier from L Rosario says Jaylen earned his deoy tonight look I don’t know as much as I think it

Is he’s just so slept on by the national media I just it unfortunately I I don’t think dep is in his future hopefully a defensive team hopefully first team that’s what he deserves but um unfortunately this whole team is just too slept on just two slept on it’s

Tragic yo feed says the defense had the Hornets and shambles facts Ryan says almost a sh shirtless Luke alert we’re right around the corner David says and we like Cole again he he was great tonight Jeremy says clinch the play that’s right if you didn’t read the bottom line yet your

Orlando Magic have clinched at least a play in birth tonight with the victory which is pretty cool that means there is postseason basketball going to happen and if you look at the standings let’s see the magic are seven games up on the n9c which means there’s going to be a home game if

It’s if the magiker don’t make the playoffs and just in the playin you’ll get a home game either in the 7 eight game or if you lose that in the in the uh what would be the eight seed game so it’s all looking up all looking up we’re

Not going for the play in folks no no no no no no no no no no no we’re going for that six seed or higher I’m still aiming for the three seed but we’ll talk about that in a little bit Nathan says some of Paw’s passing

Today was Exquisite facts the game is so much slower from now hold on a second there’s 170 of you here what in the world what do you guys doing you Maniacs let’s go welcome to the show we just had a boost of like 50 of you over the last

Several minutes welcome to the six-man show postgame live welcome thank you for being here hit that like button if you’re hanging out with us uh if you’re new we might have some new people in here with the six-man show in Orlando Magic podcast and we put out shows every

Monday and Thursday as well as this live show after every Orlando Magic game so if you like Orlando Magic content why don’t you hang out with us more often hit that subscribe button to check out all of our content and never miss it and of course if you’re new or you’ve been

Here a long time hit that like button on this episode and it is always appreciated we’re just going through some uh some thoughts here from the chat tonight um losers are oh yeah he says fron with a no look alyo dealo was impressive that was so clean oh man I’m

Going to go back and watch that as soon as we’re all out of here amazing Jeremy is this right coach Mo passed Steve Clifford after this win for the fifth Mo most wins as a coach in Magic history that’s wild that’s so funny uh Janine says I need to make the

Magic song my ringtone hey not a bad idea not a bad idea at all Jeremy says poo no look pass to the to the jayen no look fade away to jayen hyping up the crowd one of my favorite moves of the Season that was so fun so fun man we’ve

Had some great moments this season guys we’ve had some great moments this season I I mentioned it earlier but like we cannot take this season for granted and hopefully this is something we look back on years from now and go this is when this this dynasty started right this

Season will it be that way who knows but regardless of whether it ends up being a dynasty where everything falls apart this has been such a special season with so many special moments I’m JY says 8 and five in the next 13 49 and 33 looking good that’s

That feels very realistic to me very realistic I think there is definitely eight I wouldn’t say definitely I believe there are eight winnable games in there nine is pushing it nine we 50 wins which would be amazing but we’ll see uh David says never sell your

Tickets to Nicks fans only sell to real ones hey facts if we Face New York we’re going to talk all about that on the show you better believe it uh let’s see here Stephen says I’m seeing everyone celebrate making the postseason but I’m not celebrating anything until they

Avoid the the play in facts Stephen I’m right there like I’m I’m not I don’t want to say I’m not celebrating this is an achievement like 41 wins March 19th achieving the postseason that’s an achievement but that’s not the goal you you yeah you’ve got a three-game lead on

The play in right now with what do we say 13 games to go and considering the schedule the magic have if they do fall to the playin while over the course of an entire season and the Outlook of the whole season the playin would be good

Like again back in October you asked me magic are the seven seed in the play I’d be like great that’s cool that’s a great Next Step for this team however in the context of where we are in this season that would be a failure to me like you choke a three- game

Lead uh let me see yeah it is it’s a three loss yeah it’s a full full three- game lead if you choke a three- game lead with 13 games to go and the schedule at the magic have that would be a failure to me so I’m with

You I’m with you Anthony says shout out to the six-man show go magic thank you Anthony appreciate that um de believe says can we just start calling him no look P I mean come on Janine says I’m ready for the spreadsheet I got the spreadsheet ready don’t you worry it’s coming spreadsheet

Segment is coming for sure uh Jas says is that a spider behind you I hope not wouldn’t surprise me though um hey we live in an area of spiders it happens sometimes oh goodness uh let’s see here Michael Lynch our friend from uh from Ireland says 41 wins that’s awesome easy

Win tonight go magic hit the like button yeah Michael thanks for being here man hit that like button Hubert says hi you magic Maniac solid win let’s get a win tonight for postgame live hit the like button absolutely thank you guys so much thanks for hitting that like

Button oh wait some of you said you lost me earlier okay hopefully oh it says lost you for a second wow several of you said that interesting okay uh hopefully I’m still here looks like most of you are still here let’s go okay um some of you guys

You yes a says new magic Maniacs are always welcome absolutely always always welcome to to new magic Maniacs okay um let’s look through uh some of this box score really fast there’s not a whole lot to go off of right I mean a game like tonight guy’s not playing full minutes

Which is great but we’ll just hit this really fast fron poo combin for 24 super efficient I mean there was just not not a lot of Defense going on there oops not a lot of Defense going on there so regard regardless um you’ll take that very efficient combined for eight

Assists and a rebound Wendell with eight and eight that’s great Gary with three in 16 minutes Jaylen obviously was terrific tonight 16 points six and N from the field two five from three four rebounds six assists three steals two blocks come on zero turnovers Jonathan Isaac seven minutes

Tonight yeah you know that’s good uh but he did have eight points eight points in seven minutes which is awesome basically eight minutes Joe Engles played less than 15 minutes tonight Marquel played less than 18 tonight Marquel by the way running out of words running out of

Words Marquel is almost at the point where you can’t can’t play him in the playf actually he probably is at the point where he can’t play him in the playoffs yeah it hurts as someone who loves Marquel it’s tough it’s tough to see that but even tonight against a

Horrible Charlotte team he was the worst player on the floor if you ask me not great Mo Vagner 13 points tonight and five uh boards in 14 minutes Cole Anthony again the story of the night for me 21 points nine of 12 from the field

Three of five from three as well as six boards three assists a steal a block two turnovers a great game from Cole tonight much needed and then lots of burn for the the third stringers today nine minutes each for Anthony black chumo KK goo baz and six minutes for Admiral love

That uh but the the big story line if you look at this whole thing here Paulo plays 26 minutes fron and Wendell played just under 24 Jaylen plays just under 25 nobody above 26 minutes tonight the season adds up over time right like an 82 Game season all that

Time all that wear and tear adds up so anytime you can get a game like this where guys can play seven to 10 fewer minutes it makes a difference in the long run it really can so love that some of the team stats here um obviously the first half is

Where the damage was done 40 to 15 in that second quarter is so crazy like 40 to 15 in a quarter in the NBA is just ludicrous that is just so crazy points in the paint UH 60 for Orlando love that 18 fast break points biggest lead of 41

61 bench points thank you Cole 15 turnovers obviously that sucks can’t have that that’s not good enough but that’s about the only thing you can pick apart here cuz wow shooting stats here magic shot 53% from the field 35% from three wow I thought it was thought it was a little

Bit more than that only miss one free throw which is awesome again free throws have really hurt this team this season so anytime you can go 92% that’s a w um you outrebound them as well as getting 10 offensive rebounds is great 32 assists on 44 field goals that is

Awesome that is so good uh ESPN says we had 18 turnovers I don’t know if it was that many but it felt like a lot um and yeah so that’s some of the other stuff the other thing I did ask um my friend Jonathan Osborne pulled this up for

Me he said I I wanted to find out the second chance points the Hornets ended up with only four Second Chance points only four they ended up with four offensive rebounds four Second Chance points and they missed 41 Shots that’s pretty good rebounding right there if you ask me way

To go way to go to the big guys and the guards as well get involved in that so big shout out here all right I’m going to do things a little bit different order today while we’re here we’re going to go ahead and look at some of the scores around the

League uh Pelicans up by 15 on the Nets again you play the Pelicans on Thursday so yeah obviously looks like they’re going to oh wait that game’s really late okay yeah so that game’s over Pelicans are going to win that one Maverick Spurs are tied nuggets with the early oh

That’s a big game right there and oh I’m going to watch that game nuggets Timberwolves right now I had no idea they were playing tonight nuggets up 11 right now in the second quarter that’s awesome rockets blew out the Wizards not not any surprises there and last thing

Before we look at our handy dny spreadsheet here tonight I’m going to refresh these standings make sure they are fully accurate your Orlando Magic are once again just a half game back at the New York next for the four seed and two and a half games back from the

Three three seed I’m feeling greedy guys like I know what I know what’s likely I know it’s likely that we’re just going to end up in the 4 five against the Knicks but as long as we’re within Striking Distance of that three seed that’s what I

Want like you get a three seed to play against the Sixers or the Pacers or something like that and then you avoid the Celtics in the second round and you end up playing like a like imagine if it’s like magic or the three seed and Pacers are the six seed that’d be

Amazing if you ask me the Pacers are the most favorable matchup of all the possibilities for the magic so if you can do that three seed magic six seed Pacers then it becomes Nick’s Cavs as the 4 five so you know Nicks Cavs they play each other as the four five the winner

Of the 4 five plays the one seed Boston Celtics while the winner of the 36 plays the two seed the 27 matchup which could be the Milwaukee Bucks I don’t know about you but I’d rather play the Bucs in the second round than the Celtics we’re going to lose to both teams

Doesn’t matter who but I think we have a better chance of making entertaining against the the Bucks I don’t know it’s a lot of uh a lot of wishful thinking there but all that to say I want the three seed and I think it’s still it’s still very possible

Still very possible speaking of which I want to show you why I believe it’s possible before I show you why I believe it’s possible I do want to remind you that this show is brought to you by Rockham Rockham is the world’s largest sock store and their Central Florida

Company that’s why we love them and I wanted to show you guys uh obviously March Madness coming around the not around the corner it starts tonight the the playing games actually the first one’s probably already over by now uh so I wanted to go through obviously we’ll go through some

Madic stuff later but I just picked a random team that has some affili affiliation with the magic I don’t know if we have any Michigan fans out there obviously they have a lot of college football playoff stuff here at the top but if you scroll down it’s more generic

Michigan stuff so if you don’t know Rockham has all kinds of gear for your favorite sports team from the NBA NHL NFL and uh college sports as well so here’s some of their college offerings for uh any Michigan fans that might exist out there but hey if you’re a fan

Of another team UCF obviously playing their uh their nit game right now um if you’re a fan of any other college they have over 250 schools represented on so if you want any kind of socks underwear from your favorite college sports teams obviously uh

Rockham is the place to go uh and of course Orlando Magic stuff as well so like of course the play the song socks that I was holding up earlier I mean these are just the best man I love these so much I’m going to have to get a

Second pair so that I can wear one and then leave these here cuz I I need to start wearing them I love these mascot any any of the stuff socks I love there’s this one there’s the split face one which is somewhere down here there

It is the split face mascot one is so sick and then of course the Papa John’s One Magic win is always a fun one so big shout out to Rockham for sponsoring the show and please use that code magic 20 to get you 20% off your order at all season long again that is cod magic2 thanks to Rockham for supporting the six-man show and thanks to you for using that code which also supports the six-man show all right guys it’s spreadsheet time who doesn’t love a good spreadsheet here we go all right tonight magic

Hornets the only game that was uh uh that was relevant in this Chase so only team playing tonight was the magic however I’ve got some really fun stuff to show you guys okay tomorrow lots of big stuff happening first the head-to-head one that really matters oh

I just messed it up head to head the one that really matters Heat at Cavs so the magic are going to gain on uh on somebody tomorrow they’re either going to gain on the heat which would be amazing CU right now the magic are uh where’s the heat they’re so far

Down I can’t find them magic are three and a half games up on the Miami Heat so if the Heat lose tomorrow you will go four games clear of the Miami Heat who also by the way if they were to lose that they would uh only have a three-

Game lead on the Chicago Bulls for the the nine seed wouldn’t that be spicy that would be so spicy okay focus uh so you would gain that on the heat and you go three you go four games up on the heat right is that what I said

Yeah four games up on the Heat or conversely if the heat were to beat the cabs you would be two games back of the three seed huh you guys like that all right next up the Sixers play in Phoenix to start their West Coast road trip

Tomorrow hm what does that do for us if the Sixers were to lose to the Phoenix Suns which the Phoenix Suns will be very favored you now go to a three-game lead on the Phoenix on the Philadelphia 76ers right now it’s two and a half they’re

The six seed right now it would be a three-game lead on the Sixers that’s awesome Pacers play at the Pistons now I mean come on can’t expect so much Pistons have gotten several wins here in the last couple three weeks or so so it’s possible it’s in Detroit very

Possible but you know not I’m not going to count anything on there you know however the Bucks play at the Celtics hm again we’ve talked about this before it’s been a while the magic are only three and a half games back of the bucks right now if they were to lose tomorrow

They would be three games back at the two seed I’m not holding my breath on that one but you never know you never know but what gets me most excited is past this because look what happens here guys look what’s coming up and I’m getting ahead of myself because

This is stuff we can talk about on future episodes but I want to talk about it now so I’m going to look at this day right here March 22nd that’s Friday Heat play the Pelicans Sixers play in LA against the Lakers P Pacers play in uh San Francisco against the

Warriors and the Cavs play in Minnesota against the Timberwolves I’m sorry what look at that night are you kidding me do you know how much movement can happen here there’s a looking at this actually no the four teams that we’re coming against in this stretch the heat Sixers

Pacers Cavs all of them will be underdogs in these games Pelicans Lakers Warriors Timberwolves will all be favored that could be a huge night now obviously magic need to take care of your business against the Pelicans but if they are able to do that that could be a huge night the only

Thing here is the Pelicans it’s the second night of back toback so depending on how that game goes against us they play in Miami the next day we’ll see that’s spicy I know I’m getting ahead of myself we’re going to talk about that on Thursday but every time I

Look at that that’s hot there’s a couple other moments like this later in the season but we’ll get get to those later gets me fired up guys I don’t know about you I hope you’re fired up that is tonight’s star spreadsheet not sponsored by star all right chat one final thoughts

One final time looking at you and get your final thoughts here uh di say nice new article on the ringer about markel’s injury history but yeah I don’t love seeing yeah I have that I have not read it yet but I pulled it up uh today uh

For me to read later tonight so I’ll definitely read that um Soul Train said if ji didn’t play in 2020 and was playing more this season they would have 50 wins yeah it’s definitely Possible uh Nathan says if this season looks this good already Imagine Next season what we can be capable of it’s It’s hard for my brain to go there Nathan I thought that many times this season and nights like tonight it’s hard like 41 wins March 19th and your

Two best players are 22 and 21 I it’s hard it’s hard for me to wrap my head around it it really is it’s crazy do you believe in says I’m fine to Nicks the Knicks in the playoffs okay that’s funny um yeah doal says this tough stretch

Against West playoff teams will tell us a lot about our team and potential seating facts Big Stretch coming up Sul train says at home against Indiana would be awesome I want bucks Nicks first round as a fan yeah again on paper home against the Pacers sign me the heck up

For that Isaac says I think we can beat the Bucks in seven it’s possible Wendell historically very good defender of Giannis Jonathan Isaac Elite defender of Giannis you’re not going to stop him but you can slow him down lots of love for the spreadsheet lots of love for the spreadsheet in the

Chat love that Joe says I don’t care if they go one and three in the next four as long as they beat the Warriors yeah being the Warriors is always fun I I was able to be at what was Amway Center last year uh for the magic being the Warriors

In November and that was just so fun that was one of the best games of the Season too jayen Suggs basically took that game over down the stretch it was so fun speaking of him thanks PR says sug should be up for MIP consideration facts man facts blae also says jayen NBA all

Defensive team should be there’s no reason he shouldn’t be can he be first team I don’t know again this team is just so slept on but second team I I I can’t see how he’s not all defensive second team can’t see it okay uh thanks prais says the year is

2040 and kids are asking about how it was to watch Palo feel that feel that my bones Soul Trin says magic played a few season with Dwight before they got Rashard Lewis looking forward to getting that free agent Splash in the future yeah that’s the thing as the team gets

Better it becomes more and more of a destination it already has become a bit of a destination for free agents and it’s only going to get better only going to get better I love poo says am I the only one that wanted to win by 40 I mean come on

That’d be fun but uh you’re not the only one I just wanted to hold him under 30 at the half I literally let out on no when they hit that three to score 32 in the first half it’s so funny Matthew says hate to be negative but we haven’t

Beat a good team in like a month H it’s it’s a fair it’s fair like I talked about earlier like that weekend two weekends ago where you had this huge you know two game basically series over the weekend that everyone hyped up as the biggest magic R season games in a long

Time and you laid an egg yeah it’s fair I mean look at me you’re exactly right we haven’t beaten a playoff team since February 22nd now to be fair we haven’t played many playoff teams we’ve only played two other Playoff teams and that was the New York and Indiana weekend but you’re right

You’re exactly right February 22nd against the the Cavs was the last time we beat a playoff team that’s totally fair man um on the flip side it’s like well the reason why we’re playing so many bad teams because you played so many good teams earlier and you still

Were above 500 so this team’s definitely capable but you’re you are not wrong they’re gonna have to prove it over these next four games you know all these really good Western Conference teams that are coming to Orlando Su train says if you’re a big time scorer you want to play with pal

Frons and Suggs with their ball movement ball movement and defense absolutely all right guys I think that’s going to do it for us a cool 38 minute postgame live here it’s a fun one obviously historic victory in a lot of ways uh Magic do back in Action till Thursday so you’ll

Get a brand new episode of the six-man show that morning obviously Jonathan Luke will break down this game and look ahead to the rest this uh this home stand which is coming up so yeah look out for that Thursday morning I’ll be back here for Thursday night’s game

After the the game against the Pelicans right here so obviously want you guys to join us for that but until then have a great Wednesday a great Thursday we’ll see you Thursday night and as always let’s go Magic [Applause] Go let’s Go

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