@Chicago Bulls

ROCK BOTTOM: DeMar DeRozan, Chicago Bulls embarrassed at home by Pistons | CHGO Bulls Podcast

ROCK BOTTOM: DeMar DeRozan, Chicago Bulls embarrassed at home by Pistons | CHGO Bulls Podcast

Oh What’s going on bulls Nation welcome in to see show Bulls postc coming to you live here from our studios in West Loop downtown Chicago I’m peek you can follow me Bulls corek Big Dave B bwl Sports our pal producer on the controls Mr Joey spathis Jo so competitive tonight on those

Producer controls competitive spst might be your top five SP almost as competitive as The Bull oh they were very competitive uh hopefully we will hear from our man the goat as we uh Roll Along in post game thank you all for joining us Ryan

Said oh here we late late on a a Tuesday night apologies apologies for the minor delay in getting post game rolling um we uh we we have a good reason that we’re a little late on postgame yeah which is that we were fortunate enough to be at the mat house tonight we were

We you know we we will get to any and all of your thoughts I’m sure Bulls fans are are frustrated with the result which by the way was a loss to the Pistons of Detroit 10595 uh but first and most importantly wanted to give a sincere thanks and shout out to Sarah and

Everyone at the Clara team who organized an awesome event tonight you may have caught it on the broadcast uh Benny the Bull as of tonight has his own shoe yes uh through a couple of Chicago artists uh Stitch God and Don C Don C shout out

Uh who we sat and watched a do a little panel yes talking about this collaboration that they did through uh Clara who also put forth great effort tonight uh to make Benny his own shoe which as Don C said on the panel like long overdue the mascot of all mascots

How does Benny not have his own shoe got to have it and we got the first sneak peek look at Benny’s Shoe we did before the rest of the world saw it tonight we were there in the room where it happened shout to Hamilton um and so for whatever

Reason kindness f foolishness uh Sarah and her team at Claret reached out to us to say hey we’ve got this cool like Benny shoe unveiling tonight would yall like to come check it out and be some of our our guests and why do you say no to

That yeah why would you turn that down absolutely not when Matt said it I’m like yes yes and yes again so it was amazing though honestly it was really awesome and it was cool talking to people after it was over cuz everybody was just like wow they’re really doing

Some cool stuff and I’m like really are doing a lot of cool stuff and like they invited some select media and Fringe media people to come check it out also shout out to our buddy Eli of bleach your nation Bulls he was there and shout out to his fiance Madison who we got

Conratulations delightful people uh but also shout out to Bulls Queen uh Miss meliss she was there was in the building representative of the Jordan uh you know female Collective oh Finders Keepers also in the building uh CCE from Finders Keepers was there we saw her shout out

But also like the guests of honor at this Clara and and Stitch God and dony Benny Shuan veiling were students from the city of Chicago Ken Wood academy uh Ken Wood which is I did not know this until tonight uh Don’s Alum water sure was and they I guess had been uh working

On their own project with Stitch Cod this year for their like school jackets uh and and she was helping them through that process and so they they were there and invited to come listen to this panel as well and and talking to or or or hearing a conversation between a couple

Of Chicago artists who are thriving in the community with their creativity and what they’re doing to share their passion and their talents and and using it to inspire the next generation of Chicago sports fans uh who were there because they’re Bulls fans and they are kids looking to find that passion and

They’re like it was so cool to sit just sit there as a fly in the wall and observe that that entire event because it was just passionate people talking to a younger generation of passionate people and again I I just can’t stress that how cool it was like honestly and

Just hearing you know it always does my heart good just hearing people doing good in the community and wanting to do good and have a real serious desire to do good like Don C was sitting there just talking about other ideas that he had that he was pitching to other

Companies man and how much he wanted to you know continue to to uh grow you know what I’m saying in the city and using he he stressed you know using women and and putting them up on the pedestal and allowing them to continue and grow as

Well and they Contin to talk about the youth about how they were nexted up you know these you’re going to be up here sitting in these seats guys uh we’re going to be following your leads out here so and and uh Stitch got like she you know is a teacher you know at

Kimwood also so it was you know talking to some of her students as well man but they talked about their fears they talked about their successes like they was just genuinely honest and it was really dope setting short-term and long-term goals keeping yourself focused on them keeping yourself surrounded by

People who support those goals and might be different from you and have different goals of their own but have the same mentality and attitude towards approaching those goals it was it was all inspiring stuff like when Don C said you your fear should never be bigger

Than your love boom I knew that that line was going to be in the chest he said that and I was like o I know big day on that I was on it it was great man um yeah so again shout out and thank you to Sarah and everybody at Clara for

Inviting us to be a part of that tonight it was really cool because um we at CS Jo we talk sports we are a media company that talks about our passion for Chicago Sports but we also in our own ways through our own efforts try to reach out

And be a part of the community what we do with our Cho takeovers and our tailgates and wanting to feel like we are a part of the city that we all love and and part of that being sports fans of these teams that we all love together um so it’s really cool whenever

Opportunities like that arise where you can go be in the community like that yeah you also know you know who also went to kimwood your boy Nazir Muhammad Naz also Kim did that man should never have to buy a meal or a drink in Chicago

Ever again for that shove on LeBron uh T in the comments no wonder why no one cares about CH they don’t talk about sports we had an important thing to to talk about at the beginning of tonight’s show about being in the Chicago Community that’s important too yeah you

Ready now now ready now you ready there it is let’s hell with this dumbass Bulls team let’s get into this [ __ ] the hell with this season let go man to hell with AK for keeping this core together oh God forbid we get some draft picks for Drummond and or Caruso maybe even a

Second round or two for Demar because we got to keep this core together to go to the precious playing tournament y’all just lost to the Pistons for the second time this season by double digits you shot two of 29 from three what are we doing what the hell are we

Doing I mean I feel bad as you you said it to me as we were walking out of the bad house tonight Dave that was a really fun night I feel bad for anyone who paid money to get in there oh my God and I’m glad we didn’t

Flex worst three-point percentage in a game in NBA history by a team taking at least 28 threes Brooklyn 99.9% Houston 8.9% Houston again 88.3% Chicago Bulls 6.9% 6.9% first of all is that good first of all first of all first of all nice secondly trash oh that is an atrocity how bad are you and guess who hit one of your threes dalen Terry hit one of your threes at one point earlier in the fourth and I turned

You and I I classif clarified the Bulls were two of 25 from three at that point and you said and one of those two was D and I said that’s not a good it’s not a good sign when D Terry is what are your leaders in three-point makes oh my God

How bad is that and it started in the at the end of the second quarter yeah is when it started to happen and then when it started to go down like that I said to myself well you know what maybe they’ll pick it up a little in the third

You know I understand and I’m not even going after the refs on that the refs B up with trois call but again like I kept telling you this is going to be makeup calls tonight because of the the trash that those refs did uh in last night’s

Game against the Knicks and the Detroit so they owed Detroit some calls I get it it’s still the Pistons the Pistons still gave you many opportunities to go ahead and beat them because they’re the Pistons they said we’re going to turn this ball over whoop we’re going to

Throw it over somebody’s head wh we’re going to go get some offensive fouls oh yeah we we stink the bull said we see your stink and we’ll add ass to ours ladies and gentlemen we’ll put a couple of cubes of ass in our stink drink and

Will cover it up in a trash bag yeah and throw it somewhere God they stay that [ __ ] was ass they were not competitive tonight uh it was it was trash uncommon Vision the comment saying competitive continuity baby lfg TR pointing out lost of the Pistons a a Pistons team that

Played last night oh the back to back but the the Pistons were on the second night of a back toback yes the Bulls had not played since Sunday yes how on your home floor do you do that uh jelly uh saying in the comments Billy tonight too

Postgame said well this game was an outlier and Billy saying outlier I believe he was referencing the two of 29 from three look two of 29 from three even a team that’s not known for its three-point shooting like the Bulls are and have been for a few seasons now two

Of 29 is as you pointed out with that list da historically bad historically bad bad [ __ ] I don’t know how much you can put on Billy for the Bulls just shooting two of 29 from three that part I’m not putting on Billy but uh somebody else in the comments I think uh Chason

Ashlin said Billy didn’t have the Bulls ready tonight for the Trap game unexcusable it’s inexcusable but uh you’re not wrong that part I do feel lies at the feet of the coach a little bit how do you not be ready for this game also the the defensive rotations

From the Bulls tonight oh putri which I mean gross putri and that’s that’s some that’s some on Billy and that’s some on the play and like I don’t know if that’s like defensive game plan yeah it like that was some of the worst defensive rotations I’ve seen all season yeah

There have been a handful of games this season where I’m like yo the Bulls are running around like chickens with their heads cut off tonight was one of those nights um first of all hey Julia uh I’m gonna give Billy Donan a little something something because I he he gets

A part of this too other people in the comments asking about Billy and rotation questions hey you finally brought brought up own Al patim red him to the big boy Squad he can knock down a three that was part of what I was about throw him out there definitely a part of

I was about to say when not just because you’re shooting bad because you’re shooting historically bad that’s the difference Matt if you’re historically ass I’m G to go get somebody who can do something hey man you you’re on my team and you’re known to shoot Threes And we

Haven’t hit one since the third quarter since early in the third quarter we a hit one I’m going to go ahead and put you out here for 2 minutes let’s see what happens let’s see if you can hit a three for us and sprad the floor at

Least you know that’s on that [ __ ] is on Billy the other thing that’s on Billy why after you saw what he did did you leave Javon Carter in the game dude why explain that one to me cuz that one I didn’t get after you saw him get the

Ball on a steal miss a layup and then after he misses the layup gets the ball back and from another possession and shoots an airball and then misses the next shot after that a fler like when when IO checked in in that whatever that was it was midway through the fourth

Maybe like I don’t know seven eight minutes left in the fourth uh and it was a free throw uh stoppage I checks in and you looked at me and says you know who’s coming out and and we were both like Javon Javon and instead it was dalen it

Was D and we were like no what are you doing actually hit a three tonight and his energy was the only energy on the floor for large stretches tonight now he Billy did send dalen back out there in the fourth again after a quick break but

I I agree with you like what the what Javon was showing tonight giving him those fourth quarter minutes man and I know they’re short-handed yeah I know they’re short-handed but but I think that’s the point too like even if them being short-handed again you got patin

Throw him out there let’s see did Julian Phillips even play tonight he did not what are we doing Julian Phillips was a dnp CD then what are we doing you know what I mean like what are we doing bro I watched Kobe white out there for

40 minutes tonight 40 and he had I don’t even know if he had double digit points uh he finished with 10 oh he just barely SC 10 on two of 14 of five from three give him some time off the floor bro I I understood brings Javon Carter

In if you were taking Kobe white out in that third quarter but then he would just leave him in with him and I’m like no bro if he’s struggling like take him out the game like you again I understand bad but this ain’t bad we’re talking historically bad we’re talking about

When they open up the books and they look through like let’s go to the ass part of this book here oh how ass were the Bulls oh this ass this is how ass they were on this night when you’re historically bad you try different things the fact that you had two players

Who could have impacted you at some kind of way and I don’t even know and again I didn’t say positively or negatively I’m just saying you didn’t give them a chance to help you impact the game that’s on you coach you got to put them

In the game bro and allow them to play you can’t leave a D in who’s missing layups and then they bossing threes bro come on and and the comments said Dyan and Drummond were the energy out there but Billy don’t care that Hubba Bubba come had him Delirious I will never get

Tired of bulls Fan’s weird fascination with Billy’s gum let him chew the gum yeah why do y’all he the gum I don’t think it impacts his coaching I’m very curious it’s a weird thing to be obsessed with yeah uh Casey in the comments said garbage uh we suck but it

Was great seeing you two at half time it’s shout Tasha says what’s up shout out to You Tasha uh Carter should get dfp CDs for the rest of the season he did not deserve those minutes after that layup I all I was thinking was okay he’s

Coming out after he did that in the air ball from three you’re coming out the game right no and don’t give me the crap of we needed three-point shooting when you wouldn’t play a three-point shooter you just saw him miss a layup a layup

You saw him miss it bro you got to come sit next to me you got to have a seat all right no that can’t go down and you be comfortable with it and you can’t do it like that and have two players not play that doesn’t make sense to me and

Again I don’t know if them dudes would have changed the game I don’t know if they would have hit shots all I’m saying is you need a three-point Shooters out there has Julian Phillip shown you he can shoot a three he has has the team

Show you can shoot he has put them out there to at least spread the floor and make Detroit think that they ain’t got to do something all they did was like yeah V out here oh they can had that all day long what was it one of six one of

80 it didn’t matter he was trash from the three-point line man but my god dog yeah he has got to do that Billy Donovan’s got to do a better job of that when it’s historically bad I can’t stress that enough not just cuz it’s a bad game understand if it’s a bad game

And you’re like okay I just wanted to put some faith in these guys because he’s having a bad game I wanted to still let him out there do something historically bad means you change [ __ ] and you try something else cuz I don’t want to go in the record books as not

One of the worst but the worst you went in as the worst number two was 8% you’re six you’re not even close that’s bad DG you can’t be historically bad against the on theive back my God at home you’re at home you got to play the Cavs

Tomorrow night that’s a real team who just wait till you see how the Cavs won wait till you see how they won shot watch Max stru shoot probably the longest three-pointer in the history of the NBA go watch that go look at that uh Luke glorio in the comment saying you

Could easily give the T the Terry Taylor minutes to ba team that’s on Billy Terry Taylor only played Four Minutes tonight um uh D and Terry meanwhile played 15 Javon 12 and uh Drummond led the bench with 28 Drummond was the only thing off the bench that did a goddamn thing

Drummond put up a 20 11 game the rest of the bench provided three points and two rebounds you know how we should have known this was going to be like this wait what he said three points and two rebounds for the rest Drummond put up 20

And 11 the rest of the Bulls bench put up three points and two boards no we don’t need to play on nobody else no everybody else play that’s bad you know why you should have know it was bad cuz dashing donut won tonight that’s how you comment said

Shout out to dashing Donut for breaking the streak Super Chat shout out SCH I mean obviously would have preferred that it be Cy coffee yeah we had a conversation about it we did we did I’m that’s my guy yeah but we got to roll with the winner which is I will take a

Iced cuppy loss like I will happily take a Packers loss anytime something’s rigged just can’t be good this guy like he come be now Cy coffee wi oh no that’s perfect yeah those those WIS C Ice cuy come in check her ice cubes all right shout shout out to Anthony in the

Comments said I’m pretty sure if you gave Benny 31 attempts to shoot from half court backwards he would hit more Benny has hit 15 of those they had the stat up did they 15 of those shots and I believe I don’t know how out of how many

He he probably gets off probably 10 attempts maybe even a dozen when he does that over the head you know backwards half court shot but he definitely hit 15 but yeah you’re not you’re not far off historically bad y’all historically bad I just quickly and then let’s take our

First break Orlando in the comments saying I blame Matt for this loss the premature loss of the mustache has cursed us uh don’t tell him that if he knew that he would have cut it off like months ago don’t tell him that somebody else in the comments I can’t find it

Some somebody else in the comments said something similar about how this loss is on me cuz I shaved off I shaved off my stash um not my fault now I I did not shoot two of 29 from three tonight it takes that there it is stash wasn’t shaved off let’s talk

About Vinnie shoes and Matt’s lack of stash and pretend I refuse to take responsibility for this loss Matt was so well go back Joey Matt was so angry that the STS jumped off his face and ran for safety this a super chat you can’t tell

Me the like of the St when mat Matt pointed that one now I’ll give you the next one Joe uh hold on uh I no I’m sorry this is not my fault you want to accept that this is not on me oh I blame mat for the

Law the premature law his St is cursed this yeah yeah man they’re putting a lot of that on you people tell the stash people are invested in the PC stash you you did say that they’re invest hey it’s my face don’t like listening to me

Also but this is what he does I had to go to the DMV and get my new driver’s license picture yesterday he told you the reasons did not want a stash license he didn’t want to do it have you ever had a stash license no

And I am not ready ready to do that wait till that man gets married with I have not that aggressively reached middle age I’m about to say wait till you married with some kids and you just like all right fine uh okay let’s hustle through our first ad break we’ll come back on

The other side we will he heard the time go time uh it’s go it’s go time but let’s hustle through an ad break real quick first while we’re doing that you know what to do bulls fans hit that like button if you’re watching on YouTube we appreciate you for hanging out we

Appreciate you for the likes do it for our friend troll Joe yeah Dave who do we got guys it’s the Monster Jam Monster Jam the most unexpected unscripted and Unforgettable Motorsports experience for families and Fs in the world Sunday Sunday Sunday returns to Chicago land for adrenaline charge weekend at the All

State Arena March 1st through the 3rd this week Joey I’m going to need explosions for this head I’m just telling you that oh wow world best drivers show off crazy skills in allout ringsing in Fierce head-to-head battles for the event Championship engineer to Perfection the 12,000lb Monster Jam trucks push all

Limits in freestyle skills donuts and racing competition the arena Series West Champion will receive the highly Covenant automatic band to the prestigious monster J of World Finals to compete for the title of world champion see world class Athletes In Action performing the craziest stunts in Motorsports experien Big Time family fun

At Monster Jam unexpected unscripted Unforgettable this is Monster Jam come on see it live y’all and I mean live at the All State Arena March 1st through the 3rd that’s this weekend the link for tickets are in the description you know why this is my favorite ad right now it

Comes with Monster Jam trivia questions Matt there are four of them give me a number two how much does each Monster Jam truck weigh o 8,000 lb six tons that would be 12,000 this is a trick question cuz I literally read it 12,000 lb yeah nailed it I nailed [Laughter]

It Tuesday Tuesday Tuesday Tuesday I’m just thinking of Simpsons when I when I do that voice that’s all I’ll be thinking about you good yeah I’m great oh okay that was the end that was the end just the trivia question was the end Tri question was the end I was looking for a

Wrap-up nope I thought I’ll gave you the wrap up post game tonight I brought to you by our friends at Ray Chevrolet sharing their best offers all month long with their Auto Show Sales Event make your way to Ray Chevrolet on Route 12 in Fox Lake to join in on the savings as

One of the top selling Chevy dealers in the midwest you’ll always be able to shop one of Chicago land’s biggest uh Chevy inventories plus you can find the perfect tailgate vehicle at Ray Chevy because they’re offering 0% financing that’s right 0% for 72 months on new Silverados with over 100 of them

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Race Chevrolet Fox Lake a free oil change fre all you need to do is mention chgo when you schedule that oil change uh or when you go to the dealership for that oil change start off a new year right schedule it by February 29th you still got a couple days on this offer

Leap year leap year leap visit Ray Chevrolet in Fox Lake Ray they’ve been serving the community since 1963 find New Roads Joey what time is it hit him with a time who that’s why is the go the go joining us on that go talk hotline

It’s our guy our Bulls beat man will the go Godly will _ goly on Twitter will thank you for joining us buddy um as uh this crazy storm uh swept through Chicago there was a grosser storm that happened on the wait wait quick question

Well did you get a qua cut I did I was shamed into it from Mar our comments but I don’t want to take away attention from I just had front row tickets to that performance from Big Dave Watson putting on an incredible ad read for Monster Jam

I just just did you not did you not know that Big Dave is Monster Jam’s new primary spokesperson I I read an ad for for that uh company and they did not get their money’s worth doing the monster jail oh man like that was that was something I thank you goat I’ve I’ve

Been to a Monster Jam show at all state a few years back for a buddy’s birthday yeah I don’t think it’s your scene you don’t think so no but that’s why I need to go any scene could be Big Dave scene this is true cuz you would probably look

At a wrestling audience and say it’s not your scene H probably also and also I was like this is not my scene uh it was not the bull scene on their home floor tonight will they lost the Pistons 105 95 second loss to the Pistons this

Season two of 29 from three Jesus Christ I believe I saw a quote from Billy uh in my Twitter feed after that one he called this game an outlier I mean what else can you tell us about how Billy Donovan reacted after a game like that well I think before you

Even talk about outliers you have to think about every single game that’s been played in the NBA this year from all 30 teams those are in Game 50 something every other team in the league has played 50 games and now you have to think about that in terms of last year

And the year before and for the last 76 years no team in the history of the NBA has shot worse from three on 29 attempts than the Bulls did tonight two for 29 that is bad that is 6.9% that is the worst output uh statistically from an efficiency standpoint from Deep of any

Team this year two ties the lowest number of made threes in game by any team this year with your Orlando Magic and like I said two for 29 is the worst three-point shooting night for any team that has shot 29 threes in a game in NBA history so Billy called it a total

Outlier IO after the game said he was kind of just like amused by it at a certain point because it’s like this is just so unrealistic like what are the odds of this happening but uh the odds of that happening may not have been good but it did happen and that was pretty

Ugly when it comes to watching basketball balls go into Hoops because it just didn’t happen yeah oh well so I spent some time yelling at your boy Billy Donovan a little bit um on on this again not saying this was all his fault uh but my thing was it’s a difference

Between bad and historically bad and when you’re historically bad in my opinion you you try things and I guess I’m wondering from you why or was this even as as to to why like Julian Phillips or you know the people the people’s Champion but team uh didn’t

Even get a look uh in this game when you were shooting that bad from the three-point line yeah I mean again I think Billy’s just trying to do what he can to win games and when you are up by a little bit or down by a little bit against a

Detroit Piston’s team like you’re not going to just put in oner ALA team or Andrew Funk into a game when you’ve never seen guys play meaningful minutes when you’re trying to beat the team in the league with the worst record you feel like you trust your guys in that

Setting to be able to go out and hit a shot and I like I agree this was a total outlier game it was a historically bad game uh shooting the ball but like if I’m Billy I trust IO to turn it around and hit one before I trust like ba team

Or one of these other like Fringe rotation Fringe bench guys to come in and and make a play now I do appreciate what your sentiment is that like you’ve got to try some stuff but again I I don’t put that on Billy I put that on management and ownership for not having

The right bodies on this roster for Billy to work with he’s drawing stuff out he’s going to the two bigs lineup he’s like playing multiple guards he tried Javon Carter in there and he airball a three like dalen Terry was one of the two players that hit a three

Tonight it just was not the team T night um maybe you get a little bit of extra help from somebody if you take a chance but this whole era of Bulls basketball has been about trying to win Games Against All Odds basically and Philly is

Trying to do that the best he can and that like it would have been for tibs or you know some of these other great coaches in Bulls history like you you play the guys that you trust and that’s what he did so you you gotta live and

Die with that now just just to come back at that for a second and everything you said I I don’t disagree with the things that you said but if you’re putting in guys you trust and you’re doing those things when you watch Javon Carter get a steal

And miss a layup and then airball a three and then throw a floater into the second row and you don’t think maybe I should try something else right there I put I I don’t put that one on AK again you can put everything you want on AK I

Don’t mind that argument at all but to not play Julian Phillips or to give him just a minute a look when you can tell that your guy clearly doesn’t have it tonight and your team hasn’t hit a three since Matt and I walked into the

Building at 5:30 like you you got to do something different instead of just saying I’mma keep going with this and going with this and going with this I feel you on iO I feel you on even Kobe even though I don’t think you should have played 40 minutes I feel you on

Those guys like that yes you want to trust in those guys but when those guys are doing though and they look that bad why still continue to go with that when I’ve seen you go to a guy like Julian Phillips in previous games yeah I mean I can’t speak to specifically why he

Didn’t play Julian but I if you just look at the box score Demar 38 minutes V 37 Kobe 41 kuso 24 he got hurt and came back in um obviously they’re trying to monitor his minutes but I 38 Drummond 27 dalen 15 Javon 12 Terry Taylor 4 that

Was it so I mean you just look at the minutes and how the season has been progressing like he trusts six guys in the roster right now he’s missing Zach he’s missing Tory cig he’s missing Patrick that’s a huge chunk of your wing rotation like he just doesn’t trust

Those guys to come in and make the plays now again could he have thrown Julian Phillips in there for a couple minutes and see if he hit a three and Spark something sure probably um but today it was Terry Taylor and dalon Terry who got

Those minutes and D was one of the guys that hit a three so I don’t know I just don’t I don’t think he has a lot of good options out there and I certainly don’t think he’s the like whispering in guys’s ears after timeout it’s like hey make

Sure you miss all your next couple of Threes here because you know I don’t want to I don’t want to make more than two of 29 uh Lords obey in the comments saying Billy hate tall people hey Lord’s obey Billy only has two tall people right now and Vu played

37 minutes and gave him 25 and 10 and Drummond played 28 minutes a high in minutes off the bench and gave him 20 11 tell me what else you want where is this stable of tall people Billy Donovan refuses to give minutes to because otherwise shut the f up

Um will uh we had several people in the comments tonight talking to us about it it’s not just your concern or Dave’s people in the comments saying Kobe looked fatigued tonight multiple times when he was doing his best to to draw fouls to get to the bucket he missed a

Free throw late in the game that maybe the Bulls still could have salvaged and late you know late game Miss free throws is a clear sign of fatigue yeah uh especially for somebody who is a solid free throw shooter otherwise I I know you said as we were gearing up to start

Postgame that y’all uh in the media were waiting on Kobe and his availability after the game tonight did did you all get a chance to talk to Kobe tonight and was was this huge toll of minutes uh addressed again because I know people said hey we’ll get All-Star break we’ll

Get right but Kobe has been pretty cold in these first few games coming out of All-Star break when maybe Bulls fans were hoping that he would feel refreshed and ready for this final push of the Season yeah I mean he’s not going to come out and admit that he’s tired by

Any means but he did say that like this the preparation now has to be a little bit different for him because his role is so much bigger um because you know the the toll and responsibility and the minutes and everything has just been such a big change for him this year so

He did kind of address the fact that he hasn’t been able to do um you know as much in the way of like weight training and stuff like that on the you know on practice day is just because he’s trying to preserve himself for minutes um but

He’s not going to come out and say like yeah I was tired in this game that’s why I didn’t shoot well he was he very much pushed back against that saying like I just miss shots I wasn’t trying to miss shots I try to make my shots but ball

Just wasn’t going in for me tonight and I think that’s true to a certain extent but if you’re watching these games you can just see the way that he’s playing and and the the load that he’s carrying offensively is got to just be really catching up to him I think the same is

Probably true for dear who’s obviously much more battle tested in the sense of like being able to withstand heavy minute load throughout the course of multiple Seasons but um again I think that’s a roster construction thing when you have six guys on your team after three go down that your coach trust like

It’s hard to really give guys more opportunities when you’re trying to win games and I think that’s really what this team’s going to be grappling with the rest of the way and and Beyond because you know I’m not necessarily sure there’s going to be a lot of rer change into the next season

Yeah and especially going into a a back-to-back against Cleveland like and these guys getting those heavy minutes it’s just it’s going to be an interesting game uh to watch tomorrow um well about uh IOD dumu and we talked about the fatigue with uh Kobe white do

You think he experienced uh a little of that as well or was this just as Billy said just just an outlier because you know he had the 38 minutes but he had eight points six rebounds he did have six assists and three steals but just

Four 14 you know from the field and 0 of five U from from the uh three-point line so just a outlier we could kind of crumple it up throw it away or is it something deeper than that yeah I’m actually a little bit annoyed because I

Just spent a ton of time writing up a story about how great Iowa has been shooting the basketball he was almost 50% on threes for since the turn of the calendar year for almost two full months he was shooting 49.8% on threes he was

Uh 48 of 96 or something like that 48 of of 98 um so just an incredible shooting stretch from him and look that is not something that’s sustainable for anyone Steph Curry does not shoot 50% on threes it just doesn’t happen that way so that

Number is going to come down but I think the volume and the attempts that he’s taking are kind of speaking to the confidence that he has shooting the basketball so um spoke with him this morning about that and got some great quotes and I’ll probably uh put that

Story out on a day where he shoots a little bit better so it’s a little bit more topical but um he he’s definitely I me he was the one that kind of brought up like that at certain point I was just kind of laughing because it was like

What are the odds that your team shoots two for 30 on a night like that’s just that just doesn’t happen I mean it’s historically unlucky shooting night uh will H how do you anticipate the Bulls pivoting on this quick Turner they got to play the Cavs tomorrow night

Uh and that’s a real team so I mean did Billy address that at all as far as I know you know the he called this game an outlier is this one of those like well let’s let’s flush the tape of that that game and then just hope we don’t shoot a

Historically bad percentage from three tomorrow night right cuz that that Cav team is big and mean and that now now you’re the team playing the second night of a back toback right well the Caps played uh tonight as well maxu hit five threes in the fourth quarter and a 61

Foot heave at the buzzer to win the game um which I haven’t done the math on this but I think that the combined feat of the two made threes from Vu and dalan tonight would be less than the 61 foot heave that maxr hit at the uh to win

That game tonight I got to do the math on that but I think that’s my guess um what was the question no I’m just kidding uh so yeah I mean I think you know Billy kind of mentioned a couple of times that um there’s so many other

Things that like the margin for error with this team is small right and so there’s so many other things that you can do within your control that happened on a night to night basis and a game to game basis that you know he felt like they kind of lost concentration a little

Bit lost Focus because they were frustrated that they weren’t making their shots so that was a big takeway from Billy and and I was just like you me he said it three or four times during the short interview that we had with him which was that the beauty of basketball

Is that you get to come back in less than 24 hours and Lace them up again so my guess is that they shoot like 65% on threes tomorrow night just because that’s how the math will work um but I think you know to a certain extent you

Have to be frustrated with this loss it was a bad one it was an embarrassing one to the worst team in basketball uh to be beat against them twice now this season is really not great but on you know on the other side of that coin is you’re

Never going to shoot two for 29 again like that’s it’s just not going to happen so what are the other things that you can take away and I think those are kind of the learning lessons that Billy wants to take away from this uh will thank you for joining us man get home

Safe from the UC tonight uh Bulls Nation read our guy will and his coverage of the Bulls is where you can find that sign up to be a die hard so you can get his behind the Die Hard member membership stuff on top of that follow

Him for all his Bulls updates willor goly goat appreciate you buddy qua looking good take care guys with that let us take our second break then we will come back and wrap up with a few more thoughts on tonight’s game we’ll get to more of y’all’s thoughts out there in Bulls Nation we’ll

Get to any super chats we have throw us one if you feel so inclined hit that like button uh shout out to uh who was that Connor Colin Colin coling who said Cho deserves your like they are winning not competitive winning no competition needed thank you Colin

Appreciate that uh Dave tell the fine people out there in Bulls Nation how chilling with a COR like can help them tonight guys right here well I go get another one oh let’s crack that open let’s spend some quality time together out there shall we guys why Matt leaves

Let’s go ahead and pour up some of the frosty cold Rockies and let’s talk about all the ways that we chill all the ways that we relax let’s chill let’s settle down with a Coors lighter two that was for you Julia but yes Coors Light is how we

Chill this is how we relax after watching that kind of trash game this is what we do so whether it’s your team stressing you out or whether it’s just life in general things can feel maybe a little bit chaotic don’t you think but that’s why Kors like helps you find

Moments to chill all year long all year that’s what it does man just to relax just to put your feet up just make you be like ah do you see Matt how angry and upset he was that’s when he walks back I’m better now that’s right that’s called The Chill

Of a ice cold Coors Light how do I know it’s ice cold because I can look at his cup and see the bless cold as the damn Rocky oh freezing cold baby when they turn blue cold as the bull’s three-point shooting oh when you see the mountains

Turn blue that means it’s time to do what it do oh cold is the Rockies cold logger cold filtered and cold packaged for a smoother finish that’s what Kors light is y’all when it’s time to chill just go ahead and open up that Kors light when it’s time

To chill y’all Coors Light is the beer that I that Matt and Joe spis especially troll spis reaches for get Kors light delivered straight to your door with instacart man you never thought to use instacart before well here’s a reason right now get some beer sent to you

Ladies and Gentlemen by going to SL chgo basketball that’s chgo basket ball celebrate responsibly Kors Brewing Company Golden Colorado of course light find your chill yes Brian Ramon the comment saying I’ll drink and toast of the worst Bulls te in the front office has ever assembled oh Brian I

Mean I I have some grievances with this roster construction y’all know that yeah we all do the worst ever assembled by any bull front office L crack you open a couple more k lights and let’s have a conversation sir cuz when I can run down some names for you we can start with

Bryce Drew if you want do it remember when Drew Gooden was one of our best players when he was old and washed oh remember when Ron mer remember Ron Mercer was the best player don’t you dare speak Ron Mercer’s name to me ever again this what I’m saying don’t get

This started don’t get this started this won’t be fun all right but damn I busted out a Wayne Seldon tonight oh you did you busted out of the jakar also return of jakar jakar go get jakar Samson two samsons good news everyone we’re expanding the Bulls roster by two samsons today John

Same out is so funny was like we got we got two samsons my Samson hurt what’s that what’s that my Samson’s hurt oh well now your seldon’s going to hurt cuz you just B landscape a duty anyone else’s Samson’s hurt I don’t think so I didn’t

Think so why do you make me act like that in front of everybody oh Mr gamar what a tremendous looking trophy holy Lord uh wom shout out Walt L Jor season what up oh my God yeah do we yeah we have some much wor teams trust me this is disappointing because there’s actually

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Margar Shout out and and I’m butcher I would butcher your name and I’m G to do it right now but I believe it was o o two NE I’m just GNA call you oh because I know you is that oh but shout out to oh he works there works at the bo

Stadium right he raffle and everything like take over nighto yes we saw him twice before I told him I was going to shout him out I’m sorry for destroying and butchering your name sir if you would like to DM me please do so and tell me your full name I want to get

This right because you show us nothing but absolute love every single time you see us and I feel it’s only right to give it back to you the same kind of way but I have to mention you because you always just are awesome man and showing

Us love and he came right up to us you know like bro what’s up on some Love Stuff bro so shout out to in the chaos of the the half time speaking of while we’re doing ack shout out shout out to Adam the latest the latest member of bulls Nation UK yes uh

He and his better half made the trip uh spent a couple days in New York then finished the trip got to Chicago yesterday I believe yeah first Bulls game ever tonight yes um and uh so yeah we we met up with them at halftime had a

Nice chat uh it’s always so cool to meet Bulls fans from all over the world yes uh who have like a a pilgrimage experience yes you know we we we watched our buddy Mark K go through this as an Australia base Bulls fan we watched our buddy Jimmy shout out Jimmy UK Chicago

Bulls experienced this we watched our buddy easy e shout out to Easy Like These Bulls fans who live so far oceans away yeah who come to Chicago because they are bulls fans and want to have that experience I’m sorry Adam that the Bulls did that tonight yeah you deserve

Better yes you do but even still just and like and and the fact that Bulls fans from that far away are like oh yeah oh like I want to I want to say what’s up to to peek and Big Dave but like yeah blow blows our mind every time that is

Craziness right there man but and Adam is Orlando said he witnessed Bull’s history yes he he witnessed Bulls history Orlando very very well done but he he is excited you know what I mean and he’s going to hang with us too um but he he is awesome his wife’s better

Half is awesome as well she said that she’s a bulls fan because he’s one she’s like she’ll sit in her other room while she’s working to just hear him dropping words that probably don’t exist in the English language he’s just going in on the Bulls he’s that kind of fan so yeah

He he is just an awesome person man and yeah he was great to meet shout out also to Sheila my new uh Bulls friend that I met tonight she was there uh taking in the the Clara you know Benny shoe collab stuff tonight too and sat down and sat

And it was like she was the only person at this table and I was like H yeah you know me I’m an introvert and usually tend to hate new people and people I don’t know yes and I was like I’m gonna I’m gonna meet this person and she was

So nice shout out to the Lonnie shout out to lonni Edwards he’s dope shout out to him uh shout out to Eric shout out to Sean yeah it was all love man we had fun tonight again this is why we walked in with with joy on our face out with the

People man yeah hanging out with the folks man they it was fun to do the Bulls lost the Pistons tonight and we walked with smiles on our faces cuz we’re like Bulls fans are awesome yes Bulls might let us down regularly yes as a team yeah as a business as an

Organization that we all want to see win MH bless you Joe you know who never lets us down feel me Matt Bulls fans they don’t ever ever so damn passionate we love y’all no matter where you are where you’re from what you did shout out bsp

Uh Bulls fans always you so damn real so damn real Bulls fans y’all are we love we love you we love you all for it so much actually Bo reference Jo as long as as long as you love me come on I didn’t know who B was what is marar your

You thought you might not know that because that song was number one on like the pop music Billboards when you were you know get getting ready to make your your Earth debut shout out Lisa what is margarit margar oh my God it’s a line from Eng glorious bastards oh my god when they’re

Pretending to be Italian filmmakers right bouro bjo C correcto like I said third most oh man that was a fun movie uh Lords Obe said born in Chicago if I wasn’t wouldn’t be a bulls fan uh you know some of us became Bulls fans because we grew up in and around the

Chicago area and some of us like like the Bulls were the team of the globe at that time I grew up I grew up a kid of the 90s Global in the sub of Chicago yeah colossal default Bulls fan people from all over the rest of the world who

Choose to be Bulls fans and clearly the dynasty has something to do with that sure um oh it’s powerful speaking of that speaking shout out to Scotty Pippen for uh going out of town and coming on back around to where he needs to be see

This is why I tell y’all it’s a family thing all right Scotty we understood this is why it hurt us so bad cuz we were like this is family but we weren’t going to get on them too bad and we weren’t going to throw him out you know

Throw the baby out with the bath water we understand he was going through things but now it sounds like Scotty kind of you know coming on back just a t just a SC I mean it’s just a he did and like you know we tweeted out the video

Uh from our our CSO Bulls team account earlier today uh you know credited whatever Australian The Today Show yeah there you go the Australia version of The Today Show um it’s not that big of a leap for Scotty to just once again be like oh yeah MJ yeah he’s the best

Player oh for Scotty it’s leite but for the fact that for Scotty it is like thank you cuz for a while he was parading around being like you I actually like LeBron’s better and then also the stuff he was saying on one of those interviews I know we went off for

Him on it I think it was last offseason when I was like what can we talk about today and he I can’t remember who the interview was with but he was talking about how MJ was like a horrible player until Scotty showed up yeah we’re like

Dude he was like oh you just took a million shots and you didn’t play Team ball like was that was that Dan Patrick who was I think it was yeah maybe it was The Dan Patrick interview that was wild was like dude like what pip yeah but

It’s okay he’s family bro we understand you know family go through do you think and I was actually uh chatting with uh my new Bulls fan BFF Sheila who we met tonight about this while we were sitting there watching the game tonight because Marcus Jordan and Lara Pippen are now

Calling it quits on their engagement yeah do you think that has anything to do with Scotty saying something nice about MJ of of course it does of course it does that the man’s exwife was dating his son and Mike wasn’t with it and I’m sure and and it’s just me thinking this that

He tried to get the mess Scot like I ain’t with this Scotty whatever you think about it I ain’t with it but Scotty probably position this like I ain’t trying to hear nothing you talking about all right you’re talk crazy to me on this documentary and then your son’s

Doing this I’m going Scorch Earth where’s meduses give him a drink uh but I think he feels better uh South Caron asking is Scotty still employed by the Bulls he is not he was was fired from being a team Ambassador yeah he was uh you’re fired

And I you know I I think Scotty and the Bulls bear joint responsibility for that relationship going that poorly he also like MJ just didn’t show up to the Ring of Honor ceremony he did not just nah n I’m good also real quick also again big

Shout out also to Matt’s guy Joe Kim Noah who was in the building tonight there Joey yeah and he was literally in the room throw across from us I saw him and I saw him I was going to ask so there was there was glass they were in

The same building it was so when I walked up right and I walked up to find out what room I was going in it was we went into some of those weird like back Channel rooms where only fancy people are allowed to go corre tonight correct can’t believe they let you guys back

There what we say agreed but the guy and and I’m looking and he’s like well which one do you go to and I’m like what do you mean which one I look over through the glass and I’m like there’s Joe Kim Noah talking and he was sitting with

Kirk Hinrich Captain Kirk so him and Kirk Hinrich were having it wasn’t like a wall it was a glass wall it was all glass like like this behind you right here like as we were leaving our like Ballroom whatever where we were doing the Clara panel with the Benny the bullo

People we came out into like a mutual Corridor stairwell elevator you know hallway kind of thing and then through a glass wall glass door you could see some other event going on on the other side of it yeah and that’s where and Captain Kirk were that’s correct and Matt did

Not know this they were not there when I walked in so when I got there I and then ended I was like Matt did you see your guy cuz I just assumed he would have seen him he was like who the hell are you talking about I’m like I got I got a

Lot of guys I was like you didn’t see oh was like then when you were like no you’re the guy I was like bro your man is is here joem is in the place to be and when we walked out like he said we saw him still taking pictures with fans

Inside of that uh uh conference room that they were in so yeah I don’t know what they were doing it for or whatever but him and Kirk were together talking that’s uh what and like I mean he was on the other side of a glass wall could see

Him may maybe 30 feet from him yeah I felt like Matthew MCC in that scene at the end of that movie in yes where he’s just can’t get through the he’s just watching and crying and like pounding and we’re so close I’m so close to you

But I can’t reach you it’s okay now that I know he’s in town yeah he he I know what Matt’s next move will be all bets are off see it’s weird it’s weird that you now that he’s in town what Joey what Joey please don’t be surprised by this anymore I

Have my ways now you sound like Liam niss and I don’t know I have a very particular set of skills Joe they make me a nightmare for people I don’t have a particular set of skills I just have a particular knows a guy who knows a guy

Who knows a guy channels yes that will all all I’m all I’m trying to do and then I’ll leave him alone for the rest of time that’s a lie is still that this is my primary goal and it’s for y’all in Bulls Nation little bit for me selfishly

Admittedly but mostly for y’all I am trying to get Joe Keem to come sit in a chair on this set yes with us that’s it that is the goal I’ve been working towards yeah since this guy right here helped me and Joe Keem become very brief

Best friends on in Paris last year on all accounts was this you tonight yeah a little bit o yeah and and it’s the uh the D stashed peack Avatar so yes it was stashed wow I like that St Gio said Matt’s man crush on Joe ke is a

Beautiful thing thank you it is it is a perfectly innocent like brol love that no one will ever get hurt by all I want Do Is Sing his Praises uh shine light on the wonderful things he’s doing in the Chicago Community uh go give one City basketball a follow on their social

Media platforms donate to their their uh Pro program if you can yes uh they are the best and he’s the best yes and I just want to sit here and talk to him and have him tell stories to us about the good old days yes someday that would

Be awesome that’s the goal will you make it through that interview without crying no was that a quick and old enough answer for no how wait we should say on when it will start will it be during the introduction like or will it be like when Joe Keem actually says something

That that just gets your heart going you know what I mean and you just like I think oh my God I love you you better have some questions ready cuz I think he might just cry the whole time oh listen Joey you you know I’m ready when we when

We met in Paris last year I cried after he did I didn’t cry during he did not it’s true but man after oh man the Water Works sir the falet was on Niagra oh we got super trans some super chats we we do we we got to get one more

Quick ad read but also I wanted to give a shout out to our guy bendan in the comments uh who said you got to do that shirt setion thing I think he’s talking about the thing we were discussing the other night where if we get Joe Keem to

Hang out with us one more time I need to wear the shirt that I made of him and I hanging out and then and then take a picture of me and Joe Keem with me wearing that shirt and then I turn that into a shirt oh and then the shirt SE

Shirt setion just keeps going it will never end and I kind of like it I like I like it I like it uh tonight’s post game also brought to you by our friends at Empire today no goon of the night but that doesn’t matter cuz we can still

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Of it schedule a free and home estimate today all listeners can receive a $350 discount when they use promo code chgo restrictions apply C chdo for details 588 two 300 days Today you should be a Die Hard Die Hard just make it that simple for you become a die hard y’all do it right now you get so many awesome things oh my God it’s just a ton of ridiculousness awesome things and deliciousness that you get Podcast and

Live shows on every team every day of course you get that the postgame shows we already know about that but the premium written content is what I’m talking about for members at all also 20% off events so like the Chris jelly y’s ceremony that they went to

Cere what an awesome time I had fomo on that one I believe it I believe it man it was cool going to the stadium and seeing that thing hanging in the rafters man it was nice you could have got 20% off of that if you were Die Hard ladies

And gentlemen would could have should have dope merge for all all teams there is exclusive stuff strictly for die hards Matt has one of those hoodies the Die Hard Zippy hoodie that’s you can only get that if you a Die Hard favorite article of clothing you only get it if

You a die hard y’all all right look at that Kobe sh oh you can get that for free Sub Zero when you become a member you can get that shirt for free all right it’s a thing speaking of Kobe uh the the the Sub-Zero shirt and the

Sub-Zero hoodie two of the many items that are currently on a 30% off sale oh yes at the COO merch Locker right now sales running through tomorrow night Wednesday night at midnight uh Chicago Central Time go to the merch Locker right now 30% off almost our entire inventory including the Subzero gear

That’s right Matt just stepped on my ad read but shout out to him I just wanted to supplement it to supplement it but there’s nothing else to say on it he just told you what it is that’s it you got till Wednesday get there sa you some

Money and look fresh doing it ladies and gentlemen and of course the members only Discord in the chgo lounge go slide up in there cuz you know guess what our guys from the chgo Bears I’m in Indianapolis right now y’all Brad up in there Adam is up in there in there our

Got Caleb or Justin Justin or Caleb in here now like like how Ryan PS came and addressed the media earlier today I was like I got nothing to say yeah hey guys what you want to talk about nothing oh my God go sign up become a die also guys we

Are this close to having 50,000 subscribers on YouTube we are this close and we’re trying to get it before our birthday which is in a few days ladies and gentlemen so if you haven’t subscribed to the YouTube channel go ahead and do that right now get us to

50,000 we would love to have that as our birthday gift thank y’all for even being one of the 49,000 that are subscribed to us right now 49.1 come on and give it to us y’all cgo you know you want to tell your friends let’s do it sorry I didn’t mean to step

I meant to supplement step sub shoot it kaboot it it I used the let’s rock let’s rock today GIF on Twitter for what today because I saw our pal jayasi shout out C Hawks uh JZ probably exclaiming that for the first time ever lifelong bucketless band he officially today got his tickets

To [ __ ] Metallica at Soldier Field wow so and I responded uh with a gift of Tom Cruz from Top Gun putting on his shades for whatever reason saying I’ll see you there like in text uh and he said Boon’s going too shout out Greg boyon and then my response to that was

The gift of Jack Black saying I’m really excited to go let’s rock let’s rock today with r CH Hawks crew sounds like a fun Metallica sound like a fun time to me it will be a fun time yeah yeah yeah yay uh Joey do we have any super chats

That we need to get to yes we do Alexander bullshot a leap year on a leap year oh my God 2 of 29 wow 229 you’re right leap days is in a couple of days wow that’s creepy full shot of leap on beer tribe A Team uh My only laugh came from Adam

Tonight Adam I mean 227 two of 27 they’re shooting the date tonight that’s not not good that’s not good they’re shooting the date tonight yo shout out to Adam and Stacy whose job unfortunately like ours sometimes is also just making Bulls fans Laugh to Keep from Crying he said they

Shooting the date they’re shooting the date now say like if it were October 11th yeah and the Bulls were 10 of 11 from three at some point tonight that would be awesome great yeah and also if you’re you know one of our our Euro blls fans even better cuz that means they

Would have been shooting 11 of 10 from three cuz you know they do the date in the month backwards ooh fancy I mean we do it backwards let’s be honest why does it make sense to go month date year we should switch this is a whole another de

America damn hell with the metric system let’s use yards and feet a team of me goat pack day I’m going to add myself in here Joey and my handicapped grandmother could go two of 29 from three when they said competitive did they mean close games with crap

Teams yes good question uh but also close competitive games with occasionally good teams they beat the Pelicans a couple nights ago yes that’s the thing that happened they did the Pelicans are a surging Western Conference team that is playoff bound that’s what makes it maddening right there the Pelicans had won eight of

Their last 10 before the B Bulls beat them and then the Bulls are like Pistons nah and also I won the Three-Point Contest when we were out there in summer league also I know I remember I wasn’t there but my Reigns was on points I

Wasn’t there and if it was a team event I may have dragged our Collective scores down but Tim says you can’t tell me the lack of stash in having the worst shooting night of the year is a coincidence I already covered that scho threw another one he says one more cuz

I’ve been MIA with work and y’all are the best shout out to you apprciate great to have you back in the chat Miss and finally Jr gr go to watch dear’s beautiful 360 reverse layup from every angle on repeat how help me get through this L he was

Going to win Goa tonight just for that is up with dear and his crazy highflying spinorama moves that he’s making this season but he was doing some wonderful things that was that was special that was fun I like I I did a double take yeah when I watched that yeah and then

Look back up the monitor for the replay to confirm that it was dear who did that yeah that isar a young man move dear it was and it was 34y old tomorrow be like I got this and Matt was up there like he’s too old

To be doing this he is he is not he is too old only as old as you feel man because okay he is a little bit younger than me sure but only by a couple years sure and I went bowling with some friends on Sunday okay shout out to AJ

And Char okay and I am sore from Bowling so are you saying because you can’t do it nobody can do it no I’m saying that people in their mid and pushing mid to late 30s can’t fly through the air doing 360s because I am from Bowling so again

Because you can’t do it nobody can do it does not compute doesn’t make any sense AK says uh a super chat here from AK doesn’t don’t have words so don’t have words or world uh don’t have words uh Gio said Bulls stuffed my 11 game parlay could this be rigged no it’s

The Bulls I’m so sorry uh Anthony said sounds like you didn’t drink enough for bowling pack oh I did fine yeah most you ever question that man’s drinking right there do you know how cheap the picturers of beer are at a bowling alley pretty cheap pretty pretty pretty cheap

Shout out to dersy bowl which by the way had not you went to divers B had not been there since my early 20s I’ve got memories of high school friend was like hey let’s all get together like Sunday afternoon go bowling and I walked into

Ders bowl and I was like this place has not changed yeah in a decade and a half this place has not changed I need a tetus shot yep and and and an $8 picture appear M’s like I’m already vaccinated can I get another one real quick before

I go up video oh yeah oh yeah I definitely know div how has that place not been condemned yet shout out to the cheap beer what do you mean the beer is cheap it was cheap also they got pizza it was they do have pizza yeah edible

That yes cheap beer edible Pizza will keep you seedy and coming back that’s it those the rules Anthony said shout out to my bro Abe new to the podcast gonna get him on board hates continuity as well welcome onome you know BS fan and especially one that hates continuity or one that loves

It tell them about this podcast that’s how we grow Word of Mouth we love it even if they hate the Bulls right that’s right he is I I I was in full snark mode AK couldn’t watch the game tonight but 6% from three yeah that uh I don’t think you miss much

Shout out to you I wouldn’t go back and watch don’t sell them short 6.9% from three yeah nice uh that’s it we’re out of time thank you all for hanging out with us late on a Tuesday night we are right back at it tomorrow as are the Bulls second night of back

Toback Bulls Cavs uh we will be here half an hour before tip off for pregame and joining us I know lots of y’all out there in Bulls Nation have been really enjoying his uh his frequent Poppins this season our guy Steven Gardner from CH sky and phnx Suns is going to come

Hang out with us in studio tomorrow for pre and post game so we will be here he will be here with us tune in in the meantime Reed goat willor Le follow our guy Mar MK Hoops big day B bwl Sports I’m Bulls our guy our pal

Producer what the hell Joey’s Spas Jake’s here he is Joy Jake is still here d i for real thought he left pulling burning that Midnight Oil baby man he’s on that Midnight Train to Georgia uh we are chore Bulls We Appreciate You Bulls fans shout out to you French Bulls TV I

See you I see you in the comments all night tonight haven’t mentioned you yet shout out to Charlie uh shout out to you Abe thanks for having me you’re welcome thanks for joining us hit that like button on your way out subscribe and tell your friends to subscribe to the CH

Sports YouTube channel we’re trying to hit 50k on our second birthday coming up next week um troll Joey needs your thumbs troll Joey needs your thumbs shout out to our sponsors tonight shout out one last time to our friends at Clara especially Sarah for the invite and the hospitality tonight we had a

Great time thank you for doing that awesome collaboration with some Chicago artists who were there tonight to inspire the Youth of Chicago thans we love and appreciate that lot of talent in this city y so much lot of talent check out uh Stitch godod check out D um

And thank you to clida we’ll talk to youall tomorrow night see you right be good love y’all peace [Applause] hey

The Chicago Bulls took possibly their worst loss of the season on Tuesday night, losing to the Detroit Pistons at home.

The Bulls were absolutely ice-cold from three tonight, shooting 2-29 from 3. DeMar DeRozan and Nikola Vucevic each scored 25 points for the Bulls but it wasn’t nearly enough. Cade Cunningham exploded for 26 points and the Bulls fell to the Pistons. This was just the 9th win on the season for the Pistons.

Join Matt, Big Dave, and Will on the CHGO Bulls Postgame Podcast as they breakdown tonight’s game and look ahead to what’s next for the Bulls.

An ALLCITY Network Production






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  1. Ce soir on a été tellement mauvais que j'arrive pas à comprendre ah vraiment Donovan tu dois partir toi j'attends juste ta démission vite fait tu vois on a parlé on a dit qu'on va essayer de faire tout pour aller en playoffs regarde ce soir on était tellement mauvais on est tellement éclaté que je pouvais me faire comprendre comment à 3 points on est largué et franchement contre vieille ennemi vous pouvez pas perdre ce soir on avait tous les ingrédients pour réussir. Les seules choses qui ne manquait c'est cela la Carter je peux plus me le voir toi tu as tout raté ce soir et toi aussi là koby white tu es très bon tu étais très bon prononcé c'est trop c'est moi que on a on a passé mais là tu as été mauvais tu vois tu vois il était mauvaise et aussi Caruso si tu as été mauvais ce soir passons on a été tous mauvais tous mauvais dans les réseaux qu'on va faire des bons trucs on fait rien depuis des mois on fait rien depuis des mois et en plus en 3 points on est très mauvais 3 pourcents cette nuit 3 pourcents à la volée à gogo mais non faudra travailler à l'entraînement mais bon maintenant on sait que cette saison c'est bon c'est une saison de transition on va rien faire mais je pense que l'année prochaine si on vire entraîneur en chef on pourra faire des bonnes choses dans ces conditions là c'est fini

  2. DeMar DeRozan is gonna sign for more than any other team is willing to pay him and Bulls fans are gonna drool over the contract because they don't understand that teams that are serious about trying to either improve or contend don't value DeMar as anything other than an expiring contract given his style of play.

    No other team besides the Bulls will be willing to give DeMar more than $21-22m this offseason just watch. He has a skillset you need to move everything around to make fit, but he isn't good enough to justify moving everything around for just to get his best. Every team realizes this except for the Bulls and maybe the Hornets/Wizards.

  3. Remember when they "added" three point shooting this season. You don't even feel the improvement.

  4. Russell Westbrook once described Pat Bev's game as running around a lot, but doing nothing. Hello JAVON CARTER on defense! Dude is lucky not to get called for not guarding anyone. Oh, and he can't even make layups. Bitim, Drell, Funk?

  5. Sell the team! and get a van for this team of bums to sent them away as far as possible……enough is enough!

  6. Atleast the guys like each other. That’s what professional sports are all about – good vibes😂😂😂

  7. A unknown player on Detroit helped whoop our butt! Practically every team shows their disrespect for us by resting their stars at times to put in players with names you can’t pronounce who miraculously turn into stars!🤯 And we on the other hand refuse to bring in our bench reserves to replace our starters who are sucking the energy out of the building with every miss! But Billy the Kid you not refuse to play them! To me that doesn’t seem like he’s trying to win the game Quaffman! It sounds like he’s either scared to have another Zach type situation happen or sometimes he gets stuck on stupid! I pick stuck on stupid for 3 points! Go Bulls!👊🏾👊🏾

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