@Boston Celtics

GET UP | “76ers are biggest threat to Tatum, Celtics with Joel Embiid” – Tim Leger CLAIMS

GET UP | “76ers are biggest threat to Tatum, Celtics with Joel Embiid” – Tim Leger CLAIMS

Head back to Utah for this monster poster dunk by Anthony Edwards over John Collins I mean we’ve seen this a lot of times guys and it keeps getting better to me l i it’s it’s one of those things where a couple times a year right I’m watching games every single night and

Maybe twice a year where I’m going to yell out when I see something happen and this is one of those moments for sure book early on we talked about this play and compared it to Anthony Edwards game-winning Block versus the Pacers what play was the better for Anthony

Edwards for me I’m going to go with the game-winning block guys cuz when I think about a dunk I don’t want you to just get your head over the rim I want you to pull the rim down like was it is it really a dunk if the rim doesn’t move to

Me when you get up like his neck is over the rim on that block so I’m going to take the block over the dump because in the dunk to me he didn’t touch the rim and pull the rim down hard enough all right Tim you said earlier the fact that

He was high enough to get foued dislocate a finger and throw it in the rim was enough for you so are you going dunk or block here well a couple things I’m going dunk and I’m I’m going to refute what book said here just like if I were to dunk a

Basketball and not touch I’m still counting it as a dunk now maybe that says more about my athletic ability than than anything else but like this is absurd he’s so high he literally just like throws it down like like like like I’m throwing a piece of paper into the

Trash like that’s how he th like he his right foot is nearly on the foul line when he takes off like I’m not like did he even know where he was like that to me is absurd the athleticism is crazy hey legs also this started with Blake

Griffith years ago you remember the the file he throws it into the rim is this enough for you to count it as a dunk absolutely is and I that’s exactly what I thought of was Blake Griffin cuz two of his best dunks ever were similar

Right we he sort of throwing it in his fingertip is just getting der R but if you want to know if this is a dunk or not I think you probably should ask John Collins what he thinks he’s probably going to say yeah it felt like a dunk to

Me for sure but I but I’m also going to go with the Block in terms of of more important because the dunk is expected now of Anthony Edwards that that block that was something that was almost like an out-of- body experience to go make a

Play like that to save a game and I think it just enhances his reputation and also we don’t go back to all of LeBron’s dunks in that Cleveland Cavalier series where they beat the Warriors but we constantly talk about his block of Andre uod and that was the

Play that saved the series now we going get to some more NBA we’re going to play a game of legler for three we want to get your take on three topics which team is more likely to miss the playoffs the Warriors or the Lakers um unfortunately

I’m going to have to say the Warriors I just don’t think the consistency is there I just don’t think they have enough uh consistent support every night around Steph Curry I also think they’re small and when it comes comes down to those one possession games three four

Minutes to go you’ve got to have some sides to get stops and sides to secure the defensive rebound I just think that’s a weakness for Golden State so unfortunately I don’t see them making it out of the playin legs real men wear makeup and when you were getting your

Makeup before the show you talked about Jaylen Brunson is he enough to carry the Knicks to the Conference Finals he is enough these are two separate questions though is he enough and are the Knicks enough I think right now is banged up as a nickar without Julius Randall and we

Just haven’t heard anything about him it’s a mystery if we’re going to see Julius Randle at all without Julius Randall I think it’s going to be difficult for the Knicks but Jaylen Brunson is that guy he is good enough to control a game control a series to give

The Knicks a legitimate shot they just need to be fully healthy what does Joe embiid return mean for the 76ers you talk about X factors we talk about that all the time could there ever be a bigger X Factor than Joel embiid returning to the Philadelphia 76ers with

A handful of games to go before you start uh the Eastern Conference playoffs because right now there’s question marks about every single team besides Boston what that means Philadelphia is going to be in that mix because here’s the one thing he’s going to have fresh legs yeah

Now he’s going to be coming back on a minutes restriction his stamina probably won’t be great but he is going to feel really energized and that is a problem for everybody in the East so yes throw their name in the ring as long as all these teams can avoid Boston in the

First two rounds they’ve got a legitimate shot to get to the Conference Finals there’s four or five teams in that category now listen I know he hasn’t played enough games this year year to be the MVP but you’re going to get MVP caliber play from Joel lmbi you

Mentioned avoiding Boston why would that Series be so difficult for the Sixers I think right now Boston’s just on a different level they’re Buzz saw offensively with what they do with the number of guys on that team that shoot the three at a high level and then they’ve got two breakdown players huge

Isolation you know winners and and Jaylen Brown and Tatum and I think for Boston particularly Jaylen Brown is playing the best basketball of his career I I think you get in your Prime from 25 to 31 as an NBA player he’s 27 years old and it is all coming together

Right now for Jaylen Brown and I think it’s the most comfortable Jason Tatum has been because of that going into a playoff run it’s Boston and everybody else if you ask me Boston or the field in the East I’m taking Boston that’s how good they’ve been this year Joe moula

Seems to still have to prove that he could be the sort of Coach to help this team win a championship and also seeing that duo of Jaylen Brown and Jason Tatum win is things that the people on the outside are waiting to see they go heavy ISO ball especially late

In games when you think about them in seven game series against some of the best in the NBA does that duel have enough to win it you brought up they’re they have two vulnerabilities one is that they slow the game down too much I believe in the fourth quarter and and

They fall into some of those patterns the other thing is as Elite as this team is it’s shooting the three and they take more than any team in the league they shoot an outrageous percentage they end game basically by what they do to you at the three-point line they sometimes s

Can hunt that shot I think too often too early in the clock if you don’t force defenses to play them at their best when they’re putting two feet in the paint and getting teams to react and then kicking out and taking a more on balanced open three so when they hunt

That shot early I think they’re doing defenses a favor so those are the two things if you want to nitpick a team that’s had an incredible year those would be the two ways I think missoula’s come a long way with his late game management I have a lot more faith in

Him I think this year than I did a year ago cuz it was it was just handed to him before the season this is different now I think he’s more comfortable in his own skin in those situations as well all right from 5u Au basketball to Legends

Over 40 inal you are a Hoops junkie so I’m going to take you to college I want you to give me your final four in the men’s tournament I’m going chalk number ones and I know that doesn’t happen right it’s been what 16 18 years whatever I got hembo gave me that number

Earlier it just doesn’t happen so one of one of these teams or more are going to lose but here’s the thing when I look at the brackets and look at the teams that are the two seed the three seed I just don’t love any of those teams enough to

Think that they’re going to upset these teams and at the end of the day I think Houston is the team Ryan for me I think 13 of their last 16 wins are holding teams in the 60s that’s just not even modern basketball to do that but legs

Also too though you’re looking at three of those number one seeds that don’t win their tournament true correct right so you still feel that those teams can correct those things and come out of those brackets I do and and I’m banking on Houston’s defense look that that loss

That they had and it was an embarrassing loss and it was unexpected I actually think that can help a team like that that had won so many games over the previous two months they didn’t know what what losing felt like well now they do and they’ve got four seniors in their

Top five players right that is a team that has a ton of experience they got a little taste of what that feels like if they don’t come out with the right mindset I think now that’s their team is going to lock into you I really feel

Good about Houston but look I know a lot of people think yukon’s going to repeat yeah Yukon is one of those teams that steady they do everything right and they have the experience of having been there before just last year all right so Now fore for for for for for e for spee back

GET UP | “76ers are biggest threat to Tatum, Celtics with Joel Embiid” – Tim Leger CLAIMS


  1. LMAO Ryan Clark is dogshit.

    Joe Mazzulla has the highest winning percentage in NBA history yet this Steelers/ESPN flunkee believes Joe Mazzulla has something to prove as a coach.

  2. Will someone please inform this Bozo that the 76's is never a threat to the celtics with or without Embild
    We own his behind
    Ask him

  3. These talking heads are just that😂 they’ll say whatever to fill up a time slot.

    Wake me up when bucks beat the nuggets or clips in the finals

  4. This is such an absurd claim.

    Every single year the media claims that Embiid is such a big threat to Boston, and every single year Embiid chokes and gets his ass obliterated in the second round.

    Embiid isn't a threat to anybody. The guy has zero leadership abilities, he fails to pieces under the slightest pressure, and he consistently fails to overcome his own massively overinflated ego.

    Never in my life watching professional basketball have I seen a more egregious example of a player who puts up big regular season stats purely to inflate his own individual image only to shrink to the point of complete uselessness the instant the games actually matter.

    Embiid is an embarrassment both on and off the court. The man thinks he's a God yet has the IQ of a potato.

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