@Phoenix Suns



That’s what I’m talking about baby he’s back yes sir yes sir he is back shout out to Isaiah Thomas I know I know you want to hear Raptor content first thing of the day I understand but give me a second to congratulate a fellow point

Guard under six feet I got to do it we all we got there’s nobody that we all we got it’s a fraternity it’s millions of us we know it’s a uphill battle with a uphill battle with another uphill battle after it it ain’t easy for us shout out

To it yes sir yes sir yes sir thank you I’m I’m happy this is this is worth me start this is how I want to start my Sunday and happy Sunday by the way hit that like button and subscribe if you new to the zoo you already know who the

Man is you already know who’s talking you here but I got to start my I understand rap the family I understand I got to start with this first though I want to talk about Isaiah Thomas getting back in getting his foot back in the door it wasn’t easy this was

A uphill battle with a uphill battle with another up it was not easy you seen him burst out in tears during the summer league run when he dropped 80 something we seen it we seen how emotionally attached he loves the game like it’s not he deserves every opportunity he gets he fought for

It and you know I’m a proponent for point guards under six feet I’m a proponent for I’m I’m going to support point guards period but the guys under six feet I mean I identify with them a lot more than anybody else and I got to salute that man I got

To salute that and I know family I get it I was hard on Fred Van vet you know how I feel about Fred it’s love hate relationship we’re good until he goes on JJ reck’s podcast and then it’s like he did it again and it’s not like I hate

Fred you know what before I’mma pivot real quick and tell you my real gripe this is the real reason why I was so annoyed with Fred despite him having an iconic story if they ever did a Netflix special or episodes on him it will be incredible

What he did from undrafted to over $200 million Allstar NBA champion iconic story just like Pascal has a magnificent story as well but Fred’s story is beyond like it’s it’s it’s if it’s done right would would transcend Generations like it would be a staple for all point

Guards to really you got to have that in your collection you would have to have if you’re a basketball Enthusiast if you’re a point guard you would have to have that in your collection right my real gripe with Fred is he used one of my cheat codes son I know I know what

Y’all are thinking like he used he actually he did some [ __ ] I would have probably done I didn’t think it would work in the NBA what Fred did with yaka perto and what he’s doing with singen in in Houston that’s that’s a old cheat code it’s a old cheat code it ain’t even

About the coaches plays it’s about you knowing where your bread is buttered you know what I’m saying that’s a cheat code you know I’mma get I’mma get my eight I’m GNA get eight assists off of him and I’mma sprinkle around to everybody else you know what I’m saying

I’m G get my bucket and I’m G look sweet he’s averaging what 16 and eight right now most of that is from Sig you know what I’m saying but that’s how you and I’m like yo I the I was like it works in the NBA yo I I was doing

That [ __ ] and what like [ __ ] 90 91 that was something that I was hip to that ear as a kid I’m like I this [ __ ] work I know this works and to see him do it at the pro level I was like unbelievable it works and I kept telling

Y’all it’s something I would probably do cuz it’s something I knew since I was 14 15 years old and no other point guard does it but Fred I’m sitting here like yo that’s a chico this [ __ ] doing my [ __ ] son I was going crazy every time he

Did it I was like that’s exactly what I would have did now his shot selection there’s no way I shoot like that my shot selection is way better than that way better I have like now there’s some things in this game I would I would

Never do cuz I wouldn’t have to and if I did have to take over a game then it’s it’s going to look a lot smoother than that but this [ __ ] boy when he I was like and he’s getting paid off of that I’m like no it works yo it’s like inventing something

Or knowing something a secret and it’s like you know it works and then you see somebody years down the line use it perfectly and you like you son unbelievable unbelievable you like I knew it just like that Kimble Walker drop step I learned that in ’92 the

Winter of ’92 is when I learned that drop step that same one that he dropped homie with when they played against pit and he hit the jump shot the same one but when I was taught it he didn’t I wasn’t taught to go to the side when

When when Kima does his he goes at an angle to the left where he could go into his jump shot I was taught to drop it straight back and drop backwards and then pull up which is hard to do if you’re 5′ seven against a lot of a lot of players I if

I I’m looking at that like damn I that’s a little alteration even the Crossovers and [ __ ] like you see like you like that [ __ ] it works even though AI was carrying let’s be clear on that but back to the Fred Van vet thing it was just watching something that I knew worked

And nobody really used it and then when I see he used it at the highest level and I’m like you [ __ ] you you gonna get paid off that ain’t he and he ran that [ __ ] I was like I I know it worked and and and that’s where like

It’s it’s a little it’s a little it’s a little jealousy it’s a little jealousy a little bit little bit jealousy like damn that’s my ideas son not that it’s my cuz I learned that from a Elder Statesman another point guard who’s also Young Who taught me that also watching and you

Know talking to people I learned that and like damn that [ __ ] actually works and when you see a small point guard who remind you somewhat of yourself and got some aspects of your game you’re like damn it just wasn’t meant for me that wasn’t I went as far as I could go and

As far as I wanted to go and I was like I’m cool with it and then you see other guys go further he’s like yeah that’s cool you see guys go through it because it’s more guys that go through what Isaiah goes through than anything especially if you’re a small guard

Because your relationship with the coach is going to be different you’re going to be on a shorter lease you have to have a more layers to your game there has to be less you know what I mean it’s it’s it’s one of those things where you have to be

Almost Flawless until your coach trust you because you’re giving up so much because of the lack of height you know what I’m saying and a lot of coaches that’s their job I don’t I don’t think a lot of people understand a college basketball coach’s job is on the

Line every year and if they lose that job their whole family has has to move so the the the survival tactic you know what I mean the self-preservation is the first thing because you don’t only have to win games you have to appease the boosters and that whole thing the

Investors and all those other things so you need something that looks like what the boosters believe in as well as what wins and most of the boosters they see it as bigger is better pause they see it as you know they don’t want to take any risk they want to

From aesthetic standpoint with the field it looks like what everybody else has let’s see what now we got to make it perform like how everybody else does right so a smaller point guard most often than not isn’t going to get a fair Shake especially in the college rank

Unless he’s incredible unless it is undeniable and there’s a trust and somebody from you know who who has who has the purse can relay the message but then that’s relational so his relational value especially as a smaller point guard has to be high and most of the times it’s not you know

What I mean you see DLo having a problem with Darin ham he complained about their relationship and whatnot because according to how a coach relates to you that dictates how much playing time you’re going to get how how much leeway you’re going to get how many opportunities you’re going to get you’re

More likely to give opportunities to the people you like than the people you who are outside that Circle you know what I’m saying so Isaiah Thomas like working his way back like these these it’s it’s almost like the minute he got hurt of course he had to go

Through the surgeries the hip surgery and that whole thing and then what happened you know he was good money before the Kyrie situation before he got traded before the the injuries accumulated and at the height 29 Points a game two-time Allstar all NBA but it was a a particular type of basketball

That was allowed to be played that I don’t think is going to be allowed now he can do that Off the Bench though you know what I mean he can definitely get what he does off coming off the bench you know what I’m saying you know what I mean

But it’s beautiful to see that he’s put himself in a space where you can’t do anything but put him in the NBA anything less than the NBA is is is [ __ ] destruction he’s going to manhandle the g- league and he’s going to keep doing

It until you put him on a pro team and keep him away from abusing them people he’s a dream shatterer down there like what are y’all expecting him to do he’s averaging 33 a game on 45 did watch those G it looked easy it was effortless and you know the word was put

In for him to let’s see what he got cuz the league wants him back somebody wants him back they’re still calling they’re still asking for him there’s still value there he just had to get healthy enough to be a big enough approximation of what

He used to be and now he is now it’s a worthy investment you know what I mean he doesn’t have a lot of wear and tear as far as play is concerned on his body that was just injuries and the particular injury he had was a hip

Injury like a like he had to have hip surgery there’s a metal ball that that’s that’s for his hip replacement that’s what he has a metal ball and that had to be all that had to be figured out in the rehab and it took Years cuz he still tried to play while

He was in pain and it just prolong the inevitable right now he’s back and it’s undeniable but it’s a fight and I I cheer for anybody that fights for their dream that that deals with the adversity cuz the big listen the bigger aders the bigger the reward you know

What I mean and he can help out a second unit almost any almost any team could use him some teams are going in a certain direction where they need to to work on certain things like he wouldn’t help us in the second unit because we’re still trying to figure out who’s

Standing who’s going it’s not definitive as far as the bench he had a definitive style of play and we already have a guy that’s going to put up shots unconsciously when you get uh Isaiah Thomas you’re looking for him to be an offensive threat a spark offensively you know what I mean and

Right now we’re trying to figure out what our second unit has to look like you know to get back to winning you know what I mean and we don’t know if that would help so I I don’t think he would help the Raptors per se coming off the

Bench it would look good for a time but over the Long Haul would it really help us where we’re trying to go I don’t think so you know what I mean we can we can grab something else and be have it more of a you know a municipal you know

Situation where as opposed it’s just one guy doing all the work getting on the court just doing him we got a bunch of guys contributing to hold the you know the the fort down till the starters come back I’d rather have that than you know

I don’t know how it will work with us but I know other teams could use that Charlotte could use it Orlando Miami all these other teams they can use it Memphis could use it like there there’s no reason for him not to because there’s so many players on the bench that aren’t giving

Anything and you got a guy who who who has accolades but fell fell on hard times because of injury and he fought his way back and he has a point to prove there’s nothing like have giving that guy opportunity because he’s coming in hungry he’s coming in Focus he he

Understands the business he’s a professional and it’s not going to cost you a lot you know what I mean it’s not like he’s coming back trying to earn a $100 million he can give four years three I think he got three or four years left in him

Honestly that’s a fact I think he got three or four years left in him maybe even five because he hasn’t played a lot of basketball he was fighting off injuries most of the time resing on the bench this that and the third you know I mean that he had one maybe major injury

Which was the hip you know what I mean but I think he’s prepared to to get another four five out I think I think Phoenix is the perfect spot for him to be honest with you him coming off the bench with Phoenix is perfect because you literally have four guys that at one

Point almost average 30 a game or average 30 a game I think he fits he fits Phoenix perfectly especially from a you from a video game standpoint yes phenomenal but also from the point of they it’s a scoring situation these guys they have three prominent scores they got another

Scorer coming off the bench like and he’s not going to be the main you know what I mean it’s not like he’s going to run the second unit but he can come off give you a good 12 10 12 points and go sit down he can definitely get you 10 12

Points in the league Off the Bench that’s a fact and who can’t use that it’s not like you relying on him to score 20 on the nights that he does it is going to help but for the most part you just want to give you your 10 12

Maybe 10 12 14 something like that then go down you know what I mean you could talk about defensive liability but ain’t nobody playing no defense no more anyway you know what I mean he’s still a killer you know I mean he still knows how to do

What he does best he applies pressure he helps out the second unit you know what I mean now he could extend the lead or he can chop a deficit either way he’s a asset it just has to be you know a situation where he’s allowed a little

More freedom you know what I mean to to be himself as opposed to be something other than that you know what I mean like he got where he is being allowed to be himself so if you’re not going to allow him to be himself I think he’s in

The best place with KD with d Booker with Bradley Bill because those guys are of the same they’re cut from the same cloth and they understand the value of that so I think that those relationships will enable him to have a better opportunity at a relationship with the

Coach and with the organization and he’ll have a better chance of staying around and getting a real contract and continuing his NBA Dream I think that’s that’s a beautiful thing salute to Isaiah Thomas man like that’s that’s fire like I I love I love that for him I

Love I love I love him being on the Phoenix Suns that’s perfect that’s the perfect spot for him he’s still on the west coast he’s still close to home he can still in the Western Conference you know what I mean he gets the opportunity to to have have a good time and running

Gun and shoot and you know I mean I think I think he’s going to flourish you know I mean it’s just a matter of you know let’s see how it works out that 10day contract is all he need cuz they’re going to have to keep giving him

These cuz he’s going to keep putting up 30 until until he gets in you know what I mean that’s a fact that jump shot is real it’s back to where it need to be he got a good it’s beautiful if you think these kids could guard him they ain’t

Going to stay in front of him and even if they do they going to lag off so much defensively he goingon to hit he gonna smoke the [ __ ] out of their boots soon as they kick it out to him Cash Money Records if anybody like you got a guy

That average almost 20 29 a game just sitting there hitting SH now he could be a spot up shooter [ __ ] what you think going to happen he going to knock down shots it’s the easiest type of play for him that’s what you evolve from Once you become Elite

Scorer then you you you go into this space where you all right cool I’ll be a spot up shooter easy work just like practice I don’t think he’s going to have a problem at all I don’t think he’s going to have a problem at all tell me

What you think about this pickup I like it for the Suns he adds more chaos to the offense and they need him they definitely need him right now it’s getting into the thick of it going

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Finally, Isaiah Thomas got the opportunity he’s been working for. Let’s see how it works out. Wish him the best

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  1. Fred turned extremely arrogant after he won the chip, and even moreso once he took over from Lowry. Thanks for his contribution to the team, but there are only two players that deserve a statue out front as far as I'm concerned: Kyle Lowry and Alvin Williams.

  2. Honestly I don't think this younger generation knows how amazing and what a DOG he is and was. This man truly deserves to be in the nba instead of a lot of these dudes that are playing now. Him, Iverson and kemba walker are all underrated in my opinion

  3. I'll have to see it against NBA players and IF he gets any playing time. I thought Chris Paul looked useless last night…..

  4. I hope we draft Terrence Shannon from Illinois if we keep the 6th pick. He isnt even a first round pick according to certain mock drafts tho

  5. I hope he stays healthy. I think if there is another injury it aint looking good. At 35 thats old for nba but like u said he doesn’t have that many miles on him. He signed two 10 days with Charlotte in 2022 but didn’t play the following season. I think he could have a season or two with the Suns! Im gonna be tuning in and cheering for the man!

  6. Always been a fan of IT, I respect and celebrate real ballers, not all NBA players are ballers……let that sink in, IT can ball!

  7. I only listen to Chev to hear a true baller talk his shit, very enjoyable listening to a baller relive his life experiences, emotional and physically, thanks Mr Chev!

  8. men nba is so f..k , why in the world would anyone take IT. come on men . who is he gona defend? why did he get a spot on a roaster when so many players need a break. he had his time .

  9. hey Chev, how are you doing?
    anyways have you heard about this kid name Xaivian Lee he's from Toronto and he played for Princeton Tigers n the reason Princeton Tigers doing so well because of him … he played as a point guard.. this kid can ball.. please check all his highlights n i think this is kinda point guard we need for the Raptors. He can shoot 3's n he can rebounds as well …

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