@Boston Celtics

Joe Mazzulla told to STOP trying to block opponents’ shots

Joe Mazzulla told to STOP trying to block opponents’ shots

Joe is the uh you you and Sam you and Sam Cassell piss anybody off yet from blocking any shots on dead balls I hope we piss everybody off is that a technical if the coach comes off the bench say you put one in the third

Row uh I don’t think it’s the rule but I’m sure it will be in the next 24 to 48 hours is that because you anticipate blocking more shots T yes he’s not going to start he’s not going to change I’ve been told I can’t do that anymore oh you have by

Who I can’t say it’s got to be that’s so it’s that’s got to be a league thing it’s so it’s got to be somebody above you to respect that because you can’t do it anymore hey I can’t say all I know is we won’t be doing that anymore are you

Surprised how pissed off Charles Barkley was at you about this he didn’t seem happy about it I didn’t hear I didn’t hear what he said oh Chuck didn’t seem happy about he’s going he’s been going on rants yeah yeah oh really oh yeah about everything time of year Chuck got

Opin on he’s waiting for the playoff too yeah yeah yeah no I I didn’t hear I didn’t hear what he said but like I said we can we can laugh about it but at the end of the day I think there you have small moment in your organization to set

The temperature of what you want to be about and um you know we did that last year and dating backck that’s an important thing for our team the mindset that we try to bring that uh we’re going to bring it every day that uh you know we want our opponents to constantly be

Uncomfortable we don’t want to give them an edge at any point and so I appreciate the players allowing us to be ourselves as a staff I appreciate the staff buying into that and you know you feel like get small moments to like you know set the

Temperature and that was one of the ways but um you know we built that you know so all right well I guess we won’t be seeing that anymore there goes that I thought it marked a change in sort of how coaches carry themselves if that’s the

Right way to put it I I know that kind of sounds weird but you know I feel like coaching and it’s a positive development in my mind has gotten a little less uh formal it’s become a little more casual which I think has been a good thing like

You to we the suits anymore how much suck to we a suit every night Joe coaching I mean that’d be terrible like we’re going on this like six game Road Trip like are you supposed to bring like six suit like first of all when did that

Even start you know like I’m so glad we don’t wear suits anymore yeah I mean 1950 it made sense I don’t know that it makes sense now what are you wearing you like the rolled up box score and you’re slapping it across your hand you know

Yeah why do you need any of that anymore right football coaches ditched that a long time ago you know baseball managers wear the uniform technically but they’re more Cas like what if you had to wear the uniform of your sport like what if I was out there and

Like you look like one of the players I talked about this last week maybe you could wear a different color uniform right so if your team is wearing the green uniform on a given night you wear the black or the white one right you wear something different but it’s still

A uniform that’s what it could be you go with the headband and you go like the cut off with the headband and like a arm sleeve like if I have like 10 like if I get tennis elbow I like that that looked dope like hockey needs to ditch it their

Guys are still wearing suits every night on the bench every night it’s got be uncomforting that that didn’t end that long ago cuz Brad Brad was wearing suits when he first started here he looked like a high school bubble finally like put an end to it yeah yeah yeah and I

Thought the you’re right like I think the idea of like trying to I think the suits kind of put a separation between the coaches and the players like the end of the day my number one job is like I’m no different than the players and and

This is a players league and it’s all about the players and like you have to be able to connect on a certain level and I think you know that competitive mindset that like understanding of like Hey we’re out in the arena we’re on the court here together and we got to keep

Our Competitive Edge and we got to constantly find ways to get better like I think it there’s small psychological things that can like you know distance the coach player relationship and I’ve always felt like the suit for one of them like you’re just on the sidelines

Getting yelled at by a guy in a suit right and so I thought that this moment last week of you trying to block a shot was like another move in that direction of no question that was 100% move to break the barrier between 100% move to break the barrier

Between coach player and be like hey we’re all out here competing together and like we all have a standard that we got to try to uphold to you know and so it was important I think for uh and and again I appreciate the players allowing

Us to to be ourselves and um you know I think that’s important one of the gifts uh that I I appreciate the most of coaching this team beyond the Celtics the tradition the fans is like there’s very few coaches in the league that really in any sport that are allowed to

Be themselves by the players and in this player League where it’s all about them and they’re the most important I I’ll never take for granted uh you know that that our guys allow us to do that as a staff and did you get the sense that

Anyone on the court was mad about that it didn’t feel like anyone was mad about it no that’s why I’m okay with it that’s why I’m okay with it I thought I’m like all right this is breaking down the the coach player barrier thing yeah I wonder

If any of the Suns players had had threatened you bodily harm that was basically what Barkley said the other night he said I would have knocked the hell out of him I’m not going to lie I’m always up for I’m always up to get knocked out you know I think that’s

Important too that’s what Joe does in his free time he tries to let people try and knock him up that’s true then all of a sudden somebody takes a swing and there’s a judo move then guys’s on his back that’s his that’s his entertainment man that’s where you know he likes to

Live in that space is it Judo or Jud if you can’t go through if you can’t go through the day hoping you get knocked out I don’t know what man what are you doing hey Jo Joe you keeping up with any of this Mike Tyson training you’re watching Tyson train as he’s getting

Ready to fight uh Jake Paul I haven’t seen it I haven’t seen any of it he looks he looks in great shape but he’s he’s given up 30 years guy how much for you to take a Mike Tyson punch in the face I wouldn’t do that I like a million

Dollar Millions you could die you could die you could die and I don’t say that to be funny you could actually take the punch and die that’s not 5 million you wouldn do it no well do my kids get the money no matter what no I mean yeah do

You have to survive you have to survive yeah you have to survive I consider it yep for five I would you have to you got to no as long as they as long as my kids still get the money yeah sck I’d have to consider it a million bucks is not

Enough oh God it isn’t do I get to defend myself or do I just have to have my chin out what does that even look like can can I have a hand you get a hand up you can’t walk in like he’s gonna punch his through their hand okay

All right right well I didn’t know if it was one of these slap contest situations where you’re just standing at a table and the guy just rocks you in the face no you can defend yourself you got you got to stay you got to stay in the ring

For a minute one minute pet mcne didn’t make it God we’re watching video of him right now he’s still like looking he looks violent Joe he looks so violent how old is he now7 he’s 57 years old fight a 27y old he is going to kill the

Guy he’s going to Jak Paul saying Jake Paul’s going to win ah I wouldn’t I wouldn’t put my money on him no I hope somebody pisses Tyson off bad right before the fight I want to see that kid go down I don’t like I haven’t seen any of that I

Gotta look at when that is when is that July July on Netflix yeah oh wow yeah yeah all right Joe all right Joe great hey thanks for bringing this show back to what it really is you know that’s what I’m here for Joe y you got it guys

Celtics head coach Joe Mazzulla was told (by an unnamed person) to stop trying to block opponents’ shots during timeouts after his viral moment against the Phoenix Suns’ Royce O’Neale. Mazzulla talked about this, and how much he would hate if NBA coaches went back to wearing suits on “Zolak & Bertrand”.

They also discuss the upcoming fight between Mike Tyson and Jake Paul.

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  1. Smh Joe is trying to keep this team focused and ready for the playoffs . They shouldn't be telling him how to do his job but unfortunately, the Celtics are the most hated 😥😥 if it was a different team in the nba and a coach did that they wouldn’t be criticizing him.

  2. I don't want this guy as head coach he doesn't play Big guys plays Tatum out of position

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