@Phoenix Suns

3-20-24 Phoenix Suns Shootaround Media Availability: Isaiah Thomas

3-20-24 Phoenix Suns Shootaround Media Availability: Isaiah Thomas

Congratulations opportunity um lot better facility shooting now than you were when you were back in Phoenix back then right yeah 10 years ago I went by so fast it don’t even look like the same city so it’s it’s definitely some good energy in here and Good Vibes so I’m

Happy to be here I I’m curious you know when you having that run through the G league and playing so well did you sense that something like this could happen this quickly um I mean I always sensed it would but you you just never know so I

Just took it day by day step by step and just continue to work and you know showcase what I can bring to a organization and then you know Phoenix Came Calling so that was I’m super blessed super thankful and um you know ready for the opportunity whatever it

May be when did they first initially contact um a few days ago few days maybe last weekend okay I talked to my agent and it was you know it was on the it it was a go the only thing I had was what are you in a perfect world what are you hoping

This leads to um I mean bigger and better I want to play a few more years in the league so hopefully this is a setup for that um you know whatever the opportunity is I’m I’m ready to make an impact each and every day you know whether I play or not

Um it’s bigger than putting the ball in the basket for me like I’m I’m able to lead um lead by example lead by my experiences and just you know help it in any way possible so you know if my name’s called you know I’m ready so I’m

I’m ready to go right now but if it’s not I can still impact the game in so many ways um so like I said I’m just super thankful for the opportunity and going to impact each and every day the biggest difference between your game at 25 nothing I’m the same player exact

Same player um I’m just a little more sore after the game that that that’s probably the only thing um no I’m just I feel like I’m better than I was at 25 like feel the same um my mind is a lot further than it was

Um and I’m just you know I’m ready to just take advantage of whatever the opportunity is I’m ready to be here have fun have good positive energy each and every day um and just get after it that’s that’s that’s most importantly just get after it and compete you’ve

Always played with a chip on your shoulder at this point in your career is it still there I mean I think it will always be there but I don’t have anything to prove like I know who I am I think the world knows what I bring like

I play the same way on each and every level no matter the circumstances other than when I was hurt um I’m fully healthy I’m fully ready to just you know help everybody in this organization make the next step and you know however long I’m here I promise you I’ll make a

Positive impact what do you remember about the last game you played with Charlotte does anything stand out about that game the last game um it was dope to put on the NBA uniform I mean at the end of the day that’s what it’s about like I still each and every

Day I come to work each and every day I come to the gym I have that same feeling as when I was a little kid so like I just feel like once that feeling goes away that’s probably time it’s probably time to step away but I’m I’m still in

That space I still got that good energy and you know I know I can still play at a high level so um I’m just ready to work I team welcome back guys again thank you everything you’ve been through to explain the journey just getting back to and being

Wer and just uh for anybody who might be unfamiliar you explain your SL um slow grind it’s a lifestyle that’s just what I’ve been on like I think anything that you work for in life is a slow grind it’s like nothing that that you want to be successful at

Comes fast well the percentages are lower of it coming faster so you know I just stay on the grind I stay with a positive mindset said a positive attitude um I try to do everything with good energy and a smile on my face and at the end of the day most of the

Things that happen in my career or happen in my life usually work out you know no matter how long it takes um I think a lot of people thought I should give up or or just tap out but I was just I stayed down I stayed positive um

I know what I can bring I believe in myself more than anybody else does and I remember it was June 23rd 2011 when I got drafted I said all I ever wanted was a chance like I’ll do the rest if I get a legit opportunity and you know I’m I’m

Back in the NBA I got an NBA jersey and I know for a fact I’m going to take full advantage of it and make sure this lasts as long as I possibly can make it hey team uh you you know you mentioned uh your journey to this point and you’ve

Had a great career obviously you don’t have anything to improve like you said so what’s pushing you at this point you know what what is it that makes you still want to be here and still do this you know after everything the love the

Love for the game I I I love it so much like I said earlier like every time I step on the floor I got that same feeling like it puts a smile on my face I love competing I love playing basketball I love trying to figure out

How to get better and I know I belong in the NBA so I’m going always continue to work for that since you know the day I got drafted my my journey and my story is always been the same count it out got to believe in myself got to take

Advantage of every any opportunity I get so you know every step of the way hasn’t been different for me it’s just been probably a different city um a different Jersey but every step of the way has kind of been the same so this is nothing new for me like my back isn’t against

The wall this is the opportunity to show the world that what I you know what I’m about and and the impact I can make each and every day I think that’s the biggest thing for sure isah my name is Kell nice to meet you welcome back to the valley

How important was it for you with the professional basketball unities you had to keep it to this One Singular one in the NBA in mind it was very important like I I’ve you know I’ve gotten overseas offers that that just wasn’t my goal like since I was a young boy my

Goal was always to play in the NBA and and have a great career nothing against overseas or any other opportunity that was you know presented to me but I know my word I know what I’m about I know how good I am um I know the

Impact I can make and once I’ve you know got the success I got in the NBA it’s like there’s no other feeling I don’t want to chase anything else like being being on an NBA roster is everything I want to Chase and it’s my my my ultimate

And only goal I know Jay gpar is still here there other familiar faces that you’ve seen from 10 years ago my guy right here there might be two or three people that I’ve seen you know that’s still here from when when I signed back in 2014 but you know it’s great to see

Everybody you know obviously I I know most of the guys it’s great to see the guys that are still here and um I’m just super thankful for this opportunity what do you remember about that year like in January you guys were starting to put it together and then the trade deadline

Happens man I I was surprised I was surprised I got traded but you know little that I knew like it changed the the the way my career was going like it was a blessing in disguise for me obviously to get traded to Boston and and and to do those types of things I

Did on the Celtics but me and my family always said like this is you know this is the best place we’ve been like that’s not we said that back in 2014 so you know hopefully I could I can make it last longer than you know what’s expected what’s it like for you to

Return with guys like Kevin and Brad who you’ve had duels with him and someone like Deon who I’m sure you’ve watched from afar develop I mean it’s amazing it’s amazing to see the player that Devon has become shoot I was on Boston when he had 70 I think it was 70 so you

Knew what he was capable of doing um KD is self-explanatory I got to work with him this morning it’s just it’s an honor to be able to you know be on the same team as somebody like that and then Bradley Bill is I play with him half a

Year in Washington so that’s one of my good friends and somebody that you know that has always been in my corner obviously these guys I competed with but now it’s just a super dope feeling to be on the same team and not have to you know go against um those those type of

Guys so like I said I’m here to try to make things easier for everybody but whatever the opportunity is I just know I’m going to take full advantage of it it one of your uh former coaches uh V’s obviously the head coach and he was there during your uh second stin with

The Lakers have you guys uh like talked at all or like about like what the role might be or uh what some goals he might have in mind for you um a little bit but he just said stay ready and you know I I I said with a smile on my face I’m

Always ready like whether like I said whether my name’s called or not I’m making an impact right when the game starts I Mak an impact when I when I got here like when I signed today it’s all about being and making a positive impact each and every day obviously the goal

For this team is to win a championship so if I can be a little piece of that if I can be a positive piece in in in that makeup I’ve done my job you’re dunking again aren’t you yeah I could I could dunk it just takes a lot of energy but I

Can get up there and do it I like to ask you when did you know when did your body tell you that you could you know that you ready to make it to make a push to get back look so my body told me I had surgery in 2020 which changed my whole

Whole life changed the the way I it changed my the the way I was living like I wasn’t in pain no more on a day-to-day basis so I would tell you probably 10 to 11 months after I had surgery I felt like myself I felt like I had my legs

Were strong again I have that pop that I’m used to having um and like you know I answered this question earlier like I’m not delusional I know I’m 35 but I don’t feel 35 like I I I feel like I did when you know I was doing numbers against everybody um so

You know and I know I keep saying it but whatever opportunity I get I’m going just showcase that I’m I’m a positive impact each and every day in Boston You Were King of the fourth yeah and so all that whole Game of Thrones imagery and such on on line but obviously the Suns

Have their fourth quarter issues what do you see that could uh basically help from you in that way with the fourth quarter um I mean if they do put me in the fourth quarter it’s the same it’s the same thing it’s go I but most importantly is you know I’ve been

Watching the last few weeks I’m a I’m a big basketball fan obviously this team is special to watch but my job would be to just you know make plays make the right play limit our turnovers since that’s been something that’s been you know something big for this team um and

I feel like I’m I can do a really good job of setting those three guys up of making things easier at the end of the day if if I do play you got to honor who I am on the court so I I think most importantly it gives those guys The Big

Three the main guys more space to be able to be aggressive to be able to see more one-on-one coverage um but you know whatever it is if they call me in the fourth quarter i’ be ready to make some plays put some balls put the balls in

The basket if they don’t I’ll be cheering on the bench and trying to make things easier for the guys that’s playing you know what’s crazy is that this game now is better suited for your than it probably was back in day yeah yeah like when you can shoot 15 threes a

Game it’s like that that’s always works in my favor but yeah the game definitely changed since when you know I was you know at my peak in Boston um years ago it’s changed a lot but you know I’m little I’m I’m quick I think it’s it’s molded strictly for guys like myself is

A lot of guys I mean you know how this game is when guys get hurt when they’re away for the game for a year or so at your age they don’t make it back back very often what what does it mean to you that you did take it back um it means

Everything cuz it’s not about me like it’s it’s bigger than me like for the basketball world it’s bigger for me for people to see somebody been counted out so many times and just keep putting the next foot forward keep worrying about what’s at stake the things that I can’t

Control and you know there might be somebody else out there that’s 34 35 trying to get back in and this might be a positive impact for them in their career and I think at the end of the day that’s really what it’s about um moving the game forward and and showing each

And everybody that there’s no why put limits on somebody when you just continue to Showcase that you can you belong here have you had a chance to compare notes with the other Isaiah Thomas at all see around from time to time I mean I talk to Isaiah all the

Time so I haven’t seen him yet but when the news broke he was one of the first guys that said welcome to the family so like he’s he’s a big part of my career he’s a big mentor of mine um and somebody I cherish each and every day

And I don’t take for granted you I am named after a little bit there’s two sides to it but I’m I’m I’m named after him for sure thanks is last one you’ve joined a lot of teams like later in the season what have you learned from those opportunities

Especially the Suns trying to make a deep playoff run this did they brought me in for a reason so when somebody gets brought in at this point in the season it’s for a reason to make a positive impact whether I’m playing or not like I said my job is to be impactful make

Things easier for anybody that you know I come across and um if my name’s called take advantage of it you know I keep saying the same thing but that’s that’s really what it is control the things I can control and that’s by being a leader in this locker room being a voice being

A personality I mean that’s who I am so it’s nothing that I have to fake it’s all genuine thanks I

Isaiah Thomas speaks to the media following his first practice back with the Phoenix Suns and after signing his 10-day contract in his return to the Valley on March 20, 2024.


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