@Cleveland Cavaliers

Miami Heat vs Cleveland Cavaliers Full Game Highlights | Mar 20 | 2024 NBA Season

Miami Heat vs Cleveland Cavaliers Full Game Highlights | Mar 20 | 2024 NBA Season

Welcome everyone you ready you game I’m Game Darius Garland is picked up by Terry Rosier he’ll work it around to Caris LeVert Levert plays through Allen as Levert is guarded by Jimmy Butler on this end Al for Allen and Allan crushes it home to open up the scoring Butler operates from the elbow interesting look here for the heat Movic

Second year man is back in the lineup for the Heat and he promptly cans a three here’s Mills Mills began this season in Atlanta Butler lines up at three Jimmy Butler connects that’s actually really good defense by the Cavaliers right we talk about our injuries man this team has been the most

Injured team in the league Butler way to the basket he lays it in any other player in the history of the NBA I remember some games at s Antonio and man he just he’s unbelievable Coro for three he’s got it I’d imagine even George didn’t think

He was going to have to do this year yeah he’s done it all he’s been a an enforcer he’s been a Defender he’s been a playmaker and a shooter he’s done it all started by a shorter man in Garland Allen cheats over back it goes to Terry Rosier Butler will use his size on Garland come into the lane floated up and floated in Jimmy Butler has seven early points he’s hit his first three shots LT made a good play to knock it toward the basket hson Cav’s getting after defensively Mills for three he’s just that guy it’s four

Threes in Indie and the Cavs come from behind victory over the Pacers TOS it in toward Hawkin back to Garland he’s got it one good Ball mve by the Cavaliers defense was outstanding knows what he is here to do yeah Marcus brings a tough

Edge to him man he he’ll mix it up with you so uh Cavs need that goes over to Rosier Rosier works on auro pulls up from mid-range he left it short Robinson a good offensive rebound he gets B he puts it up and in Craig Porter has checked into the cap

Butler got a half step on lever goes down the lane hooks it up and in and Jimmy Butler has a chance for three and he’s going to be aggressive and go to the basket play very hard he knocks it away toes Butler from Carris lever Butler gives the heat a 3630 lead

E team and this is 13th season speaking about being PR this has been a theme Here Brad this lay line a three by Sam Merill is true Sam Merill the charge all the way good Hustle by Sam Merill yis with a stand still three I like the fact that the Cavaliers

Got a good weak side car now ni George rumbles to the basket he banks it up and in so what makes that such a great play got to quit dribbling that basketball above the three-point line and making multiple passes it need too much clock you got to get in it deep

Just like Jimmy but baller carves his way right to that rack heat however on this 5143 lead HZ is back in the ball game spins on knee and get slapped puts it up and in and hakz has a chance for the three-point play just just keep doing what you do best and that’s

Executed I don’t think yic knew how open he was as Garland finds the Traer it’s Jared Allen nice job by Caris Le there’s that guy again making a play on the defensive end Rosier zigzags in toward garlic he floats and score rir had his arm extended away from

His body pushing got cut off at rebounded by niak excellent defense by Isaac M Coro and Jimmy Butler tough shot heitt to take lever dises to Allen Allen floats and scores nice job by Caris lebert drawing that he got cut off by briyan he’ll curl to the Corner keep his

Dribble try it again Z went through to Allen Allen PS and scor how about that pass cor reverse my goodness wow playmaker great Hands by no real surprise as here’s kis lever cautiously working on Butler L Allan Allen inside banks at home Jared Allen in 21 minutes

Has scored 18 points low post in fact after Kevin L started the first six games for Miami as Butler looks to go Baseline he’ll bounce off to Bryant Bryant d the 65 Haywood heith was inserted at the starting power come back def Butler angles one back to Patty Mills Mills to

Yic who leans and scor yic goes Baseline he deal to Rosier back to Butler for [Applause] three Darin has dished out a team high8 assist he knocks down a three get fouled by Martins and Darius Garland has a chance for the fourpoint play Rosier works on

Morris opens up for a drifting three rir gets it to go Butler looks for some air space he’ll dump back to Robinson Robinson Twirls into the lane he banks and scores Jimmy Butler right where he Butler’s picked up by Merrill Butler’s late in the shot clock he’ll find Martin Martin Fades away and

Scores P 83 Cavaliers 75 Butler is watched by nank puts it on the floor takes a bump but lays it in Jimmy Butler now has a game high 26 over to the foul line deals off to kneen Merl’s open merrow fires merrow hits I like The Confident

Merrow snaps a stretch of 10 possessions without a single field goal as hakz goes Baseline he banks in store story career is yeah here’s Jimmy Butler from the elbow he’ll fire at score man oh man talking about story career here’s Allen Allen Trail takes a Levert feed he

Decked Butler who ended up on his back Garland fires a three in Connect Nice Shot we needed that was a big basket that’s why I like that much here’s yic yic fires it hit he’s nailed four triples here tonight as the young man can continues to display some rain

Excellent job this one meanwhile here’s Darius Garland Garland awfully low in the shot clock Fades away and Nails a three wow what a big shot by Darius Garland man it was there to receive the pass lever across the lane no looks a pass to Nang he knocks it down and Miami

What’s a timeout scorer back on the floor as Butler gives to Rosier Rosier works on the Coro he’ll float and score as Rosier gives the heat a 9491 Lead watch by yic he’ll jab step put it on the floor C’s way to the passet and lay

It in he went right by y he had no business goes to auro now Levert lever squirms out of the corner deals to Nang nang’s Runner gives the Cavaliers the lead he draws the foul and Nang has a chance for the three-point play and Martin or Allen and aoro lebert

Rosier tries to shed aoro oh a Coro fouled him and Rosier has a chance to tie this game with a fourpoint play on hand not on arm or anything else you we have an unsuccessful challenge we had a normal drift of the leg by the shooter and the distance covered by the defender

Is a defensive foul we have one free throw and we will play off that with this basketball team I mean he’s had to change his lineup every week to accommodate just whatever he has and gets try to win games he is 10 to shoot Butler works on Levert he’ll throw

On the brakes got tangled up by LeVert elevates fires and scores Jimmy Butler gives the heat a 1021 100 lead got him Tangled Up could have got the hands on that basketball now you got to come back get a good shot there you go gar what a

Pass inside to Allen Allen dunks he now has 25 points and 20 rebounds and we’re tied at 102 it is deafening in this building Rosier picked up by auro he wants to shoot it he will lever toes basine now he’ll give it back to Nang neang toward the basket he will

Take the two but now the cows at the foul quickly again having to go the length of the floor they cannot afford for any extra seconds to run off this clock as Rosier gets foul with 2.8 to go so now Rosier will shoot free throws but here’s Rosier 22 points

Tonight his first one is good there’s a look at here’s the second by Rosier saman Merrill’s in the game another long range threat so now the Cavs see if they can get a look here with two seconds to go Nang will throw it into the air it goes to Allen he’ll

Dump off to Garland Garland double clutches and this one is over the Miami Heat come to

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