@Indiana Pacers

Benn’s progression

Saw this chart of JJJ during the game going on right now. Just a reminder that everyone progresses differently and even though I haven’t always been positive towards him, just because he hasn’t made the leap we hoped for this season doesn’t mean he can’t improve past his awesome rookie season. It could be season 4 or 5 before we see him hit 20 ppg but in retrospect I’m just glad he hasn’t declined much if at all depending on how you look at it (points down but efficiency up). At the end of the day, you still have a solid scorer and as long as he isn’t shot chucking and just makes the right plays he’s going to have a very successful season next year. Just gotta be patient and see what happens.

by yaboiinick


  1. TheFrozenBananaStand

    It’s also about context. JJJ at 22ppg is not ideal with his poor shooting percentages but Grizzlies have no other options. I’d rather have an efficient 15ppg.

    In any case, Benn has to improve on most things that don’t show up on the stat sheet.

  2. MySabonerRunsOladipo

    I mean, the raw scoring is cool, but what about JJJ’s offensive and defensive efficiency?

    Was he a positive player? If so, by what year and how has his career developed. All that probably means more than PPG

  3. Neglectedfosterchild

    I respect the positive thinking but this graph for JJJ needs context lmao he just gets more of the shots now that Ja is injured

  4. No_Independent8269

    Benn really just needs to get out of his own head and start playing some defense. Hes got the potential to do it, he just has to put his mind to it.

    we saw in the toronto game that when hes not overthinking his 3 and brainlessly chucking threes that the dude is an absolute killer. its literally all in his head, he doesnt trust his three and drives for a foul that he isnt getting this season.

    if he just starts playing defense, just a tiny bit of defense, and gets his confidence back then we got ourselves an all star and that will be huge for this team when Spicy P inevitably ends up retiring.

  5. No_While5245

    The front office & Rick are the problem. Benn’s ceiling is at least an allstar but right now he is being made to accept the role of a solid role player similar to Jamal Crawford, Jordan Clarkson, those type of players.

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