@Memphis Grizzlies

Draymond Green gets into it with Desmond Bane and Grizzlies coach gets taken out

Draymond Green gets into it with Desmond Bane and Grizzlies coach gets taken out

In may he hopes his birthday’s during some playoffs Bane misses that Alama the rebound Banks it right back up and in Raymond Green and Alama going at it I’m shocked the officials didn’t do something there that that was surprising play Thompson up top to moody moody answers with a

Three and Taylor Jenkins that’s what he’s saying to the official didn’t you see that and he’s got a right on that meanwhile excellent three-pointer and a Warriors go up by two now Bane and Draymond Green getting involved people are being knocked down the officials trying to separate it

Players coming off the court now it’s not it’s not in game but it’s still not great which can make a huge difference in terms of suspensions well well look if we’re going to stay here the video we saw it live I don’t know if the people on TV

Could see will come back off’s got some work to do so will take a timeout as green and Alama started it and more joined in we’ll be right Back back in San Francisco here’s how it initially started you see Draymond Green grabbing the Jersey there and the push nothing was called there officials should have called a technical foul there then what happens is Taylor Jenkins talking with the official about it Draymond Green comes in to get

Involved in the conversation Desmond Bane takes exception to that now there is pushing and shoving green winds up bumping into Taylor Jenkins who got knocked down and was on the floor for a while after replay review we have double technical fouls on green and Bane which offset it’ll be Memphis ball on the

Baseline after any other score well in in that particular side of it that’s probably the right thing to do but sometimes even if you don’t think it’s warranted let him play on sometimes officials have to nip something in the butt and what happened down the other

End and you see Alama was upset about that you can’t let a player grab somebody’s thing like that yeah and look I’ve been around Draymond quite some time um and the initial you could see what happened initially which was before all this

#nba #nbahighlights #nbahighlightstoday

Draymond Green gets into it with Santi Aldama and Desmond Bane and Memphis Grizzlies coach Taylor Jenkins gets taken out



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  1. On second watch. Its cute they actaully left the part where the guy tried to shoukder Green in the face. Lol thats hilarious. I mean, reputation feign perception.

  2. Draymond Keeps putting his Hands on people. But continues to be defended for it. Makes me believe he’s in the Illuminati or some kind of protected deep state group because no one else does it and get away with it.

  3. Donkey Green is the biggest clown in the NBA.
    A G League player that slipped though the cracks riding Currys back. A triple single savant.

  4. this fucking clown cant help himself i stg hah

    Draymond is a good ball player in his role, hes important ,but damn is the guy a clown

  5. Draymond Green is soft for targeting 2 people for no reaso. The players are soft for allowing this to continue to happen. The NBA is soft to keep allowing Green to continue acts of aggression. How much longer until they can't take any more abuse from Green?

  6. Why is Green allowed to get away with this behavior, is it because he's black because that's what I'm thinking.

  7. Dray needs a oyster and tequila shot after every quarter to calm his nerves..Worked for Richard Dumas

  8. The lamest, softest nba era. Oh and now called the RBA so of course that office gonna give Draymond all breaks since he's cuddly with 4th Quarter Sue Storm aka the anti-clutch aka Bronze.

  9. Every scuffle, Desmond Bane is never about it all he does is try hold them then runs away acting tough

  10. This wouldn’t have even stopped play in the 80’s. NBA is ridiculous. Announcers talked like it was a mugging. Let them play. Grown MEN.

  11. I don't get this exaggerated sensitivity over some minor incident, Green choking Gobert yes technical, Green hitting Nurkic Yes suspension, but cmon You are allowed to tell different types of sh*t to each other on court and its called trash talking perfectly fine, you touche someone on jersey everybody is screaming in agony 😀

  12. Now we definetely know green hate white players aaand he is mad lebron didnt go on his podcast😂

  13. Green always escalade situations and cross the line. He put himself in the running path of another player, try to bully him and refs don't react. He should to the transition from NBA to UFC. He will be humbled. His major talent is to be friend with Curry.

  14. I dont no what all you Karen's would do bk when this was normal u guys sit n complain about everything get over it….theres alwsys been brawls n arguments

  15. Can he please get a life ban from the NBA? The guy is mental 🤷‍♂️should have gotten two techs, one for grabbibg Adama's jersey and second for the scuffle with Bane

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