@Portland Trail Blazers

Portland Trail Blazers vs Los Angeles Clippers Recap and Highlights | Blazers Uprise Postgame Show

Portland Trail Blazers vs Los Angeles Clippers Recap and Highlights | Blazers Uprise Postgame Show

For got e it’s beginning to look a lot like last year game I watch stre e got all got what’s going on everybody welcome into the Blazers uprise post game show here on a Wednesday night it’s it’s kind of March Madness Eve tonight first round kicks off

Tomorrow I’m super excited for that but uh tonight before we start enjoying college basketball Eric we get to enjoy or got to enjoy NBA basketball well we got to enjoy it for like you know a quarter if you’re a Chris Murray fan and loved him hitting 3

Threes in the first quarter it was basically just downhill from there uh the Blazers did pull it back within 15 credit to them um no 13 final score 116 103 but uh they ended up down 26 points there in the third quarter brutal second half brutal third quarter and just kind

Of a brutal game in general if you bet on this game for the Clippers you were sweating at the end there yeah it was like the Clipper started Point shaving missing wide open layups can’t even hit an open shot that was that was strange strange Eric but uh

Was the spread was 12 and a half for this yeah yeah wild wild um Clippers still pull through if you bet the spread and bet on the Clippers cuz the Clippers seem to own the Blazers you know I don’t know what it is this team the past

Couple of years I mean they’re a good team but the Blazers can’t even get a close game with them let alone beat them even early in the year you know opening night this was kind of shades of opening night where the Clippers just destroyed the Blazers in the second half we

Brought it closer than opening night but if you remember opening night Eric we were down like what 30 and we got it to like 19 it was actually very similar to opening night um some different players playing obviously Harden plays Hardon has a decent game today for the Clippers

I mean they just got a lot of dudes over there they may be they might be the favorite in the West for a reason um but we’re going to talk about the Blazers side of things we’re going to talk about uh Chris Murray’s first quarter we’re going to talk about uh

Scoot and we’re going to talk about the defense cuz the defense is something else right now man I mean uh there there’s problems on the defensive end that we’re definitely going to have to touch upon Eric well go ahead I do want to say something about the defense right

Off the bat okay off the bat here we go right into it all right what you got our best defender tonight do you know who it was Tori I don’t know who you’re going to say the whole defense looked awful to me no our best defender tonight was

James Harden what the what the heck was he doing the best contest of the night you’re right you’re right like they’re just they’re like clowning us so much that he goes and guards if you did not see this so Harden drives he kicks out to a wide openen kawh letter and he

Closes out and puts a hand up like in his face like he’s guarding it yeah what the heck did he did he do that on purpose or did he forget what team he played for for a second or what so yeah you got to go see it if you didn’t see

It I’ve wondered at times if opponents think our defense is comical right especially the past couple years when we’re like bottom three in the league but um there there’s just stretches where like we completely fall apart at the seams defensively and it’s just every little thing that we can me up defensively we

Mess up like that specific play Banton just lets his guy cut right behind him for no reason so Murray goes with him and then Banton just kind of like half-heartedly like step steps towards the ball and then half-heartedly closes out and that’s why James Harden’s close out on that play was better than

Donon o banton’s um funny play funny play but it was like man our defense was so bad that third quarter that even James Harden felt bad for us even he tried to help us out and forced to miss so like and kawhai was pissed was he I

Didn’t even well like I I was thinking like maybe you know how like some Shooters I think you’re this way too I I know I’m this way I hate being left wide open like I’d rather have a guy running at me um so like uh maybe he was thinking like

Kawai needs someone running at him to like shoot better or something but then Kawai got mad at him afterwards I was like what the heck well yeah probably throws you for a loop when you see the off coming at you um that’s funny man that’s funny uh yeah yeah defense was brutal we’re

Going to talk about it we’re going to talk about just execution and discipline stuff Eric I mean basically the theme of this post game in that regard is going to be I just don’t think the defense is getting better with some young guys that it

Should be uh so we could talk about you know individual players in that regard but I I think it’s a bigger issue than just anyone individual player unfortunately shout out to Michael koll $10 donation says hey congrats on 10K it’s been great uh watching you guys the

Past three and a half years thank you Michael for the $10 Don appreciate you bro and yeah if you are aware we finally hit 10,000 Subs so happy to be past that Benchmark and uh just a cool number cool number to hit cool number to hit um been

Chasing it for a while and we’ve gained more subs in the past week we’ve gained in like 2 and a half months the March Madness stuff helps the bracket picks video helps um so that’s always fun to do every year but yeah we’re finally past 10,000 Subs so now I don’t have to

Worry about Subs ever again until we’re maybe close to I don’t know when’s the next Milestone 15K 20K I don’t know but we’re just going to keep doing our thing most of the time I don’t really care too much about numbers but 10,000 Subs is a

Cool number to hit man it’s like a you know big old round number five digits pretty awesome and every time we hit Milestones I just kind of reflect back over the work that went into building this platform because there’s a lot of work that went into it

So grateful for all of you that have been a part of it especially recently during the down times um especially those of you who you know have been there from the start as well and those of you who are new thank you for um joining our community we greatly

Appreciate all the support so just wanted to give you guys uh my gratitude that I have for you so yeah thanks for the donation Michael and then thank you to all 10,000 of you that have subed to the channel really really appreciate it yep um I will do some sort of giveaway I

Don’t know what yet but I’ve had like two months to plan it because we’ve been close for a couple months but I have not planned it uh yet but I do got a couple ideas so we’ll definitely do a 10K giveaway I don’t I haven’t done a

Giveaway I don’t know if I’ve ever done a giveaway for this channel before but um we will have something for you guys so stay tuned um and one final thing before we get into the stream uh if you want to join last minute if you want to join our $20 bracket

Pool um we have a just just message me just email me uh Blazers oppres or message me on Twitter or message me on Discord if you want to join our $20 bracket pool the deadline is 12 hours from now so it’s a very last minute but

Uh let me know if you want to join shout out to Jackson our mod and member for 37 months got that three-year member badge thank you Jackson he says congrats guys appreciate you bro appreciate you um thanks for being a member and a mod all right Eric um one I I love the

AI image tonight yeah people were asking what is that Clippers logo I don’t I don’t know it’s AI I said Clippers players shooting off a ship a Clipper ship what so it’s a really I think it’s pretty sick I’m having fun with these AI pictures um two I just did my bracket in

The minutes before we came on yeah yeah and uh started getting a little crazy I kind of had to hone it in a little bit yeah there’s a couple team said like oh that’s interesting that’s interesting but uh I mean this year is is just crazy picking brackets and last year we had

What a four two fives and a nine in the final four so the tournament’s always interesting because you don’t know if you’re G to get you know two ones and two twos or the highest seed being a four in the final four Like Anything Can Happen story lines are

Fun the first round starts tomorrow 16 games tomorrow so just looking forward to watching some good basketball Cody Williams played tonight once we get to tank ofon I I have to did he yeah um we’re going to have to have that conversation when we get to tank of

Tha when we start talking prospects because I know he’s coming back off of off of injury but he looks invisible you wouldn’t know he’s playing if you weren’t really watching coming off the bench I mean did he even hit did he even score a point Eric uh I didn’t see his point line

But he’s been pretty bad last five games yeah so that’s obviously a top prospect that could be Blazer uniform I don’t know if we should discount him for it but we’ll have that conversation when we get to prospects um yeah he did not did not score tonight came off the bench was

0 for four in 11 minutes so either they’re not playing him because they don’t trust him right now or they’re not playing him because he’s still banged up and just isn’t fully healthy I would lean towards the ladder because he looked really good earlier in the season

But uh yeah you got him he’s injured you got other prospects injured it’s going to be fun to talk about Prospect we’ll spend a lot of time on that tonight um once we get there with March Manis being tomorrow shout out to hyper Prime member for 28 months says Harden for Defensive

Player of the Year phenomenal defense yeah does Harden get counted with a um you know how they track like if you contest threes and force a Miss yeah does he get that added to his stats even though it was his own team he did contest the three and he did force a

Miss and the closest Defender within like 0 to 2 feet 2 to 6 feet does that go down as a as a closely defended was Kawai wide open or not does Harden count is a defender in that situation I’m sure the people that developed all those stats didn’t take into account what if

Your own teammate plays defense on you that’s the hardest I’ve ever seen Harden defend too crazy stuff man yeah shout out to Tristan Klein M for three months says GCU Elite 8 watch GCU is a is a fun sleeper team I’m not going to say how far I have them going but

They’re a fun fun sleeper team tyan Grant Foster looks like a a second round pick to me uh could be an intriguing guy cool story um battle back from cancer I believe he had cancer right he and Miles rice are the two guys that had cancer correct so

Uh correct me if I’m wrong let me look I’m not sure yeah I’m trying to I’m trying to remember all the story lines yeah he collapsed okay he didn’t have cancer he collapsed and like had to miss a year or basically two years when he went to the Paul then transferred to

GCU and has been balling this year so fun story lines like that just good comeback stories Good Cinderella stories are always fun uh that’s why we love sports right rooting for an underdog is always enjoyable um and fun story lines always make things more interesting unfortunately for this Blazer team

Though the story lines don’t get fun until the off season the only fun left to be had is young players playing well and on a night toight basis we do tend to get like one player that looks pretty good one young player that has a good performance tonight it was Chris

Murray unfortunately as of late it has not been scoot Henderson he’s been struggling um but at least we got at least we got a performance we can talk about let’s start off with Chris Murray um before we get to that shout Oscar remember for 25 months thanks for the reminder for the

Bracket Tory you’re welcome thank you for being a channel member chis Murray Eric finally makes some threes finally has a good shooting night from three he goes let me pull up the stats here if my phone is quick there we go uh Chris Murray seven for 11 from the field

Three for six from three 17 points five rebounds two assists he h all three of those threes in the first quarter started three for four from three 0 for two the rest of the game but you know three threes we’ve been talking about his shooting he needs to shoot the ball

Well and three for six is Hope hopefully a good start to that um what what’ you think of him tonight Eric well Danny Bing was very focused on it in the postgame press conference asking two questions right off the bat for chony about Chris’s 3es

But yeah I mean he his name is he who must not be named yeah but you named him yeah oh uh I wanted to give him credit for those awesome questions he had okay we he’s catching Strays off the bat all right so uh Chris what do you think of

Him Eric what do you because we value what you think yeah I mean uh you know we know he needs to hit the threes and uh that’s what one of the questions was was does or how much does Chris’s career Arc change if he hits threes or whatever and obviously

That’s like we all know the answer to that question like it’s his career Arc is higher it’s pretty big if he’s if he becomes a three-point shooter like his brother I mean yeah I’ll say this if he doesn’t hit threes he doesn’t really have much of an arc at all yeah like if

He like he needs to hit threes if he does hit threes he can be a serviceable role player the the phrase in that doesn’t really make sense it’s like if he can hit threes he can be a solid role player if he doesn’t make threes he’s

Not going to be in the rotation on a winning team it’s that simple that simple and uh yeah I was mentioned that he shoots 40% from the corner threes um which is pretty normal for most Shooters to shoot better from the corners and uh

Up top for at the Break um and then uh but I mean 40% from the corners on wide openen threes isn’t great still um I mean you like like to see it above 40% 40% from there I mean that’s that’s what the question or the the reporter said cuz he shoots a

Ton of he shoots a ton of corner threes and he’s shooting 26% from three interesting said it said it was like 19% all other areas outside the corner something so probably sounds about right I mean according to basketball reference he’s shooting 31% from corner 3s but I’m sure there’s different things that

Quantify Corner 3s out there mhm um I’m sure I’ll try and find stat on that but I I don’t really believe that number that was the talk of the they talked about it during the broadcast too um yeah that was the talking point for

Them cuz he should not be named went to collabora halftime just to let him know that Chris Murray is a 40% Corner shooter so yeah I don’t know what are we doing man I mean what are we doing but but I thought Chris uh had a pretty good

Game um he had one cut that I loved um Aon got kind of stuck everyone thought he was going to shoot and Chris uh the defense kind of froze and he made a great cut Aon had a nice uh dump off um to him and then

Um the next play Chris gets the ball gets kind of stuck and Aon did a good job of sealing inside and uh Chris passed to him so they had a nice two-man game for two plays at least um and those are the kind of things you like to see

Outside obviously the three three threes was uh nice to see him hit some of those yeah for sure Um listen like he needs to have more games like this he needs to have more games where he shoots the ball like this it’s always tough when a guy like struggles from three and then has a game where he shoots the ball well it’s always tough for me to talk about it

Because I’m not going to put any stock in him having one good shooting night when he’s been shooting very poorly all year okay basically it’s as simple as this he has to shoot like this more that’s it that’s it if shoots like this the rest of the season where he’s you

Let’s just say hypothetically it’s 40% of his threes the last 13 14 games of the Season then maybe it changes my Outlook on him a little bit heading into the off season because that’s the growth that we need to see but I mean in the past there’s been a number of guys Eric

Who kind of struggle with their three and then they have like one hot shooting game and and it’s hard not to overreact to that like oh look how good he looked tonight you know he made threes well he’s going to look good if he makes threes cuz he does a bunch of other

Things okay defensively you could even make a case that he’s been above average as a as a rookie you know like he’s a smart Defender I don’t think he’s physically gifted as a Defender but I think he makes up for that in that he’s a smart

Defender okay um keeg Murray is a good Defender so as far as Chris goes 3 and D archetype if he’s making threes and then like connect like filling the gaps he has not impressed me as somebody putting the ball on the floor but for 3D guy can use his body a

Little bit when he puts the ball on the floor but and end of the end of the I can’t talk at the end of the day he has to play off guys he’s not going to be somebody you put the ball in his hands if he’s going to be a connective piece

He has to knock down threes he has to space the floor it’s that simple so that’s why comes back to that when you’re not like super quick off the dribble it helps if you have people right out your three-point shot quicker cuz then you

Can pump fake or go by them um so that takes moving the ball maybe a little better than we normally do and yeah well no it just takes him hitting some threes right for sure for sure right now they don’t respect it enough to fly out at

Him um if they do it’s a mistake uh so yeah just just got to be more consistent with it yeah we t I talk about that a lot with like tamani with jaar even with a lot of these these guys right you want

To be able to get into uh you want to be able to attack Closeouts the only way you’re going to be able to attack close out is if there’s a close out in the first place if the defender isn’t closing out on you hard there’s nothing

To attack right like he’s giving you a gap that’s when you have to shoot shoot well enough then they close out harder but in order to create that close on in the first place you need a kickout pass or a swing pass you need to get the defense rotating a little bit

And that is something that this team has struggled with for basically every season under Chanty even this year I think they’ve struggled with it they’ve struggled getting defenses caught in rotations and they’ve struggled making the kickout pass consistently a a lot of that is Jeremy Grant some of that now is Delano Banton

Right but you got to be able to create opportunities to attack Closeouts in the first place and then you got to be able to make shots to get those guys closing out hard and that’s when you can get the defense caught in rotation because they’re going to you know you make the

Right kickout pass the defender closes out hard on a shooter hopefully that’s Chris Murray and then he’s able to attack and you get the defense caught um scrambling and that’s something the Blazers did to start last season that was part of their offensive success and chony talked about it a lot although I

Thought maybe at times they were a little bit too unselfish in terms of not taking opportunities to like get all the way to the rim and making kickout pass maybe too much this year it’s been a bit of the opposite with some guys on this team that aren’t willing or as willing

As they should be to make that kick out pass but at the end of the day I mean this is evaluation time to see who’s improving from three and the main gu is tamman he’s improved lately Jabari Walker he was two for two from three today so he also had a good shooting

Night okay but same thing with Chris same thing with Jabari both these guys need to Showcase something from behind the line over the rest of the season where it’s not just a hot shooting night and then he’s back to 0 and2 next game and then

One for four the game after and then one for five the game after right because that’s what he’s been all season so I think he’s here to stay so I guess it doesn’t truly matter how well he shoots the rest of this year as long as he picks it up next

Season but it make me feel a lot better about him going into the offseason if he has a good stretch here the final month of the Season at the same time though we had we saw 40 plus games of thy ball shooting well from three and then he now

His percentage looks just the same as it always has in his career yeah um so yeah I don’t I don’t know if you can really tell anything just based off the last few games here but I mean it’s better to have him shoot well obviously than to go

Back to shooting portly after this game yeah Trevon says has Chris Murray shooting 36% from the corners so don’t know where the 40% came from Eric I don’t know either amazing so but by the way the tag still say bulls and Blazers versus bulls oh I’ll

Change that I don’t know if these tags even matter that much but I see other real YouTubers do it so I’m going to do it there we go clippers but you mentioned the rotation or rotating the ball so it’s it’s pretty bad when there isn’t

A lot of rotating of the ball on offense and our rotations on defense are really bad as well it’s just a bad combination I think to try and win games yeah like let’s just talk about the defense let’s just get out that out of the way

Because that’s what I want to talk about Eric like you know shout out to Chris Murray good game defensively this team I don’t think is getting better and I think that’s a problem um I think individually some guys are fine in terms of like their their impact

Like they’re not a major negative which unfortunately is the bar like it’s pretty low bar defensively for this team but the discipline Eric defensively is what’s really been a problem for me this team consistently exec Utes things wrong defensively and it’s little things such as how you

Shade the ball handler when a screen’s coming it’s stuff like the guy that’s getting screened on a pick and roll icing the screen but the big is playing in the middle when the screen’s towards the sideline icing the screen is when you basically Force the ball handler to the

Sideline and then the big is there to cut him off down the sideline he’s supposed to be on the sideline but the big will be shifted over towards the middle of the floor which is wrong right there’s stuff like guys just having their head staring at the ball they’re

Just ball watching and they’re uh offensive player Cuts behind them so somebody else has to pick them up so then somebody’s wide open in the corner there is a lot of problems with this team and with multiple multiple players on this team where they just execute things completely wrong

And I feel like it’s just not being coached well enough and there’s people out there that offend everything that chony does with the roster they’re young he supposed to do what is he supposed to do but as I’ve said all season long yes they’re young they should be getting better especially executional stuff

Defensively there shouldn’t be as many mistakes now in March as there was in November especially with the young guys who had a lot of room for improvement given that they were starting off in a pretty low place because they’re young because they’re rookies or seconde players Etc but even some of the younger

Guys like tamman Kamar in preseason executed little things defensively extremely well and he was a rookie right so it’s not like all these guys just because they’re young they can’t execute things defensively I think physically we’re not at much of a deficit maybe with our starting back court given that you’re

Starting the two right but there’s just a lot of things that happen where it’s like mistakes that aren’t even necessarily consistent with each other it’s just like one possession somebody will play it right and then one possession the same action they’ll be in a completely different spot and play it

Completely wrong and I think it goes all the way down to a screenshot that you shared in our group chat of like scoot just shading a guy extremely weirdly the harden close out was Banton just I don’t know what the hell Bon was doing just daydreaming defensively there is way too many

Executional mistakes and if you watch a channel called awful coaching they he used to be called something else he was he’s the guy that rants about coaching Eric I hope he does a video on this game I’ve been watching every Blazer video that dude posts and it’s actually quite

I opening as to how many executional mistakes this team makes that maybe you don’t catch in live action because it’s hard to catch in live action unless you go back and watch the film which this guy does or you’re specifically paying attention to the specific player that ends up making the

Mistake right if you just watch a game normally you’re going to be watching the ball you’re not going to notice all five Defenders there’s 10 players on the court right so it’s hard to know what every single guy is doing especially defensively when you’re paying attention

To who has the ball or shots going in right like you’re going to watch offense um and that’s the biggest thing for me is just the the executional mistakes I don’t think are getting better and there’s way too many of them and it’s a problem and I don’t have

Faith in Chanty to clean it up because I feel like he’s not doing a good enough job of cleaning cleaning it up and these were all problems with players with more experience the past couple of years how much did we talk about roko under chony being completely out of position

Defensively in year one and people say oh it’s ch’s first year give him some time okay I’m fine with that and even I was okay with that at the time right it’s his first year he’s still figuring out how to give him 20 games to figure

It out give him 50 games give him a whole year give him two years right like okay I’ll give chony some time year one especially when it’s Robert Covington who I I think would know better but he starts getting steel hungry and block happy and we had many postgame shows a

Couple years ago in ch’s first year as coach where Robert Covington is one pass away in playing 15 fet off his guy and giving up wide open threes for no reason for no reason and but people just gloss over everything defensively in that season with well you’re starting Norman pal

With the three you starting three guards okay yes that’s not optimal but also there’s other mistakes that aren’t due to that right so that was a conversation a couple of years ago um with postgame shows in Chon’s first year we’re now in year three with chony and you can no

Longer say give them more time now what you can say is well they’re young okay sure fine but we were supposed to give him time so we could figure out how to clean this stuff up as coach and this season they’ve been what better than last year and yes they got

Some guys playing now that are developmental guys guys like repair Etc but I’m not holding Chanty accountable for mistakes repair makes when he’s barely played I’m going to hold chony accountable for mistakes that players who have been playing under him all season long are still making and is not

Getting cleaned up and there’s just way too many positional and executional mistakes and the way we cover ball screens that’s like never consistent with the guy getting screened and the guy guarden the screener uh a lot of times they’re on completely different pages and I mean even even the Zone will

Bust out sometimes and we’ll commit to to the ball out of nowhere way too many executional mistakes on defense and I think a lot of responsibility has to fall on chony bop’s shoulders yeah what’s frustrating to me when I watch the def defense is they’ll make like they’ll do one

Thing right and then it’s like they celebrate that that they did that thing and then completely break down and then um for example there was a play where um Harden got the ball they were kind of in a Zone but um it was like a matchup zone so you’re

Supposed to like once you guard someone you’re supposed to stick with them and um so scoot comes out and takes Harden Harden passes just like a few feet away and Scoot just turns around and walks down into the paint for no reason there was no one driving or anything and they

Just throw it right back to harden and he hits a three and it’s like I’m just thinking like okay what what were you doing like what were you even thinking on that play like were you thinking that like another Defender was going to go get him and you were trying to find your

Guy even though you’re in a zone or what like I just I don’t know man like I see way too much of that um just people in the wrong positions people not even guarding their guy people running back to a spot on the floor instead of

Picking up uh um offensive players on on the fly on like transition defense um and if you make like two or three passes against the Blazers or heaven forbid p fake uh like you’re you’re you completely throw off our whole defense and that’s not uh a good sign for coaching I

Completely agree with you there and I look at a team like the Memphis Grizzlies who have been more injured than us this year have played just as many young players and quite frankly uh less heralded young players um and do you know what where they ranked defensively right now this

Season the Blazers the Memphis Grizzlies oh Memphis uh 11th right yeah they’re 11th right now like so On The Fringe of being a top 10 defense with everything that’s happened for them this year um let just Taylor Jenkins knows how to coach defense you know he ain’t he ain’t

Sitting here saying look at the Players I got what can I do there’s nothing I can do and obviously jiren Jackson is a great defender but I mean he’s been in out of the lineup that’s not all because of him they’ve been able to win some

Games they have more wins than us they should not have more wins than us they have been more injured than we’ve been like yeah they they’ve missed John Mor All Season Desmond Bane for the majority of the Season like they have no front Court depth they’re out here starting

Like Trey gemson in games bro no like if any team has excuses for struggling defensively it’s them but they don’t make excuses and that’s the problem that’s the problem with people that just Chuck everything up to oh look who’s playing yes the the standard for young guys who

Need to learn a lot of things defensively is obviously going to be lower compared to a team trying to contend with a bunch of veterans that already know how to play defense obviously that context is a big part of the conversation but if anything players that struggle defensively and have a lot

To learn should improve more than anyone else and that’s what it all falls back to yeah and I mean you brought this up very early this season that a lot of the early season struggles good coached teams or well coached teams by like January is you start to

See them get better at it and the Blazers under Chanty all three years have actually gotten worse as the season goes on on defense and um yeah I I don’t know like how you can justify that cuz it’s not like we I mean I know we’ve had

Injuries but it’s not like we have a significantly different roster than we started the year with or anything right um so they should be more cohesive we should know a lot more like what Chanty expects of you uh if you’re being held accountable and getting called out for or not even

Called out but like if you’re going over film correctly and stuff by now you should be sick of being told to like not do this on defense and and uh man I just I I I don’t mean to pick on scoot but there was like four or five

Plays in a row where um he just goes down into the paint and stands there and like I swear he could have gotten a three three 3 second defensive goal like a bunch of plays in a row and I have no idea who he’s guarding or what he’s

Guarding or what his intentions are because it’s not like he’s helping on a drive or anything because they’re just passing the ball around the perimeter on all these possessions they don’t have I mean they lobbed it up to to zubach a few times but it’s not like they run

Their offense through him in the post and you have to go in the paint to help out there um so like I I have no idea what was going on there um and I just I watch that defense and just watch him in particular just run around and seemingly have

No I don’t know like the defense just doesn’t have any kind of fluidity to it and and it’s just it’s frustrating man yeah I think scoot on the ball is passable for a rookie 63 point guard yeah when he when he can lock in when he

Can lock in on somebody with the ball in front of him he’s okay mhm like low standard there for a 63 rookie can’t emphasize that enough but he’s much better when he can just focus in on the ball in front of him than when he’s defending off the ball his off ball

Defense just some sometimes it just doesn’t make sense in transition defense we’ talked about all year where he he will like not run back or run back at less than 100% or like gamble for a steal he’s never going to get in transition leaving his team at a deficit

Once the ball gets past him and that’s the type of stuff that he needs proper coaching to work on that stuff that’s stuff you can focus on in film that’s stuff you focus on in practice but you can also focus on it during games and I mean it’s just it has not

Improved in my opinion over the course of the entire season and scoots improved on a lot of stuff over the course of the Season he’s in a little bit of a rough patch now but he was playing better before this rough patch like he’s going to have some inconsistencies offensively

But defensively this is stuff that you should be able to consistently improve and make fewer mistakes on even as a rookie and that’s where I’m a little worried with it so but it’s it’s more than just scoot I mean how many times Eric and I don’t know if this falls on a

Player per se but one of Harden’s 3es was we’re running drop coverage but the guy guarding Harden goes under the screen yeah and lets him walk into a three M you can go under the screen if you have a big up that’s able to jam the screener a little bit

And if you have a big that can like actually step out on that three if he’s close enough to the screener and bother it a little bit giving you a little bit of time to go under because in today’s NBA if you go under you’ll get punished

Against the best players in the league against guys like James Harden right so if you’re going to go under screens you need a little bit of help from the guy guarden the screener drop scheme means that guy is not helping in that action at all that means he’s standing 10 feet

15 feet below it right trying to force a mid-range shot trying to take away the rim that’s what drop scheme is but when you drop the big the guy going through the screen the guy guarding the ball handler is supposed to go over the screen every time unless it’s somebody that can’t

Shoot if you’re guarding scoot like okay maybe you go under but if you’re guarding James freaking Harden you go over you go over and there is a play and this happens like all the time it happened against Boston you remember when Jason Tatum walked into a three cuz

Grant goes under and the big is just nowhere around yeah you remember that three mhm that happens way too much in this game Delano um sorry let me mute the mute the play um it was it was Delano Bon on the ball and he’s shading Harden to the

Right okay the screen comes it’s zubach and zubach sets it at a really good angle but instead of Lock and trailing Harden and forcing him to the big that’s dropping right because that’s what you’re supposed to do you’re supposed to go over and force the guard downhill

Towards the big where you have that second Defender instead of doing that he just does a terrible job getting through the screen goes under Ty starts to roll the problem is when big start to roll and you’re going under like that you can kind of get caught on it and they’re not

Going to call that a moving screen all the time it’s just a wide open three for Harden it was in the second quarter 1022 left you can go on you can find what play I’m talking about that’s an executional mistake but we do it so much that I don’t know if I

Should blame the players or Chanty yeah cuz Chanty just stands there and puts his hands out to the ref after that three like Ty started to roll so we wanted a moving screen call like I guess that should be called a moving screen but still even if the screen doesn’t

Move it’s still a wide open three for Harden he’s not he’s not getting on banon at all for going under that screen we’re run to drop and that where that’s where it comes back to is Chanty okay with that because if so that’s a joke

And if he’s not okay with that why isn’t he saying something to Bon cuz putting your hands up at the ref isn’t going to change anything and if Bon’s going under even if the screen moving a little bit you should be telling them don’t go under the freaking screen especially

When it doesn’t even matter if we’re winning games or not we’re trying to develop players so that’s where I’m just lost and that’s where there’s a disconnect for me with Chanty and with the executional problems of this defense yeah absolutely and um well one I don’t understand why we run so much

Drop still um I know our bigs are a mobile um I mean Aid’s not really a mobile but we play them like he’s an immobile Defender you know um but my thing is okay you C Paul George they got James Harden kawi Leonard all three can make stuff happen especially if you’re not

Hedging or showing on those screens um they can just go to work against that um and my thing is how often does zubot kill you in the short roll um I don’t know I remember he killed us on opening night yeah but that’s like it’s not necessarily the

Short role it’s more on like lobs or um because the when you play Drop he gets downhill and then the big has to either decide to stay with this guy or come out on the guard with a free Lane right yeah um and that’s what kills us against the

Clippers but you know how we often have to give the ball to Aon around the free throw line I would man when you play a team like the Clippers I would try to make zubot make plays you know and I know he can a little bit but

I’d much rather have him prove that he can make plays out of the short roll catching the ball so you you just like basically bait him into having to give it up to him there and then you recover and and see how that goes but instead

All we do is let the guy come free off the pick and then we’re stuck in a situation where it’s two onone and it it just happens way too much for it to be like you said a like just people messing up but not actual design in the in the

Schemes and stuff yeah yeah and the Clippers play a ton isolation basketball too um like there’s a lot of a lot of buckets where they um just isolated us well MH but man like drop scheme I’m getting a little tired of it of how much we run it

Um there there’s just multiple buckets you can look at in this game that they get easy shots because basically just somebody comes flying off a screen or a handoff in the guard you know locks and trails which is what he’s supposed to do but Aon is not a drop big

Man yeah he the thing bro here’s my problem here’s my problem people hated nurkic because he was immobile right and you can’t have him play up at the level of a screen which was untrue but that’s what people said and you know he’s only a drop big we get

Aon supposedly part of the reason why he’s an upgrade is because he’s a more mobile big man and we drop him constantly and I don’t think he does a terrible job but he doesn’t do a good job running drop he drops too much he’s not good when he’s on his

Heels and he will jump at the ball handler a little too quickly he’s not like super solid in drop scheme he’s he’s no Brook Lopez when Brook Lopez was having his good defensive years um he’s no 2019 youf nerkish run to drop youf nerkish was a better drop

Defender I think still nerkish right now is a better drop Defender part of the appeal with Aon was supposed to be yeah but he can hedge a screen he can get up and trap a screen and we just don’t do anything we don’t do we don’t do it if

We’re going to switch to something we’re going to switch to a Zone which is even more passive even more passive Eric than drop that’s the one thing that’s more passive than drop is a Zone unless you’re trapping out of it trapping in the corners extending the Zone trying to play Passing Lanes

Whatever but it’s just super passive and it’s not what chony came in trying to do in you’re one and it’s not what chony said his philosophy was in the past couple years as coach and he’s talked about like he wants to be a team that teams don’t like to play well when you

Play passively constantly teams H teams will have a lot of fun playing against you and we just run way too much drop we run way too much Zone and it’s fine it’s one thing if you have guys that play it so well and so solidly that you can get away

With it because they’ll execute it correctly all the time but man I we’re not solid so I don’t understand why like nobody’s being challenged offensively it feels like with any sort of scheme but we we don’t trap much we don’t hedge much drop is like the easiest pick a roll scheme to

Run we still can’t execute it right so it’s just a mess yeah and like his um the people stick up for chy will say well look how much they switch up the defense which is is fine it’s just everything they switch to is is pretty conservative and occasionally

Lately they’ve ran a double team from like way far away and it it hasn’t really gotten home much with but they still don’t double that much off of screens it just I I don’t understand they don’t rotate well out of the double either like they doubling off of screens

Is a little easier because you can spring it upon them quicker but we yeah you’re right we only double just like randomly when the guy can see it coming and already has the ball in his hands yeah and also I mean I know Aon isn’t as mobile as Anthony

Davis but like you can’t tell me that he’s he couldn’t be like 75% of what an Anthony Davis did to us like in the Pelican series you know with the his long arms he can jump high like you don’t think that would be tough for a ball handler if you get trapped with

Like him and Banton or something something um like with Banton or even scoot has long arms you know like like that’s that’s going to be tough for a guard to to navigate that um I I think if if you’re trying to force turnovers which we haven’t even done a good job of

Doing that lately that’s been one of the reasons why our defense has fallen off as well because I think earlier in the season it was kind of fake defense based on all those turnovers they were creating but lately they haven’t even gotten those so um it’s been like

All uh all halfcourt defense and transition defense and those have not been good for us so yeah I don’t understand man um I I I don’t I don’t get why we don’t try more aggressive point of attack things especially without uh a point attack defender on the roster really

Yeah and especially considering how bad we are getting through screens bro Delano Bandon does not get through screens well he dies on a lot of screens I mean to be fair no one yeah but like I’m just rewatching basically every made field goal and so many plays just like him dying on a

Screen just running into the guy and like he’s like Jeremy Grant getting through getting through some of these screens man I mean it’s bad you can make it easier on that guy if you actually give him some help with the guy guard in the screener and we just don’t do it frustrating

Frustrating stuff um but even like point of attack I haven’t been too impressed with him like I feel like people just assume he’s a solid Defender because he can move in his 6 foot n you know the Jeremy Grant effect type of thing that’s exactly what it

Is yeah doesn’t mean he’s a good Defender just because he’s 69 unfortunately so I mean this that goes back to like Alan Krab a few years ago when people said we’d be better off starting him with the two over CJ because he’s a better Defender even though none of the

Defensive metrics or the itest showed that at all it was just cuz he was 65 versus 6’3 or something yeah yep I mean we they they picked apart our drop coverage man I mean I’m just tired of running it so much like it’s it’s frustrating so executional mistakes coupled with a

Passive defensive scheme I don’t think is good for trying to develop some of these young guys defensively they’re not learning anything by running drop scheme because basically you just stay home behind that and hope that the uh ball handler the thing is it’s designed to give up open mid-range shots a defensive

Scheme that is designed to give up open shots I’m not a fan of if you can contest those mid-range without giving up threes or layups then it’s then it’s good right but you got to execute it properly here’s the problem though guys are so good at shooting

Threes even even three four feet behind the line they can just set the screen higher and still pull up instead of pulling up from mid-range they’re still behind the three-point line because you can just set the screen higher and you still have to go over because guys can pull from

There so then they’re still pulling up from three so I’m I’m just not a fan of that scheme I’m not fan of dominantly running drop scheme against the best teams in the league Eric they always pick it apart the best offensive players always always pick a part drop scheme

Dame always picked a part drop scheme these Clippers players tonight picked picked aart drop scheme James Harden picked apart drop scheme the best players in the league love playing against drop scheme Dame even said in the past that he loves playing against drop scheme so what’s our defensive

Identity the thing is that the start of year was like okay we’re going to force some turnovers somehow that’s turned into all we’re going to run is drop and Zone which is the opposite of being aggressive and trying to force turnovers so I had a little bit of Hope

Earlier in the season that we were forging some sort of defensive identity and it’s completely shifted to the opposite of that very frustrating yeah and it’d be different if we had a point of attack Defender that was good at navigating screens or was just really good at recovering after

Getting blown up on a screen or something but we don’t even do that like we die on the screen and our running drop and that’s and then the the people don’t recover at all and that’s like the worst combination and but like okay so our defensive rating tonight probably didn’t

Look too bad at the end of it but that’s because so Ty h a three with 528 left I just looked it up for their 112th point and they they’re just like put in the the bench and were goofing around the last five minutes and missed a lay in

Like you said um just weren’t running any kind of offense or anything and it was just garbage time for five whole minutes um otherwise it this game looks a lot worse than it was in terms of our defense yep but that’s why you look at adjusted right adjusted defense rating instead of yeah

100% adjust defensive rating over normal defensive rating I agree um I don’t know the defense is a joke is there anything else you wanna you want to say on this no I think we beat it home yeah we’re going to have a lot you know more time on postgame streams to

Discuss the defense but yeah man I mean I’m going to do player reviews and do player film breakdowns I’m already starting to save a bunch of clips for it and I’m gonna have defensive footage talking about the good and the bad of each player’s defense you know kind of like the The

Scouting profiles for college players that you know Adam SP dead box and one draft Express used to do hoop intellect those types of videos plan on doing those for Blazer Defenders and really getting a feel for like what exactly they struggled with and then being able

To Showcase it so those videos after the season are going to hit I’m going to be I’m excited to make those it’s going to be a lot of work but excited to excited to work on them I already started working on them um before we jump into

Anything else we can talk about a few players in a little bit um but before we jump into anything else Eric on Monday we picked spreads for the first day of the first round of March Madness for Thursday we also picked first four spreads and I I was saying during that

Segment man if I just you know had picked spreads in the past for March Madness I’d be a pretty wealthy man and first four spreads the two I you know the two meaningful games that aren’t 16 seeds were Colorado State and uh Virginia I took Colorado State as like a

One point favorite or something and then it was Colorado and Boise State and I took Colorado as like one and a half Point favorite and both those picks came through for me on the spread so two and0 in my opinion on spread lines with that first four so if you guys took

Advantage of the deal that bet us is offering you then you guys could have cashed in but it’s not too late because we’re only four games into the NCAA tournament there are four games that people don’t even really count like that because it’s the first four it’s

Not the first round the first round starts tomorrow if you want our bracka pull by the way uh email me Blazers oppress or message me on Twitter or Discord Twitter is at Tory Jonesy T but you can still get in on the action with bet us with some of these

Spread lines for March Madness by signing up with the link in the description box below as well as using the promo code join 125 so we’re going to take a look at spread lines for March Madness for Friday slate games we already looked at it Thursday you can

Go look at the last postgame show if you want to check those out but quickly 16 games 16 spread lines to pick on spread lines that are available at bet us once again they’ll offer you uh 31 25% bonuses with promo code join 1225 that’s $125 free on $100 deposit that makes it

225 minimum $100 deposit Max 2500 they’re they’re also offering you 10% gamblers insurance if you’re active every six months so here we go Eric let’s sort these by time let’s go to Friday St Mary’s 5 and a half Point favorites over Grand Canyon I like Grand Canyon they got an

NBA caliber wing and TI Grant Foster who’s a lot of fun to watch I recommend paying attention to him during this game oh no this is the last game of the day what I sort of backwards we’ll talk about him last uh first game of the day Northwestern Florida Atlantic Eric everybody loves

Florida Atlantic CU they did last year they’re two and a half Point favorites as the eight seed Over N Seed Northwestern who are you taking there uh two and a half’s close enough to just take who you think is going to win in my opinion um and I know Florida

Atlantic has been disappointing this year overall but I like this matchup for him so I’m going to take them over Northwestern yeah uh I like Northwestern I feel like Florida Atlantic is the flashy team but they struggled they just lost a temple they have not been impressive over the uh course of March

February and March they’re waiting for the tney yeah they’re waiting for the tney but last year what’s funny is they only won in the first round it was an8 verse n game against Memphis they only won by one point M like they barely won if they lost that game it would have

Been interesting to see how that uh who makes the final four out of that region Chang the whole bracket exactly exactly so um yeah who who knows because it was what Florida Atlantic versus Kansas State Kansas state would have been fun in the final four that was a fun team in

March madis last year but I I like Northwestern they can shoot the ball they got a star guard and buoy uh so I’m taking them Colgate Baylor Baylor’s 14-point uh favorites I I think Baylor blows out I don’t I always pick Colgate as an upset pick Eric and they always

Disappoint me and I don’t think they’re as good as last year um so bias there yeah a little bit yeah uh I also like Baylor in this one to cover as well and then we got San Diego State UAB U uh San Diego State seveno favorites

I’m taking San Diego State there I don’t like UAB yeah um I don’t really like UAB either but I have a feeling it’s going to be a close game because San Diego State is maybe thinking it’s a little easier uh than it since they made it far last year all the

Way to the title game and a lot of times what happens is the next year you know you get upset early in the turny so I’m going to say UAB keeps it close but I think San Diego State will win all right righty the following game Marquette 14

And a half Point favorites over Western Kentucky I think Tyler kak is going to play apparently he’s painf free that’s their star guard going to be an NBA draft pick this upcoming draft Marquette is 14 and a half Point favorites though I’m taking Western Kentucky Marquette um struggled in the tournament last year

With Tyler KCK potentially being Rusty I think taking the points here with Western Kentucky is very viable yeah I agree 14 and half was a lot um so I’ll just take the points there Yukon is 26 and a half Point favorites over Stenson that is a ton of points

But yeah I’ll say this for the reasons you put forward for San Diego State and also like Connecticut kind of struggled a little bit in the first round at least in the first half last year against Iona before pulling away in the second half I I’d actually probably take the points

Here I think Connecticut wins by like 22 23 somewhere in that range I’m taking steps I’m gonna say connectic wins by 40 40 yeah I’m G to be watching back these segments during Thursday and Friday just because these predictions are going to be fun to look back on New Mexico is two

And a half Point favorites despite being the 11 seed over six seed Clemson yeah New Mexico’s playing well right now um I I actually like this match up for him too uh so I’m going to take New Mexico I’m also taking New Mexico there I have making them I have

Them making a little bit of a run although like 10 years ago as a three seed I had him making the final four and they lost in round one so uh you know I still remember that but we we’re going to try again with them D you 10 years

Ago Auburn vers Yale Auburn is 13-point favorites I like Auburn a lot in this turny but Yale IV League teams tend to do well Yale has some impressive players I know they barely beat Brown um but I’m actually just going to take the points with that yeah I’m also

Going to take the points there Auburn gets kind of uh I don’t know what the right word is they suck on offense sometimes and can’t score for long periods of time um and so I could definitely see this being more of a gred out defensive game for

Them and thus keeping it kind of close next game is gabes Nebraska Corn Huskers basically a pick them their onepoint favorites Over Texas A&M I like Nebraska in this game but I know you I know you’re thinking differently yeah I just like uh way Taylor and uh Radford um I just think in

The turny when you have two good guards like that that can both score they’re both good Defenders and overall Texas S&M is a really good defensive team Nebraska I know I watched them a little bit in the big uh 10 turny was impressed with them but uh I think

This is a really bad match up for them and I think Texas A&M can make a pretty big run in this tournament so I’m going to take them all righty Duke Vermont uh I’m taking taking Vermont Duke’s 12-point favorites I think this will be a close game I think Duke wins but I

Think Vermont keeps it within single digits what do you think man how is Duke not better they’re so frustrated they’re um I heard somebody sum it up pretty well just they’re soft yeah they’re soft I mean like they Proctor didn’t have the leap people thought Philip hsky can be kind of

Inconsistent I’m not in love with the depth they have in the front Court they’re okay but it’s tough when you don’t have like that star caliber guard and people thought Proctor was going to be that and he’s not I missed off roach yeah but like you just talked

About Wade Taylor like I’d rather have way Taylor I’d rather have a number of guards than than roach roach has experience but yeah so I think it’ll be a game yeah is kale Foster is out for the year right uh I I don’t remember they got I mean McCain shot the

Ball well this year yeah he’s a shooter though he’s not somebody who put the ball in his hands like that yeah I just I don’t know like Mark Mitchell’s a good glue guy I just I get frustrated with them but I’m gonna I’m with you like screw

Duke uh let’s go Vermont I don’t know all righty next game produ 26o favorites over 16 seed Grambling we’re taking the points here with the 16 seed against Purdue right yeah absolutely next game we got Alabama versus Charleston Alabama nine and a half Point favorites Alabama just hasn’t

Played too well um over the last like 10 games or so their offense can be very electric their defense is non-existant I think Charleston will be able to score on them I don’t think they’ll slow down Alabama but I think they’ll be able to score enough to keep

It close and potentially pull off an upset so I’m taking Charleston here as n and a half Point dogs yeah I was tempted to take Charleston just winning out right in my bracket but um I’m going to say they keep it close right well we got Houston one seed

24 Point favorites over 16 seed of Longwood I guess I’ll take Houston the points since I have them as my Champion I don’t really know what to do with some of these one seed games yeah um Houston has blown out a lot of teams this year but they’ve gotten blown out a

Couple times in some weird spots um but I think they’re just too good for for this game um I think they might had some struggles in some of their matchups in their bra in their region later on but uh this one I think they take care of business pretty easily so I’ll take

Houston as well all righty three more games Wisconsin James Manon Wisconsin some five and a half Point favorites there in my opinion there’s no way this game isn’t closer than 5 and a half so I’m taking the points yeah here’s what I’ll say about Wisconsin Eric they could go on a run on

The back of AJ’s store but also he’s the type of player that can completely shoot him out of a game like he does not pass and takes some questionable shots he’s very gifted as a scorer but they turn is going to go in my opinion how he

Goes but James Masson is good so they should have been 11 uh I have a feeling this will be a good AJ store game so I’m going to say Wisconsin covers all righty TCU even though they’re the nine seed is fourpoint favorites over Utah State Utah

State burned me last year so I’ll take TCU in the as the four-point favorite well I like Utah State to win this game outright so I’m going to take Utah State all righty and then final game Grand Canyon over St Mary’s uh I’m taking Grand Canyon as I said Ty Grant

Foster is a fun player to watch um I actually have Grant Canyon outright winning this game St Mary’s just always seems to disappoint they always seem to be five seeds uh this team you can make an argument they’re a better team than they’ve had the past couple of years but

I I like Grant Canyon cuz they play Fast Pace and they they look like a power five program in terms of like size and athleticism and I think that plus having a star makes them a good candidate to upset a St Mary’s team that isn’t the most athletic team so I like Grant

Canyon in this game for all the reasons you just said I like St Marys I think I’m just going to go the opposite I sometimes I don’t trust upsets one like everyone is calling it um so I’m just going to say St Mary’s uh I mean that’s how I feel

About MCN over Gonzaga all of a sudden so the WCC uh has been very good uh last couple years um no one really talks about that but they always give you crap right Tori your team plays in a week conference but it’s been very good last few years and

At least at the top and St Mary’s quietly just had a phenomenal year um and you know they beat gona in the title game so I I think St Mary’s is finally ready to at least not disappoint you in round one Tori yeah yeah we’ll see but it is tough

Match up it’s a tough game we’ll see it’s GNA be fun I can’t wait for that game man it’s going to be awesome I can’t wait for just tomorrow and Friday and then our next postgame show is after Friday slate game so that’s going to be fun anyway you can getting on these

Spreads with bet us a quick word from the bet us America’s favorite Sportsbook and Casino Live betting and Race book we’re celebrating 30 years with a historic offer of 125% sign up bonus on your first three deposits plus 10% gamblers Insurance get started today bet us ask where the game

Begins okay I’m G to leave Eric solo I think I might have had a hot mic there for a second oh well shout out to about us appreciate them uh I’ll be back uh Eric’s going to talk about just whatever other players you want to talk about

Eric and then I’ll come back if I have any thoughts and uh we can talk about it and then we’ll do tank ofon and then maybe talk about a couple prospects and that’ll be today’s stream finish my bracket before coming in here you’re muted you’re you’re good

Now okay go ahead what’s up everyone hi Jason this says just finished my bracket before coming in here tonight kind of Clos my eyes and pick mostly by seting Iowa State North Carolina Houston and Purdue for final four North Carolina winning it all so three ones at a

Two way to way to be bold Jason just kidding I I I could see this being the year that chalk holds up but I could also see this being like last year where it’s just complete chaos um and shout out to Kyle Wilson earlier $5 donation said I bet you that

5 years from now if this rebuild Fells you’ll have Blazer fans still defending chony with the st’s defense of his roster sucks yeah either that or it was all ‘s fault what what was chony and Cronin supposed to do uh yeah what did you guys think of the game

Tonight what stood out to you did you guys have a chance to see that Harden Defensive play on Kawhi Leonard it’s hilarious I know Garb Ben and my mom were at the game tonight where the Boo’s pretty loud for chony thing is Chon’s not going to get

Fired he’s he’s definitely going to be back next year I think so and he’ll have Mel Bridges on his roster to coach how far do I have the L or do I see the lady beavers going in the tournament actually man um let me just bring up that bracket real quick hold on

Let’s see I know I me they’re hosting a regional so they should be able to win their Regional um so they play they they play the 14th SE like can I not find this region there it is they play Easter Washington should win that game and then they play

The winner of Nebraska and Texas A&M at home in Coralis so that should be also I don’t think they should have trouble with that one either um I mean that it’s kind of a tough game but shouldn’t be bad uh if they get out of that their region Notre Dame

Is they’re really good um but overall having South Carolina in your region sucks so uh kind of screwed there but I mean Notre Dame if you get by them I don’t think they’re getting by South Carolina so at best Elite 8 but they should make the sweet 16 I think

Uh Garbin says did you did I see what LeBron said about the Holiday trade that Drew holiday tra yeah he got traded for a bag of potato chips or something like that paraphrasing um yeah it’s funny to see a player’s perspective but obviously LeBron wasn’t following it that closely

He just saw Boston get Drew holiday for a couple injured players and a couple picks and he probably got jealous that the Lakers didn’t get in on that um they probably should have uh in Mount says what percent would you give that male Bridges is on the team next

Year um percentages are always tough um I mean this is going to seem like it I’m making it seem unlikely but I think this number is pretty high when we’re talking in March about a player being traded for that’s a player like uh Mel Bridges so I’m going to say like

40% I just I don’t think there’s any I don’t think there’s any other player that they’re really going to Target as much as stay well with male and they have the the contracts match up pretty well it’s he makes almost the exact amount as M uh Malcolm does and

They have a lot of other picks and stuff but um yeah maybe it’s closer to 33% a third yeah but I I just I don’t really think it’s happening but a lot can change between right now and uh between right now and uh you know the offseason saw is a ways to

Go yeah it’s all right we don’t have her names on screen so it’s cool if you don’t spell it right I don’t I don’t really get mad about that kind of stuff so call me whatever you want uh Sean asked what are your expectations for scoot next season stat-wise um see I was

Always going into the season I mean go back and take a look at previous before the season streams um I I didn’t think scoot should focus too much on scoring this season so I didn’t think his average is going to be super high um it’s actually a little higher than I

Thought it would be um because I didn’t think he would be get this volume of shots uh but I’d like to see him now that he we know he can score a little bit I like him to be in that 15 Point per game range but the real thing is I’d like to

I’d like him to be in like a an eight assist or so range and I mean obviously if Simons is still on the team he’s got a share respon abilities handling the ball with him but yeah I think even in kind of half Duty or maybe a little

More than half Duty handling the ball he should be able to get to eight pretty easily if he’s really focused on that and then maybe just uh you know cut down on the turnovers a little bit just be more consistent with how he takes care of the ball and stuff like

That and then defensively he’s going to have to to just completely revamp how he plays defense cuz it’s pretty bad right now mg jj1 123 says how much better do you think the Blazers would be with Miles bridges are you do you mean M Bridges or are you really asking me

About miles Bridges because I don’t think there’s any chance they touch miles Bridges no matter how good he is I don’t think he’d be on the team I don’t think they want that PR hit right now oh they did sign Terrence Davis to the to the remix earlier this season so

Maybe they don’t care as much as I think they do but I would be shocked if miles Bridges was a Blazer but maybe you just met mcale get miles Bridges and teren shanon yeah let’s not okay says yes M um so this is a tough question I if the Blazers had

Mcale assuming they gave up like both first and Brogden um they that probably on the low end um so I I think with male they’re probably they’re at least in the play in I think um I think they could challenge for like this the fifth or sixth seed um

And but I don’t think they’re ever a contender in unless scoot or sharp becomes a star like in the next couple years which I guess is possible but I think getting male with sharp St on the roster kind of stunts him a little bit because it’s

Kind of the role sharp would need if we keep scooting aony so I don’t know um but if sharp took a big jump I think it could possibly be like a fringe Contender you also have to make a a good moves to solidify your bench and and

Stuff like that but I think they’re really good just not I think it kind of limits their ceiling if you do a uh a trade like that which is why I don’t want to do that um interesting thing would be and we talked about this before do you

Trade one of your guards if it means you don’t have to give up any picks for male or do you would you rather just trade uh a bunch of picks along with Malcolm to get it done like how many people would trade Scoot and mati I will straight up for

Male if we got to keep our our picks this year I’m not saying I would do that I’m just asking how many of you would do that if you’re that low on scoot or whatever Sean says I was disappointed with Reed Shepard during the Kentucky loss in their conference tournament he

Kept deferring instead of shooting open looks um yeah I was disappointed in Kentucky is a hole in their loss um hope uh I have them going a lot further in the have them going pretty far in the tournament so um yeah I hope that’s not the case when the lights come

On sleep says that’s stupid are you talking about giving up scoop for male again I’m not trading for male if it was up to me but I’m saying I think that’s the kind of move the Blazers are looking to do when they say we’re going after a player

Not picks or rebuild or interested in a step back and I think the way he uh played this year uh or not necessarily his fault MC’s fault but the Nets in general I think realized that I think they had a lot higher hopes than they than they ended up being this year so

Yeah who’s my sleeper big man in round two of this draft uh well if Don Holmes Falls to round to I I love drawn Holmes um if a visich falls to the second round I also like him it’s it’s tough to answer that question when there’s not a lot

Of consensus on whether these guys are actual first or second round picks yet so um yeah let me see if oh uh this this guy is so tough for me because I if he was healthy I’d have a first round grade on him I’d still maybe take

A chance on him I don’t know if I draft him but definitely uh as a two-way undrafted guy um I would I would take a flyer on him and that’s um that’s neali Dante uh I love that guy’s game I’ve loved him for several years now when I’ve seen him

Play obviously it hasn’t been he hasn’t played enough and the injuries are enough to scare a lot of teams off long term that guy can play when he’s healthy dude like he’s really freaking good um the F Dante is uh is on the Ducks and I’m a I’m a beber so yeah

Um but yeah there was a there was a play like two years ago where he got a steal and took off from like way far away from the hoop and dunked it and just looked super athletic and I didn’t think he was that athletic um and obviously the injuries Zapped a

Little bit of that but uh he’s look pretty athletic when he’s what is on the court Dante just can’t shoot like at all uh I mean yeah he can’t shoot away from the basket but uh have you seen what he’s done like last five games or something I

Think shooting like almost 80% from the field like the dude didn’t miss in the championship game I think it was 12 for 12 um but yeah I mean I I get he’s not he’s not a modern Center um in terms of being able to stretch the

Floor uh I’d be interested to see what his we’ll look up what his free throw percentages yeah free throw is only 60% Dante reminds me of Y Missy is that how you say his name y Missy I think it’s yeah y um he reminds me of Y Missy if he was you know

Four years older an injury prone yeah just physical Beast like not going to shoot jumpers or anything but just dominant around the r yeah they just talk I was ask about a second round big man or like I said if he went on drafted I would definitely

Scoop him up on a two-way if I was a team but yeah he’s just too injury prone to draft you’re right that’s what I was saying yeah like like if he had upside maybe you take the gamble but for like a safe role player yeah he’ll probably

He’ll probably get an end of the roster type of contract or at least a two-way probably more of a two-way actually but I can see him sticking around for a little bit if he’s able to remain healthy I could see him even um cracking a main roster so yeah

Um says hoop in like didn’t even have a Visage on his board I watched this new yeah a lot of I wonder if uh that surprise me by the way that what surprised you that does not surprise me you guys seem very aligned in some of your views on players but

Um yeah I think a lot of people have been questioning him based on just not playing a ton outside of a few games um but yeah i’ I’ve liked what I’ve saw seen when he’s actually played yeah yeah there comes a production element that you want to see in order to

Bump him up into like the top 20 like Kean George I love his upside Eric but he has questions like athleticism plus strength right so like yes he’s 6 fo8 but does he play 6 fo8 can he guard small forwards he has a lot of time to add strength and figure

Things out but like if he’s a big two guard right cuz he can handle he can shoot if he’s a big two guard is him being 6’8 actually like that noticeable you know what I mean like there’s guys that play bigger than their listed size there’s guys that maybe play a little

Smaller he’s not somebody super physical so in just the way he disappeared in a lot of games like I would love to take him 21 22 23 that range but top 20 it’s tough for me for a guy like that simply because he didn’t produce enough this

Year if makes sense yeah but I also look at it I mean I’ve mentioned this before but you know he was playing with some high volume scorers and I know they got hurt at different points of the year but that Miami team I mean he wasn’t that highly thought of going into

The year in terms of like being a one andone guy so I think when you start to show stuff that you weren’t doing combined with how old is he when’s his birthday I’m look at his birthday December 12th wait is that right what 2003 he’s

20 almost I guess so 21 this year oh man that yeah I was thinking it was 19 that kind of sucks interesting yeah H so he’s like borderline top 20 for me he’s he’s in the fury Tyler Smith like that range I bumped them up to like I forget how high

I had him close to late Lottery because I think his upside is tantalizing but he’s in the same tier with the other like high upside players that haven’t produced much so AV visich chomi he’s he’s along with those guys for me did you mute yourself oh you’re

Talking okay um let’s just do ton will we see Gaga vers Kansas very unlikely cuz I think there is a decent chance that MCN can upset Gaga and K just doesn’t have mcculler Samford I think is GNA win that game um we’ll see tomorrow yeah M being Piller for Kansas especially

Playing an altitude Eric against a team that presses a lot and plays 10 Deep without Muller yeah the thing is they’re small so they have an advantage with Dickson but it kind of reminds me a little bit of the dynamic with Ed verse fdu last year mhm right so that’s going

To be an interesting Clash of styles and that’s what makes some of these matchups fun is in the NBA like the same things work and a lot of teams run the same stuff in college basketball teams can have more of an ident in terms of the

Way they play and I think during March that’s what makes it more fun is a lot of these smaller schools like were able to win their conference by doing something super specific or having a very specific style of play pressing Works more zone defense Works more there’s a bunch of different things that

Work better in college basketball and that’s why I enjoy watching it especially this time a year with that being said it’s time for take the Blazers are still two games back from Charlotte because of course Memphis unfortunately lost today which means Golden State one but uh Houston is trying to catch Golden State

Erk they’ve won six in a row eight out of their last 10 we all want that right that’d be awesome is that a CAD chat I don’t know what what Eric’s going Tor don’t let the audio go off premature for take a thought I’m not we’re chilling I I accidentally so I

Check want to check something um and it accidentally click the this my notification for this oh got you good old autoplay love it um so five and 13 I mean we got we know the picture this is basically what it’s been for a while now so we’re just going

To simulate it scroll up see what we get um at 14 is the Pelicans via the Lakers at 13 is Portland via Golden State 12 Chicago 11 OKC via Houston 10 Atlanta nine is Utah eight is San Antonio Via Toronto meaning that Brooklyn’s pick to Houston moves up

Into the top four I believe at seven is Charlotte meaning your Portland Trailblazers have also moved in the top four along with the Memphis Grizzlies Memphis Brooklyn and US yep I like that mhis lot of teams that had there two teams that had lower odds than us with us in that top four

Brooklyn is gonna rebuild with oh no it’s Houston never mind yeah it goes to Houston yeah Houston no matter what three Western Conference teams at six got this Eric is Detroit they finally got out of fifth they’re finally not fifth so good for them that means that uh San Antonio

Is also top four so that’s four Western Conference teams cuz he got Detroit at six and Washington is at five wow this is fascinating yep so here we go fourth pick goes to the San Antonio Spurs which means Portland now has the best odds at the top top pick third pick goes

To the Houston Rockets via Brooklyn the second pick goes to the Portland Trailblazers and the number one pick goes to Memphis although Eric there was a comment in chat earlier that said that it’s Taylor Packer says I saw on the draft Reddit today that Sam Vini said most front

Offices have reset at number one over SAR that surprised me so maybe us actually not getting number one and getting number two is a good thing maybe if you believe that well I think Reet would make a lot of sense in Memphis and if that there’s any shred of

Truth to that I could see ret being a Memphis pick Eric they need shooting especially at like a forward spot I mean they do have GG Jackson now but I could see them liking themselves some ree yeah and that way we don’t take him we sit there at two and we take

SAR and we win let’s go love to see it wonder if we would do okay this scenario would you trade two and 13 for one to make sure I feel like honestly honestly if teams are that high on Reet then I’m almost tempted to not do that

And then if they take SAR number one then shop two and Shop ret yeah maybe and just like call memphis’s Bluff or if they take r one we get SAR and whatever we get 13 but then you know if if they end up taking SAR ultimately then

We T Taylor says I can’t imagine the reaction on the draft room forgot one and picked R over we should say I wouldn’t have a breakdown because that’s the type of thing that people would hold me for you know what I mean like it flipped on the internet all that stuff

Like every time Chris Murray hits a three there’s people talking about in our group chat the Chris Murray haters are silent he made a three like okay obviously I’m one of them apparently I don’t hate Chris Murray I just hated the pick starting a rebuild would rather swing for upside like you

Know a GG Jackson type of prospect would still rather have GG Jackson um but you know Leonard Miller was obviously the guy that I really wanted so hey Chris Murray look good today I mean I’m roting for him if this team is good this YouTube channel

Benefits from it so obviously I want the Blazers to be good if that means Chris Murray is going to become a 25 Point per game scorer so be it I’ll say I was wrong and he is the next Dame if he wants to become the next

Dame I guess Eric I mean that’s a little unfair but no I’m saying if if he becomes the next Dame you know I’ll give him his flowers he has to become the next Dame for you no he doesn’t have to but if he does you know I I’m happy I’m happy I

Want him to I want Chris Murray to be 6 foot eight Damen Lord did you see uh or did you hear the question the Mel question I got while you’re were gone no what percentage chance would you give male for being a Blazer next year 11.5% 11.5 yeah that’s slightly better than

Our number one pick odds right yeah I don’t know that number is just speaking to me for some reason so you know I can’t I don’t know like anything higher than that is I think getting a little too crazy we don’t do things you know which could be a good thing

Now but basically it’s like okay now it’s a good thing if we just embrace the rebuild and don’t make win now moves now we’ll make a win now move right that’s kind of the feeling yeah so who knows but uh yeah what did you say I initially

Said 40% and then I realized that’s pretty uh High I change to 33% that’s still too high 33.33 3334 so a third yeah that’s still too high I think I mean there’s going to be other teams in the market for him and ultimately although I think they want to

Be good next year I don’t think they want to 1,00% Short Circuit the rebuild like to that extent to the extent that it would take to get male Bridges like I think anything that they could justify even if it’s an overpayment they would do but ultimately I think the

Blazers would have to Ultimate overpay too much for M because how many teams would love a two-way guy that can do stuff off the dribble that can be a elite lock down guy right so I just think it’d be tough what did chat say they said that was high for what I

Said Mel would not come to the Blazers anyway good thing he doesn’t have a choice because he’s under contract so it’ be a trade that’s not what Sam Setter did though he did a lotto spin to get the order and did a mock based on feedback from teams

Not his big Bard choices and PDX got W and took re on the mock I don’t get what you’re saying okay so we did a mock draft are you saying Taylor was wrong cuz Taylor said saw Reddit that Sam he said most front offices have ret at one over

SAR if he’s doing it based on feedback from Team

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