@Miami Heat

Bam Adebayo gives dudes HELL on the perimeter—opponents are 15/56 (26.8%) & turn it over on 10.4% of poss against Bam as the primary isolation defender… With almost 0 rim protection help, Bam SHUTS DOWN perimeter switches. Elite at eliminating drives & forcing tough pull-ups 🔒

Bam Adebayo gives dudes HELL on the perimeter—opponents are 15/56 (26.8%) & turn it over on 10.4% of poss against Bam as the primary isolation defender… With almost 0 rim protection help, Bam SHUTS DOWN perimeter switches. Elite at eliminating drives & forcing tough pull-ups 🔒

by jbenson255


  1. TheRatchetTrombone

    If this world truly cares about merit, Bam would be a 5 time all star, 3 time all NBA, and 2 time DPOY.

  2. FlyLikeATachyon

    He needs a real center on the court with him. He’s a 4 who isn’t allowed to shoot. Hopefully he can prove to Spo he can space the floor a little bit.

  3. Mugiwara_JTres3

    Of course, he’s the best defender in the league. Only of we had a 4 that could help him out.

    Still no Jae or PJ Tucker replacement.

  4. Gavster1221

    This video clip would be better for the “You have to be determined to do the tough things’

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