@Toronto Raptors

The Toronto Raptors are hardly a basketball team anymore | Could Malik Monk be a free agent fit?

The Toronto Raptors are hardly a basketball team anymore | Could Malik Monk be a free agent fit?

On your Thursday episode of Locked on Raptors the Toronto Raptors lose a game of almost basketball to the Sacramento Kings I was there and it made me sad you are locked on Raptors your daily Toronto Raptors podcast part of the locked on podcast Network your team every Day hey what’s going on and welcome to another episode of locked on Raptors part of the locked on podcast Network your team every day it is Thursday March the 21st and I’m your host Shawn Woodley watching these Toronto Raptors games so you don’t have to I’ve been covering the

Toronto Raptors now for 10 seasons on various platforms you can follow all my work over on the website that ain’t so good at Woodley Shan you can find the show on Instagram at lockon Raptors and of course you can join us on the lockon rptor Discord server still a little bit

Of time to get your entries in by the time this comes out you may have missed the boat but you get your entries in for the locked on Raptors uh bracket Challenge on the women’s bracket as well as that tournament gets kicked off tomorrow so still plenty of time to join

Us in our bracket challenges in the Discord talk about March Madness talk about the draft talk about the Raptors I guess it’s all there for you come hang out we’d love to see a link in the description free to join as always and of course you can find the show for free

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Every single time the show’s about to Premiere so thanks in advance for doing that and Today’s Show is brought to you by friends over at FanDuel make every moment more new customers get $200 and bonus Bets with any winning $5 bet that’s 200 bucks if your bet wins visit lockon to get started and we will get started here talking about a Toronto Raptor 123 to 80 9 loss to the Sacramento Kings it’s the same script we’ve seen utterly depleted roster no Emanuel quickly in this game no RJ Barrett in this game both have personal reasons obviously best wishes and

Thoughts to both of them uh no Scotty Barnes no yaka purle and you get the same result the Raptors have gotten now what eight games in a row which is a loss that’s dispiriting and kind of was never even remotely close and frankly you couldn’t expect it to be close when

Again you’re rolling out a starting five of Bruce Brown Gary Trent Jr oai iagi Grady dick and Kelly oin which would be a very nice second unit uh starting them against a team in the Kings that’s like playing for stuff was just not going to

Cut it and so we’re here picking up the pieces after another loss 23 and 46 are your Toronto Raptors they have doubled their win total with their losses it’s been a long long time since things have been this grim and look I want to have big broad takeaways from these games

That’s what I’m paid to do I’m here to to give you the takes I don’t really know where the takes are supposed to come from because this is barely basketball that we’re watching the Raptors halfcourt offense in this game just an utterly lifeless mess completely just kind of botching basic dribble

Handoffs and you know next pass in the sequence situations just ugly ugly stuff again to be expected with the players who are out there but the players who were out there not exactly covering themselves in glory in this one either and I was at this game uh I got some

Free tickets uh because you know season ticket holders don’t want to go to these games I guess so I got some free tickets through a friend uh just before game time like two hours ahead I I went down paid way too much money for concessions sat there great seats had a fun time

Watching pro basketball mostly enjoyed watching dearon Fox be really really fast and uh damus sabonis be extremely strong and mean to play against but you know that that was the stuff that was exciting that was the inter stuff in this one the Raptors did not offer a whole lot in terms of entertainment

Which is you know a problem for an extremely expens expensive entertainment product I’ll get into that a little bit later on um you know I want to talk about Malik monk as well coming up later in the show I guess I’m just kind of rambling off the top here about how bad

This basketball game was and not giving you the idea of what’s coming up today but yeah we got The Good the Bad and the H coming up at the end of the show uh we’re going to weave in some non-raptor stuff into that we’re going to talk

Malik monk as a potential free agent Target coming up but I guess if I’m trying to find a take away from this game I I guess the guy to talk about is Grady dick pretty rough night for him in this one one of eight overall just Five

Points uh you know we played a healthy dose of minutes played 32 minutes started again for the Raptors in this one but it continues a pretty rough month of March for Grady dick and you know again I I don’t know how surprising any of this is I don’t think it’s

Particularly concerning I’ve kind of seen all I needed to see from Grady dick in his rookie season to think okay this is a dude for the future I think when he was playing off of Scotty Barnes and yaka purle and banging in threes and running the floor well I was like all

Right there’s something to grow on here he’s young he’s got to get stronger he gets moved off his spot very easily um you know obviously he’s a a liability in half court defense as an individual Defender at the moment smart Team Defender we know all the things Grady

Dick does well and doesn’t do well at this point and this month of March I think is very much just a symptom of too much too fast for a guy should be a bench player and I do think it probably solidifies that Grady dick going into next season should also be a bench

Player I don’t think any sort of ideas or grand visions of him becoming a starter for this team next season are all that realistic I think there’s lots to work on here and I would rather it be a slow build for him of all right get

Into a spot on the bench where you’re comfortable you know play some good minutes maybe you close some games here in there because your shooting gravity is that important to the offense and sort of ease him into an eventual starting role which I’m sure the Raptors

Have in mind for him down the line sometime in the future but uh yeah it’s been a pretty rough go for him in March 9.4 points a game 2.5 boards 1.8 assists the shooting splits which were absolutely RedHot over the course of February really calming down 36% from

Two that’s or sorry 36% overall 31% from three and 100% at the line so that’s nice but not getting to the line very much he’s not getting to the rim as much uh just kind of a lot of leaning on that three-point shot in one of six from Deep

Last night and just a 46% true shooting percentage which is below the Malachi Flynn Zone not what you want to see but again I think the circumstances of this team are just not putting Grady dick in a very good position to succeed and you know the way things are with rookies

Rookies are bad rookies lead to negative play it’s very much been the case with grd dick as well the Raptors are a minus uh sorry Grady dick has a minus 20.6 onoff differential meaning that Raptors are 20.6 points per 100 possessions better when he’s off the floor than when

He is on it is what it is man I you know it’s this is what rookies do they lose their minutes and when you have rookies who are not surrounded by high-end Talent they’re going to lose their minutes dramatically and that’s just the way it is the legs don’t quite seem

There on his shot so much you know he’s played a lot of ball of late he was a you know rookie coming out you know I think it’s always a bit of a culture shock to sort of set into the NBA where it’s like oh we play games like for six

Months huh and we play them like every other night and oh God I’m playing now 30 minutes a game because this team has no players and I’m the kind of focus of a lot of what this team is doing I I totally understand that there might be a

Bit of a drop off in the shooting proficiency for a guy who’s being thrown to the wolves like Grady dick kind of is um and you know I think particularly like a player like him he’s one who benefits from the space and advantages that other players create right he’s

Someone with his gravity who playing off of a Scotty Barnes who commands two to the ball very often um you know really demands the defense’s attention yaka perto who has roll gravity who has work at the elbows with his passing a really fantastic screener that’s a thing they

Really miss right now oen a good screener they have no other good screeners on this team right now and that’s affecting a guy who really does a lot of damage coming off of screens and getting sort of sprung into open space for Shots by big hulking dudes setting mean screens on prospective Defenders

And that’s just not there for grd dick right now his threes you know just sort of eye testwise I haven’t got into the data on the contest data because the contest data is kind of noisy anyway but the threes don’t look like they’re coming as smoothly within the flow of

The offense they’re a little more contested and it’s just it’s been tough he’s not walking into those mid-range jumpers either right The Scouting Report is kind of out on oh Grady dick can take a you know a close out make a couple steps and pull up for a mid-range Jay

And that’s going to be butter for him and that was just not there for him last night the kings were totally prepared for it couple cases where he kind of walked into it thought he had the mid-range jumper went up either got blocked or had to pass out of it it’s

Just hey this is life this is learning the NBA ultimately these will be good growing pains for Grady dick to go through and there’s still good stuff right like some of the passes he threw last night really Nifty really slick and I continue to be pretty impressed by his

Passing and I continue to be pretty bullish on him being like a three four five assist guy sometime down the line just because he’s smart and makes the right next play so often that it’s just going to be get assists by doing that as often as he does so uh there was some

Good stuff there a really beautiful pass through traffic to a cutting Bruce Brown for a bucket um that was sort of the Highlight play I suppose but yeah tough one for Grady dick that’s probably the big you know that’s what I went to this game hoping to see was hey let’s see grd

Dick take 30 shots and play 40 minutes and sort of be the focal point didn’t quite get my wish there I got a lot of Gary Trench junor got a lot of oai abaji got a lot of jamas Ramsey in this one but not so much of gry dick and that’s

Fine the struggles I think are totally understandable and I think coming into next season we know what his role is going to be he’s going to be a bench shooter he’s going to play with Kelly Olin he’s probably going to play with staggered versions of lineups featuring Emanuel quickley and Scotty Barnes and

That is going to put him on in a position I think to succeed in a way that he was very much succeeding when this team was intact when Grady dick was also getting runs so uh yeah not concerned but that is the big thing to watch right now and right now it’s not

So fun to watch for one Grady dick which is fine we’ll come back on the other side we’re kind of done talking about the Raptors end of this game on this podcast we’re going to talk about a guy who maybe was doing a bit of an audition

For the Toronto Raptors last night Malik monk should the Raptors be pursuing him in the offseason we’ll get into that coming up in just one second Today’s Show is brought to you by our friend over at FanDuel say goodbye to busted brackets because FanDuel lets you bet on every game of the tournament

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And we continue on here rounding up the show or not rounding up the show it’s just segment two boy oh boy I wish we were done talking about this basketball game but we’re not we got two more segments baby uh let’s dive in to uh again not a Raptor’s takeaway

Necessarily but a guy who I think is someone Raptor fans are going to think a lot about in coming weeks and months and yeah I guess weeks and months is the time frame we’re looking at here Malik monk the prospective Sixth Man of the Year for the Sacramento Kings threw down

An absolutely vicious dunk last night that kind of killed the vibe after a great putback dunp by putback dunk by bamadu gay right back the other way mik monks just goes vicious with his dunk the other end he’s cool player he very cool player and you can find any in

Watching last night’s game watching Malik monk do his thing in person was certainly one of those things for me and he really popped off the screen right like he’s just like a really Dynamic second unit player to come in and the Kings have been like kind of going as

Malik monk goes in many ways over the last couple Seasons obviously Fox and sabonis very important to their success as well but I think this year like Monk’s playmaking his scoring pop obviously has been there he’s just had a really damn good season and he’s going to get paid

This summer and he might get paid to the degree that the Sacramento Kings cannot afford to keep him around he has this contract it was like a two-year $19 million deal that I don’t believe the Kings can properly extend him off of with bird rights because of the rules of

The CBA at least they can’t extend him off of it at a number that Malik monk would say hey that’s what I’m worth because he’s worth a lot more than you know just under 10 million bucks a year now he’s had himself a really good couple years for building up his value

He’s only 26 years old and guys with his skill set who can score and make plays like those are the types of dudes who make money especially in a free agent Market that’s not exactly stuffed with really good players who are going to be huge difference makers so for a Raptor’s

Team that has a pathway here to significant cap cap space you know it depends on who you sort of look at um you know spot track says they can get up to 43 million bucks in Practical cap space it’s probably a little bit less than that obviously they have manual

Quickly to sign his cap holds about 12 Mill million bucks that’s a low cap hold that helps them get there you’d have to renounce Gary Trent Jr’s cap hold and of course uh decline Bruce Brown’s option to get to that cap space but there’s a pathway there to enough cap space to

Throw a very competitive offer at someone like Malik monk who you know I don’t think really stands out as like fitting the bill of what the Raptors really need like the Raptors I’ve said this I said it on yesterday show I’ll say it a million times between now and

The summer Raptors need wings the Raptors need length the Raptors need defense and I don’t think Malik monk really brings any of those things he’s a 63 guard and he’s a Score first guy he’s not exactly renowned as a very positive Defender that doesn’t mean there isn’t

Good stuff that Malik monk brings you know first off I have to say maybe has like a top five basketball reference nickname his basketball reference nickname is God of dunk which he very much lived up to last night and frankly I’m okay giving the full bag to anyone

Whose nickname is God of dunk the Raptors need some dunks Malik monk brings the dunks that’s like argument number one in favor of bringing him in and maybe that’s the only argument you need if we’re going more basketball related arguments again the offense is the thing that he brings right he’s just

Extra scoring punch he’s someone who could be a backup lead guard for you and when Emanuel quickly sits you pair him with you know Scotty Barnes in a second unit or something like that pair him with yaka purle pair him with Kelly OIC and you can totally get by with him

Being your lead guard creatively and he brings just a lot of scoring punch again he’s probably going to win six man of the year for a team that’s a top six team in the western conference right now he’s a very positive impact player that said the

Defense is the concern and it’s also a concern of is it the right idea to devote a ton of financial resources to a very good player who doesn’t quite fit the direct needs of the team it’s sort of a talent thing right I think the argument in favor of it is like your

Team is just better off even if the fit’s not great the team is better off if you have Malik monk instead of Bruce Brown and Gary Trent Jr on your team right like that is sort of where it lines up and with Gary Trent Jr walking

There’s a pretty easy starters job to go and sell Malik Monk on you know in this case where you’re signing Malik monk Gary Trent Jr is walking because you’ve renounced his bird rights and so you know that’s like a pretty easy pitch hey you like playing with your Kentucky

Buddy in uh in Sacramento we got a Kentucky buddy for you and Emanuel quickly come be our starting two guard fill in for Gary Trent J and you know profit and make a lot of money like that’s the pitch and it’s maybe a pretty compelling one when you

Compare the other teams that are going to have cap space out there maybe the Raptors can actually get this thing done if Malik monk wanted to come to Toronto and if if you know the Raptors are are pursuing him like I I don’t think it’s crazy to suggest he’s not the type of

Free agent who’s so good that is out of the Raptor’s range of free agent possibilities so there’s that I do think I probably lean against it a little bit just because of the defense thing and the sort of numbers that you look at with the monk Fox sabonis Trio or the

Monk Fox lineups they kind of paint a bit of a sort of underwhelming picture I suppose you could say uh lineups that feature both him and fox in the back court are only a slight positive this season per cleaning the glass getting carved up pretty bad on defense to the

Tune of 118 defensive rating um that’s not very good you’re getting absolutely tortured and the offense has to be so good to get you by there and hey again there’s mildly positive lineups the offense gets them by because Monk and fox is a pretty dynamic duo I would

Argue Fox is more Dynamic and a higher end player than Emanuel quickly is right now and so you got to bake in that the fox monk pairing would be more potent overall on offense than the fox sorry the monk quickly pairing so there’s that there’s also the concern with the sort

Of fit when you work in Scotty Barnes you know I think you can kind of squint and see okay okay there’s kind of some similarities here between a fox monk sabonis Trio and a uh quickly monk Barnes Trio just in terms of how Scotty Barnes likes to work from the elbows

Obviously him and sabonis not the same player at all sabonis is an absolute bearer of a man an incredible rebounder a way better interior score all that stuff but Scotty does a lot of the playmaking stuff that sabonis does within the king’s offense obviously yaka

Purle does a lot of that too this is kind of muddying that where sabonis is their starting center Barnes would not be the starting center with that backcourt duo you would have the sort of back stop of yaka purle Rim protection so maybe there’s a higher defensive

Ceiling for that team than this Kings teams Kings team has although I think the offense could be a little bit less potent because sabonis is fantastic and fox is like you know a borderline all NBA player every year so there’s all these sort of Trades and balances and

And all that stuff but either way the fox mon of bonus lineups this year minus 3.3 per 100 possessions obviously played together a lot they’re just not that great they get absolutely torched on defense to a tune of like 123 defensive rating it’s just not good and so can you

Really build like a real competitive team with like a quickly monk backcourt with RJ Barrett’s defense on the wing with Scotty Barnes being a better rim protector than a wing Defender with yaka purle being your traditional drop like I think you’d be a better defense than the

Kings are for sure but is it a good enough defense and is the offense good enough to outstrip the defense that’s the big thing right the Kings offense has been an absolute wagon the last couple years less so this year they were like the best offense ever last season

Like 13th this year which still makes them a wagon by historical standards and we know that when they’re really humming they’re really damn good um you know I don’t know if the Raptors could reach that I mean maybe they could right like quickly monk Barrett Barnes purle like

That’s probably a very good offense it’s probably the basis of something in the top 12 or something like that but is it good enough to outstrip the defensive issues I think that you know it might be in the eye of the beholder I am a little bit concerned considering the lack of

Other Wingtown and the lack of other avenues to add Wing talent that the Raptors would have if they used their cap space on Malik monk the trade possibilities go at the door mostly if you don’t have Bruce Brown’s contract to send outa salary ballast right um the

Draft guys like no wi you’re drafting in this year’s draft is helping you win basketball games next season it’s just not going to happen watch Cody Williams last night one of the top prospects in this draft for Colorado uh look totally lost and just kind of be like a tumble

Weed out there just kind of floating in the wind doing nothing like these are going to be projects These Wings that you take in the draft and so I don’t know if it’s the best use of resources but Malik monks a got to watch I I you

Know as a pure talent play as a pure sort of infusion of life and electricity and what the Raptors do could do a lot worse and you know a quickly monk Barrett Barnes purle team with Grady dick and Kelly o lenck coming off the bench like that team’s going to score a

Whole lot of points it’s going to have games where it completely shreds the Nets and that’s fun the defense I’m concerned about a little bit there and so you know we’ll sort of rank our potential things the Raptors could do with their flexibility this summer monk

Is the first guy we’ve really looked at here but you know he’s you know I almost would wonder if I maybe I don’t know it’s tough like we talked about like Naji Marshall and Pat Williams is like a dual of wings you go and try to get on

Yesterday’s show would you rather just getting those wings Pat Williams Naji Marshall or just going to give some money to Malik Monk and figuring out the wing thing later it’s a tough one I’d probably go monk over those two wings but it’s uh that’s just because of the

Talent play but I think it’s a pretty fascinating one because you’re gonna have to pay Malik mck a lot of money and that’s also a consideration to be uh weighing as well fascinating stuff but I I just couldn’t help but think of Malik monk as a potential Toronto Raptor

Watching him last night eviscerate the Toronto Raptors to the tune of 17 points off the bench and a couple of nasty dunks and all that good stuff so those are my Malik monk thoughts not going to be the last time we talk about Malik

Monk he is one of the key free agents in a summer where the Raptors have some cap space if they want it so he’s going to be someone we got our eyes on for sure we’ll come back on the other side round It Up The Good The Bad and The Tristan D

Silva yes he is the not at all related to that Raptors game and that’s a good thing we’ll come back on the other side get into that to close out the show today’s show is sponsored by better help and look sometimes you just got to have someone to talk to it’s nice to

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Designed to be flexible and suited to your schedule just visit better locked on NBA to get 10% off your first month that’s better help on NBA right at the show here the way we do after every Toronto Raptor’s basketball game it is the good it’s the bad it’s

The h a thing I liked a thing I didn’t like a thing that’s got me a little intrigued from the most recent Toronto Raptors basketball game with a bit of a Twist coming for the h as I’ve teased as we’re going to talk about not a Toronto

Raptor but maybe a future Toronto Raptor at the end of this here segment let’s get into the good the good is is look say what you will about this iteration of the team but they’re essentially throwing out a team of dudes who are put on this Earth to try to bring down the

Rim with thunderous jams and hey you’re watching a game you go to a game you get tickets for free from your friend you go sit you know in the the bottom bowl and you’re excited to watch some basketball you know that the result is probably

Going to go one way you know the Raptors are not really the team they’re supposed to be it’s not representative of anything but man I uh if you get some dunks out of it it feels all right and there were some good dunks last night oai abaji feels like he’s good for one

Lob from Kelly oin every single night that’s great jamas Ramsey throwing down big yams all the time he had a couple sort of avenues for big yams last night that I don’t think he quite got the opportunity to take advantage of here and there but you know he’s always there

Lurking he just looks like he’s always looking for his next dunk and next poster victim Jordan War tries he might have the least dunk finish I’ve ever scene but he pulled off some nice moves last night at least he that like behind the legs or yeah through the legs behind

The back in traffic thing that was pretty fun um you know but yeah Jordan War he’s trying to dunk doesn’t do it successfully but he’s trying out there Mohammad that pretty sick putback we’re in it for the dunks at this point we’re in it for the court

Cuts in it for the highlights and the Raptors are at least offering a little bit of that in in between uh spurts of completely disconnected terrible basketball so yay dunks the bad you know just just kind of the general level of sadness that permeated that building

Last night is my bad like just like a pretty Grim situation man the the I know you can’t at all control for injuries or personal leaves of absences like it is what it is the Raptors have the players they have and I don’t think this is an example of them trying to tank

Necessarily like they their two best players got hurt and they’re out for the year and their next two best players got uh you know bad horrible things happening in their personal lives and so I mean we don’t know what’s going on with quickly but hopefully everything’s okay no timetable for his returns so

Best wish is there either way like it’s just it’s the reality of it it’s it’s tough It’s when you’re this uncompetitive it’s a really sobering experience going to a game I I remember going to a game in the first season post Chris Bosch I sat third row with my

Brother who was disinterested and frankly I can’t disagree because samardo Samuels was playing for the Cleveland Cavaliers and starting and playing heavy minutes like it was it was rough stuff a lot of Manny Harris it was and these are names that some people may not even understand or know because you became

Fans way later than 2011 but there’s a real like cost to being this lifelessly uncompetitive and I don’t think the Raptors can find themselves in this spot next year you cannot lose the Rope so badly in your first 40 games that your last 40 games mean nothing there’s a

Cost to it there’s a toll it makes going to the game feel like a chore for some people like people paid money I didn’t pay money to be there last night but people paid money to be there last night that sucks that’s not an entertainment product it’s just not like yeah the

Kings did some cool stuff but this game was out of touch by the middle of the second quarter it was not a competitive thing and this isn’t even just a Raptor’s thing this is even like a bigger picture problem to me look at the standings in the NBA right now the

Bottom 11 teams in the standings are all on some form of losing streak it’s non-competitive and it’s a problem because a lot of the teams ahead of them in the standings are like actually playing for stuff and it totally tilts the sort of competitive Integrity of the

League if teams are just walking into a building facing no resistance and walking out with winds like it kind of spoils the entire standings when the bottom third of it is completely rotten and those teams are not trying they’re not competitive and they’re just not in

It and and so I don’t know what you do obviously like the draft situation like teams are incentivized to try to lose games that’s bad like I I I understand the strategy of oh take advantage of the rules as they exist doesn’t mean the rules don’t suck doesn’t mean the rules

Aren’t like kind of a massive threat to the overall competitive quality of the NBA like I know people are worried about gambling and refs and scoring like I think this where a third of the league just doesn’t take the last third of the Season seriously is a way bigger threat

Than any of those things to the health of the NBA and there’s got to be some kind of fix because right now it’s a joke like it’s not just the Raptors it’s all of these teams in the bottom of the standings actively losing games not Felding competitive rosters and just

Handing wins over I had Nick angad from the MAV show last night text me like really the Raptors couldn’t throw the Mavs a bone by giving the Kings at least a game like no they can’t like it’s just not the reality at this point and you’re seeing races in other conferences

Affected by teams not throwing anything out again I know what the Raptor situation is and I know they can’t really avoid what it is right now especially with Barrett and quickly Barnes and purle maybe they could be rushed back probably not anyway with the nature of their injuries and so like

Whatever they’re out for the season what the Raptors are is what the Raptors are but you can’t tell me there wouldn’t be a little bit more incentive to try to be competitive down the stretch if they hadn’t totally lost the rope in the first half of the year or if there was

Something to actually play for down the stretch which is kind of leading me into my last thought here which is if you’re a fan of uh women’s hockey you know the pwl has gotten underway this year and they announced a couple weeks ago their new draft lottery format first of all

They also have a new playoff format where the top teams get to draft who they play which is awesome that rules um when you start a new league do cool rules that’s a really good thing um but when it comes to the Raptors sorry when it comes to the the lottery situation

With the pwhl they’re using the gold plan which is essentially put forth by this guy like Adam Gold I don’t know where Adam Gold’s from it’s just the name attached to the plan whatever he put this plan forth in like 2012 which is essentially once you’re eliminated you start to acrw points for

The lottery once you’re eliminated and you win games after you’re eliminated and the more games you win after that the better it is for your standings obviously this benefits teams that are eliminated first but those teams are also much worse and have a harder time winning so it balances the playing field

A little bit and makes there so there’s actually stakes in the last quarter of season for really bad teams Raptors are 15 games out of the six seed in the Eastern Conference right now they have 14 games left they are mathematically eliminated from being a top six team in

The Eastern Conference what if right now these last 14 games 13 games whatever it is what if there was actually Stakes to these games and playing hard and trying to go for wins and like having players play meaningful minutes in games that mean something for the team like that

Would be cool maybe the players don’t care about draft lot ODS maybe this is a faulty concept because of that but there was actually something for these teams to play for for these front offices to be incentivized to push for you would see teams shut down guys less for you

Know Nicks and cuts and things like that you would see I I think just like more competitive games even if teams aren’t winning these games like giving the Kings a run and having like a competitive fun game where both teams are playing for something even though that something is very different like

That would be pretty sweet the gold plan do it like the NBA needs something like that to make this last stretch of the Season more interesting for the teams that are really bad because you look at the schedule every night man and it’s like oh like okay there’s two games of

Note here because most of these games are tank team versus competitive team and we know what the competitive team is going to do to that tank team they’re going to spank them all over the floor as the Kings did last night again I’m just some dude on a podcast I don’t have

All of the data I’m not in the competition committee but there’s got to be something they can do to juice up the end of these Seasons because right now it’s a g scen my H is uh Tristan D Silva uh who had himself a really nice game

Last night for Colorado in their first four win over Boise State 20 points three boards one assists seven of 11 three of six from Deep really smooth looks off the catch uh sort of good movement for him as an off ball guy nice cutting here and there under the basket

You know just like doing a lot of darkos stuff you know Tristan D Silva is someone I talked about with Matthew winck a couple days ago I’m pretty interested in sort of what he is a player what he could provide um whether it’s with the Pacers pick whether it’s

With the Pistons pick at this point it might be with the Pacers pick if it’s going to be on the Raptors just because he doubtfully makes it through the first round all the way into the second round with what he does and the sort of NBA

Readiness of his game yeah he’s 23 yeah he’s like he’s longer in the tooth but I think uh you know he just got like kind of a ready-made skill set for the NBA maybe not the greatest on ball Defender not super strong kind of get bumped off

His spot here in the there but seems to be a very smart positional Defender made a lot of nice rotations last night held up on post ups and isos a couple times in that one as well um and just has like a nice fluid sort of multifaceted

Offensive game I’m in on Tristan D Silva he’s my H and he is how we are going to wrap up this episode thank you so much for tuning in as always we will be back again tomorrow to uh talk about something I don’t know we’ll figure it

Out maybe we’ll get a guest on and have uh you know either draft talk or big picture Raptors talk we’ll figure f it all out because it’s a grind day today figuring out how to properly talk about this team hopefully I managed to do that all right today thank you so much for

Tuning in thanks for following subscribing raing reviewing telling a friend always appreciated when you support the show however you support the show and we’ll be back again tomorrow thanks so much uh have a great night enjoy March Madness it’s kicking off oh my God watch the prospects baby it’s

Going to be a blast bye-bye

In Episode 1599, Sean Woodley goes solo to chat about the Toronto Raptors falling 123-89 to the Sacramento Kings in yet another flat performance for a totally depleted team. Off the top, Sean digs into the recent struggles of Gradey Dick, who finished just 1/8 against the Kings, and has really been hit hard by the losses of the Raptors’ top players, perhaps more than anyone else on the team. Next, Sean chats about Kings guard Malik Monk and his potential fit as a free agent target for the Raptors this summer. Could Monk’s offensive juice help the Raptors become one of the league’s best offensive teams? Or would his lack of size and defense make him perhaps not the best use of the Raptors salary cap flexibility this summer. Lastly, Sean runs through The Good (dunks), The Bad (the bottom third of the NBA just not even trying anymore) and The Hmmm (Tristan da Silva’s big night for Colorado) to round out the show.

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  1. 4 watching. What has Masai done to this team and this community…? Can we please finally have a discussion about the front office's clear and utter incompetence following the Championship. Time to move on.

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