@New Orleans Pelicans

This Version of Zion Williamson is What Everybody Feared..

This Version of Zion Williamson is What Everybody Feared..

I can’t tell you guys how much negative media about the New Orleans Pelicans that I’ve been forced to consume over the years for whatever reason it’s felt like the New Orleans Pelicans have just been that team that everybody has loved to hate to give an example of how

Ridiculous things have been for New Orleans people hated the Pelicans so much that before Zion even got the opportunity to get drafted to New Orleans faithful Pelicans fans had to listen to the media say that he should stay a Duke for another year just so that the Pelicans wouldn’t even get the

Opportunity to take him you know because Zion wanted to be a Nick and the Pelicans would ruin his career just like they supposedly did with Anthony Davis that right there is some Next Level hating the rumors had reached a point where they were so loud to where Zion’s

Stepfather felt like he had to step in and shut everything down saying that this wasn’t even something that his son was considering I don’t know about you guys but I for one I’m glad that Zion didn’t return to Duke for another season and gave the New Orleans Pelicans the

Opportunity to draft him Zion has fully embraced New Orleans and in return the franchise in City have both fully embraced him back as of late Zion hasn’t just been silencing the noise he’s been demolishing it in route to having a season that most players could only dream of earlier this season the

Pelicans would advance to the semi-finals of the inseason tournament where they’d face off against the Lakers and to get absolutely demolished 133 to 89 the Pelicans losing in the inseason tournament wouldn’t necessarily be a big deal by itself because it’s just the end-season tournament at the end of the

Day but the way that they lost that would be an entirely different story essentially everybody on the Pelicans had a bad game against the Lakers in the in-season tournament but there was one performance that stood out more than the others and that was the performance of Zion Williamson on

Offense it was as if Zion wasn’t invested enough to try and on defense if the Lakers put him in any sort of action they were going to score to be frank this game Zion Williamson looked like somebody that didn’t have what it took to be the best player on a champ

Championship team with that being said some of the things that I heard after this game were disgusting it is shameful you got chefs in New Orleans I’m not exaggerating I’m quoting people you got chefs in New Orleans who love them they’re looking for them everybody every Chef there wants to meet them because

They know he’ll show up to their restaurant the the the word out on Zion Williamson is that he’ll eat the table I’m quoting he’ll eat the table now while some of the things that I heard after this game were wild there was was still some valid and heartfelt criticism

That would be mixed in the thing that disturbs me is he’s not a young kid when Moses told me I was fat and laer I was a rookie he’s been in the league long enough he’s got two guys in his team that are better players than him and

They shouldn’t be shouldn’t be he should be he was the number one pick in the draft he should be a better player than Ingram I we like Ingram obviously we love CJ he should be the best player and he’s not even close number one he’s got

To get in shape who better better than Charles Barkley to give Zion Williamson advice on this situation I know that Charles Barkley can be known as a jokester but every now and then he does say some things that are incredibly true and with Zion Williamson he told no lies

With Zion’s Talent level he should have Far and Away been the best player on the Pelicans but yet he wasn’t well it’s safe to say that’s no longer the case since the playing tournament both Zion Williamson and the New Orleans Pelicans have been transforming the Pelicans are

30 and 15 since the tournament and have been one of the best teams in the league tapping back into that energy that got them the one seed last year before it all came crashing down due to injury I know that the Pelicans obtained that one seed very early in the year last year

But it’s still wild to me that this team went from being the one seed to missing the Playoffs entirely I still have nightmares about that 10 game losing streak if anything the Pelicans falloff last season shows you how valuable that having a player like Zion Williamson truly is when Zion William son is

Playing his best basketball he’s a game wrecker he’s somebody that defines the roles of the players around him and gives his team mature identity which has been the case this season for the Pelicans I know that we keep going back to that dreaded inseason tournament but since that tournament the Pelicans have

Had the fourth best offensive rating in the league at 110.2 they’ve had the second best defensive rating in the league at trailing the Boston Celtics at 8.6 and most importantly they have a superstar who has been living up to those lofty expectations that were put on him coming

Out of Duke which in large part is due to the amazing shape that he’s in wior says that since the inseason tournament the Zion has lost 25 or more pounds guys that is a ton of weight here’s a reminder that just a few years ago that we were seeing reports that Zion had

Eclipsed 300 lb and now we’re seeing him fly around the court like he’s back at Duke Zion getting into the phenomenal shape that he has has brought on the return of Point Zion which we first saw understand Van Gundy Point Zion as you could guess is something that defenses

Simply don’t have an answer for Zion goes through smaller Defenders and around bigger Defenders it doesn’t even matter if the big that’s guarding Zion just camps the paint because Zion’s explosiveness craftiness and finesse around the basket is just too good honestly his unique combination of skills is something that we may never

See again for a person his size there’s truly no way to guard Zion if you want to wall up or send help Zion is an exceptional passer who has the ability to use his gravity to his Advantage collapse on Zion if you want to and

Watch him kick the ball out to one of the Pelican Shooters who have no problem shooting the ball from distance with volume bi is shooting 35.7% from three on 3.8 attempts a game Trey Murphy is shooting 37.9% from three on 7.7 attempts a game CJ is shooting 41% from

Three on 7.9 attempts a game and then there’s herb Jones who teams used to dare to shoot who’s shooting 43.3% from three on 3.5 attempts a game even pelic Center yonas valent chunis has been doing his best Brook Lopez impression looking to expand his range since he

Arrived in New Orleans and is shooting 34.6% from Deep on 1.5 attempts a game which last season there was a game against the Clippers where he went seven of seven from deep in just one half mind you that as I’m talking about all of these guys who could potentially shoot

The ball for the Pelicans that none of these guys are one-dimensional the Pelicans are one of those rare teams that can not only outshoot you but can also out aete you and usually the Pelicans are going to have the best athlete on the floor well it’s been

Great to see Zion return to form on offense with him averaging 30.3 points 8.3 rebounds and three assists on 65% over his last four games what I’ve been most impressed about with him is his defense he’s not just chasing highlight Blocks he’s getting low he’s moving his

Feet and he’s forcing players like Kawai to take what he gives them if an offensive possession like this would have happened during the inseason tournament against the Pelicans the Pelicans would have been inbounding the ball seconds later because they just gave up two points Zion isn’t relying on

The team to energize him he energizes the team and everybody has been following his lead just listen to what Zion had to say after a statement wi against the Clippers where the Pelicans would secure the head-to-head tiebreaker over them I don’t know who said what at

Halftime but you came out on a tear in that third quarter it’s like a switch flipped for you what was that take me inside it I’m a comp I want to win simple as that that is exactly what you want to hear coming from one of the leaders and stars of

Your team guys you have no idea how proud of this team that I am at this moment I know that there’s a lot of basketball left to play and that anything can happen but as a Pelicans fan I’m just going to enjoy this moment while I have it it’s been awesome to see

Players on this team grow and mature to shout out a few of them Brandon Ingram never wavered has always always given his all and been a true leader I’m really excited to see this guy back in the playoffs because he was a monster in that Phoenix series a few years ago herb

Jones is the heart of this team this man is one of if not the best perimeter defender in the game he’s a timely cutter and an overall threat on offense and he’s shooting what from three again the next Pelicans Jersey that I get has to be herbs Trey Murphy is a 69 freak

With the strap and has been adding to his game every year Larry Nance knows who Larry Nance is he knows Larry Nance’s role which cannot be overstated sometimes that’s just nice to have also n is shooting 42.3% from Deep on low attempts could that be something to

Monitor as for CJ this guy has been a true vet he embraced coming to New Orleans and he’s been making the most of his time here him and Willie Green who is also done a great job have been exactly what Zion Williamson and this team have needed as a pelican fan this

Has been a fun season I really don’t have too many complaints I mean I do wish that we got Titus Jones and Daniel Gafford at the trade deadline but hey like I said I really can’t complain too much here’s the hoping that our lack of Rim protection just doesn’t come back to

Bite us now my Pelicans fans I will do a deeper dive with this Pelicans team very soon so be sure to be on the lookout for that now I’ve been seeing a lot of people call this Pelicans team a Darkhorse contender in the comments below let me know if you guys feel like

This Pelicans team has the potential to contend or if it’s still too early for that clicking the video on the screen right now is a great way to support my channel I’m get like Coupe bringing you guys the scoop until our next upload

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  1. You the first dude I see giving Zion and Pelicans their flowers. This year they are good. Give Zion some more time, he is just gonna get better and he is already a BEAST. Hearing SAS talk about him was disgusting, Z was injured, he is a big body with huge explosiveness he consume lot of food for sure. When injured he couldn't spend all those calories. Look at his interviews he is a good dude and I wish him all the luck. Next year he is gonna be 25+ player at least. Mark my words

  2. As it stands, a NOLA, LAC match up would be amazing. Zion and Kawhi would be a strength and footwork match up I would love to see.

  3. literally stole the title and thumbnail from thekidshere not everyones creative enough to be a creator

  4. I genuinely think people talking negatively about his weight helped him. He was lacking and some players need adversity or a chip on their shoulder to explode in games. It’s a real thing. Hes tired of all the talking and people saying he will fail. That’s also why I think that one Ball brother and Lebron James’ kid won’t succeed. Because when you are put on a pedestal despite not accomplishing much, it makes your head too big. Players sometimes need adversity. That’s why kids from the hood many times do so well. Or people like Steph Curry who has a father who is a former NBA player but is also short in height and was never expected to make it. Chip on shoulders can be deadly weapons.

  5. You mean this is the Zion we all wanted to see, even when I was calling him "Porkchop." I just hate watching supremely talent / gifted people waste it.

  6. Honestly the pels could go on a run in the playoffs, but I don't think they could beat the nugs and make it outta the west. The clips may be limping into the playoffs. The kings, mavs, nor suns have the defense to slow em down. The wolves have ant as basically their only off weapon now.

  7. The only thing I've ever hated about the Pelicans, is the name of the team AND what they named the damned mascot🤷🏾‍♂️

  8. I dont think we hate on Pelicans, its more like people hate on Zion because of this drama and lack of commitment to the team. Its also true that he was out of shape and was injured 80% of his career. He was a 1st pick and had a lot of issues. So yeh, I like the early hype for the Pelicans, but Zion still has a lot to prove as an NBA player.

  9. I'm a Warriors fan & I love watching this Pelicans team, they have little bit of everything on offense to demoralize a team.
    Zion has obviously been hearing his critics, including myself.
    Early on I thought Zion was having trouble with his ego & role on the team, and he became passive aggressive in his play style & lacked discipline on & off the court. Now since the All Star break he been a changed man, like he had a talk with KG or something to bring the dawg out night in & night out from here on out!!!😂 I love it!! Hope he keeps balling out consistently now!

  10. I only started getting into basketball 3 years ago bc I’m from Europe and my childhood was football/soccer and I choose New Orleans as the ones to support bc I love New Orleans and man to see this team grow each guy was awesome and it was the best thing to trade no one

  11. This has been my team since i started watching ball. This is a very young team, they have a lot of room to grow. What we need is another center

  12. Great video! This is the most excited I’ve been for NOLA basketball since we had AD and Boogie down low. This is a great teams with good chemistry and a lot of talent.

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