@Memphis Grizzlies

Golden State Warriors vs Memphis Grizzlies 4th QTR-PART 2 Highlights| Mar 20|2024 NBA Regular Season

Golden State Warriors vs Memphis Grizzlies 4th QTR-PART 2 Highlights| Mar 20|2024 NBA Regular Season

That’s why when Steve cerr is asked can this team do anything in the postseason is this can they make any kind of run can they come together the one thing Steve says is and this is from training camp on is how connected these guys are we see it we travel with them and

There’s a chemistry in a comerie that you can’t fake everybody likes each other you got the veteran leadership you got a great mix of young talent that they’re good enough that’s that’s been confirmed it’s just doing it more often finding the consistency speaking of Brazilians GE Santos missed that three

GG Jackson continues to fire I like him he’s got 31 on 10 of 15 shooting but you find him with the 45th pick at the oneye South Carolina and we’ve seen enough of him in three meetings to realize he’s something he can play well Steph said it

Like a week ago the motivation was let’s try to get this 60 now it’s just let’s play Like Us yeah we got to play better basketball let’s play like we’re capable of playing and tonight the the starters played much better than I started off well you’re playing should he that

Stretch of oh he’s having a nice run in January I mean we’re we’re coming to the end of March and he’s still playing great basketball he stayed in beast mode G Jackson missing that three they’re not going to get to 63 but their franchise record’s 54 taking four blowing up now love

Lacrosse well you know about that you know who the national champions are I don’t don’t the Fighting Irish of Notre Dame the national champions in Lacrosse I don’t even know if Kentucky has a lacrosse team honestly bring them you problem now Mike and I go back and forth

You need that hand eye coordination with the cross whoa dropping in deep two there’s a toughness though for Pat Spencer the ability to shoot ability to move without the ball Pat Spencer is out there kind of stretching just trying trying to get loose it’s not easy to sit

That long and come in and be expected to just knock down shots spot in his rookie year you know that’s coming gonz got into J F get a Lo Warriors flag come to the trace Center on Friday night what have you done I just un I don’t apologize got to love Pacers

Play so fast be ready to turn your head got hurt that was a big loss for them but Tyrese halberton and just they got they got run jump guys that are amazing that was a great game in Indiana it was super fun game exciting Steph put on his show pona is Trail

Three i’ expect Steph to have a big game again like you kind of get a break tonight let the guys carry you and then fire up next game tying the season high with 42 assists may have to shoot it one more time G Jackson missing there Looney and that could be H

Sper hey that’s stretching work NBA bucket and a season high and assist for the Warriors his legs got warmed up love that I love his story nice LR to Northwestern and hoops and that was not easy D too he almost overran it it’s tough to kind of almost

Jump backwards I let you discuss the D never done that before if it was easier well there were a lot of stretches of good basketball tonight there was it was again only seven turnovers for the game you you start against the Knicks you immediately have five turnovers and you didn’t have 40 free

Throws for Memphis as they did on MLK day so turnovers and fouls that’s been a warrior problem all year and tonight both were kind of under control and the Warriors started contesting the three balls there tonight made them miss a little more often lately Memphis doesn’t

Need to shoot here I’ll give you one number how about when he score 137 points and he had six free throws attempted that P you made a lot of shots basically that’s crazy well good on Memphis man ad John Mor Marcus Smart

Golden State Warriors vs Memphis Grizzlies 4th QTR-PART 2 Highlights| Mar 20|2024 NBA Regular Season

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