@Golden State Warriors

Shocking News: Warriors Big 3 Future in Doubt! Windhorst Drops Bombshell on Playoff Prospects

“Shocking News: Warriors Big 3 Future in Doubt! Windhorst Drops Bombshell on Playoff Prospects”

He’s really set a a standard of Excellence he’s leading the league in three-pointers again he’s just shy of another 300 in a season 27 points per game are the fourth most by a player aged 35 or older in NBA history so even vintage step is Peak step he told me

That he definitely still feels like he is in his prime and yet all of that hasn’t been enough to give Golden State a boost in the standing so what is the forecast in the bay that sounds like a job for the windy watch well Malika I know that the Warriors fans and even

Some like fans are going to be familiar with what we’re about to put up here we’re about to put up the teams that are in front of them and yeah what about those Suns what about the Mavericks you know the Kings they’re in sixth right now the Warriors watching for six for a

Long time but they got to be forget about six watch your six your six because Guess who’s coming from behind you the Houston Rockets six consecutive victories they’re now two and 1 half games back of the Warriors for that 10 seed and moving fast now look this is

The schedule coming up for the Warriors this is the one I want you to pay attention to this is in 15 days in 15 days will this game be for the number 10 seed the Warriors better hope not but I’m going to tell you something must-win games start now guys must-win games

Begin this evening mere hours away because the Warriors only have a 27% chance of advancing past the play in that’s out of the play in perk so what would it mean if the Warriors aren’t able to secure that eighth seed at all nothing wouldn’t mean anything it

Wouldn’t mean a damn thing to me okay it would maybe mean something to the rest of the world but I didn’t have the Warriors pick to do a damn thing this season and I’m not the one that’s calling the shots in the front office and decided not to do a damn thing at

The trade deadline right they decided to stand pack they decided to bring Klay Thompson Off the Bench they decided all these things so they have to live with their decision and so when it comes down to it they knew that they didn’t have enough around step courage to compete in

A tough Western Conference so if they failed I’m not sure that’s true because they were playing some of their best basketball in not after they didn’t TR after they didn’t trade and it was working St stained his ankle I was the one that said what treade Klay Thompson

I was the one that said trade Klay Thompson and they moved him to the bench he started killing he played in a few gam nothing if they if they don’t make the eighth seed right they miss the playoffs completely in a year that’s in Steph’s Prime that you were calling to

Trade Klay Thompson when then they’re going to have decisions to make about clay about Jonathan kaminga who may be their most valuable trade asset but also has been one of their best players you’re saying it means nothing that all of these decisions may be bubbling up very urgently for Golden State I was

Answering no I was answering the question at hand that’s what I’m saying is if they don’t make it I’d never had expectations like I think the thing is perk what you’re talking about is you don’t have any more expectations for the Warriors Dynasty as we have known it right they’ve won four championships

Under Steph you feel like the tide has turned towards the youth I’m still here to say that Steph Curry is still remarkable in his prime this is going to be the most important off season because they can restructure things around Steph in a way that when you said hey Trey

Clay they’re like actually let’s let these things naturally evolve what has happened naturally Jonathan kaminga has proved his worth what has happened naturally well Klay Thompson has accepted a better role coming off of the bench these are all things that are the natural course of events when you don’t

Panic and you push for things and now these conversations that were so difficult in February are going to be easier for them to structure something around Steph who again Malika said is leading the NBA like we talk about LeBron James being remarkable at year 39

Steph being able in year 15 to lead the NBA in made threes is still remarkable and I believe that Steph knows he can still do this for another three years to come it still means a lot track there’s two tracks going on you got Steph you

Got you got Steve cerr trying to figure out how to beat the Grizzlies tonight trying to make their young guys work trying to figure out how to beat the Grizzlies tonight that’s a sentence that just came out good at home what do you want me to say so that’s one thing going

On you know they’re they’re working on that trying to win the next game they got the the rockets on their heels then you got the front office who I’m telling you has some whiteboards that they’re not showing anybody that are going to be about this summer because you’ve got uh

Expiring contracts with with Klay Thompson you got uh Chris Paul you got a whole set of opportunities you’ve got some first round picks that you can trade and there’s no way that the team in 10th place right now and Steph Curry still being able to be effective that

They’re going to bring the same team back next year they’re going to go to work and I’m promising you they’re working on it every single day and that’s what’s fascinating obviously they’re underachieving this year they’ve got some more work to do and that’s what we’re going to see they definitely have

Some more work to do but they’ve been holding on for so long and that’s what happens has to hold on won the title two years ago with this but listen to me Wendy this is what I’m trying to explain to you for the simple fact when you when

You put your em you cannot have emotions with business and this is what’s going on with the Golden State Warriors right now they’re holding on too long because of the emotional ties with Klay Thompson right like they could have made some moves at the trade deadline but Klay

Thompson is going to have a stat you at some point when he retires outside the arena so you know what we got to go and confine how did you feel when the Celtics traded you huh how did you feel when the Celtics traded you and they hadn’t you know that core hadn’t lost

Yet you you want me to tell you it was they loss not mine cuz I went back to the fighting so I feel sorry for them but at the end of the day we’re talking about me that was in my Prime and they got rid of me for because they had Shaq

And Jo we’re talking about guys that at the end of their career but I think but I think that your point what you are saying doesn’t support that it means nothing I think you’re saying it means everything that now by losing by not making the eighth seed at all it ushers

In these conversations forces their hands dist y giving me a headache it’s all right we’ll get you some nobody Hadar break from deep and a huge out come of that three-point barrage right is big wins here look at this Boston has 14 25o wins a season that is tied for

The fourth most ever in a season in NBA history the Celtics are more than a 10-point favorite tonight according to ESPN bet this is the biggest Underdog that the Milwaukee Bucks have been since 2017 so Brian what is the path if any do the Bucks have to making it out of the

East here well one of the things that’s been a factor for them is can they get this number two seed right and get home court in the first C rounds and something I really pay attention to is what’s going on with Donovan Mitchell in Cleveland Donovan is dealing with a sore

Knee that he went and got some PRP for came back then was feeling discomfort in the knee and his back shut down again he’s also dealing with a nasal fracture but the calav seating is becoming less important as it is to making sure the Donovan is healthy the Caps have an

Easier schedule and the tiebreaker over the Bucks and they’re only one game separated in the standings so that’s something that I’m expecting to watch but if they have to keep and protect Donovan down the stretch they could take some losses and that could open the window for the bucks to get this two

Seat and this end up being a preview of the Eastern Conference Finals yeah there is a literal large sizable gap between the Celtics and the bucks but I do think that the Gap is closing in some ways because you know a lot of the Eastern Conference standings is predicated on

Health and they are starting to get healthier even though Yannis is not playing tonight at the right time thank you w for that information about the hamstring not being so serious and you know I think about the playoffs in a situation where On Any Given night Giannis and Dame could potentially be

The better players amongst Duos on the floor Giannis is still giving us 30 30 points per game and 11 rebounds per game Dame has rounded form him since All-Star he was shooting around 33% from three and uh pre- Allstar post Allstar 40% he’s being more aggressive and so I

Think that’s a very difficult situation if you’re assessing where the Bucks were in January February to where they are now even though you look at that one and two Gap the Gap when it comes to competing on a night and night basis the Gap is probably smaller than people

Think I think the player who gives the Bucs a chance to close the gap on Boston is Chris Middleton he just returned after a month out I talked to Doc Rivers about this uh over the weekend and getting a third score getting somebody who’s IQ with this group you know just

Makes them more dangerous in the playoffs and you know Chris Middleton can guard his position he was I don’t know that he is going to be an All-Star level player again with the injuries he’s had but they don’t need as much from Chris Middleton in Milwaukee than

They did when they won a title against Phoenix but they do did him on the floor they do need him contributing and if he can stay on the floor the rest of the way I think that makes them much more formidable and I think that puts them in

A conversation with the Celtic team no I agree and look if they was to match up in the series I think it it would go seven games it’s that close you can’t count out Giannis and I damn sure is I’m damn sure not about to be against Damen

Lillard a guy who has shown us time and time again that when he’s asked to perform at the highest level he does it and so when I look at the Milwaukee Bucks and I look at their front line Giannis Brook Lopez Bobby poris and what he’s been bringing to the table I’m

Looking at the Celtics front line and I’m like okay you got Christa porzingis you do have Al Horford and you got Luke carnett which front line are you taking in that series The physicality and then you talking about the Eastern Conference Finals it’s going to get interesting

There was a time Brian I think particularly on paper you looked at the Milwaukee Bucks in the Boston Celtics as really a two team Race in the Eastern Conference Finals now that we are just mere weeks away from the playoffs beginning do you still have that same

Feeling that same conviction no he’s we still have so much uncertainty about so much health with some of their competition Joel embiid can he come back how will he look if he can come back will they be able to avoid the play in tournament I mentioned Donovan Mitchell

The New York Knicks are getting healthier but now we have ogan noi re sideline still don’t know about Julius Randall you know to beat the Celtics you got to be at the top of your game and when they played the Bucks two years AG go Yannis ran out of gas Middleton

Didn’t miss that series it was a grueling seven game series and by game seven in Boston he just didn’t have enough if you’re going to beat this team especially without home court advantage you got to have all of your players at performing at a high level yeah and you

Can make the same case for the Celtics when they made to the NBA finals versus the Warriors they ran out of gas in some ways and and perk I know you mentioned the front court but I do think to challenge that look at the perimeter the back court for the Celtics if you’re

Going to talk about the defense that is stalwart for the bucks having prior you know potential Defensive Player of the Year candidates look at the defensive front uh back court that they could have between Derek white Drew holiday who was integral on that bucks Championship so

Like I do think it balances out in some ways more so in the Celtics favor I’m glad Me Foree Foree Fore for Foree For For fore for for for Foree for spee

“Shocking News: Warriors Big 3 Future in Doubt! Windhorst Drops Bombshell on Playoff Prospects”

Get ready for a bombshell as Windhorst reveals shocking news about the future of the Warriors’ big three! With the playoffs looming and the play-in tournament on the horizon, uncertainties abound. Will the Warriors be able to make it through, or is this the end of an era? Don’t miss out on this crucial update on the Warriors’ playoff prospects and the potential impact on their star-studded lineup. Stay tuned for all the latest developments! #Warriors #NBAPlayoffs #WindhorstAnalysis #PlayInTournament #NBAUpdates


  1. The fact they haven’t moved on from this fake big three already is silly and disrespectful to Steph they owe him better for what he’s done for Golden State

  2. So Perk won’t count out Damian lillard bc of his greatness but he’s willing to count out STEPH and the warriors? Okay Perk lol

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