@Detroit Pistons

Dr. Pierce on Ausar Thompson’s Season Ending Injury

Dr. Pierce on Ausar Thompson’s Season Ending Injury

Well ladies and gentlemen bringing in Dr pierce the Michigan Sports and Spine Center always bringing us that good news and good information doc how you been man good how are you all I can’t complain what’s going on down in Nashville man you spend a lot of time

Down there you got information you want to share put him on the spot I’m I’m just I’m just spreading my knowledge you know I can’t just spread around Detroit I got a you know Tennessee is asking for my knowledge so we’re we’re extending down here from a professional standpoint okay

Or um we’re bringing our philosophy here our aggressive approach to sports medicine and rehab and and all that and it’s actually great here you guys are I heard you complaining about the weather I love nville it’s SE it’s no I’m talking about the weather there it’s 78

And sunny here oh way to brag about rub it in wait wait way to rub it in so I got a I got a wedding to go to on the first Saturday of May instead of watching Derby my cousin’s getting married in Nashville so I’ll be down

There soon enough doc Nashville is a beautiful city uh before we get into it man because we got some some uh breaking news well not breaking but we have news about assar Thompson and what he has going on Doc the NCAA tournament is on and you typically make good pits you saw

You pick the score correct right you know we’ve been using you ever since who is in your final four and who do you have taking it off man could you share that information well all the brackets should be in by now so nobody’s cheating but uh

Just go to the end I I don’t see I see University of Connecticut just just rolling I mean I got my Michigan State team you know we we pull we pulled through today I got them going to the final eight I think it’s Kansas City and

Yukon I have in the final game you got Kansas and Yukon okay you’re brave man that choose Kansas yeah I mean I hu we had Houston Kansas um Yukon Yukon and I can’t remember Marquette maybe I can’t remember my fourth one Mar Marquette or kraton that’s what I went

With no I don’t have North Carolina oh no I have I have michig state Carina you got Miss lost Purdue loses in the before the final four in the final eight all right so it look like you’re going with the smart people who choose youon you’re

Taking a chalk doc all right we got you check it out hey you’re smart man you’re smart man you take the Hurley Brothers you take you and you win right I mean they they they know how to they’ve been there they know what’s going on I mean like Arizona I like them

But you can’t depend on them Purdue you shut down the big man what else what are you gonna do try to look for J KN no longer with him uh I I agree so let’s just go with the Yukon uh Huskies for the second year in a row doc

Uh we got news that assar Thompson is now out for the year treated for a blood clot um first thoughts initial thoughts on that they young to be getting blood clots 19 years old little young to be getting blood clots they typically have after uh they happen after surgeries but

I don’t know that’s why we lean on you to tell me is this irregular and it seems to be happening a lot and actually I think Anon he wants to run some things by as well so t understand a blood c and a 19-year-old you guys are right you’re

Hitting on it you know typically it’s postsurgical typically it’s an older person flying or hasn’t been mobile for a while when you have it in a 19y old that’s that leads a full medical workup meaning there’s clotting factors that are not naturally happening in your body

Every day the classic is if you cut yourself how quickly that you know kind of scabs over clots and stops bleeding like if it’s excessive then we start worrying that you’re bleeding too much when you get a blood clot that means that you’re clotting factors where it’s

Supposed to the blood’s supposed to stay thin we don’t have to get into the real science of it but there’s factors within the blood system that creates a clotting factor which should be normal so when you get a blood clot formed he has to have a a very extensive battery of blood

Works through most likely hematology and then we worry about silly things I mean you have to rule out all the silly stuff I mean like oncology hematology is together that’s more special to us that mostly deals with blood issues and Cancers so there’s a reason why they overlap if there’s a

Simple that he had some unknown trauma and you know he had a blood contusion or hematoma that formed then that might be it so I don’t know exactly where the blood clot is do we know where the blood clot is well that’s that’s a great question doc because for I I I guess

Most modern history in in medical history we knew what blood clots were but there’s something new new that’s popped up over the last three years called Mass fibrin clots are you familiar with those right yeah that’s again the fibrin is what creates the clots and stuff like that so these are

Some large long I was saying different than than than things that we’ve seen in in history is are you seeing more issues with young players that are more than just broken you know broken Limbs and and and hurt joints he’s trying to get to another question doc trying to get to the

Reasoning try to get to the reasoning he’s trying to get to the elephant in the room of something that happened a couple years ago and was forced upon everybody almost I’m not following what fill me in so so basically yes there is a science behind it I think our science is getting

Better of detecting this with the ultrasound and the blood work that’s being done is it more common you’re seeing I don’t know if it’s more common or we’re just picking up picking up on it more so what what is your question that you want to ask straight up hold on

Doc before we ask that question I’m G I’m going let him ask that question we just got to give this news to uh our listeners uh just happened breaking news cam sudden release by the Detroit Lions look they felt the need to know they got enough information you ask me about the

Information how much they had and how they get their information MK doesn’t take long they were not notified about it yesterday they dug into the situation this is exactly what stick and I talked about I said there’s no way you can go on with this player yeah the being on

The run things crazy and then obviously you at today it’s a little more updated situation Lions social media put out a simple thing Lions have release Camp suton that’s all they write that’s all they put down and that’s it it’s over yeah so just wanted to get that out

There to the people uh doc as well but uh go ahead answer have they found has he been found no no nobody knows where he is right it’s it’s 24’s we don’t know anything they know he’s in Florida that’s about it so but doctor bring it back you know and and

Since I’ll just make it very clear um three years ago the vaccine was Unleashed upon the world and in the last three years we’ve seen a we’ve we’ve seen a striking rise in onfield deaths and uh collapses we’ve seen two strokes in the NFL in the last year and a half

Seen a heart attack in the NFL we saw LeBron James who has to be one of the most surrounded by medical and training uh you know people around in the world his son letting a heart murmur slip past him these Mass fibring clots that we’re seeing that are different from the

Traditional clots of of formed by Blood are being formed by basically a a kind of a foreign matter and I’m I’m curious you know how much of this are you seeing are you seeing young people not with just ACL terrs and things like that but are you seeing more collapses on the

Field of play are you seeing more blood related problems with young athletes that shouldn’t be facing these types of problems all right so I’m going to penalize myself to not follow your your lead there picking on the uh the covid thing there there’s definitely this documentation that they’re sticking of

The blood there there was more clots being formed is there a direct correlation think hypothetically we can we can run down that that lane but overall I I’d like you know I still want to go with the purity of what’s going on am I a pro uh covid vaccine guy or am I

Against it um I think to answer what you’re asking I I I I would say it’s becoming a little bit more in the in the press and media Savvy people um I can’t tell you this statistics though I don’t I’d be lying to you if I knew the

Statistics that it has been up 10% I mean we’ve had some people like LeBron’s son who did have an issue it’s always been a fear of the sports medicine doctor because we’re more Sports Medicine you know we’ve had things with the Red Wings where we’ve had murmurs

What LeBron Sun had was more of a murmur and did that affect him have anything to do with covid or the vaccine I don’t think so I think it was just you know there’s a percentage of kids that have malale formations in their body and that’s what we’re seeing like years ago

I was on a task force for sudden cardiac heart I think we did it after fiser you know passed out on the ice with the Red Wings um and it became very big there was a program with bont to start doing ultrasounds of of young kids for prevention so I’m not

100% I I I’m not going to I’m not going to fall into this trap right now that I can blame the vaccine for a higher number I think we’re more aware of it I think um it’s a concern you know there’s well documented um studies that have shown that the clotting factors have

Increased there’s increased cardiac issues because of covid and what’s going on is it from covid that we got it or is it from the vaccine so I I don’t know if they want to really find out but the research will probably show out that covid did cause increasing factors there

Was increased Strokes increased heart attacks so there you know to play into that you know we’re getting away from Sports Medicine here I think it’s a concern I think the amount of ultrasounds and screenings of cardiac for young kids is becoming more of a common place when they have certain

Symptoms like when they have shortness of breath when we we don’t expect it they do have clouding factors you know do we want to add blood work to to typical high school physicals I mean that may be something we need to start doing but right now I don’t think the

Numbers have increased enough to to bring us to recognize that I appreciate I don’t know if that’s exactly where you were going yeah yeah I appreciate your cander you know because it’s it’s a big story here in Detroit with thear um you’re developing these blood clots so

So we were curious we’re happy that you could give us some time with share your knowledge and and be so open about everything with us I appreciate that doc DC uh give us some good news before we get out of here man what are you going

To eat where where you eating at tonight in Nashville well they they have uh it’s called flat iron is one of the places actually I’m I’m out I’ll be in Nashville tomorrow night so we’re probably GNA be at the uh the restaurant at the the JW up on top overlooking the

City so that’s my sexy but it’s a it’s a fun place and you know you know B Kid Rock’s out here and he’s not here this week and he’s actually in Florida so we’re gonna you know probably stop by his place down there have a little fun

But yeah it’s I I like I like the energy here in h Tennessee and Nashville so they will start doing a you know our you know Woodward Sports from uh from Tennessee soon so there you go but uh well he’s our how how are you guys we’re

Doing good do brayan you got away with I you cut me off I want to know I didn’t try to cut you off we got to end the show Doc we got to get up out of here man we we were up against it that’s all

That’s all we were up against it we G to check real quick who who did you who who did you guys pick Yukon I’m no idiot what it’s Yukon I don’t even need to give you the other three it’s Yukon but I think I went heavy on the number

One and two seeds this year I think last year it got blown out it was nine an eight a five and a three this year I think it will be one two base whether it’s produ it’s going to be Houston I think Arizona is a 2C and marquette’s a

2C I think you’ll be heavy on the ones and twos doc we got to get out of here we will talk to you next week he is Dr Jeff Pierce and he is also with Michigan Sports and Spine we’ll talk to you next week doc see you doc all right take care

Guys all right man all right Man

Director of the Michigan Sports and Spine Center, Dr. Jeff S. Pierce joins Braylon Edwards, Anson Wells and Tom Mazawey to discuss Ausar Thompsons season ending blood clot for the Detroit Pistons. Like, Subscribe and leave your comment below!

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  1. The people that think the Covid shot has anything to do with Thompson are stupid honestly just brain dead

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