@New York Knicks

Knicks Likely to Extend and give Thibs a pay raise

Knicks Likely to Extend and give Thibs a pay raise

by Nyfan7


  1. DoucheWithFeelings

    Thibs has been incredible it wasn’t the most popular hiring at the time but he’s raised the floor and expectations significantly since he’s got here

  2. pantzking

    Not since Van Gundy have I seen knicks fans love their coach thia much. Its a good feeling. I hope he’s our version of Popivich. Let him stay as long as he wants.

  3. NextGenCoders

    Curious what others think but I’d say he’s earned something like a 5 year, $87.5 mil extension. He’s not Spo who’s the best coach in the league but he’s not that far behind either.

    Look at guys like Precious who was about to be a min player next contract and people even said wasn’t even worth the $4 mil he was getting when he came here. And now we see what happens when a great coach uses him correctly

  4. LeonRoseSignsMVP

    Pay that man his money *Teddy KGB voice*

  5. One thing people fail to mention about Thibs when comparing him to other all time great coaches is that he’s never had a top roster in the NBA at any point in his head coaching career, other than maybe his first two years with Chicago before Rose tore his ACL. This Knicks team healthy could be his potential greatest squad yet

  6. YourAsianBuddy

    I’d be down to keep him as a lifer. Bad season or good, he’s New York basketball culture

  7. teknomatic

    like him or not, the results of the last 4 years speak for themselves

  8. confuddly

    He can be a Knick lifer as long as we force him to hire some young, modern thinking offensive-minded assistant coaches

  9. firstbreathOOC

    Sounds good. Built a whole system and culture around him. Would bizarre to move on from him.

  10. Only if they build a tunnel from his spot to the film room.

    Or build a film room in his spot.

    Gotta make coach happy.


    I think he deserves it. He has proven why he is one of best coaches in the NBA

  12. GoldenBoyRecords

    I might be in the minority but I would wait on extending him first until we see how we do in the playoffs imo

  13. Fuck it, pay that man. I have my quibbles with him, but this season they have been very few and far between. He really proved himself as an excellent coach, and I doubt we can do any better right now.

    I would agree with confuddly below, saying that he needs assistants around him that can give us a more modern offense

  14. Hemispheres33

    Aside from Jalen Brunson, Thibs has been the best acquisition of the franchise in the last 2 decades at least. Culture changer.

  15. stoke1863

    He changed the culture here, You can tell the players have huge respect for him but at the same time they also know he is the boss and they cant step out of line.

  16. YoKemosabe

    It’s been a rough year for Thibs. Hes handled it well. Multiple Trades, injuries, new players. These are all adjustments and he’s done the best job he can. He deserves the extension. No coach is perfect.

  17. Substantial-Curve-51

    thibs is new york personified. not the mockey mouse bulldhit high life nyc. i mean the real new Yorker. the tough nosed no nonsense hard working middle class people of nyc

  18. Urineformation

    Show me someone more passionate about winning. Man has been putting his vocal cords on the line every single game he’s been here !

  19. HardOakleyFoul

    He just needs a full, healthy roster for the playoffs just once and I think he can get us all the way someday.

  20. I think Thibs has done a rock solid job.

    For a defense-minded team, who else do you want as your coach among available candidates? Curious.

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