@Denver Nuggets

12 Games left, so it’s inevitable that Nikola catches Magic in triple-doubles this season

12 Games left, so it’s inevitable that Nikola catches Magic in triple-doubles this season

by tottenbam


  1. Mystic_ChickenTender

    Hmmm inevitable is doing some heavy lifting

  2. Likeabalrog

    Those are rookie numbers. You gotta pump those up a bit

  3. fentyboof

    Don’t jinx 15 with the certainty bias thing, anything and everything can possibly happen.

  4. bridesign34

    Russell Westbrook holds the all time triple double streak record at 11 consecutive games. Jokic needs 11 in the last 12 in order to tie. Jokic longest streak this season is 4 games.

  5. CatharBliss

    In this thread: people who don’t understand that you’re joking

  6. -Sticks_and_Stones-

    Only if Magic doesn’t record any of his own in these last 12.

  7. EdwardJamesAlmost

    I’ll say based on last year I thought he would have to pass, tie, or get vanishingly close to Magic in order to justify a third MVP campaign. He’ll fall short this season, but I’m glad to hear how universal his recognition by fans has become.

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