@Boston Celtics

The Celtics bench absolutely dominates the field this season

The Celtics bench absolutely dominates the field this season

by HexaHx


  1. Source:

    One worry going into the season was whether the team has become too top heavy and too thin off the bench, but so far, we have just seen basically the complete opposite. Guys buy into playing their roles, play their roles really well, and are put into rotation or position in which they can play their roles really well. Why we rarely ever see any narratives along the lines of “the bench have to hold the fort until the star players come back in”.

    Obviously, it helps that any 1 or 2 of our starting 5 can lead the bench units to great effect too.

  2. The_SchoolBusDriver

    So does this mean what the net rating is if at least one bench person is in despite how many starters are in? If so this is meaningless.

  3. Rednaxela623

    Didn’t people say our problem was our bench?

  4. nicklovin508

    Our bench is one of the most bought-in units I’ve ever seen. Each player is extremely comfortable in their roles and are shining because of it.

  5. Definitely helps that we have six all star level guys (including al) so we can always have at least two ballers on the court with our bench but PP, Hauser, Kornet and X have definitely shown they can hold their own with the rest of the league.

  6. Probably doesn’t hurt that they’re usually running with a line-up including Brown/KP/White or Tatum/Jrue/Al.

    To add, I realize that they have actually done a great job this year. They each have a very defined role and do it well. Perfect for a championship caliber team. We don’t have any bad apples that think they should have a bigger role and are sulking about it. It’s all about the collective.

  7. holographoc

    The improvement from Hauser, Kornet and Pritchard, but most notably Pritchard this year has been massive. Even from the beginning of the year, all of them have gotten so much better. Mazz has clearly done a great job coaching them up.

    Pritchard looked legit lost the first few weeks but has become such an impactful player in his minutes most games.

    Also, certainly having Horford on the bench unit has improved the unit as a whole.

  8. freudianslip2525

    Where are all the PP and hauser haters that were out in full force to begin the season ?

  9. Simplyswag

    Thats why i think banner 18 gets raised this season.

  10. Hauser, PP, and Kornet have been great, but this is definitely because our top 6 is so strong and get staggered for much of the game. So our bench players are always playing with 2-3 starters which really boosts their net rating.

  11. eamonious

    So our bench has a higher net rating than every team in NBA history except the 96 Bulls? How?

  12. eggs-salad

    Is that supposed to be PP, Svi, Hauser, or Luke?

  13. Holy shit this is a lot! Funny how at the start of this season everyone was saying we lost our bench depth 🙂

  14. It’s so funny to look back now at how that was one of the biggest question marks at the beginning of the season and was one of the critiques early on when people were looking just at bench scoring.

    The jumps that PP, Hauser, and Kornet have all made this year has been incredible to watch. I think we all were expecting PP to go to another level just with getting more minutes. With Hauser it’s just been him getting so many more open looks playing with all of our weapons. Kornet has been the big surprise. At the beginning of the year I would have expected him just to be a guy to take a few minutes when KP or Al were sitting, and then probably be a 10th man in the playoffs that doesn’t see the floor at all. Now it seems like he will be a legit rotation guy in the playoffs depending on the matchups

  15. SwipeRight4Wholesome

    It all comes from the top down. You see the stars and starters locked into Joe’s scheme, and they’re willing to sacrifice in order to make the team better. You see Joe actively still coaching the 2nd and 3rd stringers as if they were starters in blow outs. You see everyone actively celebrating each other’s successes. Everyone knows that they have to give up a little personal glory for the good of the team, and now they’re all benefiting from it. The bench knows how important they are, and have played crucial minutes.

    Just a great mentality and team all around. Plus, PP and Hauser have definitely grown and improved! Kornet has solidified himself in his role, and we have great energy guys who leave it all on the floor whenever their number is called.

  16. Nicholasryan99

    The real BWA (bench with attitude) what a beautiful Stat.

  17. indiginary

    This is probably the most significant factor in their improvement. They gave to make this work for them in the postseason. They’re 9 deep and can rest guys in early series if the bench keeps leads.

  18. Banana5scaleX

    I’m glad Celtics are ahead of blue, black, dark blue, and dark red.

  19. TheJaylenBrownNote

    Admittedly we dominate in every sort of net rating stat, we’re historically good lol

  20. caelen727

    It genuinely helps that we are blowing out teams and resting so much. They are getting enough consistent run to have a rhythm. If we had all the starters playing 40+ minutes every night like the Knicks, our bench would not be as cohesive

  21. DoomdUser

    This might be the most outrageous statistic of the entire 2023-2024 season, aside from LeBron still putting up his numbers at his age.

    Even me, I didn’t think the bench would be bad per se, but a top 3 off the bench of Pritchard, Hauser and Horford didn’t exactly project to be this good. I knew Hauser was ready, but I thought Father Time had finally caught up to Al in the playoffs last year, and I wasn’t sure if Pritchard would ever get past “way too good for scrubs, not good enough to play 20 MPG”. But these guys have all made a step at the same time, and mixing them in with the rest of the top 5 has made it so we are keeping the onslaught coming even when guys are resting.

    This stat doesn’t really surprise me after watching this team all season, but it is certainly a super impressive metric to show how the responsibility has been shared this year. In years past, as soon as one or both of the Jays went to the bench, a 10 point lead would evaporate, and it’s just not that way this year. This team is different.

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