@National Basketball Association

[Robbins] Moe Wagner drew two charges against Zion Williamson last night. I asked how that felt physically. Wagner’s answer: “The second one might have been the charge of my life. I’m not gonna lie: I felt that one. I was like, ‘OK, I have like 18 left in my career after that one.'”

[Robbins] Moe Wagner drew two charges against Zion Williamson last night. I asked how that felt physically. Wagner’s answer: “The second one might have been the charge of my life. I’m not gonna lie: I felt that one. I was like, ‘OK, I have like 18 left in my career after that one.'”

by Kimber80


  1. IsaacDPOYFultzMIP

    Please keep both Wagners here for life

  2. Players probably dislike Moe enough that they’re about to go to Gregg Williams to see if he’s willing to coach an NBA team.

  3. Fate_Unseen

    Anyone named Moe gets a fucking pass for life anyway.

  4. 8ball-MJG

    Magic off-season to do list:
    1. Lock franz and moe up long term
    2. Sign D’Angelo Russell (Fultz replacement)
    3. Sign Grayson Allen (Gary Harris replacement)

  5. wolfishnickelsyr

    Kudos to him for willingly getting hit by the Zion freight train

  6. flaccidplatypus

    Wonder how Wendell and Isaac are feeling after getting in Zions way last night? Magic played great overall D and the refereeing was allowing the physicality, but happy to see Zion show a bit of a mean streak and punish the guys who get in his way.

  7. escapedhousefly

    It takes a brave man to take a charge from Zion. That Moe charge, plus the foul on JI when Zion bulldozed in? My body aches just from watching it.

  8. Zion needs to send Wagner a fruit basket. He’s helping make other defenders think twice before getting in Zion’s way.

  9. It felt like Orlando’s strategy for dealing with Zion was to get him in foul trouble. Right before this charge Zion bulldozed JI on what could have easily been an offensive foul as well.

    Both guys put their bodies on the line multiple times to slow him down and it worked out. Without Zion on the floor they really struggled.

  10. Someone has to keep track of his taken charges now

  11. tmcuthbert

    Watching some of that game this morning, Banchero looks every bit as big as Williamson. A charge from Banchero can’t be much easier than a charge from Williamson.

  12. Hugo_Hackenbush

    Reminds me of the time my brother took a charge against Danny Woodhead in high school. He got out of the way the next time.

  13. ShichikaYasuri18

    He really did the “this move drains one year of my lifespan”

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