@Utah Jazz

Collin Sexton is the Utah Jazz’s best shooter, it’s not a debate!

Collin Sexton is the Utah Jazz’s best shooter, it’s not a debate!

All right the Utah Jazz get blown out by the Dallas Mavericks but there’s some things to talk about one Colin ston is the best shooter on the Utah Jazz let’s talk about it it’s the Hoops Nerd all right guys let’s give a shout out to our sponsor prize picks with promo code Hoops nerd you can go to priz and they will match up to $100 it’s a blast right now guys and basically right now with the Jazz not super interested in winning games more

Interested in developing players you can win easy if you bet the over on a player’s points you on the opposing team against the Jazz it’s going to be easy money for you and with the Jazz regularly resting different players you’re going to find little advantage every night like tonight John Collins

Doesn’t play which is for sure a night to get the rebounds for uh Walker Kessler so go to use promo code Hoops nerd and they will match up to $100 it’s a lot of fun you will enjoy it all right let’s talk about the Jazz let’s talk

About what happened in this game some really frustrating things if you’re a jazz fan is turn in terms of just you know there was some officiating stuff that was Bonkers absolutely bizarre uh uh sometimes I want other fan bases to know what it’s like to be a jazz fan

With some of these things because you just don’t know what it’s like to be as angry at the refs as Jazz fans have a right to be I think Andy Larson did a study once upon a time like five six years ago where they where he looked up how many calls went against

Utah in the final l2m report compared to other teams and Utah was literally in last place in terms of having calls go their way so anyways I just wanted to get that out of the way it’s frustrating as Jazz fans you have a right to not like officiating it’s just it comes with

Being a jazz fan it’s just part of it all right we’re not going to talk about that anymore uh there’s something we’ve got to talk about as as just as Jazz fans and it’s time to just start looking at the reality of what this Jazz team is

This last part of the Season post All-Star break has been a time for the Jazz to evaluate what we’re seeing to make decisions for the long term you can’t overreact to single games but you do have to AC accept some realities and I’m going to pull up some things here to

Just show what I’m talking about here’s some things we’ve learned in fact let’s just go over this by the way Taylor Hendrick showed us tonight that he is an incredible Prospect and has a chance to be quite the GameChanger for Utah uh I was listening to the hoop Collective who

By the way was marrying some things I wrote about a week ago I’m going to do a video on it and you know you know talk about the things I did probably expound but he mentioned that the Jazz look at him as like a Robert Covington like a super Robert Covington I don’t

Like the the comparison because Taylor Hendricks is a better athlete and is a better Defender and I think he has potential to be a much better shooter tonight he goes one for three 33% from three but we know from college he can shoot the ball and this three-point

Percentage is just going to get up um not a lot else to say I do love that they had him guarding Luca donic and what’s exciting is that guarding Luca donic which is a really hard thing to do he ends with five fouls you know that’s going to happen when you’re going

Against donic and you know how the officiate the officials do things but one steal two rebounds didn’t have a block shot I felt his defense was game-changing he made some nice plays deflections that don’t show up in the Box Score but they do show up in the Advanced stats you’re going to see

Taylor Hendrick his deflections are always going to be up there for Utah in the future you’re just going to see those go up and up and up so really nice to see uh Taylor Hendrick what he’s doing he is an impressive Prospect just an absolute physical athlete and it’s

One thing I noticed in this game I mean it’s been like three or four games where the Jazz are having teams just dunk on them and the Jazz are on the bad side of a highlight it seems like every single night and it happened again tonight but Taylor Hendrick to me like

What that’s one of the things I’m noticing in these games is the Jazz just need big imposing athletes of their own that can just you know is there a player on the jetz that can go dunk it on Luca and just you know dominate him physically they don’t there’s not one

Except for possibly Taylor Hendricks and he’s a guy that I can see it I like the attitude there’s times where you can see that attitude with him and I want it I need it in my life I want to see some Taylor hendri dunks and I think we’re going to see it

At some point like he can get up there and he can throw it down and I want to see it he’s pretty slight a frame but once he gets some strength we’re going to see some of that in fact you know Magic Johnson on the night and Bill

Simmons talked about this go listen to it it’s great he gave his alltime dunkers and talked about these ferocious dunkers who you know best in-game dunkers and obviously Anthony Edwards and Magic Johnson tweeted it and it was a interesting tweet which is pretty surprising for Magic Johnson but said

That Anthony Edwards is the best in-game dunker in the league right now and I think I agree CU he’s so physically dominant he’s very jordanes or Dominique Wilkins esque in how he does things in fact Dominique Wilkins might be a great comparison for Anthony Edwards um in how

He plays just that similar just ferocious physical dominating style um and the Jazz just don’t really have someone like that they might have that in Taylor Hendricks but who else on the jazz is going to go out and just posterize someone you know in fact is honestly just now talking it through

With you guys live isn’t that kind of a measuring stick of if you have enough athletes on this team the Jazz just don’t really have someone like that really I mean we’ve seen Keon get up there uh but Keon is more of that kind of Kyrie Irving style player a little

Bit Taylor Hendricks is more kind of that physical specimen that big long athlete that could do that you know but who else on the jazz is doing it Walker Kessler doesn’t have the mentality for it it feels like like you know he has the size he could if he wants to but

Sometimes I’m like do you want to cram it on somebody don’t you want to get back at them when they dunk on you and Mean Mug you don’t you want to dunk on them and mean mug them back that’s what you want to see right and so they just

Don’t really have that guy Colin seon 100% has that attitude the issue is Colin seon is 6′ one um but Colin seon is the uh he is the the focal point of this show tonight because I want to talk about lri marinan and I want to talk about Colin seon and

Some things that I think Jazz fans just take as forgi as a given or just assume they just accept as as gospel truth and you need to analyze what you’re thinking about and what you’re talking about I’m a little fired up about this because you know sometimes I think that as fans we

Fall in love with guys we have certain Concepts we just believe are the gospel truth and then you know the numbers sometimes tell you something else uh lri marinan tonight went six for 20 from the field he he did go eight for eight from the free throw line but he had 21 points

It took him 20 shots to do it and that was with eight free throws he goes one for n from the three-point line with three rebounds two assists two steals you know not horrible but certainly not great and the big debate right now and that this was about go to the hoop

Collective um I shared it on my Twitter it was a clip from the hoop Collective YouTube channel but you could go probably go search it it’s hoop Collective should the Jazz rebuild I wrote about uh something the other day that received a lot of replies

And a lot of tweets and a lot of little tweeters from other little cute little blogs disagreeing with me well guess what this was the game against a very good Dallas Mavericks team the Jazz needed him because the Jazz were close in this game even at the end of the game

The Jazz were down what nine points at one point with like four minutes left or whatever it was he goes one for nine from three and guess what these are all catch and shoot threes these are the type that you should be knocking down these were the

Type of Threes that Donovan Mitchell you know ate on because he wasn’t a very good pull-up three-point shooter for the Jazz to start but he was an absolute highlevel catch and shoot three three-point shooter that’s where Donovan Mitchell made his hay when he was a rookie and when he was first starting

For Utah and then the pull-up three-point shooting caught up with it but this is this has got to be better these were O A lot of these were open threes that just get that just don’t fall um lry Markin not did not make the All-Star team this year and this is not

To rag on lry Markin in I think Larry marinan is a great offensive player but we have to be honest about what he’s great at and what he’s not okay and what he’s great at is Catch and shoot threes and so one thing you should

Depend on him to do in games like this and by the way I understand also the Jazz are not interested in winning these games they want a better pick this year it’s the right thing to do and they are probably and if they’re smart they should be less

Interested next year than they are this year about winning games and we got to discuss that a little bit too but if your best skill is Catch and shoot threes the Jazz need you to knock them down they need it they needed it tonight the Jazz could have won this

Game if marinin knocks these down he took nine of them and a lot of them were good shots there are different types of shooting and you’ve got to take context into what you’re you’re looking at when you’re evaluating a player especially if you’re looking at paying them Max money

With a higher cap the cap is going up you have to be careful and the way they’ve set up the CBA you get two Maxes two okay and you have to be smart about how you’re send spending your money you can’t just give a Max to someone because

The overall consensus is you should should we be giving a Max to an All-Star player there’s 24 spots and I get that you’ve got to give your money to somebody but are you going to give Max money to to Larry marinin and then three four years down the road are you giving

Max money to Taylor Hendricks are you giving Max money to keante George are you giving Max money to next year’s draft pick you can’t give Max money to everyone you have to be smart about the contracts you’re doing now maybe L marinin won’t take Max money maybe he will be you

Know he’ll be like I want to get the right amount but I’m not worried about being a max player and that might be the most ideal situation just especially considering the skill set but there are just some real facts here we need to look at these

Are catch and shoot threes for the Jazz and this is just the Jazz um by the way I wanted to say this Colin ston is Utah the Utah Jazz’s best shooter he’s their best shooter flat out that’s what the numbers say that’s what the it test tells me he

Is their best shooter he just is look uh let’s go look at three-point percentage overall uh Colin ston and lri marinin let’s just look at overall three-point percentage tonight uh and this is this season 2324 Colin ston is shooting from three 40.2% okay let’s go to lry marinan sorry I’m I’m HED up

Tonight uh let’s see 2324 3o percentage 39.2 Colin sexon overall from three is a full is one full percentage better and if anyone on Twitter wants to adjust your numbers and round up go ahead but as of right now 39 .2% for lri marinan 40.2% for Colin ston that’s just a fact

In fact Colin seon’s having his best three-point shooting season since his rookie year which was his best three this Colin seon is having a great season by the way a great one despite all the losing and despite a rough start it’s crazy how he can be so efficient but what’s really nice about

What Colin seon does is he’s found to be effective um in other aspects of his game uh in fact I’m just curious what are his yeah look at this he is averaging career high in assists he’s almost at five assists per game now at just two turnovers he is having a higher

Assist percentage and a lower turnover percentage of his career he’s also he’s not having the highest steel that’s interesting look at that lowest turnover oh last year he was 1.8 so second lowest season in far as far as turnovers 4.8 highest assist rate and high or highest assist total per per

Game of his career he was at 50% last year he’s at 49 that’s creeping up look at that that is getting better he is right around he’s having almost a 50490 season 49.3 40.2 86.2 it’s too bad he can’t get his free throw to 90 CU he uh he is right at

That kind of 50 4090 which is pretty crazy actually uh lry Markin in this season he does have it in overall field goal percentage although actually look at that Colin seon is a 49% from the field Lowry marinin from the field 47% Larry marinan 7 feet tall Colin seon

Is 6 foot1 threo percentage Marin’s 39.2 compared to Colin seon at 40.2 yes Lowry Markin yes Colin seon’s taking 4.2 Lowry marinin is taking 8.0 so he does take more of them but then I would argue isn’t the offense set up to get him those shots doesn’t he have the

Green light of green lights of anyone on the Jazz in fact at the beginning of the year will hardy was talking about how he’s their best player he should get more shots so everything they’re doing is to focus on getting him the ball keontay George you’ll watch him

Goes out of his way to do that he is trying to follow the offense and what the coaching staff wants him to do like like there was one play today where marinan was in isolation and it was a good play and this is not to rag on

Larry marinan but I’m just being honest about some things here keontay George sets him up in the post and and marinin scores marinin is a really good player a really good player but you’re going to run into problems here if you’re giving really good players all NBA type

Money okay that’s where you start running into serious problems just ask the Atlanta Hawks who get had to give us John Collins who they gave him 20 plus million doll per year uh John Collins the highest play paid player on the Jazz because they were giving everyone Max

Money or close to that type money and then guess what no one would trade for John Collins at that point they couldn’t find a trade so Utah got him for nothing a second round pick that’s not going to convey all right you start giving players money that you can’t with the

CBA getting tightened getting worse and tougher the better teams in the league aren’t able to go over the cap they aren’t able to use their bigger markets that give them bigger money to their advantage anymore they took that away they took it away so if you give Max

Money to lry marinan and if he’s like a 39% three-point shooter I mean good luck on being able to find someone who can make that work because they have to match the salaries um Nathan but nett it seems like coach Hardy’s comment the other night has affected Keon George maybe a

Little bit I think keontay George is exhausted I think he has no legs like I think his legs are gone right now and honestly I felt like tonight was a better shooting night than last night it was a Sega Baba which is a game second game on a back toback this was the

Second night like the Jazz just played two games in a row on the road and this was the back end of a backto back so I just think Keon has no legs but he you know he Keon George afterwards Nathan also mentioned that he wants to be held

To a higher standard by by Will Hardy will hardy lit into keontay George at one point tonight I don’t know if you guys saw he was he lit into him and that was after he got in all that like that in fact I’m just going to talk about

That for a second I was proud of Keon at that moment because he had freaking Luca donic Mr I can’t leave the donuts alone Luca donic Luca donic drinks a gallon of of of sugar a day Kool-Aid drinking Luca donic jiggly neck Luca donic was like

Having his way and the refs were giving Luca everything he does by the way Luca wrapped around and knocked a ball away and the refs didn’t call it when earlier in the game Chris Dunn does a wraparound on Luca donic and they did if you think

They call it the same for both teams you are incorrect that is literally I could pull the tape and show you Chris Dunn wraps around cleanly knocks the way uh the ball from Luca donic and they call the foul Luca does it to to one of our

Players and his big fat body knocks the player and they don’t call it it’s just not called the same it’s just not it’s annoying and I’ll say it because the the team can’t because they’ll get fined and you know people were talking about Will Hardy yelling at the refs I don’t think

Will Hardy cares if they give him a tech or not I’m excited when he yells at the ref because they deserve to be yelled at at the very least when they’re doing a bad job there’s no consequences for them from Adam Silver you limp noodle that at

Least will hardy makes them feel bad I hope it gets a rise out of them because they know what they’re doing they know what’s wrong that’s why they’re not calling a tech do you think they’ll call a tech if they know that will Hardy’s wrong of course they will you know why

They don’t call text when he’s getting when they’re getting lit up is because they know they’re doing a bad job it’s just flat out so anyways back to this the moral of what I’m trying oh by the way this is Catch and shoot threes okay catch and shoot this is what Larry

Marinin is best at right Chris dun shooting a higher percentage Johnny Jang look at that 42% by the way Johnny Jang might be a piece for the future holy smokes he might be a guy uh Colin seon 44.9% he is. 1% below 45% on catch and

Shoot threes so if someone wants to tell me Well lry Markin is shooting eight a game how can you say that well you don’t think if Colin ston was taking eight threes he wouldn’t be hitting him at a higher percentage cuz look this is telling me right there he

Gets 2.3 a game while lri marinin gets 7.3 catch and shoot threes more than Colin seon all right it’s not the same and context matters in all of this he is handling the ball by the way whereas l Arin is not his shots are being set up

By the offense so it is not the same and despite that where Colin seon is getting the the catch and shoot three off of multiple actions leading to him getting a shot he’s knocking it down at a higher percentage so it’s not the same actually it’s actually more impressive what Colin

Seon is doing all right now let’s go look at a more difficult shot so when you go to let’s see let’s switch right here we are going to switch to now pull-up shooting this is where you’re handling the ball you have a defender on you you’re usually getting a pick so

This matches up with pick and roll uh playsets you’re getting guarded by their hard you know their perimeter Defenders too and taking these shots so let’s go let’s see does it show me Utah Jazz here H I’m I’m like one of the things that gets me so frustrated is when Jazz

Fans just treat things like this is the this is the way it is while you’re tweeting from somewhere else or I see your tweets saying I’m not watching the game I can’t watch this team well then don’t tell me that some things are just the way they are all right let’s see

Threo percentage here this is pullup threep Point shooting M A Potter 100% all right so let’s Max mic Potter no I’m just kidding oai abaji 38% look at that that’s an interesting number for amoi should have been shooting it more oai honestly he was the best pullup

Three-point shooter on the Jazz at the time um it took that uh Collins and by the way that’s a subtle tanking move by the way I know like a lot of people don’t like me when I like here’s the thing you’ll find out online with me an SLC

Dunk I’m the villain this is the Sith okay welcome to the Sith where we earn our way to the top okay we we have to defeat our masters I had to defeat Michael I had to I had to destroy him I I had to take him out in in Jedi Sith

Force battle okay I had to it happened my red lightsaber is in the the drunk okay and maybe one other writer will eventually destroy me it is the way way of the SLC dunk it is the way of the Sith okay you have to prove your your

Medal in battle it’s why Sith Fighters are usually better why because to get where they were they had to kill their opponents to get there that is the way of the Sith okay we have to earn our way okay it’s not like Jedi using using their same old nepotism using that same

Old politics to get to your way nope in the Sith we earn our way okay all right let’s look at pullup three-point shooting shall we Colin seon on the current Utah Jazz roster is the number one pull-up three-point shooter he is shooting 35.2% on his pull-up three-point

Shooting he is number one keonte George number two 33.8 as a rookie impressive impressive stuff okay this is why you should be excited and this is after him struggling he is in a slump right now the last four games absolute slump for keontay George and he’s still shooting 33.8 on pullup

Three-point shots and this by the way while being guarded by by guys like Jaden McDaniels on the wolves and like they top Defenders on this Mavs team they are 100% going after Keon and when marinin is going on the floor they’re going after him too okay watch it look who’s guarding

Who it matters it’s a big deal when they put Kyrie on Keon guess what he’s going to the basket and he’s scoring so next step for him is to figure out how to score on those guys or run the offense you know get those assists um my big

Thing with Keon is he’s got to work on his handle this off season and then just overall shot making that’s literally everything for every player obviously but he is he’s got the potential he 100% does I’m so excited to see how his career evolves and if he’s able to

Improve on those things improve that handle improve his vision improve his playmaking and then also just the overall shot making and by the way overall everything Fitness can he be get in just elite elite shape where if it’s you know the fourth quarter the end of the fourth quarter he’s still going at

100% he’s still going to knock down those threes at a high level he’ll be incredible guys he really has a chance okay but this is pullup three-point shooting 35% for Colin ston 33% for konay George Johnny juzen 33% Simone fono not on the Jazz he was at 33 Chris Dunn

27% we’re still going taen Horton Tucker 27% ton Horton Tucker is a better pull-up three-point shooter than low marinan let that sink in uh Jordan Clarkson 25% now we hit lry marinin 20% on pullup three-point shots he’s not a good pull-up three-point shooter and that is one of the more important shots

In the league so I’m not here to rag on lry marinin and I you know but we have to be honest about what he is and about what he isn’t and for people to say we should just max lri marinan well you need to accept the fact that he’s not

Certain things you know and I tell you what one of the things that is driving me crazy and one of the things we’ve talked about before with former jazz iterations like how many years did I hear people saying like we need to get Rudy goar the ball more he’s wide open

We got to get him the ball gotta get well then you’d give him the ball and he’d turn it over or he wouldn’t make the shot or he wouldn’t dunk it and he’s doing it a little bit better for the Wolves but it’s the same thing you know

Everyone keeps saying well we got to get L Markin in the ball we got to get well guess what they are getting him the ball he taking 7.3 catch and shoot threes per game okay eight threes per game they’re setting him up he’s doing it and you

Know what it’s not it’s just not the a high enough percentage I’ve kind of compared him to Klay Thompson but guess what before the show I was looking at Klay Thompson’s numbers and they are not the same Klay Thompson was a 40 to 44% three-point shooter for like eight years in a

Row and those are like all all the various types for Larry marinin to get in that Elite level he’s got to be a pull-up three-point shooter too you can’t just be the one you know it limits what you’re able to do if you are purely catch and shoot that means everything

Has to be set up for you you know and you know I can’t remember if it was on this channel one of you guys one of you Hoops nerds who are incredible by the way or maybe it was someone on Twitter I can’t remember so I apologize but

Someone made a great Point Larry marinan is a ceiling Razer but he’s not really a floor Riser if that makes sense because he’s not handling the ball and running pick and rolls by the way he’s in the 1 percentile and in points per possession for running a pick and

Roll it means that it’s tough for you to win it’s you’re not going to win a ton of games unless you’re adding him to a team that’s already kind of established it’s why I think there are going to be teams and it’s why we saw all the reports that low marinin was highly

Valued by a lot of teams W actually told me on threads by the way I don’t know if you guys have done that but the Wednesdays with W wge himself sent me a thread because I asked him well how many teams out there but he he said to that’s why it’s crazy

W is just ring sending messages to randos like me he said plenty of teams are are interested lots of teams but not a lot of teams are able to that’s why I think this offseason it might get interesting you know I love Larry marinin and what he does and if the Jazz

Give him a Max then I will obviously talk myself into why it’s a good idea but with the CBA the way the way it is you give four fiveyear Maxes to certain players if they are not a player that you can consider a potential all-nba player it might not be a good

Idea because you may struggle to trade that player down the road if you actually get those other guys or when you start paying all these guys because guess what you know Keon George if he keeps on this trajectory probably going to get a pretty big contract right if Taylor Hendrick

Develops in certain ways that make him really special defensively and is a knockdown three-point shooter those types of guys get paid especially if they’re a game changer defensively which he looks like those guys get paid and if you go into an offseason and you don’t have you know the C

Space and you have someone giving just crazy offers to like Taylor Hendrick because they just have open space and they want to add to their team you might be looking at an issue you have to handle your cap and I know some of some and I’m kind of ranting here but I guess

That’s what the show is tonight there are a lot of people out there that saying oh lry margan wants to be here uh you don’t just throw away players that want to be here well first can we stop having that argument I’m so sick and tired of hearing oh you like

Ryan rillo talked about that Ryan rillo who I can tell you right now does not give a two I can’t swear he does not give two craps about the Jazz and saying that Larry marinin likes it there that’s why you that’s not why you should sign a player guess what players sign where

They get the most money okay do you think anyone really cares if they’re an OKC or Minnesota or Cleveland over Utah do you think it’s really more ni like I tell you what when you’re in when you’re in Cleveland or you’re in Minnesota and you get that -10° wind

Chill next like the lake effect the 40 degree Utah Winters certainly sound pretty nice okay it’s not too bad a lot of people like it here there’s a reason Darren Williams has a home in holiday and lives there for major parts of the year uh you know all these different

Players that have homes here that really enjoyed being here D Williams who forced his way out lives here right Michael Jordan had a home here in Park City don’t tell me that players can’t like it here it’s so stupid when you bring them in they end up liking it Mike

Conley his wife was balling about the trade Mike connley wanted to be here he wanted to stay here he liked it can we stop that can we stop that narrative it’s false it’s not true it’s incorrect you’ll go see Darren Williams at Target all the time here in Utah he likes it

Players like it here it’s fine it’s no is it La is it Miami is it Houston no it’s not but guess what other teams are losing their players to LA and Houston and Miami as well Giannis is linked to LA and he’s in Milwaukee do you think Milwaukee is this

Destination spare me you know what keeps players in on a team money you tell me if someone’s offering you $20 million more than someone else to be in Salt Lake City do you think you won’t you know go get your your Swig gift card loyalty number ready are we serious you’re going to

Crownburger okay okay it’s just a fact but that’s the thing when you’re in a market like this you have to manage your money better or you will lose them if you’re not a destination Market that’s just a fact cuz guess what there’s only so many miamis and LA’s and and and

Wherever they all have cap issues LeBron James and Anthony Davis are in La they don’t have any room okay and if you manage your money well you will keep your players can we please stop the false narratives please I’m begging you guys please stop spreading false narratives it’s not true it’s not

True you can keep players here did Donovan Mitchell want to go to New York yes but Donovan Mitchell is a liar and he’s lying to Cleveland right now he is going to New York that’s where he’s going you can’t help it with certain players if that’s what they want like no

One was keeping LeBron James from going to Cleveland when he said he was going back and no one was keeping LeBron James from going to La when he went there but guess what a lot of players stay in their their teams if you just pay them

And you manage their cap do you think do you think Jason Tatum and and Jaylen Brown are just in love with Boston Jaylen Brown has like made more sub tweets about Boston than Donovan Mitchell did about Utah and guess what they paid him and he stayed and they

Managed their cap well and they’re going to the finals this year most likely can we just be honest and can we have some confidence in ourselves believe in yourself Utah and Jazz fans believe in you believe in what you are do you love Utah I love

Utah it’s great now is it the cultural diversity center of the country no it’s not but neither is Boston neither is Oklahoma City you know so if you treat your players well you pay them correctly you will keep the players but what will hurt you in the

Long run is if you Max a player like lry marinin and then don’t have the money to manage your other cap situations better you will lose them you will lose uh keontay George in seven years you will because you didn’t manage your money that’s what happened before with certain

Players like Gordon Hayward Gordon Hayward would not have left the Jazz and yes Gordon Hayward who you would think would be happy in Utah but why did he leave because the Jazz did not give him the right contract when they should have and I know that’s contradictory giving a Max to Gordon

Hayward and not to Larry Markin but I would argue that Gordon Hayward in Utah was a much more Dynamic he was an Allstar by the way Larry marinin was not an All-Star this year Gordon Hayward was and he was the focal point of the offense in terms of handling the ball

You know 26 and six or whatever it was he wasn’t just taking catch and shoot threes and the Jazz screwed up that cap situation and he left if the Jazz had given him a Max contract then they wouldn’t have had to give him the contract that Charlotte offered him that he accepted because

Utah forced him to right it wouldn’t have happened and by the way if the Jazz had given him the correct contract we would have had Gordon Hayward on this team with Donovan Mitchell all right you have to handle your situations right you have to M that was the biggest mistake of Dennis

Lindy’s career to be honest was that situation because you would have had Gordon Hayward and Donovan Mitchell and Rudy goar and if you go to the playoffs and you do what you did uh with what they had with Donovan Mitchell and Ricky Rubio who by the way remember and I had

Heard this from inside stuff this was actually stuff they traded for Ricky Rubio to make Gordon Hayward happy and then he left anyway and so Ricky Rubio and Donovan Mitchell and all that would have been with Gordon Hayward as well had they handled their cap correctly so you can’t just give these

Things to people without thinking this through who is the future of this team with the new CBA you have two Maxes two max players you better be sure who those are you better be dang sure because you run out of money real fast and you start losing anel ancillary players really

Quick and so then you are left with decisions like I guess the best addition we’re going to make is Rudy Gay okay that was the best they could do because they had not handled their cap well we’re giving Maxes to everybody we’re giving we’re overpaying everybody

We have no faith in our ability to keep a player by the way build through the draft and you’ll find out real quick it’s the best way to handle your cap because you find out real quick who are the ones that deserve the Max and who are the ones that don’t ask Oklahoma

City look how many dominant players they have it’s not complicated it’s really not but you start complicating things really fast when you don’t think these things through and make sure you’re paying the right money now maybe they can get l Mar for less but I just don’t

Think they really should be giving a Max to low marinin considering what’s going on right now and the idea that you can just trade him later well good luck because there are certain teams that might not take him and they might not be able to much like this offseason we

Heard that the Jazz were willing to listen to offers but no one had near what the Jazz wanted for him they made this off seon okay so anyways there’s my rant I was I like all of this to say that Colin seon is actually the best

Shooter on the Jazz and would any of you want to give a Max to Colin seon I think Colin seon is is fairly paid I think he is fairly paid for what he produces he is a value contract and you can either keep him for the future

Or you can trade him but he is paid appropriately for what he brings and there are a lot of teams I’m sure that would love to add him if the Jazz trade him honestly he’s one of those that’s more difficult because his contracts value um anyways sorry I just I had

People like online like sub tweeting me and stuff and it’s fine but can we actually talk this through and think this through and actually look at the big picture instead of just treating things like oh of course we do that oh of course we just do that no you have to

Make these decisions correctly and by the way we’ve talked about this since trade deadline this since trade deadline to the end of the season is not just to see what Keon George and Taylor Hendricks can do they’ve really shown us a lot honestly a lot yes the percentages

Need to get better but they’re rookies they’re rookies rookies struggle rookies get tired especially point guards holy smokes go look at Mike Conley’s rookie year in fact let’s just do it right now like I just want you guys to see this and and make sure we remember what

Mike Conley was doing cuz everyone was T you know has talked about how many times we shouldn’t have traded Mike Conley well look rookie year he was shooting 33% from three he was shooting 42% from the field 4.2 assists and 1.7 turnovers so struggled and then the three-point shot

Just kind of took off but he had a few years here where it’s just in the 30s and so anyways we need to like accept that you know rookies are going to struggle they’re going to get tired they’re going to have they’re going to have issues

Here and there it’s just the way it is all right can I show you something fun uh this was an irregular show tonight but I just felt like I have to like I’m saying like a lot I have to show the reality of this the Jazz have

Some really tough decisions it is not cut and dry at all uh by the way did you guys see my new Lo sorry I feel like I’ve been yelling at you I’m sorry I’m not yelling at you I’m just yelling in the the the void I apologize can I guys

Can I show you guys what I want to do with my Pro uh with my produced videos something I think is pretty fun I’m gonna have an overlay it’s going to be an animated version of me showing it’s going to be like a if like Super Nintendo Sports Center was a thing uh

Let me show you this I think this is really fun this is going to be an overlay to my videos I’m really excited about it this is not the finished product but uh I really like it I’m really excited look there’s me yelling at the people who watch my channel we

Look who’s Who twins woohoo I’m really excited so you see how I’m lower in here then you get animated me so let’s take me down just for fun yeah baby yeah and then this box right here this is going to be where I put the subtitles that read out what I say and

This is where the Highlight Clips will go it’s going to be pretty fun so anyways that’s what I’m working on it’s been pretty fun um H anyways guys I just wanted to go through that because I just felt like that was important to say I don’t have a

Lot else to say I mean Walker Kessler looked pretty solid tonight I actually was it was nice to see 14 points nine rebounds two assists um I feel like Walker Kessler is playing better recently which is nice to see uh like we mentioned Keon had his moments tonight

But he’s got to have just dead legs there’s only 12 games left in the season so it’ll be interesting to see how that ends but I think he’s honestly out of gas and the fact that he’s just you know struggling fitness-wise I think 18 points five assists uh pretty nice the

Percentages are not there though that’s just inarguable uh Colin seon tonight I know he for all I talked about he was over three from three but 9 for 14 from the field in fact 9 for 11 he only missed two shots from two-point range tonight pretty crazy and then he also had five

Assists so five assists four rebounds 20 points as a six-man I mean if he plays all six-man next season in fact my big time I want um I’m going to lose my mind I’m going to be so sad if uh we do not get Stephon Castle in this drop guys I’m

Going to be so bombed but I want Stefon Castle in a big time way for this Utah Jazz team I want him at the shooting guard position because I think our future three is in the 2025 draft look at this Cody Williams is dropping Stefon Castle’s here look at

This jacobe Walter is now down to nine the Jazz could just go get jacobe Walter and be the shooting guard of the future I guess uh pretty nice size for Kobe Walter pure shooting guard you’d have a Baylor backcourt on the Utah Jazz uh might be kind of fun but the percentages

Are not great with him so you’re going to ask yourself can he get better that’s the question and if he can because the way he shoots it looks really nice the percentages just aren’t quite there uh if he can figure that out all of a sudden you got yourself quite the

Shooting back court but the one thing Utah needs is defense and that’s why I’m pretty excited about ston Castle as a shooting guard for the Jazz in the future 6’6 look at this six rebounds as a point guard shooting guard that’s like potential triple double every night uh

The three-point shot the shooting is not there in a big time way from three what I think is interesting he’s on the best college basketball team did did I know um some teams were upset today like Kentucky lost um did did uh did Yukon play today they’re the best I

Think they’re the best team in the country from what people tell me um and Stefon Castle is a part of that I think he has so much defensive like two-way player potential is what I love about him and if he can knock down those threes that’s going to be the swing

Skill because if this goes up right there you know they’re showing triple minus hurts my feelings tank ofon hurts my feelings projected NBA three-point percentage two but everything else is like winning basketball offensive rebounds blocks rebounds turnovers young twoo percentage defensive win shares look at that and what do the Jazz need

They need better defense and so this is why I’m excited about someone like Stefon castle and he’s big 6 foot6 I mean he he has like I don’t know if you guys have watched film on him but he has like a physical he has some physical

Prowess to him where he’s not going to get bullied he is going to do the bullying um this right here is the swing you know his two-point percentage is Great he can score inside and whatnot and he has a nice floater he has nice touch uh I’m curious what is his free

Throw percentage 75% so that would that would say that he might be able to become a nice three-point shooter if he becomes a solid three-point shooter you’re looking at a potential steal in the draft with how big he is and what he does uh I really

Like him and Le leaf leaf tulen talked about it he really likes him um I’ve heard Tony Jones mention his name uh which makes me think that maybe the Utah Jazz like him sometimes you got to read those tea leaves so it would be fun to have the

Key to the castle on the Jazz right key to the castle uh by the way let’s just let’s give a shout out to our Allstar tonight thanks for being a part of the show guys I ranted for a long time tonight cuz that is it gets on my nerves when people

Just assume things are the way they are and it’s like have you looked at the numbers have you actually dived in and tonight when they need Mark he one for nine from three they needed it and it wasn’t there and you can’t blame the rookies they’re

Rookies now in two three year in 3 years if font’s putting up numbers like this then you worry but I think he’s going to get for that next level it’s up to him if he can get there if he can put up those numbers knock those shots down

Then man he has all star potential but it’s really up to him right now it looks great and I believe he will so we’s see all right let’s see what would happen if the draft was today Utah loses again solidifying that nine spot what would happen if they if the lottery was

Today oh Utah stays at nine but that gets them Stefan castle if they want him or jacobe Walter by the way Ron Holland is someone interesed I’m just really excited about this potential draft now because I think there’s some guys falling Cody Williams

Is dropping he had a he had a kind of a start fall off at the end but I think he has a chance to really be an interesting Prospect size and shooting a lot to like with Cody Williams I still believe all right let’s give a shout out

To our Allstars let’s give a shout out to Ryan Perry the legend Tim the Tim protector robot Nathan benett Burkhart dirty Jazz Car Wash Channel Fly Eagles Fly Platinum Eagles the real deal large jarvin and just buckets JB baby Elliot Matson Christian house money to hos The

Outlaw Jesse James Nelson and SEC rice the man from Down Under see lexat Bill for tough Alexander toughs Jorge Migo Jordan the goat best rule TGG total game domination Tyson price The Price is Right AAR Grant editor extraordinaire kg10 to th5 DW to CB Darren Williams the Carlos Boozer

Patrick kouo The Connoisseur and Robert Hall of Fame Jose you were the one who said it shout out to Jose who said it Shout Out Jose you’re awesome Jose thank you for saying it was a great comment great great Insight all right guys if you haven’t already like And subscribe to the

Channel you can also join the channel become one of the allstar get your get your nickname get your name remembered by all who watch this show I’ll talk to you next time

The Utah Jazz lost to the Dallas Mavericks behind the big play from Luka Doncic and Kyrie Irving, but one thing we’re


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  1. I’m with you Nerd. This one was maybe the most painful games of the season for me. We need some mean on this team. We need some toughness. We need dogs. That’s what I hope we get from all this suffering in the draft. Who is available at 9 with fight in em! 2024 version of Harpring/CROWDER. This version of the Jazz is painfully soft.

  2. Isn’t that obvious nerd, Lauri doesn’t wanna be a part of jazz no more body language says it all just like Jc ..they wanna win a chip they don’t wanna be a part of a rebuilding that’s been rebuilding for decades now. that’s a fact

  3. Lauri drops an ultra efficient 20+ every night has one bad shooting game and you don't want to pay him? Colin is fantastic this year but Lauri is by far the best player on the team and top of the scouting report. He gets more defensive attention than Colin but yes he does need to get better off the dribble.

    Castle would be nice. This team just needs more raw talent badly. I reallllly like dalton knecht. He's rated late lottery but i think he could be worth an earlier pick or trade down for. Probably the best scorer in the class. Has a very impressive game to watch

  4. I think people make the culture thing a bigger deal than it really is. Great point about all those names having houses here. I know Johnny Carson had a ranch up in Jeremy Ranch area. Robin Williams lived in St. George. Those are just a couple off the top of my head.

  5. So you put all your money on Lauri go over, and you lost it all. And now you want to shoot Lauri in the head? Nice…

  6. Piss or get off the pot, Jazz. If you think Lauri is the guy (he's not) let's trade some assets for players and compete. If not, quit delaying the inevitable and trade him so we can draft The Guy. We're just ruining our relationships with players for a half assed attempt at tanking

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