@Golden State Warriors

The NBA’s Top 10 6th Men Ever

The NBA’s Top 10 6th Men Ever

All right this is a fun one ranking the top 10 six-man in the history of the NBA and parameters here I’m going with guys who were known as six men and so I might be breaking my own rule here but I’m taking Iggy at number 10 better player

In Philly sure but the Pinnacle of his career was off the bench in Golden State I’m taking Ricky Pierce at nine he averaged 23 a game off the bench in 1990 which is still a record to this day I got the three-time champ Tony C coach at

8 Vinnie the microwave Johnson at 7 I grew up with Jason Terry as the dude off the bench in Dallas he’s also top 10 all time in threes Lou Williams had top 10 six Man of the Year finishes a full decade apart and he won the award three

Times then I got Lamar Odum at four Michael Cooper once won a defensive player of the year award Off the Bench talk about something that’s never going to happen again so then I got the six-man prototype Jamal Crawford at two but at number one don’t overthink it and

Make sure to check out pava for tonight’s games


  1. If you going for awards I guess you could say manu but if you going strictly scoring and how affect they were I am taking Jamal 💯

  2. I have to disagree with the McHale exclusion. He started 41% of his total regular season games as compared to Odom who started 71%

  3. Jamal Crawford arguably doesn’t even deserve to be on here over some other players like McHale and bridgeman. Jamal was a iso, low or average efficiency with poor defense. NBA just handed him the award when he was in LA

  4. Im rockin with the list, except id put Lou Williams at 2, with J cross at 3, bumping down Coop, and Odom to 4 & 5 respectively.

    When i think of "6th man", the firt 3 names come to mind, Manu, Lue Will, and Jamal Crawford.

  5. You should do too 10 best players ever, not greatest or who accomplished the most, just straight up the 10 best guys at basketball

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