@Orlando Magic

The Orlando Magic Are A Playoff Nightmare

The Orlando Magic Are A Playoff Nightmare

What’s up everybody welcome back hope everybody’s having a great day or night whenever you’re watching this man the Orlando Magic are straight up rolling right now and they’re hitting their stride at the best time in the season just before the playoffs they’re cooking they’ve been cooking they’re one of the

Hottest teams in the league and they’re one of the youngest teams in the league and there’s a lot of reason to believe that playing them in the playoffs is not going to be fun and probably somebody might lose to them if you’re new to the Channel Please Subscribe if you enjoy

This kind of content please like the video but let’s talk about the Orlando Magic kind of how they’ve come together to this point and why I think they’re so dangerous come playoff time main reason they’re the youngest team in the East to be in the playoffs right now they’re

Literally just Young Guns just out there hooping they don’t even know what to expect really they’re just out there hooping and killing teams right but there’s a thing with that though they’re young they’re inexperienced and yeah that might cost them a game it could that could very well happen but they’re

The only team in the East right now that’s got nothing to lose and everything to gain if you look at it all those other teams around them either have experienced vets players looking for contracts whatever it may be or that they need to win in the postseason the

Magic are just like yeah we’re young like we were here now we’re kind of figuring this thing out on the Fly and we have nothing to lose because this is all just going to be experience and Improvement for next year now I’m not telling you that the Orlando Magic are

Going to go win the Eastern Conference I’m not saying that in any way way cuz I don’t expect that of them and neither should you but being another team in the East outside of Boston cuz I think Boston beats everybody in the East honestly but outside of Boston Orlando

Can beat every other playoff team in the way that they’re looking right now they legitimately can I mean if you look at like the Knicks are banged up we don’t even know if they’re ever going to be healthy come playoff time it’s the same story for the Cavs it’s the same story

For Philly it’s the same story for like the heat uh like the Bucks have been kind of Hit or Miss and they’re Doc Rivers coached so they’re probably it’s why I really just I don’t have a lot of Hope for the bucks is straight up just because of Doc Rivers but all those

Teams outside of Boston could get smoked by Orlando and at the very least in the first round if they lose in the first round CU they’re a young team and they don’t quite figure it out fast enough they’re taking somebody to six or seven that’s that’s my like my guarantee for

The playoffs and right now they’re like tied for four with the Knicks and that is something that if they have homec court in a playoff in that first round playoff series whoever F whoever the five seat is is in trouble because Orlando is one of the best teams

At least in the east at home I think they’re the third best home team in the entire Eastern Conference but with them being so young and everything obviously it’s like you got to have star power you got to have Playmakers out there and they’re led by one of the best young

Players in the entire world in Palo banero he has legitimate MVP level player potential as a second-year player he’s 23 7 and five being in your sophomore year in the NBA and putting up 23 7 and five being an All-Star and leading your team to a a potentially top

Four seed in the playoffs is nuts that’s not normal and now this is not just Pao right obviously there is a lot of guys on this team that have led them to be where they’re at like you can kind of go with palo’s co-star and fron Vagner

Who’s giving you what is it 25 and four 20 points five rebs four assists and he’s pretty efficient too like you have a a young Duo that complement each other as well as being forwards that can handle the ball so that is incredibly important because that’s the what is the

Thing that every NBA team wants right now is explosive wings that can get Buckets and can play defense and handle the ball like they want those those allaround wings and Orlando’s got two of them and and Pao I’m going back to Pao here I feel like his playmaking has like

Exponentially grown from his rookie year it’s crazy the vision that has developed and the passing that has developed out of him he’s he’s having games a lot of games lately with 5 6 7 8 9 10 assists and he’s just he’s setting the table so

We can give love to the top two guys right and when you have a legit superstar in the making in pal banko the playoffs is where stars are like cement Ed that’s where it happens and he’s a playoff level player the way he plays physical in the paint gritty through

Contact that’s the the play style that you need someone on your team to have to go deep in the playoffs you need somebody that can that can bring the intensity to it and Paulo is one of the most intense young players in the entire league now just outside of him you have

Guys on this team that are like jayen Suggs who looked pretty bad the first couple years but have jumped drastically and shown that they’re really really good players and Jaylen Suggs particularly good 3 andd player he’s one of the best defenders in the league and he’s he’s had a

True um I wouldn’t I can’t because you can’t call him most improved player but he’s had like a very very improved season over what he did the last couple of years then you have guys outside of him right like the depth on the team is actually there they have a lot of depth

That’s why when wend Carter Jr missed games like they were like Goa stepped in and was cool and then like Marquel FS missed a lot of games but Cole Anthony holds it Down Right Jaylen Suggs improves marquel’s back now Jonathan Isaac’s healthy finally he’s having a

Good healthy year and if you watch the game today against Pelicans where they beat him by like 15 20 points Jonathan Isaac was primarily covering Zion one-on-one there wasn’t help a lot of times you might have had some backside help but Jonathan Isaac was kind of locking it up one-on-one one and that’s

Crazy cuz Zion is a freak so like we can continue down this Anthony black a young guy that’s kind of stepped in and has played well Mo Vagner is awesome at his role wend Carter Jr back healthy killing it Gary Harris I’m listing names right now and all these dudes are legit

Players on their team and would be legit players on almost every other team in the league right I’m oh Joe Eng Les you can’t you can’t forget Jingles come on now he’s the veteran presence that that team has lacked over the years and he’s he’s kind of given them uh a

Complimentary piece that brings that edge it adds to like the edge Pao is playing with and fron is playing with and mo is playing with and Suggs is playing with they’re all on board with what their mission is because their mission is that they’re going to lock

You down as our top three defense in the league they’re going to play Smashmouth physical basketball that nobody else in the league really likes to play and they’re going to talk trash while they do it a little bit they’re they’re one of those teams that honestly now we love

Them but in like two years they’re going to be like the the Grizzlies where people loved them on the come up and they don’t like them when they actually arrive but with those players all playing well and playing with that energy and that that tenacity somebody’s

Got to lead it all right and the coach Jamal Mosley has done a fantastic job should definitely be in the coach of the year running um I don’t know who would who had have my vote at this moment in time but he’s definitely taking this

Team that uh really at the end of last season was playing well and like they put together a good like 40 50 games uh and then this year they just kept it going and took it further and better at the end of last season they were kind of

Playing like a 500 team and now what are they 42 and 28 you’re already you’re already over 500 for the rest of the season and there’s still 20 games or whatever number whatever the number is could be 15 games I’m sorry whatever whatever that number is they’re really

Really fun to watch and it’s not like they’re putting up crazy amount of points but the ways that they’re beating teams is entertaining because they have a philosophy and they have a method that they stick with and like I said I truly believe with the exception of Boston they can

Beat anybody in the East they they could legitimately beat anybody in the East now am I saying that they’re going to the the Eastern Conference Finals no I’m not saying that I’m saying that they very well could depending how the matchups play it all comes down to what

Teams are looking like in the as the playoff start right you’re going to there’s going to be somebody that gets hurt at some point here from because it’s what are we March 21st Yeah March 21st right now we still got like 3 weeks left right so you still there’s a lot

That’s going to change in the next 15 games in the next three weeks to where the seating could look completely different in matchups like the what is it Styles make matchups the that’s the playoffs you get teams that maybe they’re a small team but they shoot the

Lights out but they’re not big and you’re the magic and you’re coming in you’re going to bully them like that is something that could pose problems for other teams so we’ll see how it looks come playoff time cuz they’re definitely a team I’m keeping my eye on and I think

That they’re a team that uh is kind of going under the radar and people are like H like how good really are they and it’s dangerous because they have nothing to lose and everything to gain because if they lose in the first round it’s oh we’re a young team we’re we’re figuring

It out but if they beat you in the first round now they’ve got experience and you just lost to a team that has never been there before there’s pressure for the other side too so let me know what you think the Orlando Magic are going to do

Come playoff time where do you think that they finish in the season if you have them as a first round exit that’s cool you got them as a second round exit or if you think they could even make the Eastern Conference Finals which I think they could potentially do I wouldn’t

Like stamp my name next to it but I wouldn’t be shocked at it um yeah let me know in the comments how you feel about them how you feel about Paulo fron Suggs any other players on the team uh it’s fun to to see this team that you know

Was kind of in the seller for a long time after the Dwight Howard years or they were mediocre at best now they’re like a young fun like physical team that is here to stay and they’re going to get better and better and better which is the crazy part but anyway if you’re new

To the Channel Please Subscribe if you enjoy this kind of content please like the video I really appreciate y’all for watching I’m excited for the magic I’m excited for their future I’m excited for the next two three weeks and the playoffs with them they’re the team that

In the East outside of Boston that I’m probably going to watch the most of in the playoffs if they you know depending how they play of course but thanks for watching peace

The Orlando Magic are going to be a problem in the NBA playoffs. Paolo Banchero is leading this team to new heights and they’re going to be a force for a long time. #orlandomagic #paolobanchero #nba #franzwagner #jalensuggs #coleanthony #magic #likeandsubscribe


  1. They are not just sleeping on the Orlando Magic. It seems like they are snoring on the Orlando Magic. That young team is really good. They gonna surprise a lot of peoples in the playoffs I believe I love their team chemistry and the way they played together great team.❤

  2. I think we could beat anyone if we keep it up is a different story with adjustments and etc… but i think we are a serious threat to anyone including the celtics since last year we clapped them. They added porzingus and its kinda a different beast but we did beat them in the inseason tournament, the two away games we had were early with some injury and they were super eager to clap back at their home cuz of last year. i think this next game against them will be very telling. Whoever we play i think itll prolly go over 4 games and can go anyway with anyone

  3. We need more people showing the Magic respect ! Need more content on them , because there a problem. They've already beat every team in the east ! Facts !

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