@Utah Jazz

Dallas Mavs’ Kyrie Irving Postgame Interview After Win vs. Utah Jazz: March 21, 2024

Dallas Mavs’ Kyrie Irving Postgame Interview After Win vs. Utah Jazz: March 21, 2024

Now y you said in San Antonio you feel like Benjamin Buton how does it how did it feel tonight just over I’m glad he threw it man it’s the trust it’s trust of our team you know uh some of my teammates were laughing at me a few weeks ago when

I told him to throw me a lot but guess Who’s laughing now no it feels good though man it’s good stuff Kyrie I asked this to Daniel and Derek but what do you think the role of points in the paint can uh do for your team moving forward heading into the

Playoffs uh I think it’s it’s vital for us to continue to attack the paint um test teams at The Rim um it’s most efficient shot in basketball uh as close as you can get 15 ft below and uh just want to continue to have that mentality to attack other

Teams and U if they’re not going to stop us uh then keep going so I think it can help us tremendously as we get ready for playoffs describe what you guys got out of the Gap tonight I know he had seven DPS in the second half yeah no he was

Being himself and uh being a presence um kind of on that backside when Kess was stepping up and trying to block a lot of shots so he he got rewarded uh far penetration uh going down in the lane and uh just throwing it up there to him

Um you know it’s a it’s a true luxury that I don’t take for granted having a big like that and also dive and have lob threats like that where anytime uh you get stag in the paint you can just throw it around the rim then go get it I

Import is this a five game Ro trip coming up considering what’s that state me every game is important man it’s been that way for the last few weeks so nothing’s really changed on that Kyrie now that you’ve been here for over a year I was curious how what have

You thought of the city of Dallas as a whole and how its people have embraced you so far uh I mean I think it’s it’s a little bit deeper than just being embraced by our Dallas Community um you know it’s for me it’s just getting adjusted here and getting established um as one

Of the community leaders um but I also um you know not trying to do too much uh you know I have my own beliefs and Views and I think being here in Dallas I’ve been accepted um you know Way Beyond just my talent on the court I

Think it’s for what I represent uh in the broader world and how I try to make impact and try to help a lot of different walks of life and stand on things that a lot of people wouldn’t stand on uh so I think that’s the genuine connection I have here and I

Think the fans relishing that just being able to uh sometimes get to touch me when I’m going out there uh just to warm up or um you know during my shoe launch or or just different things that we do within the Mavericks uh you know philanthropic arm to I think we do a

Good job of just making sure that uh the community feels us they know that we’re here and um you know they also know what we’re doing off the court so I try to have a balance of all those things and uh when I see people in public I make

Sure that they know that I’m a human being first and please don’t approach me with all the the you know the extra fandom and stuff like that that cuz that could make me feel uncomfortable if I’m just trying to pump gas you know so you guys know exactly what I’m saying this

Uh I don’t mind the Phantom It’s just sometimes I just want to be treated like a regular human being I want say sometime I want to be treated like a human being and just how are you how you doing and a hand shaking a picture goes

A long way I try to remember everybody’s names I introduce myself and the little things like that make a lasting impact so that’s what I try Dobe describe what happened on the play when LCA do M and threw it over for you and you love it up DJ it’s a great play

Man great play uh that’s when you know we’re rolling we’re feeling good uh when we do um kind of those selfless plays on the Fly and we’re trying to create some momentum for ourselves uh you know tonight we had you know a few minutes where we threw the ball around and they

Got some open shots and they were feeling good about themselves but then you can see that we uh turned it back up a little bit more got some defensive stops and when our you know one of our star players is on the floor then everybody got to get on the floor and

That’s just what it is that’s the example that we set and we follow and um I think it just sets the tone for the rest of the team on what we have to do in order to win ball game so if he’s on the floor we all got to get on the floor

Um I know I ask you this all the time about being a leader but how does it feel to be able to translate that onto the court like you guys did tonight no it feels great uh and it’s something that we don’t take for granted because

It’s taking time to build and we’ve had to be patient we we’ve had to uh build through adversity and also some of our failures and I think that’s been the beautiful aspect of it is just through our suff our struggles uh we’ve been able to come out on the other side and

Uh see some some glimmer of light and uh turn it into wins um you know we we were sitting here what two weeks ago and we had lost four out of our last five and you know we were just going back and forth within the locker room on on how

We can get on the same page and get aligned and stay aligned and build that consistency and I feel like we’re figuring that out still but um we’re putting game to game quarter to quarter together and tur out for a good good sight man for the fans for us and you

Can tell when the excitement is in the in the arena whether we’re on the road especially at the AAC man it’s just since that game winner man I could feel the it’s pulsing in here you know it feels like a special here so that’s what

Gave you guys 18 dunks to I mean hey man momentum momentum man momentum can carry you a long way so it thanks guys apprciate

Dallas Mavericks forward Kyrie Irving spoke to reporters after the team’s win over the Utah Jazz on March 21, 2024, during postgame interviews.


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  1. Thank you, Kyrie, for coming to Dallas. As a third grade math teacher, my students and I love you and the Mavs. Let's go Mavs.

  2. Aside from @mcsk912 y’all are real ones in the comments. Kai one of my favourite players i love seeing y’all show love to him. Thank you DallasπŸ™πŸ½

  3. I never seen him this happy in a long time. Glad he is at peace because it shows on the court.

  4. Kylie I’m from Dallas but Oak Cliff yu coming to help out Luka like dis made us as a city respect you now the world gots no choice

  5. This season, this team is a sleeper contender, but next season – I am looking forward to seeing Luka winning his first MVP next season and actually being a true contender. If they could get a player like Markanen, that would be insane.

  6. We πŸ’™ you in Dallas Ky… Thanks for playing for the Mavs, and thank you for being a leader on, and off the court!!! RESPECT πŸ’―πŸ”₯πŸ‘ŠπŸΌπŸ™πŸΌ Looking forward to seeing y'all make a run in the playoffs. Let's GOOOOOOOOOO MAVS!!! πŸ’™πŸ’™πŸ’™πŸ’™πŸ’™πŸ’™πŸ’™πŸ’™πŸ’™πŸ’™πŸ’™πŸ’™πŸ’™πŸ’™πŸ’™πŸ’™πŸ’™πŸ’™πŸ’™πŸ’™πŸ’™

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