@Boston Celtics

LIVE: Celtics vs Pistons Postgame Show | Garden Report

LIVE: Celtics vs Pistons Postgame Show | Garden Report

Can you say hardhead spokes hard hats lunch PES steal to a boots anything show of a championship this year is a failure look at this Boomer right here you’ve just got so much talent here somebody said we need to apologize for J can I quot the John what are we apologizing

For what do we say what do we do there we is there we go what’s up Bobby what’s up twom man show tonight that’s it if you’re waiting around for anybody else they’re not coming it’s like it’s a West Coast game right West coasts and Saturday nights that’s it that’s it’s

It’s it’s you me and a bunch of s Friday night we got but we’ll be we’ll be back tomorrow Friday back tomorrow that’s right yeah you me and the sad girls actually you’re going full for one second go ahead all right I’m coming right back I’m just I’m just doing

Something9 102 hoam again I think gry said during this one John I was in the radio tonight 16th time over the last 18 games Celtics have led by 20 in a game not 10 not double figures 20 well I’m gonna one up you here I’m I’m gonna I’m

Gonna add something to it according to Dick Le statistician for the Celtics here NBA record with their 15th 25o win of a Seas of a single season I mean they’re just you hate to go off games like this the Bucks in 7071 and 7172 and

San Antonio in 25 in in you know 2015 16 yeah and you hate to go off these kind of games to talk about the level of dominance but when you put it in a bigger scale like this and listen every team every year is going to get to play

The Detroits and Washington of the world it’s it’s historic what they’ve done this year and we’re gon to wait till the playoffs to judge them as we should but the consistency the taking care of business and the level they’re doing it to I mean it’s it’s exactly what we

Asked for from them this season and to do it with multiple sometimes three starting level guys out now in these kind of games to still be able to rack up those kind of advantages I don’t think we quite expected that coming into this year because we thought they were thin we

Thought they had a ton of talent at the top but we’re seeing now between Pritchard and Hower and cornet and different guys they can sustain with guys out and is that transferable to the playoffs that’s the question we’ll keep asking here but as far as the regular

Season goes I feel like they could sit down all their starters and win a game like this yeah I mean that those are good points because yeah I think any you know any pump that breaks you know with the team at the beginning of the year revolved around yeah how’s it going to

Fit but also yeah you know it’s a long season and they don’t have much of a bench and when you’re out a couple of starters you might concede a couple of these games to lesser opponents and you expected that that would happen but I mean the opposite and again I I guess

The you know the the the reverse of that is oftentimes they’re playing teams they might be down a guy or two but oftentimes they’re playing teams and those teams are down a guy or two so you take one or two guys off the Pistons yeah you know I mean that’s that’s

That’s you know that’s a that’s a g-league you know I mean it’s it’s a so but again that’s not taking anything away is they’re beating these teams by 25 and 30 points I mean it’s an insane thing and I think this is how it’s going

To be the rest of the year and I actually love it I think it’s perfect because it you know you talk about Bobby are these guys going to be ready for the playoffs will they have the same level of confidence and productivity in the playoffs I don’t know but the best thing

That you can do right now is exactly what you’re doing is giving them reps with the starters letting them play 25 and 30 minutes a game pton Pritchard playing 38 minutes tonight as a starter starting his second straight game here with Drew holiday out and we’ll get into

That and our level of concern with it um you know Sam Hower back you know you know no issue there but I mean when he’s in there he’s started he’s played you know uh large minutes I think it’s perfect this is the perfect thing I mean

This is over they could wrap they could wrap up the east by the end of this weekend if things fall their way and numbers two I think three pardon me I think three of the six starters you know that they like to call them per night is the is the exact

Formula you want to do your guys won’t get rusty uh and again maybe some nights you play Four but I think you’re resting two and three of these guys all the time the rest of the way great balance of keeping them sharp while not tiring them out heading into the playoffs Plus I

Love the bench games I think they’re fun they’re actually they give you something to watch that’s different like what fun is it in watching Tatum and brown you know play your ball my ball each trying to put up 30 in the first two and a half quarters you know against the Pistons

Like you know they could do it and there could have been a 50-point game but like who cares like so much more fun Tatum wouldn’t sit against anyone all year long and then he sits twice against Detroit in one week I know so I guess he doesn’t care about the Pistons fans as

Much maybe they did market research and realized that’s the fewest Tatum jerseys are bought in Detroit and he’s like I can SP this one out that was amazing seeing that tonight I’m thred about that and yeah you’re right the bench games are more fun you

Can find out more you can give reps with the starters if that’s how you’re G to be staggering your line up in the playoffs there’s no real downside to doing this especially if you are rotating them in backto backs here especially but even in games with some separation down the stretch

Just to keep everybody fresh I’m thrilled they went with Tillman in the starting lineup tonight because I think that’s been overdue getting him some with the starting group there didn’t go great but I’m glad they tried it and it feels like they’re trying everything at this point I think looking for a little

More experimentation probably three weeks ago or so here and now it’s a nightly thing they’re putting everybody in these lineups you’re seeing some Mah luk you’re seeing some you know Pritchard in the starting lineup which Builds on his big week and you know that’s really become the story here and

To some of these short-handed games is him with some extra opportunity him with the ball in his hands more and him playing alongside some of the starting level guys you’re seeing magic happen really out there with him and you know we always talked about John I know you got

Into this a little bit last game but it seemed like he came into the league with a pretty hard ceiling like he’s gonna hit some threes he’s gonna handle the ball a little bit not a great playmaker not a great defender but we’ve talked all year about how he’s gotten his

Defense up and now for him to be having a nine assist game it’s the playmaking that’s the that’s the thing that that knocks it up it both things you mentioned it’s the playmaking and the defense is at a level I don’t think anybody saw in there I think you saw

Instant offense against second units as maybe the the the most you were going to get right yeah and this is what he asked for last year when he was looking to get traded chance to play a lot and now he’s been able to do that uh this year I

Think going back to let’s say the beginning of February here and obviously as what I thought was the best game I’ve ever seen from him last game uh coming into tonight he was scoring 10 points a game on 49% shooting from the Year from the field 41% from three over the last

Uh 21 games that’s with three assists per game which you know when you consider he’s gonna be playing with Tatum Brown white three assists I think is the perfect number for him and then you know you ramp up his level to 40 minutes you’re gonna obviously triple that in a

Game like this so that’s that’s perfect for him and he’s not turning the ball over either which is crucial it’s everything it’s um you know him him getting how much difficulty in in the first couple of years did he have trying to get a shot off anywhere in the paint

You know impossible right now he’s actually bodying guys um and you know he’s got he’s able to get there and like score in trffic uh you know just by being crafty and Nifty and sometimes using you know he’s a stocky guy even though he’s short using his pH physicality it’s extremely impressive he

Worked on his core or something over the summer that he had Stronger Yeah we mentioned last year and I think even like going into this year he’s looked a little heavy at times like not not that he’s like fat but like he didn’t look like he had like the you know Elite

Strong physique that it looks like he’s developed this year and I think you know you might have noticed or we talked about coming into the camp how strong he looked and you’ve seen it come into play at The Rim but it’s also making good decisions about the rim there was one

Play in this game they were running in transition and he was going to the basket and he just kind of backed it out a little bit and Hower cut right across the middle and he found him because he backed out and you know created some space in there that stuff he wasn’t

Doing at all even a year ago there manipulation some pick and rolls St I don’t have the numbers right in front of me with this pick and roll but he’s just making good decisions he’s not turning the ball over yeah he’s shooting I think in some wise positions too like taking

Aggressive shots when needed it was a three early in this game after an offensive rebound that was super aggressive but necessary and turned into a four-point play so he’s just a smarter player and you know they they wanted him to become that early on but it took a

Lot of time and it it almost looked like his time here run out year ago and now you’re just thrilled that you held on to this guy and kept him for what six million a year which is pennies now yeah yep yeah it’s it’s I think it’s beyond what we had

Expected he could he could potentially do um a lot of different ways right because they were offering him and galinari for yaka Perle and you know as much as I like that deal a year ago and some people probably would have liked that idea it’s better you didn’t do that and

It’s funny enough perto goes to Toronto and now Toronto is given the number seven pickup to San Antonio at this point the way he’s playing you can flat out say like he’s taking the Brogden minutes and doing okay with them right if you’re starting Holliday and and uh

You know and and and white every game which you are uh I think he’s absolutely giving you right at the moment what you lost with Brogden which is offense control Poise and honestly defense it’s at least comparable if not even better than what Malcolm was giving you which

Was not great um last season so again Jimmy would get mad because he thinks we’re taking shots at Brogden on the way out the door I thought Brogden gave you exactly what you needed last year with the instant offense but right now um he’s absolutely you know absolutely been

Valuable and sometimes that happens right he was a throwaway in trades I think everybody was comfortable like maybe some people are like ah I wish we didn’t have to toss him in but he was just added like yeah and throw in Pritchard and whatever happens happens there and sometimes the best trades are

The ones you don’t make so you know in this case it’s worked out I think better than a lot of us could have imagined uh couple imagine he was doing this in San Antonio after they trade him you’d be like yeah I mean who knows right um let

Quickly we want to throw a couple things out at you before we get moving um we need to tell you that we are now in the Kevin jelly region we’re playing um the 1 18 matchup out there there which is you got tangu uh a number one seed

Versus I just spit out my vodka that’s what you can vote on right now in the garden report isms bracket for the year uh thanasis we we ran the other night thanasis Manning versus is that a tie and Jose’s fax machine with he’s your third Center Amed who’s winning that four

Five I’m not really sure anyway thanasis way up oh and third Center is up in that four five matchup versus joose S you got tangu out to a pretty early lead again you can vote on it for about the next 15 20 minutes then we’re going to switch it

Over the 48 matchup which is look at this Boomer right here versus coach GPT and vote on that but uh social media voting Twitter and I think we’re going to put the polls up on Instagram as well we’ll be live and they’ll be up all week

Long and um will not be resolved and we will tally all the votes total um uh right now but what we’re looking at is the sweet 16th anasis Manning 70.8% right now and he’s your third Center oh big wow he’s your third Center just drilling Jose holy

Gez didn’t see that one coming yeah you know we rebranded a couple of those I think Brockton WiFi would have fared better than the you know you had to see that episode but you did yeah I think uh third Center third Center is powerful right now it’s powerful he’s your you

Weren’t even on the air for that one you had to see that episode too those were both newcomers no but I’ve been saying that all year I know but it was Jimmy it it was Jimmy’s imitation of you saying it and listen I’m not gonna be too hard on Xavier

Till Center he’s your fourth Center so what do you expect I would be hard on Xavier Tillman I thought he looked like a 70y old man tonight um you know just wasn’t wasn’t and I thought he moved great I thought he I thought he looked good defensively um it’s a killer right

Now John he looks so good defensively you think he can be a specialist on some of the better bigs you’re seeing out there but you’re not going to sit one of your best two centers to get him out there and he can’t play the four so he’s

Really stuck right now he’s in a weird place I don’t know I think I think you’re picking and choosing a couple minutes here and there but not that much I’m not going to say it’s a bust but I don’t think they’re going to get much

Out of this the way I’m looking at how he fits with these lineups I I’d like to think they can utilize in certain matchups some of the things that he does but he’s not going to be a regular um person that they go to no I don’t think

Joe’s a big fan so far UN list he gives him the spot start tonight I think he wants to see what he has in him and do that as much as possible before the playoffs but if you don’t develop a level of trust in effectively spacing

The floor from the corner that’s what he has to do and he’s just just not hitting them and that could come around you know you have I don’t think so I mean it’s not in his DNA you know yeah strug with him out there yeah yeah

There was a play earlier where you know he was in the right wing and pressur you know got two guys going downhill and you have to think like that’s an easy play to just kick back to Al or whoever it be there for an open three but he didn’t

Even look back to Tillman so it’s tough right now spacing is everything in this offense Joe’s all about the offense his presence yeah his Pres is just so antithetical to like their entire philosophy and the way that they play offense right now it just doesn’t fit it’s just like this turd that you’re

Just kind of sticking in there like I don’t know how it makes it work again there might be some places you can stick him in just for defense against guys where you need to body or foul trouble or who knows God forbid injury Insurance yeah if there’s an injury insurance but

I I don’t see this being regular again I don’t see it I don’t think the cornette minutes are there either I think those are they’re going to pick and choose spots and play matchups with those guys in the playoffs where they need to and I think they go

Seven they go they go eight strong with Hower and um and and whatever but that’s about it I think Luke’s in the fold if you want to play Al and Chris stops together which has been a positive lineup this year I think it’s at about plus 13 those two playing together they

Like having those guys out there together it’s basically your second starting lineup when one guy’s out Al just shuffling in next to chrisb so you know let’s say holiday has a bum arm like he does now or you know there’s a white you know improbable like game

Where he’s out or even one of the bigs is out then all of a sudden Luke’s that backup I think playing at that five with a small ball lineup and even tonight I thought their best stretches tonight were going small around one Center maybe cornette uh with those fee and how it

Looks and they were able to just space it out hit threes run and then the double big lineups it just gets clogged up a little bit I do think he can play with Al which is interesting you know Al can space the floor and he can probably play up the

Middle a little more steals some smaller guys offensive rebound but right now unless something like miraculously changes before the playoffs it feels like you tried it this year he’s still here his insurance but next year with a full camp and you know I know he’s a free agent but if you

Bring him back in you can start to Institute him into what you do a little bit more you know cornet’s a free agent this summer too who knows what’s going to happen there so you have two options into the future as a depth guy that you could stick with

There but for now you love what you have in Christ stops you love what you have in Al Luke just continues to play good so I I don’t know how tman fits in four spot sorry I muted myself I don’t see it either and you know again I you know I

Wasn’t going to I wasn’t going to run from it tonight I want to see it work not because of an agenda because you were hoping so good on defense he’s good on defense and you were you wanted to get something at the deadline that would

Be a a small piece you didn’t need a big piece you wanted something that you might have been lacking somewhere and I do think some physicality and some toughness and a little bit more defending was what you needed on a team that has the number one offensive rating

In the history of basketball really you know it’s you know you had to kind of put aside all of the you know every trade deadline passed when it was just like get shooting get shooting get shooting just wasn’t the issue here um and you knew you were just going to

Nibble around the edges so I was hoping it would work out there’s still time and you don’t really know but uh you know at this point yeah they’re they’re they’re trying but they’re having a difficult time fitting them in uh we’ll keep going we want to talk about a potentially

Concerning development uh regarding Drew holiday I also want to urge everyone again to get out and vote uh and uh because uh this is your best chance here to make your uh make your voice heard on the garden report bracket also want to tell you if you’re

Kneed deep in March Madness here and you haven’t signed up for prize picks yet I don’t really know what you’re doing but I would say head right out there and download the app and take part and take advantage of the largest daily fantasy sports platform in North America easiest

And most exciting way to play DFS it’s just you against the numbers pick more or less on two to six player stat projection and that’s it that’s all you got to do uh you know some of you might be used to doing this when it comes to football but it’s super

Exciting with basketball as well and this is a perfect time to do it NBA playoffs about to begin and obviously you’ve got March Madness Tournament so turn to prize picks as we said America’s number one fantasy sports app it’s really easy to download it’s very intuitive uh and it’s easy to make your

Selections as we said you just pick the players pick a stat projection more or less and that’s all you need to do uh if you go download that app and you use the code clns you get a first deposit match up to 100 once again download the app

And get a first deposit match up to 100 head on over to prize picks today um also again we want to tell you the tournament is going on right now and we’ll put it up here we are looking at the Kevin jelly region in a one 18 matchup that’s what’s live voting here

On both our YouTube channels where this show is streaming live and on Twitter right now vote early vote often I don’t care you can vote from a million burners if you’ve got a if you’ve got your favorite go on out there and let your voice be

Heard you got you got Tang Wade versus I just spit out my vodka we’ve got that one up for about another 10 minutes here pinned to the chat you got 10 more minutes to vote for that and then after that we’re looking at look at this Boomer right here versus coach GPT look

At this Boomer right here out to a big social media lead we’ll see how it goes here in the YouTube poll so again check those things out and uh and you know hang out and have fun with your garden report bracket uh let’s get into the holiday a little bit

Um I don’t love it for those who don’t know he’s experiencing a dead arm what does that mean I think it’s like tingly nervy sort of stuff you know a sting really probably some sort of stinger um you know which is nerves uh um and that happens it actually it’s very it’s it’s

A very common football injury um you know anyone who’s played has probably gotten a stinger and it’s fraking brutal uh and um it almost looked like it the way he hit somebody which is you just kind of jam into somebody with your shoulder or you know sometimes it’s kind

Of this way and bang you just get this like oh man like the whole thing goes you know numb and it hurts and it’s just bad and I think that’s what he got I think he got some form of stinger there that can be recurring you know you can get you can

Get it again or it can kind of linger for a little bit I don’t think there anything that bad but you certainly don’t like hearing the no timetable which is what’s attached to it right now they don’t seem concerned they said he’s getting better he’s just talking about

Wanting to get back to stay in Rhythm but third straight game missed with this and you know you really don’t want it to linger too long yeah and part of me wondered AC joint people said also but first it was it’s been listed as an AC joint I just

Going to say like shoulder but when they called it a dead arm it made me think it was some kind of stinger so not only that but when you’re resting these guys it’s like oh sore back sore toe like you just throw whatever’s sore in there and

That’s that and it might not be a serious concern but you have it lined up in the injury report in case you just want to set a guy down or in this case obviously it seems like there’s a real ailment that’s impacting him there much

Like with porzingis a week ago or to you just set him down for as long as possible until it’s you know 1,000% healed and they have the luxury of doing that now and burst AR that’s that’s basically yeah like first hand last last playoffs that was another thing

Impacting this team a year ago going to the playoffs but well anyone who said it didn’t didn’t but um you know I mean anyone who said it didn’t impact him it absolutely impacted him but the brogon issue was the bigger issue and that was also some weird dead arm thing which was

A nerve issue in his elbow and he couldn’t freaking do anything he died he just died yeah and I don’t know if that’s related he was useless I no it’s not related this is a totally different injury but we saw Brogden go out with what you thought was something minor and

It literally killed his whole season that was it and honestly possibly kept them from going to the finals uh healthy Brogden in that series probably helps a lot yeah and he is still dealing with that this year I think he’s out right injury so yeah because he didn’t have because he he

Didn’t have surgery because he hates everyone I can’t believe they were believe they were able to trade him I can’t believe they were able to trade him after he they were looking to Dum they were looking to just dump him and then holiday for him yeah so it sucked that’s an

Amazing thing they got out of this year along with Rob’s continued health issues so it’s it’s beyond the addition of holiday which has been a dream you got out of two situations that weren’t going to go well this year clearly but back to Holiday you’re defense just reaches

Another level with him out there and that’s what I can’t wait to see in the playoffs when he’s out there is him just be that Menace on that end and there’s been a couple situations in recent weeks where he’s done that when he’s been out there and honestly he just continues to

Shoot well from three which is a big difference and that you know Milwaukee game you hope that he’s going to be a guy that just pulverizes their drop if they’re trying to ignore him with a Giannis or a Brooke uh and that’s what’s gonna happen you saw against um Denver

They try to ignore him with joic he hit those big shots late in that game uh he’s 53% from three over his last 15 games and that includes one to two in that last game three of five in the Phoenix game right before that so it’s

Not like with Brogden you know you saw him fall off a cliff as a shooter to where he couldn’t shoot at all because of the element so we’ll see what he looks like when he comes back I don’t really remember where he got hurt um but I’m I’m not super concerned about this

One I think this is just something that they can be ultra cautious with and he would be resting anyway in a l these games so as long as he needs to miss here that’s fine yeah I mean I don’t know you know because that’s the problem

Is we don’t know anything you and this is you know where you get into push and pull with fans I don’t think it’s alarmism to be alarmed because really again you just don’t want something weird to happen and mess with this and they’ve had tremendous injury luck this

Year so yes you know you look at the last couple of Seasons with Rob and what happened with him late when they were an absolute wagon there and then the Teeny small stuff and again no excuse the heat were way more banged up than the Celtics

Were in that series but you know you don’t have the Brogden injury or Tatum doesn’t roll his ankle in game seven and you might be having different conversations about how that season ended so yes you just don’t want anything to happen but the here this is

What always happens with fans is the you know some people want to freak out and some people want to um say he’s fine you know because he was sitting in the game and he looked fine I’m leaning toward I’m leaning towards fine and not no

Concern at all but again I I I I wish the report wasn’t dead arm I wish it was a fake injury that they were just using to give him some rest so it’s an actual thing hopefully it goes away but I’m I’m definitely not on the freakout I’m on

I’m on the other end of the panic meter can the Celtics we haven’t even talked about this this year because of how healthy they’ve been as you mentioned there can they sustain an injury like if a guy had to miss let’s say possibly possibly for two rounds that’s amazing to think about and

That’s what that so games like that’s what they’re saying is games like this where they how many games have they won by 20s something points where they were down two of two of their six players you know like you know it’s it’s they’re doing it all the

Time yeah so they have experience doing it the these young guys continue to get reps and you know back to that pitri conversation I don’t think you were on last show John when I got asked this but I think Jimmy asked May who is that seventh guy right now in that rotation

When you’re fully healthy and you know I said Hower because that’s just kind of felt like the default all year but I think Pritchard has turned the corner and taken that it’s both though it’s both in the sense that you need both like there’s one Center if you’re not

Playing double big you only need to replace you need one person to replace porzingis and that’s Horford then you need one person to spell the guards and one person to spell the wings so I think they’re all Horford plays the most but I think I think Hower and and and

Pritchard are are are of equal value so you could see them both playing real I’m not gonna call it perfect but I mean it’s it makes sense that it is what it is because of that reason that there’s basically One Wing One Wing replacement one guard replacement one big

Replacement and that’s the whole bench and that’s what it’s going to continue to be and you will double up with Horford with some double big minutes but ultimately that’s all you need it’s GNA be it’s gonna be you know Brown in two guards with double bigs or Jaylen with

Two guards and double bigs or jayen with Hower or you know Tatum with Hower Pritchard lineups with uh you know so that’s that’s all you’re going to do there I yeah and I’m looking at this um I think they’re I think they’re the same I think they’re equally valuable because

That is your rotation you’re going to need that to kind of keep moving things around luckily you know having big guards you know you can kind of play those you know those those you know Tatum with two of those guys and you know and and the double big and still

And you have options but I’m comfortable with all of those guys at this point I think we were having the conversation a couple weeks ago so you’ve turned the corner I’ve turned the corner in the sense that it’s essential but again I think that what we said at the beginning

Of the year about the top six being so good I just think no matter what like you’re going to be okay the rotations might be tighter so instead of six minute rest on the bench it’s going to be a four minute rest on the bench

For a guy like Tatum but I still think you can you I still think you’re fine in those minutes I don’t think there’s Terror involved bringing those guys off the bench I I really don’t yeah and I just saw because other teams have to do

It too and and again in a seven game series that matters you know so you I mean you saw how dead Tatum and brown were I mean Tatum you know later refused to use the bench last year yeah and they just wouldn’t do it at all you know and

They were terrified was buried Hower was buried I don’t think you should be terrified this year to to use it because everyone else is so good I don’t think you’ll have those panicky moments where you’re like the game’s going to get away from us right here in this stretch in

The third quarter like I don’t think you fear that anymore I think where you’re going to be careful is in tight games going into your regular fourth quarter rotation you know with Tatum maybe sitting and a couple of bench guys out there you know you don’t want to get

Cute certain times but I think you’re gonna I think through three quarters you can you can use these guys liberally and then you gota you gotta assess and see where you’re at especially if you go up by 1520 through some of those starting rotations they’ve done against certain

Teams here and it’s you know it’s going to be interesting you’re still facing that lurking chance that it’s a Miami round one or it’s a Philly like one of those weird let down Seasons leads to them being at the eight in round one with potentially embiid coming back or the

Heat hitting their stride or finding something in that round one against you but more likely than not like I going into Chicago tomorrow they’re locked into to nine and you know they’re probably gonna beat the hot you never know with one game playoffs like those but the Hawks are just so battered feel

Like they’re giving up at this point they’re pretty much locked into 10 so we’ll have that debate John do you want a real opponent round one something to get you going like the Nets or do you want what one seeds usually get which is a bulls sweep and that seems like it’s

In the cards now that Chicago’s locked into nine and maybe they could beat Miami or Philly or whoever drops down into that eight seed game but you got you you have the chance of both here and I think you’ll Loop the Pacers into that to some degree John too right like they

Have played worse late in the year they have some injuries they traded buddy hee so they’re not quite that team that really challenged you early in the year but they make you a little uncomfortable they could give you some games it’d be a little bit harder than a typical one

Eight series but you got Philly in that mix you got Miami in that mix so it’s gonna be interesting to watch how that shapes up at the bottom of the league over these last 10 12 games it’s honestly hard to pretend that I think any team is going to pose a real

Challenge at this point um if anything I think it’ll be annoying like you might have an annoying six-game series or one you know God forbid that goes seven and stresses everybody out I I just can’t see it happening I think Philly is the worst scenario oh yeah again I say that

That that was the most lopsided seven game series in in playoff history uh just in terms of the point differential and the wins and you never thought you were going to lose it you were just pissed off that you couldn’t wrap I was gonna say how because if a first round

Series went seven games for this team it would be all out Fury in our yeah it is for home Bo wins because again you know you know just you know to be clear for the people in the chat who you know experienced that fully that Boston team was clearly the

Best team in the NBA like clearly the best team even the Lakers I was like I I I didn’t think the Lakers were a challenge for them the Boston was clearly the best team um so it felt it was annoying as [ __ ] but you never at any point in

Time felt like they might lose it which was strange because that was the first year that team was together so you didn’t know what they were made of in the playoffs I just I don’t think there was a single fan who was like they could drop game seven to Atlanta here nobody

Thought it and they came out and they drilled them so that really wasn’t an issue it was more um this team though because of the PTSD and because what you’ve seen you know with not so great you know play playoff performances most recently with Jaylen against Miami and

Then Tatum in the finals and that you know their two exits the last two years have come on the heels of stars not playing well so you’ve seen these guys let you down and you’re worried that they could do it again so there’s some evidence but I just don’t think there’s

Any it’s not it shouldn’t be rooted in anything real or rational because this team is a good bit better than everyone they’re going to be facing in the in the early in the playoffs here like a good bit better yeah even more so than 08 so yeah anything anything here is just

Ghosts right um which might not exist anymore we’ve talked about how it’s a different know it’s a different Dynamic there’s clearly a similar Dynamic at the top uh despite the strides Brown and Tatum have made this year um but you’re still worried about them lapsing back

Into some bad habits and you know I don’t know how I I hate to get away from this game too quickly but um how did you feel about the end of that Bucks game because I was listening back I know you weren’t on the air with me

Here I was surprised you weren’t a little just a tiny bit more concerned especially as a bucks guy I mean you’ve been the guy who’s held out hope on think I it’s not the Bucks guy I think they POS unique challenges simply because oftentimes it’s just the best

Players that do something um here you know to you and they have two guys capable of winning multiple games on their own and so and you know Giannis is having MVP caliber season and Lillard is Lillard and you know can do anything if you were worried about I mean embiid and

Harden almost again it’s a different team but yeah there’s scariness there and they’re playing better even though the record doesn’t necessarily reflect it all the time there’s more Buy in on defense um and I think they are I don’t think they’re worri like I’m not worried about the Bucks everyone should be worried

About the Celtics that’s where going all I mean is that’s why I said from the beginning of the year don’t worry about what other teams do worry about what they can’t do to stop you and I think that that’s the Celtics superpower is there’s really nothing teams can do

Against them really nothing uh you do you try weird gimmicky things like letting Jaylen Brown shoot open threes like that’s what teams are doing like yeah teams teams are gonna have to try gimmics and tactics against them zone defense bucks are the only people Buck’s the only team out there that has man

Beaters right that’s it so that’s the only thing that you’re and not worried about I just thought people were dismissing them and I said Milwaukee’s not a walk over that so that’s all I’m saying in that regard I’m not by any means saying that oh gez watch out they’re gonna bucks could be

Bucks are gonna beat him I would you know it’s just that man I would go heavy heavy Celtics so you said it perfectly because that was all on the Celtics there down the stretch of that game giving up two offensive rebounds uh getting a technical foul after getting

Blocked and giving away a break breakout dunk uh you know giving up the threes the way they did to Lillard and poris and others and uh they pretty much squandered a 15-point uh lead in you know the final nine 10 minutes there and I said in our chat John I was

Surprised they didn’t actually go and blow that game so that’s a credit to them Tatum was able to get downhill yeah it didn’t bother me I just think they got bored that wasn’t you think it was a boredom game yes that to was not the

Bucks that to me was not the bu I disagree actually I think they zoned up I think they slowed the Celtics down the Celtics fell asleep so maybe that is boredom but whether it’s boredom or execution they’ve done that before I I know but in this particular

Game yes the zone and they were settling for shots and they weren’t falling but I don’t think the Zone broke them I just think they got a little bored started settling and were up 20 points they knew that this was a non Giannis game they’d kind of done their work they put him

They put him to bed and then they just cruised a little not not at all and like I said zone is the GL is the classic gimmick that these teams are gonna have to try to throw to to throw the Celtics off because zone is what losers do you

Know when they know that they can’t beat you straight up so yeah but I don’t think that I think the Celtics have done far better against Zone this year than in years past I don’t think it’s the type of thing that snaps their brains like it did literally every single time

Somebody threw it at them last year so I don’t think this was a case of it maybe I’m wrong but I just think it was just they just kind of they they they they ramped it down to 70% and you know they might that might be true but I think the

Same scenario could play out in that matchup in a playoff setting where you’re a big Lou starts stepping into those threes and then oh shoot you’re 20-point leads down to four in a matter of minutes there and you know Joe even said that after that game you can’t

Expect up 18 to win that game you can’t expect that it’s not going to get CAU late after that and I’ll give them credit they were 11- n John in three-point games under three minutes I think going into that game you get two good looks down the stretch that shut it

Down Lou took that bad shot and poris missed a big free throw there and I think poris actually got another good look from three there that he could have hit so I I I think you dodged a real bullet there of potentially collapsing against the team that you know starting

To gain a little bit of momentum there didn’t have Giannis I think came out of that game feeling really good about the way they played the Celtics You know despite the Celtics being down Hower in holiday as well they were able to go toe for toe I thought in the fourth quarter

Against a team that was pretty much fully loaded so I’ve gone back and forth on the Bucks All Year John that game gave me a little bit more respect for them at least the way they can make it tough by hanging with offensively again everything I was

Saying about the Bucks was just in in response to you guys being like thinking that they were toast you know the defense is so bad though it really is it’s bad but I think it’s a little bit better underd um than it was before um but again the results haven’t been terrific

Um still it’s I think they’re 12 and 11 now under him yeah um we want to fill you in one last time here just to let everybody know what’s going on um put it on the stage here briefly uh we are live with the second game in

Our uh playoff bracket right now which is uh look at this Boomer right here versus coach GPT a 4 five matchup it’s a pretty damn good matchup right there voting is live it’s going to carry us through the rest of the show so check it out

Uh and uh Vote or vote on Twitter uh the polls will be live on our social media so go you can follow there and vote as many times as you want uh for your favorite uh term I guess we’re calling it here on Garden report ISM so head on

Out there and uh and do and do your worst okay do what you can uh we also you oh go ahead what were you gonna say oh well hold it let me get let me let me get this one out here too we also want to tell you um

If you want to have awesome hair like Bobby Manning or Jimmy Tuscano or or even a John xanis we’re not going to say anything about sherad but that’s fine um try neutral I use neutral so should you uh hair loss or hair Health isn’t really something

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Going to talk about I want to squeeze things real quick back to what I was talking about earlier basketball reference now has Philly Miami and Chicago all at 21% odds uh to play the Celtics round one is the eight seed so I think you are kind of getting into the

Space where you’re like it’s probably G to be one of them maybe the Pacers but it’s probably going to be heat Sixers of bulls depending on you know how this embiid thing goes down the stretch and we do CNS it’s on Celtics clns where do

I vote on Twitter go ahead Bobby yep and we do have a quote from Jaylen who we haven’t talked about tonight but 33 for him he’s had 20 plus in every game since the break I think throughout the years my opportunity has varied this from Adam

Him spot not because of my lack of skill set but because a lot of big-time players have come through this organization so I just kept patient kept getting better and now it’s my time his time well again the best things about Jaylen Brown this year is pretty

Much that the PA it’s not the patience in waiting for opportunities it’s the patience in um not just charging forward when he got the ball in his hands um and having the patience to recognize hey it’s not there I’m gonna kick it back out or I’m gonna you know

Make a play um he’s dribbling less and that’s resulting in fewer turnovers he’s making better reads but I just think he’s just he’s just up he’s still a difficult shot maker all over the place right Bobby so there’s a lot of shots if someone else took him that Jaylen Brown

Takes you’d be like G I don’t like that but for him that’s his bag right those M those midies and right now going to the left is really worked for him and he goes and finishes strong through contact certainly better than Tatum when he’s going to the rim there a lot of those

Shots if they’re taking taken by Tatum are the ones where he’s falling underneath the basket it doesn’t go in and the other team breaks out five on four so these are difficult things that he’s doing but he’s still able to do them at a high efficiency and it’s

Pretty freaking insane what he did tonight I mean he was what he started the game 11 of 13 I think finished 33 points 13 of 19 he was just silly the free throw thing still going to freak people out and that’s going to that’s going to that’s going to cause some hair

Loss in the playoffs I’ll tell you that um I don’t know how that gets fixed but everything else is just unreal uh right now the the way he’s been playing and you know he gets to just when these non- Tatum games he gets to just kind of do

Whatever he wants to do but I mean 19 shots is well within like normal range right this isn’t an insane amount of offense from him you could easily think on a night where Tatum would sit that brown would have to Chuck 20 4 25 26 shots being the primary offensive weapon and he

Didn’t yeah the efficiency stag we’ve talked about that for our four years now I remember back when we started the show it was like let him shoot as many times as he wants because he’s going to be incredibly efficient doing it uh but scaling that back in a game like this

Letting Pritchard get more ball time you know zero assist you don’t love but didn’t feel like he wasn’t making decent plays or at least decisions throughout this one I I thought he was just super aggressive which usually is and you know despite four turnovers tonight I feel like those have scaled down generally

This year at least the really bad ones so in his role I think he’s in an amazing place and I think that’s been the key for a lot of this year is that Tatum’s gonna be the point of attack a lot of the times the guy who’s making

Decisions against the defense as they throw it at them first and jaylen’s going to be the guy who plays ahead um you know gets the ball in the pocket Cuts shoots you know plays off Tatum or whoever else is in control of the offense there spaces sometimes he did

That tonight too at times so I like the versatility of his role here at the same time you still do get a little stuck sometimes on the Tatum Brown thing in terms of are they connecting enough while they’re out there is it my turn your turn while

They’re out there can one guy have it going and the other guys still stay involved to some degree because they’ve they’ve balanced that to some degree all year you know playing different quarters Brown often early Tatum often late um you know making sure that spacing right

For the other guy if one guy is not uh if one guy’s rolling and you know even the rotations as we’ve talked about John tinkering with those to get one guy out of there if he’s a little slow early keep the guy who’s hot in there so

They’ve balanced that well this year but they have to continue to maintain that and you know I know Brown always aspires to do more always aspires to do better and I think sometimes we’ve said John his forcefulness and just his urgency out there sets a better tone than tatums a

Lot of the time so you almost wish that he could be the point of attack that’s like the you know face of the team or at least sets setting the tone for the team you wish he could do that more often for them but but he’s best in the second

Role I feel like behind Tatum playing off him playing off others playing ahead of the defense that’s where he’s really thrived this year he’s playing a more narrow focused role almost focusing entirely on scoring John and you know I know he’s made plays here there where he’s had to but I think

Narrowly focusing on scoring and being aggressive with the ball in his hands and getting shots off quickly has been the key for him to limiting turnovers to limiting just getting stuck out there at times and for him to be able to do it without T’s amazing but I don’t

Think we’ve asked the very last Brown question of the year we had some questions about him early right okay but he needs last one can he stay consistently fit into that role in the playoffs like can he just focus on scoring playing off other guys and let the ball handlers white Tatum

You know even an Al and a porzingis sometimes really focus on the playmaking on the team um because there’s still some situations John where he’ll freelance a little bit where he’ll drive in the traffic get a little stuck here or there you want to limit those come playoff

Time so yes I think again everything comes down to like the stes have been so low all regular the entire regular season what happens when they you know kick up a notch and does it change anything you know I don’t know I mean I I guess any

Fears in you know Brown and Tatum doing any of that stuff you know with brown maybe you know putting his head down or trying to force it when things get tough or you know or this or that I think a lot of that is rooted in you know some

Some sort of PTSD from having seen times where that’s happened before I just think why should it affect the Celtics and not other teams like do you don’t you think this Celtics team is also going to find another level like I don’t see them going in playing at the same

Level everyone else’s intensity goes up I think they’re operating they’re just functioning on this super high level I guess yeah maybe in a game the threes aren’t falling and one of these guys decides that they want to try to force the issue a little bit and they get out

Of their game maybe that happens but again over the course of an entire series I think the one thing that’s worked for the Celtics this year is they just kind of kept doing exactly what they were trying to do right like they never wavered they didn’t say like ah

Crap forget the threes they’re not falling they just keep shooting them and if they live through a night where they’re not making them sometimes they would win where in the past they would not if the threes weren’t falling and sometimes they’ll just take the L and then they’ll come back and they’ll play

The same way the next time and then they’d rip off seven straight wins so again I just I’m not nearly as concerned about these kind of one-off moments uh in the playoffs of people doing these things because I just think like they they’ve been self-correcting all year

Long and I think that they’ll do that again uh so less you know less than normal less than normal the only thing you’re worried about is Tatum and brown forget what’s been working all season long and slow it down go into ISO and try to do it all themselves I just don’t

Think that’s going to happen so that’s it’s part of Brown’s game at times and you know it’s it’s part of it’s part of both of their games yeah it’s part of both of their games and it’s valuable because again the most valuable skill in basketball is people

Who can create their own shot you know and score when everybody knows that they’re trying to score and both of these guys can do it so sometimes you need that you know you need him on that wall you need those guys to do that when nothing is going right how many times

Were we be like oh my God thank God Brogden is here because he could create his own offense so yeah you need that but again there’s so much else going on here and I think they get it I just don’t think that Ball’s sticking in anybody’s hands I’m way more concerned

With Tatum than I am with brown in that regard you know with Tatum with Tatum I think there’s a higher playmaking ceiling than with brown I just don’t think Brown is going into like takeover mode where he’s going to hijack the offense alog together you know uh you

Know whereas you know I’m not saying Tatum would either but I think the tendency of Tatum to like try to cook um and you know wait it all out and go into that ISO game and they start deferring to point Tatum the I’m more worried about that than I am with anything that

Brown’s gonna do yeah both of them need to rely on their teammates though and take advantage of this extra skill set they have around them and and I’m not scared of this I’m saying if you’re talking about a thing that might surface yeah don’t want to see slowdown Point

Tatum in the finals I’m you know or in in any playoff I want them to do what they’re doing here yeah or you know Brown driving into a crowd and you know getting stuck and not knowing what to do with worried about that they’ve reduced

All of that this year yeah but a big reason for that is that they’ve trusted white with the ball more they getting it to porzingis and involving him consistently like these are just things they’re going to have to continue to do in the playoffs as things get a little

More intense as they face better opponents as they play opponents who are going to be able to game plan for them a little bit more rather than just you know going through Detroit’s and Washington’s and you know seeing a Milwaukee here or there that might be

Missing that guy so it’s gonna ramp up fast for them and you know that’s another thing you have to consider here we kicked off the show John saying that it’s great that you can rotate these guys in and out right now and get them the rest while getting them the Reps uh

But it’s going to ramp up pretty fast from this awful schedule down the stretch to you know potentially in Miami or Philly or something like that round one in the playoffs so you got to still be able to practice these habits here and listen it’s these habits that are

Generating these kind of 20 25 Point wins right now so there’s no concern right now at least from what we’re seeing they’re continuing to do do it um but it’s just you know forecasting stuff that could potentially come up down the line you know along what we’ve talked

About with the bench look if and when it happens I think we’ll all just be yelling at our screens and then we’re going to come on here and we’re going to yell about it because I do think the patience and the leash will be very short if you start to see a regression

Or any old tactics or any old things that you know hadn’t worked before when everything had worked so well here I just like I said is my general Vibe with these with this team is that’s just less likely to happen um here um and again I

Just I I still think they’re so much better than most other teams I just don’t think it’s going to come into play really uh we’ve been talking about Brown a bit how good he’s been and how good he was tonight uh here’s Joe moula again talking about the evolution of jaylen’s

Game how jayen he thinks just kind of just more dangerous as a shooter and let’s go back to Joe more from him what have you seen him on that end and then just what you see from him tonight uh I’ve Just Seen uh great stuff I love

Just the way he’s carried himself out there in the cor he’s processing each and every possession on both ends of the floor he’s taking the shots that he wants he’s making plays for himself for his teammates he’s uh he’s been an honor to coach him he’s been just playing

Well-rounded basketball in both ends uh you know so it’s been fun to watch Joe very subdued is he you think he’s sad since people told him he can’t block shots anymore I I did hear that there was an opportunity in that Bucks game I think it was Beverly where he could have but

Right right in front of him right in his eye yeah and then after he shot it he looked at Joe and he goes nothing yeah yeah too bad I mean he made it too obvious on that Phoenix one it was it was silly it was silly yeah it was silly um closing thoughts

Here Bobby and again last time last time we’re going to tell you because we’re going to wrap this thing up last opportunity to vote in the show not in not overall the 4 five matchup in the Kevin jelly region look at this Boomer right here versus coach GPT

It’s live on both our YouTube channels here uh pinned to the comments pinned to the chat and you can go on our social media handles that’s Celtics clns if you want to check that out and vote uh one last time here before uh before you can the voting will stay live through the

End of the weekend though so no worries there you still have opportunities to vote uh closing thoughts here Bobby so Celtics are up to what 58 wins now or 56 rather I hope it’s 56 cuz that’s what the banner says no it’s 56 um so 12 games left that

Means I I see at most two losses the rest of the rest of the way so we’re talking that’s the thing is half these other teams are playing have mailed it in too Celtics can rest half their starters and still win by 20 points as was evidenced by tonight so I

See two losses at most the rest of the way the way are going so where do you even see them you’re looking at Chicago the two with Atlanta and you’ve got tough match up ther one tough New Orleans at New Orleans at you know versus Oklahoma City a throwaway against

The Bucks where my guess is no one is going to play so who knows you might get games that are entire bench games and sure they could lose a couple of those there too like would it be stunning if you had a game where nobody played yeah no so I think you account

For those Thunder and Pelican games which are difficult on paper and if you win those maybe there’s nothing games against the Knicks and Bucks there at the end of the season I’m just kind they could win every game the rest of the way but you know they’ve dropped one here

And there so I think you have to think John there’ll be at least one loss the rest of the way and if it is only one you are gonna pass the 86 Celtics for the best season or second best season in Celtics history if you

Win the final 12 you’re going to tie 73 for the best season in Celtics history um so I least have the Celtics tying the’ 08 team with 66 at the very least and you could tie 86 if you finish 11- one if you finish 12-0 this is going to finish

Tied for the best team in Celtics history which is pretty amazing yeah it’s it’s amazing um it’s amazing it’s been an amazing year uh and there’s good teams out there I mean I know people talk about uh the East not being you know as strong this year but I mean you

Have to look back at the earlier Generations when many of these other um you know records were set I I don’t think there was World beaters all up and down you know the conferences here I mean when the Celtics went 67 and 15 you know the the you know again far fewer

Teams there’s probably 24 teams playing back then and you’re looking at you know this is the 86 team they were 13 games up on that the greatest team ever it was it was an amazing it was Art it was just it was just artist it was just to tie them or

Even pass them would really be something it is but again I have to point out like it’s actually harder to do it now I’m not going to lie because there was just like four good teams back no there was like literally there was like four good teams then total like Celtics finished

13 games up on the Sixers who were a decent team for sure then the next team was the Washington Bullets in the Atlantic division that finished 39 and 43 and then the Nets and the Knicks were like Bottom Feeders the Bucks were solid the Hawks were solid the Rockets out

West and then the Lakers and that’s it the Lakers the Lakers won the Pacific Division that year by 22 games 62 and 20 second place with the Portland Trails blazers at 40 and 42 Third Place was a team with a 39% winning percentage so again just there was literally four good

Teams total I mean and when this and you know people hate hearing this too when the Celtics were winning championships one after the other after the other after the other in the 60s there were like two good teams I mean maybe one and a half maybe one and a half good teams

So yes it’s there’s a lot of parody and you have the salary cap it’s extremely hard to have this record a record this good and to have this team I mean I’m sorry guys there’s way more good team teams than there was you know uh you

Know back then and yeah 87 was good too and you had issues say kind of the same thing with the 2009 Celtics that team was actually better than 2008 um that team was better than 2008 uh go down the line and kg got hurt go down L your last

In people yeah it’s improbable what they’ve done to build this roster we hit on the improbability of holiday earlier the poor zingis thing was a stroke of art in its own right especially that my identifying him as a guy that could bring this all together you give Danny

Credit for drafting Tatum Brown and Pritchard and then you you had to do a little searching as Brad too to find a guy I know Danny actually traded for cornette but Brad brought him back further developed him brought in Hower undrafted developed him and now they’re

Working on some guys lower on the roster now to keep this thing going into the future for all the concerns we’ve had John I don’t think any of us would be shocked if they win it all this year and then once they do that I know there’s

Going to be some topics here and actually you know we got to get into those holiday extension talks once April begin um but you’re gonna have a chance here to really rip off multiple championships in coming years if you just get it done this year and get it off your back that

You know hump going back to 08 and even the you know let Downs that this group has had in a couple different spots but once you do it and especially if you do it this year you run this team back again next year and then you try to do

It again you’re just going to you have a really good chance here to actually solidify what you’re doing now because no one’s called this a Warriors team John just because I think they haven’t proven themselves like that Force that’s just a million miles above all the other teams but if they go and

Do it this year that’s what they’re going to be become and be considered and have the chance to be you know do into the future so they have really good opportunity here because of the roster they put together and the develop development these guys have you know

Achieved internally and once they do it John all these fears all the nitpicking all the stuff that we have to do just because of what we’ve seen in the past that’s all gonna go away yeah you could end up with a season next year that’s even better than this one it’s why again

I and I I think I think people have finally it’s why you’ve had a relatively calm me this year um you know because I I haven’t been concerned by am I up on the Panic meter at the top now we might have to change this whole thing here I

Don’t know Jimmy’s been trying to goting me into Panic trying to go me into Panic all year I just haven’t felt it because I I I I’ve had a lot of belief in the team throughout the course of the Season that they were going to correct it and

They were always and it happened they never got into streaks and lws yeah there was some [ __ ] they did that’s annoying but most of any frustration was more at like the older versions of them than than what they were actually doing this year but yeah some of that [ __ ]

Rears his head in the playoffs yeah it’s going to be it’s going to be annoying and there will be some things said but I just think it’s not who they are right now I just think they’re a different they’re just they’re different and if

They if they end up so if they prove me wrong in the sense that I actually believe they’ve figured it out yeah we’re going to lose our [ __ ] a little bit because it’s going to be like you know they did they fooled us again you

Know but I I I don’t I don’t think that’s what’s going to happen you know doesn’t mean winning is assured I just if you lose I don’t think you lose in the same manners where you lost you know in the past where you just self-destructed and played really crappy

And had teams just get in in your head and and and force you to play poorly you know you lose to a Denver team because Denver’s really good okay it happened you can you won’t love it still might view it as a failure of a season but you

Might get it right it’ll depend how it goes down I mean that Visual and totally it’s a million years ago now and a different coach and a whole different roster but to go from up two one in that Warrior series to getting run off the floor and embarrassed in game six on the

Home floor wasn’t great and you know just that franticness you don’t want to see them back in that spot when things start to go wrong what you actually want to see John is things go wrong in a series and them rally together and figure it out and they did that actually last year

In that Philly series pretty well they almost did in the Miami series so maybe that’s some growth too last year that you have to give them credit for despite how horribly it ended um yep so we’ll see I I I’m just holding out out of caution every day though makes me

More someone wanted it every day just makes me more um confident in you know the whole thing that’s going on here I think they’ve just achieved a lot and figured out a lot this regular season and given themselves a lot of options and ways to win like if they were just

Shooting threes again this year John and hitting a million threes and that was the that was the ball game I think we’d feel a little bit differently but for them to go to the rim at times and them to post up and them to have like this

Brown element and some other guys off the bench you have a little bit more of a diversification in the way you can win along with a much better defense I mean how much did we talk about defense last year and I don’t think we’ve brought it

Up once this year it’s just been a given that they’re great on that end so credit to them for that too yeah yeah it’s it’s it’s again not uh not a lot to not a lot anything that we throw out there and he wants to throw it out there it’s still

Me still me I I just don’t think it’s fair I think we’re flipping sides actually here we will um you know there’s not going to be much to dissect or talk about that I don’t think there’s anything they’re going to do between now and the end of

The regular season is going to make you change your thinking in terms of what’s going to going to happen here so no I’m ready for thank let’s just count them down quickly one by one these final 12 and let’s let’s get the playoffs yeah that Thunder one could be fun next or in

Two weeks there could be a couple fun games and again you lose sure look you play you play your full lineup and you lose to the Pelicans and the Thunder you’re going to start looking at that record against top teams and you’ll talk about that a little bit so it’s nice

It’d be nice to get one one of those wins under your belt because yeah it hasn’t get th back that was a bad loss out there in OKC you you want to get that because that’s that’s a thing and it does look like it is lipstick John in

That one I don’t I don’t get it I don’t get the artwork there I don’t get it you must had a lot of uh lip bomb on that night or something yeah yeah they’re looking ripe yeah they are yeah um they are indeed so yeah so

Uh we’re going to wrap up we got another one back Tob backs tomorrow they’re playing some one Chicago I will say for our perspective John we need Miami round one because if it’s Chicago get ready for four more of these shows in the playoff I’ve never even

I’ve never even yeah it’s all right though when it matters it changes right now nothing has mattered for so long Denver is the only thing that mattered and they and they they mucked it sucked so definitely and look Sixers or heat round one great story lines and a little

Bit and a little and it’s going to make you sweat a little bit so yes I think they’ll be a lot of importance there Chicago would suck um so yeah you know me Bobby I’m a stories guy and you can’t run away from stuff and there’s no reason wishing for something that

Happened happened differently so I will enjoy those series if they get either Miami or Philly even though those so perfect even though there aren’t I I think they destroy Miami this year great that would set a great tone for the playoff run silly worries me a teen bit

More but we are going to wrap it again take your votes pined to the chat right here you can still vote take your votes to Twitter at Celtics clns give us a follow there follow us here uh subscribe and tell your friends this is the place to

Be um this is the place to be through the course of the playoffs this guy doesn’t think so uh but that’s okay um hang out with us after every single game as we’ve been doing for the last several years heading into the playoffs and what promises to

Be a long and fun and fruitful run uh Bobby and I back tomorrow with some more people uh yeah what the [ __ ] is Twitter uh all your friends are here that’s good to know fuzzy oh go vote on x uh Celtics clns you could check that

Out until then we will see you tomorrow we’re going to unveil a few more games that you can vote on we’re going back to the uh back to the uh Herman Gomez region there’s a couple of good ones here tomorrow the voting farts my dog versus that’s jealous which is a commer and

Then sad girls versus blame pie um that those are some pretty good ones out there so go check those out uh in the meantime Bobby and I are going to say bye and we will see you guys tomorrow night uh good night all wait amit’s got

An outro for us I think no he doesn’t he said he was gonna work on an outro he had a phenomenal game phenomenal forits out I I think it’s an option that did not sound like a chair it was a freaking chair it does sound like a chair

The Garden Report goes live following the Celtics game vs the Pistons. Catch the Celtics Postgame Show featuring Bobby Manning and John Zannis as they offer insights and analysis from Boston’s game in Detroit.

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  1. not a great play making coming out of college? did either of you watch pritchard at all in college? because thats the complete oppisite. talking bout dropping the ball. yikes. pritchard was nothing but a playmaking gym rat in college and if it wasnt for covid, him and oregon could've easily won the tournument and got more regonition.

  2. Pritchard has improved his passing a lot. He used to only look for his shot and dribble dribble dribble, but more he's actually got his head up and passing to open guys. I think he's really learning how to run an offense. Solid guard off the bench. Let's hope it keeps up.

  3. I want to see Tillman next season. I'm giving the benefit of the doubt the same way White needed a full training camp to find his place on the team. He'll be more valuable when Horford retires.

  4. It’s funny how Bobby never mentions tilman but always Kornet. Like get off ya knees man. Dudes a terrible reporter supporting an overrated player who’s unplayable in the playoffs.

  5. Pritchard needs to be productive in the POs. Who cares if he scores 20 against scrub teams. That goes for all Celtics. If their level drops, they deserve to get roasted. Porzingis concerns me. He’s too soft and a poor rebounder.

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