@National Basketball Association

[Slater] Chris Paul said he called Tony Brothers a “Tik Toker” to get the first technical and told Brothers he has too much power and received a second T. (Paul just posted a Tik Tok of a Brothers interview to his IG story)

[Slater] Chris Paul said he called Tony Brothers a “Tik Toker” to get the first technical and told Brothers he has too much power and received a second T. (Paul just posted a Tik Tok of a Brothers interview to his IG story)

by Michael_B_Lopez


  1. Nah that clip he shared on his story is crazy. Dude says he doesnt care about basketball and then says hes the judge jury and executioner on the floor lol. Just retire already

  2. OsmosisJonesFanClub

    Only Chris Paul’s corny ass would get a tech for calling someone a Tik Toker

  3. They must have the best union reps or some heavy dirt on the NBA for some of these refs to still have jobs. This isn’t just missing calls, it’s just being a egomaniac, we shouldn’t know these refs by name, should be a ghost out there.

  4. BurnCollector_

    Don’t love Chris Paul, but calling a veteran crew chief ref “a tik tok’r” is really funny

  5. Sick of this refluencer clickbait content (technical fouls)

  6. WhoWightMan

    Who’s gonna retire first: CP3 or the Brothers+Foster refereeing all star duo?

  7. Himofey-Mozgov

    Getting a tech for calling a ref a Tik Toker is outrageous

  8. wolfishnickelsyr

    These ego driven refs are gonna be the end of this league. Why even pay to watch a game when these dirtbags are gonna throw players out to cover their DK bets

  9. A good referee in any sport is basically invisible. The fact that even casual hoop fans know shitbags like Tony Brothers and Scott Foster by name should be seen by any serious organization as a humungous problem. Like Angel Hernandez in MLB, I’m not that big a baseball fan, I shouldn’t know your name.

  10. CaptainJYD

    Jesus Christ, why the fuck is a ref doing a podcast interview. Absolutely crazy how refs have personalities and are well known in the NBA. Embarrassing

  11. capitalistsanta

    Bro wanted a laugh out of that and got nothing lol

  12. nba refs association is a mafia organization. I can’t believe we finance those mobsters with our own money, while they laugh behind our backs

  13. Out of all the sports I watch I swear nba is the only one where I know a lot of the refs names, never a good sign

  14. FultonHomes

    What chance does he have at getting that ring if every ref hates him

  15. brainspl0ad

    Angel Hernandez punching air rn. (Am I doing it right?)

  16. trappapii69

    Okay but this man got ejected with 8 seconds left, CP3 is right. Brothers proved his point by ejecting a player right when the game was ending and both teams were waiting for the game to end.

  17. As they always say. Don’t bet against the house.

    The house always wins.

  18. Hinohellono

    Nba gonna have a crisis cause some these players will retire and shit on these refs.

    Actually surprised we don’t hear more from former players but maybe they don’t have CP3 money is why.

  19. radiansub

    Anybody excited for Tony Brothers and Scott Foster officiating the Warriors play in game together?

  20. lazzysmalls

    LeBron played against podcasters, reffed by Tiktokers

  21. RichysRedditName

    Back in the day i thought Tony Brothers was a brother ref duo with the last name Tony. True story

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