@New Orleans Pelicans

“New Orleans is better team” – ESPN taunts Jimmy Butler after Pelicans annihilate the Heat 111-88

“New Orleans is better team” – ESPN taunts Jimmy Butler after Pelicans annihilate the Heat 111-88

Post press conference season High 47 three-point attempts but only 13 makes and in that run only bam touches gets four attempts touch the ball more than that seven attempts four makes I should say we’ll see how spell breaks that one down Ron will break down some Dynamics Amy’s got

The breakdown and we’ve got Conor scholarship coverage wall to–all activity 15 great Scholars getting what they deserve in this building tonight that’s Ron rothin I am Jason Jackson um I believe the song says that a spoon full of sugar makes the medicine go down but what if it’s your own

Medicine we got to spank with our own medicine tonight it’s tough tough that zone was something what happen there’s an old coaching axium and it says always press sup pressing team well we got zoned tonight our Zone against us and we got in fell into the

Trap to the seductive trap of the open three or the semiopen three and we didn’t make many of them and you compound it with the fact that we had that many misses and we only had six offensive rebounds case closed it is going to be interesting

Math to try to be a team that shoots high 30s maybe low 40s in threes but still gets everything they want in the diet they want to set for themselves and I guess there’s still time to figure that out over the next three and A2 weeks but it is time to

Figure that out this is this might be a oneoff it’s definitely atypical even though there were quite a few of the threes I thought were ill advised you’re normally not going to shoot this poorly um but this is what happens to teams against us because the

The flow the vibe the nature of your shots the the rythm of them is not the same uh no matter what you’re you’re facing I always believe that you have to attack and attack the ball’s got to touch the paint uh you’ve got to have somebody occupying the middle to even if

You could take that defense and make it collapse one step in towards the paint half a step quite often in this league half a count half a step makes a difference and we didn’t get that Advantage tonight I don’t think you would think as we are minds are going

Constantly now that you you don’t have Ingram who was injured last night in Orlando hyperextension of the knee MRI noting a bone bruise for him so in a couple weeks he’ll be aviated for the stretch running into the playoffs so he’s not involved at all and then Zan

Williamson he was handled by the Miami Heat defense and and some of his own decision he got off the ball quick a lot tonight uh but maybe because of the hectic nature of the Heat’s focus on him yeah and then uh some guy emerges three showed up tonight and this guy sometimes

He makes things look so easy you want to smack him no he’s he’s the ultimate Pro this guy is the ultimate Pro he’s a he’s a super guy everybody loves him and he president of the Players Association for a reason he’s and he’s just um he went

To a decent School Lehi or something like that the engineers I don’t know if he’s an engineer but he engineered this tonight okay yeah and he’s just a terrific player and he got it going and uh you know he was he was the he was driving that engine for them tonight the

Australa star of the game was the Pelican star of the game 30.6 of 12 from downtown still had seven dimes five rebounds and got Ron’s ey very critical three that he had in this one as he set you up for your first rewi moment of the

Night yeah I thought I thought we lost a game in the third quarter obviously the first quarter you know you have the big lead 14-2 and then it’s a 3310 run and then we climb back in and we’re down three at the half I thought the first uh

First three minutes of the third quarter we get out scored 11 to3 the first uh 130 fourth quarter we get out scored six or nothing that’s 17 to3 in those two spurts but this was a big one this was the end of the third quarter and it was still seven I believe okay

And let’s take a look all right so mccullum’s got the ball and hold it right now look up here this is the end of the quarter okay there’s 11 on the shot clock there’s 136 left to go and we drop into our Zone all right

So Hae bam Caleb okay out front this is Delon and this is Haywood I believe now he’s pointing at McCullum roll It so they’re going to flatten everything out they’re opening it up the floor and now what hold hold it I want you to watch Valen junis is going to come running up to set this screen and I’m sorry I think this is Thomas Bryan Thomas is going to start to

Run up to be up with the screen but because we’re in the zone he drops back again and watch you’re going to see this empty spot Watch What Happens roll It stop right now and you see Thomas pointing and you see highe coming up and both of them back off and Delon probably got the call too late he probably is the one was supposed to come over and cover that but Watch What Happens roll it here comes valent

Tunis all right now watch watch everybody back off stop you’re giving this shooter this pocket wide open you can’t do that roll it he just raises Haywood does a good job trying he buries that three with 5.2 and that makes it a 10-point game at the end of the third

Quarter okay now hold it right now this is earlier in the third quarter it’s a little under the 9 Minute Mark okay and we are down we’re down 10 and we have the ball okay roll it Jimmy gets the ball on the Baseline stop right now is

10 on the 24 this is McCullum watch Murphy’s going to come down on a trap all right all right so Watch What Happens now stop right now valis picks up bam and he’s got the mil I’m sorry this is uh Vance he’s got the middle occupied this is Jones right

Here okay this is Zion down here so they’re sort of matched up down there but here comes the double team so Jimmy’s going to have to get off the ball roll it stop now as soon as the double team Jones picks up and he’s got this is

Terry I believe now watch see as soon as the ball came out of his hands watch McCullum he’s sprinting across we’re going to reverse the ball Watch What Happens roll it stop Zion is coming up McCullum he’s heading to the middle he sees his teammate going

Here this is called an X out he’s going here roll it shot clock’s running down it’s at six Nico gets it stop right now he puts it on the Baseline Nance does a really good job of coming across Ross okay as soon as Nance Leaves bam should be right here right away before the defense can collapse roll it he gets there but Watch What Happens mullum steps right in and snares it now they’re off but we level it off we got matched sort of but we let the ball pass trate bam reaches can’t get it

Williamson goes by easy Deuce that made it 5745 we never recovered from those plays in the third quarter we never had a chance especially after the six0 run to start the fourth quarter good Greek moving in storage brings you Ron’s arithmetic and if you just avert your

Eyes from the right side you’ll be all right that’s all I got I’ll give you points some turnovers coach that’s all I got for you yeah you can keep them let’s take a break when we come back all right uh V foreign foreign relax you could totally trust me it’s First Blood slim

St you have been defeated you have defeated an enemy enemy ultimate shut down an ally has been defeated inescapable you have been defeated an enemy has been defeated your team has destroyed a tower an enemy has been defeated you have defeated an enemy trying to run away s Out you have defeated an enemy an ally has been defeated oh fore e my rage cannot be Quenched First Blood and an ally has been defeated the weights you have been defeated don’t run for me oh look I’m back An enemy has been defeated double killit ultimate come B you have defeated an Enemy your team has destroyed a tower onslot an ally has been defeated double kill enemy double kill my rage cannot be quenched you have defeated an enemy double kill was unexpected an enemy has been Defeated out an enemy has been defeated an ally has been defeated

“New Orleans is better team” – ESPN taunts Jimmy Butler after Pelicans annihilate the Heat 111-88


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  2. Damn cj McCollum smoked jimmy tonite lmao come on man nd jimmy still talking shit last time i checked losers CANT talk shit to a team that thrashes them

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