@Portland Trail Blazers

LA Clippers vs Portland Trail Blazers Full Highlights 1st QTR | Mar 22 | 2024 NBA Regular Season

LA Clippers vs Portland Trail Blazers Full Highlights 1st QTR | Mar 22 | 2024 NBA Regular Season

As well scoot Henderson played a nice game on Wednesday he’s got the first attack here for the Blazers Fades and fires offline the rebound belongs to the [Applause] Clippers final game against the Blazers Clippers have won the first three the second game in downtown Los Angeles was

A tight Affair but it was part of that streak where the Clippers were seemingly Invincible George spins away from Henderson man for three wide right Zoo to powering overall but Henderson perks it free bring that ball down you ask for somebody to stick a hand in and a

Deflection heals a break for Terren man fouled as he game flippers return home tonight early game on Sunday against the Philadelphia 76ers who are battling the Lakers here tonight in downtown Los Angeles new OP reath hands it off to Henderson and now Simons rifles one in to Murray blocked

From behind recover l in George was beaten but recovered to block the first shot and then the put back aduc for B Murray had 17 points in that game on Wednesday including a few threes he shoots 27% from above the arc on the year Paul George does not shoot 27% missfires there

However Kamar deflection ball knocked out of bounds by du op Reef getting his 16th start he has played well in that role averaging almost 14 a game been a nice F zo has to be out there in honor of the three wreath can shoot it at a pretty high clip

Kamar Murray the mid-range not there and Terrence man has the loose ball zo trying to p on Kamar good ball movement here by the Clippers leard to ATT dumps it inside to zoo and flushes it in kaai drove it to the Lane looked like he was going to the opposite corner knew

Exactly where zoo was zoo was seven of nine on Wednesday for the Clippers puts him out in front with their first field goal you see the quick hands there second I thought that was going to be a replay of my quick hands I lost interest quickly Kamar in the corner for three

Knocks it down blers grab the lead five to four nice looking shot out of his Corner early on good rotation got it up high well the three-point shot has not been their friend but and we talked about this on Wednesday the players that shoot it do have good form just a matter

Of getting into the gym and getting reps oh a nice drive from Paul George counted at a foul optimistic that they will begin to break out of that slump after leading the NBA in three-point shooting for well over half this season leers out at front seven to five Wreath for three rebound inside goes to Kamar and he Taps it in yeah nobody turn and put a body on Kamar he’s going right to the glass and you wind up give it up second shot opportunity George on Henderson Henderson has some strength but not the

Size to defend George who does kick it in the corner to Terrence back to George for three it’s good a quick six for Paul George and the Clippers lead by three Simon answers in kind his first shot of the night let’s think back to that last game

Clippers gave up 28 points in the first quarter to Portland then came back with backto back quarters of 22 and 20 defensively the game plan might be get the ball to Paul George and get out of the way eight for George eight in a row four

Minutes gone by in in this first quarter reath drives on man deflection nice hands by Zoo Leonard for three knocks it down it’s a big start for the Clippers out in front 15- 10 748 to play in the first no hesitation that time by Kawai and Kawai

Playing top side on assignment so he can’t come off that I got home and saw it and I laughed out loud and then I saw the interview that James Harens I’m just trying to have some fun again and I think think that has been missing over

The past month and a half or so I for one applaud it I was happy to see it and I did think it was quite hilarious I I think the Clippers were up at what 21 at that time so it wasn’t like it was a one-point game at that moment clutch

Minutes and he’s closing out I love it whistle and a foul and Moses Brown will go to the free throw line it is usually an adventure at the strip for [Applause] him he misses on the first of two but I asked taou about quote unquote having

Fun and he said yes it’s it’s important for the team he was then asked when he has fun and the answer was never not until the season is over does that sound familiar yeah it’s really really tough during an 82 game schedule to have a lot

Of fun there’s so many ups and downs as Pat Riley said there’s win oh they call the ingame Flop yeah that was little act right there by Kamar early bid for your consideration next year nice passing for the Clippers nice deflection by Murray Clippers under duress man tries to bail him out and

Does Terrence man gets his first basket he’s got four Clippers by nine a 10 to one run isn’t it amazing how the NBA players know exactly how much time is left on the 24 second quar Banton misses and the rebound goes to the Clippers Midway through this first quart

Portland four for 12 Clippers seven of 10 Leonard turns the corner his floater hits the front of the rim and jumps off the [Applause] iron Simons Motors to midcourt and Beyond challenges Zoo off the window the rebound couldn’t get it up softly enough to get it to

Drop he saw them double team kaai last time so that’s the things I’m talking about it gives johy bams a chance to try a lot St why gets to his spot nevertheless knocks it down he’s got eight and the Clippers have doubled up the Blazers here in the first Quarter Brown attacks to the rim not there rebound goes to zoo zoo might have blocked that might got the piece of that one Hardon drives inside oh acrobatic shot by hard he lays it in and he’s down with the photographers there on the floor so it’s five on four right now

And Moses Brown takes advantage 2413 [Applause] Clippers cers nine of 13 Paul George and kawh Leonard each three for four Kawai inside the contct the page his numbers might not do anything for you but I feel that he is a bonus when he is on the

Floor you wonder how a guy who has a line of zero for zero field goal zero for zero free thr seven rebounds no points has an impact on the game he does because he plays hard he’s physical he was a plus 15 before the fourth quarter

When the Clippers kind of let it get away a little bit but Tucker has I feel anyway has been very solid for the Clippers Leonard wants to drive inside on Kamar up under splits a double team now man attacks on Brown and then draws the foul

Might leave a guy like Terrence man open in the corner I don’t think that’s a good a good idea man has shot the ball extremely well turning it all the way back to the New Year japari Walker is out there for the Blazers inside BR back to back buckets

For Moses Brown good offense by Port when they moov the ball they attacked the defense and they made the extra pass and wound up with a high percentage shot second stink with the Blazers spent some time with the Clippers last year helped to win a game in Houston early in the

Season Cy has it stripped and Bon is loose to the Wi and in timeout Clippers 29 17

LA Clippers vs Portland Trail Blazers Full Highlights 1st QTR | Mar 22 | 2024 NBA Regular Season

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