@Phoenix Suns

FIRST TAKE | “Best defense Harden has played” – Stephen A. ridicules bizarre block on Kawhi Leonard

FIRST TAKE | “Best defense Harden has played” – Stephen A. ridicules bizarre block on Kawhi Leonard

Night Clips up uh Harden passes to kawh Leonard in the corner and then goes and defends him afterwards Harden said he was just trying to bring excitement to the team perk what would you say if Harden was your teammate first of all I wouldn’t say nothing because he wouldn’t do it if I

Was his teammate cuz he know otherwise we’ll get our feet hot and listen bringing excitement to the team is actually winning games and showing up when it matters the most and that’s a coming in about a month wait kawh Leonard and nobody thought that that was funny because they’re about standing on

Business so at the end of the day lightening up the mood or whatever no we ain’t doing that we’re not doing we’re not doing oh stop it a a stop it man you overreacting they they they up 21 they going up against the Portland Trailblazers he was just having a good

Time and yo perk I mean listen I think that you should be a bit Nic to harden I mean he showed the willingness to play some defense I it’s a beautiful moment you it show that his heart was in the right place saying it show his heart was

In the right place why are we overreacting yo that same energy keep that same energy please don’t lose that energy keep that same energy when the playoffs come on both ends of the floor clearly you show the willingness to do it no problem hey perk you fill out of

Bracket right who do you have who do you have winning at all uh on what the women’s side or the men’s you could tell me both so so I’mma tell you my final four picks on the women’s side I got I got I got Yukon South Carolina I have Texas and I

Have Iowa we almost have an identical bracket okay give me the men’s I got well my men my men’s bracket is all messed up it’s all messed up I mean Texas Tech blew that last night I mean damn I know you I know you smart as

Hell but you talk slow as hell we ran out of time I got a few M you got you got some gems let’s be honest could perk perk’s happy because it’s Friday and he’s hanging out heing out for no he’s not he’s just focused yeah no that’s his

Definition of smiling that’s that that’s how he smiles Dan that’s how he smiles guys are until you make him laugh oh my gosh until you make him laugh taking lunch money all right uh Dan let’s start with you what’s the best postseason this is tough this is tough post best

Postseason in all of sports it’s baseball uh baseball is the sport that I grew up it was my first love uh there is nothing I love more now y there’s nothing I love more than playing Just baseball catch with my sons um baseball has moments that you just can’t like

They’re historical moments that are greater than any I love football I love March mtis baseball has brought us the Willie Ma catch baseball has brought us the Derek Jeter backhanded flip in the playoffs baseball’s brought us so many walk-offs I mean Joe Carter and Kirby Pucket um David Ortiz uh I mean just

Moment after moment Roy holidays no no in the World Series like baseball just has these moments and that that build up and I don’t know if there’s anything greater than game seven 3-2 count bases you know s two outs you need a base knock to go win the game like that the

Energy of that singular moment and the buildup of it um in series whatnot I I say it’s baseball and I love football and I love March Madness it’s baseball D let me ask you a question did you did you did you fill out a tournament bracket this year I

Did okay so you you actually were one of the 22 million people that did right yes sir and so while bring up that number why I bring up that number because huh what you say 25 million plus for ESPN 25 million plus for ESPN brackets okay okay 25 million excuse me

I stand corrected okay so Dan it’s March Madness and it’s not it’s not even close it’s not even close when you talk about those One Shining Moments when you talk about actually having showing uh people True Value and what they bring bring to the table right we look at a couple

Years ago uh Shaheen Holloway the coach for St Peterson St Peters right the world was chanting his name they went to the elite eight everybody was watching that game those are the moments you live for we look at last night Oakland upset in Kentucky people are calling for John

Caliper job right now and asking can he get it done and and bringing up all type of things these are the moments that you look for Dan My Yard Man Amigo filled out of damn bracket and is watching the NCA tournament and he has zero we just

Wa hold on I just got to pause we got pause we gotta pause Brandy Put me on your y hold up hold up hold up I just got to get this your yard man your yard man first of all that was the term you used Amigo landscaper but hold hold up

Hold up hold up hold hold on mly Molly listen you know amigo I can’t pronounce his name so since I’ve been knowing him for the last years his name has been his name his name has been Amigo to me and he like that it’s am you know what I

Mean that’s how we that’s how we that’s how we conversate but again we talking about Marsh Madness D and it’s it’s not even close and yes I love watching the NBA playoffs and watching you know teams go to seven game uh playing seven game series I love watching SE uh game sevens

We love watching NFL the NFL postseason but when it comes down to March Madness it just bring a different tone you know what it’s wrong I actually would have said hockey because anybody could win you know with these scores and what have you anybody could win and no

Matter what you had home home ICE advantage or whatever the case may be you know people think HCK you know you always got a chance in hockey but I have to agree with perk Dio it’s March Madness March Madness I mean they own the entire month and everybody in their grandama and

Granddaddy is involved in some kind of bracket for crying out loud I would tell you that that that when you consider the NCAA tournament which is college basketball postseason there is no question that it’s March Madness okay am I allowed to speak even though I’m not a part of this

Are you on my side no this this whole conversation is just irking me because first of all who’s King LeBron James the NFL the NFL is king of all sports first of all what is the biggest sporting event period the Super Bowl it is not even close it’s NFL playoffs Molly it is

Not even close how many how many kids have reenacted the Willie ma catch in their backyard that happened in the playoffs how many people watch Derek Jeter from the David Tyreek catch the Joe Carter home run D yes D Dan Dan everyone is not playing baseball in their

Backyard a lot of people are playing basketball a lot of people are watching March Madness I’m sorry to tell you but I’m not sitting up here going to my son’s friends house and in the backyard playing catch with a baseball it’s just not happening but they do have a

Basketball goal they front yard so you can’t sit up here and make that statement you’re dead wrong Mr I’m not saying every Mr October like we guys got Poston it’s a good postseason the guys got nicknames because of their performance could you please defend me here on the

NFL well the reason I can’t defend you Molly I’m not I’m not refuting what you’re saying about the Super Bowl I’m not refuting about what you’re saying about the NFL clearly being the number one sport I get that yeah but there’s we find ourselves looking forward to a lot

Of matchups and think they’ve been successful about branding this sport in such a way that every week is an event so we get that part but because it’s an event during the regular season is just an extension in the postseason of what we’ve been watching September through December because we just love our

Football on our Sunday afternoons or our Monday evenings but that’s entirely different than the momentum swelling and elevating the astronomical proportions because the postseason arrives that happens with college basketball and Mark Madness matter of fact people don’t even care about college basketball that much until March Madness until March Madness

Well we spent all year caring about the NFL and that would be the difference Kurt Gibson I Guys these moments I mean literally sport iconic can I say can I address your B let me address your baseball Point let me let me address your let me address your baseball Point

Dan here’s the problem with baseball you could have a bunch of studs there could be a bunch of Barry Bonds in the Outfield okay and whether it’s it’s Jeter or somebody else in the infield right or phost it first place or whatever and a pitcher can step on the mound and stink

Up the joint and ruin everything that’s what happens with Major League Baseball one person can mess it up to you the pitcher could actually show up and mess it up for the other eight guys on the field with them you he could get out there and start throwing like me and

Just mess it up for the other eight people you could say that in you say what would you say is number number two would you go hockey would you go NBA I would I would have gone March Madness as number two yeah I would go March Madness just because in also March

Madness is to off everyone could participate perk is Right perk is right give him his moment give him his flowers give him his moment he’s right thing is I didn’t I didn’t I didn’t even go to college but I love March Madness everyone does and you know

The great thing you know the great thing about this year’s March Madness is when you turn on your TV guess who you going to see in the AT&T you’re going to see Yukon you’re going to see Yukon no in a AT&T commercial oh yeah we SE I seen it last

Night B I seen it last night y more checks for you nobody for perk you Stephen A Hold on let me just say one thing Stephen A I’m surprised you didn’t mention the NBA and you love the NBA I love the NBA but it’s not a better

Postseason in March Madness and oh by the way here’s another piece of evidence here’s another piece of evidence about the NCAA tournament the NCAA tournament is huge and one could easily argue this year the women are more compell than the men okay let me ask you this though

Stephen A you’re Mr ratings so you can probably answer this question here what gets the biggest ratings ratings what gets the biggest ratings I’m tell you hold on let me no no no let me let me answer this Stephen A let me answer this let me answer this Molly yeah you said

You said football is King yes now who is Queen who is Queen K Clark and we know the women run the household Oh I thought you we talk about rating and viewership we talk about Rens and viewership who’s fore speee e I see the world differently because the

Creator gave me and me alone an eye for beauty First Blood an ally has been defeated the war is alive what I want I always get an enemy has been defeated an ally has been defeated an enemy has been defeated a an enemy has been defeated ultimate thear of

The an enemy has been defeated your team has destroyed a tower a unique pattern I want it I must have it shut down hold you have defeated an enemy death boom let death MO you have been defeated an enemy has been defeated double kill time to pick out a favorite taste

Ultimate shut down a unique pattern I want it I must have it for spee e spee spee speech First Blood B spee spee an ally has been Defeated an enemy has been defeated Your mouth shut an ally has been defeated an enemy has been defeated double kill enemy ultimate me te enemy Onslaught you have been defeated your tower has been destroyed Techni back Jo You have been defeated enemy double kill our base is under attack shut down Fore pleas go me an enemy has been defeated enemy Onslaught enemy double kill Ace enemy triple kill

FIRST TAKE | “Best defense James Harden has played” – Stephen A. ridicules bizarre block on Kawhi Leonard


  1. Bolimbissi
    Excuse /excuser
    Pitier/ Pitié
    Mercy /merci
    Thanks you…..ewuti na Grady Wawa Ngimilas Lulengo na USA 🇺🇸

  2. Baseball is gay. And stats are made up. “No hitter” = batter hitting the ball but it being foul or caught is a no hitter. The ball was hit. You didn’t throw a no hitter.

  3. LOL This happened Wednesday. Its Friday. How did this get missed First Take. Undisputed aired it yesterday….maybe that's why they are today….a day late.

  4. Sorry to say most kids don’t play baseball because it requires more money. Unlike basketball where you just need a goal and ball

  5. Bro let the baseball argument go, the greatest thing that happens in baseball is when nobody hits the ball. Exhilarating. 😂

  6. Serious question tho…. Is big Perk a little slow, mentally challenged, something ?!!?
    Why can’t he get his thoughts and sentences out quick enough. He’s always speaking like a slug, dragging it out, just slow. It’s a little frustrating and Deff annoying. Or is that like a down south thing or wherever he grew up and is from, does everyone speak like that from over there ?!!? Between that and how he be breathing into his mic, like he’s struggling for air, sleep apnea style. Omg wtf, ESPN can you do better , please !!!

  7. Best postseason of all of sports is World Cup playoffs. It’s not called the soccer World Cup but just World Cup.

  8. Oh Yard Boy, this myrtle could use some attention! Maybe some fertilizer would restore it's exuberance. Get your ass to work😂😂😂😂😂 If you know you know and if you don't…..

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