@Dallas Mavericks

The SCARY Truth About Luka Doncic Nobody Is Noticing…

The SCARY Truth About Luka Doncic Nobody Is Noticing…

In the NBA we have different eras when it’s the 2020s where we have players like Luca donic Giannis and everybody dominating the NBA and then we have the 9s and everybody online is saying we are done with the ’90s we are done with the 9s and this statement has been trending

All over social media so I thought why don’t we compare Larry Bird and Luca dones together I know this is going to be a hard one but I’m going to try my best I know guys comparisons are hard to make and everybody has their own opinions so you could tell me in the

Comments who do you got Luca or Larry bir we’re going to be breaking down different stats we’re going to be looking at some debates that other Talking Heads have had and let’s get right into it so I was scrolling through Twitter like any basketball fan and I

Saw this clip and you could see this fake by Luca and Larry Bird are almost identical and when we look at the surface of everything we could pretty much see that there is a little bit of a comparison when we look at the athletic side of things both players weren’t

Really that athletic but they got to their spots and they got to their mid-range or three-point shots but there is one aspect of their game that is very different and this is on the awareness side of things Larry Bird was a very good Defender when it came to anticipating things like charges passing

Lanes and he was also one of the best offensive rebound ERS and when we look at LCA donic Luca donic is a little bit more different he’s way better as a primary ball handler and he is way better at making contested shots so to better understand this what we’re

Getting is that Luca donic plays more of a primary ball handling role while Larry Bird was more off the ball and he started possessions around the wing areas so so far their play style isn’t really as similar as everybody on social media thinks now let’s look at at the

Other aspect where we can compare them and this is wins how many championships you got bro so right now when we look at it Larry Bird has three championships under his belt while Luca donic has zero championships with half of the seasons that Larry Bird has played then Larry

Bird has had two finals MVPs while Luca donic has had zero but when we look at the stats we have to look at the playoff appearances and Larry Bird has had 12 while Luca has only had three so I think once Luca donich continues to play there

May be a possibility that he could catch Larry Bird on finals MVP but he has to have a very capable team around him that’s going to help him win a championship and when we’re looking at the western conference right now in the NBA it’s looking pretty tough for Luca

Now we look at all NBA first teams this basically means that you are top five in the NBA you have to be top five to make first team and Luca donic so far has had four all NBA first teams while Larry Bird has had nine and this is where I

Think LCA donic is going to catch up to Larry Bird and if not actually do better than him I really think that Luca donic can get another seven or eight all NBA first teams and on the longevity side of things I think that Luca can play quite

Long just because of the way he plays he doesn’t really rely on athleticism and that could be very good but now let’s look at all defensive teams and where does Larry Bird and Luca stack up well Larry has three all defensive teams while Luca donic has zero and I know a

Lot of people hate on Luca Don’s defense it’s really not that bad Luca is a solid Defender but do I think he’s going to catch up to Larry Bird’s three all defensive teams no I think Luca is going to stay at zero all defensive teams but where they do have some similarities is

The Rookie of the Year award and Larry’s rookie season he averaged 2110 and5 while Luca donic averaged 218 and6 in 72 games so clearly when we look at the rookie stats I would have Larry Bird over Luca donic because Larry also had 1.7 steals per game in his rookie season

So I would take the defense and the rebounding over the couple assists that Luca donic has over Larry Bird but there was one stat that really changed my mind in this conversation and this is when we compare Prime Larry Bird to Luca Don’s first three seasons in the NBA and well

Let’s look at these stats Larry Bird averaged 25.8 points 8.7 rebounds 6.3 assists on 51 41 90 shooting splits in his prime while Luca donic put up a crazy 28.2 points per game 9.1 rebounds 8.4 assists on 46 33 73 shooting splits in his first three seasons so when you

Look at efficiency wise I would easily take Larry Bird over Luca donic but when we look at production in just his first three seasons Luca donic is pretty close to Larry Bird but even when we look at efficiency in the 80s and ’90s they would take way less shots and when we

Look at the Modern NBA right now there is way more volume so that could also be another reason why Larry B was more efficient but the scary thing about this comparison right here when we look at Larry Bird in his prime and Luca in his first three seasons is that these stats

Weren’t when Luca was in his prime and Luca still hasn’t hit his prime this season Luca is averaging 34 points 9.8 assists and nine rebounds and he still is in the favorite to win the MVP and when we look at Larry Bird’s best season he averaged 28 points 9.7 rebounds and

Seven assists which in the80s Era in that level of production is absolutely wild but still when we look at these three base Stacks I would easily have Luca donic because believe it or not Luca is only just getting started but let’s look at something else that’s becoming more prevalent in the modern

NBA and this is triple doubles these records are being broken and broken and a lot of the older NBA players didn’t really think that this would be possible they didn’t think that Russ Westbrook was going to overtake Oscar Robertson in triple doubles and well it did happen

What Oscar did with the triple double and that would never happen ever again never sorry older dudes but you guys were wrong and when we look at Larry Bird and Luca donic in the triple double side of things well a couple of months ago Luca donic passed Larry Bird for

Ninth on the NBA’s alltime list for triple doubles with 60 and he’s just racking them up and getting a very huge gap on Larry Bird as Larry Bird has 59 triple doubles in the 13 Seasons that he has played so take this in Luca donic has played six seasons while Larry Bird

Has played double those seasons in 13 and Luca donic just surpassed him in triple doubles ladies and gentlemen when I look at the future and when I look at dominance I would rather have Luca donic but in terms of winning championships and finals MVPs I would rather have

Larry Bird but right now Luca is on a crazy trajectory and if he stays healthy he could surpass Larry Bird in his triple doubles and even double it so from all of this what do you guys think would you rather have Luca donic or Larry Bird and is this comparison even

Fair to make well I don’t really think so I would rather compare Luca donic and James Harden as they’re both face up guards that love to play isolation basketball but that’s been all for me let me know what you think about this debate make sure you guys hit that like

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Is Luka Doncic About To Become Better Than Larry Bird…THIS IS A TOUGH ONE

In today’s video, we delve into a highly controversial topic: the debate between Luka Doncic and Larry Bird, and whether they play similarly. We provide you with all the necessary numbers and statistics to help you decide who is better between Luka and Larry. This was a challenging video for me to make, as they are two distinct players, but social media is abuzz with this debate. Luka will forever be remembered as a Dallas Mavericks legend, while Larry will always be celebrated as a Boston Celtics legend. Who will come out on top?

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  1. I agree with most, but the average pace in the 80's was comparable to todays pace, if not even higher. So that argument doesnt count if it comes to Luka vs Birds in terms of overall output. The pace got significantly lower then today in the 90's and 2000's… not the 80's.

    EDIT: And you also have to account of the team around those guys. Bird, basically his entire career, had at least 2, mostly 3 other Allstars and HOF around him. This is Lukas 1st season with a true 2nd star next to him. 3 like Bird is basically impossible in todays NBA! Hence why the "Titles/Finals MVP" comparisons are not fair.

  2. Luka will take and set all NBA records. Luka is playing vs NBA establishment and at the same time saving NBA by making it interesting to largest audience. Even you, you are getting your petty clicks by shitting on LUKA. Cheers

  3. this video was not made to undermind any player. rather it was made to better understand a debate thats been going on social media for a while now. Bird is a winner and a legend and luka is also one in my eyes after the crazy 73 point game and consistent triple doubles

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