@Milwaukee Bucks

Doc Rivers Press Conference | 3.23.24

Doc Rivers Press Conference | 3.23.24

Foran Chris able to practice yeah everybody practiced today I think might have been our first we didn’t do a lot we we did do a lot of uh mental stuff a lot of teaching so you know that kind of you know it makes practice a little

Convoluted when you do that but we just felt like um we showed a lot of film from our last three games and combined everything and then tried to work work our way through that um you had mentioned the other night about um you know like in the back court getting over

Screens and and that sort of that slippage maybe in defense with a veteran team um is it just those is it just reminding yeah uh well we also haven’t done it so a lot you know in the past so it’s not only just reminding it’s muscle

Memory and it’s habit and so we worked on that today that’s what we did do live is you know fighting over screens talking on defense um you know being more physical um you know you don’t like doing a lot of live stuff but that’s just the only way you work on that is

Live and and so we had we’ve told our guys you know a couple weeks ago that I mean we have to work on it we have to work on it doing a lot more mental stuff why was why was it that approach today and how often well we don’t have a lot

Of those but it just was needed you know we’ve had a lot of games we haven’t had a chance to work work on some things and uh there are things from the Boston game there’s things from whoever we played before Boston there was things uh from

The game the other night that we needed them to see that we needed to improve on uh when you’re trying to figure out if you’re switching or trying to get over screens how do you find that balance I know when you first came in switching

Was a way that you guys kind of yeah just Personnel driven for the most part you know um you know that’s what’s different with this team you know we’ I’ve had teams where you don’t have to switch anything you know uh or trap anything um those are your fortunate

Teams like you know you’re those teams are just Elite defensive teams you know without having a scheme um but this seems not like that so you have to do different stuff when you had mentioned the other night that you felt like your team was getting a little bit away from

Defense in what ways did you say what we were talking about just uh being more physical getting um over the screens um you know it’s it’s funny that the fan will look at a pick and row and see the guard go downhill and blame the big and

The coach looks at the same pick and row and blames the guard for not getting over the pick and roll and that being more physical um that’s what leads to everything is is the the point of the screen and uh we were great and we’ve kind of

Gone back on that so we have to pick that back up are there some like mental notes that you shared with the guys in regards to that it’s just habit you know um you don’t do it every day you’re not used to doing it you’re going to always

Go back to neutral you know it’s the way I always think of it um and our job is to remind him that’s not how we can play Brooke eats a lot of that like he’s the one that has to watch floaters go up over the top of him yeah how have you

Seen him deal with just being that guy that that kind of has that weight on his shoulder yeah he’s been great you know um and Brook so nice he will never say get over the screen you know uh that’s our job right now so uh but B Brooke

Does a great job of of Faking it going back and forth and you know on the nights where we bring him up he actually needs the guy to get over the screens even more because that allows him to get back quicker you know uh with a smart

Guard veteran guard will’ll do is let Brooke do all the work and just lay on the screen and then then we’re hurt on the back end uh and it doesn’t look like those two are the culprit what they are but it’s usually the guard when Chris came back you had

Talked about finally installing some thre man and it may look a little funky and then jannis misses games Christmas is the back so it’s been a little bit since that point was there a little more kind of that thre men work and what are you looking for we actually didn’t get a

Lot in today honestly we we wanted to it was actually in our game plan uh but um some of the stuff just took too long and you know we had to call an audible so you know that’s what we mean like you have plans for practice and a

Lot of it was you know V out action it’s all three man uh we literally didn’t even get to it so uh we’re going to run it tomorrow uh and see how it goes you know that’s just the The Dilemma you’re in when when you’ve had stuff like this

So when and you had said this like it may not go well or may look look bad frankly so what in in a situation like that what do you what do you want to see do you want to see the process look yeah I don’t want to I don’t want to see

Robotic play um and it’s funny today and we do it players do it all the time we we run this action where there more reads and then you can hear the guys okay on this time and right when they did that everybody was a robot and I I

Said okay no more talking all right just do it and read it and do it and read it and and see it no talking uh and then all of a sudden we were flying around the floor it was amazing the difference and they saw that which was kind of a

Breakthrough you know uh we get too smart sometimes coaches and players and so sometimes we should just rely on our instincts when you say too smart you mean like overthinking yeah overthinking yeah is it a problem that they’re so talented offensively like those big three like with Chris and Dam and Y it

Comes pretty easy yeah it’s always been a challenge with the more um talented offensive players to see the other actions uh that’s Universal because they come off the first one and oh this is good I can score him but it may be hard and against certain teams when they take

That away what do you do you know but that’s the challenge to get them like if they if we ran skeleton with them and what they really think every time one came off the pick he would shoot it you know because they actually probably could you know and so you have to just

Get them to see what if they take that away where do we go what do we do and and that’s more preparation not for tomorrow that’s preparation for later looking at the Thunder speaking of tomorrow as far as that they push the pace Y how do you feel entering that

Game about you guys and like you controlling it well we’re that fast and we’re that young so uh is that our advantage of this Advantage we’ll find that out tomorrow you can look at that either way uh that could be good for us or bad for us um but they play right you

Know which is rare for a young team um I mean obviously uh they’re well coached they’re they’re well schooled uh it seems like they have an amazing culture and the fact that it’s a young team that plays um like they’re over themselves already and that’s rare um

Most young teams are fighting to see who’s the man and then who’s the next guy this team maybe you know it’s funny college coaches will tell you it’s great when you have a separator maybe Shay just separated himself so quickly that everyone else had to fall in line that

May have happened but I do think that’s more coaching uh and they’re really well coached them and then also tomorrow it’s our annual women’s empowerment night can you just talk to us about how important it is for the organization to empower girls and women in sports yeah I I just think

Women in sports is important uh in society uh I really do there’s so many stats uh behind that this is not me just talking um you know uh Fortune 500 companies uh are run by a lot of women who were in sports actually the majority of those women were in sports in some

Way uh and and so all that is just really important not just as a player I’m saying as a student manager as a um a reporter uh it’s just really important uh the self-confidence uh I mean all those stats say that when you’re involved in sports and you’re a woman there’s less

Abuse there’s less uh everything so um it’s good that we’re doing that it’s good that the league is doing that um you know it reminds me a lot of you know when I first started coaching a black young coach and now they just say a young coach uh hopefully someday we

Get to that point I feel like we’re ways away uh but we’re getting better and we just got to keep getting better can I ask you a big sh question um you know before you got here the Bucks were wild they could win by 30 or lose by 30 they

Were setting records either in a good way or in a bad way and listening to your talk now kind of this authoritative is consistency kind of a myth or have you been striving to try to find a More Level yeah you got to it’s uh you have to it’s more uh consistency

Has to start with habits you know if you do the same thing every night um uh the games don’t fluctuate as much you know obviously we’ve had some games where we got blown out on the road on this West Coast trip but overall we’ve been in

Every game we’ve come back in every game no matter who’s playing is another thing and that’s to me uh when you start getting consistency is when you can win when guys are out because your team doesn’t change they keep playing the same way uh and and we’re starting to

Show that that’s important but what about your presence I mean when you tell guys stop talking you know do you have their full attention like yeah I hope so uh I mean do do you we have our kids full attention no so you know uh except

For the difference is you know we pay them now so they have to pay a little more attention I always felt like Austin paid far more attention to me when I was paying didn’t when I wasn’t so uh you know it’s it’s um you do there’s times

Where you stop and let them talk is that’s that’s as strong as telling them to stop talking you know I did that this morning uh everybody was talking about the NCA games and film and everybody was joking around I just sat and in then all sudden in the room got quiet you know

Then there’s times you got to say stop you know so it’s just feel some days it works some days they don’t hear you yeah


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  1. OKC will play fast tomorrow. I hope Doc has his lineups ready. Let's Go Bucks Fear The Deer 🦌

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