@Minnesota Timberwolves

“Defensively Everyone Put In The Effort.” | Rudy Gobert Postgame Sound | 03.22.24

“Defensively Everyone Put In The Effort.” | Rudy Gobert Postgame Sound | 03.22.24

Tough overtime loss on their Court what was this like to be able to get some Redemption tonight in this kind of fashion it was good it was good uh you know they’re a very good team they play really hard so we knew it was going to

Be a a battle and uh we knew it was going to be a 48 minute game and I’m proud of the way we responded to adversity you know throughout the game what can you say about the way really everyone bought in six guys in double digits you held them under 100 the ball

Was moving offensively and defensively I thought everyone put the put in the effort you know and the communication was great and we got better throughout the game which uh I think wor them down for the course of the game like 37s there was no EAS in tonight how did you

Feel physically throughout I feel good I feel good you know got to got to embrace the pain sometime and you know sometimes the pain of watching is hurts more than the pain of you know uh the injury itself but uh you know it’s for me it’s

All about playing through that and uh as long as I can move you know and uh I’m able to impact the game I’m going be I’m going be out there easy one more physical teams of EMES they did no that that was the ultimate test tonight you know I

Got uh elbowed a couple times didn’t get a CAU but I got elbow a couple times in the chest and uh it hurts but you know I’m able to get up and then keep playing so it’s a good sign seems that players are still trying to isolate guards are are trying to switch

There when that happens I mean they’re not having success with it but what are you thinking in those moments when it’s a guard as you isolated I love it I mean that’s why that’s what I want you know I want the guy to try to um go at me and

Uh try to score me I tell all my teammates to stay home and uh I think that’s good for us you know I think uh I don’t know why what make them believe that it’s a good thing but they keep doing it uh I love it did you

Accidentally whack Nas trying to punch the ball out there I did I did I I felt yeah I felt his face his face it was too late I mean I think my elbow hit his mouth and then I saw blue I saw I saw it was a blue

Jersey so I was like damn but that’s part the game n is tough he’s a tough guy yeah s down the floor made another three I just wanted to wake him up a little bit and he did he hit the three right after that yeah right talk about I

Mean I feel like a lot of the things that Mike does really uh affect all of us you know when you see a one of your veterans uh put the effort that he puts uh you know get a big block uh you know close out like do like a perfect close

Out night in and night out uh I think he he inspires all of us and impacts all of us you know he gets us all going and uh he’s been doing it consistently and uh I mean it’s uh it’s huge for us can you guys feel the intensity or

Urgency starting to raise up a little bit as playoffs get closer I mean for sure I think uh obviously our level of urgency was there since they won training camp but uh I think on on maturity and know level of experience is is a lot better now you

Know we we really wanted to get back to getting good starts you know the beginning of games and and um and final consistency and tonight I thought were was a great night for us you know we we I think defensively we were really consistent you know we had a couple

Stretches when we we had a few turnovers and they were about to score but uh that didn’t phase us and we kept we stayed together we kept our physicality we kept Our poise and uh I think that’s really what we want you know uh every night even if the

Shots don’t go in uh if we keep our defense we’re going to be in a good in a good spot Rudy when this when you were out this team was playing small what what stood out to you I mean they had some success in that way what what value

EV any need just I think I was really proud of the way the battle you know it was um first tring obviously for me not to be out there but uh it got me really excited excited to see you know uh the way they batt for example against Denver

The way they came back in the game and um I know it takes a lot of energy for all of them to kind like compensate what me and some of the other B bring but they did it you know they did it on back to back they did in Utah and I think

Those things really bring us even more together and really um help us grow you know obviously we don’t want injuries but the way we we react them the way we come together as a team when that happens um I think is the mark of a uh

Of a great team you know I don’t think last year we were there yet uh you know I think last year we we gradually uh got the mindset but this year uh you know regardless of who is hurt who’s who’s active I know that we’re going to play

Hard I know that we’re going to we’re going to battle you already playing in those lineups there’s three point guards out there at once with you what you say do you like those L were there’s three point guards out there at once with you Monte jml together yeah I love it I love

It but you know when when ball moves and you know we got guys that can you know uh play for one another I think it’s a it’s really tough to go out talk about that ball movement do you think that this offense is maybe starting to really

Hit a rhythm where you take the next level do it does I mean everyone is running everyone is spacing for each other uh and then uh the guys that have the ball in their hands a lot especially an Mike um I really think I really feel

Like an took a step you know the the last few weeks since La I feel like he he um his decision making has been you know I’ve never seen him being so consistent and making the right play and I think when he does that obviously our

Offense you know uh takes a huge jump and uh still able to score but it’s uh it’s really tough to go


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